We Solved A 20 Year Old Murder...

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hello hi so as you can see i've eaten my feelings and i'll say i'm also not done yet there's still more feelings to eat how are you i mean how does it feel to actually talk to him face to face for the first time it seems super strange like super surreal i could actually see his eyes really like through the red through the red i could actually see him looking at me that's crazy and i think that was the most unsettling thing yeah is that i saw someone behind that is there any part of that humanized him for you did that make it scarier i'm not sure i haven't really processed it i just kind of went home and slept and you know we have this thing so in case you guys aren't aware in case you're new here that was just given to us i have no idea what's on it besides the fact that he gave me that and he said he is not the murderer and there's the truth on that this could be it this could be the answer to getting the antidote we just got in here this is my sad boy breakfast so here's what i want to do since the last tape since we've been seeing tape so much woody over here he's just been hanging out there for a while it's very like the shining just you riding that down the hallway can you do me a favor can you digitize this so that we can watch it on megadesk because i don't like watching through the vcr and then the tv yeah because i feel like i don't have a lot of control and i can't pause and stuff like that yeah since we've been seeing so many of these tapes we have like a little digitization system now to import that because we've imported the other ones for subject four you guys want to see all these digital assets and stuff they're on the database that premium members get access to it's one of the reasons why we also did it i wanted to watch it last night but i also monitored just like i'm going to bed yeah part of me doesn't feel that scared to watch this because like we already watched the murder so what else could be on this tape that's worse than that and we're most likely going to have to pixelate or blur out the actual murder because the murder was demonetized yeah obviously yeah and they're like you can't show that ish on youtube and make money from it and i was like fair point checks out checks out oh i can't make money off of a murder i didn't try to fight that no snuff films that's kind of what we uploaded so don't watch it though you can just like play it and then walk out wait till it's done playing and then press stop do you want to watch it together i want to watch it together i don't want you to like somehow get your mind bent and then go off on it yeah whatever the truth was it's spree he's totally gonna watch it what's the eta on something like that as long as the murder tape is probably just like you know a couple minutes yeah are you scared it's not something i necessarily want to you don't have to i'm not going to force you to watch it no like i i want to see it just to see what b27 benjamin like is talking about yeah how could this clear his name how like what else is on this tape like i'm so curious that i'm definitely going to watch it maybe it's like the full day and there's other things happening in the car just more context yeah yeah i mean there has to be more information of something yeah to megadesk sure we can get mega desks set up to megadesk okay you guys ready yeah i guess so i feel like it's clear this way yeah this doesn't look like it's earlier in the day it definitely doesn't it looks like the same tape what if it's just the same the same thing that'd be so frustrating there he comes i mean obviously it's the same murder assuming there's more ass on her yeah i mean maybe there's more after bless you thank you it's weird to watch this now knowing that this is wes yeah it's just weird to watch this location so long ago i mean like there's no light posts now yeah obviously there's no syntek logo now can we see better can you hear that it's almost like singing in the background i'll turn it up there's movement i can see movement in there i see like a white lab coat yeah and so on the other second person in the car yeah you guys noticing anything i mean this is everything we've seen i'm just waiting for it to happen honestly yeah there's still movement still talking that singing is eerie yeah super eerie wait i could actually see the hand look it's like someone doing this it's definitely a gunshot see boom and they pull back holy cow they pull back i mean that's everything we've already seen yeah now i think it cut off it would have cut off already by now this this tape's still going yeah whoa you see that [Music] wait can you go back oh my god stop look that was a woman no oh so it's it's not benjamin that's deb that is deb it's a deb you think it's deb who else would it be that is deb that's the only other option so deb killed wes ha when we talked to her she acted like she didn't even know yeah she she said that she like basically had some blind hope that he was still alive so what she's lying she's lied so many times before but so you're saying she's been lying to us this entire time yes i'm saying she's been lying to us this entire time this entire time she didn't want us solving the murder this murder came to us she didn't ask us to solve this murder she was trying to hide this if anything she was probably trying to incriminate benjamin or make it so that she couldn't get caught killing wes then why was ben at the grave to get whatever wes had the only person that we've been able to trust in this well now we can't trust anymore i mean i stopped trusting deb to be perfectly frank with you when she was like i'm not giving you the address for salmon woods do you think that was malicious like she didn't want you to i don't know if it was malicious but she's always been using us this makes total sense what who else would be sitting in the car waiting for wes other than his lover why why what why did she do this oh so upsetting are we going to confront her yeah we're going to confront her but first i'm going to freaking give this to john doe so i can it sucks that it's her but do we isn't this solved now you think you want to confront like you want to give it to john doe before we confront him i just want to hear like what her what her defense is it doesn't matter she's on camera killing wes aren't jon and deb also working together so we give this to john and what what if he already knows this and if he already knows this then it's not solved and we know that i'd rather talk to john first give him this piece of evidence if he doesn't have it he probably doesn't and then see what he says then take that to deb for a confession but does this mean we can't even trust john doe either if there were not necessarily deb could have been totally pulling the wool over his eyes that is deb that's literally hair in the ponytail literally who we see is deb in the coat in the ponytail i i can't i can't i can't process this that's that's death it's felt like she's been like the only person we've had on our side this entire time i would say yeah maybe i would be a little skeptical if i didn't straight up see a lot clearer on camera here watch this boom you see that no one else gets out that's it that's the tape i just i feel like we're completely alone in this now here's the thing though we were alone in this far before this if this is true how would deb not know wes her lover was dead would she not know that how would she not know that i mean she's obviously oh i was hoping he was alive i mean i don't know i rarely thought that maybe they were like separated somehow like against their will and she didn't know but i mean clearly just everything's been alive that's brilliant she has tons of motive too we've seen wes multiple time and time again getting in the way of progress at cintech and her time and time again working on all these side experiments without west it's like what position do you think this puts her in in terms of like being in a moral standpoint of doing have we seen deb be moral at all yeah yes yes we've seen chat logs have heard like not wanting to go through this is why these experiments and stuff i i felt like we had seen proof that builds up her character this is why this is so upsetting but no we've seen truth that does the opposite we've seen proof that patient's leg was amputated and then they put them right back into the experiments after amputation she might not have look i know i know i know she might not have any power over patients she's the lead scientist on on so many others we've seen her articulate that like she doesn't want to be doing this and sometimes to us maybe she completely fabricated that yeah what's the what's the hard evidence that we know that deb didn't give us true she gave us she left that stuff for us to find all this stuff has been just this big scavenger hunt for what so she could plant evidence to twist our mind that's my biggest concern now is like if this is all her project and she's been this person from day one what does that mean that we're a part of exactly what is project 863 actually and and making you guys go and look for serums like what was her motivation behind that she called us project 863 and this murder happened on project 863 this could have been the very start of the project this could have been what she needed to actually trigger this all to happen killing wes killing less there's a moment after it happens that it looks like she lunges over at him yeah yeah can you see anything about that yeah look right here look she's grabbing something off of his neck but whatever he was buried with something yeah does that mean she's maybe she's not the one that buried him so then she would have to leave it maybe maybe not look here's the thing i'm not a judge here right we're like a sorry excuse for a detective but the reality of the situation is we have all this evidence that points directly to deb and all the evidence that we have that makes deb look good is evidence that she's given us right stuff that she's told us and led us to and furthermore even the tape go back and read the tape she's just angry like wes is the one that's telling her to slow down yeah and maybe it's just this this idea of like wes if you're not coming with me you're against me because deb deals deb is a sith dude she deals in absolutes and i hate using that word now because of all this stuff but she's that she's so black or white this entire time i say we take this on a flash drive and i say we give it to john doe in person i'm sure he'll be interested to come and get it again doesn't this just make you question everything like is benjamin the good guy has he been the good guy this whole time i mean i don't know i i mean i think everything is so gray now yeah exactly they're none of them are the good guys we're the good guys i think anyone involved is a good guy because he still broke into our place he still was you know searching for all the serum stuff he still hit woods nothing is black and white anymore there is no good there is no bad there's just it's just messy it's time to meet i'm emailing john doe we found evidence that we believe solves the crime please meet asap matthias send i don't know in a weird way i feel like we're betraying deb cause she's done so much for us she's put us through all this chaos before all this we were just happy go lucky youtubers living our lives and then we got thrown into this madness for what so that she could manipulate us look back to the beginning of this whole thing when we started finding things like these things were placed for us to find we found a document that predicted sam's birth how is that even possible she's been orchestrating this we're just pawns in this game and i'm i'm tired of being a pawn in this game i want to go back to a life where i i'm not meeting crazy people out in the middle of the courtyard possibly risking my life for what for what i thought was a noble purpose in stopping this evil madman but now everything that i look back on was things planted by deb to make cyphus look evil when it wasn't even cyphus doing anything it was b27 that we thought was nelson cyphus so in this entire thing do we even have one shred of evidence that's actually tied to nelson cyphus that either deb didn't give us or it actually turned out to be benjamin no strange right i mean it's all about perspective you know if cyphus had been doing all this don't you think that he would have been making us think that deb was the bad guy the whole time like we know nothing yeah we know nothing so i want to talk to john doe for a little bit here i'd like to see his take on this and then we make our next moves okay so it's been about an hour just kind of like awkward wandering around the studio yeah just kind of trying pacing trying to pretend to like get some work done but not being able to focus i get an email back from john doe just now i'm interested i'm already at the murder site come out with whatever you have no cameras i'll be waiting what he's here he's here he's at the murder site why good thing i have this he said no cameras it's one thing if we don't bring this camera right yes right i i didn't seem to have any problem with woods having this camera before just pointing at his feet he probably just means don't put me on camera exactly so that's what i'm gonna do i'm not gonna put him on camera that's what i'm not gonna do he come here a lot why is he work i mean he he probably got my email an hour ago and came out and it was like i'm here yeah i just need a flash drive [Music] i'm gonna give him that okay you keep running that just so you can hear everything i mean i'll be able to hear things on this too are you guys going to come out we like watch from a distance yeah you can watch from a distance i don't want camera like so i don't want him to be able to see camera okay so camera can't be inside of him you guys can so just be around a corner and like maybe you can film them and i'll get everything else okay i just we won't really be able to hear what's happening yeah i understand i don't anticipate it being a long conversation how far back do you think we should be see that corner right there yeah coin you hang behind that you trail this way so he doesn't see you i'm just gonna come out with this okay there he is he's waiting he's got a briefcase oh man okay he's got a briefcase he already believes us like that's kind of crazy okay jeez so you have the proof yeah yeah it's uh give me a second it's on this well i don't know if you're going to believe me if i told you it was deb are you sure it's on the flash drive i find that hard to believe yeah well it's true we literally saw the flash of light we got this tape from benjamin yeah well it's the whole tape you can look at it closer with your team i just i can't believe it's super hard to believe i would have never expected that but i'm not surprised that explains why it's taking me so long to solve this case [Music] no not yet we're uh trying to figure out what to say any ideas [Music] i'll do my best what's that thank you all right i appreciate this more than you know bye all right oh man what did he say he said he wasn't surprised because well what did he say specifically he said that's a great explanation for why it's taken him so long to solve the case because the one person that was helping him was makes sense the guilty party and he said he kept his word so now we have whatever's in this i swear guys i can't take any more of this i know but that's what we were talking about we don't want to keep working with the murderer is it where do we go from here i say we wait until we talk to deb yeah but for now yeah you have an antidote to samples yeah if that's even i swear if this needs a key i'm going to lose my mind i know that's what i was saying i'm going to actually lose my mind i'm kind of over keys bro we've got saws and skill saws and grinders below that thing i respect that i respect that if there's an antidote in this this is the last thing that's keeping us tied to this whole project like we don't have any stake in the game anymore if you're safe that's all we need true i mean true what about what benjamin told you last night not true why the bomb he's still going to set off a bomb one thing at a time and woods i saw that screech mark you just made on the ground yeah [Music] okay more evidence i swear if this guy got me medium-sized gloves we're not friends anymore reminder all this stuff is going to be in the database if you're a premium member thank you for supporting us through this chaos lapd 416 21 time of collection 236 piece of lab coat material blood marks okay how how do we miss some of these things that's impossible i mean they must have been tucked away but there were six vials of serum in there six vials empty blue cosmetics bag empty blue cosmetics bag there was a woman deb's cosmetic bag now what is with this now okay wasn't this said to believe to be cat bones cat bones where do you get small bone these are not small these are huge versus what where's the handle there's more back here oh wow why is that in the mountaineer benjamin because he's the one that had the mountain he stole it he stole it from us employee id badge named benjamin cobalt company syntax that's weird that he's still wearing his badge i mean obviously he's still attached is that no what is it no no no no no no no no no no that's the counter agent why would it say antidote why would it be why because deb told us that they were labeled differently what do we do this is literally but it's it's yeah it's yellow right like that's we we've never seen this before that's right yellow is the counter agent that's not what we need the blue is the antidote the yellow is the counter agent did deb say what the counter agent does a counter agent just counteracts the effects for a short period of time so long as you're taking it but as long as i have this i can be fine but this is a finite amount like how long does it last like yeah like how much are you supposed to do a day a day a week a month it doesn't matter so did he just think that that was what we were talking about he just it was what we were talking about wow all of that [Laughter] there are more there's more sites out there we can find something we'll find something what if that was it man they're not just going to make four why why not why not just make four because you can't think that way this is the exact same label life's blood counter agent but this is the actual counter agent you guys you guys aren't experiencing what i'm experiencing like i'm seriously almost deaf in my left ear like that hasn't gone away from like a couple weeks ago yeah like that straight up hasn't gone away i thought it was just like an altitude thing but i just feel super fatigued like i stayed up till like what like 11 last night doing that stupid face-off with ben and i'm like destroyed the next day i can bear just forget it it's whatever it's just like this is matt we'll find something else we have to find something else this is our last hope and you know what this isn't even over this phantom guy still has a bomb who else is going to do something about it besides us i mean if forgive me for feeling a little defeated no no i think i mean i think we all feel defeated in in some sense of the word the one person we've been trusting this entire time has been lying to us we're a part of a project that we don't even really know the true intentions behind we thought that this was going to be the antidote and it's not you know this is only the first counter agent we found maybe it's not the permanent solution but maybe we can find more they were they're happy they're producing there's a huge huge lab they they have and also whatever you don't know that i don't know that but there is no use in just thinking it's all hopeless right if people made an antidote if they were able to make four there has to be documentation of that somewhere maybe it wasn't documented maybe it just died with less [Music] do you take it that's what how do we what are you talking about i mean what if it does something worse to me i mean i do find it strange that this is the only one that we've ever seen we've we've never seen a yellow serum before so much about deb murdering wes is still just soaking like it's just taking a while for that to hit me the woman who's been orchestrating all of this and a murderer has my birth documents somehow led all of us together how involved has this woman been in our entire lives the fact that we know that she's capable of murder just makes me so concerned for how much insight she actually has in our lives it doesn't matter like this is the hand that we've been dealt and now with this hand we have to figure out how to stop that bomb that's the only thing we can actually do that has any sort of impact as angry as i am at deb she's right life isn't for happy endings it's for impact and so right now what's the actual impact that we're gonna have yeah can we figure out how to stop that bomb in time yeah can you help us straight up did you witness anything in the conversation with benjamin do you see anything in this evidence that i am not seeing that somehow indicates when where and how because without that a lot more people are going to get hurt and i can't live with that it's enough for me to just be like this but we got to do something oh no that's not good it's already going off write down the coordinates take a picture of that he's leaving oh my gosh he must have just armed it this is it i'm going make sure to check out our new merch designs available now for a limited time check them out using the link in the description below if you've got any theories discoveries or memes we want to see them on spellbound plus and make sure to watch us go through all of your startling discoveries and creepy theories right here on we are 863. you're in as deep as we are now after all you are the one that clicked stay curious
Channel: Matthias
Views: 604,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hi5 studios, hi5, high five, matthias, matthiasiam, matthiasvlogs, matthias vlogs, behind the scenes, vlogging, office vlog, vlogs, dope or nope, team edge, get good gaming, fun, funny, comedy, vlogger, hi 5 studios, project 863, 863, crime case, unsolved, mystery, adventure, syntec, syphus, stalker, key series
Id: ED6wqj1clIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 45sec (1665 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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