We Survived 100 Days As Ocean Dragons In Minecraft

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we spent 100 days as sea dragons we can't breathe fire or air but we can spew lightning and swim forever unfortunately it seems like everyone despises sea dragons because they think we're evil monsters but that's absurd people only think this because of the legend of the Leviathan a massive Terror that plagues the Open Sea it's probably not real though so now it's our job to survive and thrive so without further Ado let's make a good name for the sea dragons Jordan I am sick and tired of living in this tiny little pond so you want to move to a bigger Pond ideally I'd like to live on land I'm tired of the water what but the issue is as soon as I go over here I start drowning but like the opposite of drowning I don't know what it is breathing but it hurts what are you about it that's a natural order of things we're see dragons Nick I don't know turn but I need a change and I've got an idea follow me so Jordan what do you think it's beach front property which means whenever we're about to die but we just swim down here for a moment and then we go right back up I don't have too much money but I've got fish and maybe the realtor really likes fish let me go get some water real quick hello there Mr real estate man we'll take the house I'll give you as much fish as you want what who even let you in you're gonna lower the property value what are you talking about how do we lower the property value because City dragons are horribly evil creatures that are related to the Leviathan I would have called the police on you already if you weren't so weak and actually I'm still going to call the police on you hey wait we might be weak but give us a chance I've never even heard of the Leviathan and I've lived in the water for my entire life what can we do to prove that we deserve this house I'm skeptical but if you destroy the Leviathan it prove that you're actually good I'll give you this property that sounds like it'll be be a cinch I'll be able to take that down ow super easily Jordan we're already dying the police are coming I I don't even think the Leviathan is real ow this is miserable our situation looks rough so we go back to our pond brainstorm well that didn't go as planned no so what what do we do now just think what would our dad say he didn't speak English but I think I knew what he meant um it was just noise to me unable to buy the beachfront property we decided to make our own home in the tundra so that we have a home base where we can get stronger good call moving to the tundra Nick I always thought the beach was nicer but I can breathe here the snow is just hard water and I had an even better idea we can make an igloo Jordan so that we can actually you know not die also stop throwing our Igloo walls everywhere that's what we're using I didn't know they were walls I thought they were balls what did I just say it's fun even with a lack of liquid water we thrive in the tundra it's like we were made for this the work isn't easy but over the next few days we construct our new home [Music] Jordan This is the first night that we get to sleep in our igloo and I'm just happy that it's not a tiny little Pond for once I'm not even much stronger yet but I already feel safer yeah I mean we're not any stronger we're not even really safer we don't have a door that's good all right Jordan step one to getting stronger go ahead and take down everything that's around here with your frost breath okay wait a minute are we just Bears never mind Jordan we're not bears and I don't have Mana nor experience so we have to go and we have to mine the Elder Dragon dust okay Jordan I just found an ocean cave this is absolutely perfect oh I got my first Elder dust fantastic now we only need a billion more or and iron well Nick you gotta remember the road of a billion steps starts with the the first step I've never heard that phrase I made it up I don't quite understand how this furnace is currently able to cook the iron but you know what I will allow it it's times like this that I'm happy that dragons are born with crafting tables in their blood it's very very nice yes albeit weird yeah it's kind of weird how we also install the pickaxes right into our arms but I'm all for it so Jordan it looks like you got about the same amount of dragon dust as I did which is absolutely fantastic and Jordan go ahead and grab yours because I don't want to eat yours and I don't want you to eat mine either then let's eat them up do I have to cook this eat it or can I just like Chomp Elder dragon bones yeah you just you just munch on it Jordan I think I'm going to go ahead never mind we have to have nine of them I think I'm pretty sure that's what we have to do and then we get the dragon heart Shard and then that's what we eat enjoyed I I didn't get that much bigger but I do feel very slightly stronger did you eat anything I'm working on it okay well I'm gonna go ahead and make as many as I can make it's not nearly as much as I thought I can get two week cards from it only Jordan dude that's what I got check this out man check this out man oh I feel the power coursing through my dragon vein dude honestly I'm ready to go fight someone or something you know yeah but we're nice dragons yeah I don't actually think the Leviathan exists it does this is just kind of awkward yeah I guess back to caving or something what is that man what is what is that that's Frosty the Snowman yeah but he seems angry Jordan like he might be a good opponent for us to test our new power but but he seems chill yeah I kind of don't really want to hit him if he's nice hey bud wait is your friend why does it say late Nick over his head now I gave him dirt and he's my friend it goes to show Nick that just like everyone else has misconceptions about sea dragons we had the same as misconceptions about our silly little snowman you're not wrong I'm really still confused but uh let's go see if we can find someone to test our skills on regardless Jordan it turns out I had enough dust for another level by the way so I'm feeling you good what is that Droid behind us what is what you're snow going a snow golem there's no way this one's friendly too oh no take him down oh goodness this guy is so strong Jordan I think we have to let Snow Golem keep throwing bricks at him but don't let him get hurt we can't do this oh we just barely caught him dude that was so close no no no no what oh Dad Jordan honestly run we can rebuild our snow globe he's just made out of blocks it's just block wait no he just won what he doesn't get back up right or do we have to like light him on fire or something Jordan how how do we finish off the zombie whoa Jordan we fly away we fight away at this point okay we need to go mine quite a lot more fighting through the tears and rage we get back to work we must get stronger to avenge our new friend Jordan honestly I gotta be honest it's kind of hard to stay mad while mining it's just so great it's cathartic also we didn't make armor what yeah dragons can wear armor too you know hello little creeper you wouldn't blow up a sea dragon what do you know you wouldn't but whenever I stand up it looks like you would so I'd rather you not because I have to make it back to water soon thank you man creepers are so true oh he's going after you hmm Sweet Water the nectar of the clouds the air of the fish well actually water technically has air in it you know no oxygen is oxygen air well we cement ourselves as intellectuals of our time we continue to contemplate the world we inhabit while slowly acquiring all the loot we seek wait Jordan yeah come over here I just found another Igloo that this isn't our Igloo yeah we built Turtles on top of a mountain wait what is this and there is a trap door just as I suspected how did you know that I just felt like there would be you know that's normally how they go how are you falling so fast what do you mean I don't weigh very much oh that's true wait that doesn't make sense uh uh Nick this looks suspicious who did this who did this we can take the apples Jordan because even us ocean dragons or sea dragons whatever you want to call us we're sea dragons we can also eat golden apples which is fantastic but also we're gonna die soon without water well regardless I like Arya glue quite a lot more oh Dragon dust Jordan I didn't like that Igloo either ours doesn't have a creepy dungeon does it no not yet good what I get fish that are delish before we head way back in the mines I found diamonds I always knew I could do it everyone believed in you except you know everyone like me Jordan I am finding diamonds really really easily right now Jordan it seems as we upgrade ourselves we're able to upgrade abilities and what's fantastic about is it lets us live outside of water for a little bit longer you're telling me Nick that we can remain cool water dragons but still be on land maybe not cool but yes good morning Jordan I think our Mining Adventure sure is done let's see is the yep Jordan the zombie is still actively trying to get to us we need to maybe loot up quickly you mean suit up not loot up sure I guess we did the Looting part already I'm gonna eat everything I can and I I can eat quite a lot during right now I'm not gonna lie wait hey dude I hit the thing where I need big dragon hearts wait really so I'm a young dragon and I also need the bigger ones uh how do we make the bigger ones again isn't it just like you put a bunch of the weak ones together I think so unless it has mineral requirements so we're gonna have to go mining more but Jordan look at us we're looking a little bit better and that's even without armor which we should do ahead and craft oh can I apologize what what have you done I I made a thousand chess plates I didn't mean to I didn't mean to I don't know oh no I carried away I just got carried away you can't be doing that Jordan I'm making a Diamond Sword for both of us I'll put them in the chest that says iron and stuff like that mostly because this is technically stuff like that dude also here's another iron chest plate because I would have made a diamond chest plate oh no hey Jordan the stinky fella here is still right here he is shaking his head up is he about to jump at me it looked like he wanted to I want to try the method of lighting him on fire when he goes down because that just makes sense to me but we need Flint first so uh I'm gonna fly off and find that all right Jordan I have the flint and steel are you ready to do battle more ready than I've been thus wow he's hitting me tell him to stop it stop it start hitting him back in bed good call dude oh he's breaking her Mountain yeah hey don't break our Mountain that's messed up man dude I feel so much stronger he's not doing that much damage to us although he is still kind of crazy I'm gonna eat some fish and watch the fight it's good entertainment honestly I I we knocked him down and now what do we light him on fire yeah we did he turns invisible and then what is oh what is that Jordan that's a whole camera can I see how much damage it does yeah once why did you try to crit with it why would I not yo hand that over real quick I I gotta check the damage so it is two more damage than a diamond sword wow does it does have any abilities too I don't know if it does or not but uh there I get to hit you back oh that's very good Jordan not gonna lie I like this whole camera we're gonna make good use of this buddy which I want to go talk to the big dragon you know who I'm talking about no the one of the Ender variety because that Dragon knows how to do like cool spinny stuff and I want it to teach us how oh yo Tony Hawk yeah I think it's Tony Hawk to get to the end we must first go somewhere else wait Nick you're getting obsidian that's how you get to the nether not the end Nick the nether is a piss where sea dragons don't go I'm aware of that the only moisture in the nether is sweat and lots of it mostly ours first things first we gotta upgrade our Out of Water ability wow this takes a lot of levels right now I can be out of water for 110 seconds that's not bad dude but I don't think it's good enough for the nether man we need a little bit more time what about water bottles dude truth is we need all the moisture we can get snow blocks special abilities and water bottles can all play their part to help us survive the nether all we need to do is fill up these water bottles in the morning and then we're set to go Jordan is it normal to be nervous yeah how about terrifying yeah oh good that's what I feel I love the water sometimes all the times um Jordan yeah yes why why are you why is that not gonna melt the snow all right okay it doesn't matter let's let's go Jordan let's prepare yourself for the inevitable your dad let's go what what did you even upgrade your skill which skill and you actually have to actively use the skill too Jordan I I hope you know that oh you do no I do yeah I'm going to go ahead and use it for me boom hey it may have worked for you too that was a really big effect it was very very cool oh I'm dying like instantly let me drink some water wait why does it look like I'm dying pretty quickly too wait no it's just that it's not going down for you know it kind of is going down dude the Water Works really really well though okay the Water Works beautifully but I don't know if I'll make it that's okay we just need to find the nether fortress immediately what's great about you know having wings is that we can fly and I found a Bastion before I found another Fortress which is honestly not ideal but pretty cool still I found another Ashton are you kidding me let's get the loot and get out okay the netherite and Diamond helmets is too good to pass off I'm throwing away my used bottles reasonable dude wait we could just refill them though yeah but with what water Jordan with what water is a good point also are they all going at you because they're kind of not hitting me yeah they're all going at me just like thatron I have three netherite ingots and some diamond armor that's very nice that's very nice sure now I'm looking I'm looking pretty good with it Jordan I also got a prince summon from one of the chests which I think we could use that to have a meeting with a prince oh which means something maybe you could ask him if he knows about a leviathan even though uh maybe he'll just confirm that it doesn't exist or we could ask him to make us a knight I'd rather be the day well oh hey the snow block Works honestly it's a lot better than the water bottles things are going well for us so far in the nether as unexpected as that is but there was a surprise in store for us as we approached the nether fortress oh I found another Fortress Jordan it is right here Sweet Success also I'm going to finally try out my frost breath because there's no way it doesn't work well right or is it lightning breath yeah I didn't even know what it was myself but this lightning breath is taking down everything because it's chain lightning that is so sexual so good against the blazes oh that is fantastic dude so Jordan you're getting you know blaze rods yet I'm in love with you Nick I'm still just standing on snow waiting to heal you know what I can't even blame you it's quite convenient that the warp Forest is right next to the nether fortress because that contains all that we need because so many Endermen in the workforce must be a nice place to live I mean until we showed up but yeah [Music] foreign why did a Boss Bar just come up above our heads um it says ignis Ah that means I think I found it the dude with the massive sword and shield wait but dude we uh sir we have no business with you we're looking for Enderman Nick what do we do this is a good chance for us to get even stronger because you're not only can we get Elder dust and eat it and become stronger but we can also become stronger by getting better at Battle itself yeah honestly snowballs make sense here I'm gonna go ahead and throw some at him let's see what it does I believe I missed oh is he gonna whoa he's already coming at us I did not expect it hey Jordan he's blocking the Snowballs he blocked the Snowballs with his shield we have to go back to the snow quite consistently too he's throwing Fireballs at us and that just seems like that just doesn't seem cool I mean the dude lives in the nether it kind of makes sense I am going back real quick to uh you know stand on snow but this is going okay listen if you throw a snowball at your buddy dude right and then he sends back a fireball it's too far it's too far isn't it yeah I'm using Frost on him he doesn't seem to mind the frost breath I think he likes it so don't use that oh does he like the lava he does like the lava oh he loves it we might want to lure him away from the lava not only because we don't like the lava but he might drop items if we take him down oh he's climbing back up honestly yeah let's create a little path or um it'd be so nice oh we're running away You're so scary Mr ignis I mean also being above Jordan well yeah but at first I gotta learn him right because I mean he what if he oh what was that move he's blue now why is he blue just like me for real for real he's like me he's one of us I don't think he's one of us during those still are you a sea dragon oh Jordan okay get away he's shooting stuff okay cool he's shooting at you okay although he's still shooting at you I'm able to dodge stuff oh my goodness Jordan he just made the full nether shake well let's make them super low we need to get him to land right ow this hurts dude yeah but uh we can just focus on taking him down for right now at least I'm staying down some snow oh he's charging up something oh yeah you read him like a book uh he's charging a big swing okay honestly being able to fly makes this completely doable he's shooting stuff but I can dodge it all this is what you told it would appear it's way harder to dodge it all than you think he's diving okay let's lure him on to land over here okay oh another man I can take that down for an ender pearl too thank you Enderman hey man we we uh we want you to die over here he doesn't seem happy about that he's an angry boy yeah honestly we can also start placing Netherrack on the ground oh oh what he grabbed me Jordan he grabbed me with his sword that's not cool I know I nearly died from it I'm going to go heal a wee bit I should have brought more building blocks that weren't snow I did not think this through why is this Blaze shooting me as well do you not see that we're battling someone quite a bit stronger that your dad or something maybe it is maybe maybe it is that I didn't even think about that all right dude I'm making ground here Nick and trying to encourage him to to be on ground yeah I got his attention a wee bit there if he ever grabs me again I'm just dead though just don't let him grab you dude it's that simple oh what is this that I'm saying he just did an attack I've never seen Jordan but you know what they say oh lasers once they use their ultimate move that's the time to take them down please stop eating he's healing off you is what he's doing wait Jordan I got him I think I got him dude you took him down but he's just standing there wait wait what is this what did he drop ignite him Ingot it appears that we can make his sword and now you're telling me we just gotta take down Enderman like nothing ever happened I mean yeah with the ultimate fire dude defeated and all the ender pearls collected we head to the end oh during I just had a realization by the way yeah um I had a diamond chest plate like the entire time during that fight that I could have given you and you didn't think about that until the danger has passed oh we need a netherite sword and then four blaze rods which Believe It or Not Jordan I can make that netherite sword what and the ingots like so maybe it wasn't quite like so oh it was like this all along Jordan this item may be lost when the flame strike explodes I hope not Jordan oh my that's a big sword boom and slime strike wait how does it work that wasn't me oh oh oh that was me it also doesn't have any durability Jordan is that a good thing or a bad thing that's really good oh Jordan that netherite armor is kind of terrifying I mean look at my eyes no matter how far away the stronghold lies with the power of light will be there in no time oh here's the room right here Jordan that did not take long at all we have under eyes right yeah we actually oh we have just enough dude just enough I just realized now that I have this super cool sword you can take the hammer the whole camera yes also did I not bring my water bucket how stupid am I to be fair we don't actually have to fight right have you come here for the spin wings like Nick get out before it's too late yes I'm gonna spin move into the void foreign welcome back bro that Venture went a lot quicker than the nether I guess it was one Venture together but that was a dragon dude and dragons are can be cool with other dragons true whereas giant fire Golems wanna burn you also true oh I can go ahead and try making a bigger dragon heart wait is that not how you make a bigger dragon heart you need diamonds gold and netherracks no no for the normal one we need lapis gold and charge cool which we actually can make let's grab out the loot oh Jordan I have a bunch of weak dragon hearts now and by a bunch I mean 11 which might be all that I need to level up and just like that Jordan I'm a big fella now well I'm kinda in need of a big fella because we have two approaching enemies wait really yeah we're getting invaded we're getting invaded a lot where are we wait Jordan wasn't I just your size whoa whoa whoa whoa what I'm I'm older than you jokes on you pillagers you're getting taken down just like that oh this wow the cold sword effects with the blue fire and all that's so sick dude bro that was that was that was absurd to watch I didn't even blow him up I could have blown them up are you trying to become king and the dragons no not especially but I'll take it so now Jordan I need the Elder Dragon heart which takes another right scrap and diamonds how much more do we have of that yeah we never had scrap what if we substitute ignatium Ingot I wish we could can we just make it online Chess Place since iron chest plates are not netherrite scraps or diamonds we take off in search of new minds but find something else hey you're fiends wait what you're more of that leviathan's goons right try to steal my heart of the sea to summon the Leviathan but I won't let you take it wait wait wait the leviathan's real yes of course Take This Heart of the sea so you can destroy him but wait so wait wait I'm still trying to wrap my head around it yeah do you know where the Leviathan is it sounds like you know quite a lot about them the Leviathan is in the sunken city maybe like Atlantis shy I don't know but what I do know is that you have to get so much stronger if you ever want to defeat him I'm both more confused and yet gaining information how is that possible Jordan I'm still not convinced that the Leviathan is real just because this this guy says that it is I don't know what you're trying to say oh well Jordan I guess I guess we'll take the heart of the scene move on um we could help this guy out but he didn't ask for help and he could swim it's it's right there like the land is right there but maybe okay I will save him from the drowned boom there we go I'll give him a very small plank to walk on that seems like the the least I can do I'm just gonna give him a new boat it's not as big as his last one but like he really can't complain at this point well onwards and upwards dude sunken city that means it probably is in the ocean but during we've lived our entire lives in well kind of a pond we haven't really explored the ocean maybe we could have done that before you know trying to get a beach house we didn't need to what would we do out there oh I just smacked my face into a wall careful it's no fun oh look at the sea fishing rod not too shabby part of the sea fishing rod you weren't supposed to use it to make a fishing rod no I I no no don't worry I did enjoyed a different thing also I just had a brilliant idea to get stronger we need to enchant our items so we need to go find a village and then we'll save them from the raid because I have bad Omen and then they'll give us very good trades oh so we play Both Sides yes sure I feel like we're just going home isn't this right where we live I don't know oh there's a village you know what I think I did see one before I'm a little nervous about you know angering everyone here is this a big enough Village it's probably a big enough Village I mean I'm not too scared for myself because I can fly I have frost breath I have another thing I don't even know what this ability here does oh this is a big charge oh okay that was actually sick chill bro oh wait yeah we need to take down the Raiders you took down those Raiders there that's good Jordan that's good of course okay there's a lot of villagers here and some children we actually need to make sure we do a good job protecting why are you fighting the Iron Golem okay here are the people I'm gonna do a big explosion incinerator thing okay you ready decimated there you go dude taking down where are the other ones right behind you yep that's he actually lives you can stop shooting me too I wasn't shooting pretty sure you were the one shooting me the entire time no you got in the way that's not on me okay I'll allow it thank you what's cool is I can charge up my sword while also dashing at them with the spin move oh there's a big fella here is it not working on them it's working on the fellas but just not the big dude or maybe it did it seemed to work oh also I got a saddle what are you going to use a saddle for what do you mean oh wait that was the entire raid Jordan now to uh put these villagers in a new housing environment where we can trade with them very nicely exactly which is a good thing we're also gonna have to cut down lots of trees I'll get to work on that part I've always wanted to be a lumberjack so Jordan well you spent all that time cutting down trees I spent all all my time making this with this all set up we get to trading this is one of the exciting bits here is the fact that we have all these enchanted books that we can use on our armor and weapons and I can go and open up my dragon inventory which is uh a thing what yeah it's a thing and then I upgrade my abilities Jordan because I got a lot of levels what do you think will be good enough to defeat the definitely real Leviathan I feel like Leviathan we don't need water breathing for that so I'm going to have the give 15 chance to make your attack ignore enemy Armory that sounds pretty good I already can't upgrade anything more man these abilities are a little bit expensive Jordan but that's pretty good now let's go in and chance if I uh made a lot of stuff and some of it is better than other things I accidentally made three sharpness four books I don't want to talk about it can we talk about it no I still don't want to oh okay okay now this is gonna take a while yep wait Jordan I just had the realization of you shouldn't enchant the stuff yet what do you mean we're gonna go mining because we need get more Dragon dust and stuff so we're gonna get diamonds there you can upgrade like your sword that's what I'm gonna do can I even upgrade my sword oh my I can you can upgrade the fire sword I could even rename it if I wanted but uh maybe something funny it's from the incinerator to the the hydrator which makes no sense because it still shoots fire and all but it's cool it confuses your enemies even more haha yes like me oh dude the dance oh dude do the gritty yeah you're doing the gritty is this the what is it record while you're doing an Integrity oh okay am I doing it is it is it oh no not side to side just up and down Drew oh okay that's the gritty Dragon gritty Dragon gritty it actually looks hello fellow uh kids check it out check it out check this out [Laughter] it's like if a dog was trying to grin oh my goodness that was actually really funny during my netherite chest plate has been unenchanted we're celebrating you well yeah because now I'm going to enchant it with really cool stuff to make it more shiny super shiny oh wait do I have levels at all for this didn't she use them all on your abilities yeah that um we're gonna have to go mining yeah back to mining Droid I've had I've had a scary fellow in this dark dark cave okay so hear me out we can fight him right but that's a creeper right yeah we're gonna light it on fire see oh it's flying oh yeah I think we should light it on fire uh well let me just lay down on fire with my sword how about that Jordan and boom oh did I miss it did look like you you missed did it blow up was that it yeah we got it and it wasn't even close I'm only dude I got a full heart left wow not even difficult wow I found glow squid those aren't diamonds who cares but they're the most delicious of squid oh more diamonds how many of you found Jordan yes oh okay okay Jordan Jordan I need your help we need your help it's not the warden but it is someone I need to hit with the hydrator they they especially need to be hydrated you know there's a that's a scary that's a scary dude all right I'm not happy start punching them with me Jordan okay don't you worry dude he's no match for my hammer my hammer is known as the skull crusher this dude's all skull boom crushed it see yeah he's not gonna reform right I don't need to like hit him at all oh hey you can pick it up dude I got a rib oh wait how did that guy explode more than the creeper true wait did you say Minecraft Warden uh I think I found a Minotaur yeah that's the Minecraft I'm gonna do big explosion are you prepared yes as I run away I don't know if I hit him but Jordan honestly if we could take down the ward and we can take down a leviathan right yeah yeah uh oh as long as he keeps going after me and I keep floating we should be fine and he's really going after you Jordan I can't even see you got any torches uh no well it's okay it's so deep dark it's meant to be dark exactly if we put torches down here it would be just what he wanted maybe how is he still alive this is actually insane to me you're you're hitting him right I am hitting him for big damage each time okay now he's hitting me also okay I need to go heal real quick Jordan oh I got him you got him I left wait what is a skulk Catalyst you know the Catalyst or school can I make a parfait without or something you can try after the success of our underground Expedition I peacefully enjoy ice fishing well Nick less peacefully looks for netherright Jordan do we have everything we need almost you said you got like a good amount of other ice crap right yeah and so did you what the wait how much is that several oh I mean that was a good amount but I thought that was like I thought that was like a stack or something Jordan I think we only have enough of everything for one of us to be a big adult well which one of us gets it you know I just realized my sword gave me extra attack range I can hit you from there what that's crazy dude okay let's see I can make nine other dragon hearts is that enough that might be enough though oh I need more gold I think that's limiting factorable let's see one two three four five six seven eight nine wait that was that it wait I think I needed one more I think I need actual one more no dude we need more gold yeah there's one gold in the chest just just one really I passed so much gold because I did too I didn't think we all right all right I'll be right back all right Jordan I Believe I should have enough gold now wait I'm an adult I'm an adult I'm definitely an adult right do I have to pay taxes now see if the IRS comes for you regardless Jordan I'm feeling pretty healthy I'm feeling pretty good I think it's time to find that Leviathan and bring him to Justice or maybe talk to him first we'll see oh wait but dude if we're gonna travel in the ocean like you you know as well as me that there's only one way to travel fast in the ocean swimming befriending dolphins wait I've never befriended a dolphin before I can we become even faster yeah let's enchant our stuff and then find some Dolphins hey Jordan do you think it's Overkill to use my super special sword under the water I don't even know if it'll work or not oh it it uh it did work Joy it's actually encouraged that's the best way to farm salmon nice dude my sword reach is actually insane hey Nick yeah once you're done getting some fish uh I found a friend I think oh you sure did didn't you yeah is he a friend I don't I don't even know if he counts as a friend but hey there fisher fellow you wrecked another ah hello there again fancy running into you here but it's great timing because I realized I forgot to tell you some secret information about the Leviathan secret what yeah we'll take that secret information that could be helpful well you see I don't actually have the secret information but there's a kingdom just south from here that has a book that contains the secret of defeating the Leviathan go take it from them go take it from them that seems kind of messed up doesn't it yeah we're trying to save the good name of sea dragons and that's gonna put us behind I mean way behind maybe we can borrow it like as if it was a library do you have a library card um no no we'll have to see if we can get one when we're there thanks fella here's some salmon in case you you know are gonna die he's got a land bridge Edge icebridge there are polar bears that's good action or one of them you know what they say polar bears they pull or care do they say that they do they don't well Jordan it seems like we finally found a town going Southbound and during right there there's a chest that says secret chest no touching I think that's what we're looking for but this feels so suspicious it feels like a trap does it not this is very odd do you see anyone around towns are normally bustling in this area I don't see anyone at all but I'm going to go ahead and open this up Jordan and see what's inside leviathan's secret weakness what well Jordan I guess we're going to go ahead and read this now the Leviathan is weak to pretty much all swords do you hear enough stab what Jordan do you hear horses um are these guys angry at us for taking this book I wasn't here I wasn't even here it was all this guy I don't think they're angry with us right they seem chill so fun oh they're trying to kill you flying away I will save you Jordan okay wait how many are there Jordan trying to take us down these guys are gonna follow us if we don't take them down now right I guess we'll take them all down to the best of our ability but I didn't expect this we're trying to take down the Leviathan don't you want us to take down the Leviathan yeah exactly this doesn't make very much sense Jordan you know what they think that we're the leviathans goons probably and because of that they think that we're trying to you know get rid of the only way they know how to take them down but from what I was reading the secret is just to hit it with a sword that's literally it do they really need to write that down yeah it really seems like you could have just stuck it on a Post-It note or it could have gone down in Legend you know what I mean yeah exactly I I agree well I guess I'm destroying this town as well feels kind of bad but it is what it is bro these guys give you iron armor when you take them down that's pretty good well Jordan I have Diamond netherade armors so look I'm expanding my collection of iron chest plates that's too many Jordan it's not enough yeah dude okay the lightning breath Jordan and what's so great about it is it's chain lightning so it'll take them all down at the same time are are we bad guys right now do we become bad guys no no they started it right they attacked us that's true they wouldn't they wouldn't listen to an explanation did we try explaining I tried to pet their horse and they attacked me I think that's insane hey this is our water can you get out of our water what is that are they fighting each other now too I think they are maybe they can't tell who's a dragon we do look quite different from them Jordan not going to lie well I did put on a gold crown though and so maybe they think I'm the king oh this guy's going after the cows leave the cows alone only I can take down the cows I'm just going for all the chest plates I actually have a new motive and yes I might be a bad guy I see this is good experience at least wait Jordan I got a helmet hey hey I can't wear it wait there are more of them over here Jordan dude they brought a battalion wait where were they hiding to have appeared in this way I don't know they had of ambushed us they were waiting is that fisher guy did he tell him to Ambush us yeah why why would he do that I think they just saw us you know running from afar at all we weren't being very stealthy they probably think dude that we're like some dragon that like ate their kids but that wasn't even us that wasn't even us no right I didn't this is good training for us it's incredible training dude we're like all the other dragons that do this except that we're not like we weren't trying to do this we were just trying to check out a book from a library or something yeah it sounds like amusingly we're somehow on their side despite the fact that they don't know honestly we probably could have just flown away oh oh we could have done that it's okay they can just click the respond button can they well I guess we're off to go find Dolphins so we can actually find the sunken city yeah especially now that we have the secrets of how to defeat the Leviathan are we the bad guys I think that to myself often oh there's more over here I think I'm the bad guy here no we could just leave these ones we could and send them back to no because then they'll tell others that we're the bad guys and we're the good guys yeah so no Witnesses no Witnesses that's what good guys say right yes like Superman that was his phrase no Witnesses was that what Superman said I think so that's what Spider-Man said he went with great power comes no witness right I didn't see the movie armed with me uh secret weakness of the Leviathan we get back to the water Jordan dolphins dolphin least he's my friend Jordan wait as let's see dragon how fast can we go we can go so fast now it took us forever to actually find these Dolphins but I think it was actually worth it wait Nick what's this oh Nick there's a monster attacking me wait was that spin move dude I'll go take it down is he swinging under Dolphins we gotta take this guy out dude is this a leviathan this wouldn't be a leviathan right stab it if it's the Leviathan yeah it's working pretty well I mean regardless I took it down I didn't drop anything that was suspicious Jordan I don't know where our dolphin friends go they swam away but here they are they're even more actually okay well that's good very strange dude was that one of the river dolphins that I've heard so much about I don't think that's what that was Jordan that's good wait there's more there's another monster here dude maybe we just follow a trail of monsters oh this one poisoned me or it's the is that a lionfish dude I think a lionfish poisoned me bro I need you to listen to yourself you just said maybe we follow a trail of monsters when has that ever been a good idea wait yeah we could there's another one right here Jordan Jordan there are more monsters let's just follow the trail of monsters okay they got some sick moves dude wait Jordan yes I got a coral I don't know how to pronounce it it is ridiculously strong it is better than your weapon that thing is it's gonna die soon but that's like ridiculously good whoa Jordan yes sir that looks insane now we both have massive weapons it's a never ending C of these creatures and what is that well that's definitely not the sunken city because that doesn't look super sunken but it looks a little sunken and the Fisher man is here wait why is the fisherman here I have absolutely no idea hey buddy how's it going can I get in the boat with you I can't something about this is real fishy Nick and it's not a pun even though it is yeah what's going on here here this year's weather Leviathan lives however you must spawn him so that you can defeat him and rid him of this world forever you need this purple heart thing that is called an Abyssal something but first I'm going to slap you with this fish until you're dead what wait what were you working on the side of Leviathan this entire time you're Rebecca that doesn't even make sense it does make sense I led you to the Leviathan and you will spot it to clear those sea dragons names but you would lose wait what do you mean you led us to Leviathan I there I was everywhere the entire time ah you just didn't see me [Music] Oh Oh I thought he was gonna be like the right-hand man of the Leviathan but it seems like that probably wasn't the case because we just just two shot that guy he's just two shot that guy I'm conflicted are you conflicted not really I think that was probably good and we found the sunken city and this is where all the monsters are Jordan man did you just throw something at me I couldn't even tell we need a nautilus shell and a theme which is like a weapon okay like one of the ones that everyone's using all the monsters crystallized coral a diamond block heart of the sea which we do have block of emerald block of amethyst block of gold and block of iron I don't know if we're going to have to run about getting those or maybe it's already here okay this guy really hurts but he also doesn't like it feels like it should hurt but it's not you know what I mean you know what I mean why are they throwing Spears at us dude I'm in level with you these people are just as bad as the kingdoms oh Jordan I gotta crystallize Coral fragment which I need four of those in that case man we just got a couple more dudes to take down that seems to be the case I am realizing that I am coming into their home and then slapping them but still while they are fighting us even in the ocean Jordan oh you're right this one's less ambiguous of being the bad guy or good guy than when we were taking down the soldiers yeah we also need like a small little like dagger wait this guy's holding it I think what did he just do to me Jordan I am very blind there for a moment he dropped it can you guys calm down the spears one spear is good enough for anybody and you're throwing 18 000. what is this area here there's so many just mobs I don't see anything that we need wait wait no I do I see everything that we need Jordan let's go we just need to cook this Jordan did you get a block of gold yet no if you could hand that over to me that'd be fantastic and I think there might be a block of diamond right over there yes there's a block of diamond here what else do we need to make this we need more crystallized coral and we need a nautilus shell I have another shell so we just need a block of amethyst oh Jordan another one of the big guys that we need to take down to get the little Coral fragments oh I'm gonna hit him with my Coral bardice which I'm gonna keep saying like that because it's fun not because it's right unless it is right I don't speak Italian did he drop he dropped another one so Jordan we need to take down two more of the big guys these small guys aren't doing too much damage we're kind of strong dragons at this point it honestly seems a little bit unfair yeah but honestly uh they're so annoying still oh you misunderstood me I meant unfair to us because they're so annoying oh I see what is this massive room dude I don't know but whenever I see a big old room like this it unnerves me it is hard to see here but I'm pretty sure that this is where the Leviathan well yo is going to be Jordan I think this is what we need to spawn it wait Nick I found a portal excuse you do you have an underwater flint and steel for this portal oh I see what you're talking about that is very cool looking help me fight we need one more of those shards Android I see Amethyst wait what I did I just put my sword in that but it looks so cool let me take that back though okay I'll put my hammer in there and see if it looks good looks pretty good though I think I only did one block all right Rock the man are we all set one more crystallized Coral which is from uh the big fella all right so we find one more elephant punch him in the nose and then we fight the bane of our world hey Jordan I have an issue with that what it's called the trunk what's the name of the thing that we're taking down for his nose elephant oh what's it actually called now I didn't expect the sunken city to have a jail but it's does and multiple of the guys we need to take down are in here but we only need to take down one let's just go ahead and do it hey I got a coral spear so Jordan I can go and craft the thing now I've got it I've got the big purple heart wait catch yeah what what is that is that not what you've been using oh it's a coral spirit week I throw it I think I used its throw up you used it well wait I don't know a better way to wear this so wait we're ready to bring forth the Leviathan it seems like it are we ready though I'll be honest I am very thankful that we are sea dragons right now and we can just you know live down here A-Okay dude do I do I just put it in there put it into piranha oh okay shaking okay now what frightened I don't know okay okay this is what we're fighting the Jordan take it down we're actually doing really good damage oh Jordan Dodge the attack though oh no it didn't oh wow are we even underwater I can't even tell anymore oh no we're still under dude just avoid the laser death I'm going after him he's really fast though Jordan Jordan it's usually another of the Roars Nichols are getting sucked into it I'm getting cold Every Which Way my head's too big trying to get out yeah I knew that I think it was the what it's pulling me dude is it a black hole or something dude this is supposed to be a big dragon fish thing but it's got black hole Powers how did people think that we were the Leviathan swim down wait Nick you're gonna eat Nichols no I know I'm getting eaten but I'm beating it up let me out of here oh Jordan what is that attack oh oh those are homing missiles those are strip homing missiles they're still coming at me can we hit them I'll try I'll try I'll try to hit them but Jordan just keep swimming I feel like if that hits me I'm just dead just keep swimming it's the only way I I am I keep hitting it Jordan I don't want to get bitten again oh but it's almost dead two more someone said we got it right here Jordan yes yes dude got it dude so are we actually like are we free Jordan dude people finally is everyone going to finally like us Nick we must be the kings of the sea nothing can stop us now wait a minute sorry that that sounded like a villain Arc I didn't mean for that to sound like that Jordan look at what I got dropped putting hook dude the thing is I already have wings it also does damage wait wait wait I can shoot stuff too hey Jordan get over here boom whoa whoa a big old technical thing but with Squid right here Jordan that's so cool that's so cool I need to try that on a different stuff I also got an Abyssal egg does that mean that we can what hatch a baby a baby Leviathan is that a good idea wait Jordan what is that shaking does the water feel warm why is it back why would it be back well Jordan I'm gonna beat it with its own thing now oh wait that is working quite well actually yeah and it lets me like I can launch around and Dodge now and get close and get out oh this is actually too cool dude oh oh oh I'm getting to this raid give me a second but it was going well it was going well at one point yes okay I'm just using my big sword Droid to destroy him what is going on whoa what is that wait it's using more moves sure and that we hadn't seen before and he doesn't know I'm behind him stabbing him oh we took him down wait officially he's done now right like he's he's not he's not gonna come back randomly I don't like the way you said that ominously well I mean to be fair it's just a little bit ominous what are these little explosives around yeah they're a little explosives that's what they are oh bro I don't know about you this doesn't seem like a place to raise a little Leviathan you know what I'm saying yeah honestly we need the ocean maybe the ocean beach house we're at our new house but we're gonna have to make a dragon door do you mind do you mind doing that real quick here's a dragon door perfect Nick this is a house it's not a home are you ready no it's at home Nick what it should be did it hatch oh it did indeed what what do we do now I think hey wait give me the bucket I think he thinks zombies mama oh okay it's escaping into the ocean Jordan is that okay wait wait is that a bad thing um I he's kind of moving fast out there ain't he is he gonna um um uh this is way uh that's probably okay that seems okay this is fine
Channel: L8Games
Views: 208,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: L8Games, L8Nick, L8Jordan, Minecraft, Minecraft Mods, Minecraft 100 Days, 100 days, minecraft dragon mod, minecraft 100 days modded, 100 days modded, modded minecraft, we survived minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, and this is what happened, 100 days in minecraft, We Survived 100 Days As Dragons in Minecraft, We Spent 100 Days In Minecraft In A World Of Dragons, We Spent 100 Days As Ocean Dragons, We Survived 100 Days As Sea Dragons In Minecraft
Id: aGfnLOk0C7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 22sec (2962 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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