Milford Haven secret BUNKER police fest WE GOT AWAY

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[Music] right TR Seekers the secret vault here and uh we're up in Swansea now on our little road trip what we got behind us let's have a look is Bunker on the back of the territorial Army Center and uh it's got a transmitter above it as you can see here microwave Tower and that's the TA Cent is on the left so we just going to go and have a little look around and see what we can see apparently it's got new alarms so doesn't look like we'd be doing too much there uh that looks like a fuel bunker there [Applause] and these are the blast doors so let's have a quick look so we got uh bit of a lock going on there and a key there that uh don't know looks like might be an old alarm bit oldfashioned the only reason I say it is a blue one there it's exactly the same color and if I been up there for a year or two that start yeah possibly so let's come around and have a look have a look around the back see what we can see so we got a mobile oh my God look look in the look in the skip mate they got maps maps that have been thrown out in this skip planners County and region maps and a plannner population population map Hell and they laminated this looks like something stuff has been taken out of the bunker to be honest yeah it does do it yeah I wonder if any of these maps have got anything drawn on them like uh current bunkers and things let's have a little look wow it's in this area it's like South Wales Ordinance survey the Bren beacons Ordinance survey black mountains it's all stuff from the bunkers the Ronda the R the valley and Port Talbert they're pretty crap hey wouldn't these nice laminated ones be useful that's about it oh there's other maps in there as well they throwing a lot of stuff out so these look quite good though we being watched m by Two Fellas behind me an army cling up on the top of that mountain really yeah yeah right then just going have a look around the rest of the bunker then yeah let's go and ask him on the back of the bunker now oh look at this big old air vents or something [Applause] here we got a back door and then little stores there nothing in there particularly but it's just a store room by the looks of that this is the uh the back door of the bunker actually this lock is not on so it's only locked by the key I doubt you I doubt you get in there though nope just one lock it's locked with one key the main pad lock isn't on that it's just locked with a key yeah they might it's possible they might be using this way in because no padlock I don't know if they somebody's cut it off or something no they haven't see the pad loock is open it's only locked the key so uh yeah pretty it looks in pretty good condition this bunker compared to some of them it's not falling apart and it hasn't exactly grown up too much you know it looks like somebody might have been doing something to keep the the plants from taking over the whole the whole place so now we've got uh an antenna and got another antenna here seems like a some sort of fuel bunker God there's a steps here now this is a bit overgrown I don't think we're going to be getting down there that's well overgrown easy to go on the roof h very easy you want to go up and have a look uh broad daylight now guys went to back yeah I don't give a toss they'll see me the minute I stand up there though I literally just stood there I don't give a toss so we can show to him who owns this thing now yeah if it's it definitely won't look let us have a look been on the roof well let's give it just give them a shout and ask them I think somebody I read somewhere that it was controlled by the the TA they were in charge of it you know you sus to so close but you you'd expect them to put it on on their land with a fence around it if it was it's kind of on its own isn't it but it also might belong to every rooms at MK well I don't know cuz they all their equipments in that thing on the side isn't it so we got territorial Army Barracks here right next to it I bet I bet you they probably got their own in there I well usually they're across the road um that one in the morning we got in swiland there's definitely a bunker in their yard across the road H right come in with me [Applause] [Applause] yeah all right so we weren't able to uh get in there let's take a little drone plate and have a look around from above see what we can see just for a bit of fun [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ch [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] morning [Music] [Music] [Music] right secret vault in the house we're in Milford Haven and this says keep out otherwise we come eat your children so of course this just makes me get excited and we have to go and have a look because if they tell us that it's not allowed then that means that it must be allowed so mat's gone off there up into the woods and he's having a look and I'm going to go and see there's anything along here what's this egg egol egol that's a stupid bloody name for something right now I think you could probably within within certain reason get underneath that but not around the edge yeah is it it's easy enough yeah so Matt's Matt's now just got around this by coming in here so we're going to give that a go I got my drone with me and we're going to have a look and see what we can see so don't forget subscribe like buy all the anti-art stink sprays that we sell on our website and uh yeah make me Rich right so Matt's up there somewhere but oh God I just go over the fence by myself and uh I got to find mat now so let's go and get my my legs scuffed to Hell by Nettles it's going to be fun catch in a bit oh there's the first one first stingy nle then great well check this out we're only a few feet inside the gate that you saw and we hadn't even really started walking down the road we'd been there about maximum of 5 minutes and suddenly from inside not outside from inside this unused base police came and we're like they arrived pretty quickly didn't they and what the hell are they doing inside so that was kind of interesting watch now I closed theing B done itself is it didn't like being enclosed hello right we just heard somebody banging or sliding sliding Barb back now look [ __ ] security wankers wankers wankers wankers so they're trying to find us now but they haven't found us yet so them stupid so they're trying to uh Scout us out so we just keep going through the forest then and kiss my ass they bastards can't keep us out of a base like that the hell do they think they are who the hell do they think they are trying to keep us out of that base sons of [ __ ] our base belongs to us what's that dog look you any dog barking about was barking earlier on up on the hill just who the hell do they think they are we definitely watching that camera yeah off my base belongs to us until he's caught us and told us to stay out we can just keep moving on yeah but around pissing Bo good oh it's the challenge it's the challenge of Life see that what police car where just gone back out the gate police car a police car just just drove down this way and gone out the gate you I don't know how you didn't just see that yeah silver car all marked up HD certain police on head do all right check this out now this is a disused military base dis used right and put one arm on the tree and another one on that post how can a disused military base yeah have Security on it like that and then a police car from inside coming out of a locked gate at a disused military base police really I think there's something going on yeah yeah something's going on and we's got to find out what it is what is it what's going on secret vault in the house this is what we live for we don't care if there's security there we don't care if the police are there as long as they don't catch us we move on reel up here right we're here next to the fence line it's not a big fence line just give you an idea what we're looking at so look at it it's all disheveled and easy to get into but why are the police ripping it up and down here then you know on some road that it it just goes to the military base which is nothing why are they interested in it what are they up to got to find out look Matt's Matt's Keen Matt's like really Keen in fact I think Matt's egging me on he's going like Matt you've got to get in your man and look at this he's actually saying he don't want to get in trouble with the police today and I can totally understand that but yeah he's giving 50 Quid bribe money oh well we shall see that's got to be that dock there's nothing down that way don't reckon no okay I'm going to get over and have a look now well so what are we walking towards then that grass M it's a little sort of uh yeah Hut where's this police officer then where is he I need to turn my turn this down get that down it's bit bright so here we are at Milford Haven now this is a uh oh yeah but luckily we're on the right side of it so I think further around there towards the base the base is actually over there but it's all it's like there's a bridge there swing bridge and it's swung to let you know boats come in and out but uh might still be operational I don't know there's a fence line there but luckily we're on this side of the fence line so I'm not seeing anything saying keep bouts we're just in we're just in fields here it's quite nice just keep walking till we get to this uh military base and if they can see us come and get us lazy bastards lazy bastard police and security are driving up and down that that road there you know they don't realize we're walking up over the top might not even be their property this might be a farmers's property this looks like a bunker man look at that look at it it's concrete on the top it's bloody bunker look at that bunker bit of concrete on the top so we're totally randomly rocking up here there's an easier way around for me here gr the side this could be a ro bunker could be something a bit better I don't know let's have a look I think I think my bik I think my bloody bags come open again it's an Roc bunker I think it's got two holes in which is no water bunker well do you think that's just that's just water at the bottom of it that's just water it could be a command bunker how long that e went on for yeah quite a bit it's just round round to the back side of that isn't it is it's good reverberation man water well I don't know go down and have a look now bloody bags coming in again bastards let's get myself sorted out a minute camera off right uh don't know if you can hold this for us once I make my first steps down there so secret vault watch the joystick don't move the joystick secret vault about to go in get that on get that on [Music] prob the webs but right if you don't see me again it's because TR is the secret vault is hard call a lot of echo in here yeah I reckon it's quite big yeah it's just a big old water water thing yeah it just goes to the back wall all right let me just see if I can open the iris for you there we go so I dare say it's a bit of a splot from this side it is doable you keep to the edge keep to the edge it's not too bad and there gets dry it's a little water bunker and there's the ladder oh my God what's this this is a valve look it's a float valve it's a float valve it's a float valve that will turn turn on the supply until it fills up there we go Let's uh get back up then so you [Applause] do yeah it's quite nice on there this it's unusual cuz it's got a float valve like you having a toilet yeah yeah when it gets up it stops the supply coming in mad so we're going to bit do a bit of drone flying because with all this security we just don't know what to expect so I'm going to drone fly that's what in the middle of the thing yeah we'll have to have a look at those it might be yeah so I'm going to go off for a bit and I'm going to drone fly so uh have a look at the footage and tell us what you [Music] [Music] think [Music] a [Music] [Music] a a [Music] [Music] [Music] o [Music] [Music] d [Music] [Music] take a look where that cars parking and to the left there are some rails that go off into the distance now let's just have a little look a little bit closer at that so as you look up from the railway track you can see a track way going through and look at the two different colors of the trees on the left hand side and the right hand side would you agree with me that that looks like a possible trackway up into a hillside which could be where they're storing things or used to store thing store things and what you'll notice as well is this is the first location that the pickup truck seems to go and we've already had a lot of people here at this site police two cars and a lot of attention for just turning up at this location so as the car pulls around that's a gate on the left hand side so you've got this old disused bunch of old buildings with a high security fence blocking from this other area which seems to be towards the jetty and you can see the guy hanging out near the fence there but anyway you know we're not really sure what's going on as we go for a nice fly around the yey e e e [Music] just in case you're wondering here why I actually fly like this and I seem to sort of look around and then turn back the other way then pop up and then pop down it's obviously not done for cinematic flying what I'm actually making sure is that there's nobody near near me you know I haven't got a security guard sat in a car several feet away you know I want to avoid uh close confrontation with these people so therefore you know I'm obviously taking a good look before I move move around so hope that explains why I fly the way I do sometimes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so in a later pass of the Drone I actually decide to fly around and see if I can see anything else or see the security and as you can see just down that little path there's a little white object coming down the hill and it's the security so there really are pulling out a lot of stops now to try and see if they can see anybody I notice that interesting wall as well going off into the distance now again it seems to be a delineation point between one section of the base and the other so let's see where this van ends up he does know I'm there he can't see me he hasn't heard me but look there's that line up into the trees beneath us and you see what I mean seems to be there's a definite line for something going up into the trees but now I'm just having a little look around some of the other Coastal [Music] features [Music] so now we're on The Back Fence of the old Royal Navy depo and this is obviously where the vehicle has come from this top section and driven down [Music] [Music] so now we're going over the ction which might contain the entrance and look how there's a little little Valley there a little dip a cutaway almost on the left hand side and you see how the edge of the trees there's two colors of trees seems like it's heading towards [Music] something what is in those trees and again you can see the van and he seems to be coming back to that spot a lot and you can see the wall I was talking about there's a wall which delineates from one section to another now why would they need that wall there why would they need a wall just there and there's evidence some concrete over here where there doesn't appear to have been any buildings so so there's a wall there with a gap in the wall as you can see and and if you look carefully you can see something that looks like the rail tracks are going through this Gap in the wall so where does it [Music] lead why is there a path going up there into the trees a well-worn path what is in those trees H I think you can guess and it may be what I'm guessing and it may be the reason you see the road Cuts two ways there goes straight on and cuts [Music] around but you can see I'm hunting for some evidence of something in those trees and it's probably hidden for a very good reason that's why the trees are there it's to make it hard for anyone to see that there's maybe a door in the side of the Hill because I mean when you bring Munitions in from a ship and you so I'm just popping up to have a little look at this fuel facility there but I don't want to go too close to it but I'm definitely more than 150 ft away from it yeah so no problem but I'm not interested in a fuel facility but as you'll see in a minute we certainly got asked a lot of questions about why we were there and they were very very Twitchy about that fuel facility but maybe they were Twitchy for another reason because why would they need to secure this old bit of of land why would they need so much [Music] security so here's another one of these water bunkers exactly the same as the one we looked at first it's probably emergency water supply for the Royal navy [Music] base and okay the cows are interested in my drone which gets interesting but as you you can see just ladders going down into two separate chamber water water bunkers so nothing too much to see [Music] there oh yeah we've got a crowd [Music] I couldn't resist winding the cows up I'm [Music] sorry and look where the car's gone look where the car's gone look where that car has gone funny that isn't it very funny that the car has sneaked its way up there what is it protecting is it hoping it'll find somebody up there [Music] your imagination can run wild at this point but there is no doubt in my mind that this is the area of interest in this disused base so we can say thank you to Mr drone for making it abundantly obvious that this is the area we needed to be in [Music] [Music] and we can thank the security guards for possibly alerting us to that area so that's basically it we got something down down there but what we do not know and because of what happens to us next unfortunately we can't go back there to find out as you can see we're actually being stampeded at this point by a load of cows [Music] this would have been a Sentry point you can see the gun in placement to be able to fire out through those little slits so this a watch point a little Watchtower up on [Music] top so that's basically it that's the LIE of the land that's what's there that's that little Valley that tucks in and what is at the end of that Valley somebody has to find out so the mission was successful we found a bunker and as you can see a little cars coming out of the the thing so obviously they they're going up there cuz they know that's the way to the bunker and they don't want people going there so Matt's hurting cows at the moment so uh yeah on that note um well who's going to go down and check this place out somebody left to okay thanks very much for watching good night Matt's having great fun hering the cows I don't want to interrupt him you know in his in his moment of farming Glory um so we've seen that that's another water bunker and this is another water bunker they're all empty and there's two there's one that side one that side and they're basically uh like you know dual dual water buers so let's go back home and see if we can avoid meeting the security who obviously you're in force there's about three or four vehicles now which why would you want three or four vehicles for a little old place that's out on the coastline with one road to it only one road and apparently nothing to see because all old ruined buildings but of course if you follow follow the vehicles where are they hanging around the bunker so what's going on that we're not supposed to know about eh why all the vehicles why all the interest why all the you know energy put into stopping us from coming near the bunker what are they doing in the bunker we'll have to find out yep so we're going to get gorged gor gorged or whatever by Coke GD that's what they're G we my bit of pal they started a ground yeah that works see I know I know I to do with cows apart from eating them so now I'm wondering if we got any meat heads waiting for me by my car and I quite want to meet him really see see what their story is why are they so interested in that little bit of scrap metal around the corner they call the military base keep going in it yeah yeah so we got one we got two Meat Heads now look we got two Meat Heads turning around in vehicles down there so I say just keep cutting across to the right so uh they're down there they can't see us my car's parked just by there so we' got to get to my car which is there they're parked on the this side of the fence waiting for us to come back to the car there were two vehicles there but one of them turned around and and headed back off into the so they think they're luck is going to be in P up on the side and he got out yeah all right okay just keep going down in it I say I say go further up there hop the fence and walk down the road from the back of the vehicle I'll piss them off if we jump the fence there they're going to go we can go up there yeah the thing is there's loads of wood all the way up there and there're still literally just up break and everything getting up there so what you want to do just go there so looks like we could just get over and up and over there look yeah pretty good and then we can walk around then that way and then it'll be like what yeah so we're in full evasion mode at the moment this is going to this is going to upset their tiny little mines cuz they're not going to know why we've popped out of somewhere that we shouldn't have been cheers man thank you very much keep going up keep going up up there no further up further up yeah it's more more secluded that's a boat so now we're somewhere where we can pop out where where they won't so we can see them now where they probably want to see us we can just about see their vehicles there I need to get over it's good place as any in it but yeah they're there outside the gate really yeah I there's a police car now police car police car what the [ __ ] isn't it back to your car yeah back well we can just wait for a bit and see what happens because yeah that yeah don't don't make any noise for a minute cuz it might yeah okay I've got to get over this bloody fence man man just waiting to see what's going on now car coming [Applause] come m going going through it down there you ain't hang around police officer going into my car for keep go ahead sorry I was just on point to point then yeah no problem the only do on at the moment is in al but there should be a dog coming on at 6:00 yeah as receed thank [Applause] you if the dog that's on at 6:00 isn't you ask to make their way down [Applause] but [Applause] on for the somewhere down there solow lose a little while okay so here's what happened now unfortunately I lost the camera footage after this point so I'll have to describe to you another two police cars turned up um they were all over my car um security were coming in and out and speaking to them and there was no way that I could actually climb over this fence now to get to my car if we'd only been like 2 or 3 minutes earlier we might have been able to get to my car and yeah but we left a bit late so anyway um having heard that they were basically going to bring the dogs and try and let the dogs out into the forest that would have been not an interesting thing to have happen so what I did is I did what Matt did and I went down the banking cuz we're actually on a steep bank here so I actually very carefully crept down the banking and up the other side which is pretty much where Matt went so I'll show you that bit to show you where Matt went again so this is prior to the police car coming and as you can see Matt disappeared off and he's gone down the banking and now he's got to go up a very steep banking on the on the other side but the trouble is there was a lot of breakable wood which would be making a lot of noise when we got up there so Matt just ran off you know and then he managed to get away but I thought well if I make any noise here there are so many police around now uh that I'm going to get basically nabbed so I literally one footstep at a time it took me about 10 minutes to get from this point to where Matt was and it took Matt about 30 seconds cuz he was running took me about 10 minutes but I was really careful with all my foot falls and um yeah basically I could hear them saying they were just about to set send the dogs in and uh yeah it took me a long time to find a way out uh I got split up from Matt uh Matt's mobile phone had discharged so I couldn't find where he was and um yeah so I mean I I hung around for quite a bit I hung around for a couple of hours um so all told uh probably these police had been here you know in excess of 2 hours and in the end I thought well you know there's no way I can get round this so whilst I was up the top I actually flew my drone over them to see if they were still there and lo and behold they were still there now I deleted that footage off my drone because I thought well they might get a bit you know pissy about it um so I just at the time I thought it'd be a good idea don't know why I should have kept it but yeah deleted the footage of that uh went down to see them and I was recording on my phone and on and on the phone I was trying to capture the voices of the the police and I thought it was recording um out of the top of my pocket so I could actually secretly sort of film what was going on it turned out that it selected the wrong camera it was filming against my chest so it didn't catch anything but it caught their voices and what they told me was that um because of a terrorist threat to the local nearby uh refinement gas facility which you could see me flying around earlier on um they said that uh they thought that our presence There Was You Know suspicious so they wanted to sort of flush us out and um yeah but I didn't explain the the bunker in there so um I was allowed to go and I thought that would be the end of it um I drove into town and eventually because I left messages with various friends of Matt and I left a Facebook message eventually um I got a phone call to say that he was in a local pub so I went to pick him up in Milford Haven and we were just driving out of town and I'd only had um him in the car for about 30 seconds and guess what they pounced on me the police just pulled us over and um wanted to question uh whoever else was in the car and have a look to see whether we'd put anything in the car and it was like oh God they were nice enough in their own way but here's the funny thing they knew Matt's name and I'd never told them they knew Matt's name so obviously he's coming up on my police information record as a known associate of me like as if we're partners in crime and doing some dodgy stuff but the police have noted it down so they knew who he was now for you conspiracy theorists that think they don't take note they do so anyway that's it uh if anybody wants to go down there and have a look we would be very interested in finding out what you find out but I cannot go back there myself because I've been told don't return by the police so um they denied being in the inside the compound whilst we were there and the security guards were there they denied that they said we weren't there there they also said that um they didn't know anything about the bunker but when I asked the question do you know anything about a bunker down there they looked at each other in a kind of sheepish way and Matt clocked this as well so I personally believe because the amount of activity in that area and the police's reaction you know the over the overkill that there is possibly something there and they don't want people going near it now what that is I don't know but but it seems like a pretty well-kept secret if it's there so thanks very much for watching if you do get in let us know and take your cameras send us some footage we'd love to see it so thanks a lot for watching please like And subscribe do all the things that you know you want to do
Channel: TheSecretVault
Views: 63,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ww2 bunker, wartime, defence, bristol, avon, river, clifton, brunel bridge, exploring with fighters, exploring with matty, iks, bunker, nuclear, underground, tunnel, steve ronin, exploring with josh, west wales, south wales
Id: OP9y8KcJYas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 42sec (4422 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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