WE TRIED TO TRICK ANCESTRY DNA - James and Kiimmy - Professional Genealogist Reacts

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hello everybody i'm j ross of gene vlogger and welcome back to another professional genealogist reacts on today's video i will be reacting to we tried to trick ancestry dna and here are our results now this video is from james and kimmy and i have not seen their channel before they have 157 000 subscribers and this is a very recent video this is from october 4th 2020 so this i these are probably some of the most recent results now this is for ancestry dna and i know ancestry did a big update either in october or november so this could technically be right before that big update but the thing that i'm most curious about is how did they try to trick ancestry and did it work my guess is is that they probably try to trick it by either like switching um their their kits or maybe they you know put you know put different names or just you know tried to pretend that they were different people and my guess is is that their results were still exactly spot on and correct because when it comes to the dna stuff especially when it comes to like your genetic matches dna doesn't lie as for the genetic admixture it still doesn't really lie it's just that they can't tell you really spot on they just really are giving you a scientific estimation um but i'm hopeful that this will be a very good video and hopefully very interesting but before we do jump into it please be sure to give this video a thumbs up it really does help me out and be sure to subscribe and click that bell for notifications on future videos but with that all said let's go ahead and jump right into the video it's all in me it's all there you know i can't if i want to i might shout and irish what's going on everyone welcome back to our youtube channel my name is james and i'm kimmy and today we are looking at our ancestry dna results so this video isn't actually sponsored by dna we did it ourselves and we actually tried to throw them off the scent of how they could actually fine-tune our dna results so do we explain to them what we did so in order to really know it's real we try to throw them off the scent as much as we could because you're very traceable with your name they could probably guess your dna the thing is my mom had already done ancestry dna so i knew that the minute i did mine it would match me to my mum and the results would come out very similar to hers yeah so for me because i was born here it would be very easy to find my records and find my mama she's already done if she's already done the dna test through ancestry dna doesn't matter what they do as soon as they get his results back they're going to see that he's her son or her father they're they're gonna know for sure done it but for kimmy we thought how can we throw them off the scent and not just look for her name and say oh this looks like an african name let's give her an english name and see what happens so my last name is kimani as a lot of you know and as soon as you type that into google it'll tell you i'm kenya so i thought that's a bit too easy if they typed in my name they'll start telling me of kenyan and i already know i am so what i did is we created an english name for me what did you create it was cumulatively clear obvious yeah we put kimberly hobbs first and then they asked for a middle name because they started getting pop-ups of americans and people from all different places so we thought let's give her a middle name so we went for claire so it was kimberly claire hobbs and just from hearing the name hobbs they started suggesting where the name comes from because it's english and all of that so i was so excited to see what results they come up with i just find it a little funny the thing the steps that they're going through because the assumption is is that when they go through the dna test it's like okay before we do the scientific stuff and go through their dna let's look them up and get an idea of what they are just so we can check they don't do that the interesting thing is we submitted our results at the same time and i got mine back within weeks kimmy's took a heck of a long time to get her results in and that is at that point where we thought okay maybe this doesn't work maybe this isn't a real thing maybe it's just fabricated they know all of your relatives that have done it so they just put you together and just give you a rough idea of where you're from based on the people in your family that have done it we knew nobody in kenya because kimmy's born in kenya would have done the ancestry dna especially from kimmy's family so we thought when the results took weeks upon weeks upon weeks at that point we doubted it very very much it took so long and at one point they sent me two birth certificates to ask whether this is me one was someone english and the other one was someone american and i thought yeah they they ain't got this no did they actually send that to that like she makes it sound like they emailed her and were like hey are these you i'm guessing that it was probably that they probably you know with ancestry the way that it works is the main thing that they do is they have a database of records so they were probably looking at that name and going oh well we do have birth uh birth records for this person is it you and they were probably using that to try to sell or at least upsell the ancestry membership that's my guess then got this and i remember i was making a video for an update and when i look like this trying so hard and they made a few to find a birth record of me i feel like they're not spending enough time analyzing my actual dna to prove where me and my ancestors are from they're just trying to trace what i was show the email that you're talking about then we can know what you're saying because it sounds like they're miss it sounds like they're they're not really they're misunderstanding the what they're getting they're getting an advertisement that's using the information that they're giving to try to sell them on the membership it's not has doesn't have anything to do with the dna necessarily it's kind of like for anyone who's on ancestry it's the ancestry hints the leaf that pops up so if you're just your name they want you to build a family tree on ancestry because that helps optimize your dna results especially for anyone who's trying to connect through you know genealogy build the family trees and expand their family trees they use genetic matches to do that and so by you having a tree and connecting it to your dna once the dna is analyzed that way it optimizes your results especially for other users looking to connect with you so that's what i think is really going on here so i'm hoping maybe she will show the email but my guess is not and that they're going to kind of play it up as like uh you know they're not looking into the dna they're looking into the records and that's how they base it born to try and find my parents and then use whatever information they have there to kind of using birth records only to kind of make up my ethnicity to the point i thought yeah they're not going to get paid so before we look at kimmy's results let's jump into mine because like i said my mom had done it and actually my auntie from my other side had already done the ancestry dna so i knew that it was going to find me straight away however there was a little bit of a surprise within my dna which i was shocked about so just a quick little one i was expecting a lot more of in and around europe i know from from the hob side that my great great grandfather was a romani traveller and they used to travel around across europe and they made their way to england eventually so i knew that there should be or might be possible elements of different european countries so let's jump into my results and have a quick look okay so obviously the biggest part of my dna which is expected would be english now what i was actually surprised at is my english estimate is actually relatively low is below 50 percent from my mum's side i know there's a lot of irish a lot of welsh the funny thing is my mom actually did it like i said and hers came back she is predominantly irish so even though my mom was born here and my name was born here her grandparents and her parents were actually irish and welsh so my estimate for being english is between 36 and 49 and my auntie's results she had a lot of french and german mine didn't pick up the french in german and had a really good conversation with the people at ancestral dna and they explained how results could even be different between brother and sister very slightly because long and short of it is you take a random 50 from your mum and a random 50 from your dad so obviously my mum being predominantly irish i've got quite a large estimate of irish which is there 21 not surprised by that at all moving on to the next bit which was a little bit of a surprise was the scottish i'm 17 scottish which i didn't expect at all because i know nobody in my family who is scottish and the estimate range actually goes up to 24 so the english that only that was ranged between 36 to 49 there's that wiggle room where i could have had more scottish and even less english so that was quite interesting to see the welsh estimate it popped up as 12 but it ranges from zero to 25 i gotta say it's very interesting that he is going through the ranges a lot of people when they go through their ancestry results don't note that although i think that is a one of the newer features i don't know how new um but it's very interesting that he's going through that because it does kind of give you an idea of you know like here i think 0 to 25 let's let's go back his cursor was covering it um i can't find it okay so yeah so zero to 25 percent so they're saying that they could be completely wrong or they could be you know spot on and that it's really actually like almost a full grandparent's worse a nice little surprise here which i did not expect was the norwegian the estimate ranges from not surprising at all most people when they have british isle ancestry of any sort there's probably going to be some scandinavian in there zero to six percent so it could be you know more than five percent norwegian i might have to look for a norwegian team just your most norwegian in this year part norwegian my mom is part norwegian so there's a little bit of wiggle room there which was really good but the one that really blew me away which i didn't expect he said the one that really blew me away like three times now at all is this little one percent or under one percent here in central asia and as you can see the estimated results but it's predominantly [Music] which i never thought that i would have that in me and it just goes to how incredible these results are because again could be possible it could be possible so don't take me go and trace results is like some sort of it's nothing it isn't nothing but it could be um so you know as time progresses and they update again and again and again it could go away could get more and since he's had his mom test if he had his dad test he should get an idea of if that is coming from one of them or if it's a misread of some sort his aunt on his father's sister is what i assume by he means his auntie on his other side may not have inherited that dna that he is then inheriting if it comes from his dad so if his dad tests maybe his dad has like five percent or six percent or even ten percent um you know or maybe none so i would never thought there was any pakistan or afghanistan in my dna but it just goes to show there's potentially one percent that's been passed on for generations yeah there's probably some hobbs guy living out there who's got the same surname as me because look how far it is from europe from europe yeah it's like on different sides completely but i think that's the the traveling part where they traveled through that the hob started in pakistan or afghanistan they made their way over and they didn't stop it i doubt that's the case i doubt that's the case if you want to find out that for sure if he i don't know if his last name is hobbs i assume it is but if his last name is hobbs he could just do a wide dna test and then see all of the matches he has and whether or not they share the same last name hobbs and more than likely if you know he's coming from an english family my guess is if he took a wide dna test and did one of the matching sites whether it's you know did a test on family tree dna and went through their matching or if he tested elsewhere and then did the matching through like y full or uh mito y or i you know any of the other sites that might be available he's probably going to see a lot of people where they have hobs or some sort of variation of it um different spellings so you know it is kind of funny watching how they're interpreting some of this because they seem to have kind of an okay understanding but then they have like the they don't have the full understanding of how it all is working and so some of the some of the ways that they're interpreting this especially in the tricking ancestry seems to be mostly coming from their naivety of how the tests are created and how the results are created and yeah i just went from central asia all the way across to europe so i was pleasantly surprised by that you know that is something again i never expected that so i was quite pleased with my results there's an attempt to like do the accents irish maybe that's one because actually because it's all in me it's all there you know i had heart like if i want to i might start attacking irish or i might start talking scottish i might start talking now it might be in the valleys but now it's the big one it's the one that we were all waiting for we threw them off the scent did they matter let me see let me even look at this okay so now it's my turn i was so excited for this after months of waiting let's see what i got and when we say months they took their time waiting and i was so good with it that i even changed my email i put an email down with the last name hobbs just so i have nothing linked to kimikemani so it all looks very different it looks like a legit person so let's see what he came back as well let's start off saying it definitely found out that you are yeah african you know i was very pleased it worked it works like at least he knows africa without even telling them i'm afraid i wonder if they'll go through genetic matches because earlier he said oh well no one in her family is definitely tested but in reality maybe she's had a second cousin or a first cousin wants to remove or like some relative that she didn't realize tested maybe she knows about them maybe she doesn't know about them or maybe she'll recognize people where it's like whoa i know that name i don't know this person but i know that family name all you do is literally i spit sample and send it to them and with all the information i've given them date of birth everything they had nothing nothing no no records as to who i am they could have literally chucked anything on this paper and they would have thought it's true so 48 kenyan one of my parents is lying to me yeah how am i 48 percent ken but it says it could rain yes to 80 so i'm very pleased with that your kenyan estimate range is 48 to 80 kenyan like you're definitely i'm definitely kenyan southern bantu which is more southern so i'm 17 between south africa and botswana and es watini but again look at your estimate here that's where the kenyan is reduced massively because what it could potentially be so one of your parents or grandparents must be south african somewhere down my line there's a south african person who has given me at least 17 south africa it could also be multiple ancestors on different lines so it could be that you know she's getting 48 kenyan could be that if her parents both tested they may end up getting a not so dissimilar result you know they could be getting around 50 kenyan as well and they may just have a mix now a big part of this also has to do with the relation between all the population groups within africa and you know they i don't i don't know how the population migrations between the the different groups in africa worked um the history of it but it that could be what's what's going on is that you know certain people from this area moved into kenya hundreds of years ago or thousands of years ago or whatever and then settled down in specific communities that then had a big mix of both this dna as well as the more local kenyan or you know there's a lot of different possibilities going on so it is kind of interesting to see someone who's of full african uh ancestry i don't know if i've ever seen a dna result for for someone with full african ancestry not not of african-american or like you know afro-caribbean or afro-latino or you know something where it's like you know there's going to be a mixture if not 34. i'll take the 17 so i could take to 48 kenyan but for all my south african people did you see that do you see that um 17 south african potentially thankful so that would be the equivalent of about a great grandparent if it's coming from one recent ancestor the other ones i'm really shocked about this is cameroon congo western bantu so 16 in that congo republic area again which is very high but look at the range on that as well very high range from up to 31 so it's very close that this this sort of mix of something else do you know yeah no that's very high yeah it does i for me i feel like it means that there is someone in my family who is definitely along the line yeah who is south african or congolese or from that region from kenya i think it's a grandparent or something like because yeah if you've got both of those potentially going up to 31 percent that's 61 of your dna yeah do you know what i mean it's a high it's a high percentage it's almost half of me the one which i wasn't shocked about european enrichia because i knew there was going to be some ethiopian somalian because my mom already told me we have a bit of some merlin in our family so i knew those ones were coming but i didn't know this was higher than somalian though yes yeah i didn't know ethiopian and eritrea was going to be higher than somalia i thought somali was going to be right after kenya and again 12 up to 21 on on that one as well yeah somalia 0 to 28 but that was shocking to me because i thought i'd go kenya yeah somalia maybe ethiopia yeah but if you look at the regions here somalia kenya ethiopia they're very connected so that sort of region there is is quite high in your dna as well yeah the last one was caution i'm going to say because i think in kent that's how we're saying which is very old uh hand to gather a dna my africans where you were south sudan tanzania but that is basically from uh ancestors who lived thousands of years ago in africa who are more hunter gatherers so that's very old dna which i'm very proud about it means i could be like a what does that go i'm a fossil you're a fossil i'm a fossil you've got the fossil dna that's what it even says here it's from some of the oldest back to the first sort of of human beings and if you look at the region again tanzania near kenya south sudan near ethiopia so it's that sort of region it potentially up to eight percent so you've got some you know you've got some strong dna in you i know wow so from my perspective this actually worked yes like for me i felt like they could have guessed yours very easily but there's no way nobody could have guessed mine no so for me for them to come up with majority kenyan oh yeah yeah yeah i think i think it definitely works and the thing is they the way they actually test these results is the more people that do it from a region they can better see your dna to say okay the bulk of people in this region have this dna not many people in kenya have actually taken the test so to be able to pinpoint you as being kenyan is very impressive yeah i understand because even tracking the ancestors because they link you to people if they had linked me to like a first cousin yeah i would have thought maybe they got my dna and thought their kenya so linked them up but i can only find from like fifth so she really had no close relatives who have tested at least on ancestry but ancestry is the largest database so very doubtful that there would be one on the other days databases but it's possible it could have even given me more from them but they haven't yeah so i do feel like this for me worked yes definitely i think it worked 100 100 worked yeah and it was it was good to see they took their time with yours they did but they did their job they did they did their job they did their job i was very very skeptical but i did say that it could work there's a chance it could work so so i might be saying all this and then i checked back in in two weeks time and it tells me ninety percent kenya temple zen zim 10 south african 10 egyptian yeah or whatever she gets the south african before you never know you can say that so we'll see we'll check back in in two weeks what will be interesting is to see my mom your mum do it because i want to see what hers comes out of who's where does this extra areas that are quite high come from yeah because it's close it's not it's not generations back it is one or two generations but yeah so well it could be one of two ways if it's one recent ancestor those specific dnas are coming from the way i said that sounded weird if it's one specific ancestor that that dna is coming from then then yes that is very high but there is that possibility that this is a bunch of dna from distant ancestors on different lines just kind of adding up so could be that it's one great grandparent who is from south africa or it could be that you have like six or seven fourth or fifth great grandparents scattered in different lines who are from south africa it's kind of hard to tell until you start doing the genealogy so it could could be one of two ways i think that's what my mom is nervous about doing here she's scared to find out how kenyan is very insignificant yeah yeah but looking at it though i think you've got like an even split from both sides i do because some at north summer south because i think you look at my irish and welsh they were sort of these figures which is quite a lot considering my mom is predominantly irish so it's true so it's very close i think maybe both your mum and dad it's the migrations of the populations and all the different people who shared distant dna and because of that there are shared strands of dna or similarities and it's why these tests aren't perfect they have a decent grasp on it but then there is some stuff at least earlier in the video where they didn't really seem to fully understand it but still kind of came to conclusions and those conclusions you know like the trying to trick it like you know they're not gonna do paper trail research on every single person that submits a dna test that you know and especially a lot of adoptees do it there's no way they could really do anything like that for these adoptees the adoptees are you know paying tons of search angels or getting volunteer search angels to help them figure this out through the paper trail so it'd make no sense that ancestry spends you know tons of hours doing paper trail research just to give dna percentages especially when ancestry charges for their pro ancestry services which is doing just that doing the paper trail research that are only half kenyan and half and half of something else i'm as south african as you are irish yes and your mom is irish yeah so that means one of my parents is something predominantly south africa or somewhere there brilliant so there it is from us guys we hoped you enjoyed this week's video if you did make sure you like comment share and subscribe and that's it we'll shall come back to you with another episode of my mom does it find that she might not be kenny yeah okay guys that's it from us take care and we'll see you next week bye guys bye guys all right pretty good video um you know like i said just like a couple of seconds ago you know it seemed like as they slowly went through the video they they grasped the concepts behind how they come up with the dna a bit better especially there towards the end when he starts mentioning you know well if you look at mine where you know i have mostly irish but then i have these other breakdowns and then you look at yours it's not too dissimilar and that really that just has to do with the fact that you know all of these populations that live in the you know what we now define by country lines didn't always live within those country lines and the demographics that make up the peoples today the population groups have a lot of shared ancestry between other population groups and that's one of the reasons why you see a lot of these similarities so like him being surprised that he had norwegian not too surprising for many genetic genealogists who have worked with people who have ancestry in great britain or irish and you know scottish ancestry or even just general northwestern european ancestry you're probably gonna find some sort of link between the the scandinavian countries very possible to find the french german countries and then especially if you're from the british isles if you're getting a mixture of you know the british isles ireland scotland and even you know getting into some you know areas like the netherlands and places like that it's not that surprising um i i did think it was kind of funny you know the the we tried to trick them which is basically you know we put a fake name and we put a you know whatever but technically she could have just been adopted that was the adopted name that she had and then she wouldn't have known anything you know she wouldn't even know that she had kenyan roots if that was the case i will be interested to see uh the video where her mom tests i'll have to see if they've already brought that out this video was from just october so but once they do that i'll react to that and and see see uh what the difference is maybe see does her mom have a lot of kenyan and is she getting a lot more of that mixture from her dad or maybe is her mom also similarly mixed and then very likely her dad is just as similarly mixed and because of that you know it's not one recent common ancestor that's her south african ancestor or you know her ethiopian ancestor what you know it's it's multiple so very interested to see what that will be like thank you so much for checking out this video if you enjoyed please be sure to give it a thumbs up you can also click right about here if you'd like to subscribe it's completely free to do so you can also follow me on facebook twitter or instagram genievlogger i'm the genie vlogger i will see you in my next video
Channel: GeneaVlogger
Views: 56,038
Rating: 4.9174633 out of 5
Keywords: GeneaVlogger, Genealogy, Genetic Genealogy, Genea Vlogger, professional genealogist reacts, WE TRIED TO TRICK ANCESTRY DNA AND HERE ARE OUR RESULTS!!, james and kiimmy, james and kiimmy dna, ancestry dna, trick ancestry dna, dna test, dna test results, ancestry dna test, ancestry dna test results, ancestry dna results, trick ancestry, family tree, family history, genea vlogger, genea vlogger gedmatch
Id: tLlCcBgIFgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 7sec (1687 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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