Building Joe Rogan A Custom Racing Simulator

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[Music] [Music] [Music] this is Joe Rogan's P1 ultimate Sim setup that we are currently in the process of assembling now this Sim is about 65% done and we're going to be putting the finishing touches on to deliver it to his studio in Austin Texas obviously as you can see it's not fully done but let's get started on the assembly and show you guys step byep in the process of how to get it to the final product if you guys are new here we are podium one racing and we are the world's best TurnKey Sim Builders and this is just another one in the process now you guys haven't seen some of the Sims we built but this one specifically has a few custom options that we want to go into with you guys and show you so the P1 ultimate is the top-of-the-line system that we have here putting on racing and this is the ultimate with the obsessed garage option on it and we're actually adding on a few extra details that are going to be unique to Joe Sim specifically this is going to be going to his studio in Austin Texas we're going to be hand delivering it and setting it up for him as you guys can see where it's at right now is a lot of the wiring is done we have the pedals on we have the wheel on we have a few different aspects added on like the flight but to get it to its final form we obviously had to add things on like the seat and a lot of other aspects like I said 65% d as you looking at it in its form right now one of the unique aspects that we did for Joe was we painted it in a actual Porsche chalk gray he didn't specifically want any particular custom color but here we like to have a little bit of that custom finish on there because it looks a little bit cleaner than just the black finish now Joe just wanted to buy the turnkey syst some ready to go and deliver to his house but with some of the touches that we wanted to add on we wanted to make it unique because it's obviously Joe Rogan one of those big things is going to be the seat now we're going to take you guys to the back and show you guys a little bit information on that seat before we go ahead and add it on and install it onto the CER one of the unique aspects of this rig is going to be the seat now this is an actual race car seat from raro this is the ricaro podium seat right here as you can tell it's a full carbon fiber seat now an interesting aspect of this with the rig is that Joe has no idea that this is going on the Sim he thinks he's getting a standard seat whatever comes with the P1 ultimate and now he's getting a super unique seat along with obviously the color of everything but this is an actual race car seat that's FIA tested and could be placed in an actual car but he's going to have it on the Sim and I think it's' be really cool to see his rea that because he has no [Music] idea some of you guys might be wondering why Joe Rogan's buying a SIM from us how he found out about us here and I'll tell you guys a little bit of a story about that now if you guys know Tom sigura very funny comedian he has a bunch of podcast and stuff and he's also into cars and racing and things of that nature and he saw one of our reels on Instagram that went viral he reached out to us and we were working with him to build him a custom Sim if you guys might have saw on one of Tom's podcasts he actually talked about this and getting this new sim do you play video games way no you should see very opposite from each other a PC system can't what you don't for [ __ ] sake another Oculus thing no no what a seat it's the most one of the yeah but it's the it's the it's the [ __ ] what you even what was he talking about he's talking about rich people G video game [ __ ] I looked over at you and you went like this and he goes yeah what is that yeah this is nerd code yeah we'll figure it out I would love to do it look at her face is she excited for you I know God what is this look at the TVs are like turned around J okay you want to hear the coolest part price can I tell you the coolest part though let me see that you can you can switch you can switch between uh um any type of car any type of track then go to helicopter and they give you all the and and then go into then go to planes and even Jets we took that clip cut it up put it on our Instagram made a real of it and Joe saw that and sent us a DM it's kind of funny the DM he sent us Joe sent us a message and said I effing need this in my life hahahaha so we able to get in contact with him get in contact with Jamie and Joe actually purchased this Sim setup from us and again we're going to do a little bit add-ons here and there but this isn't a sponsor build or anything Joe wanted to purchase a setup it's pretty cool that he wanted one of our Sims it's now time to install the seat but I'm going to have Chandler one of the owners of podium one racing come in here and show you guys a little bit more details while we're installing the seat and some information on the Sim as we're building it so what's up guys we got P1 Trey here installing the seat sliders all of our Sims are built with intentionality meaning that people of all shapes and sizes can get in and be able to reach the pedals get in their comfortable position everyone's a little bit different on on the seating position the type of racing so it's Formula 1 to GT3 to NASCAR everyone's going be able to find their home on this rig couple other things I want to touch on is build quality anyone can build a Sim I encourage you guys if you can't afford a turnkey key s from someone like us to build it it's a lot of fun they're all modular the reason someone like Joe would pay us50 60 $70,000 for the ultimate Sim is because attention to detail we build hundreds of Sims a month and thus we get to run into all the issues you might run into in a Sim and the best way to wire the best products Etc so I want to show there's going to be several dozen peripherals installed on this rig meaning that USB cables have to be powered properly whether it's USB 3.0 2.0 uh data cables for the motion actuators for us it's like a giant puzzle of putting it together in the most perfect way so we've got probably 15 to 20 hours in wiring just on the chassis meaning that everything is put in a methodical way so if anything had to be replaced or anyone wanted to upgrade a piece everything's accessible everything makes sense and again attention to detail and build quality another thing I want to touch on is rigidity these right here are haptic motion actuators which we'll get into some of the details on how they work later but this thing has to be able to support up to 1,000 lbs moving vibrations there's a lot of things going on people putting you know 100 kg of pressure on a brake pedal so that that means that every nut and bolt has to be so tight so locked in all the wiring has to be tight locked in to a point where someone could have this rig for 2 years and and race on it you know 10 hours a week and nothing moves unless it's supposed to guys like Trey right here which I would say are Craftsman uh in the Sim racing industry put a lot of time and Care into how these things are built again we've touched on the wiring we've touched on the build quality and then we have to get into things like ergonomics right where should a shifter Be Where should an e brake Be Where should a steering wheel be how should it be positioned those are things that we have to think through um because a lot of people are like well I built a setup for $2,000 at home and you can do again I encourage you guys to do that but when you start to get into a system that can be used for actual training or even Pilots when you get some of the higher end flight Sims can actually log hours with the F FAA approved Sim there's a lot of stuff that we have to think through in the back end and I just wanted to give you guys really a first look inside of podium one what goes on beyond the scenes we've never really done an in-depth build overview like this showing kind of the craftsmanship couple other fun features like the LED all this has to be wired into the chassis so whether it's a remote like this or an iPhone app any of our customers with motion and the LEDs uh equipped um will be able to you know control their colors you got LEDs integrated into the wheelbase obviously the wheels have all sorts of LEDs the pedals some of the flight stuff again just kind of giving you guys a a full context picture of what goes into just the chassis what I'm really excited to show you is the monitor stand you'll see the big sexy giant curved monitors but it's behind the monitors where the magic happens so we'll keep going so with our P1 ultimate there's two wheels included we have a formula style acetc Forte which is forged carbon and carbon fiber LEDs everywhere it's a great wheel but again it's more for Formula racing for more traditional racing we'll call it Club sport we have a club sport style wheel from GSI with the screen all the buttons TC brake bias Etc that way people have a little bit of uh flexibility on what type of racing they're going to be doing but for Joe's he's got a 993 Gunther Works Porsche we know he's a Porsche fan so he's got an officially licensed Porsche rsr replica wheel again officially licensed meaning that this is a one toone replica of the Porsche rsr with all the four tra control settings the screen with the dash tachometer Etc it's going to be [Music] awesome wow that looks even better once you get it on the chass I will say something I've been waiting for since we got the seat Ricardo send sent us the seat is to see it on a rig a lot of the reason that we wanted to paint this the color that we did obviously being an official Factory Porsche color is to give contrast to highlight the seat if you put this seat on a black system and you'll see them kind of out in the distance here you really would be able to see the carbon fiber and the black Alara in the red so for us this is this is a cool moment because this seat first Sim first time this seat's been installed on a Sim and you can see it in all of its details perfectly in honor of Joe Rogan Sim we're going to be doing a giveaway of an astec Forte wheel with a custom built stand that you could put on your desk that is actually powered for this aitec Forte wheel so when we go ahead and slide this on you can see it actually Powers up and so you can have this on your desk displayed and these pieces on the back are actually made leftover parts from Joe Rogan Sim now again if you actually have your own Sim set up and rigged and you have a compatible wheelbase for this steering wheel you can actually use this wheel yourself or you can just keep it as a display piece if you do not have a r so the rules giveaway are very simple you just have to one subscribe to YouTube channel podium one racing number two follow us on on Instagram at 21 racing as well and number three leave a comment on the post that's up on the screen that's going to be on our Instagram page and tag two friends and that is it and we'll pick the winner in one month's time as we're in the process of building Joe's Sim obviously we have about let's say 30% left on it we have it at a point right now where we can show you a little bit more detail on some of the aspects of it like the pedals that you won't be able to see once we get stuff like the monitors involved and with this process since it's somebody like Joe Rogan Sim we want to show you guys as much detail as possible and give you guys as much information as possible because it's not every day that you get to to see setups like this especially for somebody like Joe so we're going to give you a little more detail especially on the pedals cuz this is an important aspect of this rig one of the biggest issues for people getting into SIM racing and feeling real is the pedals the steering wheel and the feedback and all that stuff is nuanced but you can get even a half decent direct drive wheelbase and it feels pretty good you get it dialed however for pedals there's so much feel that goes into feeling the brake feeling the throttle the clutch Etc so the pedal set that we have here we've got two static pedals for the throttle and clutch these are the hosing Feld ultimates company out of Germany they make by far the best pedals in Sim racing apart from this this is the only pedal in existence that is fully active and I don't know if you can see here there's a screwdrive so this pedal when I open up the software you guys will see this later on it can move by itself now why would you want it to move by itself all the subtle nuances for instance if you're driving a car like a GT4 Porsche with abs you can feel the ABS because this thing can actually give that feedback whether it's vibrations whether it's movement Etc another reason is we've got uh drivers pro drivers that drive multiple different series so they might be in an LMP car and they might be in a GT4 Club sport one day at Daytona doing the uh Roar before the 24 right and the difference in those cars are vastly different one's going to have a mechanical brake one's going to have more electronics and so to be able to emulate that you need a pedal that can be quickly adjusted so with this screwdrive you can adjust the travel so you have the full travel here but in the software you can limit it to say you know 18 mm right and it's it's going to limit that travel limit that brake pressure so for us you know this a $2,500 brake pedal that is what makes a $60 to $770,000 sim is all these different components to get to the ultimate simulator where everything just works and feels [Music] Perfect all right we are back and is the next day now a few more things have gotten done on the rig but right now we're doing an important massive part of this setup and that is the monitor arms now if you can see how massive this is behind me check this out so you might be wondering why is it so big well there are three Samsung Odyssey Arc 4K 55 in screens going on this setup if you guys don't know how massive those are we actually have a few of them over there we're going to show you guys us putting them on here in a bit but let's show you guys the stand obviously it is paint to match the entire Sim so this is the painted sample Porsche chalk gry another thing we're going to show you guys is the PC that is needed to power this entire setup which is a lot of power the PC sits on the back right here there's a nice little monitor stand and there's a lot of other components so what I'm going to have now is I'm going to have Chandler kind of come on start putting things together as well as explain the uh specs of the PC and everything in order to power this Mass thing because the screens themselves can't just power you put the three screens together and connect to PC it doesn't just work like that you have to make some modifications you have to do some programming to make that work and chanler is going to explain there's the massive monitors so I've got a 55 in Samsung art this thing's quite heavy probably not the best judge of weight but I mean it's got to be a good 60 to 70 lb two things that make it really hard to run triple curb setup one is lining them up and you'll see when we get the bezels these things are going to be as crispy as possible perfectly lined up same height same angle obviously level Etc what's really cool about these monitors doesn't really matter for Sim racing is that they're fully adjustable so you can run you know you could run triples ver but for us obviously running in 16x9 landscape but you can see these brackets here custommade brackets to fully adjust the toe and angle of the monitor the level of the monitor so I can increase this or this to adjust the level and that would translate to the adjustments of this so for us again it's going to be one not only us getting it perfectly lined up here but when the customer has it their their ability to be able to adjust it if anything changes if they wanted to tighten them up a little bit everything's on swiv arm so we've got adjustment here we've got adjustment here obviously on this side same thing this is going to slide in we get the other monitor on so we can get everything perfectly centered perfectly lined up that's the physical side we'll talk a little bit more about it when we get it powered on the other big component with triple monitor especially of this stature right 55 in triple 4K is the software side getting even an Nvidia 4090 we'll go into this PC specs but even a 490 struggles to recognize and power three giant 4K monitors but we've got some tricks up our sleeve and some things that we do to make sure that they come on perfectly every single time all right so I'm going to pan the camera down here you can see that these aren't lined up right because the weight of these things it's leaning forward well take take my uh trusty number four Allen key here and I'm going to start to kick the bottom of this monitor out so these things line up now right now we've got the screen protectors on but without them these bezels actually lock into each other so you can see that this is slightly higher so what I'm going to do is I'm going to lower it or raise this one make sure they're level and we'll get these things perfectly crisp now one of the biggest things that we see from people is like oh do you have bezel Hider kits etc etc on smaller monitors they do make these acrylic bezel Hider kits that will span over the bezel so you don't see the black Thin Line like this however for monitors this size it's hard to get that to actually get the angles right so it truly deletes the bezel but I will say as someone who spends a lot of time Sim racing your eyes completely tune out the bezel and you'll see that when we get this thing powered up because we line the bezels up with the a pillars and I'll just have to show you but I know that we're going to get some comments they're like oh what about the bezels or the bezel Hyder kit so for us if you get these things perfectly level perfectly adjusted and locked in they just completely disappear all right so here is the PC Big Boy what do we got here fully custom built PC with an Nvidia RTX 490 we've got ddr5 64 gigs of RAM liquid cooled and we've got an i 9 13th Gen processor so essentially what we do for our PCS is Max am out to the full capability that we can within reason of course we could get 128 gigs of RAM but the reality is is it's not going to be used right so we want to have 20 30% head room in every PC both from a processing standpoint from a graphic standpoint so that we can run the highest frame rates possible so with triple Samsung arcs with Nvidia the most that we can power is 120 HZ and that's an Nvidia lock you can't go above 120 HZ for triple 4ks that being said we need to be north of 120 frames at least 120 frames and we make sure that we again have the right processing with graphic power to be able to run the highest frame rate possible to match the monitor [Music] all right so we got all the monitors on doing the little tweaks and stuff and obviously all the wiring has to be done but if you can see just by doing this look how crazy wide that angle is we're going to be able to give you guys a better representation once we get all the monitors on so you can see what it looks like powered up but this is insane I wanted to time-lapse this part of the build because this is something you guys don't see all the tedious work that goes into the wiring and making sure that every part of this rig is perfect the wires are perfectly tucked so here's a little bit of a time lapse of [Music] that we are now on the stage of the monitors for Joe Rogan Sim setup now as you guys can see we have the crazy massive curve cure of these monitor this is going to be three Samsung Odyssey Arc 55 in 4k monitors it's going to create the ultimate immersion when you're doing racing simulation flight simulation everything like that now if we go ahead and check around the sides well first let's just bask in the glory of the curvature just look at that would you just look at it oh would you look at this come around to the side we have the Porsche chalk gray paint that matches the chassis as well we've got a lot of the cable management and everything taken care of we're still doing some f final pieces here and there but as we come around the back we got the sub standand here for the subwoofer as well as we have the PC that is about to get fired Up For the First Time wire Management's done everything like that and I cannot wait to see this thing ready to go we got everything pretty much ready to go here and slide into the monitor setup so we're going to be just pushing the rig in and getting it all lined up and ready for the first fire up and get everything all plugged in so we're going to slide this in it's actually super simple we just go ahead and push it and it slides very easily so let's go like this slide it in just like that now we're going to get everything plugged in and ready to go for the very first fire up and get this thing testing making sure is absolutely perfect for Joe I cannot wait look how crazy this carbon back seat looks inside of here this is going to look so crazy in this studio we're we're ready for it so after about 15 to 20 more hours of additional work to make this thing perfect it is 100% complete and ready to go to Joe so now we're going to go ahead and show you guys everything about it fire it up and show you guys us actually using the rig and see how it's working now now there is a lot of unique features about this rig that only Joe Rogan is going to have and it's some technology you guys are going to see coming in the future this is the first rig ever now let's first go ahead and talk about we've talked about a little bit already the monitors you can see the massive 55-in Samsung Ark 4K curb monitors looking absolutely stunning we got all the light set up one of the things we come around here you can see the uh Philips Hue on top there that are obviously a nice little color as we come around the back we've already talked about it paint match for this part as well we have the speakers all hooked up there's five points of sound around the entire rig we got the subwoofer back here all the wiring is tucked and ready to go as well as we have the PC obviously this is running a 4090 RTX graphics card inside of it there's a lot of other details we'll show you a little bit of a shot of that now one of the things I want to point out from the back we'll show you from the front cuz it's a little bit easier this is brand new never done before steering wheel holders but what makes it cool is we'll go on to the other side all four wheels that we have are not just powered here they're also synced with software so you can run everything about the wheels as they're powered here you can add YouTube videos on them you can add different parts of the screen on there anything you want can be run it's not just powered which has never been done before and this just looks absolutely stunning because we're sending Joe with four different types of Wheels which we've showed you guys and so now what we need to do is we need to run some ey racing we're going to grab one of these wheels and get it going and show you guys some actual footage of the rig running cuz I know you guys all want to see that so just going to grab this off here there we go as you can see I'm going to take this back over to the rig it's as simple as this go ahead we have a quick release slide this on there we go and now this is going to power up get everything ready to go and we are ready to turn on iRacing hit Road Atlanta and run some lap so now we're in iRacing we're actually going to show you guys setting up a AI race and one of the things that you guys don't see in a part of what Podium 1 does here is everything that you need to run any sort of program that you want will be set up before the rig gets to you because this takes a lot of man hours of figuring a lot of things out and that's something that most people won't see I'm going to go in here and go to iRacing now iRacing takes a little bit to learn obviously its own software we're going to go ahead and do an AI race I'm going to pick a car I love driving Porsches so I'm just going to do Porsche I'm going to type it in we should have an rsr in here Porsche let's see a GT3 cup 992 good with that we're going to go over to the track I love Road Atlanta that's uh my quote unquote home track but Road Atlanta right there we're going to do a full course and then we're going to go track options blah blah blah short braid lap so we're going to let this load now so one of the things about iRacing is that this is one of the most realistic feeling um in my eyes with the experience that I have the most realistic feeling because when you get into these races your tires are cold your brakes are cold these are all things that need to be warmed up and I've put people into iRacing before into a race and they immediately go off track cuz they don't realize you have to warm the tires up you have to feel it and the great thing about these Rigs and at any level of rigs with iRacing you can feel the car when it's sliding out you can feel different things you're under steering those are the the points and the advantages of having rigs like this because that's actual learning because in real life you'll feel the car under steering or feeling the weight transfer which is like the greatest thing about this if you love driving you love racing anything about it that is incredible all right so we're loading up into rhod Atlanta right now we're about to go into an AI race just mess around get some b-roll and uh fully feel everything something that's really cool is you can see the color of the wheels obviously this wheel is absolutely insane it's got predicted lap last lap best lap it shows you the track on here but what's also really cool is once we get into the race all of the wheels that are connected over here all of the same features that are happening on here happen on those as well and they're not even being played so you'll see the shift lights and everything change that wheel down there is showing RPMs and gear it's crazy we want to talk a little bit more about everything going on obviously we have the wind feature that is not just a fan it's variable speeds as well as directional so depending on if you're you know turning left turning right you can feel the wind from different directions as well as this wheel has up to 27 newm of force which is enough to break your finger and uh we're not going to have it turned up all the way to that but we have it to a reasonable setting right now so you can get that realistic feel but I just can't wait to get out here try this out especially with this wheel absolutely insane and uh get [Music] racing we [Applause] up [Music] it's [Music] l all right guys we've got Microsoft Flight loaded up we've got our hotos controls which stands for handson throttle and stick now there's a love hate in the market for the thrustmaster flight controls unlike thrustmaster's racing line which is pretty entry level and probably not the best quality their flight stuff is good I mean all metal box metal switches metal joystick everything's great something to know this is a racing simulator first with the ability to fly so can we upgrade the flight controls 100% veral Max flight systems there's there's endless amounts of upgrades for flight but for the racing combos where you have to flight we like to keep it simple with hotos and then give the customer the ability to upgrade if they want I'm flying in a Bell 407 I'm a big helicopter nerd um you'll notice I'm using an uh this is actually an A10 warthog uh setup it works just like a collective however for the helicopter nerds or people that are really in helicopters we can do full collectives one to one Robinson r44 R22 r66 md500 any of the Bell series uh ec130 Etc so I just wanted to get that out of the way because I know a lot of the uh the Nerds will be in the comments but uh let's go ahead and uh get in our Chopper here I'm going to get this steering wheel out of the way you can see how easy it is quick release it's off now I've got nothing in the way of uh what I'm looking at and I can slowly and safely lift off here I'm in Toronto it's a fun place to fly the city center here and the coolest part about the flight in my opinion is that I can feel the rotor right now I don't know if you can see if I put like a water bottle here maybe we'll do that a little test later put the water you can actually see the vibrations I can feel that in my butt right now um and so makes me feel really connected to what's going on so when I rotate this whole thing is going to start to shift and it's just super immersive you can see the sunset here best thing about Microsoft is the graphics it's got satellite of the entire world so I can quite literally and virtually hit any airport in the whole world for the most part I would say 90% of them there's a lot of Graphics mods we can do so for instance Toronto behind me and I'll I'll loop around here you've been able to see it looks good it looks like Toronto but I can actually upload a photo realistic version of Toronto so the buildings look perfect in 4k you see all the lights and the trains and whatever it is in the city right now it looks cool from afar you get up close you'll see because of the satellite data some of the buildings look almost looks like uh we're flying an IM am legend or something like the city's been overrun but that again that's just cuz it's all satellite data pretty infinitely programmable and upgradeable uh both software and and Hardware wise quick little tour of the city I'm going to bring it back down for Landing let's see what I can do right now I've got uh data streaming on so as I fly it's actually going to be updating the world it's going to be uh updating the graphics we can bring this in I'm coming in a little hot 120 we're going to pull our nose up power down we're going to flare and now we're bleeding speed we'll be able to bring this thing in for a nice soft Landing now something you guys need to watch out for is we've got full one:1 Robinson and MD 500 systems dropping meaning we Collective cyclic anti-torque pedals are literally one to one replicas of the real thing full metal full metal buttons let's see what do you think harryan we can get this down gently see be better got an Airbus A320 about to taxi into us but there we go that's the flight and again you can do helicopters Jets fighter jets so F18 DCS world you can do A10 warhog Apache F16 F15 that's kind of endless but uh for someone like Joe who's not a pilot maybe doesn't know all the systems Microsoft's perfect because it can get him started in uh learning how airplanes and helicopters work and then he can upgrade from there and get as as really in-depth as he wants [Music] to [Music] we're sending Joe with four wheels I just want to give you guys a quick rundown of what we're sending him so we've got the GSI Gomez Sim Industries GT Max 32 this is an all carbon wheel it is hard as a rock full carbon it's not metal with carbon veneer over it's full carbon fiber uh construction here we've got all of our funky switches rotary dials buttons so you got pit speed limiter DRS you can program it all and then of course you've got all your Telemetry data on the screen you can cycle through like a 100 different dashes you can create your own Dash so like you can put like you know JRE Studios on there with like any sort of racing stuff that he wants which is really cool same thing with the GSI in terms of the screen and some of the buttons and stuff but this is the hyper P1 both of them as you can see are in Scarlet GSI calls these um colorways here so you've got all the red which is going to match well with his Ricardo seat the podium um and the gray and stuff so this is more of a most would identify as a formula wheel I think it's really good for like LMP cars and stuff um and even GT3 cars like a Porsche Ferrari they actually have more uh Wheels typically like this whereas this would be more of a standard steering wheel so this is going to be great for any of your imza stuff from lmps dpis Etc then we've got these two wheels here these are the acetc wheels acitech makes amazing products we use a lot of them in our TurnKey rigs we'll start with the Forte formula wheel this would be a perfect wheel for Indie Car formula wheel any open wheel driving and of course you've got your funky switches rotary dials all of them all four wheels have programmable LEDs um so you can change essentially even when you press the button what color it turns lights up um around the button there and then um we have the round Comfort rim with the Forte button box so very similar button box to the formula wheel except for this has a uh Alcantara round wheel and this is going can be perfect for sports car driving say and forer set of Corsa or really mainly drifting right you want to be able to cycle the wheel through your hands without any sort of abrasion um in uh in the in the rim so yeah four wheels he'll be able to easily swap them through the quick releases so you just push this button pull the wheel off swap them through he can drive pretty much anything with any wheel you want so the P1 ultimate typically comes with just these two wheels as you guys saw we got carried away with the powered wheel holders that we built for Joe and wanted to be be able to uh give them more options because all the people that are going to be in the studio since the Sim's going in the studio whether it's an Elon Musk or a crazy conspir this on on Aliens whatever it is some guys might be into drifting some might be into formula some might be into sports cars or even playing Farming Simulator and now we've got four options for anyone to be able to drive whatever they want to the rig is now ready to be packed up and sent to Joe's Studio in Texas now we're not going to be able to film at the studio but we're hoping that he'll talk about it potentially in the future and some of his podcast also th s girl is going to be delivered here in a few weeks as well and so maybe they'll get some races together but this is the final form of Joe Rogan Sim I'm glad we were able to show you guys the entire build process and we're excited and ready for Joe to get on there and have some fun and you never know who's going to be on this Sim this Sim could house Elon Musk could house any of his guests could be fun and maybe he'll convince them to buy some Sims as well so if you guys enjoyed this build series let us know we will be doing another one with Tom sigura we have a ton of content with Tom sigur we'll be delivering his be filming the whole process and doing some content with him so look out for that we'll catch you guys in the next video
Views: 599,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe rogan, joe rogan car collection, joe rogan car, joe rogan simulator, joe rogan spotify deal, racing simulator, most expensive racing simulator
Id: 6UfD4PhHtlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 32sec (1892 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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