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this is how I have always fixed to the Philippines that is some of the bluest water I have ever seen real quick before we start this video we wanted to remind you again that we are not traveling and we are currently on day 21 of self quarantine here in Singapore at this point care even has me wear your robe we have absolutely loved hearing that our videos have helped bring some joy to your homes during this tough time that we're all going through and we really hope that this video does the same so enjoy the Philippines [Music] we're carrying Nate and we've been traveling the world full-time for the last four years our journey has taken us to 100 countries and we are super excited to be visiting the Philippines for a second time the Department of Tourism has invited us back to this beautiful country to explore the provinces of Samar and Leyte yesterday we've entered into the Samar province to explore Asia's second largest cave system and today we are heading across the province of Leyte to get to a stunningly beautiful island where we'll be spending the night but first we have a bit of a journey ahead of us we are currently in the city of Tacloban and now we have a two-hour drive across the island what a beautiful Drive as soon as we got into the countryside we were just surrounded by vibrant green rice fields with palm trees in every direction we looked and I think is just gonna get more beautiful for me so this is the soy guy he sells this local drink called hatful he has this giant metal pot of this white jiggly soy stuff and then he added in some brown I think like liquid sugar syrup and what looks like little boba bubbles it looks very unique apparently it is a Filipino staple and I had to try it you okay it's really warm that kind of threw me off but the taste is very mild it kind of tastes like OD I guess the soy bean like kind of has that like I feel like I'm drinking bring your breakfast thank you oh I gotta walk the plank to get to our boat final destination of Solomon Islands [Music] Wow this is how I always fix you the Philippines [Music] this is incredible some of the bluest water that I've ever seen in my entire life quite a few boats here at the moment which makes me even more excited that we're spending the night because hopefully everybody has to leave and later this evening we'll have the place all to ourselves we are so excited to explore the rest of this island but first it's lunchtime and okay Sam's our local expert he's going to tell us about everything we'll start from this side of the table it might take us a while to get to the other side let's do this what is this Cup they go that pasaron what is this like the most beautiful shell I've ever seen what is it dunk it dunk it that salty dried fish exactly huge plans kini Lau this is basically Filipino ceviche with coconut milk an entire fish we have crabs and very big prawns at da ba die just chipping double dice before and we'll wash it all down with some locally made coconut wine all right I got one of everything I'm gonna eat with my hands because trying this little clam is huge [Music] coconut juice for a this looks like a vegetable soy sauce I'm gonna ruin the whole thing oh my gosh I show good like melts in my mouth like this like skin part that's coming off is like salty so tender so first don't thought it move this one okay yeah open here getting lessons on how to open a crab you can get this one fantastic thank you [Music] Filipino version of a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup whoa all right I better stop there since we go spend the rest of the day at the beach in our bathing suits all right we have kayaks we have paddle boards we have those goofy full face snorkel mask and we are about to spend the entire afternoon in the Sun Wow and then when we get back we're going to show you our state nope oh yeah the giant clumps okay so we're currently clam feeding this entire area of the ocean is like a Marine Garden yeah and they're preserving these plans because they're unique to the Philippines and very rare and they filter the seawater oh you can see its got like a mouth okay so Nate made fun of things but I've always wanted to try one these giant snorkel mask that your whole face goes it isn't gonna be incredible [Music] okay now before it gets dark let me show you overlooking tonight this is it I was gonna do like a room tour but don't you just take a look for yourself how good is this this is it it is just a wooden teepee and all this inside is a mattress two pillows a blanket that we won't use no electricity and the doors don't even cover the whole house but it doesn't even matter we're gonna switch open because look at this view and the best part about staying in the teepee isn't the teepee itself it is 5:30 there's 1 2 3 votes left and it is just us and the locals this sambar was filled with foreigners just an hour ago and now the Sun is setting and it's just casting this beautiful glow on everything right now whoo it does not get much better than this we've busted into the coconut wine we're having chips for dinner and that was one of the most incredible sunsets I've ever seen oh I struck it leaves your tongue feeling fuzzy I like it it's been such a good day I can't imagine if we wouldn't have stayed the night mm-hmm 100% after everybody else is left having the island all to ourselves good morning 5:30 the moon still up the sun's about to rise that's up surprisingly good it is totally worth making the trip to this island just for the sunrise and the sunsets and there are these long winding sandbars on both sides and the Sun sets on the tip of one and rises on the tip of the other pretty much perfect you holding up without coffee so far there's only one thing wrong with that [Music] we finally managed to find some coffee ate a delicious breakfast and now we're about to pack up and start our journey back to Tacloban on the ferry this is just the start of our Philippine series tomorrow we're heading off on our own to the breathtakingly beautiful island of Kuro and where we're sleeping tomorrow you'll just have to wait and see the teepee was cool but we know a lot of people are stuck at home right now and while now is not the time to be traveling it is a great time to start planning your next adventure and if you don't know where that is yet we think you should strongly consider the Philippines we are going to be showing you more awesome places coming up in this series that you can use for your planning but we also recommend following the Philippines on Facebook Instagram Twitter and YouTube for more ideas on incredible places to visit in this country I've never seen anything like it it's dripping it's juicy so I think I just pull on this little thing wow that's a lot of meat I like it okay next listen good okay good yeah thank you for the lesson okay we're trying done get it is a Filipino staple from what we've been told and they basically take an entire fish and turn it into chips here goes oh wow I really really like this I love salty crunchy things kind of weirds me out that there's an eyeball right here but it's delicious and last but not least the rice cake I feel like when they're all rice based I start to run out of unique words to describe this is a very nice light not near as sweet as the rest version of rice cooked another way a perfect night [Music] you
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 1,094,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: philippines travel vlog, travel philippines, philippines travel, camping philippines, travel vlog 2020, philippines, its more fun in the philippines, philippines vlog, leyte, kalanggaman island, leyte vlog, kalanggaman vlog, couple vlog, daily vlog, full time travel, husband and wife, husband and wife travel, husband and wife vlog, kara and nate, kara and nate vlog, travel, travel couple, travel duo, travel vlog, travel vlogger, vlog, filipino food, philippines food
Id: OQupzaTB9HU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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