Weaponology - German S-Mine - "Bouncing Betty"
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Channel: LightningWar1941
Views: 1,564,954
Rating: 4.8524384 out of 5
Id: bupkzPfERLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 11sec (71 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 02 2015
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
So, interesting takeaways:
these things actually were tripped by stepping on them, not just passing by (or could they be modified to trip from bypassing?)
if you step on one and stand still on it, it cannot jump up and the horizontally alligned ring of death would unload into the ground around it
Awesome thanks for the post. So cool
Dr. Bill Atwater! Man I miss old history channel.
Nazis were pro campers. Did they run expedentiary with their set up to resuply them as well?
How the fuck does that just jump into the air
Love these posts. Puts you more into the game!
Now if only DICE could figure out how they worked.
A really cruel weapon in real life.
hate these little cunts