I Bought a $100,000,000 House!! (New Team RAR House)

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what's up team welcome to today's video guys this is something amazing i've been working my entire life and i am now finally standing here and behind me is my dream house and the future of team aurora i cannot wait to show you guys and in fact i wasn't even planning on posting this video this early because there is so much work to be done before i bring the cameras around but i felt that i had to bring you guys with me on this and this place is absolutely unbelievable so let's get in and let's go actually you know it's too big to walk so we actually had to get in a vehicle and we gotta drive all right hop in we gotta drive around because uh there's a lot of steps from a to b here we go all right guys we are off and we are driving we are going down the main driveway right now the first thing you'll notice is that there is water next to us and there is a ton of water it's one of my favorite features of this entire property but uh we can't stop yet because we got to continue driving down this three-quarter mile driveway to get to the house our first stop on the way to the house is the covered bridge guys i'm literally standing on a bridge over water which is the driveway to get to the house and behind me you can see the giant lake guys there is so much room i can't even imagine how much content we're gonna be able to do here all the crazy stuff all the rare and ridiculous things but i don't want to spend too much just staring at the water let's get back in and keep on driving to the main house all right guys we are now approaching the main house this is the entrance i'm going around this like roundabout driveway and the first thing you're gonna notice is there is a fountain out front the house guys i think that is literally amazing i never thought that i would own a house that has a beautiful fountain out front well let's keep driving all the way to the front door come on guys it's just so beautiful just looking at the size and scale i can't wait for you guys to see this for the first time i'm literally parking underneath like this canopy which just kind of feels like a hotel or something well this is it guys i'm literally standing out the front door of my dream house and the new t-rah house so without further ado let's walk right up to the front door and go check it out come on guys i mean this place is just so big the first thing that i've noticed being here for a couple days is the amount of steps that it takes to go from just any one place to the other the best part is guys is otter came here for the very first day to meet me and he's been loving the property let's go in and let's see what is on the inside so as i was saying guys this is a total work in progress i was not planning on filming any of this video and releasing content this early but i just figured i had to bring you guys along on the journey so let's walk through and let me show you this completely unfurnished house over this way you're gonna see that we have a beautiful dining set plastic everything is from a walmart from nearby and uh over here is the family room which has got literally nothing here there's walls of glass tall ceilings i really think that this spot over here would be perfect for a trampoline inside at the ceiling height for it but uh this really isn't a house tour video this is an announcement video and there is so much more to see than just this main house so let's keep going i love palm trees [Music] those of you og fans that have been following me for many years probably remember back when i was living in my parents house that some of my earliest videos were videos of me riding my dirt bike because i grew up riding dirt bikes it's something that i love and one of the earliest videos was me jumping my dirt bike over the lamborghini i'm sure you guys remember that one three two one jump to lambo but ever since moving to l.a honestly guys i have had basically no space to drive my dirt bike and so you guys might remember me driving my dirt bike inside the old teamwork house and around the kitchen in the backyard but of course that's honestly really not that much fun and so one of the biggest things that i've been dreaming about is owning a place that has enough land for you to ride my dirt bike and this house has a ton of space so guys let me show you what the backyard of this house looks like here we go living in l.a with no room to dirtbike really had me wishing for a lot more space and well let me just show you how much space i have and right over here guys is the backyard of the new team house and it is so much land it's actually over a hundred acres to be exact and living in la for the past three years and no place to ride this is such a blessing guys this is something that i could only have dreamed of there is enough land out here to make the most wild and crazy dreams come true guys literally nothing is too rar for this backyard rare and ridiculous that is the name of the game that is exactly what we're gonna be doing out here it is going to be literally just incredible guys team roar is gonna be on to the next level right here look at this yarn what guys it feels absolutely amazing to be sitting here right now it's been such a long journey to get to where we are it really is just such an experience to think back of where everything started from living in my parents basement to then moving out across the street to apartments where we're living four people in a two-bedroom apartment and we were just filming youtube videos from there we made a huge leap from virginia to l.a that was the first ever team rare house guys and i'm sure a lot of you remember the very first team in our house we filmed so much content there it is absolutely nostalgic but we knew growth needed to continue and from there we moved on to the second ever team rare house and you guys definitely know about that one because that's where i'm currently living right now and that team roarhouse is not over that one is still very much up and running because like i was saying guys this video we were not planning on filming or releasing this at all we were planning on keeping this all a secret but i just felt like i had to bring you guys along because if it wasn't for all of you guys watching subscribing enjoying the content none of this would be possible at all so guys team raw really is one of the strongest teams ever to be seen on youtube and i think this house in the future is absolutely proof of all of them okay well i don't want to just sit here all day in the movie theater room there is a lot more to see guys there's a lot more i want to show you so let's get on moving and uh check this out i think without a doubt the most exciting part of the property that i want to show you guys is the lake it's absolutely huge and if you're wondering carter is the lake big enough to jet ski in absolutely check this out i think my sister grace is about to jet ski right now hey grace all right we gotta get down there come on check this out i always grew up near the water so i knew that my dream house would absolutely need water guys and this house has a ton of water my sister grace is out there jet skiing right now we have two jet skis ripping around the property and i was out jet skiing yesterday guys it is so fun there she is [Music] [Music] all right grace you ready three two one get it oh she's coming in fast oh my gosh what was she saying how do i stop it oh my gosh she's going crazy out here yeah that was really fast grace hey guys this property has so much water it's surrounded by water there's so there's bridges to get you on and off the property oh here comes grace again it's basically like an island whoa and of course what crazy huge mansion doesn't have a tennis court so this one of course has a tennis court but i don't really play tennis so i'm probably gonna have to repaint it to maybe a basketball court or maybe like a lego city i don't know guys comment down below what i should paint this tennis court to be because i don't play tennis so this needs to be something a little bit more fun than that i think so now guys i want to take you on a little trip to a different side of the property and this side has an incredible amount of potential guys all the videos that you know and love this is where a lot of them are going to continue to take place and we're going to continue to make them bigger and better than ever we have incredible amount of facilities down here to make all the videos that you guys know and love and take them to the next level take them to a level that youtube hasn't even seen guys team rar is literally going to be taking over youtube i'm going to take you on a tour of one of the facilities right now guys as we are pulling up standing out of a roof of a car guys check this out i just i have the biggest grin on my face i'm not even sure what to say but here we go as we pull into one of the many facilities that we have here on the new property driving in a car literally out the sunroof the ceiling height is so big this could be like a fantasy factory production studio guys the possibilities are literally endless and now we're pulling back outside guys this is literally just insane i i literally i'm lost for words really there is so much to show you here on this property because it is literally so rare and ridiculous but today's video is not a house tour in fact i wasn't even planning on filming this video but i felt like i had to bring you guys along this property is not ready yet guys we are not moved in and you probably will not be seeing this property for quite some time so in the meantime i'm going to be flying back to la and no one knows about this property so i'm going to keep it a secret from them for now but in the future you guys have a hint of what is to come i do truly believe that this house is gonna take team rare to where it currently is to a 100 million dollar enterprise so guys if you haven't subscribed to team rar i don't know what you're waiting for hit that subscribe button right now go to teamwork.com at the end of this video and join the best team on youtube team raw is about to take over let's go so tubing behind the jet ski is insane guys it's actually working so well oh no oh now we're going to the channel oh my gosh
Channel: Carter Sharer
Views: 897,618
Rating: 4.9033041 out of 5
Id: oCSRuEl1BUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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