We take a look at some McLaren engine goodies, ready for our new build!

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back in room of dreams if you follow instagram and our facebook page you will see uh over the last couple of days i've posted up a couple of pictures of the new presents we've acquired um so i've made no sort of bones about it that i want a mclaren um 570 would be cool um mainly because no one's really pushing the boundaries in the uk we've got a lot of twin turbo v10 stuff kicking around we've got another building at the minute actually that we're just uh doing uh but no one's really sort of torn up the mclaren stuff so i've wanted it for a while and i've spoken to quite a few people and uh one particular guy has hooked me up with quite a lot of stuff almost a complete engine um and they're a blackout no one knows them anybody who does keep stuff quiet um and i thought i'd talk through what we've got um what it looks like what it does how it's different to what we see on other stuff and basically sort of unveil the engine a little bit more um for instance that's alternator i've done whatever can do we can see it got a bloody audi part number on it just here there so you know that is a pretty typical vallejo alternator and the front drive gear on the front of it is off something we deal with every day um and that will be uh tuareg because they use where's my coupler uh we use the same on the toilet stuff rubber couplers so that's alternator the compressor looks very similar with this drive gear on so that's how the aircon compressor and the alternate is driven nothing fancy uh the only difference is some of the later mclarens use a new one why one two three four gas not r134a which is a nightmare for us because you need two machines but unless you know that the aircon system all functions the same so alternator aircon compressor nothing fancy uh it doesn't even have it's not even a limbus alternator so that's just typical dfm uh that is driven in turn and the air con compressor is driven in turn by the water pump and the oil pump little rubber coupler sits on both joined together i said those two devices are driven um the alternator has a one-way clutch on it like all of them noisy car uh a one-way clutching it like normal so it accelerates up but then when you are on overrun it doesn't lock the alternator up water pump that is driven by timing chain on one side the bank and the oil pump exactly same again driven by time and chain on the other so that's how those two accessories are driven now that is looks completely different to everything we deal with in volkswagen group and that looks completely different to everything we deal with in volkswagen group if you take that one for instance and that two secs that is a water pump an oil pump off a v10 so you can see two different manufacturers two devices do the same thing completely different and the v10 is driven off that spline shaft and that is it so that's quite uh quite an interesting way of how they've packaged the four components i haven't got the aircon compressor but how they've packaged the four components in the bottom of the v um so that's quite uh quite an interesting way of doing it um we haven't played i haven't even opened this up yet we normally blueprint the inside of our oil pumps but i'll strip this open and we'll put more photos up and see what the inside of it is like there's a couple of different versions of this you can get a track pack version which delivers more flow but again we'll have a play with this with these items uh oh and it can sit there yeah the oil pump has got intake feed and outlet so this is a scavenge side three scavenge ports we have eight on the v10s three scavenge ports one return one main inlet feed and one pressure feed i mean i don't know whether davey can get in there but it's little bits like that all the casting marks that is something on our high level builds that we'd address on our oil pumps we'd essentially port the oil pump so it'd be interesting to get this open and have a look now that cover straight away this cover looks exactly like a five liter lamborghini oil pump end cap so again it's funny how you start getting into the manufacturers not as in the vehicle manufacturer but the part manufacturer valeo you know the compressor is going to be like a denso or continental who builds the oil pump and you see how they all cross over mclaren gearboxes oh well i can graziano same as 488 uh or sam's ferraris same as r8s same as lamborghinis you know so it's all interesting stuff when you kind of get them all next to each other and see uh turbos uh that's a tdr4 mitsubishi it's a pretty common turbo and i have got six of them um so again you start looking into it tdo4 tdo4hl i think it is um i've already spoken to leo in developments he's going to do me a pair so i want to look at exhaust gas temperature at cylinder head and i want to look at exhaust gas pressure out of the cylinder head and i also want to then look at exhaust gas temp and pressure after the turbine so we can work out what's going on across the turbine he's going to put a speed sensor in it for me as well and then we're going to do the same into and out of the compressor housing and this is all going to be linked to our new data logger so we've got a plex combustion analysis data logger so we can analyze the combustion pressure inside the head and this is all going to be part of our development program that we basically baseline stock turbos you've got everyone smashing you know upgrades or remaps on and this and that and nobody really knows the ins and outs of what everything is so we're going to work closely with leah owens to understand what this is what we can do with it whether he can do me a shiny bullet nut in a compressor housing what a stock turbo will do safely you know all this sort of information it's all well and good me knowing but if you own the cars you need to know as well um you know we already see issues on tuned 720s where they eat the intake pipes um so just stuff like that um and then these are another little interesting bit so the r8s the lamborghinis they have two engine mounts conventionally down under each bank and they sit in the engine in that manner uh and that is it then the other mounts in the back on the gearbox the mclarens have torque bars bolts to the front of the engine and they they the early ones especially the uh rubber bar uh metal bars with rubber ends rubber bushes and they just chew them up and spit them out so we've got these billet sort of rose jointed items um limited number of them but again like our suspension arms and stuff like that that we get speed tech and ben involved with we'll see if we can get some of those made from a nicer fee than what these are um because they ain't cheap uh and then these are pretty common looks pretty much exactly like an r8 v8 throttle body uh bosch unit typical number so again nothing nothing fancy six pin connector drive by wire motor um main sensor tracking and uh backup tracking or yeah you get your main and your sub so we've got a couple of those kicking around as well so you know you sit there and and have a look and the package is very impressive and it's built up with you know mitsubishi turbo bosch throttle bodies vallejo alternator um capricorn piston capricorn pins capricorn liners you know so yeah we start to work through it um this is our new pistons [Music] that is our new liner and that's the piston pin so again uh look pretty similar to our aftermarket pistons capricorn do for us on some of our other engine platforms um but we'll i'll do another video on the cylinder block we'll walk around the cylinder block um but essentially it's a press-in liner once you press it in um and then obviously pistons and then the only thing i haven't got is rods so i'm already chatting with our aaron arrow and we're gonna design a set of con rods for it um and we've already had a chat with uh capricorn this is a sort of this is a stock piston basically so it's really impressive for a stock piston um but we're going to get an uprated piston made to deal with more power so at least we've got that in our portfolio of available parts um so that is that what is the that is what i want and then that is a v8 crank so it's covered in grease and build up so ignore the state of it we'll um we'll get it super finished anyway before it goes in our engine but you kind of get the idea of it and then if i lift over this one an example v10 one and we sort of line the journals up side by side you can see the crank length is pretty similar so if you go journal to journal you can see we've got 10 in the same space as they've got eight but what i would say is if you then start looking at things like across two rods on a v10 roughly 40 mil across two rods on the v8 you're like 48 so you've got a lot more bearing load surface on the v8 crank this is a five liter crank so you can see the offset journals this is more like the 5.2 crank in the v10 where it's got a single single pin for two rods so they'll be opposite opposing rods opposing banks sorry uh you can see there is uh timing chain gears the same so it's the same timing chain drive they're the opposite way round so that is the front end that's the nose of the crank and that's the that's the tail end so i've got them back to front because that's the tail end of the v10 crank um and yeah nice little v-block stand so we can we can do our measurements but uh we'll have a little player we're getting measured up uh i've got a measure to block up anyway um so we can get some bearings on order we need to understand the geometry of it all so we can get a design sort of uh put together for arrow for a rod um because that's the only bit i'm missing really i might have to uh try and get a hold of a stock rod to to baseline um i'm not going to try and move that against too heavy yeah so lots and lots of uh of trip trick little bits really um timing chain guides eyes don't look like that on a v10 stuff or the v8 stuff any audi stuff really they're they're really nice pieces uh what else we've got i don't know whether dave you can see i've got a nice flywheel phone stand uh got bearings turbo fittings frost washers the world's most expensive spark plugs so i know it's the racing equivalent but they are uh 24 mil long thread uh conventionally 19 mil is is the conventional uh thread length uh it's small hex head so these look very similar to the b58 bmw or the new supra spark plug um whereas you've probably seen the um the the v10 plugs the v8 plugs the huracan the gallardo plugs they're the same as what goes in the golf uh so that's quite trick they are ngk racing versions so they're like 90 quid each but it'll be uh it'll all be good fun um what other goodies have we got uh where's me engine looms gone that's the breather platform and oil filter housing at the top uh so very similar sits in the top of the block oil filler i've got a couple of those down there and then the oil cooler the oil heat exchanger looks exactly the same as every bloody everyone we deal with so two coolant inlet ports to inlet an outlet on a coolant inlet and outlet on the oil and that's how it cause a heat exchanger it just bolts straight on the top but that's the top of the v so that sits in the belly of the v uh when i get the block in in a bit i'll i'll lay it in and show you what i mean um but that's your filter assembly [Music] um uh the solenoids for the variable valve timing again look quite similar to anything else you would have seen two pin solenoid 12 volt supply ground control as in a grounded control um by the ecu and that is what will actuate your um your cam timing solenoids and it will control the oil flow to advance or the cam timing um i'm just looking at it now to see what a manufacturer code is but it says it's made in germany so i don't quite recognize a manufacturer code on it but again enough of those to sort of put an engine together what else we got tool for lining up your the uh oil pump and water pump drives so it looks like the inside of the drive so that's how you can a special tool for loading that up cam adjusting tool so you bolt that to your cylinder heads actually i've got a built head so i'll show you that in a minute but that's how you lock the cams in place to time them up on variators um that's obviously mclaren one box to the head and these two slots then engage over the cams and if you think that's the mclaren one that's the audi one so two different ways of doing exactly the same thing um a couple other little special tools kicking around from so yeah the last couple of weeks we've we've collected up some bits towards the project um started to have conversations with people so yeah we'll um we've got a few more bits to show you but that can wait for now so hope you enjoyed seeing the uh ancillary side you
Channel: REPerformance UK
Views: 16,458
Rating: 4.9130435 out of 5
Id: P-2tL4ZubLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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