Leroy Entering The Home Stretch!

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[Music] what's up everybody uh we're going to give you the latest update on Leroy here uh there's been a lot of questions hopefully we can answer some of those for you today um where we're at on Leroy is we've bodyworked the foam we've primered it we've bodyworked it we've primered it again we're bodyw workking it again we'll still primer it one more time and do a final block on it it's almost there it's almost ready for the the final primer um once we're done with that final blocking then we'll put our mold release on and go to mold with it uh we're taking our time with it this is a car it's going to go over 200 M hour if some of these body lines are off or asymmetrical or whatever it could literally push this car off the track so we're taking our time and making sure that everything is right and where it needs to be that being said uh you know it this kind of stuff takes time we're bodyw workking over foam we're not bodyw working over fiberglass or metal or something like that foam is not as forgiving as as metal is so we have a very fine membrane of primer on here that we're working with that we're blocking with otherwise you go into the foam and it causes a bunch of problems it's not normal body work it's it's not what the average body shop does what we do is it's a total totally different world uh most body shop guys that have come in here to work are just like I can't even grasp this concept and they don't really do a great job at it so that hopefully answers some of y'all's questions as far as the Bodywork portion where we're at on it where it's headed and and the time frame involved so we'll uh we'll address some more things in a minute [Applause] so there's been a lot of questions about uh the door situation on Leroy you know uh this car is going to be racing different types of races and stuff some require doors some don't um but the ones that require doors it will have doors this whole body will be a full body lift uh body but it will also have the door option the the reason we don't make the doors as a separate piece is because we need all these Body Lines to line up perfectly so um what's going to happen is we'll make the mold the doors will be lined up perfectly and then we can come in cut the doors out add our door stops the the lips on the backside and when when it's all put back together the Body Lines will be perfect so to answer your question yes Leroy will have doors okay so this front end is uh been a real pain in the butt for us uh when we first assembled all the foam we realized that the angle was a little off on the front uh it just didn't translate well to where we when we put it together so what we did was we put the VR headsets on overlaid the 3D model over the physical plug and adjusted the front end according to the model and we got it dialed in perfect so that was just one of the small little struggles we had in in creating this thing so uh we got it dialed in and now we're good to go so a little more information about the CNC problem that we had if you've worked with CNC before you know that every now and then there's going to be some little variable that gets thrown off or something happens and you don't know it until you've cut the whole part and you're you know you're too late to fix it so that's what happened here one number somehow magically got changed during the process of us setting up a CNC cut and the whole front end of the car was cut wrong so that meant one dimension was cutting a little bit wider than the other dimension which caused everything to just be off slightly and it's not something you can see with a naked eye usually it's something that we finished it pulled it off the table started putting everything together got everything glued up bolted up and we didn't even notice it when it was sitting there in the car but what we did was we brought the VR unit back in here and we able to match everything up so everything from the front um wheel well back back matched up absolutely perfect as you can see in that video and then from that middle wheel well forward something was wrong and seeing that in the VR and seeing the difference sent off alarm Bells so what we did at that point was this is all the the material that was part of the car we removed had to break it all apart it was glued together remove it uh throw it aside recut that entire front end and that set us back a good amount but something that has to be done in order for this to be perfect we have to make sure this is as good as possible being that this is going to be going over 200 mph so we redid it rebuilt the whole front end and we were able to move forward from [Music] there so another issue we ran into we got the front end dialed in and you know that's going to be a problem so this front end this has been kind of problematic for us just trying to get it dialed in right we put the VR headset on got it all dialed in um and then later on shortly after we got it perfect we find out that Cletus blew the motor in Leroy and then we immediately went into man are the turbos going to move when he pulls that motor and replaces it or what whatever and and this thing was built to such tight tolerances that we were just concerned about that and then we got to thinking well if there's ever issues in the future he needs to have a little bit of wiggle room in there so we actually cut out this middle section after we got everything dialed in and rid it and recut it to accommodate you know a little more wiggle room for the turbos and for any possible future situations these humps right here actually get cut out the turbo will sit in here in in an open space um we just rounded it off just for the reasons of mold making and stuff but now this is way more user friendly on their end as far as motor placement and all that so one more thing that we had to work out to get to this point so there's been a lot of questions online about when we actually do make the mold and then make the parts how are the parts going to be made uh how strong are they going to be how much is it going to weigh you know all that kind of stuff using a chopper gun versus hand laying by axle this and that um the idea is to make this thing as light as possible but there's already over 200 lb of ballast in the car so I believe just estimating because we build stuff all the time we're going to be in the 100 lb range on this could be under probably going to push more like 110 112 would be my best bet somewhere in there um so it would just they could reduce some of the ballast in the car it would more than compensate for the weight of the body and that's not going to be an issue um we are going to chop this body but I'm going to be putting corat for rigidity and to strengthen this which corat is kind of like a it's a balsawood material base but it makes it extremely strong and uh doesn't allow the glass to flex a lot so yeah we are going to chop it we may lay by axle in certain Mount points that are critical to the strength as far as where it mounts to the car but we won't know where any of that is until we do a fitment so we're definitely going to chop it it's going to have some Cor matat in it and then it may have some by axle for rigidity in a couple of areas but the idea is to keep it lightweight we're just moving air with this thing so you know there's all these debates between like laying hand laying and chopping and this and that and there are different strengths by axle is extremely strong compared to chopping but chopped fiberglass is extremely strong in its own right so it's all about a weight to strength ratio and and we're going to dial all that in so don't worry we're going to build it right we're not going to fail you guys we're not going to fail Cletus and we're not going to fail ourselves we're not here to look like idiots although I manage look like an idiot all the time all right so I understand that not everybody body understands body work and how that process works so I'm just going to touch base on that for those of you that just aren't in that world uh what we're looking at here this whole thing is made out of foam we shoot a primer that we use specifically in in the fiberglass industry on top of it that's all this gray now when you start blocking and sanding and getting this straight you're going to have low points and high points the high points you sand through and you're good but all the low points have to be filled in which is where body filler comes into play so it's a two-part substance we mix it up fill in you know all the low spots come back block it out straight and that's why it looks so patchy in this form uh different color fillers tend to be different things some are glazes some are body fillers glazes tend to be a much uh smoother better surface for us as far as going to mold um but all this will get primered back over this thing will be one color when it goes to mold will block it final block wax it mold release and it'll be beautiful but that's what's going on here to get to these points I assure you this is super smooth it doesn't look like it but it is to get to this point you have to sand and sand and sand some more and then you prime it and then you go back to sanding even more this is so many hours of blocking and sanding and all the air tools in the world are fine and dandy but at the end of the day you end up using just just hand sanding techniques to really dial it in so it's hard to explain how much time is put into this Bodywork it is the majority of what we do here and it's kind of like any good painter I'll tell you it's 90% prep work 10% painting it's the same thing with a mold that's 90% prep work sanding and all that getting it ready for the mold process the mold process we'll turn it in a day or two this is months of sanding already so that's what you're looking at that's where we're at it's kind of a boring thing sanding is boring so we'll try to spare you a lot of [Music] that we wanted a root beer y'all get y' not me I wanted this you didn't even get the good root [Music] beer get better than that aw is not the good R beer dog bugs is way better yeah got that pool on I don't want yeah mugs is way better dude all right so we went ahead and got the body into the booth this morning put the third and hopefully the final coated primer on it next step is to go through and block this bad boy down and get it to a smooth finish after that we should be able to go to straight to mold with it [Music] all right everybody so we've got Leroy almost done with the bodyw work as you've seen in this video the next step is going to mold uh once we go to mold we'll be going right into making a part which old Cletus himself is going to come help us with so stay tuned for that oh man what do we got here uh our buddy over Horizon Hobby sent us a box of goodies for a project we're working on oh I figured we open up and see what's inside let's get in this thing all right we happy oh we happy don't forget to smash that like button and subscribe to see what's in this box oh yeah n [Applause]
Channel: Starr Creations
Views: 121,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cleetusmcfarland, starrcreations, fiberglass, fabrications, race, dragrace, custom, custom car
Id: 7-Fl7N84gSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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