We Searched for "Bad" on the Workshop Expecting Disappointment - Scrap Mechanic Workshop Hunters

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welcome ladies and gentlemen back to workshop hunters with me and khan and this is going to be a bad episode khan you know why um uh uh oh oh cause we searched bad yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we searched bad on the work shop yeah i realized you made a pun in there yeah we searched bad that's right yeah i get it um so this right here that you're sitting on right now is actually called bad idea this is by the dragon viking and um i'm not gonna tell you how many nukes are actually this is not just one nuke that you're sitting on there there's a lot of nukes in here but uh i don't know if we're going to survive oh my goodness i just all right get off there for a second take out your lift and put your lift on it it's it's very white it is very white so there's more than one nuke in here so i want uh you and the viewers at home try to think about how many nukes might be in here and we'll end the episode off with this bad idea and we'll see just you know if you i was gonna say put in the comments down below but you know people are gonna cheat right that's true they're gonna get into the video yeah they're gonna be like oh i knew it was this many all along look at that you guys never um it is i'll give you a hint it's more than one all right um so why don't you start us off gun what do you have here oh oh i've got the best of the work this is interesting because like everything i searched for it said bad and then i was trying to make it work and then i realized i don't know if there's like appointment this is uh anyway this is called my first transformer by matthew and it says this is only for looks because it is really bad and it even looks bad oh wait it's only for looks because it's bad and it even looks bad i only built this for looks and it's bad okay this is actually this does not look i've seen worse looking things than this yeah i know like pretty much anything how'd you how did you oh okay there was like a little switch there oh and then uh if you press one look at this you transform oh wait what did i transform into oh you gotta press three to stand up oh hold on hold on we have liftoff and then four tilts you back look at that look at that now you're a transformer oh oh hold on okay all right there we go what's five do optimus prime got nothing you can't really go very easily oh look at this you also keep look at this you can't turn though oh look at that did you see that landing that was amazing when you're in transformer mode you can't turn you have to be oh your steering wheels are on the top of your yeah wow hold on oh here we go look see boom it's pretty good i've never actually built a transformer so i can't comment but you know as far as transforming goes i think it's pretty good your windshield is flying through the air on my screen okay hold on hey con what if i do you see do you see a wheel sticking out of the front of my vehicle here is that yeah okay i didn't know if that was just me seeing something weird i don't know it's spinning dude it is yeah oh i i'm stuck now i can't i can't go i'll try and now transform oh okay that was fantastic i got something for us this is by nolios 56 uh it's called bad four and the description is just yeah just yeah sorry so okay there we go you can have that one now i actually found a way there's a really easy way to make this not as bad but i figured we'd check it out first because i got confused by something um yeah you can hop on really well well i mean maybe it's just me but it seems like it might be top-heavy it's a little bit top-heavy but i was really confused at first about how it was steering because it does steer so i'm like oh it must be like a suspension steering or something but it's not suspension steering it's just rotates the front a little bit yeah um because they put they put the steering yeah the steering is completely jammed so it like has nowhere to go there is a way to fix it how do you make this not pad all right so ready all you got to do is just drag from here to here and then you can open up the steering from where to where here yeah so just you just gotta like i'll do it from the gray block back to like where the seat is you just delete those blocks how does that how does that make it better because then you can actually steer now i'm not saying still it's still top heavy yeah it is still top heavy but that's actually a good thing because check it out now you can do wheelie contests ready oh hold on hold on all right all right oh all right okay hold on look at that i'm doing it i'm doing it i'm riding the wheelie oh right really okay it's kind of hard it's actually kind of hard hold on actually i got an idea there's just this this brown thing on the back i don't know what that's all about that needs to go yeah look at that look at that oh no shoot all right so now you may think this thing flips easy because it's kind of bad but once you actually enable the steering to its full potential you you will not stay flipped if you just turn into the ground and do some of this look at that look at that now i'm back up so i thought it was actually pretty cool once you once that feature is enabled oh yeah and i overdid it oh look at that front flip front flip ready i'm gonna do a backflip now back flip um watch this this is gonna be the super saiyan slam okay watch this all right i'm ready for it full speed full speed and then full reverse okay so i have something that's actually like really cool is it bad it said bad okay it's it's this i'm prepared it's called glass glass train glass tv unit and it says a train made of glass there's no way this could possibly end badly no oh okay no way it could end badly whoa that is not what that is not what i expected when you said train made a glass i don't know if i could spawn two of them no don't do it don't it's already it's already laggy i'll let you drive it it's uh it's pretty wonderful all right i'm in the seat do i press the button or i press w well the button uh activates the thrusters okay oh no we're not lagging anymore and then doubling that let's go wow it can kind of turn you have to let go of w to turn if you if you have w yeah and then you can kind of steer see the thrusters just kind of drag you a little bit yeah this thing ain't pretty cool i like these wheels i mean it's bad but i mean it it's not terrible it's kind of more like a centipede though than a glass train yeah it's definitely yeah it definitely doesn't i don't get train vibes from this thing no i really don't i was thinking like a bullet train that was made out of glass or something all right here we go um i'm gunning it i'm gunning it look at this you can totally pick up the canyon ramp you see it straight ahead oh yeah i'm going for it all right this is so confident this is good this is it i don't i don't see why oh oh i'm i'm drifting to the right you are drifting oh gravity uh gravity is behind this battle oh no gravity's gravity's winning grab it [Applause] what's gonna happen oh wow look at that we're fine yeah we are absolutely fine and look like the canyon's just gonna guide us out here yeah so i guess uh maybe glass wheels not part of the future of automobile technology i suppose no you might even say that they're a little bit bad they might be bad here just dodge the noob watch the new all right here i'm actually going to try to escape the canyon via nuke here oh it worked that worked really really well you got out of the canyon with the noob yep all right hold on hold on i believe in you hey look at that new transportation development yeah uh not as bad as glass wheels not as bad as glass wheels no i got something to hear this i love i love the name of this this is by kepler it's called badmobile now i don't know if this is a typo and it was supposed to be a type of batmobile or if he actually meant badmobile but i love the play on words with that does it look bad though no it's interesting here it is um it's interesting i'll i'll give it that red what is the red probe like it's ice it's a drill see look when you press w and then you can press four that's what i would have thought it was yeah you drill into the ground yeah it's a drill yeah so it's got some interesting steering in the front i kind of like it it's satisfying to watch oh are you are you drilling my vehicle oh yeah i'm gonna i'm drilling you right in the back here oh boy all right well here i got something else for you look at this look at this that is this is look at the thruster i love the fact oh yeah the thruster opens up what's up yeah that's so cool oh you're gonna fall in the canyon you better watch out yeah i just i forgot thrusters provide thrust yeah and uh yeah it's got two really interesting weapons that like are folding arms oh they actually fold over each other if you do them both at the same time that's weird feels like it's some sort of a robot vehicle it's a bad mobile you've never seen a bad mobile before this is what this is it this is the bad mobile i am studying your species oh yeah i am studying your species [Music] let me study the speech i've got a bad walker by killer soren and it says this is a very bad walker one and two equals move legs some would call that walking but this is not walking three is jet pack and then four can change the angle of the jet pack the controller is set to zero but you can adjust it look at this do we need to be on flatter ground than the arms probably the arms are just loose let's just go over here oh no i did manage to get it to move with one and two it wasn't it wasn't as impossible as uh oh did you delete the other one no why did you leave your other one i thought you were bringing it no why wouldn't you bring it [Applause] all right you're going to teach me how to walk and in conclusion you just walk okay all right no you wanted to look at this look at this if you can do it properly it kind of moves two one two look at this i'm walking i'm walking yeah the arms arms are so good hold on you can you can actually you can kind of get it to work look i'm walking down the road i'm walking down the road fine look at me look at me go how are you going that far i'm going i told you i'm how i've been walking a lot of my life gone i have i've spent a lot of my life i never got it it's all about the title here we go here we go no uh-oh no uh-oh uh-oh mom fall back oh oh oh i'm falling forward hold on dude you went for so far though how did you do that ow wow look at look at that look at that look at that all right i think i think this is the perfect kind of bad this is this is great oh yeah all right ready look at this this feels like uh one of those skill based games that the more you play it the better like oh yeah now i fell over why is there only one piece of corn in this field by the way wait i did not wait what what is that what did that happen there you are there's one piece of levitating corn when did and the rest of the field is empty did they change the tile look at this look at this ah can we talk about it remember remember when we couldn't hit corn and we could just drive right through it this is the good old days right here i love how too in the creative mode they had all these corn fields and i haven't found a single corn field like this in survival you know yeah well where do you think they got the corn for survival yeah that's true they took it all from creative yeah exactly all right so speaking of like farm bots or like robot type things this one's actually kind of interesting this is by massic i don't know how to pronounce this this is bad bot and he says a small robot that can be in survival mode so there you go um i thought that this thing oh once i saw it it was actually pretty cool imagine if this was like this is the front we're so cool yeah this is uh imagine like a scrapbot like it's out of like a scrap heap or something you know what is the what is it like animates does some weird animations so i thought what if there's like a trash pile or like you know the scrap city i feel like this would be like a scrap city bot it kind of feels like um a miniature version of the red butt almost yeah a little bit i think it would be one of the creepier bots in if you saw this thing coming at you you know i i like it and everything but i i prefer a different bot entirely hold on i'm just gonna i'm just gonna make some changes oh what do you mean boys i think i deleted oh yeah you're deleting a couple of critical uh blocks here this is what i call so this is my red kodi and it's it's called irl sonic but it was like some skid thing and there was a description to it and it said something about bad in the description but anyway this is um whoa this is really cool oh that's actually this look right so the engine is set too high [Music] as you can see when you just tap it yeah yeah so just just just let go for a sec yeah just don't worry so like i don't really want to do it because yes so that's bad that's pretty bad that's the bad part but like take the front electric motor right you can kind of it's that little joiner piece decrease it by i think one and it makes it perfect okay does it actually fly or is it like a glider on the ground you just got to be careful yeah i flipped myself ah yeah yeah that's what we're talking about here we go this is why they need propellers in survival i feel a nice little boat yeah i feel like i feel like i'm on the water right now like i feel like this is one of those swan boats you know those yeah the pedal swan paddles yeah the paddle thing yeah yeah i can't stop drifting around in a circle uh am i doing it right look i don't even have enough power to get up i'm just lighting down it oh you need anyway i need more power cool there's some more power no no no all right so up next i have one that's called a bad car and this is by sparky and now i agree with him completely this is definitely a this is a bad car it's a terrible car in fact in fact it's so bad at being a car it's it's actually a tank yeah i was about to say this isn't a car it's a tank yeah which i think is why it's a bad car i think tank equals bad car hey go ahead and get in there and so it's just a really cool it's a good tank it has a good tank i mean it's it's pretty what does one do oh yeah one opens up isn't that cool but sometimes i think the game broke a lot of stuff with creations because it seems to not close sometimes oh no now it closes oh yeah that helped me too oh i just noticed the flaps on the back are loose flaps yeah that's cool but how do i um what do i eat you just drive it it's a tank it's just a cool looking tank but it's kind of a bad tank because it doesn't have a gun don't tanks all need guns um i'm trying to i'm trying to well maybe it's a defensive tank you know [Music] all right this is bad at jumps oh oh i'm just hitting all the walls going out con i was trying to get like that i couldn't do it you actually did it things went bad things went bad that's amazing all right all right i got actually something that's so bad it's amazing oh that's my favorite kind of bad it's called it's by bandit and it's called the worst self-balancing motorcycle and the description had a bunch of stuff now i'm just gonna i'm just gonna i don't want to ruin how epic this balancing is for you so let's just pull it over here okay yeah there you go now just now just just steer with one and two and forward and back and it is the best self bouncing bike you'll ever see oh okay i'm just i'm a little bit stuck or you gotta let it do its thing yeah i'm just i just i'm just rolling with it i'm just letting it take me where it wants to go now at this point here we go see look i i got flipped back up why do i even use suspension glitches to balance stuff like when i know right the piston these these pistons like the sensor is on the piston too so i just don't understand like look look at how long they'll go so i don't know all right but it works i'm going to eventually get the bike up we're going we're doing this look i'm actually going i'm upright finally you are actually moving pretty good let's i figured let's have a race okay because this is there's nothing that could go possibly bad with that so let's start here okay and i i think see those like those trees there the two two trees like straight ahead okay yeah the trees yeah let's just race through those and then turn around and come back and hit this rock turn around and come back okay sounds good that's not that far all right i think it'll be let's do it all right ready yep yep all right three two one go wait it's so good i'm totally winning i'm totally winning here all right here's the big one around these trees oh boy oh no oh no hold on hold on hold on hold on all right did you go around them yet no no did you i got past them i'm trying to get back through them almost there almost there oh i'm back here i'm back through i'm go oh no no come on oh come on i'm going around come on going around it there we go i made it look i'm i'm going i'm going with speed i'm going i'm going i'm going i'm going i'm going i'm going i'm going i'm going i'm going i'm gonna go i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it no look at my pistons i got stuck i got stuck before i'm right there come on go on vehicle let me go hold on back yes i'm getting pushed into the canyon yes come on i just got to hit the rock right i'm so close i was like an inch away from the rock come on hit the rock hit the rock yes one of my pistons hit the rock i'm gonna take that as a victory all right i got a two-parter for you this is two parts of bad all right so this is called the bad boy this is by saggett paul which is a familiar name i think we've had his creations on the series before so check this thing out this thing's actually this is a bad boy this cool seem bad though well it was called bad boy okay so it's really long but other than that you think it's long a little bit yeah yeah okay well uh this is the short version this is the short version yep i was hoping that you were gonna say it looks long because this is a short version this looks so long how is this this okay hold on okay okay i want to see the other one i don't wanna all right you wanna see the other one all right all right all right i'm gonna show you the long version now oh my god okay so this is bad boy long version by the same person why it just it drifts amazingly it's awesome i know you could probably put some packages on the back of this thing okay like you can even do like donuts in this dude this thing is unbelievably stable what the heck i know right look at this look at this up the ramp up the other app oh whoa we got horn and then we got our lights of course that was the bugs it's actually epic this is like the best vehicle we've looked at on the workshop in like 20 episodes i know right there we go it's gonna happen oh no wait that was amazing did you see that i'm coming back oh this is awesome oh oh i'm oh i'm in a bad spot all right do you get any more con any more bad stuff um i i don't really unless you thought i should have something more i i guess it might be that time it might be that time to reveal the bad idea the bad idea for the end of the video yep all right so i wonder how many people actually guessed it oh gee okay you know what we need to get rid of we need to get rid of these get rid of no no no no i was enjoying myself well too bad get it get it too bad i oh i get it reeling it but yeah really bad at pronouncing that word what's the word i don't know colloquialism is that what it is colloquially is that is that what it is c-o-l-l occulism so for all those that were wondering the number of nukes in this bad idea is of course well i was just going to open up the page that shows the nukes right way to keep them hanging khan i can't see up the number of well i'm going to say it in a second i'm going to reveal it yeah but then no number because everyone just knows well then you can look on your on your screen after i do okay the number of notes you do it first and then i'll do it and then we'll all go yeah so the question yeah okay the question to answer the question of how many nukes is a bad idea is of course 69. is it is it though is it is it is it is oh it's 69. it's 69. that is 69. 69 nukes yep all at once um i'm glad this is i'm glad you're the one hosting on your computer right now yeah i can't wait to fry eggs on my computer later so before we do this because we may not come back from this make sure you guys hit the subscribe button if you haven't already and uh check out the links in our descriptions if you want to interact with our channels in better ways and we we will see you in the next video so hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on what is the toughest substance metal three right oh i thought you meant like in real life i was like no no no like metal three right so i think all we have to do is surround oh perfect yeah if we just surround it in the middle this is going to prevent actually from cracking my computer warehouse keys we need to cover it in warehouse keys too i don't think we can get warehouse keys though that's sort of oh yeah we don't have warehouse keys now a tier three metal is gonna be it two or three all right you ready so we just need to detonate it now and of course for that we'll use a primer explosion okay all right perfect is that gonna work i don't know all right well another bad idea let's try it all right wish us luck guys yep oh oh oh oh no oh wait what it worked did it it worked i'm alive look at this hold on hold on are the new did we really survive that dude we blew a hole in two or three metal look at that it broke it just that little hole right at the top that little hole it actually broke two or three metal i bet you this will cause the game to crash because they're all separate that's my that's my thought you ready oh you want to have you want to try to you want to compete for the worst idea here yeah let's see who can put down the most nukes okay because clearly all right well you got a little bit of a head start but here we go here we a new go all right this might be the end this might be oh i am floating across the ground right now this is so weird oh i just teleported back my screen's all white you're doing weird stuff on my screen you're constantly falling from the sky repeatedly hang on while windows reports the problem to microsoft microsoft isn't going to have any idea what's going on here these youtubers were playing scrap mechanic and they put a bunch of nukes down and they crashed the computer all right it's over [Music] you
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 397,420
Rating: 4.942728 out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, scrap mechanic creations, scrap mechanic workshop hunters, scrap mechanic funny, scrap mechanic multiplayer, best creations, scrap mechanic best builds, scrap mechanic, scrap mechanic gameplay, scrap mechanic workshop, workshop hunters, scrap mechanic kan gaming, scrap mechanic search, scrap mechanic bad, scrap mechanic worst, scrap mechanic worst creations, scrap mechanic bad idea, bad idea, scrap mechanic nuke
Id: mH7VgzrKhcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 43sec (1543 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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