We Published our Podcast to YouTube Using the RSS Feed and This is How it Looks

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YouTube is the largest place for podcast consumption so if you have a podcast you should have it on YouTube and if you have an audio only podcast now you can distribute your podcast to YouTube using your RSS feed just like you do with apple and Spotify and although this is incredible news for podcast creators there are some nuances and Kinks You should be aware of before you go through the process so in this video I'm going to break down exactly how it works I'm going to explain why it's so important to have your podcast on YouTube right now and whether or not this YouTube RSS integration is a good them for your podcast strategically then I will walk you step by step through setting up your RSS feed with YouTube correctly as I go through the process with our own audio podcast that we host with Buzz Sprout we've got a lot to cover so we better get started hey there I'm Veronica and I'm the content marketing director and instructor here at the B sound School our channel is full of resources for podcast creators like you so make sure you subscribe also we have an exciting mini course course called idea to podcast simplified for business owners so you can finally launch your podcast and turn leads into clients without adding anything else to your to-do list so after watching this video you can go to podcasting smart.com and I'll leave the link in the description below so how does this YouTube RSS feed thing work well even though YouTube is a video platform it is one of the most used platforms by podcast listeners in a recent study 28% of weekly podcast listeners say that they use YouTube as their primary place to listen to podcast that's more than the next two competitors spotified with 15% and apple podcast with 12% this is one of the reasons in the last year YouTube has made changes to the platform making podcast available on YouTube music and adding new features for podcast creators and podcast listeners however up until this point YouTube did not work like traditional podcast apps like apple podcast or Spotify Which pull shows directly from the podcast RSS feed in order to have their podcast on YouTube creators used to upload episodes to YouTube directly either as complete video podcast or audio only with static images or audiograms this added more time to the podcast distribution process because you would have to upload the episode to your podcast host and to YouTube separately but with the new YouTube RSS feed integration you can set your RSS feed so the distribution of your podcast to YouTube is done through your as host automatically with less workarounds but how is it going to look on YouTube after you link your RSS YouTube will pull the information from your RSS feed like titles and descriptions and will turn the audio into a video by turning your podcast cover or episode cover into a still image with audio and here are some things to consider before you set up your distribution if you already have a video podcast on YouTube and it's already gaining traction meaning that you get views and subscribers regularly you may want to proceed with caution because posting a bad catalog of Audio Only episodes may affect your views and audience retention we don't know how the YouTube algorithm will react to this new RSS integration also your existing audience may be used to your video podcast and introducing Audio Only it's a big change and we all know that video performs better on YouTube I'm going to miss you but I will hand you over to Studio St okay now that we we've got Veronica out of the way and it's just me and you we can get busy setting up our podcast on YouTube now whether or not you already have an existing YouTube channel the process of setting up an RSS feed with YouTube is the same so we're going to start from scratch as if you don't have a YouTube channel so I can show you some tips and tricks on how to get a new YouTube channel set up properly and before we dive in we have a little wager going on here who is the favorite so are you team Studio Steve or are you team Veronica let us know in the comments below so we we can settle this bet once and for all okay so here we are with the brand new YouTube channel now before we create any content or share our RSS feed with this YouTube channel let's customize it a little bit first by clicking on customize Channel this will bring us to YouTube Studio along the top where it says Channel customization let's choose branding from this branding window is where we can change our YouTube profile picture and also where we can upload a banner image so what do you say we hop over into canva and make a YouTube Banner image from the homepage of canva let's choose create design and in the search bar let's type in YouTube banner and you can see that canva has loaded the right dimensions and also given us a ton of fun templates to choose from I'm going to use this very basic design and now I simply change the text the way I want and I could add pictures or Graphics I will use this picture of our podcast cover art and I'm going to click on the elements Tab and type in waveform to see if I can find some cool audio waveform to display in the back of my text and graphic this looks really cool so I will go ahead and click on share and then download now back to YouTube again from the same channel customization branding window where it says Banner image let's click on upload we get a customized Banner window that allows us to scale and resize our Banner image and we can press done and lastly while we're here in Channel customization let's go ahead and click on basic info here we can choose an name for our YouTube channel we can also choose our YouTube handle which is a really fun way to share our new Channel with people and we need to take some time here to write a really nice description and tell people what our podcast is all about and when you're happy with everything in this basic info window go ahead and click publish and now let's click on view Channel and look at that our YouTube channel is already off to a really cool start now let's link up our RSS feed with this puppy to do this we will need to go back to YouTube Studio another way of finding YouTube studio is to click on your profile icon in the top right corner and from the drop- down menu you'll see YouTube Studio along the Le hand side you see all of the different windows we can look at within YouTube Studio let's click on content from the channel content window we have six options at the top let's click on the option that says podcasts in this window new podcast pops up we have three different options the third option is submit RSS feed let's click on that and YouTube is telling us that we need a one-time verification in order to access all of the advanced YouTube features if we click next we're given three options of how we can verify our channel the option that I will choose is use your valid ID this is where I will take a picture of my driver's license and share it with YouTube and about a day later I will be verified and able to use all of the advanced YouTube features which includes sharing your RSS feed before sharing your picture YouTube will will ask you for your phone number and then it will guide you through the verification process using your phone so they will send you an email when you get the email there's a big button inside that says start verification we click on that and we're given a QR code that we have to scan with our phone I went through the whole process on my phone with my ID and now my ID is in review and YouTube says this usually takes 24 hours so I'll have to wait and hop back in tomorrow to finish this with you okay about 14 hours later I was verified by YouTube and again from the channel content page inside of YouTube Studio let's click on podcasts and let's choose new podcast under this awesome picture of the cat we will need to scroll through YouTube's terms and condition and click on I agree to all of the above and then select accept now YouTube will walk us through a very simple process of sharing our RSS feed it tells us how it works let's click next and now it says enter our SS feed so since we host our podcast with buzzsprout I will go to our Buzz sprout dashboard and from along the top choices I will choose podcast info and here is my RSS feed I can go ahead and click on where it says copy link this process is very similar no matter which podcast host you are using buz Sprout is a favorite host of ours and you can try them out for free by going to pod sound school.com bubuz Sprout so back to YouTube I just paste in the RSS feed and now YouTube is asking me to verify ownership it's going to send an email to the email that you have set up with your podcast host the email will contain a verification code that you can copy and then come back to YouTube from the same window and paste it in and now click verify now we are brought to the upload option and here it asks us which episodes we want to upload now you can choose to upload all of your episodes in your back catalog or you can choose to upload episodes beginning at a certain date I don't know maybe you're embarrassed of your first season or you can choose not to upload any episodes and start fresh moving mov forward with YouTube I'm going to select the first option and upload all episodes in RSS feed notice here there is a paid promotion disclaimer YouTube wants to know if your episodes contain paid promotion so if they do make sure to select this box I will go ahead and select next and finally here we are at visibility where it tells us that by default our podcast will not be published this means that the podcast in all the episodes are going to be set as private once they're done processing so we will have to go into our episodes and change their visibility to public once the processing is complete so I will go ahead and select save and YouTube says yay you created a podcast from the RSS feed but it's going to take some time to upload these episodes because YouTube is actually going to turn each of these episodes into videos with an image in the background so I'll have to find something to do and check back with you in a couple hours all right a couple hours later and it still says that six episodes will resume uploading tomorrow I'm going to go ahead and click on the name of the podcast and here you can see that you can still edit your podcast details the way that you want it to appear on YouTube from this podcast window if we scroll to the bottom we can also select the default RSS visibility we're going to want to change this to public which means everyone can watch our videos or listen to our podcast once we've done that we want to ensure to press save now if we go to our YouTube channel you'll see that I have no episodes available for anyone to enjoy and that's because they are still set to private so back to YouTube Studio Again by clicking on my profile icon and choosing YouTube Studio from the drop down menu I will again click on content on the left hand side and here is a little hack to make changing the visibility of all of these videos quicker first let's scroll to the very bottom of this page and where it says rows per page let's change it from 30 to 50 this will show 50 videos per page now if I scroll back to the top right next to where it says video if we click in this box it will select all of the videos on this page now we can choose edit from this black bar from the drop- down menu we can select visibility and here where it says private let's click on this box and change it to public and now we click on update videos on the right side are you sure and we say yes I understand the implication of this action and let's choose update videos now we'll just need to repeat this process for however many pages you have and we have about 100 episodes or so so this will be two or so Pages for us now when we're done we can click on our profile icon again and from the drop down menu select your channel and check it out we have our podcast shared to YouTube and now every time we add a new podcast episode to our podcast hosting site it will also automatically be shared to YouTube just like it was Apple or Spotify pretty easy right now if you didn't follow along step by step and you're still kind of on the fence about whether or not to share your RSS feed to YouTube or maybe to start video podcasting on YouTube we have a really helpful video right here all about video podcasting from zero to setup and video podcasting like a Pro this may help you to weigh the options of everything that's involved in video podcasting and whether you want to stay audio or incorporate video check it out now
Channel: Pod Sound School
Views: 1,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Xf1UM-pg-Pw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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