We Weren't Expecting To Find THIS! | Sad Discoveries on the River | Narrowboat Life | EP59

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last week we explored the city of Leicester after arriving on our narrowboat we had a great time and really loved this city this week we leave Leicester and continue our journey we experience some sad sights and get stuck in a black bubbling Canal if you're new here I'm Ben I'm Emily and this is Arlen for the last two years we've been living full time in our tiny narrowboat home exploring the UK canals and rivers we've discovered many beautiful places and hidden gems so hit subscribe and join us for the journey [Music] hello how are you injury again okay Benny did another Brew of beer last night I started it yeah we're off this morning leaving this city behind We're Gonna Leave This City not a sun we're gonna like that yeah right oh it's been lovely Leicester we go in that way another Blinder of a day yes rope so we've got three locks until the lock that is closed today and a little bit of a stretch but hopefully today we'll find out whether it's good news or bad news about that closed lot whether it's going to be fixed quite quickly maybe even today did they say or if it's going to take a month if they need to send away for a part cross your fingers and everything everyone all right you can see like the seagulls or anything just hundreds of dead fish and we're not sure why [Music] it's not looking good looks like sleeping to me thank you well that was a stress because of that there we had to get someone to help us to push the door open because of the flow is too much for two of us to do it I climbed out on the side and then this guy came and helped us as well then he's just going back to close the paddle because I got a bit freaked out there it's quite high up even though it's a very shallow look it's just quite high up and I got vertigo and I was freaking out about the lock that was like there's so much water coming in we had to get someone to help us to get out I don't know if Benny just explained I haven't had breakfast yet that's probably why I'm feeling so worried that's one of the looks it's like really in the center so we've got two more I think that might be similar cool [Music] okay [Music] well these look like really nice Moorings I hope we're making the right decision but I keep going but anyway we're at the second lock now foreign [Music] excellent Bros here as well someone's held in oh there's loads of fish in there though this water here is disgusting I can't believe that I can see fish swimming in it so much rubbish okay we've stalled where's the key oh it stinks we're in the most disgusting bit of water the engine won't stop stalling we'll see the water's literally like bubbling as we pass over I've never seen that before oh it's because it's all fermenting but we're kind of veering into this wall and it's not going to be very deep I need to get into here okay currently like this poor bunny you've got to put your hand in this disgusting undo the bike to be able to get to the weed patch probably not the best set up it's not cool it smells bad and it is just fermenting never seen anything like it we're now in the trees this is so bad kind of funny it's just like pure silt I managed to push off that wall but it's just like that I can't even find the bottom just loads of dead animals well it's working we're pushing that way a bit all right it's going in that is swimming in water do you want a glove I don't know it will probably just fill it though won't it it's not gonna be long enough you got it it's a blanket yeah I don't know how I'm gonna get that off is it properly up yeah okay I think I think I've managed to get it off in one piece what it's like a dressing gown PlayStation PlayStation dressing gowns win winner we've got it out in one flipping out yeah hey we could just dry this off and wear it like a victory Shore you know like when Hunters used to like kill bears and then wear their skin yeah we could we could try this out and wear it like we're Victorious dead rats and the birds that are at the edge of this water here absolutely disgusting no I know you're joking leave it there for a sec we need to do everything up properly and then just try and get over to the side and then we'll put it in a bin I think there's a bin back there so I'm nice and tight well done bunny I'm sorry you had to put your hand in that water you need to go and wash your hands big time Ducks what are you doing in this water get out no no that's it fly away fly away to nicer Waters okay Benny's washing his hands moment of truth let's try turning her back on I mean that's why she was stalling so I'm sure it'll be fine [Music] see put you guys there for a sec now so well we're getting out a little bit I think it was a beer can oh I just want to get to the other side of the canal what that was I don't really think about what that could have been I think we're going to have problems getting to the next bit without this it happening again bunny there's so much stuff it's insane I think I'll just keep giving it a bit of revs and then uh Glide I mean there's what is that two full suitcases bags and bags and bags and bags stuff I wonder why this specific strip is just so bad I'm so glad we're out of that bit I'll show you where we just were it seemed like people had been Trucking stuff out of these buildings because there was loads of stuff in the top of these trees so I feel like people just Chuck what they don't want anymore there I don't know if you can see it doesn't really show up on the camera but cruising the boat through here is a bit like cruising through like a watery landfill I it's literally fermenting under the water as we were releasing all the bubbles of everything that's decomposing I've never Wild crazy [Music] yeah it's not all beautiful Sparkling Waters on the canals guys there's also black fizzy fermented Waters so gross it's really fizzing again here foreign [Music] it's very sad to see all these dead fish and all these birds having to live with all this rubbish [Music] that's the space station apparently Benny said I think it's like a museum type like you know yes exploration type yeah it's a bit cleaner in here there's no need for it it's just lazy and selfish looks like it'd be really hot in there yeah it's like a weird hard plastic it's made out of at first I thought it was like in it inflatable yeah it does look inflatable that's all the locks that we think we can do so we've done that's where we just came through so we've got this stretch all the way up here and that's the next lock that is the ones closed so let's see what the next bit brings [Music] this feels a bit better the water's clearer here well cleaner less rubbish still quite a bit but oh that was horrible it was really saddening really really bad yeah we're on the other side of Leicester now so I don't know why there's not I don't know there should be something in place to clear that stretcher [Music] right we're just coming up to burst stall now so we're gonna try and find some much more hopefully there's gonna be somewhere we just want to be right up to the lock for when it does open and then we can just get through I know there's going to be other boats waiting as well it's so much nicer here look at this it's beautiful this is a nature reserve I think [Music] so we're nearly here right yeah just around the corner that's where the lock is yeah fingers crossed there's going to be some Moorings we've just arrived and the boats are just going through the lock is that we fixed it what about that for timing I know I can't believe this this is such good timing it looks like they're literally just going through right I'll go and be over there champion we're in I believe yeah and someone's doing the look for us which is very nice but we've just been told it's super busy between the next two locks so we're gonna maybe struggle to find somewhere tomorrow just have to see [Music] so there's all the worker guys who fixed the lock this morning and apparently it was only fixed half an hour before we got there I just can't believe it it's so good great timing is it hot enough for you Benny it definitely is yeah it's absolutely burning isn't it oh yeah that's a big one isn't it wide beam all right we're gonna go here we don't want to go too far so we're just going to go here for now is good for a bit there she is found her cool spot you're gonna you're too gonna eat some mango watch out this dog food just there thank you me Alan and this dog pill are gonna eat this mango I'll go make some lunch then well it's much later on in the day we've just been pottering about really went shopping did a massive shop and um tidying and Benny went and got our posts from the Amazon Locker look what we got at last a New Castle had to get another Cruise everyone didn't we classic classic Benny's made dinner it's beautifully presented sorry it looks good slapped it on there this time it's been very hot hasn't it today right it's got both of us have been suffering anyway we're gonna eat and watch a film tonight I think I haven't watched the film for ages but um yeah it seems an okay spot here we just moored just past the lock I can't remember if we showed you to be honest we were just so hot and happy to have got through the lock the van's parked just around this corner so that's good and the water's pretty nice here Benny's playing at The middlewich Boat Boat and Folk Festival tomorrow which is Saturday so we're going to be staying here for another day are we yeah and then we're moving Sunday aren't we I keep forgetting what we're doing first dinner time now so we'll see you soon thank you we're in middlewich we're at the boat and Folk Festival I'm gonna play in about an hour last minute okay oh my God I didn't know it's gonna be this busy okay let's just park here how you feeling let's do this you're gonna get set up I'll see you over there when you start good luck [Music] miss the good things [Music] well it's about half seven on a quiet Sunday morning but it's time for us to leave we're gonna cruise to Loughborough seems like it's going to be quite a Rivery Cruise in Countryside and trees so it should be really nice let's get going foreign [Music] it's a lot cooler today isn't it yeah it's nice it's even rained yeah it's a good day to move yeah I'm not going to get cups hopefully and I think the locks are a bit further apart aren't they yeah we've done pretty well we've only got two days cruising left until we get to the Boatyard I think Benny mentioned we're gonna try and get to Loughborough today and then if we decide to cruise again tomorrow which I think we will we should get there tomorrow it's been quite a stint hasn't it yeah it's been wild it's been we've uh We've pushed hard and it's been hot but we've done it I'm so glad we didn't get stuck behind that lock for a month so that would have been so sad because putting a lot of effort in to get here and then to just find out that we've got to stay a minute to treat I'm going to take my sunglasses yeah to find out that we're trapped for a month that would have been a bit rubbish anyway we're not and look at all of these Blackberry flowers they're really big as well yeah everything seems very big and abundant this year are you all right you've got hay fever today you look a bit hay fevery [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] so I can't remember if we've mentioned but there's been absolutely loads of dead fish when we were in Leicester there was hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of little dead fish next to the boat and um on the other side like really big ones as well I know fisherman told me that some of the big ones were sort of 11 years old yeah it just seems like there's no fish alive in the in the river in Leicester and he said it was because there was hot weather and then a lot of rain or thunder I don't really know I don't understand that but maybe it like depletes the water of oxygen or something but even now we're further away from Leicester I keep seeing huge fish dead it's really sad I was wondering could it be pollution it just seems weird because it's been hot and well nearly everywhere we've been so far and before Leicester there was thousands and thousands of fish in the water if you can remember from the other day I'm not sure which episode it will be in but there was just thousands of little fish and big fish in the water it was amazing never seen so many and then as soon as we got to Leicester they were all just dead so yeah I hope it's not pollution I mean it's really really horrible whatever it is but if anyone has any ideas let us know in the comments because I'm interested and very sad about it really yeah if they're really old fish that are dying as well and all the baby ones pretty rubbish right second lock and one of the gates is open which is pretty handy it's like an instant log flume that's a mess yeah perfect from one end of the country to the other no locks needed you've said this before log flume [Music] away it flows I cannot see distance [Music] blowing toy changes reality heading to the future mystery ever nearer [Music] closer calling to me I love the future [Music] foreign [Music] super wide here now isn't it [Music] it's about the ocean the only [Music] fillers [Music] whoever [Music] it's a man very kindly doing the look for us it's nice it's getting warm now are you all right [Music] this river section is so pretty it's really interesting it's nice to be doing something different than the canals for a little bit there's nowhere tomorrow though but that's okay [Music] you look like the buildings in um Amsterdam I don't know it says Moorings available bunny I'd do it it is lovely here really lovely if you're gonna get pushed over to the side a bit with that wow so created some wash for us oh my God they didn't give me any warning that they were going to do that they just suddenly came really close up behind me and then just zoomed past obviously not used to this River boating am I [Music] you enjoying yourself it's beautiful yeah so no so wide oh it's a posh houses it is all going on on the River today you need to empty our bins so we're gonna stop here somehow we found the bins and such bins are done and we're at onwards now to Loughborough I think we've got two locks left the next one's called a deep block I think it's about nine foot deep oh look it's a little Scamp so cute [Music] okay we're another lock but there's volunteers and they're straight on it trying to figure out if that traffic lights for the lock I think it might be anyway it's green so that's fine there's a boat coming up so she needs to wait for that to come out [Music] looks like a Terry Pratchett book cover I think it is look oh yeah that's so cool is that like a print Last Summer that's amazing good news is we've not seen any dead fish for ages it was after that we are near silby lock I think it's called and we're wondering if that we uh was aerating the water a bit better or something so I don't know [Music] we're here we're just outside Loughborough and it is beautiful absolutely gorgeous it's just like the canal again I guess I think this is more of a navigation rather than a Rivery bit so it's got onco and a normal Towpath spot isn't it on okay we're all moed up we've both had a very cold shower because we got really hot and just gonna make some salad salady lunch so yeah we'll see you tomorrow morning and hopefully we'll be making it to the marina I don't see why not it's only about six locks now and a little strip from here to Red Hill Marina I'm excited we made it I can't believe it we're only there I know okay we haven't made it yet but we nearly half I don't know if it's really come across in the videos how much of a hard slug that one I guess we don't like to complain I think it's just been the heat really but it's been very beautiful yeah it's been such an amazing strip the last few miles are just crazy yeah it's really really nice and even this bit that's like the navigation again so rather than just the river it's still so pretty [Music] I can't hear you whoa oh my goodness we said goodnight to everyone didn't we but actually there was one more job an unexpected job's time to bottle this beer so here it is where I've racked it off into these two I've already filled up some of the bottles I put a little bit of sugar in each bottle to Prime them some people make a sugar syrup I have tried that but I prefer just sticking a bit of sugar in it it's like half a teaspoon or something yeah so what's this it's like a little sucker really I hope you bottle it handy bottle that's got a spring in it so it like pours the liquid into the bottle doesn't it without you having to siphon it for a long time I didn't have oh I still spill of it for a long time I didn't have this and I just made such a mess yep the floor was always sticky I always had to mop up afterwards now this thing yes when you push that on the bottom it releases the beer it's a shame you want any more clear bottles you've already done those yeah anyway a lot of these I don't even have to put bottle caps on because they're like flip tops which is brilliant but there's a few that I do and I've got a little bottle Capper I'm gonna put caps on these and then leave them for two weeks hopefully two weeks um I think it just dribbled out it's okay yeah two weeks and then it's time to try it have fun how exciting next week we finally arrive at our destination Red Hill Marina we're more up by our friends receive a very exciting new item and make pizza together on the riverbank [Music] thanks so much for watching we really hope you enjoyed this week's video please like And subscribe if you haven't already it really helps us out and it's free if you'd like to support our Channel further we have links to our Patron and buy me a coffee in the description thanks so much see you next week bye [Music] [Music] use [Music] [Music] of the desert fly everywhere
Channel: Ben and Emily
Views: 75,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #narrowboat, #narrowboattravels, #canalboat, #offgrid
Id: I8DRe2IetBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 37sec (2017 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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