Weakest Link 15 Sep 2003

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here are the nine contestants preparing for today's show only one will take home prize money of up to ten thousand pounds the rest of the team will leave with nothing as one by one I've voted off as the weakest link welcome to the weakest link any of the nine people in the studio here today could win up to ten thousand pounds they don't know each other however say what that prize money they'll have to work as a team but eight of them will leave with nothing it's ROM Baro we lose the player voted weakest link let's meet the team I'm Peter I'm 46 years old I'm from Matlock in Derbyshire and I'm a police officer I'm Joe I'm 36 from Windsor and I'm an Inside Sales Manager I'm Phil I'm 42 I'm from lemmings and spar in Warwickshire and I'm a freelance voice artist I'm Claire I'm 28 I'm from Blackburn and I'm a PR and consultation officer I'm Chris I'm 24 metal stone in Surrey then we used car salesman I'm Gail I'm 53 I live in little hoard in Buckinghamshire and I'm retired I'm Tim I'm 18 I live in Billerica in Essex and I'm a student I'm Jennifer I'm 33 I'm from Glasgow and I'm a management consultant I'm Jimmy I'm 56 from Oakley West Yorkshire I'm a director in the family business now the rules of each round the aim is to answer enough questions correctly to reach or 1000-pound target within the time limit the fastest way is to create a chain of nine correct answers get your question wrong and you break the chain and lose all the money in that chain but if you say bank before the question is asked the money is safe however you start a new chain from scratch remember team at the end of the round only money that's been banked can be taken forward in round one there are three minutes on the clock we'll start with the person whose name is first alphabetically as you could let's play the weakest link first question is for 20 pounds start the clock according to the popular expression ask a silly question and you'll get a silly wot answer correct gale what's the common three-letter name for the food item that consists of two main parts known as the yolk and the white egg correct Tim the British engineer who invented the hovercraft in the 1950s was Christopher who cockerel or Columbus cockerel correct Jennifer in politics which word meaning work is the name of a major UK party liebherr correct Jimmy in maths what is 98 plus 399 C 900 morning Peter in spoken English the name of which common insect sounds identical to the second letter of the modern alphabet B correct Joe in the UK which word usually precedes money to describe a small son given to a child by a parent as an allowance pocket correct fill in anatomy on which ten parts of the body apart from the fingers and thumbs does a human being grow nails toes correct yeah Bank in botany what P is the name for the type of tree that produces the coconut path palm Chris in entertainment the Society of countries found in 1905 is called a magic watt circle correct Gail in science lab is an abbreviation of which word laboratory correct Tim in stationery which term describes a pen or pencil that produces marks which cannot be erased indelible or inevitable indelible correct Jennifer in nobility what title is given to the wife of a Duke lady Duchess Jimmy the former Russian leader Yeltsin in the German tennis / Becca share which first named Boris correct Peter in food what n is a word meaning small bites and is a colloquial term for food served with drinks nibbles correct Joe in the UK the road sign indicating no entry for vehicles consists of a white bar on background of which primary color red correct fill in fashion the flared trousers known as bell-bottoms were originally worn by which group of workers sailors or firemen sailors correct clear bank which three-letter word follows power to give a common term for a temporary break in the electricity supply cut correct Chris according to the festive song on the second day of Christmas my true love sent to me two turtle what doves correct Gail in arts-and-crafts what w is the name given to the process of making fabric by criss crossing a weft thread at right angles to a walk weaving correct Tim banging mass a dodecagon has how many side twelve correct Jennifer on official documents the letters DOB stand for which three word phrase date of birth correct Jimmy in July 2000 the actress Jennifer Aniston married which actor Pass Brad Pitt Peter in 17th century literature Christian is the main character in the book by John Bunyan called the pilgrims what progress right Joe in nature which segmented invertebrate commonly found in soil has the ability to regrow a tail that's been cut off time's up when was the correct answer and Eubank 420 pounds when you could have had 1,000 so who knows now sing and doesn't even suspect much it's time to vote off the weakest link statistically Tim as the first strongest link with the most incorrect answers Jimmy as the weakest link but will the votes follow the facts voting over it's time to reveal who you think is the weakest link Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Claire so Tim what are you studying I'll just finish my levels and I'm going to study medicine turn sideways turn this way again wait you're here get in the way when you're operating well I'm hoping it won't add I'm going to put it in a bun at the back of it and what medical school who you at I'm going to Bart's in the London in Whitechapel are you going straight from school to Bart's no I'm taking a year out and what are you gonna do in your year I'm gonna do some music and archery so you're gonna point Shore arrow and sing are you that's the one all at the same time right well let's hear a bit of your voice then no can't you sing afraid not on the drummer what can you hum a tune mm-hmm-hmm is it no what was it it was Jimi Hendrix voodoo child why Jimmy I like Jimmy I think Jimmy's got a good sound so Phil whose voice can you be anyone you'd like me to be on okay I'd like you to be Tony Blair no you see the thing is we have to vote off the weakest link now it's Prince Charles I've got the ears for his chosen can you do any women I can do really butch women go on you are the weakest link goodbye can you do Shirley Bassey no can you do Pauline from EastEnders no can you do Jimmy Sabol I was about that line guys and gals so you can't do anyone actually can you know how'd you learn a living with great difficulty and why Jimmy because he got two questions wrong and one of them was a very easy maths question and I think he just panicked a bit so clear what do you do PR for I work for West Lancashire district council i publicize the good work of the council Oh like what like lots of different things and Community Safety recycling initiatives so recycling initiatives any bits of Lancashire you particularly promote i working on skirt the area i coffees Ormskirk and scale the scale good heavens how'd you promotes calms Dale do people go there for their holidays you don't go there for the holiday do they go to see roundabouts they may do cuz yes the roundabouts in skill did some very interesting roundabouts from John oh yeah there's no such thing as an interesting roundabouts rare well the council's tried to make a few of them interesting how by putting interesting modern art sculptures on on them oh by whom like Peter Freeman and Bruce Williams have you heard of them no have you I have now I hadn't before I worked with them why Jimmy because he did get two questions wrong in that round so girl are you did you get the sack I'm actually retired down what age were you when you retired ah 40 and why would anyone want to retire at 40 I was just about to get married to my third husband oh you gave up work yes because he was gonna keep you that's right and then what happened well he did and what happened that's it oh you still got him yes okay why do me well sadly he got two questions wrong than he did hesitate a bit Jimmy you are the weakest think about I felt sick about seeing a unanimous vote but I knew it was going to happen I have what I call a senior moment and made a stupid error it's my first time I've ever been on television it's really scary out there you see the lights coming around you see it at home you think wow this is easy believe me it is not round two and you've got 420 pounds you're down to eight players we're now taking ten seconds off the time we'll start with the strongest link from the last round that's Tim let's play weakest link Tim in anthropology what an is the general name for the members of tribes who travel from place to place looking for food and pasture nomads correct Jennifer in u.s. TV Angela Lansbury played the amateur detective Jessica Fletcher in a series called murder she wat route correct Peter in politics which word goes before doctor to give a term for a person employed to put a favorable slant on news stories spin correct Joe in cricket how tall is the ashes urn contested by Australia in England four inches or four feet four inches correct Phil in language someone who does something for a reason that is not out in the open is said to have an ulterior wat motive correct Claire a transport the service stations Newport Pagnell Watford gap and Leicester Forest Easter all on which English motorway the m1 correct Chris at breakfast what B is the dairy product that's often spread on toast before marmalade or Jam butter correct Gail in pop music which word meaning to form a mental picture as the title of a 1971 song by John Lennon imagine correct Tim by Britain until 1988 which domestic animals had to be licensed cats or dog dogs correct Jennifer according to the common expression those who strive not to be outdone by their neighbours are keeping up with the who Jonesy's correct Peter in literature which word follows both coral and treasure in the titles of books by RM Ballantine and Robert Louis Stevenson Island correct Joe in horse riding what D is one of the events in three-day eventing along with show jumping and cross-country dressage correct fill in personal styling handlebar pencil line and walrus are all types of which facial adornment moustache correct Claire in astronomy the constellation of Orion the Hunter has three bright stars in the middle that are always known as Orion's watt 350th belt press in art in 1870 painting by Claude Monet is entitled a beach where Trouville or Truro Trouville correct gale in food the main ingredients of the desert banoffee pie or toffee and which fruit banana correct Tim in nature what H is a climbing plant with fragrant tubular flowers that is sometimes known as Woodbine honeysuckle correct Jennifer in astrology which side of the zodiac covers the period from the 21st of May to the 21st of June taurus gemini peter the expression for something very old-fashioned taken from the name of a biblical boat is straight out of the wot ark correct Joe the writers Roger Kipling Ernest Hemingway and Seamus Heaney have all won the Nobel Prize for what literature correct Phil in fashion which word is used by high street shops for a style of two-piece swimming costume for women linguini or tankini tankini correct yeah what name is shared by the surface on top of each step in a staircase the molded outer part of a car tire tire tread times up your back 700 pounds but you know you had a chain of 13 correct answers so if there are any more stupid who'd be in Reverse it's time to vote off the Lucas Lee phil is the strongest link statistically with the most wrong answers Claire is the weakest link but will the voting reflect reality voting over it's time to reveal who you think is the weakest link Claire Claire Claire Jennifer Claire Claire Claire clear Peter a bitter place of a long 28 years and what rank are you I'm a constable are you on the beat yes I'm a community beat officer Oh easy peasy I wouldn't say that lots of cups of tea I wouldn't say that either why care I'm glad I got I think two questions wrong she's lovely lush but we're here to make money so Joe they don't let you out no I have to stay inside do you wear that and just west of Redding west of Redding yes in a place called Beall okay so you're in deal with your telephone voice and who are you talking to mainly universities and research and development establishments that would buy the equipment that we sell Oh what equipment you sell electrometer in vicious current voltage and resistance why clear I can only actually remember the second question she got wrong which was a relatively easy one and she did get one other machine wrong so Jennifer what do people consult you about and various things too many ideas probably recruitment and training how do you train people and classroom training mainly or besides somebody in the workplace and on various things management skills and watching skills I'm standing in the workplace teach me some management skills I don't think you need any further training anything you're perfect the way you are well supposing I needed to improve my people skills okay if you had to improve your people skills and make set up a few roleplay situations like what and perhaps given some decent feedback we haven't been doing particularly well well come on okay we'd watch sure how you would do it the way you've always done it and then we give you some em gentle feedback oh you can physical feedback okay well I think you could perhaps give some positive feedback as well as negative feedback it might be more motivational to the people that you're giving feedback to have you got quite a limited vocabulary Jennifer not usually enough why care and clear did Bank I couldn't vote for myself so voted for clear Claire you are the weakest link goodbye the one biggest regret about today is not knowing that it's a palm tree that grows coconuts and I'm just going to be ribbed for that forevermore now I banked a lot of money for the team so I'm really annoyed and that I've been voted off Jennifer's still there she got a question wrong and to my knowledge she didn't Bank any money at all round three one one thousand one hundred and twenty pounds you down to 7 players another 10 seconds coming off the time we'll start with the strongest link from the last round that's Phil let's play the weakest link cough excuse entertainment what B is a specific term for someone who performs music in public in the hope that passers-by will give money in return Bhaskar correct Chris in mystery novels a hidden tunnel or corridor that links to places and often underground is called a secret Wat passage correct Gayle in English football in May 2003 David O'Leary was appointed manager of which Midlands Premiership Club Aston Villa correct 1020 mph in to their mouths from the stomach to munch at leisure they are said to chew the what could correct Jennifer on a standard computer keyboard which key is found in the farthest left hand top corner escape or enter escape correct Peter in the TV sitcom absolutely fabulous which comedian plays the character Edina monsoon Jennifer Saunders retro in geometry which word meaning blunt or slow-witted describes any angle lying between 90 degrees and 180 degrees obtuse correct Phil in geography Lake Garda is a popular tourist destination in which European country Italy correct Chris in occupations what sea is a word for a person who makes all men's shoes past cobbler Gail in the home a small shallow dish called a sorceress designed to be used as a resting place for which other piece of crockery teacup correct Tim in pop music the 2003 album phantom power was released by a Welsh band called what lovely cuddly toys or Super Furry Animals Super Furry Animals correct Jennifer in sport lions Wallabies and Springboks are all nicknames that international teams in which ball game might be I'll accept Peter in jocular language hard work especially involving vigorous rubbing is sometimes referred to as elbow watt grease correct Joe in food and drink the principal ingredients are the cocktail called a snakebite our lager and which other beverage cider correct fill Bank in history what L goes before girls to give the term for women who were drafted for agricultural work in both of the World Wars land correct Chris in chess at the beginning of a game each player has eight of which type of chessmen forms correct bale in media the common expression used to describe the national press is the fourth watt Protocol estate Tim which word meaning wealth or luck is before teller to give a term for a person who makes predictions about the future 14 correct Jennifer Bank in fashion what was invented by Charles Macintosh a waterproof fabric or Bermuda shorts waterproof fabric correct Peter are in the 2003 film starring Johnny Depp as the character Jack Sparrow is called Pirates of the WOD Caribbean times up back was in time and he got six hundred and ten pounds but who has bubbles in their think tank it's time to vote off the weakest thing the statistics reveal that Phil is the strongest link again Chris is the weakest link but whose game is over voting over it's time to reveal who you think is the weakest link Chris Gayle Chris Gayle Chris Chris Chris so Timmy you the Robin Hood of Billericay I suppose you could put it like that yeah and why'd you shoot arrows around the place aren't you for me is a great game the feel that I get let loose in an arrow it's almost as good as it's going to get into med school is it it is it's it better than sex not sure about that and oh well you'll find out at medical school what I hope so why Chris I feel that that Christmas bit hesitant and one of his wrong answers are stuck in my mind so Phil the man of a thousand voices how are you on accents try me okay let's hear your Birmingham accent well I can't really do a birthing of exit very well because it's a bit nasal nah find it harder to get my tongue around words now do a Liverpudlian accent but impossible okay works limited for you is it it's so far yet why Chris I think only two questions were answered wrongly in that round and I think the one that Chris had was slightly easier so I had to go pin so Baldy will never know how you sell secondhand cars you are the weakest link I feel really disappointed girl third and then you've got one question wrong in the game money was adding up I really had my eye on it I'm going to be going home more with my tail between my legs with my head held high you know go and have a nice large scotch and forget about it round four and you're up to one thousand seven hundred and thirty pounds you down to six players another ten seconds coming off the time will stop the strongest link from the last round that's Phil the man of few voices let's play the weakest link in science what said is the name of the metal used to form a protective layer on iron in the process called galvanizing zinc correct Gail in entertainment a show in which insects perform tricks such as playing football and pulling carriages is known as a flea watt circus correct Timothy animated TV series The Simpsons the character Marge has what color hair blond or blue correct Jennifer in fashion the British designer well known for her t-shirts emblazoned with political statements is Katherine who Hammett correct Peter in a five-speed car with manual transmission which letter on a guest it usually indicates the reverse gear are correct Joe in the bathroom what P is the name of the volcanic product that is used to remove dry skin from the feet pumice stone correct Phil in theater the song I could have danced all night comes from which musical Michael ad correct Gail in the UK the search-and-rescue helicopters maintained by the RAF for that purpose of mainly which primary color yellow correct him by an employment what is more likely to be described as a caring profession nursing or banking nursing correct Jennifer in hunting the name of which type of bird follows the word sitting to give a term meaning an easy target duck correct Peter in politics the parliamentary constituency of Argyll and Bute is located in which country of the UK Scotland correct Joe Bank in past times what L precedes the word dancing to mate the name of a hobby that is usually performed to country and western music line correct Phil in British TV in the 1980s and 90s Donatello Michelangelo aaand Leonardo with a Teenage Mutant hero wat Turtles correct Gayle in food the four-letter name of which herb can be preceded by pepper or spear to make the names of two of its varieties mint correct in Bank in science used as rocket fuel liquid oxygen is known for being what very hot a very cold cold correct Jennifer in radio transmissions the abbreviation FM stands for what modulation frequency correct Peter in customs what W is another name the v-shaped bone in the breast of a cooked chicken that is sometimes called a Mary thought wish correct Joe in coinage what is the face value of the current UK coin that shows a crown sisal on the reverse penny a five pence fill in mythology the figure who carries a scythe and represents death is called the grim wat reaper correct Gayle in English phrases a person who is asked were you born in a barn has failed to do what shut the door or switch off the light shut the door corrected Bank in geography Lake Titicaca ok times up and you begged 850 pounds but you know you had a train of seventeen correct answers so someone here should be retired it's time to vote off the weakest link statistically Gail is the strongest link as the only player to get an answer wrong Joe is the weakest link but will the other players vote her off voting over it's time to reveal who you think is the weakest link Phil Tim Gail Joe Joe Joe it's a girl what was the job that you left to get married I used to work for British Rail an oh dear so anyone would have done if they'd asked hey what did you do for British Rail I worked in marketing and customer relations for the department that was responsible for serving the food on the trains and what can you tell me about a British Rail sandwich well they're not as nice now as they were in the days when I was in charge of them why Joe I think she was the only person who got a question wrong Jennifer why Joe and I think she was the only person who got the question wrong Joe you are the weakest link goodbye I don't have any regrets from today apart from getting that one question wrong because I wanted to come here to win and I'm disappointed that I didn't the atmosphere out there was getting more tense as the money was building up and I think people become more ruthless than more the rounds go on round five year up to two thousand five hundred and eighty pounds you down to five players another ten seconds coming off the time will stop the strongest link from the last round that's Gail let's play the weakest thing in curry a basic form of pastry with a crisp but crumbly texture is known as what short crust or long crust short crust correct term in language the alliterative expression meaning one has no particular ties or plans is Footloose and what free no it's fancy free Jennifer in UK build classification videos particularly suitable preschool children display a triangle containing which two letters of the alphabet PG you see Peter in science in 1687 Sir Isaac Newton published his theories about movement known as the three laws of what pass motion fill in history what G is the name of the Kent town that is the burial place of the Native American princess Pocahontas Gravesend correct Gale in manufacturing the checking of goods during production to ensure they are all of the intended standard is known as what control quality correct him in wildlife what M is the single word term for the movement of animals such as birds and fish to distant breeding or feeding grounds migration correct Jennifer in the Army which boy's name precedes the word corporal to give a junior noncommissioned rank John Lance Peter in food the skin of a ripe aubergine is what color orange or purple purple correct fill the 1980s US TV series fame began with the words you got big dreams you want fame well Fame costs of right here's where you start paying in what sweat correct Gail in maths what is the largest prime number under fifty forty nine for the seventh in Bank in England what M is a type of Christian religious building examples of which can be found in Beverly subtle and York Monastery no Minster Jennifer on TV series changing rooms what's the surname the jack-of-all-trades nickname handy Andy Davidson cane Peter in food and drink cognac is a product of which European country France correct bill in fashion a necklace composed of which gems is traditionally worn with the twinset pearls round Gail in medicine what M is a type of severe headache whose name is derived from the Greek for half skull migraine correct Tim the poem by a a mill call Vespers features the lion hush hush whisper who dares Christopher Robin is saying his was prayers correct Jennifer Fang in maths a symbol for the word therefore consistent on will Joffrey times up three was the correct answer and you banked only a hundred pounds so who's now running on empty it's time to vote off the weakest link as the only player to answer all his questions correctly Phil is the strongest link statistically Jennifer is the weakest link but who will the team want off rating ever it's time to reveal who you think is the weakest link Tim Peter Phil Jenny Tim so PC Peter don't you like young men with ponytails no objections to young man having ponytails at all white Tim unfortunately got a couple of questions wrong let's get into the latter stages and we've got to start thinning out so Jennifer what was your feedback on Tim and I'm afraid I completely lost the plot and that one and completely lost track of who danced for thwart so I couldn't possibly give any realistic feedback what was the point when you started losing the plot I think right from the words go oh right so it surprise you to learn that statistically you were the worst player I knew though was that useful feedback for you it is yes on those who do better next time okay but it's folks the cap Tim you are the weakest link bye I feel quite disappointed to be invited off when I wasn't really the weakest link I know a little bit of a stink of around but there were people worse than me and it would have been good to have seen the right person come up at the right time I think Jenny will be voted off next because she was statistically the weakest link in that round and she's had questions wrong in the past around 6 you're up to two thousand six hundred and eighty pounds you down to four players another ten seconds coming off the time will start the strongest leap from the last round that's fill of a few voices let's play the weakest link start off in the arts Eve Arnold and Diane Arbus are celebrated for their work in which field photography woodcarving photography correct Gayle in Europe in which country is the city of mastic the Netherlands correct Jennifer in pop music who co-founded the group blur in 1989 Matt Damon or Damon Albarn demon album correct Peter in DIY the recess in the head of a Phillips screw most closely resembles which upper case letter of the alphabet X correct fill in past times the term AM DRAM is an abbreviation of which two words amateur dramatics correct Gail in the animal kingdom the Hereford is a breed of which farm animal bull I'll accept Jennifer in history Sir Thomas More served as Lord Chancellor under which tutor king earth Henry the eighth Peter in geography in which country is Mark McKinley that's in the USA correct Phil in UK media which word precedes mirror sport and times to give the names of three national newspapers but Sunday Gayle in children's literature the animal characters dab dab gab gab and tutu or appear in stories alongside which fictional doctor dr. Dolittle correct Jennifer in the media formed in 1927 the initials RTS stand with the Royal television wat Society correct Peter in language which letter is silent in the word handwriting W correct Phil in Germany the annual festival of eating and drinking known as the Oktoberfest takes place in which nunik correct Gail Bank the performer known as the queen of the Music Hall who was famous for songs such as Oh mr. Porter and a little of watching fancy was Mary who Lloyd correct Jennifer the words spinach and sugar are derived from which language Greek Arabic Peter in maths what is three and a half x - 7 correct fill which word meaning to mend a hole in a garment especially a sock with a series of inter woven stitches is a mild explosive Dom correct Gail Bank in geography the Mariana Trench is the deepest part of which ocean pacific correct Jennifer hi time's up your bank was in time and you got 470 pounds but who's now a waste of space is Galya curly sandwiches Peter a sleeping policeman as the voice dried up good Jennifer boost anyone's morale it's time to vote off the weakest team with the most correct answers Gail is the strongest link statistically Jennifer is the weakest link again can she survive another vote voting over it's time to reveal who you think is the weakest link Jennifer Jennifer Phil Gil so Phil why Jennifer because I think she got the most questions wrong in that round you did PC plod why Jennifer you see Pete PC plod why Jennifer no PC Pete PC plod why Jennifer PC beat Jenny film for sure she's a lovely girl but - she got a question I think I'm not God Jennifer you are the weakest link goodbye feel frustrated to be voted off haven't got to the last four and it seemed like the prize money was very very coarse however I did get through an awful lot more rains and after Ovid saw I'm quite glad I knew my general knowledge was proved when I came on the shore and it's definitely been confirmed to me round seven you're up to three thousand one hundred and fifty pounds and down to three players another ten seconds coming off the time we'll start the strongest link from the last round that's Gail let's play the weakest link in literature the mysterious affair at styles published in 1920 was the first novel by which writer famous for her detective stories I got the Christie wreck Peter in language which word could mean both an extra sportsman and a team who is a potential substitute and also a protected area for wildlife reserve correct Phil in international politics the initials echr stand for European Convention on what human rights correct Gail the name of which collection of sacred Christian or Jewish writings can be used to mean any comprehensive book or guide Bible correct Peter in history which port in southwest England was the embarkation point of Sir Walter Raleigh for his voyages to the Americas Plymouth correct Phil in the English language if better is the comparative of good what is the comparative of bad worse correct Gail right it goes the film and TV sitcom mash the character of Captain Benjamin Franklin Pierce was usually referred to by what nickname Hawkeye correct Peter in Mass what is 17 x 451 even 68 Phil which term for type of junior diplomat precedes case to give the name of a small flat briefcase used for carrying documents atashi correct Gail in the USA which state is linked to New York by the George Washington Bridge Washington New Jersey Peter in human anatomy which three-letter word is the usual name for a fallen arm correct Phil in literature the famous novel by Lucy Maud Montgomery is entitled Anne of Green Watt Gables correct Gale which word that means a vessel used to travel on water can also mean a jug used serve gravy or other sources boat correct Peter in our military the abbreviation uxb stands for what unexploded bomb correct fill in geography what is the specific English word for an inhabitant of the Italian city of Milan Milanese correct Gale ranked in magazines of the late 19th century cartoonist famously superimposed the head of which scientist onto the body of an egg Charles Darwin parental time's up Quebec was in time and you got 420 pounds around each you'll get the chance to travel watch you back before that it's time to vote off the weakest link for the fourth time in the game Phil is the strongest link Peter is the weakest link statistically but who will take the final walk of shame voting over it's time to reveal who you think is the weakest link Gail Gail Phil can you do animal voices Phil no can you do I'm a bloke but I'm really a big girl's blouse voice no oh you just did why are you getting rid of Gail because she's voted for me twice now in a row so it's sheer spite it's a PC plod why are you voting for Gail I think Gail got more questions wrong than anybody else Gail Peter was the worst player but you are the weakest link goodbye I feel absolutely furious not to get into the final having got to that stage and I think it was tactical voting by the men and I don't care who wins Brand H we've now got three thousand five hundred and seventy pounds two of you left there's ninety seconds but whatever you win will be trebled we'll start the strongest link from the last round that's Phil let's play the weakest thing turn pro type of rodent kept as a domestic pet also means a person who is the subject of an experiment rat guinea pig Peter in literature which novelist and essayist wrote the slogan big brother is watching you George Orwell correct Phil in pop music us-born singer had UK hit singles in the 1970s with the songs cracklin Rosie and song sung blue Neil Diamond correct writer in customs the annual cheese rolling contest takes place on Cooper's Hill in which English county Somerset roster sure Hill in espionage what is the two-word term for a spy who secretly acts for two opposing powers at the same time double agent correct Peter at the 1976 Olympic Games which athlete who became a BBC commentator won the only track and field medal for Britain Daley Thompson Brendan foster fill in geography which of the Baltic countries is made up of a major landmass and many hundreds of islands Finland Estonia Peter in fashion which term for a loved one is used to describe a particular shape of curved neckline on a dress bus sweetheart Phil in business which word meaning dawn is used to describe a new and rapidly growing industry often in electronics past sunrise Peter in musical instruments the black keys on a piano were traditionally made of which dark wood evany correct Phil I travel the t-tops hotel built on stilts in a national park and famous for its royal connections is in which African country Kenya correct Peter in the military what four-letter term for a rubbish tip is the name given to a place where weapons are stored dump time's happening 120 pounds that means prize money today of three thousand nine hundred and thirty pounds only one of you can take it home so now you'll play against each other best of five questions if there's a tie will go for sudden-death until we have a winner so Peter and Phil the three thousand nine hundred thirty pounds let's play the weakest link there is the strongest link in the last round who have the choice of who goes first I'd like Peter to go first Peter what two-word term for a loss of courage especially before a planned event provided the title for a TV series that ran from 1997 to 2003 I have to pass on our correct routes his cold feet fill in food in the Scandinavian dish gravlax what herb traditional accompanies salmon dill that is a correct answer Peter which three-letter word goes before on a Grecian urn and on solitude to give the titles of poems by John Keats and Alexander Pope respectively I don't know correct answer is ode filled during a 2003 visit to the Far East with the Prime Minister Sharif Lair sang which Beatles song for students in Beijing when I'm 64 that is the correct answer Peter in chemistry which element with the symbol na I is the lightest metal that is solid at room temperature lithium that is the correct answer fill according to film legend which non-human star was born in a trench in world war one appeared in 24 films and died in the arms of Jean Harlow Lassie now the correct answer is Rin Tin Tin Peter in space travel joined the Apollo 14 mission in 1971 the astronaut Alan Shepard attempted to play which sport on the moon baseball now the correct answer is golf Phil in biology which word means both the throbbing of the heart and a seed used as food pulse that is the correct answer that means Phil you are today's strongest thing can you go away with three thousand nine hundred and thirty pounds Peter you leave with nothing Ranas again for the weakest thing people won't be particularly surprised that I've won because I am a bit of a quiz buff and people know that I've got good general knowledge what they will be surprised about is that I wasn't voted off tactically that was my fear before coming on the program it was close and I am disappointed it to not taking the money home it would have come in very useful I think the game was played fair and square and at the end of the day I lost I've won the weakest link it's a good prize and I feel absolutely fantastic
Channel: Phil Reynolds
Views: 268,958
Rating: 4.6514287 out of 5
Keywords: Weakest, Link
Id: iPeingqbr5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 7sec (2647 seconds)
Published: Mon May 28 2012
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