WE TRY to Buy Trucks & Bulldozers, EVERYTHING!

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hey guys welcome back to channel and my name is West and how are you guys doing today well today we are going to take you guys to an auction we are here in Kansas right now and we're gonna head south down through Oklahoma and try to end up in Texas unless my brother who's driving me takes a wrong turn so with that being said I've got to go down to Dallas for some business and gonna see some family and stuff while I'm down there and you know what it can sides perfectly with that there's an auction down there so we're gonna go down there maybe we'll find us a dozer or skid loader some pickups you know maybe we'll find Bob a girlfriend you know he's been needing them one he's been feeling a little lonely lately we're gonna get loaded up in the truck and get hit that direction you know I don't know why we'll get these pretty dozers here Oh air conditioning where's Radio be Daisy's fool okay yeah you don't want this one this one might be a little bit nicer than ours I better get out of this but I'm I decided need to buy it these whole things I could drive this on my god dang winner hey Garrett does your for neat plane in your house actually I don't know if I could or not I don't know this thing would carry me or I would carry to be honest every time we go to these auction Weston's always worn one of these things okay this one's broken let's move on the thing about it though is I don't know if I would carry the machine or the machine would carry me come here little toerag so let's go home well they stand next to it for reference you know what it doesn't look big of a guy either it's it's not like I'm just sasquatch and this is like a 90 horsepower machine hey when you see all the people that's got ads about clearing trees oh yeah I got a seventy-five horsepower machine I can clear any tree you want then they show up in this thing kind of funny you know be hilarious if you ran this into Robbie's house and then just mashed like fried and do it's front door oh that's warm look at this it takes a caterpillar to eat really I could have so much fun with this thing [Music] [Music] I could literally drive this in my house and clean my living room floor with it you'd be a more efficient house cleaner then I'll tell you that it could be you know what I could just drive this right in front of the thing let me Oh [Music] I do have a severe problem though I've got my wallet in my pocket so I can't turn it to the right because it hits my wallet change the beat Bookman [Music] [Music] today's video Weston bought the smallest skid loader if that right wasn't huh so in today's video Weston buys a small skid loader today's video Weston buys a small skid loader oh my god you know what I thought this thing would be a lot tighter to fit into than it really is it's not that bad do you know where he should be to take that and drive that into Ralphie's house and flip his couch over with it with him in it you know and I bet you it would fit it was Fitness door it would fit in it like if his double doors but we can we definitely fit in keys double doors hey this thing here would be awesome for landscaping and stuff don't poop on it a tuna Tower cleaning fee will be charged if this machining is not returned clean well I wonder if I could put that sticker on my front door will be added this house is not clean when I get back one of these things will be so awesome I got a legitimately like I wish they weren't so much money actually I think they get down to about ten thousand that's still a lot of money there's still a lot of money for like a tiny little skid loader yeah I told your buddies I bought a skid order for 10 grand their bike oh yeah that's a hell of a deal and then you pulled up in that they'd still be laughing three weeks later skid loader wall-e look at the lights on it the lights are even funny looking like I bet you the light on my phone it's brighter this next to this people will think I'm related to sasquatch oh my god Weston's nine feet tall and 360 you are related to sasquatch but that's beside the point yeah yeah we don't need to talk about that he's still hiding he's on America's most warmer than everything oh he's on he's on Canadians most want us to hey is it are you assess Butchie you know I'm sorry mm-hmm now you see this machine here this machine is good looking from afar but far from good looking now they just painted this machine as you can see they care a lot about taping it off yeah there's just painted right over all that look how bad it's Pettit yeah I don't know if you can see that or not yeah this was one rusty turd before they decided to paint it oh my god but you know what if you back up this is a 50/50 machine it looks good from 50 miles an hour or 50 feet away yeah at least they put decals on it but look at that yeah that's not that's not a new kind of thing that caterpillars doing that's just called that's called northern rust as what that's called Oh there's a lot of skid orders there I think there's over 120 skid orders we tracked down this waiting to give us a ride she's like oh no you should too big big boy you ain't getting on my goddamn golf cart so just like we'll find somebody with a front-end loader to come give you a ride now these are some pretty nice machines these machines are a little bit too nice for our our liking so let's go find some that are arkhyz but now this Hein up here this is more my speed by my speed I mean don't run now this is junk row which means this is Weston's row this is where we go to get all of our good stuff now which good stuff do we want to look at first there's all kinds of good junk that we need to look at here Wes has been operating this one but you know the thing about it is it's actually common to break tracks especially if they get a cut pretty good cut in them this one here pretty severely well what's weird is while some had to be running for it to break a track it was a running machine why wouldn't it put another track back on it my god this is why I just can't understand the logic that point why it makes me think that there's something else wrong with yeah it works terrible and this is a 2016 machine it looks like it has been this thing is rough in the night scale it's a bobcat 5/10 that would they don't really know anything about it they don't know if how many hours well if that's one this one here is 2014 we can tell with the ven poit thanks a little war well in October of 18 it at 1700 hours so you can't have almost a year you worse things you want check flowing these Bobcat now these are like a Kubota motor that's made for Bobcat or a little bit different but these are bad about walking up so you take your pliers put them on the alternator yeah try to spin the dang thing over yeah nope I think that damn things walked up let's check the oil Oh look at that what am I look I don't know if the camera can see that but there's a bunch of metal shavings that I got a lot of metal fittings I bet the engines locked up on this one bearings when I went out of it or something hmm what a relief it's only locked up yeah what a relief that's the only thing we got to fix his injury but it's got nice tires that look at this one second grab hold this and I can spin that engine over sang spin the engine over this engines really wore out her down over there was locked up I'm gonna go with that one over there Hawk I really think I was wrong about machines the motors on now if this near-death my garnishes not they were right in the middle of a load sorry as I say that you know the funny [ __ ] I have never seen a caterpillar engine but I looked this bad you know it could be a flood deal no I don't think no no fun it could just be a she's a good used machine deal is if you mad we look at this engine and then you're like let me look at this air filter and it's going to be perfectly clean their filters the best with the part I'm not even joking I was gonna look see if it if it was full of [ __ ] that I knew what I really want to know how this battery started anything look at them and if you guys don't believe me yes that is a battery down man yeah see look look at that so the bad thing about buying machines like this and I really don't like buying skid loaders that are an opera is because there's so many more things that could be wrong with a skid loader then there can be with a pickup you know with a pickup you know it's engine transmission rear end you know that's or wiring issues that's pretty much the main issues you're gonna have now with these you've got engine you've got the hydraulic pump you've got the planetaries you've got the drive motors you've got bearings and the axles there's all kinds of small so a boy on this is very expensive to fix and it's nothing that I have parts laying around to fix like on Chevy pickups I got a part going around to fix the transmission engine anything do I have no part going around if they find it I really haven't found this gets dearly I want to buy back there you have to be honest that's that's a high pressure fuel pump Irish fuel pump listen that's why there's no woman they drain Joel out of it the high pressure fuel pump up the injection pump it's not there so do you think is just higher pressure fuel pump see they latrans as a battle on this one yeah transmission Flitz the same color yeah I don't know transmission fluids a little bit transmission little of course in this dirt let's just say that let me ask you a question like what's this red thing hanging out underneath ukyo for the winch that holds up the side of it yeah it's a hydraulic pto for the winch i know the transmission everything's right on the back end no you do what happened to that holes not supposed to be there the transmission case is cracked that's why they took it out so think about lizards makes me feel good I know what's wrong with it but the transfer case is fine which means the front driveline didn't fly apart so they just took it apart it's broke off and here's what went wrong yes twist it up yeah the last eight of them that we've had that this double Universal join went out and tore off the transportation and that is toward partner but if I kill huh so just the transfer case and they transmissions for him if it was gonna turn anything up and torn up on this side up no transmission case is cracked show me [Music] transmission can't bust it too but these dodges say it's full this one here no experiment they're not bad about knocking but these six sevens are bad about cracking the flexplate and sounded like these ones here looked like the studs back here she's an Oakland okie truck what's wrong what drove it it's missing some of its fan parts misses power steering pump see there's no belt on it I bet you guys have an overheating engine so look at the inside of that Big D gas bottle over there they put huggy button in it oops okay I kind of know what's wrong it doesn't what's wrong see ya run off the turbos missin radiators missin fans missin so that could mean that it's got a bad engine and they've tore these parts off to put on another one or yeah basically that or it had about turbo that why would you take this part about about turbo I can see the turbo blades are broken off they could have broke that off trying to get the housing off with though but yeah it's hard to say more than full at all Oh smell that smell it oh yeah camera can smell it it smells like diesel what's that mean injectors leaking probably internally like injector cups or something imagine using 17 those apart struck I know you know that is a 2017 they use it for parts so guys we got a lot of machines have looked at up here at the auction we're gonna see if we get any of them bought now I know this might not be the interesting most interesting thing you've ever watched and the reason for that is I was kinda in Weston buying my now my brother he's got it coming down to the coffee it's a bad deal so if you guys want to see another video on the auction kind of more in-depth on what we look for and how we handle auctions and stuff like that leave a comment down below and maybe we'll do in the future that being said make sure you leave a like on this video if you like it and that tells YouTube their word good fellers and that other people should watch us if you're new here make sure you subscribe and you know what I'll see you guys next time see you later
Channel: Westen Champlin
Views: 1,426,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AUCTION, dozer, bulldozer, bull dozer, cat, i bought the cheapest, cheapest loader, d7, motor, westen, backhoe, digging, bulldozer (invention), heavy equipment, operating a bulldozer, heavy, driving, excavation, build a road, driveway repair, broken trucks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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