Web GIS: Server and Online: ArcGIS for Server: An Introduction

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all right so good morning thank you guys for showing up this is the second offering of introduction to arc just for server I appreciate you guys waking up early to be here hopefully it will be a value the good thing about this session is this session think of it as the entry point into all the other ArcGIS server and portal for ArcGIS text sessions okay in fact I go present or present many of the other tech sessions or co-authored them you should take this session if you want to learn more about ArcGIS for server the product we're going to spend the next hour and I want to make sure when you guys leave here you have a fundamental understanding of the key pieces of arc just for server what does it give you why do you care what you know what are the different parts and then from here it's a stepping off point to the other sessions like introduction to portal or the administering your server session or portal for ArcGIS administration or the security sessions okay before we begin how many of you are using ArcGIS server today few of you okay how many of you consider yourselves are just server administrators a few of you okay I want to set expectations this session has been designed to be an intro session so for those of you who have used our Jeff server or consider yourself an ArcGIS server administrator some of the concepts may be a bit of a review my goal today is to make sure that for people who have not even thought about server to understand a the key pieces and then be walk away with some fundamental understanding of the key parts of the product and where to go next okay so we'll talk about some key concepts like cached versus dynamic services what is the web service what is the rest endpoint stuff like that all right so I want to set expectations if you have some experience with server this may not be the session for you you're welcome to stay but I just want to make sure no one's unhappy when they do the survey my name is Derek law I work at the as rear Evans office and I work with the server and portal teams so yeah if you have any questions let me know I am presenting all day but I will be in the showcase after the last timeslot so I think from 4:30 or maybe 5 o'clock till 6 o'clock we have a lot of great staff at the showcase or sorry the Expo in the server Island if you have questions that you want to ask please be aware the Expo closes tomorrow at 1:30 so if you have a list of questions from your colleagues that you have to go ask do it today or do it before 1:30 tomorrow because we will close tomorrow 1:30 ok are we good any questions are by the way if you see me do a session I run a pretty laid-back session if you have a question just put your hand up or shout it out I'll do my best to answer it if I don't know the answer we'll take it offline you know we can talk later if you want a copy of the PowerPoint you will get the entire suite of powerpoints probably in five to six weeks on a DVD or something like that if you need it sooner send me an email that's my email address and I will send it to you next week it's not going to happen this week but next week where I'll give you my card okay we good all right so again thank you guys for showing up what are we going to cover today by the end of this hour you will have a good understanding of what ArcGIS for server is we'll talk about the product itself and all different pieces we'll talk about how you can take content in ArcGIS desktop and share it as a web service so share it to the Internet so you can have a larger audience we'll also talk about after you've made your web services how you can share it with either ArcGIS online or portal for ArcGIS and then we'll talk about the different client applications that can consume your web services and at the end I'll wrap up with a couple of slides on server extensions and then licensing I know we all love talking about that topic if you have any questions let me know let's get started so I'm sure how many of you seen the slide before or a variation of it right yeah Jack changed it this year at the plenary he modified the diagram this diagram is the classic marketing ArcGIS as a platform slide right this is the web GIS pattern this is where ESRI software stack is going and just as a quick review we have client applications on top they could be desktop apps they could be apps running on your smartphone or tablets or they could be web browsers these client applications search and discover GIS assets and resources through a portal note the lowercase P it could be ArcGIS online or it could be portal for ArcGIS a portal is your central destination point within your organization for all of your GIS assets and resources and it's only useful if it has data content and it's powered by GIS servers and I can deploy this pattern on my own physical machines or in the cloud if I want to either in a private cloud or if I use ArcGIS online now this is all fine and dandy but I'm a mean potatoes tangible kind of person let's take this diagram and break it down because if you see the title of the slide we tell people oh well with ArcGIS for server you can enable the web GIS pattern within your own infrastructure what does that mean app customers ask for that all the time what does that mean Derek this this is all nice I feel good but let's you know go down to the brass tacks what are the what are different pieces that I get to quickly review I have applications that on the top they search and discover resources through a portal a portal is powered by a GIS server those are the three concepts now with ArcGIS for server what do I get well I get the GIS server I get the web adapter Enterprise geo database and the ArcGIS data store these are different pieces that are on the DVD or in the box with ArcGIS for server I'm going to talk about each of these in the next hour what do I also get well I also get portal for ArcGIS there's a whole other session on this where I can basically set up think of it as my own ArcGIS online on my own machines in my own intranet but not only that I also get access to all of these client applications so collector for ArcGIS operations dashboard survey one two three are GS maps for office etc so all those different pieces on the right hand side is included with ArcGIS for server standard or advanced if you have our gist server standard or advanced you have access to those pieces since 10.3 we're going to spend the next hour going over briefly taking a quick tour of all those different pieces so far so good ok so what is ArcGIS server right it enables web GIS in your own infrastructure we give you the different software components for you to literally install it on your own machines or in your own private cloud and it's got ready to use applications and services to give you spatial data management so you can manage your data in a geo database you can do analysis with the geoprocessing functionality you can do visualization by publishing map services or vector tiles right the whole idea of ArcGIS for server is to take your data typically you work in desktop you'll work with shapefiles you work with feature classes but you want to share them out as web services why would you do that you publish them as web services so you can have many more people working with and accessing that same data you're sharing your data to a larger audience why would we do that well we share our data to a larger audience so we can have many more people in my organization collaborating working with the same authoritative content so we're all looking at the same basemap we're all looking at the same street network etc so far so good ok still too early maybe so ok Derek you kind of have me interested all right is anyone using it absolutely we have many different customers using ArcGIS server let me jump out real quick this is the this is the Azeri product page ok go to ESRI comm server success stories and here you can see we have a whole laundry list of customers using ArcGIS for server do they use all the components maybe maybe not they can pick and choose which components they would like use all right so you're welcome to go here and find out hey how is the Las Vegas International Airport using ArcGIS server how is IBM using ArcGIS server etc go back to the powerpoints now now we have this diagram which is all very nice we know that on the left is our conceptual diagram on the right is the laundry list of different pieces or components that we get with server let's take it a step further you can see on this slide now I've literally listed out what you get with ArcGIS server now on the left hand side here are all the different back-end components you guys as the highly paid administrators and GIS analysts will go back to your office and set this up you can install the GIS server piece which we'll talk about you can install portal for ArcGIS you can install the ArcGIS web adapter the data store and also set up an enterprise geo database also called a multi-user or arc ste geo database and I'm going to spend the majority of my time focusing on this back-end components for this session okay we all know that all the administrative stuff is so sexy I don't have another 3d demos to show you but you this is where all the the hard logistical plumbing is set up and configured now you get everything on the left but you also get everything on the right these are the client applications so if you have server standard or advanced you get portal if you get portal you get everything on the right-hand side all of these client applications such as collector ops dashboard web app builder they're all included so if you see an application you like or that you want to use and you have server standard you probably have it right I just want to make you aware of that life is good I get to say hey all this stuff is included at no additional cost you can play with it now I don't have time to cover all those client applications on the right I'm going to touch on one of them web app builder but we have technical sessions on each of these client applications there's a web app builder one that I'm giving later on today at 3:15 but again all of these different pieces are included in the box or on the maybe not on the DVD but you get them you maybe have to download them separately with ArcGIS for server so you have all the pieces to setup that conceptual diagram on the left hand side that whole web GIS pattern within your own infrastructure okay as I mentioned earlier this is an introductory session so I'm going to start with a clean page to make sure everyone is on the same page alright so for those of you who are GIS administrator or sorry gos server sighted admins some of this may be a bit of a review but I want to make sure we have foundation first let's start with the idea what is a GIS service that's basically a process that's running on your machine if you think about it all those different elements at the bottom of the slide here you can make with arcgis desktop right so you can make maps you can make features you can make geometric networks or network data sets you can modify content in a feature class in a geo database you can make models you can manipulate and work with imagery we saw a great demo in the plenary you can make locators to do geocoding and you can also make schematic data sets all of the content that you make in arcmap you can share so instead of making it just a local piece of data but share it as a web service or not as as you can see at the top of the slide a web service is simply a process that's running on your machine once you share it as a web service you can increase the number of users and audience members working with that data so the GIS server piece itself which we also call arcgis server know we've dropped the for basically has a relatively easy install and configuration if you read the help doc and i know whenever we buy that new DVD player we always read the help talk comprehensively cover to cover and the appendix before we plug it in right to make it work it's designed to work with your enterprise systems right I've been working with the product for six or seven years it's actually very stable it's fantastic you we give you the options to integrate it with many enterprise security systems such as Windows LDAP sorry Windows out the Directory or LDAP you can install it on your own physical machines or you can install it in the private cloud so we support many different cloud providers we give special tooling for two of them so if you have now the Amazon Cloud or a Microsoft Azure cloud account you can install not just ArcGIS server but the entire web GIS deck within the cloud environment or you could choose to use our GIS online it's completely up to you now the GIS server is also designed to work with our back-end or server-side components so things like the arcgis web adapter which i will explain what it is a few slides from now it works with Enterprise geo databases so if you have an arc ste geo database in your office you can use that as your data source to power your web services and we also have something called the ArcGIS data store which we introduced at the 10.3 release you use the ArcGIS data store with portal for ArcGIS and if you want to learn more I'll talk briefly about it here but you want to come to the introduction to portal session so let's look at some nuts and bolts right if I want to install the GIS server what do I do well we support Windows and Linux and these are actually screen captures straight out of the help documentation many different operating systems etc after our after I've installed the GIS server what do I get what are my primary interface pieces with the GIS server let's take a look first I get ArcGIS server manager think of this as a web browser-based console to manage your server site here is where I can look at how many web services I have I can reassign resources to those web services I can set security I can look at reports to see how busy my services are I can control my users and my roles and on that rare occasion but once in a blue moon when something goes wrong that was a joke right once in a blue moon when something goes wrong I can check the log files right so this is I would say you would probably spend 80 to 90% of your time inside ArcGIS server manager - as the name would imply manage your server site this is one less you this is one entry point to your server site we also have another one called the server administrator directory now this is kind of like an advanced interface you also access it through a web browser you do some commands here such as change your security from HTTP to HTTPS but it's really designed to kind of give you the guidance on how you can write some scripts if you want to automate some tasks for your server site like starting and stopping your services or adding a new machine to the site and I'll show this to you briefly we'll touch on this very briefly if you want to learn more about this interface come to the administering your GIS server site your GIS server tomorrow text session tomorrow or go to the security sessions and don't worry I have reference slides that are coming up finally we have the services directory so let's break this down on the left hand side we have an example server site and we have what's called the rest endpoint the representational state transfer endpoint I'm going to explain what that means in the next slide but for now all you need to be concerned about is the diagram on the middle after I've taken my data and I've published them as web services to ArcGIS server ArcGIS server has this landing page called the services directory every single web service or data layer if you will is represented on this page as a hyperlink this shows people what are the web services that are available from ArcGIS server if I were to click on one of those links I would get more information about that web service the spatial extent the attribute information what data it's covering etc and if I was to further click on it I would actually open up that web service open up that data layer if you we'll from arcgis server so we have arcgis server manager the services directory and the server administrator directory those are the three different entry points to work with my server site so far so good i'm going okay now i said we have this rest box what is that Derek why do I care I keep hearing about that term well don't be intimidated when you talk to server and portal people they like to sound smart by making all these terms but when it boils down to is this I have my server site on the left and I can communicate with my different web services through different internet protocols think of them like languages right I can talk to my web service resources through the rest soap KML or OGC Internet Protocol I mentioned this to you because Ezra spends a lot of its time we support all four of them not fully but we support all four of these different internet protocols these different languages if you will to talk to my web services but we spend a lot of time working on the rest endpoint okay so all you need to worry about is okay if I want to talk to that web service so if I want to grab that data layer through the Internet can I communicate through rest yes can I can I communicate through soap most of the time can I communicate through KML and OGC depends on the specific requirement okay so far so good yes yes okay it's still too early okay I've talked a lot about academic theory let's take a look at the software right I'm always I want to show you some cool stuff so let me just minimize my desktop here and I'm going to open up the services panel so I've installed ArcGIS server on my machine and you can see here it's running as a process are just server alright just so you know now I'm going to open up Firefox and go to my server manager tab this is ArcGIS server manager as I mentioned this is where you would spend 80% of your time when you manage your server site so I have it installed I've already logged in and we have four different key tabs at the very top we have our services tab where I can view my web services so here I have the Naperville folder with all my Naperville web services and I have a nice administrator view of my resources that are available I can also go to my site tab and here I get information about my server site installation so my server directory is my configuration store which machines are in my server site my data stores so valid locations that ArcGIS server can get data from to power my web services I can also change my security so go to the security tab you can see here I can define users from my server site or roles right so I can collect together users notice from my security in my case I've actually configured ArcGIS server to work with portal on my box and finally I have this logs tab right it's pretty cool as I mentioned on that rare occasion when I want to see what happened to my server I can run a query and view my logs and more importantly I have this very cool statistics link where I can click on here and view reports about my services so for example between January 20th to February 4th these different web services were being accessed and I can view on January 25th to January 26th I had fifteen thousand nine hundred and fifty three requests for people to view that data because I have some reporting now this is ArcGIS server manager as I mentioned where you would spend probably 80 to 90 percent of your time if you want to learn more about this interface I'm going to take a deep dive into this in the server administration session now I mentioned another way to work with your server site is the ArcGIS server administrator directory you also have to log in here to work with it this is not really meant to be a management console this is meant to give you tips if you will or help you understand how to write Python code to write automated trips for arcgis server but I could click in here and just like before or click on my services link and I view my services I could click on security and hit configuration and notice my server site is set to HTTP and HTTPS but I could change it right I can click update I get a big warning hey you want to change something be careful and I could change it of course I won't because I'm chicken okay I don't want to mess up my demos here now notice as I click these different pieces like security let's go to users every time or add a user every time I click a link the URL up your changes right if I want to learn how to write automated scripts what I would do is if I want to add a user I'd actually copy this URL into my script that's how we teach you in how to write automated scripts into the whole help dock that goes into this ok finally so we have our server manager the benefit of console web browser-based where I spend 80 to 80 to 90% of my time I have the services directory not as nice the UI not really meant to do management but really meant for you to learn as I click to the different components to grab these URLs so I can write automated scripts and the third thing is the services directory this is what the end user would see with ArcGIS server alright let's let's backtrack a little bit remember what I said I have ArcGIS server manager I have this Naperville folder and here this that's a very nice user experience I see all my Web Services and what's available I have a thumbnail and I can click on one of these links to view more information about that web service but remember this is my administrator view I wouldn't let everyone and their uncle log in here to view my data because it's an admin view the everyday person he or she would work with the services directory and I'm sure you're thinking well Derek that user experience is not very nice we designed this services directory seven years with the developer in mind so notice I have these folders they match the folders and ArcGIS server and manager right I can click in Naperville and each one of these links represents a web service or a data layer though that could access I could go to hydrology get some metadata about that hydrology web service and actually click on it to open it up and preview it now again this is meant for developers because once they find the layer they want they would simply copy this URL copy the rest endpoint into their code to reference that web service everyone with me so far so I'm just bringing that up this was meant with the developer in mind he or she can quickly access the layer copy that URL put it in their code everyone with me so far so hang tough on that story okay let's move on now let's look at the three other different server-side pieces that you get with ArcGIS for server we also get something called the arcgis web adapter and basically it's software that allows you to take your server site and have it work with a third party web server what do I mean on the lower right hand corner is a diagram or a conceptual diagram of ArcGIS server so let's say I've installed our gear server in my box those numbers 60 80 and 60 40 are ports our geo server is running here and it's listening it's listening on one of these two ports 60 80 if it's unsecured or 6 443 if it's secured and it's say okay I'm waiting for someone to contact me to do something I'm waiting for a client application to make a request to draw an image or query a web service or something and if I install ArcGIS server like that life is good it's on my box would I do this in production probably not because right now if I set up ArcGIS server like the diagram it's good for prototyping and development purposes but it's not secure so if you're going to install ArcGIS server and you do this that's fine but it's not a best practice it's not secure so what would you do you would probably go to your organization's IT group and set up a third-party web server if you're using Windows it's probably I is enter information server or you could use Oracle WebSphere or Jakarta Tomcat some other third-party web server now in the diagram here we're using I is to have ArcGIS server talk to that third-party web server you install the web adapter the web adapter is the interface between ArcGIS server and that third-party web server it's not required but it's optional but we recommend it because it gives you an extra layer of security right client applications would then communicate with the web server first the web server says okay you want to talk to the GIS server let me redirect you to talk to the GIS server does this make sense for everyone think of it like another layer or another level of security instead of talking directly with the GIS server which you can do very dangerous but you can do this we recommend just giving another layer to protect your GIS server so this is why the web adapter is like a reverse proxy what that means is a client application connects to port 80 if it's not secure or 443 if it's secure and then it gets redirected to go to the GIS server this is what it does the other advantage of the web adapter is it also allows you to take advantage of some security features that are normally built into web servers such as web tier authentication and if you want to learn more about that go to the introduction to server security session which is today at 1:30 Jeff and Greg do a phenomenal job I helped write the session there's lots of ugly server sorry security details not ugly in a bad way but like you get your hands dirty in that session so that's the web adapter everyone okay with that we also go into more detail about the web adapter in the server admin session now we also have Enterprise geo databases also called the multi-user geo database also referred to as an Arc ste geo database basically we can take a normal database sequel server Oracle db2 inform X or Postgres we install some software into that database to make it a geo database which allows you to store spatial data now you may have heard of something called Oracle spatial which also stores spatial data that's fine but our geo database also allows you to store complex geometry models such as topology geometric networks network data sets mosaic data sets stuff that our GIS uses to model spatial relationships the other advantage of a geo database is that we also support versioning archiving and replication so archiving is recording all the transactions for your data replication is when you take content from one geo database and copy it to the other and we also have versioning and this is a big deal we ask we have a hope we have a whole suite of text sessions on geodatabases right versioning is the ability to have two or more people edit the same piece of data at the same time why do I care Derek well let's think about this when you go to the ATM and you take your card your bank card and you withdraw money right let's say I take out ten bucks and I get my card back and I get my $10 that's called a short transaction the bank as soon as you take up money they apply that change right away the transaction happens right away it's a short transaction everyone with me so far when I am doing data editing for GIS like editing the parcel or editing the road I may take a couple of hours or a couple of days to do that edit everyone with me that's called the long transaction right we do some edits we reshape the polygons we save it we open it up the next day we be ship the polygons say but again that happens over a longer period of time so what the geo database allows us to do is we apply that change right away in the database but we trick it and we save these different changes in our Delta tables maybe I'm going a little bit too deep my point is inside the geo database with the versioning capability we allowed multiple people to edit the same piece of data at the same time by saving long transactions that's the secret sauce that we provide for a geo database okay are we all good it's also called arc s2 eg databases in the documentation finally we have the ArcGIS data store this was introduced at 10.3 this is something that you only use if you're going to use portal for ArcGIS by doing people to be confused with the concept of a data store in the administration session I explained the difference between the two but here on this slide you can see on the left on the right we have portal for ArcGIS installed we have ArcGIS server installed and in this case we also have the ArcGIS data store installed behind the scenes it's a database as well it's only used by portal for ArcGIS if I want to store hosted feature services if I want to store 3d scene services or if I want to enable the analysis tools in portal we don't have time to cover the ArcGIS data store in this session but come to the portal session or the administering your server session for more info the point is you only need this if you want to enable a hosting server if you don't want to enable a hosting server you don't need to worry about this this is optional okay so if I want to learn more we have lots of other sessions right the administering your server session oh I apologize I forgot to edit out yesterday we missed it so I have another offering on Thursday security is happening this afternoon and also what's new in case you want to learn more on what new functionality is available is coming on Thursday as well ok portal is happening at 10:00 and 15 right across the hall today yeah so I have a slide for that as well yes ma'am are we covering versioning and more detail for these sessions the answer is no there's actually a specific session called I don't know intro to versioning or something like that I don't know when that is but we can look it up okay yeah there is a specific versioning session any other questions yes sir ah the gentleman's question was would have a piece of data in a geo database - people make different edits let's say I make the road going north you make the road go south what happens we save both changes in our version and we have tools to reconcile that conflict usually you would make an edit I would make an edit we have a whole bunch of tables behind the scenes to store all those changes there would be a third party cue a person and he or she would decide which one to keep and that that whole session goes into that okay we take care of you because we care about you we love you guys yes don't worry okay so far so good all right so now that we've covered the foundation let's talk about how we can take data in arcgis desktop and share it as a web service right how many of you are desktop users you want to learn about server this is why we're here okay we're going to cover some basics this is not a comprehensive session on publishing cover some basics so how do I take data and my desktop and publish it to server well I don't want to sound like someone trying to sell you something but it's three easy steps author the content in arcmap then I publish it and then I share it literally three easy steps I'm going to demo this for you okay so let's get started how where do I begin well I begin with step one and I go into arcmap and I can author my content the beauty of using arcmap to publish to the GIS server is that we give you a WYSIWYG user experience what you see is what you get user experience that's also pretty nice the relationship between desktop and server has evolved over the last eight years now that it's very robust 99% of pretty much whatever you make and desktop you can share it as a web service symbology settings scale dependent renderers all of that stuff will then get ported over to the web service yes the question is does this apply to portal 2 the answer is no ok arcmap publishes to the GIS server arcgis pro is the premier client that publishes to portal so there's a slight difference ok sure arcmap publishes to the GIS server so one-to-one relationship arcgis pro is the application that you would use to publish to a portal ok you're going to have to be more specific sir so you're saying 10.3 10.4 what desktop or sorry arcmap or arcgis pro so the question was can arcmap 10.4 publish to portal the answer's no arcmap before everyone gets mad at me ok because I'm seeing the looks arcmap is a product that was designed based on arc objects technology literally 10 years ago we have evolved it over time right it's built on arc objects it's been designed to work with arcgis server arcgis pro which is new built on new technology 2 or 3 years old now has not been designed to work with server specifically it's been optimized to work with a portal and it could be ArcGIS online or it could be portal for arcgis now I know what you're thinking and I'm going to I'm going to acknowledge this arcmap probably has like I'm making up this number a thousand different pieces of functionality arcgis pro is not there yet it is coming over time ok so that's that's I'm just a messenger sir that's how it works I suggest you go to the publishing session and talk to those guys but okay are we good okay hey you can you don't have to fill out the survey sir everyone else get I'm just I'm just kidding okay all right so how do I take data from my desktop and publish the server right you see we have step two I publish the first thing I do is I go to file share as and I access the share as a service wizard which is the screen shot to the left of the two diagrams in the lower right hand corner and it's going to ask you do you want to make a new web service do you want to make a service definition file which is a file that stores all your configuration settings but you can publish it later or do you want to overwrite an existing service you pick one of those three options it then opens up the service editor dialog which is what you see in the lower right hand corner and this service editor dialog is pretty key this is where you specify all your different settings for your web service yes ma'am this is in arcmap absolutely I'm old school I love arcmap I'm too busy to learn Pro han that was a joke love-love ArcGIS pro fantastic then when I set all my settings because we care about you the software says you should do an analysis we want to make sure that you have optimized your data for the web okay might be annoying you could skip it but we do the analyse anyways okay we want to make sure you've optimized your data I highly recommend you follow this workflow now before I demo publishing I want to cover some key fundamental concepts of web services I want to make sure we're all on the same page and again for those of you who are GIS admins I apologize some of this may be review but I want to make sure we're all on the same page and we understand some key terminology now 95% of the time and my experience I tend to publish map services you can publish other things like Network datasets spatial models but you'll probably publish map services and I want to make sure everyone leaves this session understanding these two terms cached versus dynamic because you hear about it all the time right so let's take a look what does that mean if I'm going to have a map document and I want to publish it what does it mean to be cached well let's take a look I have this concept diagram here just so we have are on the same page at the middle we have ArcGIS server on the left hand side we have an image now we normally take raster data or data that does not change very much and we cache it what does that mean in this case I have a satellite image if I want to cache it what do I do will I take it and I break it up into smaller chunks into chunks that we call tiles so I take that image break it up into tiles I then take these tiles and we have a tool that does that for you by the way we take these tiles and we put it in a folder called the cache directory this is on the same machine usually as ArcGIS server or it could be on a file share so if I have this cache map service what happens client application makes a request it says hey I want to zoom in on this part of the image because we've already pre created the tiles server quickly serves up that tile to the client application does that logic make sense for everyone so this is a cached map service the question is why do I break the tiles because that way we can render the image faster sir instead of having to draw that huge image whatever i zoom into I quickly pull that tile does that make sense and it can get more complicated because I can have multiple rendering scales with multiple tiles so depending on what rendering scale you go to then you go to that tile for that scale okay and there's a whole other text session on caching 10 15 so far so good that's cached what about dynamic as the name would imply it's more active right dynamic map services or normally used for data that changes a lot like vector data so here I have server I have my dynamic map service if a client makes a request what happens well the service then goes back to the source data generates the data sends it back to the client so let me ask you a question to make sure we're all listening or awake what is faster cached who says cached who says dynamic one person okay so the rest of you don't care right because you don't put your hand up cache is going to be faster nine times out of ten because the data has already been pre-created dynamic typically tends to be I don't want to say slower let's say less performant because we're generating that image or that data on the fly does that make sense okay so this is something you know want to make sure we're on the same page here so going back so we don't get confused if I want to publish content from desktop to make a web service in ArcGIS server I can make a new web service or I can make a service definition file this is a file that saves all my settings so somebody else can publish it later and so I'm going to keep in mind is I offer the data do analyze and I can publish one of these two things yes sir sure the question is when would I create a service definition file just to recap a service definition file is is when I go to arcmap I set all my settings from my web service and I make a service definition file so I don't make the web service but I have a file for later I may do that as a security best practice for example if I'm a publisher and I work in ArcGIS desktop I know the data but I don't have the privileges to take that data and share it to the Internet so I make a service definition file I then copy paste it or ship it to my IT person and he or she one of the beautiful people who has access to the Internet can then take that data and share it to the Internet does that make sense exactly they don't even need to know about the data because the GIS expert you guys have taken care of that person just shares it to the Internet yes correct so that's the workflow it might be a security best practice yes ma'am the question is captioned dynamic does that apply to image services the answer is sort of I can have image services that are cached but image services are also a special unique type of service they're not dynamic they're an image service and they have special properties that I know nothing about because I'm not a roster expert but I know there's a session on that as well ma'am okay I can look at look it up for you after this session yeah keep remember that story because there's going to be a twist to that story cash versus dynamic it's coming well you have to be patient yes ma'am the question is can I have vector data that doesn't change very much can I cash that absolutely yes absolutely but there's more to the story I'm telling a story there's more to the story something that was mentioned on Monday okay so far so good are we good let's go to demo okay so I am just just so we're all clear no smoke and mirrors I'm in ArcGIS server manager my you see folder has nothing so I'm not tricking anybody okay it's empty I'm going to go in arcmap I have this beautiful map of geology off an island off the coast of Spain anyone from there near there must be nice go to file share as a service and here's that share as a service dialog okay what do you want to do do you want to make a new web service do you want to make a service definition file or do you want to overwrite an existing service I will make a new service I'll hit next I connect to my GIS server and I have many different connections okay but I'll leave the default I give it a name geology Island and I'll call it UC hit next where do I want to put it notice now I have three folders demos naperville you see I'll put I'll pick you see but just so we're all clear it the folder structure here you guys see that demos Naperville you see the hosted system and utilities are special folders we don't normally publish to so I hope that you see hit continue this opens up the service editor dialog here is where I set all my different parameter settings for my web services right so do I want to enable clustering do I want to enable some of these capabilities we know that some of those OGC specs it's a fancy term for internet protocol right to try to communicate with it do I want to enable some special operations how many resources do I want to assign to that web service by default I'll have one instance I may have two if I know the piece of data that I'm going to share is going to be very popular and hit many times I may want to bump this number up okay do I want to make it cached or dynamic by default its dynamic maybe I want to make it cached if I choose to make a cache then I would have to specify my tile levels I am NOT an expert in this you I go to the caching session I know it's here right then of course do I want to have my comprehensive metadata that was a joke we know one makes metadata I want as many dinner right it's an afterthought then I hit analyze I click this to say ok arcmap tell me if i've optimized my data for the internet oh I'm getting an error no transformation for this data frame exists that's an error now this should work I tested this yesterday I'm going to close this new I'm going to go back and open up that right map so I apologize server demos GOG Island let me reopen this maybe this is the map yeah okay let me just go ahead and publish Hey oh I know why I think because I I left it on cash I do dynamic now yeah see that's what happened I was just testing you see we're paying attention see hit publish okay so now what is it doing taking the data from desktop generating that web service with all my settings okay and you are welcome to put in your survey feedback form Derek needs a faster machine because I'm running this behemoth here just bear with me takes it takes up to half a minute all right okay so good question ma'am just so we're all clear I had and this so what happens is when I take my data and I do my analysis the software will report to me different things I get an error which means hey I'm not going to be able to publish this you need to fix this when it's red or the warning saying hey you should fix this otherwise the service may be slow the data has not been optimized now and for demo purposes I totally ignored it but in the real world yes it's probably a best practice for me to right-click in that chart fix the issue and it will optimize your data I'm not going to guarantee it'll be more performant but it'll make it definitely optimized for the service okay so it's published that I hit okay now I go back to manager I'm going to refresh my view and here is my geology on you see service and I can click to view it and here we go it's very lovely this map service okay I know you're not going whoo it's not a amazing 3d demo but you guys get the idea right sure so the question was earlier when I published it why did I get that error because I wanted to make it cached because what happened is earlier before you guys showed up and I was prepping for this demo I added a base map from ArcGIS online and we can't build a cache of that base map what I would have to do is remove it even though it's hid so that's why I reopen the map I think although I'm not an expert somehow arcmap still thought that base map was still in memory so I was getting that error that's my guess but I'm not an expert yes sir so let's be clear on the question if I had a number of group layers this bold text is a data frame if I whatever is inside the data frame will get published as a map service altogether now just as an FYI I am NOT a publishing expert but let's say I had 20 layers of data in this data frame all those 20 layers would then get published as a single map service whether or not that's optimal I don't think that's a good idea that's just my experience now I want to clarify that because what if I had multiple data frames so multiple bold text in that table of contents it only publishes the active data frame okay you guys are like nailing me here because I'm like a server portal back-office person I'm not a publishing person but these are good questions anybody else yes sir the extent of the publish map usually defaults to the visual extent of what you see in the viewer but you can change that if you want so okay we're kind of side barring now but just as an FYI the gentleman asked when I'm publishing a cache how do I find the extent of the data normally what I do to find extent of the data is I right click go to properties there's a it's in one of these settings here maybe it's under general thank you know there's I'm looking for there's a right here sorry blind this is that spatial extent and thank you yes sir ah good question the gentleman asks what I'm publishing the data is it copying it or am i referencing it I have a whole half-hour demo on that in the advanced server admin session in this case by default I copy the data to the server that's not a best practice and I explain why in the advanced session sir so if you come back because we go into data store it's quite a long discussion so but yes you can change that yes sir the question is let me see if I get a question right what if I've set up a relationship class do we support it the answer is yes in arcmap okay correct so if I let's be clear if I have a data layer I built a relationship class with it we do support it so the relationship class will pass over to the web service the caveat you need to be aware of however sir is I have my data layer I need to manually add the related table to the map document before I publish it at ten one we used if you didn't add that table we would pull the source table that was the security hole so at ten two we change the behavior where if you have a relationship class it would not pull the source table you have to manually and explicitly add it to the map document first before you publish okay yes ma'am sure you guys are like killing me this is that's an advanced question as well but yes I can show you I published this geology on map service delays asking so it copied it Derrick what the heck I want to know where it is no problem I click this can icon oh this is reference so it didn't copy it I would cook okay let's imagine I copied the data let's imagine I had the copy tab selected I would click on it and it would show you the location does that make sense so that was not the demo that I was going to show this again this is all like the in the admin session I promise you I do talk about this in more detail does that help ma'am you know what yeah that's going to totally derail my session come to the admin session ma'am and I promise I will show the data store concept for 20 minutes in detail that's called administering your GIS server it's happening tomorrow I want to say 10:15 I'm not sure let me dump it come see me after ok great questions I'm glad see you guys shouldn't be here no great questions you know I assure you I cover it there but it's a 20 minute discussion ok yes ma'am so the lady made a comment sometimes when I publish a map service I could not see the accurate table that layer and I'm going to say that's not happened to me I suspect something as I miss with your data we can take this offline I've never seen that that's like a specific issue did you open up tech support incident no did you open up Firebug and fiddler to track the communication let's talk about it offline ma'am I haven't seen that behavior okay I want to make sure that you guys get to your you know we're on track here so anything you make in desktop you can publish as a web service pretty much okay so it's pretty powerful and these are the different service types on the bottom here I have just as an FYI for those of you who are new if I want to enable web editing I publish a feature service if I want to share a spatial model that I make in toolbox or model builder I publish a geoprocessing service or if I want to do geocoding or have my own custom geocode service I publish a locator service okay so all of these types are here now remember what I said with cash versus dynamic right and I said there's a third part to the story remember that well at 10-4 we have this new thing called a vector tile right this is cool this is something you create an ArcGIS Pro where you can take your vector tile oh sorry your vector data create what's called a vector tile it's it's it's got the good performance of a cache map service with some limited flexibility for your data to be dynamic so let me put that asterisks but it's some flexibility right so here you can see we can change the display quality vector tiles are optimized for tablets and smartphones we can also have dynamic labeling so you can see on the right-hand side even though I've made a vector tile when i zoom in or zoom out those labels will rotate which is pretty cool I can also change how the data is rendered by styling that cached vector tile there's a whole other tech session on vector tiles I'm not an expert I know it's there but my point is now your choices as a best practice we recommend your choices are cached map services or vector tiles life is good we want you to have faster more performant web services we recommend to use a vector tile don't ask me any vector tile questions go here please I'm already out of my depth all right but again we have lots of sessions the the one you know best practices for cache maps and vector tiles go ask your arcgis pro question sir though they will answer you we have a tile cache session at sorry that was yesterday I should have removed that we have feature services session for web editing on tomorrow and also for geo processing as well all right let's look at step 3 now sharing our GIS content we know how to author our content we know conceptually how to publish our content what do I do with it right on this slide here it's a screen capture of the server site with our rest services directory and as I mentioned every one of those links represents a web service or a data layer you can access I can do one of two things with that web service I could register it with ArcGIS online or portal for ArcGIS so people can access that data or I can work with that web service directly through a client application how do I do this right well for ArcGIS for server as I mentioned earlier this morning was server standard or advanced you get portal for ArcGIS included at no additional cost so you could stand up your own portal your central destination point for your GIS assets it has a look and feel like ArcGIS online you may want to install this in your own infrastructure if you have security requirements if you want to have absolute control on your front end right or you could use ArcGIS online it's entirely up to you let me just show you what I mean let me recap here I mentioned earlier this is ArcGIS server manager with all my web services right this is the admit straighter view as the admin he or she can log in here and I see a very beautiful nice user experience however my regular people who are not admins they get exposed to this the services directory that's not a very nice user experience but to our defense this was designed for developers developers would click a folder see a service they want copy paste the URL copy paste the rest endpoint into their code to access that web service so instead of the services directory we're telling you hey why don't you install portal for ArcGIS you get it at no additional cost with server standard and events and now the regular person he or she can go to the gallery and have a very nice elegant user experience to browse all the resources right so here we have a very nice thumbnail I can hover and view the different content that I have I can go to the item details page and you can see my comprehensive metadata that was a joke to understand what's in there right more importantly oh I like this Naperville map let me open it up in the map viewer inside portal for ArcGIS or ArcGIS online we have this map viewer this is designed for the non GIS expert right it gives you a very google map like user experience I can come in here I have some simple controls and I can what can I do well I can symbolize my data if I want to I could look for new data so what else do I want to add I can also save it as a web map we're empowering the non GIS expert to do some simple mapping and save a web map inside a portal whether it's online or portal for ArcGIS when I save a web map am i copying my data no all I am doing behind the scenes is saving a text file a configuration file written in JSON that stores references to my data okay yes ma'am okay so the lady asked you can publish from arcgis pro directly to a portal is there an advantage to do that versus publishing from arcmap to server and then registering your web service and the answer is not really it depends on your workflow we're kind of getting a bit out of scope but if I publish from arcmap to ArcGIS server and then register my web service to portal I can set special properties for that item such as configuring a pop-up for example this this hydrology just so again I'm proving to you no smoke and mirrors this hydrology is actually a web service running from ArcGIS server but what I could do is I can click on here and enable pop-ups you see these pop so now I can click on that Lake and I get this pop-up effect now if I go from arcmap to dark Jeff server make an item in portal I can set that pop-up in portal right if I go from ArcGIS pro to portal I can actually define that pop-up in arcgis pro does that make sense so depends on your workflow and what you want to do okay the question is can the data be downloaded from portal to a user the answer is maybe I'm not trying to be funny depends on how you share it to portal and again we'll cover that at the 10:15 session okay all right so now I have this web map and I can save it right I told you guys that a web map is a copy of my data right this is yes who says no yes the answer is no okay web map really important is not a copy of my data it's just a configuration file references my data the point I want to make is if someone goes into a portal saves a web map they've made their own information product that web map can now be opened by all of s Riis client applications so collector ops dashboard web app builder the templates pretty powerful think of a web map loosely in quotes like a universal data format built by a non GIS expert that's pretty powerful so going back to the slides here we all know what portal for arcgis is right component of arcgis server allows you to install the arcgis online user experience within your own infrastructure right you would pick it if you have security requirements or you want absolute control and a key part of that is this idea of a web map not a copy of your data but a configuration file that you can make in the map viewer what makes the web map really powerful of course is that it can be consumed by all the other applications and things like that pop-up I defined would be saved as a property of that web map so let's think about that a couple of key concepts I want to explain we have base maps so layers at the bottom you would typically use them from ArcGIS online you also have operational layers your business data that you put on top of base maps right so operational layers typically go on top of base maps these are the pieces that form a web map and as I mentioned if I have a web map it can be opened up to everything this is huge let's look at the diagram here I have my services from ArcGIS server I referenced them with a portal could be online or portal for arcgis i make a web map so a non GIS expert he or she can save their own information products their own display settings their own pop-ups etc all those settings will be honored across our entire stack that is huge the question is will I'll be able to see that a map studio I'm sorry app studio a good question I'm not sure I need to follow up on that sir not sure we can check out the island I'm not sure the other thing on this slide I want you to be aware of everything in yellow included with server standard or advanced so you have access to this nobody's excited okay well I don't know all right so I kind of got ahead of myself and already showed portal right but let me show you a quick client out okay another great thing about portal is this I have let's say I have this I have I'm going to say this web map okay bless you now I can hit share and I can actually build a brand-new application around this web map I am NOT a developer I don't write code but I can look smart and pretend I write code here I have a template we have about 30 different predefined templates I take my web map hydrate it into a template and I have a nap right away or I can choose web app builder unless it's pretty cool scroll down hit create get started and now I go through this hole builder environment where I can start to set custom colors custom look and feel pick and choose which functional widgets I want which are pieces of functionality title logo etc build a brand new web application built on JavaScript this tool is awesome the application by default lives in Portal but if I want to I can download the code and configure it and customize it more okay if there's one thing you you know one web app builder is awesome I cannot say this is you know push this enough it's built on JavaScript it works in any web browser on any device so I can actually see how will my app look on the iPhone 6's let me click this widget here this is how it's going to look this is pretty this is where you go oh this is awesome dude I I pad mini this is how it looks okay I don't I don't have the 3d stuff you guys are killing me okay yeah whoo I think this is awesome so just FYI on that alright a few more slides and then I'll be done okay so portal sessions if you want one of the portal sessions the Tuesday one is already over I'm giving one at 10:15 so in 45 minutes right across the hall if you want to go on a portal in more detail there's also the portal admin session I'll be doing that this afternoon and also tomorrow caveat on the portal admin session bill and I we go under the covers by the fourth slide so it's kind of it's not for the faint of heart I'm just telling you now it's it's a deep dive into portal okay all right now in your organization if you are a medium to large organization you can actually have multiple GIS servers for different departments all referencing or have all their services registered with ArcGIS online or portal for ArcGIS we want to tell customers to think of the portal as the central destination point for all of your GIS assets and this is everyone's favorite slide licensing right if I get that was a joke if I want to get server I can get basic standard or advanced depending on levels of functionality and also depending on capacity thing to be aware of here is for a workgroup you have to install everything on one single machine but you get portal with standard and advanced and advanced gives use a whole suite of functionality remember was theater in advance you also get all the client applications as well so keep it keep sorry the question was for portal I must have Pro the answer is that is not correct it depends on what you want to do if I want to what I showed is publishing from arcmap to a GIS server and I can still register that service in portal if I want to publish directly to portal then I need to have our JS Pro sir okay okay we also have extensions this is a screen capture of the ESRI comm slight site slash server slash extensions and you can see for some functionality like the lady asked about image services well I have to get the image extension if I want to publish network data sets I have to get the network analyst extension if I want to do qa/qc workflows I may want to add the data reviewer extension alright so it depends for more resources because we care we always have doc right that third bullets pretty important server that are just sorry our server directs comm this is the help documentation for server I have it bookmarked in fact I don't even have to have a book like when I open up a new tab it's the first thing that shows up I you know because I know we all read the doc right we also have a couple of other documents if you google ArcGIS for server 101 there's a arc user technical article which goes over in more detail the different components of our just server and then of course if you google ArcGIS server functionality matrix you'll see this like a 25 page doc that breaks down all the different functional pieces and what tools you get at what level etc okay so thank you guys this is summarize our session right we talked about hopefully everyone now will leave we know what ArcGIS server is allows you to have web GIS in your infrastructure we talked briefly about the architecture so ArcGIS server manager the services directory the server administrator directory showed you how to publish a service from arcmap to the GIS server talked a bit about portal and how the importance of web maps we talked a bit about licensing as well and the extensions right thank you guys for showing up please fill out the survey if you have comments and if you have questions come see me if you want a copy of the PowerPoint send me an email or get my card and send me an email all right enjoy the rest of your conference guys thanks
Channel: Esri Events
Views: 32,947
Rating: 4.98 out of 5
Keywords: Esri, ArcGIS, GIS, Esri Events, UC 2016, User Conference 2016, WebGIS, ArcGIS for Server
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 59sec (4439 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2016
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