We spent $50 at the Goodwill Bins - reselling for profit Home Decor Thrift Flip - Paint Antiques

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[Music] follow me out down to the Bay forget all the wores we have made it to the Goodwill Outlets one of our favorite parts of the week blankets have been on a drought the Linens have run dry so we got to go find some I'm crossing my fingers cuz I didn't find any thrifting we did our Monday video ear ear today and I didn't find any thrifting either so let's see what the bins have it's a good sign we got a cart right as we walked in looks like the switch out happened a little bit ago it's always such a hard decision like which one do you want to start in sometimes I find the bin that has something that looks like it might be older on the top and then I go and dig through that one first all right well I am finding a comforter that I think it's cute it's kind of like faded but I love the colors on it so I'm debating on whether or [Music] not I want it it's not all bald up which I like I'm going to pull it out and see what it looks like as a whole this one has a decent sized ink stain on it and it's faded so I'm going to pass on it there's a cute little quilt probably something mass-produced but I like the color check the size it is a full Queen so just a little dirty but it'll clean up nicely I can't leave this here I have to get it I think it's get complete there's like I think both jokers in the 52 deck is in there they're huge an automatic card shuffler redick's been trying to teach me how to play Pokemon I think we need this because he won't let me Bend his cards to shovel them all right this book is literally falling apart 400 laughs or fun without vulgarity 1912 is when this was presented I can't can't find a copyright date granted some of these pages are stuck together and it's been well read like someone's loved this book oh this is so much fun stuff in here oh this is fun this is the church Jamie and I go to oh no 48 was the copyright 12th printing 1958 tons of good HS in here all right so maybe this comes from when my kids were little I was obsessed with Pottery Barn kids but this is a really good diaper bag all the Z zippers work it's got a leather bottom it does have an L on it but maybe somebody has an L in their name and the strap's in really good condition I actually think this would be a great Weekender bag so I'm going to grab it and we'll see if somebody with the initial of L or kids initial of l wants it here's another cute Waverly bag zippers work good condition and grab it that's cute I usually don't find home decor like this here all the feed are on there it's like a stainless steel Chrome and it's nice and heavy here's another little Quil it's not hand pieced or anything but it looks to be possibly homemade and it's twin size and I love the petite little flowers on it so this is an interesting book The American Nation 19 46 is the copyright on it there's some interesting maps and art in [Music] here pass some maps there they've got like demographic information geological information things like that I was wondering when you were going to come back and take use of my cart what are you buying large playing cart it's complete it's so fun this is a good quilt yeah it's a full Queen and just a little little dusty but nice I am not finding a ton today I found four books and the huge playing cards so they're bringing out the carts everybody's waiting there is a tie denim quilt that I want really bad so I told Ze that's this one goal is to get that quilt we'll see I'm going to wait over here because I'm thinking I might be able to get back there sooner we'll see if we get it usually people aren't here for the quilts like we are I'm going to leave my car over here because they're about to release the crack and everybody's ling up and we missed the blanket that I wanted I was like 2 seconds behind I know someone grabbed it it's all right we'll see what else we can find this one's pretty neutral but it does have hand stitching irregular in it probably mass produced I'm going to grab it it's [Music] crazy I like to look down the middle I'll just see if I see anything that's interesting I definitely am going to wait till those calm down a little bit it's little crazy over there oh man this reader digest is hammered I think I'm going to leave it here it's a good cover but missing the back it's had a better life all right this bin looks pressing it's never a great sign when I start going through and there's just like tons of DVDs I don't I don't really necessarily need the DVDs I did get a bunch the other day while we're waiting for a bin switch out I had to take a break from the books I hope they switch them out there's not much over there that I want today lots of newer books UPC symbols on the back that kind of thing and no good cookbooks that I found yet Jamie said she spied some quilts over there in the new Bins so I've been lined up and she's getting me ready to go that's cute it's a little out of shape I'm going to grab it come down a little bit over here so I'm making my way into the bins of stuff these are always just totally random never know what you're going to find this looks like a te- stain doll handmade I'm going to grab it there's the bunny rabbit match to this that's cute cute here's another one this one has a B on it kind of really wrinkled but I think it could be washed it's been a minute since we found some good afins this one it's got like a scalloped uh Chevron type Edge I like it it's a good color for a throw all right time to go through these side bins while I hope they switch out my books just found this ideal pure aluminum pitcher and a little silverplated bowl in this same one so William Rogers or Wm Rogers this is that Paul Riv Bowl replica that's so popular [Music] [Music] what about this so that's pretty good I think that fits right in with the rest of our Decor well and the thing about like double and quadal checking is sometimes people throw stuff back like I check this a bunch but I this is like the end of the row so a lot of times people just throw stuff back in here Eliza has been begging for one of these and I've been looking for one cuz she bakes a ton and these are great for like shortening and whatnot I wish this was in better condition this I totally had one like this when I was a little girl so I'm digging through the bins and Zeb says he's already been here and I asked did you find this did you miss this yes I did got you got to co dple check look his little hand card wooden bird perfect now I just need to find some nests so I just found this cutie little cabbage path Shaw and they are collectible so I'm going to see if I can find any more melamine bowls like this to complete the set but at the very least maybe somebody will want just this this is so cute it's a little bunny Nest it's from 1979 and it's new and unused totally vintage I'm going to grab it all right this one has been mro waved so I'm not going to grab it it's got a brown spot maybe I'll get it cuz then whoever wants it can have two for the price of one and a half how much do we spend Zeb so we spent 53 here $53 at the Goodwill bins so we might be up to like 230 on the week 210 somewhere in there I I'd have to look at all the receipts now so we might go another day you'll know if we decide to Thrift again because it will be in this video all right so we're going to try one more store uh we're just around the corner from welfare Square it's where desire industry stores a lot of their goods that they donate um for people in need and we haven't been to that thrift store in probably like 5 months oh yeah it's at least first of the year but when the Pickin Get Slim the slim get picking or something like that so there's the big grain silos welfare Square we're going to go in here and see if we can find anything to flip or profit I think we can it's been so long I'm like there's got to be something good in here right stuff here it's like hit or miss like sometimes it's zero things and sometimes it's overflowing so we're going to stay optimistic that this thrift store is going to be the good one did you get me a cart yep that was so nice all right I'm going to the yard first cuz actually here that's where the best stuff is and it's inside here instead of outside which is different than other places Seb said it was cheating if I come in here first but do you see all the goodies like they put totally different stuff in their yard area than the other places this is a very cool mid-century modern teapot huls it's missing the lid it's still worth getting I'm going to put it back I thought that the lid was flipped upside down but it's missing the lid completely I do like this pot I'm going to grab this kind of neutral a lot of chips all right two for two striking out let's see if we can find anything else oh that's not Pampered Chef third times a charm didn't work look at her she's in here she went into the yard area before me wireframe organizer looks like it was yellow underneath and someone painted it black since Jimmy went to the yard first I'm going to make a beine to the Linens see if there's anything hey what are you doing running so far I'm not seeing anything that I'm like oo I got to have that cute little Peter jar $2 all right no big chips first item in the cart this is interesting haven't seen anything like that before it's probably cuz that's somebody made that on this for a dollar look how cute that is see there's anything else I can't live without they have all these carts out here that's really cute so I found this before but this is like my favorite uh painting of it or like the way they painted it and I've done it like copper whatever but this is so cute I'm going to grab this it's only $2 I like it as is I like all the soft pastels all right I'm over here in the wood section I see this little chicken with a string dollar this is a great wood bowl looks like a wood shop project a dollar yes we will take it well that's fun Cafe in the French blue it's a copper top porcelain looks like that needs screwed back in any major chips I don't see any on there two bucks two bunnies is what I've been looking for for my little rabbit hutch $2 each they have a whole accordion with its box in here 200 that is a really cool Carnival glass piece but I'm not a buyer of 50 bucks we were getting ready to go and I found this awesome old wood ruler turns out it's missing the first two sections can't be having it Miss that many inches so going to put it here so we got this from our neighbor for free it looks like it's been painted with some sort of high gloss enamel situation the knob don't match but it's in solid Condition it's Maple with dovetails yeah it just needs to be sanded before we paint it because it's really shiny and we need to take all the hardware off so normally we don't have to sand but I'm going to use some 80 grit to start on this it does have some chips and dings and the enamel is not perfect and it's going to be very shiny to try to cover that up is going to be difficult so instead of primering it we're going to do a quick sand on this and then we'll go go ahead and start painting we're going to spray this one all right so I am in the back room again we were here last week while Zeb is doing the sanding I'm going to be working on mystery boxes first two mystery boxes I'm doing are going to be nativities I'm going to make sure they have at least one baby Jesus in each box but I am not unwrapping all of these so hopefully there's a set in there somewhere they could be painted to match um I think they look like this and like this and I don't want Zeb to see them because if he does he's going to want to keep them for his Nativity he has or nativities he has huge boxes upstairs full of stuff so these are going with Collectibles so I got two Nativity boxes packed next up I'm going to do the Lowel Davis houses and I'm going to pull out just a couple I'll make sure they don't all match but it's not a mystery if you know exactly what's in them so I'll just pull out a couple so people know what they look like all right so here are a few that I've pulled out I think I'm going to just send one big box of these they're all LEL Davis to give you an idea of value this originally was $100 for that figurine um let's see if any more of them have prices on them some of them do some of them don't these all came from a Collectibles Store look this one was 50 bucks for that particular Lal Davis hand painted and hand handcrafted in Scotland so I'm going to get these all put in a box all right three more mystery boxes packed these I will wait to list until this video is live so that way hopefully people will get a chance because these have been selling so fast on the website all right just a little bit of sanding dust here going to wipe that off any kind of dust or dirt that's down in these routered edges this is just water all right so this is what it looks like all sanded down with the knobs these knobs actually just came from the inside of the shop we have a bunch of odds and then knobs and we happen to have eight of them we're paining this up with vintage pink you can tell this can has been in the spraying Barn for a while it's got a built-in sealer so this should be pretty quick and easy so the reason why we're having to paint an extra piece of furniture is cuz we sold what three pieces a couple weeks ago yep and James is coming today to pick them up so we need more furniture in the shop all right vintage pink it's a really soft pale pink it will dry darker and then a couple tablespoons of water yeah about that this is just the hopper that we get from that's what this is called this is like the paint sprayer and Hopper from yeah that all comes together from Harbor Freight you will also put the Amazon Link in case you don't have a Harbor Freight by you they're pretty inexpensive when they go on sale this is our smaller air compressor it's 20 gallons yeah and you really don't want to go less than 10 gallons 10 gallons is going to be a slow go but 20 gallons works okay we set it at 65 PSI so that way we're ready to go so you always want to test it make sure that it is spraying well before you get on to your pie it's going to look white on camera is the air compressor not on no it just isn't hasn't needed to on yet so we went home and took a lunch break yeah a lunch break at 3:30 whenever but it's good we ate um it is dry we are noticing that there's a little bit of texture here because of the way we sanded it so zeb's going to lightly sand this and then the texture should be smoother but if they that I'm going to do another coat first though okay if that ever happens just know if you sand it first if there's a texture where it's sanded sometimes that comes through and another thing you can do is you can brush a coat I was going to say it'll come through more if you spray it because it's it's so thin it doesn't self-level quite as much as if you brush it then it's nice and thick on there and it levels really good so if you just can't get the texture right because you sanded it and changed the texture of the piece you can also just brush it on the top but we're going to we're going to give it another go on these older dressers when the drawers recess all the way back into the actual body of the dresser we paint them on the dresser that way there's no lip or anywhere that we miss if we have them out all right so I'm lightly distressing it but you're not going to notice a lot of it unless I get through the original paint finish because the original paint color was cream so I'm just going to try to go a little bit harder across the edge to bring that original paint finish through or the original stain finish and then a little cream will come through and it'll be good on camera here it looks just like a hint of pink and that's what we wanted with vintage pink we didn't want it to be overwhelming just like really subtle and in real life it's more pink it's just a really soft pleasing little pink just enough to stress that if you like ding it you're not going to be sad cuz it's already got scrapes and stuff cool all right so there was a big long dresser here I moved it over there you can show them it's on the back side oh this one this one's getting picked up in delivered in a few hours so well it'll be delivered in a few weeks but well it's getting picked up from us so the other one's going to go right here so but I can decide do we want to I'm thinking about moving this and putting that pink piece right here yeah that's probably best because it's new and just flip it around flip this around okay all right but you'll notice when Ze flips us around that we painted the back and that is honestly why we paint the backs of so many pieces of furniture because you never know which side is going to be shown all right you see now that it's inside here and not outside you could totally tell that that's like a super soft delicate pink and you'll notice we painted the back not perfectly but it's painted so doesn't look horrible in the shop so I think what we're going to do is I think I'm going to move this piece here to the back can you move this one which piece that one right there oh where do you want it right here underneath oh we're just swapping it to something more aesthetic I feel like we need some tall stuff for this this can go up here well if we put a runner on it we could put that dresser on top of this can we put this globe right there you need to dust that hold on hold on oh made it don't scrape it I like it here no don't I don't like those on the front that's just me I feel like this that that brass one there you go t yeah it looks good I mean eventually we'll have to Wi up more and then you can totally tell that it's pink in here now especially with that white and yellow piece in the background thanks for coming along with us to the bins and for coming in the shop and helping us get our projects done yeah the only thing I really love the way this turned out the only thing I might change on this is maybe some contrasting PS but I do like the wood pools that are distressed on there now I'm loving the vintage pink I think this would go really good in a guest room or a baby's room or just anybody who loves like a really soft subtle pink it's not bubblegum I feel like it's really hard to find that perfect shade if you need Paint and products you can visit Jamie Ray vintage.com and if you like this video be sure to give us a thumbs up and subscribe to jam vintage for more DIY and don't forget to check out the mystery boxes we'll see you on the next episode [Music] mess we're so so blessed to have you anchor our hearts and give us a the Fresh Start Wilderness we've come for you [Music] we we give you our mess we're so so blessed to have you [Music]
Channel: Jami Ray Vintage
Views: 33,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jrv, Jami Ray vintage, farmhouse, farmhouse decor, farm house, paint, painted furniture, painting furniture, DIY, how To, home decor, chippy paint, furniture, furniture painting, upcycle
Id: nfXHv0n9k9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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