Using A Seed Tender

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all right so I'm going to go up and show you guys how to use the seat tender the seat tender is provided by our co-op that they use to give us our soybean seed and what it does basically just a motor that's hooked up to an auger that feeds out the soybeans that so that we can easily load the planter since soybeans are planted at a much higher population than corn using bags is a little more unfeasible you could say so that's why we use the tender because there's just way too much soybean seed to all by hand yeah that is six yeah this is one alarm we brought pineapple okay trick is here to shut it off where it fills up because in your screwed so he's moving the planter now because that arm can't reach all of it now we're just about done planting early we got a few farms to go yet but we're wrapping up some of the beans and we should be able to call her good for this year planning I got finished filling up this other side because the arm can't reach boy this is manners now I'm not absolutely sure what the soybean treat is that we're using today but usually what the soybean treat is is it's either an insecticide and/or fungicide to fight against early soybean soybean aphids I got my co-pilot here she's sitting here black in her tail they provide protection against early season soybean aphids and other insects early on in the season and the fungicide protects against mold that on the seed so that mold doesn't start growing on the seed before it sprouts up if you get like a lot of rain at right after your plant and cold conditions will prevent the seed from starting to grow and mold will be more likely so that's the kind of insecticide we're putting down we're putting down something like that I don't know the name of it or anything on this field but uh yeah so that was us using the soybean cart makes handling the seed a lot easier than using it by bag now the co-op actually gets the seed delivered in bulk or in bags when I worked there what we did sometimes is that we cut open the bags and all the soybeans were untreated and then we ran it through a trader through a seed treater and we put that fungicide and insecticide on it and then they put it in those carts and then they hauled it out to the farmer so I found it interesting that it comes from the coop treated not from the seed company so that's it for this video guys be sure to check out all of our other videos be sure to LIKE comment and subscribe be sure to check us out on Facebook Instagram Twitter and snapchat all have farms work so I'll see you next time guys you
Channel: How Farms Work
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Keywords: farms, beef, rural, tractors, trucking, ryan, john, Potosi, factory, combine, WI, soy, animals, John Deere, crop, Ryan Kuster, fieldwork, farm bureau, agriculture, pulling, farm, soybeans, Work, harvesting, How, ag, millennial, crops, silo, grain, hay, harvestore, kuster, ryanfun1, planting, deere, tillage, dairy, corn, john deere tractors, farmer, gmo, straw, farming, cover, Wisconsin, grains, pictures, Farms, harvest, tractor, chores, organic, cattle, How Farms Work, alfalfa, farm work
Id: nC6OhEbYGc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 48sec (348 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 04 2016
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