We Were HUNTED by the ENTIRE Server... Here's What Happened

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one of my favorite things about years past was memories of an entire server coming together to fight for a single world event in all of its treasure fast forward to 2023 in a single chess as people going crazy called the chest of Fortune This highly sought after chess unlocks a brand new ship set called the fate of Fortune this is one of my favorite ships as they've added to the game in recent years that we don't actually have to pay for with real money today I'll be joined by my friend pharah as we decided in this stream to tackle the remainder of our chests needed for the ship set what we encounter in this era was a call back to year one sea of Thieves an hour-long battle to decide who wins so sit back relax and enjoy or gaming I think the best part about this is that we're captain oh true yeah this is your boat right all right you want to thread this or do you want to go around honestly how there are and whether they're gonna move well they're all moving that's the thing and I'm actually going to shoot out here I'm curious to see what the what's going on all right Briggs d-masted scallions hitting them up they see they might be in an alliance The Galleon with one of the bricks I'm not sure I am there's a break missing here I think hold on let me peek map there's one break got Cast Away by part of the man it's headed this way all right what do you think I should do here double blending here uh snipe blundy or snipe pistol my pistol because you're gonna shoot out to the fort and try to make a play it comes over the pew pew going for the scheme [ __ ] they're throwing meters at him yep going in good one I'm gonna pull up then I'm gonna ask I think it was somebody that was here though by the way I'm gonna pull it behind them and shoot fires head nice shot bro they're trying to run see if it can be Master I'll try on channel train ing shot oh my God I got the mid I got him on fire uh yeah okay gone I make they're catching mid actually no I don't make okay they aren't in the Lions they are yep we got a Sloop coming in they're trying to kill the boss now hey you gotta kill him dude no the sword all right you're bad oh all right well I tried we got a boat yeah I'm coming back I tried to tapping but he just won't die the two tabs he's munching on pineapples as soon as he gets hit once okay we got a second bus then dude indeed I have been cracked individual they're committed on us yeah what the [ __ ] dude they're not part of the alliance either it's just weird it looks like a solo all right oh we're outside thank you [Music] oh I need to get away yeah you do what heart oh they parked on this got him there's somebody on this boat there's a break break break yep [Music] all right need more rolls no I'm good I'm good I'm good trojan horse baby hit it with a bunch though to peel out oh there's another brick Oh yes there's two bricks dude this server is crazy I'm gonna have to commit here and get right behind you okay right now it's gonna be a fight for who gets to serve the the key this one oh I'm gonna die here holy blunders are stupid in this game This Server is crazy dude I'm gonna ego this other big uh make sure we're in a good spot though we are I have for shots as well okay but galleon's fighting dude I might just kill the boss just killed the boss here and hide the key I have so many [ __ ] skeletons on me right now okay one Briggs out of commission for the time being Mr reset I'm gonna pull up close uh what stage or face is the boss uh it's on last one okay I'm gonna pull up close yeah the key and get out of here this [ __ ] guy so laggy full servers here fighting for the Flop it's like oh gee uh Forks all over um I'm stuck in a tree oh my God the boss is just lunging me Non-Stop uh boss is getting a third phase I'm not gonna be able to kill it we have time we have time all right we're down here's busy with the other group the second break seems to be going after it as well again's demasted second bridge is pulling up on the Galleon but the first break seems to be holding on pretty well oh my God W all right I'm trying to it's done come on butthole normal engine please that'd be great okay oh dude never mind I thought it was phase three it's not uh Brigg's coming over and got any reset as well you gotta go [ __ ] I'm gonna commit s coming in fast you don't have enough time just go just go just go go hard left when you get here yeah I'm gonna shoot somebody out damn I thought it was phase three the hell oh I'm gonna be going towards window I'm not gonna be safe still I'm sandwiched between the brick and the gallon you need to come back you can't I'm mostly way to play here I'm gonna go towards the Rocks maybe make the play there second brings also feminine this is a very rough position I anchored him killed one on a deck shot oh all right I saved you for eign this is nuts all right I am here for some reason the second Brig wants to come for us it's the alliance with the Galleon so on a lunch with the Galleon okay that's fine I don't know why this da one wants it now too all right far I hate to say it but we're gonna have to keep shooting out and stopping them dude okay okay the Brick's going back keep doing this foreign chaos I'm [ __ ] loving this right now this is exactly what it was like they're just sneaking bus I'm gonna try and domestic alien it's got their front and back kill the one shooting at you I'm gonna do an anchor turn whoa what the [ __ ] oh I instantly died okay two quick swipes Jesus Christ that was fast there's two bridge is right behind me and I'm trying to dodge it's all good they are just they are they only want us for some reason you know why it doesn't want to go after the big build because they tried and failed it's not like there's a Sloop here we're gonna go for the salute like I demastered The Galleon again but this brick is literally about the block it's okay can you check to see if we have fire bombs uh we do have five yeah no actually no no no we gotta send the boat watch Mass watch Mass all right we're good mass is fun ignore this d8 break as much as I want to hit them too they're just there's no point I want to use them because that's my guys another deck shot no shot he's gaming okay oh my God dude I'm two for two I'm just gonna I'm gonna just nose one of these boats the second break is anchored yeah I think this this crew is missing so the hell let me know if you die I'm gonna count at the other bird s supposed to be stopped fire here holy [ __ ] is lagging thank you oh nice damn I reset hahaha dude I don't know what the hell is going on so the brig has three gamers on there but they don't want to fight I'm so lost galleon's gonna be on the left side it just wants to stick my Island yeah they're just trying to do the quick the uh the key grab all right give me the boat you can go out oh my God the fog's pulling in dude I'm gonna swim to the island okay someone's doing it team saving guys here blunderbombs kill the one on the brig GS good one there's a second guy other Briggs pulling up too they're fighting each other yo I might go third party I'm trying to find the third that was here thank you got him I'm alone on the island or on the floor yeah just go for it go for go for it the brig I think anchored that Galley on that galleon's anchored right now holy boss should be on the outside somewhere boss's inside port with me okay the Lions Brig may have shot somebody out I'm back checking everyone right now I'm holding control of the port right now okay as well they keep sending one other time I don't know it's not the galley and the galleons locked behind a rock the brig is probably who's doing at the library skeletons that I'm just hiding it's like odd zombies let's get a sword dude holy crap yo oh they're right here on my right I'll light them up I'm Wrecking that break he's dead I backtracked him okay good job good job free bowling and get shots in on the brim yep yeah I can I can I can go me the message dmacity massive I'm just gonna [ __ ] slam him I'm gonna go board this in a second one go out killed another one from the brick uh can you go back to our boat let's let's they're burning like a little [ __ ] probably were you looking at me what the hell my screen oh uh going towards the bridge second break is out by the looks weird I don't see it well I've got the alliance going on me right now do they have damage yeah they're gonna sink now we have the Snoop here yeah sleep's easy like Rick's still here Brook's still here the other brick is going to play they're nosing it right now all right you want me to jump off and go board uh I don't know if you're gonna make all right I should see them clearly yeah holy dude I'm coming back Ellie's out of commission Ellie's sailing off okay I mean dude they were getting spawn camp for a while lots of third phase and leave I hear the music yeah I hit him with a couple little cannons did you kill him no he rentals for he wants to do a little TDM plugging these cannons but I'm assuming holy Oh My God moment for a moment killed him all right run that boss where's boss please pick your presence known I see him this is so scary dude this fog is making this so intense I need to grab a sword this these skeletons are gonna [ __ ] you too much yeah maybe all right they're on the island Briggs or galleons coming back in full sin far out we both might just have to deal with oh dude this this is killing me because I don't know what to do here do you want me to just come out and help you in this race sales no it's not worth it I mean I can put the boat in the fog that's the thing boss is doing well volcano move just keep burning it they saw it [Music] air gallian's close I know everyone's collectively going against this guy and we audit Goins away with it I'm gonna do a bad thing here just deal with it what is it oh no you shut up I'm shooting out to put fire on this boat I can't see this guy I'm losing too many frames the fog the Skelly all right I'm going back to the boat holy [ __ ] I don't have food there's somebody on you there's like three people on me I'm gonna help you one died oh my God killed another one yep I helped you I'm going back I'm going back there's one more guy there's one more there's one more probably unaware about Lent it might be a good or a bad thing uh boat's chilling boats chilling we are good hey okay all right I'm to the west side of crows so all right so far uh yeah I'm going out this TDM this TDM is just too it sounds fun I just need a better food I'm going out as well I don't care uh boat is chilling should be should be yeah let's move together I'm using the same pistol by the way I'm using glenby I'm right behind you oh he's dead wanna under [Music] months he's dead thanks more just came out I'm gonna grab ammo hold on uh in between me and you right on top of the boss and once you just got him got him nice nice there's another one let's go spot armor is here yep oh he's on me oh I'm gonna die probably he's on me damn it dude ah I didn't run down some [ __ ] skeletons because there's so many people here he has odd armor bro what is this he's being chased by skeletons I'm literally two tapping him he doesn't want to die might not be the reason all right you die yeah okay I don't know how our boat is our boat's out of the fog actually back in the hell we go get let's let's go towards the Galleon set it Ablaze because they keep sending people out if we set it off for Blaze that's what I've been doing well [ __ ] they're right here [ __ ] I thought you were on Leo I am now [ __ ] sorry for a board if it happens stay low if I stop jumping matching I can say up here and survive we're chilling I'm going right back into the fog you guys ain't that good the loss of frames that screws with me I dropped it like like we'll take wheel uh getting glass strip outside it dude these people are so flaggy oh my God I Sloop and merged out of the fog next to me oh my God oh foreign I have a Sloop shooting at me I need to do something about it dude holy [ __ ] all right well they're anchored are we good yeah we're chilling I'm orbiting it come on wheels I just missed that bro I gotta pull out of this key's been long locked so our doors when unlocked I gotta go out to the Fort black screen it's gonna be on the right side I'll shoot out with you here it's the brig D.A Brig got it all right I'll bring the boat around I can get a murm Ur So now I can get on the boat I think our boat will be okay what the [ __ ] go to yeah go go to Island I'll go to I'm trying I think we're being shot at one has a character I got him I got him I got him oh thank you thank you oh I got the chest I got the chest oh [ __ ] hide it or bury it bury it bury it bury It Go bury it I'm gonna go get a Merm for our boat let's go back to our boat I'm just gonna swim I got regen food for days I'm gonna pull a very very dangerous play here and this one sounds yeah oh [ __ ] go go go go go go hard ride anchor anchor anchor anchor anchor don't bother all right go go go go go go oh my God I'll put on a blender bro I'm putting on a blender I'm getting out of here yo holy [ __ ] straight ahead Into the Storm holy crap we Wendy's We Wendy's we win these oh no bro both Skellig aliens want us yeah I saw Galleon sank [Music] oh my God the brick knows why the [ __ ] are these galleons for us plunder is this way towards the storm nice to turn into Against the Wind and they're right behind us we make it up they don't see us I don't see him yep he's off huge sovereigns is right there another one I need food I'm rhyming it I'm rhyming it I'm running it yeah actually Ram it though like knows that [ __ ] knows that [ __ ] let's do it all right get your weapon out let's go they're nosing so let's go right now I can't believe we actually pulled that off dude that was [ __ ] chaotic that was insane you lived so long there hey I try to get us all the boats try to get us I think they just got anchorballed actually they just they just they gave up they just logged out [Laughter] it only goes 20K yep look that's all that matters what do you get from the new chest the new ship set the fate of Fortune chipset whichever everybody wants to look and now there's nobody there I wonder probably let's see what's there I'm curious [Music] thank you
Channel: MixelPlx
Views: 160,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sea of thieves, sea of thieves gameplay, pirate game, sea of thieves update, sea of thieves pvp, pvp highlights, sea of thieves tips, sea of thieves battle, sea of thieves new update, Pirate Legend, season 9 cosmetics, sea of thieves season 9, season 9 sot cosmetics, sea of thieves season 9 cosmetics, season 9 fort of fortune, fort of fortune, chest of fortune, season 9 update, alliance server, alliance server takedown, fort of the damned, sea of thieves heist
Id: w3TYQBmH79c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 22sec (2002 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2023
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