How to create an email address in cPanel & setup Gmail to send/receive emails

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hi my name is Travis flames from WebWorks of Kansas City and in this video I'm going to show you how to create a new email address in your cPanel web host and then set up that new email address for your personalized domain using Gmail as your email client so here I am at my domain which is web works dot black this is just a demo domain I use but if you're on cPanel this will work for any domain so just go to your domain name and then hit slash cPanel now to log into your cPanel you'll want to use your username and password that you've been given and once we're in scroll down a little bit find email accounts if your cPanel dashboard looks different than this just find the icon for email accounts and now we're going to add an email account so enter the email prefix that you'd like and then any password you'd like and being that we're going to use Gmail as an email client nothing is actually going to stay here within our server I always just create the mailbox quota as unlimited so I don't go run into storage issues in the future and you know possibly not get those emails forwarded or delivered over to your Gmail account so now I'm just going to hit create account so the account has been created and now if if you want to ever go check your email from your cPanel you can do that here in the little more drop-down access webmail but we're not going to do that we're actually going to configure our mail client and we'll scroll down here and it gives you all the manual settings this is what we want and we're going to use the secure SSL / TSL settings which is the recommended so we're just going to leave this screen up so we can reference it and in a new tab we're going to go over to Gmail and log in so here I'm in the Gmail inbox I've already logged in we're going to go to the Settings icon go down to settings and now we want to go to accounts and import because we're adding a new account a new email account that we want to manage through this Gmail and we're going to set up both the send mail as and the check mail from other accounts I like to skip a step here and if you set the account that you want to check before the one you want to send your confirmation email will actually automatically be sent to your Gmail so if not what if you accidentally do it the other way then you can actually just go into your cPanel and check the email address from there for the confirmation but you'll see as we go here you so we're going to add a pop3 mail account that we own and you'll get a little pop-up here enter the email address which on this case I set up demo now your username is going to be your full email address your password is the password we set up now for your pop server we're going to go back to the cPanel page that we have up and the pop server here is the incoming server and I'm just going to copy that over and remember the pop3 port here is 995 go back into our pop up paste the pop server here change the port to 995 and we're also going to select always use a secure connection now something else I like to do because I manage lots of email addresses from within my Gmail and if you're doing the same thing I like to label my incoming messages so they have a special label so I know that they came from this domain name I'm just going to call this one black I'm going to create a new level here label so there we've created a label now we're going to just hit Add Account now the great thing is gmail is automatically going to ask us do we want to send email as our new email address as well so let's just go ahead and finish the whole process yes we want to we're going to use that same email address obviously and now for the name you put whatever name you want here yo if it's a professional email address you probably want to use your name because this is what shows up as in the you know when other people see who the sender of the email was something else that's kind of trendy nowadays for business is if your small business put Travis you know at WebWorks of KC for example that way you know the recipient knows who it's coming from and the business so if they're looking for you an email from you specifically they see it's from you if they're looking for your business specifically they see it's from your business so this is kind of a trend right now I do one of the two use my full name or this so the next step the smtp server which is the outgoing server so we're going back to our cPanel settings check it out and it's the same in this case I'm going to go back to our pop-up server and our port is 465 465 username again as your full email address your password is the same password of course and we're going to use the SSL Add Account there we go it's going to ask us to confirm our code so let's go back into our Gmail let's go back to the Inbox and if the email is not here yet it may take a few moments but we'll just hit the refresh button and wait a few seconds okay so we've gotten our confirmation email and you can see it's kept a little label black web works because it was sent to it was sent to our demo at web works black so it has that label now we're going to copy this confirmation code and we'll left our pop-up open so we'll go back to our pop-up paste the confirmation code and just hit verify now it's one away we've verified our account and the last thing we're going to do is go we're going to go back into our settings and go back to the accounts and import and there are two things you might want to consider here if you don't ever use your Gmail account and you just like to use Gmail as your as your email client you might consider making your professional email address your default this means that automatically when you send an email the email will come from demo at web work set black you don't have to select it from a drop-down but you have the option to send from either one also I like to select when replying to a message reply from the same address the message was sent to now that you have multiple email addresses in your Gmail email client you'll want to better manage which emails that you're sending from when you reply so for example if somebody sends me an email to web works of Casey at I hit reply it's automatically going to come from web works of Casey at and the same with demo if somebody sends me an email to demo then when I reply it's automatically going to come from demo so now that we've got that set up we're just going to go back into the inbox and we'll compose an email so I can show you what it looks like in the dropdowns here so I hit compose and see we set it to automatically come from demo but if I decided at this case I wanted to send it from my gmail account or if I've added multiple professional email addresses then you can choose it from the drop down here and just select which email address you want it to actually come from so let's do a little testing here a little little demo I'm going to go into one of my other email addresses yahoo email address and I'm going to compose a new email to our new our new email address that we've created and so I'm going to send this a demo at WebWorks dot black so there it's off and I'm going to go back to the Gmail inbox and hit refresh here and it may take a couple seconds or for you to receive it especially with a new email address that you've just recently created the Gmail algorithms are set they automatically check the emails for you from your professional email addresses but the algorithms work that the more often you receive email at that email address the more often it will check it so you can tell it to refresh and it will automatically try to pull from the other box but there is still some delivery time based on the the various email clients and email systems that are being used so it may take a moment for us to get this email alright so we see we've got our new email and again it's labeled black WebWorks and it's all come through and of course as you can see it's sent to demo from my other test email address now let's reply to this email and I'm just going to show you what it looks like whenever you reply after we've changed the default in the settings to reply from the email address that it was sent to so we've hit reply and we can see here if you click on the the header information that it's automatically coming from our new email address so we don't need to change it at all if for whatever reason somebody sent it to your personal email but you prefer to move this over to your your business email address to continue the conversation or vice versa you can select the drop-down and choose which email you want it to come from so we can send it from our Gmail there or of course go back and we can send it from our professional email address that we just set up so I hope this was a great overview for you of how to create an email address in your cPanel web host and then use Gmail as your email client for your new professional email address so that's luck thank you
Channel: Search Centered Digital Marketing
Views: 341,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: setup cpanel email address in gmail, cpanel email setup, cpanel email, professional email address in gmail, gmail tricks
Id: w1rSWHciaSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2016
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