We Unlocked The Plaidessey's Full Potential!

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[Music] [Applause] so I recently picked up this 2021 Honda Civic Type R we're actually giving this thing away to one of you guys if you're watching this right now you probably have just a little under two weeks to get entered to win this thing every $5 you spend on the boosted boys.com gets you automatically entered for a chance to win this Honda Civic typ R right here right now it is currently stock but you guys know us we can't leave things stock for too long so if you look right down here we got our some goodies that we are going to be putting onto the Civic Type R we have a lot more where these came from and day by day we're going to be slowly upgrading this thing until it is a full bolt-on Ripper but for today we're going to focus on a couple things that we got here so these components came from PRL if you look right over here this is their high volume intake system and then more importantly we got this unit right here this is prl's aftermarket high volume intercooler for the Honda Civic typ R and just look at these freaking Billet intakes on here guys this thing is a very nice piece this alone is just bolt-on horsepower it will decrease the intake air temperatures by an average of like 32 degrees and a peak of almost 50° and overall it's just going to be a much better piece to have over the OEM intercooler I've heard that these tip bars have some heat soaking problems especially when you're running them hard at the track and stuff like that so this intercooler will help a ton with that because it's also a safety risk if you start you know running it too hard and your intake temps start climbing and you're on pump gas you can actually risk uh detonation on Pump Fuel so this will actually help with all of that as well help increase Performance Engine safety all that good stuff so we're going to go ahead and start working on the typ bar here doing our first mods get this bumper pulled off and get to installing our in cooler today we'll see if we get to the intake stuff as well but we'll take it piece by [Music] piece [Music] all right guys got the old intercooler off right here getting rid of that old thing and we got this fresh new PR one going on I saw some comments on the py video saying how far we've come from three-part intercooler series to doing a whole buildin one video so I appreciate that guys and this one's already ready to rip you guys don't have to wait for me to put this thing together we don't got to machine all these fancy Billet intakes it's just ready to go super straightforward it just has four bolts holding it on it was really simple to do just pull the bumper off zip that one off and replace it instant horsepower so we'll go ahead get this one on and that will be our Honda Civic typ R upgrade for [Music] today [Music] all right guys we got the new PRL intercooler installed on the Civic Type R here I'll make this quick we do have a couple new things on the site you guys can grab something off the website to get enter to win this thing you guys look right here I'm wearing a white shirt we usually don't do white shirts cuz I'm always working in the shop we get them so dirty but we came out with a couple white designs so we got booster boys on the front booster boys on the back with a turb sky we also got the missing third gear shirt if please contact me and then for those of you that don't want to get chewed out by your girlfriend or significant other for wearing a nice shirt while you're working we have this is my workshirt right here a t-shirt that you can just grab tear up you know get stuff done we have our hoodies restocked as well and we have all the old designs on the website we have some new stickers here as well we got the entire fleet basically right here we got the Ry MR2 waggo the Hat shoo and fire the NSX the jetbat and some of our other stickers as well why it's trucks in there we got some new Koozies as well as always we got our little turbo keychains we got we got a little shifter keychain and a piston keychain we got some new air fresheners as well just some simple turb skis and some updated booster boys air fresheners as well and then our hats sun hat we got these trucker hats in stock as well T more on the website be sure check it out every five bucks you spent on the booster boys.com get you a chance to win this Civic Type R right here that should be what I need right there got a boot box yours too I'm more interested in that guy right there what's in there the uh unit to fix this thing over here hopefully you see what that is in there that's the Tesla yeah that y'all had out there yep oh my goodness y'all crazy man this is insane man that's crazy man God damn all right guys UPS just showed up and in this box right here should hopefully be the solution to the platy air suspension issue why we can't go over 91 mph we had our friends from the electri fride garage come over and help us diagnose the car here and we Trace things down to the air suspension module and we got a brand new one right here and we are going to be plugging this one in and hopefully that will fix our issue and we can finally go over 91 mph in the platy here we'll have all the drag uh mode features back we'll have the track mode features back just we'll be able to rip on this thing because this has been limiting us and finally got it so hopefully this one does the trick well that's disappointing well guys got some bad news we definitely just got sold a ECU that was out of like a flood car it was definitely used as a boat anchor dude oh we cannot C their break dude so I was about to plug this thing in I noticed the plugs looked a little corroded and I was like what the heck like you can kind of see like this green stuff on top of them and I looked in there they looked kind of dirty I was like what the heck's going on so popped the cover off and that's what we got inside of there completely destroyed look at that that was definitely underwater probably came out of a flooded Tesla or something I just got this on eBay as a used part everything's like oh it should be in working order yeah right dude they definitely didn't even care to inspect this thing that's pretty messed up dude yeah yeah so that freaking sucks cuz the platy videos are ripping right now obviously we want to get this thing up and going just to go have fun with it and make content for you guys with it this set me back a week as is I was waiting for this to show up from California and I thought for sure that this would fix it but obviously I'm not even going to attempt to plug that in sure you don't want to try it that's probably going to fry a lot more things than you know we got going on right now so yeah I guess I'm just going to have to go ahead and order another one hopefully they refund me on this one cuz I mean dude that's just no one at that obviously that is done so is what it is guys I guess I'll go try to track down another one and go from there that freaking sucks all right guys UPS just showed up and we have our second module that we have had to order for the Tesla and or platy Odyssey whatever it is now but hopefully this fixes it cuz if it doesn't we're going to be in big trouble so I got the new module pulled apart just to make sure that it wasn't underwater like the other one and it is looking good so just for comparison this is what that other one looked like once again oh this one is crusty and I'm glad we did not plug this in cuz that would have really messed some stuff up 100% this thing was underwater at some point so luckily they gave me a refund I sent them pictures and they're like yeah that thing's trash gave me a refund so that's done and dealt with but we got our new one in I'm going to go ahead and snap this cover back on we're going to turn off the car kind of reset everything plug the new one in and see if it reacts to this new one being plugged in but there's a good chance that even after we plug this in that might not fix it right away we might have to actually bring this thing back up to the unplugged performance guys and they might I have to actually run through it send out some reinstall firmware to get the car familiar with the new hardware going in there things like that so it might not just be a pluged in and its fixed sort of deal but they did say if we plug this thing in it might start to try to work or it could just fix it we don't know so plug in in and see what happens all right just got the new module plugged in go ahead and plug everything back in powered on see if anything happens all right it's making noises again well it still says air suspension unavailable hold on last time we were on this screen though all of the bags were red and the compressor was red yep now it's just showing a little red square right there that might be something to do with the module itself okay so right now it says ECU issue says everything else is okay but it's detecting something's wrong with the ECU we just plugged in oh it has an alert right here I don't know if that's it says crash event so that might be within that computer saying that cuz it probably came out of a wrecked car the one I ordered on eBay so it has a code in that ECU on the air suspension that it had a crash event so maybe that needs to be reset and then it will work let me call them real quick yeah I'm up bright and early got the platy all loaded up here because I'm getting ready to head up toala to the electrified garage to see if we can finally get this thing fixed and riing again because we need this to work I'm very confident that the module itself was the fix because now we have all sensors reading we did not have that before on the old one so the old codes that were the issue are gone now the only thing we have left is the mismatch chassis and the Crash event and we're thinking the main one is the crash event because that computer was obviously in a wrecked car has that crash event on there and it's saying that we have to do a air suspension routine service or routine kind of check like it has to run this little uh check on all of the air suspension to make sure everything is working right and that's something that we can't do ourselves with the car you have to have the software on the computer to kind of do that so those guys have the setup to do everything I'm just going to go ahead bring it down there hopefully we get this thing squared away today and the plasy will be able to go over 91 mph and everything will function as it should so cross your fingers boys hopefully this works all right guys we got the platy back over here at the electrified garage got Travis over here what's up man got their guy LZ in here plugged in and what are we doing right now clearing the crash code yep like like I was explaining to you the other day you even know you have a lot of things unplugged and missing from the car it will skip over those ecus and it will program the ecus that it can find so it's basically what it did okay uh you just didn't have the ability to clear the crash code you know we have the Tesla subscription obviously to care of that get that cleared try again see if it yeah reacts to that weird situation but yeah that thing definitely failed yeah why we don't know yeah hopefully it doesn't do it again well just make sure the car's down when you go welding on it cuz I know you guys are doing a lot of welding so let make sure the car's down uh and I have to assume that's what caused it yeah that would make sense I mean we unplugged it every time we welded on it or did anything but you never know electric maybe it just found its way in there somehow maybe somebody was doing a quick one you know because it's basically a 5vt converter takes 16 volts converts it down to 5 volts and then sends it out as a reference so they're very uh delicate getting a little tour of the electrified garage over here looks like they got a Model S battery out how much does just the battery weigh uh roughly 13 13300 jeez this is Rich rebuilds iced tea we saw this thing back at SEMA when I met him it looks like now he has a supercharger on this thing guys got to knock knock the dust off this thing yes sir we do our our fly wire went down so we're waiting on [Music] that dang this thing is sick too it is dude we like it 56 B air with a model 3 underneath it so this gentleman that built this thing did a really good job we got to give them Kudos cool build this is what you need to deal with this is your issue with your rou see this is your headlight module that runs on linbus so basically you're just going to be converting linbus to analog so that your headlights work correctly okay but this is something similar that you would need I'm sure I'll put you and Wyatt in touch for some questions yeah no problem at all no worries um here's some versions that we do this obviously used to be a gaser now it's electric 140 horsepower oh this truck over here yeah just a little pet so that's 140 Hors motor right there yes sir it's crazy how compact that is it is runs on 150 volts or so the batteries aren't in it obviously on this one too do you guys plan on getting like all the backup cameras and all that stuff functioning you crazy with it I've already that works great Yep this car now runs and drives it didn't when it got here runs drives charges um obviously autopilot things of that nature are going to be way too technical unless they have a budget you know we can work on that but uh we're in the process of getting the parking sensors to work for park assist are you going as far as like door sensors so it knows when the doors open all that correct that's what it's here for damn that's crazy I want to I'd love to take the van that far get all the little things working well you have us so you have wiring diagram so there's no worries there we got you covered all these things that were gas powered are now electric and the one thing that was electric is now gas powered it's called a flex we're hoping this will outrun his his Hellcat that he has oh yeah we're hoping see if it can outrun that platy though I I doubt it I doubt it rich when you're in town we're lining him up I'm sure he'll be happy to you know's he's very sporty so what's the verdict here we're good it seems happy it's getting contact is left and right so just waiting for update to finish and we should be good there you go yes all right the air compressor came on it just lowered we are going back up guys right we do have the yellow light so I need you to ride it around one time okay what does the yellow light indicate uh it might need calibration so once you take it around let the car get familiar with the uh new B module and we'll know them it'll be a simple process we'll pull it in here in the bay we'll do some measurements type it into the computer so we got the platy pulled inside because we still had a alert come up since the suspension isn't level since we've been tampering with the heights so right now he's manually going in and setting the heights so we can get everything kind of leveled out make the car think that everything's where it needs to be because does still have one of the ride control features disabled right now so just got to make sure it's all leveled out and hopefully we should be good to go after that but the air suspension is working we're not limited to 91 so we are looking good boys all right so everything's calibrated everything's looking good no faults no Faults your system when we did body Swap this thing we did want to get the body as low as possible and we were worried we might run into some rubbing so we're going to have to get back to the house and address that to uh fully set it down on low but right now he is going into the highest setting which looks like we should have plenty of clearance there so is that where Max high is yep yep so now he's going Max low right now letting her air down that's all the way low yes sir let's take a look yeah it ISS pretty good right there not going to lie it's got stance now yep yes stance out brother roll those fenders a little bit we should be good oh yeah I'm so glad that it was just that module bagged out right now that's all the way looks real good now I guess if it happens again then we know right where to look you just look for the the bat sign dude I know where to go get get some merch get the bat sign you get us accidentally dug up the parking lot a little bit little bit little bit sacrificial damage hey I appreciate it man thanks for the help yeah anytime like I said and if we have any other issues we know where to go just light up the bat sign we'll be there BR yep Electrify garage well guys air suspension is fixed I've been waiting to do this since we got the minivan body on this thing we still might need to do some clearancing I got it raised up right now hopefully it stays at this height when I put it into track mode and we don't have any rubbing but we got the cars cleared out here and we're going to see if the plasy will whip a couple donuts out here for us I think it's going to look pretty sick just seeing a all-wheel drive electric minivan whipping some donuts it's probably going to shut off after a couple like it typically does but I've just been waiting for this moment so I'm ready well here goes nothing we got her on the drift setting see what it does [Applause] [Applause] let's [Applause] go Bo yes boys that was sick I don't think many people can say they all-wheel drive flat spun there 01 Honda Odyssey dude it looks so ridiculous how'd that look it looks sick not going to lie it feels so cool in there I'm surprised dude it held a really tight Circle right here and it went for a good amount of time that was like two full rotations before it shut it down yeah we need to figure that out yeah I wish it would just let it go so it is confirmed the platy does sick burnouts um we're going to put this thing in Drag Strip mode and see how far the front comes down just to get an idea of how much we're going to have to clearance these fenders or try to roll them out we definitely have to do a little clearancing in the back when this thing is set to low um but the front seems to clear just in normal driving mode but when it gets into that cheetah stance it does come pretty far down so we're going to take a look and why it's going to warn me if it's really pushing on those fenders and I'll stop and let it come out we're just going to see cuz we have to get this thing ready for the drag strip at some point you guys already know oh oh oh is definitely definitely pushing oh no it's just rolling its own fenders it's fine oh dude it definitely had that whole tire over there it was bad dude it was Tire definitely tucked stance boys would be jealous of that fitment oh but it didn't hurt it no it didn't hurt it entering drag strip mode oh yeah she is tucking dude it fits pretty good though it's not hitting too bad it says it's ready to long it says it's ready it says it's ready dude we can definitely roll that out so hold on keep her and cheetah stance so it is in cheetah stance ready to launch right now we're just going to have to slightly clearance some so we don't cut these tires yep but dude I think we can make it work yeah I think so stance boys would be jealous of that man dude it comes down far it looks pretty sick you see this side yeah it's t pry hard that's pretty cool pretty sick though I'm so glad that mle fixed it yeah that could have been such a headache I mean it was a headache to it was a headache at least it works now all right you ready to go drive or what I'm ready go do a rip you want to rip it hop on in we'll take her down the street so badly just pun it a little bit fck it dud so much better too yes oh I smell Tire it is rubbing just a little bit dude but it's not all like boy now and it actually dead hook way better before when you punch it it felt like it was going to we now it feels like it feels like how it was when we first got it you know it feels solid now bro you got beat by a Honda Odyssey technically the platy is unbeatable if you lose to it you lose and if you win you beat a minivan right congrats bro win-win for us brother we are invincible right well guys that's going to wrap it up for this video the platy is freaking up and fully operational I'm so excited to just do some more with this thing uh we do have to do some clearancing on those fenders get some stuff to fit and not rub but other than that guys we got the air suspension fixed this thing's ripping again and we'll have tons more coming up on the platy hopefully here soon but we got to get some of these other cars ready we got some drag racing to do as well so we got a ton of stuff coming up for you guys hope you guys enjoyed don't forget to get entered to win the Civic Type R we'll see you guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] later [Music]
Channel: BoostedBoiz
Views: 799,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mH-vzgAQx-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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