Web Hosting & CPanel Guide - How To Easily Upload Your Website

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[Music] hey guys this is a different type of video than usual it's something I've had a lot of requests from people that are just getting into web development or web design and that's how to deploy a basic website on the Internet so this in this video we're going to talk a little bit about the different types of hosting we're going to explore a brand new shared hosting account and the cPanel interface we're gonna create an FTP account upload a web site create email accounts we'll create a sub domain we'll look at some of the auto installers for scripts like WordPress basically everything you need to know to deploy a basic web site to the Internet in the easiest way possible now I know that a lot of you guys are professional developers and you build web applications and you deploy to cert cloud services like AWS and Heroku which are very very fast and scalable but we're not talking about large web applications here we're talking about basic web sites and this guide is for the beginner and for the beginner I would suggest managed hosting okay whether shared hosting or VPS or maybe even a dedicated server but that may be overkill you're not going to get the scalability and speed of a cloud service but the simplicity of managed hosting is well worth it for a basic website and we're talking about like an HTML CSS JavaScript site maybe a WordPress website or maybe even a custom PHP website so what we'll be doing like I said is going through and navigating cPanel I'll show you how to do all the basic tasks that have to do with deploying your site and managing it now we're gonna be using a service called in motion hosting and I chose this company because I've worked with them personally for years I have a VPS account with them and their supports great they have great services never had any problems with them so that's my personal recommendation I'm not being paid for this video although I do have an affiliate link in the description so if you do you know decide to get a package with them I'd appreciate that I get a little kickback from that I actually purchased a shared hosting account just to do this video so what we're gonna do first is just talk about the different types of hosting and you can see these different options here and no matter what company you go to you're gonna see these options now business hosting that's just what they call their shared hosting shared hosting is where you basically have a server and there's a bunch of shared accounts on that server and you're purchasing one of those accounts now these accounts have cPanel included which is the most popular control panel for for hosting accounts this is where you'll do everything from create your email accounts your databases all that stuff so basically you share a server with other people and now this is definitely the cheapest you can see this is $5.99 it starts at $5.99 per month usually it's going to be between 5 and somewhere around $12 per month but usually you have to pay by the year or by two years or three years and you'll get a deal depending on the length of time you're paying for upfront so that's what we'll be dealing with VPS hosting is is the step up it's basically a virtual server it's not quite a dedicated server where you have your own machine but it is your own virtual machine if you've ever used like VMware or VirtualBox or something on your computer where you basically have a computer within a computer that's kind of like what a VPS is you do have complete route access to your virtual server and you can do what you want with it ok so you have much more freedom than a shared hosting account then you have dedicated servers which are where you actually rent out a physical machine from the company so they'll have a data center with you know hundreds or thousands of servers and you'll get one of those and you can see those are the most expensive a hundred dollars per month is actually very very cheap for a dedicated server but again this is the introductory price so reseller hosting is a bit different it's it's basically like a VPS except you're you're selling shared hosting to other people so usually it'll come with like a billing system I used to resell hosting from Hostgator about six or seven years ago when I had my tech guy company it's it's not something I'd recommend for like a side business because there's a lot that goes into it you really have to know what you're doing so I would suggest if you're gonna do reseller hosting jump in and be a hosting company and really inform yourself and know what you're doing because having control of other people's hosting accounts is very overwhelming and you need to know what the hell you're doing and then WordPress hosting is basically just shared hosting optimized for WordPress all right so I already have the account now if you were to order from in motion you would just go through you could see there's different packages for each type of hosting I actually have the power package which is $7.99 per month but if you go to order you have to go by two years if you want that price I actually did the one year so it's $8.99 per month and it comes out to like hundred and hundred and seventeen or something one hundred and thirty one dollars for the year okay I'm sorry one hundred and seven dollars for the year now in motion like a lot of hosting companies will include a domain name so over here I'm not going to go through the entire process but just to show you that you can pick your data center you can choose if you want WordPress installed automatically I'm going to say no thanks and you continue and now you can pick a domain with this account and you'll get that for free at least for the first year I think after that you'll have to pay like twelve bucks a year or if you have a domain registered elsewhere you just choose this and you go ahead and add that domain and then you'll go back to that domain registrar and just enter the the custom in-motion name servers and that'll link your domain to your new hosting account now my goal for this video is not to focus on the in motion service it's going to be very similar regardless of what company you're using okay so I don't want this to be a video about a certain company but of course had to pick a company to use so I'm picking the one that I recommend all right so once you go ahead and sign up you'll get an email it'll look something like this and you'll just have to set your Pat you'll have a login ID which would be your email address and then you'll set a password and then you'll be able to log into your account management panel now this is not cPanel yet this is just their basically their their billing system this is where you can update your contact info work you can view your domains you can pay your bill things like that and no matter what company you use they'll have something like this okay so it's like the billing gateway now right here you'll see an icon for cPanel this is where you actually manage your website or your your web hosting account so we'll go ahead and click on that actually already have it open so that's why that didn't work so this is cPanel and this is offered with I don't know I would estimate somewhere between 80 and 90 percent of managed hosting companies and it's very powerful you can do a lot from here it may be a little overwhelming if you're not into this stuff if you're a new web developer or if you're not even a web developer but you know you're deploying your own site so I'm just gonna go through some of the options here and some of the features and properties of cPanel now it may look different you may have a different theme in fact you can see this uses the paper lantern theme your company may have it may look different but you'll have most of the same options now this over here on the side is your server information or your account information the domain that I have set up for this account is Traverse II staging com okay so that's my domain and then you also have a user name which in my case is traver 20 that was actually created from my domain and then the home directory is where you our account is located on the server which is in the home folder and then whatever your user name okay this is the last login this is the IP address of the last login this is actually is not my IP address this is in motion support so I don't care about you guys seeing it down here we have some statistics the add-on domains now an add-on domain is if you want to do just that add a domain on to this account now if we go back to the I want to go back to the packages that they offer for shared hosting right here and you can see this package has it could allow six websites so basically this means that you can have if we go back to cPanel you have your main domain which in my case is this travesty staging and then you can have five more add-on domains so that makes six websites you can actually have with this hosting account now if you're gonna have six websites on us on a small shared server like this or a shared account then they should be very small websites all right you don't want even though it technically is supposed to be unlimited disk space and bandwidth it's never truly unlimited and you should definitely read the fine print on that but I would suggest having one or two sites on a shared account so yeah add-on domains we have zero out of five aliases autoresponders I'll get into that bandwidth this is the bandwidth that I've used so far so 11 megabytes very very small I just did a little bit of testing but everything is pretty much default I don't have anything like uploaded as a website or anything yet we'll do that in this video it also shows you your MySQL and Postgres databases Postgres is fairly new as far as I know back when I was doing reselling and dealing with a lot of different companies they didn't actually have postgrads as an option it was just my SQL here you'll see your disk usage your email accounts your forwarders the number of FTP accounts looks like they allow up to two thousand on this package your CPU usage if we go down here number of processes that are running on your account your databases subdomains a sub domain is is like let's say blog dot travesty state travesty staging calm and will actually create a sub-domain and I'm gonna show you how to easily install WordPress on that sub domain as well so let's take a look at some of these areas on the left now the preferences this is gonna be stuff that is related to the company that you're working with so for instance in motion offers AdWords credits so you'll see that here you'll see your user manager your contact information your password and security a link back to the account management panel or amp so stuff that's dedicated to in motion so you might not have this area or it might be different options now you will have email that says all your email stuff your route your routing your forwarders your accounts domains this is where you can add your add-on domains your subdomains aliases you can add redirects things like that this is all applications that you can easily install on your account you can either install them on your main root domain or a sub domain or an add-on domain or just a subfolder so things like WordPress Joomla which is another content management system there's a whole bunch of stuff and I'll actually show you some of some of the other stuff that's that's available down here we have like PHP configuration if you want to change the version by default at 7.0 but you could update it to 7.1 or you could roll back to one of the version fives if you wanted to alright and then you can also configure like Perl or pair packages the softest softest softest cellulose I don't know how to pronounce that soft delicious this is basically where you can install all of these different scripts down here files so you have a file manager if I click that this is what is on your server on your account now public HTML that is the front end of your website so anything that you want to display on your domain which in my case is Traverse II staging com will be in this public HTML full okay which for me is empty but you may have like a welcome page that comes with with the hosting account or something like that okay and then you don't really have to worry about any of this other stuff you can also create subfolders in your public HTML and you'll be able to access like let's say traverse east aging coms slash blog or whatever whatever folder that I want to create and you can actually put a separate website in that subfolder alright so you don't usually want to use the file manager it's it's pretty crappy you do want to use an FTP account as what I would suggest for people just getting started if I FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol and that's how we're actually going to upload our website alright so let's go back to cPanel like I said FTP so this is where you can see your FTP accounts now you can create new accounts here you can create the login and the password and all that but you also have you are your home FTP account which is the user that that you created with your cPanel so in my case Traver 20 and I would use my password for my my initial cPanel account I should be able to access into FTP with that account so I don't technically have to create another one but you can if you want alright so if we keep going down here databases this is where we can create MySQL databases or postgrads I'll get into that in a little bit metrics so you can see your visitors from here kind of like Google Analytics just not as in-depth awstats will also show your analytics you can see your bandwidth usage your CPA CPU usage stuff like that security so here you can set up for SSH access if you want to access your server from a terminal you can set up SSH keys that's a little more advanced than I want to get into IP blocker so if you have issues with someone that has a certain IP address that you know of or a certain range you can actually block them from accessing your account or your website all right and then advance down here we have like mime types I'm not really going to get into this cron jobs for automation so that's about it for the options here so let's go ahead and let's um let's create an email account that's usually one of the first things I do so I'm gonna go ahead and just say I want Brad at Travis II staging comm and if you have multiple domains in your account you'll be able to select the domain so password I'll just put in whatever and I apologize I'm using my mechanical keyboard usually I don't use this in videos but there shouldn't be too much typing so you can choose unlimited if you want but 250 megabytes for this inbox is fine so I'll go ahead and click create account and that's it we had I'll have an email account which is Brad at traversée staging comm if I go over to more and I go to access webmail we're gonna get three options so these are just different inboxes you can use they're all pretty much the same and they're all pretty crappy what I usually do is set up a forwarder to Gmail because I prefer the Gmail interface but if you want you can click on one of these like squirrel mail mail mail and this is you're at your inbox and you can see we have just what kind of a welcome email with configuration settings but let's go ahead and test this out and let's um let's send an email so we'll go to compose and I'm gonna send this to one of my gmail accounts so tech eye info Gmail and we'll just say hello and test and let's send alright so now what I'll do is go over to Gmail I'm just gonna pause the video and and locate that email and I'll be back alright so I'm in my inbox nothing really that I need to hide here but you can see right here we have an email from Brad Travis II I actually forgot to put a subject in but I could have and you can see it says hello and test it's from Brad at traversée staging calm and if I wanted to reply uh say hello we'll just say hello there and send and now let's go back over to webmail and let's reload our inbox and there it is so if we click on that I'll click on the subject hello and test I'm sorry hello there so you can see that I this isn't really a very nice interface to work with at least in my opinion so what I would suggest doing is setting up a forward or so we'd go back to our email block here and go to forwarders and you could set up let's choose the domain and we'll say add Florida so the address the forward I want Brad at and then traverse to staging column again if you had multiple domains you could choose a different one and we want to send this to tech I info look at gmail.com okay so we'll say add Florida so now all email sent to the staging email will go to my gmail account alright and we can actually test that out so what I'll do is I'm going to pause I'm gonna send an email to this this account from my traversée media at gmail account and we'll see if that goes through alright guys so I went to my other gmail account and I sent a message to the new email address and you can see that it was forwarded to Gmail okay so if we look at this it's sent to or sent from traversing media at gmail and if we look here it's to Brad at Travis C staging comm which is our new hoe our new email alright so now you can work with Gmail instead of working with that the other interface and you can choose to send emails from your cPanel email from Gmail if you go into the settings and change some stuff up but I don't want to get into that I don't want to spend too much time on this so let's go ahead and deploy our website now like I said we have a default FTP account because we can just use our cPanel login with this username now as far as your what you're going to use for FTP I would definitely suggest FileZilla ok so if you go to FileZilla project org you want to download the client ok not the server you want the client because you want to connect to your server through the clients so download that I already have it installed so I'm not going to go through that but I'll go ahead and open it so let me just search for it real quick and let me just open that up ok so it's gonna look like this and what you want to do is put in your host which is your domain name so I'm gonna put in traversée staging dot-com your username which mine is traver 20 and then whatever you are password for your cPanel and then connect okay so now we're logged into our account and again you can see pretty much everything you saw in the file manager public HTML this is your actual website and you can see mine's completely blank you might have some Welcome pages in here just just so they have something to display because right now if I go to my domain so Travis C's staging com I just get index of and just a blank file listing so it's as easy as this to upload a file we'll go ahead and create let's say index.html ok if your home page should always be called index that's what's gonna load automatically when you go to your root domain so I'm just going to open this with a text editor I'm going to open it with sublime text and I'll just put an h1 in here and just say hello world and save and then we'll drag this into the public HTML folder okay and now if I go to my traverse see staging comm and reload we now get hello world alright so it's as easy as that and you can also upload PHP files if I were to let's say delete this and let's change this extension from in from HTML to PHP and we'll go ahead and open that with sublime text and this will still work because HTML can be used inside of a PHP file but just to show you I can use PHP we're gonna open up some tags here and we'll just say echo this will say hello from PHP and save will go ahead and upload that and let's go back to the domain and reload and we get hello from PHP alright and we could put tags in there as well so if we wanted to either just wrap this in an h1 like that so it's so we could do that it's gonna ask you if you want to overwrite you will say yes and then reload and you can see it's an h1 so you can build custom PHP applications using an account like this so what I want to do is I want to actually upload my Travis e-media website to this domain so I already have it all look I just want to delete this I already have it all compiled and all built out so I'm gonna just grab it real quick give me a second alright so production website and I'm just going to grab the files and upload it so down here you'll see queued files this is the files that are uploading you'll see if it's counting you can also see the progress right here for each file that's uploading all right so once that gets down to zero that means it's completely uploaded all right so now what we'll do is we'll go back to Travis restaging comm and reload and there's the website okay so it's as easy as that to deploy a site so now what I want to do let's go back to where are we let's go back to cPanel and I in addition to our regular site which is at the root domain I want a sub domain that has a WordPress website so I'm gonna go to domains subdomains and I'm gonna create one called WordPress dot Travis East aging calm and if I add multiple add-on domains I would be able to choose it from here as well so this will be our document root ok so the sub domain will actually be the folder we upload to we'll click create and now we have a sub domain so let's go back to the cPanel and go down to WordPress I'm going to click on WordPress and from here we can go to install now actually before we do that I just want to show you that this over here on the side you have all these different categories of scripts that you can install with basically just one or two clicks we have all types of blogs we have content management systems like Joomla and Drupal we have forums like PHP BB and simple machines forum we have image galleries we even have ecommerce platforms full shopping carts like Magento and OS commerce so it's it's very easy to get any of these scripts up and running on your hosts but we're going to install WordPress so we're gonna click that install button and let's see we're gonna choose a domain which I'm going to choose my sub domain they just created otherwise we'll overwrite the root domain I don't want to do that we'll go down here to admin username and let's say then put a password in and let's see if we click Advanced Options you'll see that it's going to create a new database you can change the name if you want you could also manually create a database outside of here in your cPanel and then use that but we're just gonna let it create a new one and then we'll just click install ok and it's just gonna take a couple seconds and it should set up WordPress on that sub domain so now you can see it says WordPress has been successfully installed we have the front end domain here which is our sub domain and then the admin domain which is just the sub domain slash wp-admin so let's first look at the front end I'll go ahead and open that up and we have a brand new WordPress website with the default theme if we go to our subdomains slash WP dash admin it'll take us to our wordpress login which will be admin and abc123 exclamation and there we go so we have our backend if we want to create a post and go ahead and say add new posts say my blog my blog posts and let's go ahead and publish and now if we go to the front-end which we can get to if we go to my blog and then visit site and then scroll down there's our new post ok there it is so you have a complete WordPress website now on a subdomain and at the same time we have our regular site which is still at traversée staging com ok so very very easy to do this stuff we haven't done any kind of programming or anything like that you don't have to be a programmer to set up your own website like this you might have to have a developer create your site if you unless you know basic HTML CSS JavaScript but then it's easy to upload so that's I mean those are the big things some other things we have our backups so if we go to backup we can go ahead and actually let's go to the backup wizard that's a little easier which is right here backup wizard so if we click this button it'll backup the entire home directory so all of our files all of our MySQL databases all of our email forward our configurations and all of our email filter configurations and we can easily restore it back as well all right so another perk of cPanel let's see what else so let's see databases so if you want to create a MySQL database there's a wizard you can use so if we go ahead and click that now your database is going to be prefixed with your username and underscore so let's just call this test and we'll say next step so username will say Brad which will also be prefixed with your username here password we'll just to abc123 and say create user and we want all privileges for this user meaning we want them to be able to create tables and delete records and stuff like that all right so now if we go we could either add another database let's return to MySQL databases and if we go down here now you'll see both our WordPress database which was automatically created and then our brand new test database that we just created okay you can see the WordPress database has 0.67 megabytes our new one is completely empty now if you want to manage the tables and stuff in your database you can go down to PHP myadmin just right here and you can see both databases over on the side if we look at the WordPress it has all the default WordPress tables if we look at ours the test it has nothing we could go ahead and create a table like users click go and we could put like let's say ID we could make it a Auto increment primary key and name and let's say email and we'll choose varchar' for these I'm not going to go over SQL but just to show you real quick that we can do this we'll say max length to 55 and save so now we have a users table with a couple different fields in our database and we can actually insert if we go to insert we'll put in the name here and email and click go and now if we go to browse you'll see that we actually have a user in our database okay so we could build a custom PHP application to access this database are not just PHP but PHP is the easiest to use with these types of managed hosting accounts alright so I think that's it guys I don't really want to get into any stuff that's too advanced like SSH keys or anything like that you do have your error logs so any error logs will show up here you have your bandwidth usage so you can see the usage of our bandwidth and disk space usage and all that stuff awstats you can choose actually you can choose your subdomain if you want to or your main domain and this will show you your user activity so number of visits things like that kind of like Google Analytics just just not as good I would definitely suggest using Google Analytics over something like this alright guys so that's gonna be it I hope you enjoyed this little guide I I know that a lot of you guys are like I said developers that already know all of this stuff but this is for the beginners this is I want to help people out that are trying to get into this line of work and giving them the easiest way possible to deploy a website and not even just people in this line of work but just general people that want to upload their own website so if you liked this video please leave it a like if you like this type of content please subscribe and again if you like in motion hosting from what you've seen please use the affiliate link in the description that'll help me out and that's it thanks for watching guys and I will see you next time hey guys if you've been watching my videos for a while and you really like what I do when I've helped you out a lot consider becoming a patron even for one dollar per month it pushes me to keep bringing you guys the best content I possibly can there's reward tiers for discounts for you to me courses personal support and more so check out the patreon link in the description below for more info
Channel: Traversy Media
Views: 256,802
Rating: 4.8663921 out of 5
Keywords: web hosting, web host, domain name, buy web hosting, inmotion hosting, deploy a website, upload a website, ftp, cpanel, cpanel tutorial, wordpress install
Id: UN7S4zd8h-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 8sec (2048 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2017
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