We shouldn't have called it AI

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this thing is so cool it's one of my favorite parts of the can you see it it's the lake I think it's the Lake Travis Dam what did the fish say when he ran into the wall damn all right let's let's get right into [Music] it I saw Elon Musk made another tweet about the uh or I guess it's an Elon Musk X I don't even know what to call it anymore man that so weird I don't know why they changed the name Twitter was such a good name I don't know why they changed it doesn't matter matter not not relevant in this video so it was a it was a I guess it was a retweet or a share of a AI industry expert talking about the Doom of AI and I didn't admittedly watch the whole video I watched up into the part where he was talking about how smart machines are getting and and how it's uh the likely risk of it being smarter than us and I that was about as much of the video as I could could watch which was not very long into the video admittedly before I before I just went oh my gosh please stop what I think there's a lot of is there's a lot of overhyping and a lot of fear-mongering and the reason that tweet bothered me is because AI has no intelligence in fact I think part of the problem is we called it AI artificial intelligence it's a misnomer it's very misrepresent it it very much misrepresents what AI is AI language model for example if we talk about something like chat GPT all it's doing is putting words next to words because those words are the most likely to show up next to those words within that context there's no more magic behind the scenes than that that is the man behind the curtain The Wizard of Oz himself self it's just pattern recognition and I look I wrote down some thoughts if uh if you in mind I'm just going to probably shouldn't drive and I I wanted to read this but I probably shouldn't drive and read at the same time so give me a moment let me just pull over here look at that can you see out the window man it's gorgeous I don't I don't know can you guys see it hold on let me a look at that I'll tell you the views around parts of Austin are just it's just gorgeous um okay I pulled over let me just kind of read my thoughts real quick on this real quick and uh real quick real quick let me just read my thoughts today AI isn't actually intelligent it doesn't understand what you're asking or the answers it's providing it doesn't seek meaning or contemplate its own existence it's just pattern recognition it's it's no more intelligent or cognizant than a Google search it has no more understanding than a piece of paper understands what's written on it the term AI completely misrepresents what it is it's just a marketing term it sounds Advanced futuristic brilliant ai ai the biggest danger to AI is just that its lack of intelligence because it doesn't understand is merely building patterns it can't say I don't know but the facade of intelligence is eerily convincing it is incredibly good at reproducing human speech and writing patterns the biggest threat of AI is our overreliance on the information it provides without double-checking that what it tells us is true why because I see us as AI gets more and more integrated into our workflows I mean apple is adopting Apple intelligence which is basically AI is going to be integrated deeply into the Apple operating system on every single one of our phones uh Google uh sorry Microsoft is working on co-pilot and integrating co-pilot more and more into the operating system I'm not even going to go into how creepy it is that the snapshot thing I'm not even going to go into that that's creepy Microsoft get rid of that but as we adopt AI more and more into our workflows I do see us relying more more and more on AI for information and research the more Niche the question the more Niche the topic the worse AI is at giving answers but because AI can't say I don't know it sounds incredibly convincing because AI can't weigh the uncertainty of the statements it's providing AI is unable remember AI doesn't know it doesn't actually know what it's telling you it has no understanding it has no intelligence it's just matching words with words doesn't interpret meaning for any of that it's just matching words with words it's just matching information with information because that information is more most likely to appear in a pattern next to other information it cannot evaluate how true the statements it's making might be as we move from a generation of just Google it to just ask AI I'm worried about the increasing growth of inaccurate information misleading information or misinformation so I come around to this full circle I'm going to make a full circle here it is a revolutionary technology that's coming out and there's a lot of benefit benefits to it there's a lot of really great things that you could do with AI somehow I I I don't know I'm not the I'm not the architect or the genius behind the modeling that is AI I mean I I don't think a a little wording at the bottom that says chat GPT information can be inaccurate please double check what chat gbt is telling you I'd like to see a little bit more focus on where are we getting the information how is the information being provided and if possible how can we double check or how can we encourage users to double check that information or how can we assess the accuracy of the information that we're being provided that is going to be the key to moving AI forward in the future I hope you had fun just hanging out with me going on a little bit of a drive I didn't have a whole lot of time this week to make a longer video a tutorial or a guidance video but this was a topic of conversation AI is something I do for my business and I thought it would be really interesting to kind of sit down and talk to it together and hey you know what I'm driving anyway so I thought we could just have a chat while I'm driving I really appreciate you guys being here and and I I super appreciate all the support you've been showing on these videos um I'll see you very soon okay and until next time take care everyone bye
Channel: Nick Talks Tech
Views: 119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI And Society, AI Giving Bad Information, AI Integration, AI Limitations, AI Not Smart Enough, Bad Information From AI, Risks Of AI, ai downsides, ai issues, ai misinformation, ai threat, artificial intelligence issues, artificial intelligence threat, misleading ai
Id: uB2iTa3U_K4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 25sec (445 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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