We Said we'd NEVER do this AGAIN!

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hey everybody Welcome Back To Living Traditions Homestead it is going to be an exciting day today you guys we have a lot planned and here in my hand is something very special that you guys helped create a couple of weeks ago we talked with you guys about this new area that we have behind us we showed you that we got ducklings Kevin showed that he built another hoop coop and we showed that we moved our silky house into here and the hill and the silkies now live in here we also showed you that we put in a temporary pool and showed the ducklings in the water for the very first time but that is not all of the special and fun things that have been going on and that will be going on in the future in this area like we said in our last video our plan for this area is to really kind of create an oasis a place where the animals can Thrive and just really have a good time in a place where Sarah and I can come out and enjoy enjoy the animals that are living here in this area so so far in this area like Sarah said we have our Peak and Ducks we have about 15 I think the beacon ducklings are actually almost 10 weeks old now and you guys they're just about full grown they will keep growing a little bit but if we were going to be raising these for meat right now they'd be at the size where we would be processing them they're absolutely loving the temporary little pool that we have for them today I'm hoping to break ground on the new pool project that we're going to be building in here for them but before we get started on that pool project you guys here in my hand is a banner that we've made up with the new name of this area you guys suggested hundreds of names we narrowed it down to three and then you guys voted on what the new name is going to be but there might also be a few surprises on this Banner that we need to talk to you guys about today so let's reveal the brand new name of this special Oasis that we've created for the Ducks and the silkies so we're going to attach this Banner here to the gate so that every time we come out we're reminded what the new what the name of this area is so we're going to do this so that hopefully you guys can see it being unraveled here all right all right you guys the moment of truth let's open this up and see what the new name is there we go look at that the winner of the name is waddlesville let me go ahead and get this end attached so you guys look at that welcome to waddlesville waddlesville was by far the winner out of all the names that we picked I think we had almost 8 000 of you guys vote on the name wow on this welcome sign you can see we've got our Pekin ducks represented here and our silkies represented here but there are two types of birds on here that we don't have in this waddlesville area so looks like we've got some surprises coming up for you guys so the first surprise is that yes and some of you guessed this in the last video we are going to be adding geese to this area along with the Ducks and the silkies in fact we're expecting the geese to show up in the mail today so we're hoping to bring you guys along as we get those and get them set up here today we've decided to go with a breed of geese that is supposed to be a lot Tamer and a lot more friendly than the geese that we've had in the past many of you may remember that we had geese probably five or six years ago and they didn't work out so well because we allowed them to free range over the entire property they love to spend their day just outside of our house waiting for us to come out and it just ended up not being a good deal we actually vowed to never have geese again in fact that was part of a video that we did about the three animals that we would never raise on the homestead again and geese was one of them but we are going to give it a try we're going to be raising them in a completely different type of environment than we did before and an entirely different breed right so this time we've decided to go with what are called American buff geese and we're only doing four of them we ordered three females and one male the thing with the American buff geese is that there are no there's really no way to tell males from females so we ordered them sexed by the Hatchery so that we know we'll have three females in a male otherwise we could end up with a bunch of males and never even know it until maybe a year or two from now if they're not laying eggs so we feel confident in doing it this way and by only having four we think it'll be a good way to get back into raising geese without being overwhelmed you probably also see on our welcome sign this tiny little bird here and this is a jumbo katurnix Quail many of you know that I've been raising Quail now for years last year I had some issues with the quail and I ended up going with a whole new kind of breed of quail still the jumbo katernix but they're called the meat maker Quail that is going really well but even with the new ones even though they're going well there's something that I've always wanted to try with quail and that is raising them in an outdoor Aviary I've never had a spot where I felt like I could do this and protect them well from predators but I am going to build an Aviary inside of waddlesville that will be just for the quail and I'm actually hoping that the geese we'll play a big role in this because I'm hoping that they will help protect around the outside of the Aviary and help with things like snakes and things like that during the day and I hope it's going to be just a really good environment to finally try raising some Quail outside on the grass now they're not going to be able to free range because we have way too many predators for that here and fencing for them would be a nightmare so they will be in a hoop coop but I'm hoping to make it a little bigger than some of our other hoop Coupes and they will be on the ground and be able to have a more natural environment so those are going to be videos coming up soon I'm really excited about that but today we're going to prepare for getting the goslings in the mail started just the very start of that pool project right so we went to our local lumber yard a couple days ago we picked up a bunch of supplies and today basically what I'm going to do is I'm going to be building the frame that will go around the pool where the pool will set up on and I'll try to explain that to you as I'm doing it but you guys it's an exciting day waddlesville is finally coming to life and we are so excited look even the Ducks came out to celebrate [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] so these are the supplies that we're going to need to build kind of the base of the new pool area that we're building for these ducklings I've shared with you guys in the past some of my plans for this we had something similar to this at our Urban Homestead when we lived in the Phoenix area and I've always wanted to create it here on our Homestead here in Missouri because I thought it was just a really great way to keep the Ducks so that they can be able to have water but not make a huge mess so basically what this pool area is going to be is we're going to build a frame out of these landscape timbers it's going to be three of these landscape timbers tall and then it's going to be filled in with rock on the inside of varying degrees of rock from different sizes and then the pool will sit on top of those rocks we'll install a shower drain in the center of the pool and that will work that will have a valve so that when we want to empty the pool we can just open that valve and all of the water will run out we can hose it out and then fill it back up what this will do is it will give the Ducks a nice area to get in the water be able to Splash around but because we're going to have it up on these rocks any of the water that they Splash out of the pool will land in the Rocks filter through and the Ducks won't be able to just dig and make a huge muddy mess around the pool area it should really help keep things nice and clean when we have this at our Urban Homestead that area was always nice and clean the Ducks played in that pool probably you know 20 hours out of the day but there was never a big mess around the outside that's going to be an even bigger deal here in Missouri because we already have a lot more moisture here than we had in the Phoenix area so keeping things as dry and clean as possible is going to be what's going to keep these ducks nice and healthy and eventually the geese will be joining them as well so I bought a lot of these landscape timbers I picked these up the other day at Menards and I haven't decided yet if I'm going to make this make the base eight feet by eight feet or ten feet by 10 feet or 12 feet by 12 feet I wanted to wait until I got home I didn't have the pool with me the day that I went to buy these so I just picked up enough that I can make it 12 by 12 if I want to but we'll make some adjustments as we go I have an area kind of picked out here that is pretty level believe it or not for here in the Ozarks it's pretty level and I'm hoping that we'll be able to level the stones inside of here instead of having to level the actual ground that this will be built on so that's my plan I'm going to take four of these out we're going to make an eight by eight square and then I'm going to bring the kiddie pool over that we're going to be using and I'm going to set that inside and try to determine that way how big we want to make this platform [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so if we decide to make the pool area eight feet by eight feet this is what it would look like right here I'm afraid that this doesn't leave enough room for the Ducks to be able to splash the water out and for it to always land in the Rocks I think if we put it like this they're going to Splash out it's going to land out here on the grass and then eventually they're going to go out there they're going to start digging holes and then that's just going to make a bigger mess so I'm going to cut a couple of these in half would you give us another four feet that would be 12 bites so we could make this 12 by 12 and we'll see what that looks like if I feel like that's too big then we'll cut those halves in half again have two foot sections and we'll be able to do it ten foot by 10 foot so the next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to cut two of these in half so we can extend this and make it 12 feet by 12 feet [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so this is 12 by 12 and I think this is going to be the right size for this pool area this is about centered in here and that would give us about three feet on each side of the pool so no matter I don't think they're going to Splash more than that so I think that that would be a good sized area it will also give us the opportunity if down the road we want to give them a little bit bigger pool if this one wears out and I can find something a little bit bigger then that will be an option and I don't think we'll have to redo everything if we do that so I think this is going to be the way that we want to go I think 12 by 12 is going to be the right size well now that I've determined that this is indeed the size that I want and I've determined that this is actually a pretty darn level spot which is almost unheard of here on our farm this is exactly where I'm going to build this I use my level I'll check this all the way around and you guys it's off by like a quarter of an inch or less all the way around so it's pretty amazing we'll definitely be able to level that just with the rocks that we put inside and not have to worry about leveling the actual ground so I'm excited about that that saves a ton of work so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to cut some more of these in half and then we're going to start building the sides I'm going to build all four sides first and then we'll kind of put it all together the way that I'm going to do this is you can see like here I have an eight footer and then a four footer on the next row I'll put my eight footer here my four foot down there and we'll do that and I'm going to screw together each level as we go up so basically we're going to end up with four individual sides but three high and then we'll put them all together and then we're gonna actually anchor them into the ground with three pieces of rebar per side so the first thing I need to do is cut the extra ones that I need cut and then we'll just start building it from there [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] well the base is completely put together that's as far as I'm going to get on this project today because to be honest right now the trailer that I need my dump trailer that I'll need to go get gravel to put in here is filled with other stuff so I actually need to make a run to the dump with my dump trailer before I can go fill it up with rock so for today this is as far as this is going to get I'm going to go inside cool down a little bit try to calculate how much Rock I'm going to need for here and then as soon as I can go get the rock we'll get started on the rest of this project it's still I haven't gotten a call from the post office it's about 3 30 in the afternoon right now so I'm assuming that means we're not going to be getting the goslings today but you guys I promise within this video we will be getting the goslings they should be here for sure tomorrow so we'll catch back up with you tomorrow and we'll get those gasolines all set up I'm excited for you guys to see them well you guys it is the next afternoon and I just got back from the post office here are the goslings I'll admit I already peeked in to make sure they were all okay all four of them are alive now I haven't taken them out to look at if they have a leg band or how they're sexed but all four of them look like they're doing well so we're gonna get them set up quickly here in the brooder and then we're gonna let them out so I'm gonna just set them off to the side right now while we finish setting everything up here now the one thing you might notice is missing from the brooder right now is a heat lamp and that's because inside of this building right now it is 91 degrees which is perfect for these goslings so I don't need a heat lamp on them right now as long as it's this warm out so the only thing we still have to get ready for the goslings is their waterer and I wanted to review a little bit of that with you first of all you can see I already have their feed in here that's why I said all we have to get ready is their water so we're we are giving them a 22 unmedicated uh chick starter uh we'll use that for the first two weeks after two weeks we'll drop them down to a sixteen percent uh layer pellet basically your layer feed at that point because we need to have the the protein percentage low starting at two weeks old so that they don't develop things like angel wing or leg problems by growing too fast with the high protein feed now just like when we raised the ducklings a couple months ago uh we are going to be putting niacin in their water we're going to do this until they're at least six or eight weeks old or until they move outside by the ducklings but this is just niacin like you would take like for humans these are just capsules these are 500 milligrams and you want to use the kind that is that has the flush the kind that say flush free you do not want to use for your birds you want the kind that would create a flush if you were to take it so these are niacin capsules and all you do is add 1 capsule or the contents of one capsule just sprinkle the powder in five gallons of water and that's the water that you use exclusively for them for the first six to eight weeks so every time they need water you make up a five gallon bucket full at a time and you put it in whatever their water is we're going to be using the same type of water or that we used for the ducklings because this has proven to be very successful for us basically what this is is this is a storage tote that we've drilled some holes in so that they can get their heads in here but they can't get in it they can't make a big mess and that is really one of the biggest things to overcome with raising ducklings or geese is that you need to contain the mess they love to play in their water so this will have a lid on it and then they'll be able to stick their heads in here and drink now besides this we're also going to have this inside of a water heater pan here in their brooder area and that way just on the off chance that they do get some of the water on the you know outside of the waterer it will end up in this water heater pan instead of ending up in their bedding because you really do want to keep a nice dry environment for them other than their water so I'm gonna just use this to dip some water and fill up their water over here and this water already has the niacin dissolved in it we're gonna fill this up pretty close to the bottom of the holes on the water so that they can definitely get a good drink right away put our cover on all right it's time to let the goslings out all right let's open the box up now again these are American buff geese they're supposed to be Tamer and less territorial than the geese that we had in the past hey how you doing I know you've spent your whole life in a box so far alright so this one has a yellow band on its leg I guess we'll see if the others do too so we only got four of them there should be three girls and one boy let's put this one here and I'm gonna let it get a drink here stick your head in there there you go there your first drink take another one so this one also has a yellow like band so I'm assuming that means these are the girls get a drink there you go get a drink there you go why don't you go back in there and get a drink too there look at that they figured it out all right so those are girls I'm assuming this one's got a yellow band but on the opposite foot so maybe this is the boy yeah I do remember on their website there was a a code or a key that kind of told you what the leg bands meant on which leg so there you go so this one also has one on the left leg so all right so these three this one and these two are the girls and this one here is the boy try to remember that and mark them somehow I did read on the website of this Hatchery now these are from a hatchery called metzer Farms we've never ordered from them before but they had a good price on the geese that we wanted and they were the first ones who were able to ship so that's where we got them this time and I do remember reading on their website that uh they use like a little rubber bands on their legs so they grow you know they can grow with them but we will need to take those off at some point and mark them in another way all right so there they are let's get this box out of here this is a big day for you guys now I know a lot of you said the last time around when we had geese that I probably let them imprint on me too much I don't really know what to do about that because you guys I love them and I am going to spend time with them so hopefully these guys will be better behaved than the last geese that we had I'm gonna make sure that they know how to get a drink and that they find their food I'm really less worried about them finding the food that I am the water it's the water that they really need first all right let's go back over here and get another drink see there you go now this evening once the Sun starts to go down then we will come out here and hook up a heat lamp for them I do have a thermometer in the house where I can monitor the temperature out in this building so when it starts to get down you know 80 or a little below 80 then I'll probably come out and put a heat lamp up for them so that they stay warm overnight but during this if I were to put a heat lamp up right now they would get too hot and a lot of times too hot is just as dangerous as too cold so in this weather in the summer we probably won't even need a heat lamp overnight if we didn't really want to but I think as long as they have enough space so that if they get too warm under their heat lamp they can move away then it's not a big deal all right so I'm going to climb out of here and let them just kind of be on their own for a little bit kind of move back and we'll see if they find their food feed and water on their own [Music] foreign [Music] thank you well we saw all of the geese drink out of the water or without any of our help and we also saw them start to eat their feed so I would call that a success now of course we'll go we'll check on them every hour or so for the next little while just to make sure they're settling in okay and then we'll watch the temperature from inside the house and make sure that it's not dropping too quickly as the sun goes down and we'll go out there and make sure they are warm enough and have a heat lamp so you guys I think this is going to be an amazing area I think that waddlesville is going to turn into something really fun and really exciting for the homestead and I think that introducing some geese into this area is a perfect thing to just kind of tie waddlesville all together right so you guys thank you so much for picking out such an awesome name uh we really think waddlesville is a perfect name for this area and we're excited that you guys were part of it we're also excited that you guys have along when we do the project of finishing the pool up start on that in this video but we also need to create an Aviary for the quail so that will be fun to watch as well I've actually got quail eggs that are going to go into the incubator tomorrow figure about you know 18 days for them to hatch and then maybe three or four weeks after they hatch before they're old enough to move outside but those are the ones that I'm hoping will live in this new Aviary so I guess I need to have that ready in about six weeks or so uh I'm pretty motivated to get that done because it's something that I've wanted to do for a long time so you guys we will that you joined us today for this video and watch US expand waddlesville hey if you're enjoying videos like this make sure that you hit the Subscribe button and also remember that the best way you can help us here on the homestead is just to share our videos on your social media until next time thank you so much for stopping by our Homestead and stopping by waddlesville take care and God bless God bless
Channel: Living Traditions Homestead
Views: 103,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Living Traditions Homestead, Missouri, Ozark's, homesteading, Ozarks, self-sufficient, homesteaders, unjobbing, waddlesville
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 9sec (1869 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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