We Spilled The Beans! A Seed Tender Bender 😳

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gate down gate down well in true bernard farm fashion when one thing doesn't work then everything doesn't work it's tractor struggle tractor is that a thing it is now okay i was given a job a fun job it's like deja vu hey y'all we're going to see if today's the day pick up sticks that's what we're going to do oh that i don't know how this is going to work lawrence has never used one of these is this our luck or is this our look it could have been worse could have been a lot worse [Music] [Music] gate down gate down oh my gosh yeah the hinge is totally messed up okay [Music] another tree down that's a big one that's that's a lot it didn't barely miss the post i mean literally on the post but not on the post lots of trees we gotta work on and they found the gates open we're opening gates moving this group of towels over to some fresh pressure pasture pressure pasture fresh yeah hello you're welcome they went uh they went to the other gate y'all are at the wrong gate okay we think we got all of them [Music] let's shut them in shut them up shut them in and set them up oh my gosh y'all i've got to find them at home lawrence's not not happy with them still being here they're chasing the cows i came over here last night to walk and um i wasn't thinking i had a couple of dogs with me which the dogs did fine with them but then this female was out there chasing the stairs i mean the heifers and um yeah we just can't have that we can't have them chasing the livestock possibly to the fence or whatever and um yeah okay next on today's agenda and dropped off austin she's gone for a couple days to stay with her friend um so anyway now we are what are we doing we're filling the crete feeder lawrence and i both forgot that we don't have to grind we're not grinding this barley we're just we're just feeding that hole so we just got to auger it out and get it in there so that's like one less step which is good which is good i had to go home and get our mucks i had to get our mugs i'll show you why we had two more inches of rain lay that pallet down that'd make it a whole lot easier okay i'll get the pallet but it's still wow splash city [Music] all right well in true bernard farm fashion nothing is going exactly as planned every battery on the farm appears to be dead gotta find battery cables so we'll take this truck we tried the jumper box and it didn't work see the battery is only like two years old but um i don't know if the battery was used or what i don't know i don't know the story i just know that uh it's not working and it seems like when one thing doesn't work then everything doesn't work right yeah no yeah here yeah i got it on there they're biting he wants to make sure they're biting always biting oh no that's not good okay it's not working what in the world just had to run back to the house we saw the mailman going down there and um i wasn't sure he was gonna get out but he did anyway this just came oh it cranked it cranks okay anyway these are new in the shop i'm excited about them got a little flip top blue and very berry in the shop now okay yay so glad that worked he said they were they're only two years old two different batteries are only two years old and they're both not working now got wasp at that gate again like every year but it's at a different part it's on the back this time all right let's just gonna get that wesley's got it he just said we gotta get a pin forgot to bring a pen for the creep feeder like we do every single time like we forget every single time hey roster hey reeb hey rusta rusty and reba hey y'all chillin ain't ya chillin like some villains oh me struggle y'all it's a struggle we're on the struggle tractor it's not a bus this is tractor struggle tractor is that a thing it is now you smell a rat lady yep she said i sure do and it looks like that okay no fighting all right y'all must have already met have you already met hey girl all right i got that up uh considering we've had considering we've had what five to six inches of rain look how dry it is four we've had more than that in the last week we've had it like three different times and then another two anyway it is very dry look at how dry it is normally you would think it would be a mud hole that says a lot about how dry it was all right give him some pay hold on babe get a little higher well it cut off while it was running it's got fuel so we're thinking maybe it's an alternator not a battery issue gonna jump it again okay okay take two oh me oh no nothing okay i was given a job a fun job can you tell it rains a lot yup yup so i'm gonna go up under here and see if i can fish out all the clumpy clumps and make sure it comes out good all right they left me i had to move the truck it is uh it's warmed up here today y'all i'm pretty sure this is what it was like last time this is what it was like last time when we filled the creep feeder up i remember being very hot and very sweaty it's like deja vu turkeys and more turkeys we're taking an after supper detectives that's right i was showing the turkeys maybe you can't see them that good that's a bunch of turkeys one two three there's at least 10 out there we're taking an aftershock oh fingers aren't fast enough for all that anyway we're going down here to the bottom to see what we can see on super sweet sorghum sudan see after like six inches of rain almost what we have well i thought it looked better he's saying it's just bigger i said it was coming up batteries it's not coming up better it's just coming up taller so it looks like more than it is i reckon is that what you're saying i'm looking through those yellow streaks all them streaks yeah i know they're streaks well get rocket he's saying it's kind of cutting next week okay what do you think rocket what do you think gonna be a crop scouting dog is that what you are those beans look good babe over yonder man they're pretty they sure are so there's nothing eating on them too bad yet better knock on some wood babe man okay y'all we're going to see if today's the day we can we can plant replant we're going to take susie see how wet it is oh there we go it's definitely so wet down here and we've got trees three trees in one field that are down along the edge gotta get those up uh we'll see [Music] okay let's see if this tractor will crank this morning fingers crossed okay let me go get the box i don't know how he's gonna get it so i'm going to drop off the quick hitch i reckon and come back and put the bucket on i don't know what he's doing oh he's gonna [Music] put it somewhere else everything right here is getting very congested lately too many things oh sorry buddy all right now to line this bad boy up whoo watch the container wow that was like the fastest ever wowzer [Music] okay one two buckle my shoe three four shut the door five six pick up sticks that's what we're gonna do look like there's a little cloud cover okay it might be a baby copperhead or an earth snake that no that head is rounded show daddy show daddy [Music] is i don't think it is it's just i don't know whatever it is it looks like a snake it looks like a snake feels like a snake moves like a snake it's a snake i told wesley this is what we've done it um it seems like they multiply when you start picking up sticks you think you've got it then you look and there's more and there's more and there's more [Music] all right maybe and a balloon a balloon [Music] okay next i'm going to take the bucket back i'll put the forks back on so we can use that to put that seed tote in the feeder [Music] wesley is much better at this than i am i'm gonna let you do this from now on i have the hardest time i don't know how this is gonna work y'all we're really not sure how to do this whole tote bag thing i originally was gonna use the seed tender but i think he's decided not to do that now we're trying to figure out how to how to do it without spilling them everywhere i don't know okay executive decision was just made to go get michael c tinder i think that's gonna be smarter so we don't have beans all over the [Music] ground make those out all right we found it we found the seed tender now hopefully we can figure out what to do with it it helps to have friends who have things that we can borrow yeah that's not gonna work all right we're gonna figure this out hopefully oh no not that way gotta go the other way okay and i'm pretty sure it's gonna rain y'all it really looks like there's uh thunderheads building oh my gosh oh gosh i think we might should have gotten uh instruction not manual of course lawrence has never used one of these either he's never used one oh there's an error on the screen i'm gonna stay back i'm gonna i'm gonna stay back here yeah until i'm called they're trying to figure out what's going on hmm [Music] okay found the auger button that's good all right okay one tote cult it's like the whole game it's like the game at the arcade the grabber it's not really like that but that's what came to my mind but anyway okay all right yeah she's so tight around here so tight our working facilities are just a little congested [Music] okay i'm up here he's gonna bring it closer to me i'm gonna try to figure out how to undo the little thingamajiggy and uh see what we can do okay just pull this none of us know i don't know what to do grab the yellow rope and jerk it oh yeah there's two okay here we go here we go [Music] all right we did it [Music] all right how about this no go get the dust the dust graphite okay this is gonna work good man we're gonna want to see tinder when this is all over with it's back his back is killing him y'all five days in a row now here we go [Music] if it comes on our farm it's not gonna start [Music] well that did not that did not work very well it came off though we didn't lose a whole lot most of them went in there oh the places i found myself we're gonna try um bungee strapping it around the top of this i don't know i don't i don't know y'all i mean is this our luck or is this our look this is our look it just i mean nothing surprises me anymore i can't i'm losing my voice too so that's gonna be fun um it's very hot okay i think i get some kind of prize today i got that i got that on there please don't let it come off again let me pull up okay we have a plan b okay all right plan b he's going to be there we're just going to fill him up one one at a time and then pull up in case it in case it pops off again he'll be right there to turn it off are we having fun yet yeah yeah okay do not pull on the hose mare we're not gonna pull on that we're just gonna okay wow okay we made it we made it did it come off we're going to stir this later how typical is this wesley okay yeah sorry i'll give you yo i can't oh gosh trying to figure out how to get the rest out of the auger and uh we didn't space this out very well we'll just have to move them or just add some bags down here [Music] there we go look it up under there probably [Music] now [Music] now it's blowing kind of we're so lucky we do not lose more beans than this y'all seriously oh my gosh that was scary i don't know if it was good or bad that that was not being video um whatever anyway um it was just very scary but so that that came off and beans were just going straight out luckily most of them went right here but we did lose some and lawrence was trying to run run back to the truck i mean back to here out of the truck to turn it off and anyway could have been worse could have been a lot worse and sure enough over there where it looks like it's raining it's raining i just looked at the radar that's just popped up there was nothing on the radar when we went to pick this thing up okay well it's raining a little bit got her back okay y'all well uh we got rained out as soon as we oh hold on i'm sorry i'm chasing squirrels or rabbits or whatever you want to call it um as soon as we got the cedar put back under the um barn a little storm came through and then another little storm anyway it did allow me time to get cleaned up feels good to have fresh hair and be clean and then go to town and get my girl and i'm looking at her she's out there with her horse she's out there with hank feeding him supper he did not come down for supper last night or for breakfast this morning he does not come down to eat unless his girl is feeding him so um i mean we left feed for him and um he came and ate it when he wanted me he didn't come down to eat he saw me last night and he was like yeah i see you but i'm not coming to see you i'm not coming down to see you so anyway um cooking us a burger uh lawrence started the grill for me had it on high didn't quite realize that put the burgers on and they're nice and charred on one side whatever it is what it is um so yeah that's what we're doing oh new t-shirt alert super gopher remember those super sweet sorghum sudan sudan sorghum soup yeah off the four s's uh those seed bags they they got me inspired to make some new teas there's this one and there's another that says super cedar so uh it's a little different design but same color scheme anyway they're fun i think they're fun so those are in the store you can check those out and here comes here comes my cowgirl and gus has eaten his supper uh i see hank is down there he came up to see his mom huh he came up and is eating fine for you wouldn't come for us but he'll come for you the others came up to you okay well i'm glad the horses like you [Laughter] we're glad to have you home did you have fun you went skating roller skating didn't break any bones that's a win okay you got to play on a little slip and slide thingamajiggy okay good day good couple days now back to back to farming horsing horsing around all right we have we have we have charred oh i need to put the i need to put the cover on this it's getting dirty we have charge charred burgers because i didn't know that it was on high but anyway 10. okay twins teens and all rights are tens and ice cream one or fifteen one or fifteen no one i'm just a bunch of card sharks blackjack you didn't do that right you supposed to give me one you won but that's right looks like you got a win in hand it's like you gotta win it oh some of our buddies are up at the hunt club but they're not here so we're we're playing cards on the patio waiting i think they're coming no no that's a tractor anyway we'll see summer nights what's that song oh summer nights oh that's pork chop sometimes the neighbors show up on their tractors [Laughter] [Music] you
Channel: This Farm Wife - Meredith Bernard
Views: 107,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming, farm wife, farm life, farm living, john deere, farmher, ranching, ranch life, women in ag, woman farmer, women farming, Meredith Bernard, This Farm Wife, farming videos, cattle farming, small farms, old farm equipment, farmall, farming with old equipment, farming in US, farming in America, US Farming, mom, parenting, lifestyle, vlog, how to
Id: sdjnEDn_0sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 6sec (1866 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 18 2022
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