Weapon Demonstration: Bluffer-Fish
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Channel: Nanoco1000
Views: 7,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tf2, team fortress 2, tf2 spy, tf2 sapper, tf2 red tape, tf2 red-tape, tf2 red tape recorder, tf2 red-tape recorder, valve, tf2 mod, tf2 skin, tf2 weapon, tf2 weapon mod, tf2 spy mod, tf2 sapper mod, tf2 red tape mod, tf2 red-tape mod, red tape, red tape recorder, red-tape recorder, red-tape, funny weapon mod, big mouth billy bass, singing fish, singing wall fish, big mouth billy bass fish, tf2 singing fish, tf2 fish, fish, tf2 fish mod, fish mod, spy fish mod, spy fish
Id: zBqH5iy93ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 0sec (180 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2024
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