Web Design Inspiration: 5 BEST WEBSITES JULY 2020

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[Music] on today's video i'm going to show you really amazing websites and i'm going to break it down so that you can use the same concepts on your own web design let's rock [Music] hey everybody what is up and welcome to our july roundup of amazing websites i saw this month let's right start diving into them so here's the first one and before we dive into this i actually want to reload because i want to show you kind of the loading interactions here so after 30 years pro contact becomes iti this basically says iti um and and so basically there they they just rebranded right so iti formerly known as pro contact and so they created they want to introduce their new logo to you which basically says iti and there is a hidden kind of h here so nice use of negative space and i really really like this website for multiple reasons so first of all they're kind of breaking down the logo and using this as a kind of a visual element so that's nice in kind of in a branding perspective but when you start scrolling down here i really love that they have this very big condensed big type that's bold and you know when you're going down although it's i really love it it's big it's in your face they're kind of telling the story but still there's a feeling like there's not too much going on it's not so overwhelming as you can see the layout is still pretty clean it's the hierarchy are really good so they chose to go with a very big bold text but all the rest of the stuff right the text here is very kind of minimal and small the the buttons here the calls to action while they're visible and very clear as buttons they're not dragging too much of your attention so at the end of the day you know the the hierarchy here is very clear obviously you're looking at the face first and and then you're looking at the text and i also like that every time that you're actually reloading the website you're getting a very different persona here and they kind of went with so right now we're getting the same guy again and again but if you reload this you're getting different people from kind of diverse backgrounds which i think is nice right so every time you see somebody else here and and so again i think that while there's lots of content going on here i think it with a really great layout and not hierarchies you can still break it down and make this website feels like there's a lot of space around here so i think this is a really really nice way of thinking about this now let's see how they broke this down on mobile so when we're let me turn this here into a mobile so now you can see let's reload this they still have the interaction the mobile loading interaction but they've really minimized this so that you don't see all the remember there was a lot going on here and it's all hidden behind this menu um they decided to check how many things they decided not to show you on the mobile space so the paragraph that we had on the desktop it's just not showing here so it's just the headline and the the buttons and no kind of call to action button here at the top when you're scrolling down still again very minimalistic and you can still see you know still good hierarchies i think it's really important to see how they kind of minimized and make tough decisions to just remove content on mobile so the website will still look good and not too overwhelming i really really like this so you see they remove this they remove this very nice so iti.ca really great website the next website that i want to show you here is this wacko world and again i want to show you the intro animation because it's really really cool so basically what you see here is kind of like a poster building that you really you can see the inspiration let's see that again you can really see the inspiration of swiss poster design in how they've structured this but then they kind of zoom in and then that's actually the website again super minimalistic so this is an e-commerce right this company built this um this furniture but it's very minimalistic very very grid based right so let's dive inside to see the product very very kind of minimalistic and grid based i really love let's go see there so this is actually the menu here right shop index studio and if you go to the index so this is the index of their product and it's really cool you hover over these things and the images just show so again on the one hand it's very very clean and grid based but when you start hovering on things things kind of break out of the grid and create this really cool kind of feeling of things going out of the grid very cool layout let me see also the shop so again everything is grid based very very clean and grid based however sometimes when you're hovering over things the overlay kind of breaks the grid so it's very very smart to know how to use the system how to use grid and how to use organization and then break it down to bring in some creativity and you know show that you can get out break out of the box but really they show that they know how to use this and then they're breaking it down to bring it in some some creativity i really like this wakka wakka website and it's swiss kind of um background all right so this website effect this is obviously some kind of a juice or kind of a soft drink what i like about this and we'll start scrolling this in a second is you know how a lot of times people you know they go crazy with color and it just doesn't work really well and so you the major advice is hey reduce the number of colors you use and be very smart about this so here with this avec brand they're really having a good use of color they're using a lot of colors but at the end of the day the palette is still clean the higher keys are still clean so when you start scrolling down the background gets kind of an overlay caller overlay so it becomes green and then we have the can scrolling with us as we're seeing the story and here we have all the different palettes so this just fits inside here and then you can also see the other one so note while there's so many colors going around it's still very very clean right there's still so here i would say that the major color is you know the rule if you you don't know the rules of using colors you can check out here we have a video about talking with colors so a lot of times you would put pick a color then you use 60 of the screen with that color so here i think it's obviously green but as we in in green here as well and then you have some white and yellows but here they kind of switched it up so now the it's kind of this badge color which is the 60 and they just break it down with touches of little green or the other colors so i think really really nice way of you know use of color here um and and just fantastic art direction so and it's nice i think it it looks kind of 3d so you don't even have to go on crazy photoshoots anymore to create these amazing backgrounds you can do this with 3d also i think if you check this out on mobile you'll see it still gets the vibe however now when we're scrolling down the can doesn't stay with us because obviously if they would try to recreate the same effect where the can stay fixed at the center of the screen that wouldn't work so they kind of adjusted the interaction and then were very focused oh they forgot to make this smaller so this is a little bug but otherwise the adjustment for mobile looks pretty pretty solid all right the next website that we have today imag before i scroll down guess what this website is for and i love this website because you it it's not what you think it's for so we are experienced right then you scroll down and it says accountants and i'm like what this is a website for accountants i love this because usually you would think accountants are boring people with boring websites and here you can see that you know you can take a brand for accountants and make it look very premium very cool very up-to-date very you know modern um and note here so we are trusted advisors again very nice kind of layout that is very clear on the hierarchies so the the title is very big the the subtext is much much much smaller so we have a good contrast and very clear layout now note a lot of times when i review website i would immediately say hey where's the call to action right there's no button here they don't want me to click anything um so that's kind of a bad practice but here i feel like what they want me to do is they want me to scroll they want me they to to reveal the story so they're obviously they didn't even put accountants above the fold so they want me to scroll they want to kind of tease me into this so accountants and then we're trusted advisors and then we're scrolling down since 92 and then they're showing their services as accountants and at the end of the day they're showcasing the partners and only when you get at the end to the content you have this kind of say hello also with kind of a playful movement so that's the actual call to action so they want you to get to the bottom and then the call to action is here so again i think this is nice because it's very very clean very again big type if you can see that there the trend here of me liking website with big bold type right sometimes it's serif on sometimes it's sans-serif font or condensed font but i love it when there is big type but the website doesn't feel overwhelmed right because they're using big type with a lot of clean empty space so i love this the last website for this week would be sweetpunk.com which is a very cool creative agency so overall immediately if you click anything right so anything that is not the text is a call to action which basically means click and then you're just watching the show reel which is kind of pretty cool right it's not loading it's already loaded you click bam immediately you're with the sound you're with the vibe of the agency and then scrolling down sweet uh punk encourages audacious brands but what's nice here look you've got something already going on in the background so you feel like it's a video but then when you move your mouse around you're kind of playing with this lava thing and that's obviously some kind of a script but i've never seen this before because it really looks i think they're kind of overlaying a video and this kind of a javascript adaptation of it so i think this is really really cool i did not see this effect before and i love it so now we're getting to the actual content and beautiful ideas coming to a price i like that they're kind of describing themselves in a kind of a rotating way because they want to say a lot of things about themselves so we're this and where this and where this what i like about this brand i mean otherwise i would say you know it's a good it's a good agency website well designed they're winning a lot of award but i what i like about this is that they have this philosophy right don't be boring okay which is kind of intriguing to me what does it mean don't be boring and that's the first thing on their you know on their um on their navigation bar as well so i like it because they have an agenda they have some kind of a philosophy which they're sharing with their customers about how they are different with this slogan of don't be boring they have some nice interaction here they're kind of encouraging you to break out this ball um so it kind of tells a story about how we're different we have an agenda we if you work with us your brand is not going to be boring and i i to be honest i'm sold on this i mean even as a customer i would like to work with somebody who promises me to not be boring so i think it's a really cool value proposition and the way that they're selling to me with this kind of interactive there's always more exciting version of your brand that's a great kind of storytelling and value proposition um for an agency you know even though they didn't say anything special about them right so we are an advertising agency we win awards right but how are you different that's where i feel like this don't be boring thing comes into place and i feel like it's really really well designed interactive playful i really love this agency of sweet punk all right everybody so this was our roundup for this week i hope you would you liked it make sure you're subscribed and hitting that bell notification so you can see the next videos round outs of great inspirational videos and you know educational content everything that you need to become an amazing web designer see you in the next video
Channel: Flux Academy
Views: 161,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best websites, web design inspiration, best website design, best websites 2020, best websites in the world, web design inspiration 2020, best web design inspiration, web design, web design course, web design tutorial, design, web designer, web development, ran segall, website design, graphic design
Id: Xbx4HJW-th0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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