We Were Wrong About Mario Kart DLC Wave 2

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hello felix from nintendo live here and today we're here to talk about the mario kart wave 2 dlc and i'm not here alone to talk about it because i have the wonderful mr alex with me wave two baby and i think it's safe to say after playing these courses that we were wrong we made a video talking like how this looks good not great i would say it's the other way around it looks great not good and you know i wasn't as wrong but alex you were really wrong about wave 2 so yeah tell us about your experience yeah i was um i i mean i i think i was still justified in my skepticism after wave one um but no i'm i'm happy to say that i was wrong i really am because i never want things to be bad and when we actually you know got down we played these through um i was i was genuinely really pleased i feel that this is a lot stronger than wave one oh yeah it's it almost feels like they've listened to all the critique or maybe it's just i'm looking everything through a new pair of glasses or something but it just felt so much better than wave one yeah i think the selection of tracks is just a little bit more varied but at the same time more consistent um you know i still don't think it's perfect i've got some little nitpicks here and there but overall i would say yeah you know wave one was good wave two is great like i'm really really pleased with it i think nintendo's uh promotion of it was a little bit reserved they could have been a little bit more sort of uh pushing on you know they could have pushed some of the new things a little bit more which we'll get on to but yeah at the same time it's nice to be surprised yeah i definitely liked that they didn't like show their full sets of cards of the get-go because like um we'll get to that after but calamari desert like they changed spoilers spoilers okay okay okay so uh before we get into that i think we should just go through each course and give our feelings about it because overall i i mean at least for my sake there isn't really a track i don't like so uh yeah let's start with the turn up cup because we have some really great tracks here we have first off new york minutes and wow the music is great in this track and the visuals also they look great it's like it has just rained and you drive to a park and there's different like paths just like paris promenade and tokyo blur yeah i really like new york minute as well um you know the aesthetic's really good it's a very tight course particularly on 200 which is what i prefer to play it's it's very challenging although i i do have some reservations it's it's just one thing yeah and that's the edges of the course are too busy yeah there's too many obstacles and things like that to the point that um if you do go off the course even a little bit too much and hit one of these things lakitu will pick you up which feels like uh if it feels like a solution to a problem that shouldn't be there like if you look at the other um city tracks things like paris promenade you know they they've called them things off it makes it much more like a race track and i understand it makes it more immersive to have these obstacles and things there but i think they've gone a little bit too far in that direction it sort of slightly hampers the feel of the course for me it just makes it a little bit bitty yeah i mean i myself did not experience that maybe it's because i don't go off the track get good alex but yeah no but like um i just really like that there is a lot of different stuff um because i felt at least with wave one it was very simplistic there was like i felt a lot of the stuff was bare minimum the bushes from paris promenade like again it doesn't really matter the graphical aspect but i just really like that it just feels like they've put more effort to like decorating these courses and can we talk about the last lap in new york minute like you go through this hotel corridor into a parking lot and go back that's brilliant and it also just looks fantastic it does it's very busy visually like it's quite noisy visually but it's trying to imitate new york that's kind of the whole thing if you were to make it a little bit more simplistic it wouldn't be replicating new york you know so it works [Music] but uh let's move on to the second track in the turnip cup which is mario circa 3 and probably a lot of people's maybe least favorite but i must say i didn't find it as bad as i initially thought it would be i think i actually might be one of my favorites from this is the thing that surprised me the most was mario circuit 3 because i was just like oh god it's just you know it's just ruined games but it is the corners are so tight from a purely racing point of view like aesthetics i'm not entirely sold on it but from a racing point of view and gameplay i i think it's such a solid track it's very simple but it kind of leans into that and you've got this you've got this cruel hairpin at one point and a 200cc that is really really tough but there's a little bit of apex that just kind of coerces you back onto the track if you cut it i mean if you go too wide you're gonna go off the course but if you're just just on the edge of that little bit of apex just gives you that little bit of leeway and that just shows real care and attention to detail and so yeah this is actually to play one of my favorite courses it's just fast it's it's simple and it's i'm kind of unforgiving at the same time you can never go wrong it's a good bit of music that but um what did you think about the aesthetics so i like that they added some stuff around the course you know there was like these blocks and it just felt very retro the you know the the sand or like what it was on the side was a bit simplistic but i can get over that because i think after wave one i've just come to accept the graphical standpoint and i don't really find it an issue anymore i mean sure it doesn't look as great as the main game but yeah i played um well i don't know because it felt similar but it didn't feel like the same track i don't know if it's mario circuit 3 or if it's one of the other other mario circuits um but i played the one in ds the song is the same but i felt the layout was different and it's now people are going to go in the comments and say oh felix of course it's not the same i haven't looked at it that's mario circuit seven they did have loads of like arguably repeat courses in the original super mario car probably due to limitations but anyway i like the track it's a bit simplistic but it like i feel like mario circa 3 is the biggest redemption arc from all these courses at least from our first like initial preview i agree um although i visually i i feel like they're sort of leaning into the original and the snazz side of things which is a good idea but i feel like they could have lent into it a little bit more you know like you look at something like excite bike arena and that is like that really leans into excitebike stuff and it makes it really feel like it yeah it's like stuck in between i feel like they could have done a little bit more um in that sense and made it a little bit more snazzy overall at the moment it feels like it's not entirely sort of sitting on the fence but just a bit you know it's not it's not on one side or the other it's it's just sort of leaning i like the word snazzy i think i'll i'm going to use that more that's it [Music] okay but um going from mario sucker 3 we have calamari desert whoa i was already excited for this course but they changed it up they did and they and i'm really pleased that they were so bold as to change something like this is a classic track and when they showed it in the initial trailer i was like oh that's pretty cool i like calamari desert and before i'd even finished that thought they moved on to another one and i can see why now they wanted to keep it a secret but yeah they really mix things up and shall i say oh do you want to say it ramp ramp you go on the blinking train tracks baby so yeah the first round is basically just your normal calamari desert round but the second round suddenly there's this giant ramp and you can go off that a lot you have to go off that sorry yeah you go on the train tracks with the train going in the opposite direction so you have to watch out for the train then you go into this tunnel which before if you went in there with a star or something there was a shortcut but yeah now you go through the tunnel and just before you go into like inside that tunnel that's the third lap so you go around with the train tracks and then come back to like the main course and then you finish up which is just really creative just overall really pleased with what they changed up and knowing that like what might they also change up in the future we might not know and we will see i've i really like this one as well yeah i think it was a really bold move to change it up so much as i've already said um but i think it absolutely pays off it turns what was still a good course but very kind of of its time it was quite slow and long i mean that made more sense back in mariu's uh mario kart 64 but you know sort of they've changed it so that it's still kind of long unless you're playing at 200 cc in which case no course is long um uh but the end result is it just adds that little extra wrinkle and it makes it a little bit more interesting sometimes it can be a bit tough to get onto the train tracks if if you're playing 200cc um and not hit the train but you know it's it's still a great time it's a wonderful little wrinkle they've added in and visually yeah it's pretty good i you know sort of i think that maybe they could have made it a little bit more sort of detailed still but i feel that about all the courses uh and the music ah the music is great they've really leaned into the aesthetic [Music] why have i been doing the waluigi impression all this time you just love doing them luigi is here to stay because waluigi pinball is awesome at least in my videos the visuals look really great they have a lot of neon colors very saturated and they even brought back the sound effects they did not all of them but it's just that they brought back the sound effects for like the items and the new laps that's just attention to detail and i really thought they wouldn't bring those over yeah same i just assumed you know oh that's you know kind of a detail of the past but no they went all out and they they brought those back in it's the sort of thing that isn't difficult to do obviously but you know it just again it just shows a level of care and attention that we want from these courses we brought up an interesting point that imagine this track with anti-graft that would just be so cool i think yeah i wish this track was like fully remastered bits either way it's a really good remaster because it's the first time we've really been able to play this track in you know hd full scale and i think it lives up to the hype it's a good course yeah i just i i do wish that they they did a little bit more with it as you say like i i kind of i kind of wish they'd done like something more akin to electrodrome in terms of like you know i have like the split paths and things like that that would be perfect for pinball just something you know i mean they've changed calamari desert so much i feel like they could have done it with this but at the same time it is still a really good course it just sort of it smells slightly of missed opportunity in some areas but in other areas it's great so what i meant at the start but they didn't they didn't have all the sound effects i saw something on twitter that they forgot although they didn't forget because they just didn't include it but like when you enter the hallway after the pinball section there's like this sound effect in the original game and it also is in like the intro cut scene you hear that sound effect but it isn't in the game so maybe maybe it's something they patch in later down the road because we wouldn't necessarily assume that if they hadn't already showed their hand about wave one yeah and uh just before we go into the propeller cup they have added some patch notes which i would like to go through okay so um first off i think a lot of people have already seen this but the shy guys now moving their cars wow in coconut mal just to clarify not in every track imagine no no that would be great wouldn't it just shy guys just everywhere in cars wow that's one of my biggest complaints that the cars were just there so i'm glad that they listened that's just really bizarre that they went back but it also gives me hope that they actually go back and listen to some feedback i really like that yeah i get the feeling that maybe it was always intentionally meant to be that way because i don't know it it sort of looks like it's too specific a thing and two sort of substantial thing like it just it makes so much sense you know how it is now like it's it's kind of perfect it's not exactly the same as before but the fact that like dude the donuts and stuff just works really well it's a good reimagining of it and i i don't know i i just sort of feel like maybe it wasn't working for whatever reason and so they basically just turned it off for the initial wave and they were like we'll sort it out later but i i don't know maybe the initial wave was i don't want to say rushed but hurried it was a bit hurried at least like then we got a big gap between wave one and wave two i feel and it feels like they've been perfecting the craft a bit and that's also why i think wave two just feels better than wave one it does yeah but shy guys in cars is not the only thing they've added they've also added some minor graphical uh like details for example when you drive on choker mountain you can now see some chocolate on your wheels or dirt or whatever it is you know it wasn't there i saw a lot of people talk about that on twitter and a lot of people are just oh that's neat yeah it is neat uh but it is it is neat yeah and i also i am i am i'm so sure that they have desaturated choco mountain because i've been looking back over my old footage and it looks so much more saturated on that but i can't say for certain because i can't like capture cards i'm using a different capture card now and so i can't say for absolute certainty because they will all have slightly different values when it comes to things like saturation i've got no way to prove it um and i even tried booting up my old switch because i thought maybe i had just wave one on there i didn't even have wave one on there um but i've got nowhere to prove it but i'm certain they've desaturated some of the old wave one courses i mean the causes in wave two are some of them are really saturated and i especially notice this when playing on my oled um i'm not sure if they've desaturated wave one maybe someone down in the comments can let us know what they thought maybe it's just alex with his conspiracy hat on i really don't know because um yeah i i just have no idea um last thing they added all the last patch note um is that items and coins now spawn faster just in the game in general yeah which is um quite a sort of surprising thing to add at this late stage but it is kind of annoying when you're driving around and you're you're just behind someone and they they get the double box in front of you and you're like nah and you try and steer to get a different box so you don't do it in time and oh you don't end up with an item and suddenly you're an eighth oh you know so i'm i'm not against this change i i think it's all right i like the change just because you know items can be a bit too much sometimes but like if you're driving just behind a big pack and they all get all the items or something then you left with nothing but with the new change you're much more likely to actually get items which is just more fair all around which probably explains where i feel like i've been hit by more items since this afternoon that might be right a lot of blueprints when we were playing it i was like i swear i'm getting hit by more items and you were just like no old man you know let's take you to bed so i feel vindicated that's great okay so now we have the patch notes out of the way let's move on to propeller cup which is the second copy in the dlc wave 2 and we have four exciting tracks to talk about and one of them well the first one is sydney sprint tell us about it alex mixed feelings from me um it's uh overall i like it it's still positive don't get me wrong but i feel that the um i i just sort of i don't quite know what it is i feel like the course is maybe a little bit too busy in some areas visually it's not always super clear until you know the course where you're supposed to go i know there are arrows and stuff but sometimes i think it's just something to do with like the you know the the curve of the courses um you know sort of on the z axis just makes a little bit difficult to see at times it's very minor and overall mostly forgivable but yeah you know i still like the course it can be a bit tight in places sometimes i there's always one corner that i fluff up and that's a me problem but still but overall i would still say yeah i i definitely like this course but i don't but i don't love it i really like this course i think it has a lot going on i'd love that the three laps are very different and it's just nice i love the they've done a lot of that in the dlc courses you know as soon as you see those big arrows you just know okay this is gonna be a course with different laps because you know the arrows change from you know game to game and we start off driving through the opera house and driving through some stuff that looks a bit like tokyo blur which you know that's cool suddenly you're driving the other way you're driving through a boat you're driving through some uh grass fields you're driving down at the ports there's just so much different stuff it's so varied and it has a probably the best soundtrack of this dlc wave wow is it a good song i just really like the setting because some of the city courses especially tokyo blur i wasn't the biggest fan of but this just seems like tokyo blur on steroids it's just so much going on and it's just really fun to drive on yeah i'm a big fan there's one thing that's a bit jarring and that's the fans inside the opera house which is just 2d cut outs and those that normally work perfectly fine when it's seen long distance but you're driving just besides them it looks really jarring and you can just clearly see that they're 2d cutouts at like 5 frames per second um yeah i don't know it just looks a bit weird that they put them there when you're gonna see them that close but that's my only nitpick with the course i really like it and more city tracks please i i had noticed the fans thing actually and that's usually the sort of thing that i pick up on irritatingly quickly and it it can spoil things for me going from australia let's go to the north pole it's snow land i don't know if it's north pole it just sounded cool snow land from the game boy advance yeah it's a slippery course it's very very beautiful course uh like it's a game point track so they've done a lot to they've added like heights and stuff like instead of mario sucker 3 which is basically just a flat track this has some different stuff going on even though it's a gameboy track and i really like the slippery aspect it it's a whole different experience to drive around and the penguins look really good driving around and i can't really remember the song maybe it wasn't that memorable but but it was all right yeah i really like this course as well more than i thought i would the slipperiness aspect you immediately think oh god you know i hate slippery courses and i would argue yeah i would say that that would be a bad thing if the whole course wasn't consistently slippery so just for a single race you just have to sort of like rethink your turning and stuff like that so it kind of works um i i mean there may well be some people out there for whom it doesn't work but for me i'm like yeah i can actually get along with this and aesthetically it's very pleasing it's quite a sort of a short track which is um i don't think a bad thing you know sometimes it's good to have some long and some short um it's just kind of nice to have a simple course as well among all the uh all the differences i love it when they do crazy stuff and they do different things but you know sometimes just a a good old racing course is also nice to have and that's what we've got here i generally really like snow courses i i remember last video we talked and kate was like there is no good snow courses and dk summit hello what no but this is one of the greatest snow tracks there is some bad snow tracks and i really like seeing the snowman back i know it's he originated from mario 64 but i remember him from mario ds and it's just a nice little snowman which i've dearly missed good to have you back he's a good boy [Music] but next up we have probably my favorite course oh we don't have to talk about this one it's mushroom gorge and to me it lives up to expectations it's what we had on wii but with a few new changes like a blue mushroom i'm sorry in the last video i said they were changing up i did not know they had changed in mario 3ds to uh blue mushroom to like make a flight section but uh i am now one blue mushroom richer in knowledge so that's good to know and i actually really like the change because it just gives it that extra spice so like you have three different parts to follow so you you can take one different one each game each lap after i said that i was like something was wrong there yeah i like this course as well again it's kind of a short one um but i don't think that's necessarily a bad thing i think there's definitely some sort of like forced momentum in the underground section which is it feels a little bit strange at first but i don't think it's a bad thing because it means that you're less likely to fall off unless i mean if you get you know if you royally screw up you're still gonna fall off but like if you get hit by a shell and you're near an edge i've noticed that you get you maintain more momentum than you would do normally and i think that's a nice little sort of tweak to the physics just to make things a little bit a little bit more forgiving in what is otherwise a very bouncy area i think i was very uh worried about was that in 200cc it just wouldn't be adjusted and you would just like fly too long and fall in between the mushrooms no that wasn't the case you still yeah you were still on the mushrooms and that was just great so i really like the maybe forced momentum but it just made that i never fell off the like course because i fell in between mushrooms yeah and that was the most important thing i also really liked that they brought back the mushroom shortcut just before like the wooden bridge which which uh was gone in mario kart 7 and mario kart 2 um yeah i tried it out and it's a really fun shortcut that i didn't know was in the original wii track because i was 10 year olds and really bad at the game also they kept the the mushroom shortcut at the end of the track like um there's like this corner and in the original wii track you could like use a mushroom to like cut that shortcut and you can still do that which is great because in mario kart 8 lucky 2 picks you up a lot like it's a very antsy shortcut friendly game unless the game actually wants you to do those shortcuts so that's just great that they kept it in there that shortcut now ah that lucky two doesn't you know put you back on the track so uh yeah all around a really nice a really nice re-imagination of this track and man the music oh [Music] it's a good bit of plinky plonk [Music] but yeah that leaves us at the last track of this whole wave 2 but also the first track they showed off and that is the quote unquote new track which is also coming to mario kart or later it's sky high sunday wow yeah not so wow for me i genuinely feel that this is unfortunately the weakest track in the wave yeah um yeah i mean i like the concept of what they were trying to do like it's it's all anti-grav and stuff which is kind of fun i like the anti-grav when it's used um but it sort of feels a little bit it feels it i mean it's incredibly linear there's only one i think arguably alternate path i mean it forks at one point but they're both identical it's symmetrical and then you can go on the upper level or the lower level and that is it every single other bit is the same apart i suppose you could argue you can go through an ice cream and get some items but everyone's gonna go through the ice cream at the start because that's where the items are um i also it just it just sort of feels like hey it's just floating in the sky it doesn't provide any sort of context for it which i know not every mario kart 8 deluxe track does but generally they try and provide a kind of like groundedness to things even if it is within mario's own um you know sort of own rules like you know hey of riding on clouds in the sky well mario runs on clouds in the game that makes sense but here it's just like ice cream floating we are talking about mario kart and sometimes they raise in really wacky places i don't think we're gonna expect them to like be grounded in reality with this one yeah i could forgive it if it was really like a really good course and it was kind of like well it doesn't make any sort of like sense within the rules but it's really fun to race around but it it's just fine yeah i think the track is all right it's not my favorite it's not my least favorite it's right there in the middle because it's nice to race on something completely new i think the visuals look all right there is a place like just before you go into some like i don't know um you take a turn and then you drop on to some ramps and stuff and the camera is just very slow to follow which i thought was a bit weird yeah it's nearly always pointing up a bit too much when you know the course it's okay but the first time you go around you're like oh my god am i am i gonna land on something or am i just gonna fall off the edge and that's that's not good i hope they patch it out in a future update maybe it's just yeah they didn't realize it was a problem i hope some people speak about it and it'll be a thing like uh the moving cars in all the dirt and choco martin maybe it's a thing they just didn't realize and then they could just patch it in when waste three arrives but alex i know you have a well you talked about it yesterday you had like a tiny problem with the staircase yeah the staircase it's it this is a nitpick again um but i the staircase is fine you know sort of it's not the fact that you're driving up a staircase i don't care about that that happens all the time in mario kart but the fact that they've got handrails in the middle and you sort of think okay they're an obstacle but they're not they they actually give you a boost which doesn't make like if they were sort of like stylized or it was like posts or something like some swirly sort of like ice cream you know glowing blue ice cream things or something like the posts in the other anti-grav sections in the game we'd know okay yeah you can hit those but but it's a handrail it's not animated so you assume it's a um it's a hazard but it's not it's it's it's actually a boost and if it was a hazard and maybe it originally was meant to be a hazard i could understand why they would change their minds about that because yeah you know slap bang in the middle you quite easily gonna get caught in between the handrail you know between the posts and stuff but just take it out or replace it with posts like that i just sort of feel like it's visually it goes against everything else in marikai deluxe it's a very weird choice to suddenly just have those be like the the tiny beasts that normally are like visualized in a special way yeah maybe they just didn't have time to change it maybe it was like you say it was a hazard and then they realized too late that oh this doesn't work let's just change it up and we still want it in there so we'll just change it to something else i personally don't mind it it's a minor nitpick like you say it's just weird but yeah it just it goes against like so many other things that we've seen in this wave like real attention to detail and real care and thought and then handrail it makes you go faster it just i don't know it's just not conducive to everything else it's disappointing to me well there you have it i didn't expect mario circa 3 to get more praise than sky high sunday but here we are let us know what you thought of these tracks did you like wave 1 best or is wave to the champion yeah let us know down in the comments below and if you like this video why don't you drift into that subscribe button that looks suspiciously like a handrail and don't forget to check out our website nintendolife.com for all sorts of nintendo related content stay safe play some mario kart dlc wave to felix from nintendo live here out wave one seven out of ten wave two eight out of 10 make 3 or 9.
Channel: Nintendo Life
Views: 129,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nintendo Life, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Switch, New 3DS, Nintendo UK, Felix, Alex, Mario Kart, Mario Kart 8, Mario Kart 8 DX, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe DLC, Mario K, NX, mk8, mk8d, dlc, new, new mario kart, mario kart new, paris, tour, mario kart tour, mario kart switch, new mario kart switch, download, update, nso, Waluigi, Musroom Gorge
Id: uzRg7CxHVAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 14sec (1874 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2022
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