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so today we broke the fortnite world record for the most duo olymps we played the comeback ltm a gamemode where you have five lives with one singular goal get 80 limbs in a single match it took us a few games but this final game was nothing short of insane don't forget to hit the subscribe button as we're so close to two million and use code x2 twins in the item shop we are now shooting for the highest duo elims ever in fortnight a soccer skin already landed come on give me that first pistol eliminates one hp okay i didn't get it all right first kill i don't think these guys realize they have a pistol to start off soccer skin down default see you later buddy oh perfect that landed on me back to back welcome back if you could just come back another time that'd be sweet man all right jonesy one hit there we go i'm getting a lot of kills of lazy default thank you very much and now if i'm correct that soccer skin isn't far away here you go buddy i'll even make a platform for you to land on buddy there you go all right hello mr clark goodbye mr clock i just need to grab myself a shoddy and we're definitely on for this record 50 again on the same soccer skin he's already on his purple live i don't even have an ar but you know i got nades for him another e lim i'm popping off right now soccer skins back and i think he's out of lives bro all right there we go six kill on the board i think that's the end of lazy lake it's time to get moving i've got a guy up top bring him down come on you want to fight i'll bring it to you get out of here 10 elims 34 left we're looking good i need to find myself an ar i'm going to take myself out and then i'm going to respawn so i glide somewhere new all right i'm at the spire i'm pretty sure i killed this guy lazy a few times good to uh see you again buddy i definitely haven't seen mr tomato before but [Music] i will be taking him out nonetheless please please just give me an ar game it's literally there we go i got they are i'm going to take myself out with four damage and we're getting out of pleasant park tomorrow's back wants a bit of revenge is not gonna get it yeah i've been wondering where you've been hiding mr jonesy oh this storm could be good i think everyone's gonna be heading to causal crops oh here we go i'm alive and i see people gliding i see quite a lot of people around this area try and dive down take this guy out and get the siphon trying to hide under the tree i'll drop down like a drop bear [Music] and i'll take you out just like that jonesy sounds like we got a few and risky i think this is the same tomato oh my god it is i'm kind of bullying it might feel a little bad come on anime skin give me this e-limb if you're not gonna give it to me i'm gonna come down and i'm gonna grab it myself here i come thank you very much all right soccer skin what if this is the one jordan was killing earlier this game nope he's he used to literally every single one of his lives on me yeah this guy was on his green life wasn't him tomatoes in the tree jump over his sniper bullet i'm coming to finish your lives tomato gonna bunny hop and go in with the lever action 50 y and the follow-up pump there we go we're now on full hp tomato day that was his last life he's out of the game i think i killed him every single one of his lives or i was shield come on i'm ready i'll fight y'all you didn't even get the chance his team's coming he's got a team of auras this could actually be a bit of a challenge here we are we see i see two people up on the hill there we go perfect [Music] oh god this guy's trying to thunder pump me do you know who i am [Music] come on this is it this is the world record game jesse we keep this pace up oh i've just been headshot sniped as you've said that bunch of people at colossal though i'm heading back i'm gonna get over there as well i'm even gonna take myself out and i'm gonna move to my blue life i'm on blue as well oh my god it's the same referee he's out of here i'm coming to the crops you see those people are crops [Music] don't get killed on jonesy come on oh god that's on his bush no oh my god what is happening how did i live there that's actually huge though me living means i can now take out this tarana as well and i keep my blue life get in the bush dead aura dead guy in the tree oh god i'm getting tagged up hello raven welcome to my bush all right toronto i'm on my new life you need to give me this siphon you need to give me a right now thank you very much 40 elims 20 left jesse it's still doable okay i see the guy in the hill i got you thank you okay double auras could be a problem one's dead two's dead oh i'll take that snipe got someone landing just so much is happening but all i know is that i'm farming kills oh god someone's here they want to fight me close up it's a guy from the bush knowing his aim i'm fine i ain't stopping no time soon headshot snipe let's go we're about to hit 50. right come on 50 white nice perfect i got the elim all right i think the action's going down in pleasant jordan go go go get involved 151 this is it this is the game we make it this is also where we start versing everyone with spazzers just full gold loadouts because well they've had the luxury of uh dying default come on give me to see them cracked jump in jordan hit him with the pump he's gone blue skin come on try me i'm ready i'm going for a world record all right i'm on 28 kills about to get my 30 bomb i'm 127 as well jesse this is it this is the game oh this has got to be it cracked i'm going him come on i need to see them [Applause] you see them will be huge got it oh my god it was close as well oh i just hit a sniper when i don't even have a scope what don't worry it's hard to explain zero mats you know what i'm pushing one world record pace i'm going for it oh oh come on this is it jesse this is it we're on 60 with 16 left we can get like 80 limbs right now oh no god i've just been sniped same and i'm no match no shield i'm getting naded there's a guy in the bush minus come on no that minus just one hp i'm on my last life okay we gotta start playing safe i think we gotta get together and work i'm on my last life you know what i'm going in jesse wait that's not you landing on me it's an aura with matt's shield gonna be up jordan wait no i still have two lives we've got a kill let's go are you on your last line yes i'm on my last flight god you got to play so safe we're on 62 with 14 left come on oh god midas yes holy i'm on max shield now they're gliding on me they want revenge i know you said to play say give it to him not even if they have gold loot come on 60 40 limbs jesse i see a clock 65 e limbs no john i'm on my last life i just got hit i'm moving i'm moving everyone's in pleasant right now i'm going in all right come on i i need it even for siphon right now dude this is so scary we're both on our last life he's trying to shield off go go go go nice nice i got some sight for not least there was a guy in the bush oh wait storm let me get him let me get him for the siphon 30 get him 60 go jordan go 30. he's got a spaz i'm one hit to that i'm taking him out okay trying to play it safe bro i'm running around on 88 p when everyone has gold stuff oh my god this one in the middle do i have a snipe yes i got shield let's go i got shield as well and a sniper we're on 69 kills come on jordan i know he's spraying me i've got no builds i'm coming i'm coming holy white 60 white you gotta watch out for him slap him nice nice let's go blue now i see someone i smacked him without a scope it was bogged we have 71 elims right now this is literally world record stuff jesse there's people at this house let's go wait for him go from spray him he's weak come on got him got him dead there's someone in this bush right here let's go for him dirty scratch dead nice guide the house now spray the wall spray the wall two thirty white come on got him nice push push push i'm going in got in the hall my god that was scary 75 six people left dude how many kills are we going to get 80 limbs focus focus maybe leave them because they're playing safe i agree i think we leave them alive that's my 39th kill going for the 40 bomb wing battle yes beautiful he's got one more life in him come on he's gonna be fighting somewhere he's there i see him get it get in here oh my god dead dead nice okay it's us that's the duo and we have 70 80 limbs i see them they're boxed here oh god oh i almost got sniped wait mickey's pushing i got him that's his first life jordan no way we're gonna have so many kills this is gonna be so many kills look up he's in the air wait this is this could also be bad jordan they have shield and everything bush is moving 20 oh god they're taking the high ground they have lives that we don't see the bush i hit him i hit him without the scope as well dude they still have so many mats where is that man cake gone well he went gliding oh yeah he went left to my left he's near me i see him dead beautiful what life he's on jordan oh my god i got the mancake they're both in the air wait we can maybe get 90 kills dude these two have so many lives left come on he's in the air the bush come on hit him whites what they're dead now the man cake don't let him land 30 60. he's in the trees in the tree dead nice oh my god bush now i can't believe these guys literally had max lives 30 what death holy again again again kovacs they can't even touch the ground these boys saved lives but it's for nothing oh god he made it to the tree watch out we cannot let this end to a man cake sniping us i'll snipe him bush is coming down 85 e limbs jesse 20 wide mancakes coming wait jordan i'm out of ar what i'm out of they are i don't know what to tell you we might actually lose weight legs come behind 30. dead it's just the bush it's just the bush man cake ran out of lives we are now bursting the bush i think he has two left where's he at i see him 30 for the world record dead last life muslim last life all right well the bush should be down here he can't hide from us forever i hear him beneath i'm dropping down and that is 88 elims in a duo game of fortnite my goodness we've done it jesse reset a fortnight world record [Music]
Channel: x2Twins
Views: 9,498,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: x2twins, x twins, twins, fortnite, oce, battle royale, x2jesse, jesse, x2jordan, jordan, season 6, world record, record, elims, duo record, max kills
Id: wZSj27gomok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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