We Play CEDH! Slicer vs. Blue Farm vs. Najeela vs. Winota | Commander Clash S15E9

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today on Commander patch we're busting out the most powerful decks in the format for competitive EDH what's everyone bringing today I'm seven I'm playing The Gila the Broken Blade which can win with a whole bunch of different seemingly random combos hi I'm Richard and I'm playing a blue Farm deck it's a turbo and nauseum deck trying to win with Ad nauseam as quickly as possible but it can also play the grindy mid-range game using its commanders yo what's up it's Crim this week we're playing a list from Lewis Stardust I'm going with NoDa so you know the game plan we're gonna try to get a bunch of humans into play and with a a bunch of non-human friends hey it's Tomer and I'm running slicer hired muscle this is a heavy hitting on deck that looks to give my opponents my commander so they can go kill each other with it let's see how it goes now before we begin a quick reminder that you can support the channel by purchasing your cards at our sponsor cartoon.com entry goldfish buying merch at our merch store at NC goldfish merch.com and liking and subscribing to help the channel grow alright with the intro out of the way let's hop into the game all right everyone we are in the game everybody kept a starting seven I think which is actually I went to I went to six oh but you go first so you change your card already but before we begin we have to kick things off with a mighty three two one Clash off fantastic let's let's do it all right not not that actually that explosive of a star it's an okay star okay I'm only getting twice to try to find a broken star and this is I think it's good enough uh these lands my god um yeah probably want an attitude we'll think about you we'll take a bite well the question is like I'm five colors so am I gonna screw myself over with what I fetched this turn for next turn so getting the right land is actually like pretty important I think I'm just gonna play a noble hire can pass though that's that's all I got I would like to be honest but that's honest work to be honest that's like a modern start essentially yeah all right hollowed fountain I mean I play a lot of non-creatures have you ever seen a Mystic Remora paid for I don't think I've ever seen it no no definitely possible I mean but you can take creature spells that's the way you pay for it right you play creatures no we just uh myself so actually that's not entirely true did you actually make the slicer so I made the second like November um of last year as soon as we did the commander Clash episodes I was like oh my God this might be CD playable so I'm not gonna toot my horn too much but uh I'm kind of a hipster when it comes to slicer CDH I I made one change to my deck list and I I play tested immediately that's wrong I'm not touching this Dash Ed machine like you cannot it's like very hard to determine what the flex pieces are and like why they're important so I'm like oh bad mistake don't do that yeah I feel like with like Tournament level CDH next every card has a purpose and like it's very hard to actually make many changes but if you don't know what the purpose is Seth yeah yeah I was initially gonna play this to say deck that looked really cool but my god did it look impossible to play without like doing a lot of practice it's kind of useless you need journals with Winona until the upkeep can't be paid anymore I guess if you don't have lands to play then it's really bad but like if everybody just plays lanes and passes right the Remora is defeated yeah oh what's the signal test our signal pass it's uh like the promo I think I think it's an FM six six lifelinker I hear that card's terrible though like who would play it I mean I know it's not terrible it's just not what it wants it was I mean I don't know cool pet cards cool pet card all right well that's Crim's got the fastest start so far can you can you onto inversion Seth thank you uh Richard that's so much free counter magic good that's so true that's the worst part of CDH there's no one plays mdfcs the CDH Community it's not woken up to the power of uh yeah um yes yes oh God uh so we have green black yeah if we take this can we cast our spells mostly all right we're gonna take a volcanic island and then all right we are going to one two and three uh uh Casta derevi uh yeah and I'm just gonna untap my volcanic island for a reason that's pretty good for reasons unknown that's all that's all we got all right driving is pretty sweet I already screwed up my my game I just noticed how can you screw up mono Ram it's like even everything I mean maybe the Mulligan was wrong too but then I screwed up what Lane I played oh no oh no yeah I was like I don't need this early this is garvision and I was like oh wait I'm running cards so I don't generally run oops uh paying for the Mystic Remora sure that means Richard needs cards cards huh it's pretty early dude that's risky gnarly hmm [Music] why is it risk against Ronaldo yeah I don't understand well I mean it's it's free counter magic dot deck right like so well I guess if you have yeah I mean you're not going to interact like why would I counter Winona that's also fair is that this person turn order so I get off scotch free I have a I have a blocker I have a DirecTV I can stop the signal pass no problem actually I don't think it matters because it's not the damage that kills us it's the eight Stacks pieces that come down yeah you are just as a testifies to stop this as I am I guess I guess that is true isn't it although you have the Ravi you could actually fight through the stacks depending on what it is yeah DirecTV does help oh boy or something no it's like do I give your whole deck just slices [Music] [Music] I don't think you can do nothing right because of winota like are you at risk of just getting Stacks out of the game if you pass and should not get Richard cards I know this sucks all right I also think yeah this is what I was supposed to play on the first turn because I was like what am I gonna get when I when I when it when it dies and I'm like oh right I play soul ring on Mana Crypt in these decks I don't know if this is correct or not uh do you draw a card and I pyroclass what does it even do oh it just grease kills the whole high arc reading the cards signal card Richard it's too damage to each uh oppose each creature the ascendant and DirecTV live yeah but it takes out the pests and it takes out the boys [Music] sure oh that was kind of important good job actually was helpful yeah the signal like what Chrome could have done next turn is you could play another land attacked and the Sarah ascendants a human so it doesn't trigger winoda but the pest does sure sure I think it was actually like not a bad play yeah I was really hoping or something is pyroclasm actually in the slicer deck though yes so okay so is this a real deck so what I did is I built a I built a slicer deck in November and then recently I I asked uh reach out to play to win the people who played to win Dylan Cam and they gave me like uh the top one of the top uh results uh slicer decks yeah and I just added like a couple cards like it was like oh yeah okay so some of my cards were a little bit too cheeky but I didn't I remember played a Dodo deck and we were laughing yeah yeah then we just straight up died they're like oh that's why those cards are here oh okay here come the stacks Stacks pieces oh that's actually really good against me different I think the timna and chrome deck plays a lot of it plays ad Nas right uh Seth and I are the same deck crew we're both at nausea decks it's just our plan B's actually I don't have Ad nauseam in this deck no no we had nauseum in this deck actually yeah but I can play the mid-range game with my commanders well look the rule is if you've got ad Nas I'm hitting you well okay hmm this is not a warrior uh yeah I was also I also think power class which is very good I I run all like the little board wipes and divisive obviously because it takes so long for that to to come off but like you can see like so many killings classes well najila for example has two toughness all the Mana dorks the green plays are are pretty low timna dies to it as well collector oof and you know like all all the the hate I guess collectors yeah it's kind of important a lot of stuff dies that because they're just too toughness wow Seth you're disrespecting the slicer deck you got the Mystic Remora yeah and you're drawing all the cards and AD nods with eight cards in hand get out of here [Music] I mean Grim's gonna have all the life that's for sure yeah I mean uh I mean his life doesn't matter really but here it is right it's really yes but but Seth is equally common I don't know how he does with that ad nauseum though I was hoping I wouldn't have to do this intuition filing already right about this we just talked about this the Remora wait wait you could have just not done this you could have just not done this no no because because you needed I have to do it at instant speed untapping my land I had a float mana and then untap it yeah until you killed his Mana dork yeah and my Mana dork I could have waited um thanks there's a good chance that I probably wasn't going to play with NoDa just I don't trust him it's a free counter player I don't know how to choose my pile either that's where we're Samesies uh just Auto yields just put everything in the grave yeah you should have chose a non-combo player because I read the primer I know kind of how your deck works too so you know what I'm supposed to so you actually know we're like 80 things we're like 80 the same yeah you're a reach deck I have a breach deck it's just to get to breach I use ad nauseum and then we also have like mid-range e commanders that can play the game if we cannot combo with breach are very similar yeah I think they are similar it's almost as a political death where he just slaps down slice and lets everyone kill each other you think it's like almost like a chaos deck I'm really the joker I'm a little the joke is just overnoda Stacks beat down deck I don't I don't have to do any politics whatsoever from just like you guys aside do I just go for all the combo pieces is that the sure that can't be right is it well it's also risky to actually we have red flavor oh there's a white player it's risky to dump all your combo pieces into the graveyard yeah and then get pieces and then come rest in peace and yeah things are very very bad you know what I'm I'm actually gonna do what I'm probably not supposed to do which is I'm gonna take underworld breach I'm gonna take uh brain freeze and I'm gonna take we're just gonna put it down there we're putting it out there we're gonna take the the traditional uh so if he untapps uh he wins with this tell us a blue player has anything I give them the brain freeze so he cut we cut the Mana back sure I mean yeah I agree with that I think because if I give him LED he wins if you can get fact reach yeah and then if he has breach he also wins so he has he probably has some great Reclamation in his hand then right because he wouldn't just but that's five Mana or three minutes three minutes it's only three yeah so he probably has that in his hand and he's looking for the rest where'd this come from wait so you gave him the brain freeze yeah I got the brain freeze yep the other two yeah but Richard you could have just counterspelled that I don't know why you wouldn't I mean the other thing is I'm Stacks out of the game I can't play my commander activate my free counter spells I mean I also can't combo with archon out so there's there's a couple of steps it also has another ability each fairy cat has more than one yeah away all right it Drew up four cards maybe this is the greatest time to get rid of it too because we can only play one spot per turn so yeah yeah okay the saddest gemstone Cavern you've ever seen not only does it not make colored Mana ETV tonight yo that's a terrible way I'd love to see it you do you do this is CDH week so uh yeah time to emote you okay falmore Stone pass beautiful okay yeah yeah I have to discard the hand size oh no sure it's that time is it finally he's like Seven's Reclamation no I wish actually I mean this party sounds recognition is a big deal right that's like two extra Mana yeah all right bullmasters to the graveyard oh okay it's too big for bull masters to Ping I think all right yeah I also don't really draw any cards so all right I can finally I can finally play my Ace in the Hole tap it's finally slicer time if it's not then you fail to get it I've already failed oh my God okay [Music] next turn Maybe who knows I'm pretty sure hit us with the null Rod all right gotcha right here I I think last time you played slicer just casual in Commander Clash it came down faster than this honestly like had lost half our life by this time so urza Saga first instead of a mountain and I had mishra's Workshop but then I was like none of these tap for uh red and I have a power class in my hand so I went for a slower play and I don't think it paid off as well anyway like the no no no it's not symmetrical but whatever wow no one noticed still interesting slow playing why would I why would I winota [Music] uh I don't think I'm gonna do that into the free spell not yet I mean maybe I mean how are you comboing when I have archon yeah the icon is annoying I mean you protect all all CDH decks can get rid of like this is I mean they they do this is like their ways right they will try yes that is that is the goal I have joined the Richard the Richard School of Mana uh hey yeah so I can't cast two spells this turn which kinda sucks yeah uh uh I can brain freeze someone just to send a message brain freeze tell emerge you gotta praying for something you brain freeze yourself no you might put a flashback you do but you actually see the underworld yeah I mean I can't really yeah I need multiple things so I can actually win I'm just gonna get in and hit Richard step one wow add Nas player yeah yeah player is gonna have to react here combo combo [Music] um and then I can cast a spell a spell people are mostly Tapped Out Crim is not a black deck so we can't opposition agent hey you have to rub it in red Eminem reprieve is real no Mana type exists let us know in the comments he could even mind sensor yeah I'm a demonic even mindset is a thing please is this the Mind sensor no what no yeah I only know to search my top four cards what you need is exactly on top don't worry about it happens every next card please don't be all right that's not exactly what I was looking for what was it I'm not telling you yeah tell the class yeah yeah why do I have to tell my do I have to yeah I don't believe that's actually a mediation yeah mind sensor doesn't say you have to reveal it right I'm pretty sure it doesn't say you just look at your top four yeah it says it would be really cool if you did yeah yeah I thought we uh we're chill here dude yeah this week chill EDH you pronounced my name wrong it's Crim Richard you are we've literally done this for Seasons okay I can't even cast it because of archon yeah you can I I need a fifth land which would be tapped you would need it I should play more Basics play more Basics actually I'm very confused how we play around blood moon null Rod like my deck plays zero Basics oh yeah no you just relies on Treasures to get out from under a Blood Moon just plays more Mountains forehead like you just gotta counter it on the way down basically which you have you have eight cards Richard show us something I'm not doing version Richard oh see archon is actually just looking out for you buddy so here's the thing if I deal with archon then I unlock says he's also a combo deck that can win with two cards Seth gets first stab it yes right so no you have to do it you have to do it instant speed and then win immediately afterwards yeah but it's very difficult while getting beaten down yeah that's the problem so I feel like the problem is exact with this the longer we do nothing the more chance we have of just giving further Stacks though right like eventually because I I can just keep waiting and then try to just do it in one turn right like unlocking the game now so I can progress faster but Seth Richard and do it faster clip yeah both of you two can do it instant speed right like you can combo off at instant speed all right we just we'll just play Tim though okay Timmy Timmy Timmy this deck is called Blue Farm because it used to be timna and Bruce tarle and they're both Farmers because she's a weaver but then people are like Bruce talks is like the actual good cards yeah it's a weaver you like weave stuff on the farm or something I like make up these names what does this even mean I never knew that some magic names like Cheerios I really like because all of them cost is zero and it's like they're like oh that makes sense if you're American you know what Cheerios are yeah Canada is a weird place yeah did what I do like that Tomar only looks at the top four I mean if you're asking to be sliced uh slice someone it doesn't have to be me necessarily but well I'm dead if you slice me well you have a farm Richard just die no no because you give the slicer to everyone yeah right this is the whole point of slicer it does like 18 damage or something on one cycle how much damage yeah in one cycle who knows hmm that's a lot of damage oh yeah um we're going to so what you do with slicers yeah who's arch enemy and then you deal 18 damage to them and this is how slicer gets away with it and you're like oh do I want to do this like do I want to help or is this other person helping the table well you don't really have a choice oh this is super nice yeah yeah you kill anyone with this well not yeah right dude I think you you want me to like help you be aggressive right yeah you can't beat criminal I don't think how does slicer actually close yeah I think I think I think it says um I think so let's see where let's see where Tomer goes I think it should be Crim but oh no you're like I promise you that I like like you you gotta we gotta get Seth too right I know we gotta get making sounds like he has so so here's this thing here's so here's the thing if if you attack me I die so if I have removal I literally have to spend it or I die this term because you died 12 damage [Music] wait why how did that work wait you stood at Seth right but then he removes the thing I'm just saying if he goes at me and I can't remove life yeah we might as well get it out of the way first right okay yeah I mean not passing I'm holding up man after definitely the second spell I can cast this turn pyro blast yeah is there any world where I take this no I mean but then when you have to block if Crim attacked you anyway yeah I could save the blocker for later I mean but nobody like does it really matter how I don't know I'm flying I am flying that's right if I take this crib can kill me right but Crim can kill me no matter what so I blocked this Crim can kill me if he wants yeah I might focus on Seth instead yeah I'm I'm definitely gonna send this at Seth I mean so 12 so that would be 12 I'd be at eight twelve Commander damage and then although kill me and I'm pretty dead no matter what all right I guess we oh wait wait slicer has first strike I don't even gain life from him no no current stuff flies my stuff does not fly slicer time remember Richard Richard did make fun of slicer for the first few turns here I remember remember your friend Kramer too guys yeah the deck is like supposed to get a turn two side it can't do two should turn one slicer uh it's pretty I think pretty inconsistent to do turn one turn two is where you're supposed to get it this is a very slow slicer but you know what sometimes good things take time you know I'm sending tuna to the graveyard apparently okay I mean it's like she's not getting recasted right yeah that that is breech fodder yeah that's true oh yeah I guess that actually makes sense all right um okay so on Crim's turn I will allow you to take control of slicer you know what I'd say tell me I promise you this I'm not attacking you with slices I know you may have you may have the slicer it's a car by the way vroom vroom beep beep or is it a car or is it a robot in Disguise who knows how did slicer win the game though it's Homer like so after like okay like two people die what is I'm sorry that seems a lot worse okay I just read the cardigan you could play for three instead of five oh oh yeah wait is that is yeah I just forgot for sorry it's been a while okay it's been since November since I thought so snack all right leave me alone right because it had to hit someone no no you can hit sets with it yeah you have to hit someone with the turn it comes in yeah it doesn't transform oh my God well the CDH Community is dying here is that slicer then that means he still has to get through the archon so that that actually uh keeps unless he has two removal spells or something you just take I mean you could just take the slicer and then kill the archon and go off right yeah Mike my question to y'all is because I don't know Seth's deck are there randomly things that are going to be blinking flickering untapping that to revi hopefully I don't think so no it's a breach deck it's basically a breach deck so it's authorical breach deck and then I think the Remy just helps them grind and get Mana ephemerate you yeah flicker my direction oh yeah but it doesn't even eat he doesn't eat the archon though it's a two three I could need the Mind sensor which I actually you have multiple annoying things on the battlefield right now both of those cards are annoying man what's what's the other annoying oh mind sensor mine sensors actually kind of annoying me too yeah because you knew my hand the stack specialty the question here is like do I actually divvy up damage I think he divvy up damage is because Seth is oh no so if you hit me for eight Seth has the option of killing me with slicer uh right that's only two of your creatures that would be eight damage I think we won alive because he has maybe some counter matching yeah so I'm gonna just send this one right you keep me alive because I can stop Seth but I can also just comment yeah this is the slicer game right you get to choose do you want to slice me or no I think I think you want Richard to live because he can interact live Richard and then Seth wants me to live so I could like you know bounce the archon try to combo Seth counters me and then combos back yeah deal with Crim yeah but if you're gone then he just combos so well he has to remove all the hate pieces yeah I have multiple things I have to kill before I can combo which is why I think I need Richard to live like because he and me also needs to kill those things but then you leave me alive I get the slicer like that's why this is a weird game right the slicer was a hero all along oh boy that mindsets are so bad for me all right yep yep we'll take it it's a lot of damage I think I'm taking 18. yeah you're taking 18. slices I'm already incredibly pleased with how this performs even though I played it colossally bad all you did was play a slime had a sword and had a sword okay hand it over hand it over I guess that's true there is a hero's blade okay wait wait wait wait wait wait is there a world where we kill crib sounds like split I slice of he's dead right he has to have interaction oh that actually is and then we and then we just do the combo player truce right we combo both off and see who gets there um yeah you get the double attack huh I can still only cast one spell a turn and can't tutor more than four cards a deed so it's not as helpful as it sounds I mean the minute you remove archon then the rest of your spells are unlocked right so except the rest of my spells might be tutors we [Music] just Source the flower shares check I mean I think I do attack s so it's me or you or me Richard you got it I mean we can get rid of both Stacks pieces so here's my concern so I am going to attack Crim although I'm not sure I'm not actually sure it's correct because the problem is so I hit Crim if Richard also hits kernwood slicer Crim dies yes and Richard gets the first I got first time going off with seven cards in hand but do you think I'm ready I have it tutored I have it ad nauseum I've had like 12 16 5. I don't know if you're ready or not but I I I'm not going to win with Crim's Battlefield so I think I'm willing to take the risk that Richard combos before me to get rid of well to maybe get rid of grim to try to get rid of grim there's also that Richard like we're not making it another turn cycle as long as slicer is here nobody is lots of tomorrow except for tomorrow yeah we can't even get rid of slicer anyway right you could get rid of me so I mean slicer is the only time doing damage oh you're tapping down my Mana all right one second I know no pyroblast just in case you want to be the hero and try to save Kramer or something krim's got too much Mana so all right I will uh forgot to Auto remove auto yields and um you tap down kinesis I don't know if we know that actually plays I don't know how much interaction it went out it would have actually I guess we'll see Villages first jump block oh god oh no yeah I'll take I'll just take this sure [Music] um oh look at all this value lost you can untap your blockers that's some damage oh you're tapping down cream further yeah I I'm fully honest fairies Pro oh I guess hmm yeah maybe you're right I was thinking after the colored Mana but actually maybe manicrypt was better well all right Grim I'm targeting two of your lands with my Dar Evy enlightened tutor do I get to do it that's the question oh I do I have no response okay why do they even play like it's fire Stacks piece right like what is the artifact or enchantment and he has to live Andy has to hmm we get to see it though so whatever yeah this is so funny just one slicer I mean slice really speeds up the game yeah okay he's going for the long game if he survives I like it I mean he must have a plan for surviving right or else he wouldn't have done that well no he needs no matter right because I also what am I doing all right like what else am I doing yeah I guess that's true I get that's my one for the turn so uh uh I Will Not untap Your Land you fizzled my door heavy cards no good I really I really want to draw ad nauseum because I want to try to ad nauseum at like 10 life it's much more spicy when you start really with ad nauseum than if you start at 40 at 40 it's like is there a counter spell yeah otherwise you win but at 10 life you're like oh God this may not do anything well there's a time that's it I've been told her to choose not to slice right no he I couldn't wait but what's the point of playing slicer if you're not gonna pass it around yeah okay so I actually get to choose whoever I want to kill here or attempt to kill yeah I've done I've done my part I've done honest work I've set you I've set you under 20. I've done all this work too I've played Four Lads terrain Supreme Richard go get here's a slicer all right but power is yours wait I don't think I don't think you should have given Richie that right because then I get to just kill Richard if you pass or if you right but doesn't Richard just get to kill you if you don't have yeah but Tomer Tomer Tomer wants me around I mean I want everybody around but everybody's like everyone slicer everybody wants instead so I just gotta share that the robot Overlord tells me to do but like isn't it five slicer would cost oh I can read so if you more than meets the eye it's five Mana right yeah yeah so I mean Rick has the backside for sure so even if we kill slicer we still died a slicer because he just comes back immediately I mean you're not dead the slicer why not you're at 16 right and no Commander damage so you could take a hit techno but he would hit me transform it give it to Crim or Seth and then I would die right maybe oh I I'm assuming one of us is gonna be dead because of your slicer but there's still one person ahead of the intern order so I'm dead too yeah slice Seth is clearly representing he has something by the way and you like you know that if you send it there at least Seth Now deals with it makes Homer spend the Mana again yeah if I kill Seth I'm free to come along you guys have nothing right I just don't have the combo so there's a world that just kills Seth and then tried to survive the slicer uh yeah if I killed cream I remove the pieces and maybe Seth actually pops off but either way slicer's coming back around and killing me anyway well if you don't kill me I might be able to help but I think I think the play is kill says set this interaction with the emeria stopping me wait what because I could force it through right but if he fires off removal I can't do anything yeah well but if he fires off removal then that's his spell for the turn but I knew spelled stay alive crew right if it just like it's not gonna die if I'm gonna die then he just then he died like we would both die like wait what I I cast my interaction he counters yeah and then kill me right like yeah reaction does he have it does he have it I mean oh okay is this the Crim Bluff or does he actually have it the spirit realm okay interesting okay so it blinks yeah yeah it it blinks and goes back under tomer's control this uh the stacks pieces are still there I mean I so I I can kill Crim here right yeah this is remove how do you kill cram he didn't cast a spell yet this turn I think has a spell yet so I can I can stop this this is channeled though remembers you can't count like I mean I guess oh yeah yeah but this is not a spell on the stack yeah you can I don't know give slicer protection let me read this and then I'm gonna get sliced though but yeah like you know wait why would you do this hold on wait wait wait why would you do that why would you do that though because now you're nobody gets hit we're all still alive for a round like I'm doing this so it prolongs tomer's like game plan of us just dying but I still die on this turn cycle though right yeah the slicers are still going around you think someone else's gonna die first yeah and on top of that you would now get to cast some any other spell to keep yourself alive right I'm not going to kill you Seth clearly represents that he has removal so I want to actually get him to use it slice slice why am I like like well because the thing is if I if if it comes to my like Thomas turn he's gonna attack you we're gonna force you into this spot to where you why why would tomorrow attack well I don't know maybe you'd attack me I mean wait right now you're not Excel Target artifact or creature alternative Battlefield at the beginning of next end steps okay so that doesn't yeah like that's that's the thing is I would have loved to have had you not attack me and then I would have done it at your endstep and then that way we wouldn't have to worry about it so if it unzaps so if he's if we slice it's three and then 12 at 15 and Saturday so I die if I kill Crim and they want to slice me I mean they are gonna slice you I mean they are but that's why but then literally one person left to be sliced yeah but like if you if you let me just like inner like I'm not gonna attack you I'm not attacking you with this God how do I do this CDH Gods on my turn I can help deal with like some of the slicer threat okay okay I I got I gotta get rid of slice I I gotta get rid of Crim here okay so wait wait but I can help get rid of slicer the problem is you're stacksing us out of the like you literally that's good for me like I will not win with you in this game so you helping you you can't help because of what your deck is doing to my deck no help you can offer is gonna undo your archon and your mind sensor and everything else no that's kind of the problem so we SWAT what are you talking about uh okay we slot and then I'm gonna SWAT ascendant I think has he blocked yet he's blocked already okay no he hasn't blocked anyway oh it doesn't matter right okay yeah so I'll leave the review tapped out so that uh we're down for wait why was why was deflecting slot free I don't have a camera yeah oh I could have saved so much better yeah yeah it is so weird I've never seen that before oh this changes everything unless you probably could have won oh no I can't but it actually changes a lot well this is fantastic everybody ggs okay gee wow Stacks piece is down that's that's okay I'm actually curious how Tom wins I don't understand how slicer like like you just slice him I guess everyone's at 12 so he just gets one slice I mean yeah yeah I guess yeah he just equips another thing to it and then you and then you're gonna die that's true okay so now that I have man I'm gonna Munch Flats you know what I should have killed Richard because I needed this Marsh Flats because I needed to untap so I had to kill Crim but I didn't realize that that the fighting spot was free so that actually changes like how I sequence all of those uh you're gonna see the funniest thing you've ever seen in your life I think I misplayed I think I legitimately misplayed I I realized that I I'm treating it like casual week when I should have just killed you I should have just killed you I mean that would hit me every single turn though oh no no no but like you said yeah I said I sent I could have literally just killed you on that turn and then that would have been that right like I so I made a huge mistake by not doing that I'm still casual because I'm still in visual mode because I can't kill you right yeah like exactly to me but you could die to Richard yeah I think that yeah I got punished yes I had to very carefully not Exile it by accident all right okay okay yeah they are cool that's that's pretty good oh so I would have kept him alive if I knew I had five Mana to work with but I I thought I thought I needed that lead I didn't realize the free spells were good yeah I didn't realize it worked like that uh uh okay all right it's over he has like three lands over there you have little ones that Workshop one of them does tap for three yeah because he still would rate himself with Erza Saga yeah that mind sensor actually had a huge surprisingly importance um all right that's interesting and cool um we will so Tomer gets to choose who dies here no you have a blocker I mean you hit me and then give slicer to Seth and then Seth hits me I'm dead right so yeah you're still in the no no I'm at 14 so that in the sensor is enough right we're not the sensor the oh the derevi yeah yeah hmm interesting this is an interesting term so tomorrow gets to choose what he wants to do here chaos that's what I want I want chaos um I really wish I had another land that's unfortunate you know what isn't unfortunate um playing hey wait this just gets this will get a response out of Seth so what does what does what do I do here then lost it man if I had one more what would cause a response from Seth I just attack him I mean Seth's just gonna tutor and try to win now right I know but that's why I want Richard around I don't think he has enough pieces to win yeah if he has tutors he can definitely win yeah but it's it's his tutor I guess if he has my favorite tutor but if it's like demonic it's too Mana he doesn't have that much Mana available oh no he has slicer what the slicer also gets so he can tutor attack with daravian slicer untap a bunch of things yeah he actually has unlimited Mana if I get slicer though I I would die right like I can't take the slicer hit or I die so I don't think there's a way if it attacks me most likely whispersville cloak okay he can kill her okay yeah I mean everyone's going on results everyone's gonna be dying here shortly uh [Music] yeah I'm trying to yeah I guess there's no other way all right um swords you no you're gating of Life how are you gonna kill him yeah that was just hit us with the straight-up Oracle naked thoracle no tutoring nothing all right such an honest all right that's it here's our chances don't duel it out like true blue players yeah the question so I think I have the ability to try to win is there a way I can Richard is Tapped Out be our opponent having a counter spell right I'm tapped out so I'm gonna there's no Stacks pieces anymore so I'll wait till the wait to the end stop here on the end step I'm going to uh I'm gonna cast a mystical tutor oh yeah it looks like we're dead for uh savines Reclamation yep oh so you did and then I did not have it so I'm an untapped so hopefully if there's no interaction this is it this is it so I untap one two three four do you have the LED already yep yeah yeah that lady is in the graveyard so I have the full combo I have the brain freeze I have the full combo is there a way I can I don't have enough Mana uh all right you also have two manager to protect your combo right I would have to have two free spells and I told him as a pyroblast possibly but he would have pyroblasted the tutor pyro blast doesn't actually work here does it no it would stop those reclamations with Oracle actually it doesn't matter your graveyard's full at that point yeah it doesn't matter yeah because I'll have a bunch of free counters in my graveyard by that point yeah so I'm just I think I'm just gonna go for it I don't think there's a way I can do anything different than just go for it here so I'm gonna cheer up a scrub land so this is three Mana am I any Mana for the well no I'll have all the Mana one two three oh if I had one more Mana I could do something else but uh all right we'll see uh one two three I'm going to cast savines Reclamation I'm gonna Target My Underworld breach yep you got it oh yeah you got it yeah okay so just just so people know how this works uh so I have brain freeze in my hand so if no one has any reaction I'm just gonna cast this brain freeze so I'm gonna cast The Brain Freeze I Target myself I also have lines I diamond in the graveyard which is essentially a black lotus that makes you discard your hand so the combo of brain freeze in Lion's eye Diamond means I can just keep casting brain freezing Lion's eye Diamond until I Mill my entire deck uh because the brain freeze is gonna give me the cards to keep escaping and as I Mill my deck I'll know a bunch of recounters battles so nothing would actually matter at that point and then eventually fast as Oracle so that's the that's the Game ending Loop of uh underworld reach essentially so I think that's I mean unless you all have some sort of interaction that's just the win yeah but it doesn't matter you don't have counter Spells at this point I always so I had it uh are you playing a game too or no yeah I think that was a 40-minute game yeah I'm down a little more sure slicer I mean slicer makes it super fast yeah slicer is going to make sure the game goes quickly it was long all right uh and we will just put all right this to the bottom and then uh I think I think I have pre-game actions here and everything what oh what okay well gemstone's already we're in game two by the way um got starting sevens set this jump the gun he's uh putting a jump oh I didn't realize we we did that are we are we clashing on Clash on again yeah there it is there's dozens of them um somebody has to like it all right we officially we officially have a gemstone waiting for the merch exiling a Summoners pack wow really yeah okay I don't know why that's even in my deck but okay don't I'm gonna play Mana Confluence okay I'm gonna play Mana Crypt oh no oh God respond are we dead none no no I'm only blue player and I don't have a response I love playing I was like a heuristic study turn one uh seven in hand all right okay yeah yeah yeah oh I can't remember show us the null Rod cream show us the null Rod I'm not doing anything Sierra said baby okay Richard's aggro now who's that yeah all right pass I'll accept this yeah that was pretty that's bad that's bad for us okay it's not ideal okay now I'm not still not ready for slicer deals Commander damage yeah but you have a serious yeah what we need is magistrate actually oh that would make me sad that's why you have the pirate classes and stuff well pirate husband doesn't kill us with three toughness right is that's why I'm curious pyroclasm actually a real card like what are we actually killing in the format I think it kills enough so just I mean it kills most of my deck actually yeah like Mana dorks and oh yeah I mean so najila kind of likes and najila can go infinite if you have enough like weird Mana sources that can untap so I think that's why nikhila plays them in specific but yeah I don't know what we're supposed to do all right let's see this bad hand cream I'm not I don't know why like I I don't think this is the right play but I'm gonna try it anyways what could it possibly be it has to be unleash the slicer slicer a Stacks piece might be a Stax piece turn one stack speed though it's Gotta Be swords right no like just doing I I don't think I'm playing I ah do I wait a Stacks piece that Stacks like itself I'm waiting like I'm trying to figure if I do this now that's the thing definitely can I wait can I wait a turn that's that's what I mean rule of law type card can I wait a turn because he wants to unload some stuff before he does it no it's not like a rule of law effect it's more rule of live the rule of law is still punishing for turn order like Tober and Seth would be so sad yeah like ritual into a Magus of the moon or something oh oh that oh that yeah spice all right you know what yeah and Crim was complaining about the Mana Rock so maybe there is a Blood Moon effect that could be not doing that but I am lightly bolt your face pass I'm genuinely curious if I should be waiting like if I play this card in my hand if I play this in my hand all I'm doing is King making Richard oh okay so it's a Stacks piece so it's got to be rule of our blood moon or something right something that's gonna prevent us from casting spells for a while because like I'm ahead so it's something that slows everyone down but I'm already super ahead of you guys so it's gotta be one of those what else could it be so if you think you're better off yeah and taking us out to fight Richard then go for it yeah but yeah I don't know it is tough like the turn order with Stacks is very very deterministic of how the game plays out and Richard had a fast start like manic Fellers that's why I just don't think I can afford to like help slow the game down yeah that does make sense I mean I'm down to four cards all right all right I'm fine last in the turn order here think about it carefully I know because I know the comics is like eviscerate me oh man just slice slice us tomorrow slices until it was like rule of law again blood booze these are very honest cards tomorrow uh okay so we're gonna start with a dark Steel citadable honest Magic uh we're gonna loves his artifact lands even in CDH he finds a way to have a land that gets locked down by Karen why is that relevant for like mocks mock Soulful here like what else would be oh yeah I guess it turns on max man do I actually play this car what is this supposed to be what I'm supposed to do here it would be so funny and there would you laugh I like funny what everyone laughs like I don't know is this what I'm supposed to do chat you have colorless Mana here what could it possibly even be oh actually has to tell me in the comment section below oh man no there's no way maybe maybe though ah all right okay okay okay so what we're gonna do is kind of uh unconventional uh we're going to play love it love it okay first we're gonna play a Lotus pedal counter check uh results all right then we're gonna play hey this is me Exile non-art okay slicer slice it up Chrome yes you did it you did the turn one slicer pyroclasm faster wow that is a fast that is a fast fast start this is a fast license I'm actually like the slicer does six so it does 18 but someone doesn't have a Blocker in one turn cycle if we don't decide to kill that person although it's gonna start on the back side right so it's a little slower oh it's a little slower yes but let's get rid of hierarchic ritual oh this is all about playing this place are as fast as possible any like rituals it's a slicer like that's the whole planet xivius spirit guide slicer okay slice it up yeah I think I mean yeah what else is supposed to Dover yeah okay oh it's so tempting oh the boy oh geez why do you have a blood moon what else is three Mana in red It's gotta be like a blood moon no a bag right what else no no no Wheel of Fortune no no I mean final Fortune run out the final Fortune what happened [Music] reason was to not put Richard farther ahead got him but oh well what you didn't get anybody helped Richard you just being made Richard has it you're you're Euros so that's gonna counter it no I wish I'm gonna no like like tutor when I still have functional Mana I don't know I don't have white I don't have white I didn't fetch White no I can't I can't stop this I wish I could because my deck I don't even know if my deck passed sober's gonna learn that blood moon is not as fancy as it looks like in CDH because everyone has so much like Mana rocks and stuff but it actually is hard of a lock it's not it is against me yeah it's also pretty good against me right now no all you've done is King bait Richard no no no no no okay I would love to see how you can beat Richard on three cards slice slice yeah you just cast slicer commands though that's that's the way I mean sure really doing this is that my only oh my goodness is that really it am I supposed to tutor up ragavan so I can Dash it and make Treasures to try to play to try to play Things eventually yeah well you know when I I don't have any green Mana though so I can't yes no it might be monkey time you monkey and then you hit tovar's deck that has red cards that you can cast with blood moon actually this is the favorite Treasures sure no that actually makes more sense okay slightly slightly different monkey Planet resolves uh vampiric tutor I don't have to reveal anything but you probably could probably you could tell us I mean actually I'm about to cast it so I'll tell you it's a tutor of Dockside actually oh okay one three four five accounts enchantments two because it's a stupid card yeah one two one two three four four is the land on oh wait no it's still an artifact it's still an artifact even though it's a mountain yeah uh so I'm just gonna I mean I don't really have anything I can do with this but it if it resolves it gives me some Mana maybe but it's not banana played that that blood moon and pretty much only dunked me I can be extremely Petty and just blow up Tomer October though but that's actually kind of funny I I think I will because I think at this point this is why I don't play Blood Moon by the way yeah and even though it's taxing you like yeah you'll still die to it actually shut down set from deploying and also it does stop Richard a little bit he only has one colored mana and you're Boris I figured it wouldn't actually affect you that much if I draw a planes if it draws the planes I won't blow up your stuff all right if I don't draw planes I got I gotta blow up just to be annoying to you you gotta do what you gotta do you gotta do oh 100. I lost the coin flip hey take the three yeah keep in mind I I can play slicer next turn if you don't what message no that's fine if I if if I don't draw planes we're going down together okay Crim has I'm so I thought it would be the easiest on you because you're just no I know I would have assumed that slightly no because yeah and it got it got removed then I would have been from what well I'm basically literally a thyroidic ritual to do it again no no I I got your whole deck is that just ways to recasting it oh okay I attack so I basically went this doesn't slow them down though and like Richard's got no rocks I didn't know that Seth was had vampiric tutor in hand or else I wouldn't have done I mean it does slow us down but I have a six six yes and slicer can trade with the six six NB recast yeah that's true so I thought it was I mean if Richard I don't think it was a bad play because like okay slicer instead and Seth gets to do whatever he wants to do on his turn also Richard gets to do whatever he want on his turn and then that could have put a bad decision for my my slicer to do things in the future so I wanted to slow you all down first and then and then play the slicer but I could be wrong do I sure in our lives for slicer to work or do I just start hitting Tomer I think if you could if I'm losing all my artifacts that's probably not gonna be slicer coming yeah I mean if if I draw planes then I won't but if I don't I'm blowing up yeah like a vandal blast you're gonna not overload it yeah oh my treasures oh you can't Overlook yeah oh no no it's very obviously spite [Laughter] you will see what I mean by that if I don't draw a basically how many Basics are you actually running there's gotta be like something absurd all right I didn't draw it so here we go all right go for it all right well your your mdfc comes into play untapped yeah the blood Moon's helping you Graham Creator that's pretty good wait if you can't even do it yet though it's fine oh no no you're gonna see why like why it's twice oh it really is to me a spirit guide oh boy okay that's okay we're not slicing now yeah yeah and now ornithopter all right you're actually very close to pop off another here no I'm not no I don't have one before all this happened right oh yeah you had this evening spirit guide into the zero and the white images yeah okay well tomorrow is a Blood Moon yeah yeah tomer's got a Blood Moon I will play commanders play tonight yeah I don't I didn't hit a land oh wait could you not have played slicer anyway that's actually even more hilarious no he could have but he played Blood Moon instead no no even if he had the thing oh last year he could have but this journey wouldn't have been able to because he doesn't have a land oh data yeah he tutors Amanda dork and plays Amanda dork then he's good well he hasn't Gila on the battlefields and it's just gonna start yeah putting a clock on people doing doing things yeah uh funny enough the two comboee control decks have more aggro than well that's because we could play the mid-range game crib well you also have the Mana to do all of that right so well I I have red man which is kind of useless to me I have readings yeah that's true that's true the spell War stone is not good I need someone to play a basic preferably in one of my colors right so yeah so it doesn't help me so Richard and Tom were taking one the najeel is hitting Grim no blocks all right well I guess this this nigila Stacks up pretty quickly it does kind of snowball a little bit because you get tokens for each Warrior so at this point wait maybe there's an argument blood Moon's good for me oh it is it's it's you're in an excellent position right now because najila can just kind of like do the Nigeria by itself can can actually just take over the game right I mean Richard does have a six six LifeLink I'd rather have a Nigeria I will trade you I don't know why I thought this nigila gave the people that it attacked citizen tokens oh no no no no no it's way more brutal than that oh damn it gives me Warriors and now he's gonna make two Warriors when he attacks next turn and then four yeah I'm like he just keeps double-selling yeah yeah actually actually I think I should be hitting sounds if I don't get a cast my spells you don't either don't all right right I think I hit Seth right probably I got pretty lucky if I didn't have exactly vampiric Tudor in hand I don't think I would have played a card this one yeah the gemstone Cavern off you wouldn't even have a land right it's not actually like yeah so you'd actually have zero landscendants yeah yeah you need to drop that with the pregame action yeah if it wasn't for the gemstone I wouldn't have been able to cast it anyway instant speed tutoring and CDH I don't know how many ones can get Dockside there's not a there's not a time just like yeah because I'm like last in the turn order too so I I didn't even you had no land yet or anything yeah it was bad or like having a gamble in your hand s and that was it so I still think that that was pretty good I think it was got blown up yeah I think at the time it was I don't see how but like I don't see how that is like it doesn't it doesn't do it he thought you would have Basics yeah well no no you're stacking the game probably blood moon as well because like yeah so he can prepare for it yeah he plays Vegas on the moon though right you must Yeah well yeah at least last two turns I would have had slicer on on the table slice slice maybe we don't know the deal is getting out of control here none of that yeah Richard unique Cisco turn though is a that is a problem you get to start eclipsing that soon so let's say two at Richard nigila I'm gonna I think I'm gonna stick are you Commander damage yeah I think Crim's gonna just keep taking the shield and I'm gonna keep spreading the spreading the tokens to the rest of you mm-hmm I don't believe my deck has children repository it's really not so it's this build is one from a tournament recently it seems to me like the najila is like the backup plan like it's really a five color combo deck and then it's like oh sometimes I can have like some antidorks and revi and I can like it's literally for this right we're both combo decks but if you Stacks us hard enough we just play our commanders and like mid-range you out like if you go too hard on Stacks it won't actually do anything useful we just play our commanders and like beat you down yeah yeah I think that's the the main Theory so I think the odds of actually going infinite with a gila is pretty low although like there are a lot of good like you said there's repository and stuff there are ways you could build it that would be more focused on that but this builds that okay I assume I'm taking the sex more uncastable cards [Laughter] you have to counter it all on the way down I would have blood mooned the first turn and then follow it up with a slicer already that would have put you in a really good position like if you had the slicer down what was your turn one play Grim or anyone yeah oh well not he never revealed oh was it the Vandal blast you want a vandal blast money blade his storm Hardcastle Baby Oh yeah double strike of zero okay all right pass I don't think so and also I don't have white so don't worry about it this doesn't mean I have to stop attacking I have only four I have zero for maximum value all right well that wasn't a land I'm running 32 Which is higher than your average but yeah for every turn that I don't get to play My White cards I went over to sit with me all right I don't know if that's the CDH mentality but it is a spicy about it it well what else am I doing right yeah like like what am I gonna do not do anything I don't know plates you're out all right basic oh okay new plan is Richard you're the you're the commander damage guy now because you're getting so much life I probably should have been going doing this from the from the start actually so najila at yes it Richard everything else at Tomer since Crim Is Now defounded by a blade historian yes [Laughter] yeah the blood moon I think benefits me at this point I I actually don't want to I actually like I don't want that to be too high of a life total but in five turns I'm guaranteed to get rid of but on you I need outrageous Seth though like he's going to overwhelm you soon enough if he just keeps going at me do I die maybe I need to just send everything at Richard every turn if Richard just sends it at me and doesn't have an answer to Seth then he just died my answer is to win yeah seriously like life still actually matter right like our answer is to just combo off and win so I just Seth is the only one that can win out of nowhere so technically Richard should I could do it right yeah right yeah though yeah from from Richard's point of view though like the only other one of us that can actually just win out of nowhere is Seth out of nowhere by putting 18 slicer damage sure but you take your turn and look it happens right yeah you've also got time you've got time right like is there any argument for you to just stop attacking like if you stop attacking I can't attack you I guess like uh you get a giant freaking Army and you yeah yeah I guess eventually I'm I'll overwhelmed I have more cards than sass yeah sure Seth wasted his tutors yeah I'm Mulligans yeah I had to use one for the gemstone caverns and hit the tutor for a Dockside yeah come on man a rock please planes let's see how many turns to Seth kill me in I don't know whatever we're just gonna hit Homer also remember guaranteed path to to blame Union removal you do remember you do remember though that that like once you're sub 30 you're no longer hitting for six yeah how does that help I hit Seth he hits me back I hit silver he hits me anyway like I don't know yeah yeah but this guarantee like Seth is not ad nauseum deck so his life total being low-ish does it really matter it just lets you guys pressure him easier well it's just I mean you deal with that board stay I don't need to but what I'm worried about is this mana and his counter spells not his board right I'm worried about it everything at you like two turns in a row you're aren't you just dead yes and I can't do anything about it with the blood moon right yeah like his life total doesn't matter it doesn't change though right I hit him he hits me I hit you he still hits me right like he's hitting me no matter what I returned so I'm definitely not hitting tumor anymore because I have to hit Tomer because I do need the blood moon gone so I gotta try to kill Richard and Crim before I'm only dealing more because I need the blood because I need the blood moon you get first crack though as soon as the moon goes you get the first untapped with it but I have no cards in hand or anything my hand is so bad I might najila is my most legitimate plan for winning this game with what my hand is so far it's a good plan it's it's working it's working okay could you pyroclasm no please wait there it is we slicing maybe okay two Mana Exile the Simian Spirit cry this is how it's gonna play uh yeah all right slicer before um can you equip plate it's no three Mana no yeah it's not it's not a one equip right okay all right so oh no I'm open for spice wait a minute does that mean that on my turn if you gave me slicer I would have no no never mind it already has double strike yeah I might have to leave back a blocker I don't have it now we need to block it that way the slicer is here now we gotta play this game again yeah the Creator maker put me back to the returns I don't remember how many turns yeah that was that was a lot that was a bit unfortunate okay so he transforms oh yeah [Laughter] yeah I don't know I was playing I feel terrible I'm not being spiteful I'm just trying to oh no no no no no were you delayed by a few turns that's terrible yeah oh what a shame yeah yeah do I get to slice I wish my hand was better so you have 14 damage yeah more than that because my worry is about to get doubled wait why do they get doubled because Julie another one every time no he's gonna make Gods The Shield is also one so he makes us Gods no but I found my other monkey Ragga man of course actually are you dead is there a wait wait and I actually you need to untap you have three colors with you oh wait monkey hits after monkey hits can you activate nigila I'm dead I'm pretty sure wait oh I I actually have to do math now and think about this this actually is because it's 21 damage and then you get to make 14 more one one so that's like 30 35 damage I might be able to win can I win here so slicer hits for six seven eight 15 16 17 18 nights selling it for 19. and then I take an extra combat staff you make seven tokens on that eight more tokens wow so 19 doubles into oh God 39 plus seven so I don't think I can kill everyone I could kill any one player I wonder if that's worth it how do you think I gotta do it no I'm not who's gonna stop you yeah like you're gonna have a board well I guess so I'm gonna yes I don't have any Mana a park awesome costs one Mana well like in the future I'm gonna cast a Chromebox oh there you go that's it yeah it could stop for it so I don't think this is quite lethal but it yeah we'll see I mean you guys attacked twice can you lethal I didn't get to attack right wait yeah wow so we're gonna go to combat so najila whenever we're attacks untap all attacking creatures so I need to have a there's no way I need to have a stop set here so I'm gonna go to combat I'm gonna send everything at Ray Jude all right yep so everything at the only fish I'm gonna make a bunch more najila tokens I guess I should just always yes always yield these all right so make a bunch more energy yellow tokens oh Stone check outside okay okay oh right yeah just making sure no one played something useful so they're all also gonna go with Richard okay so I think Richard dies the question is can I take out someone else this turn too what if I don't have a choice then you can definitely kill yeah you just kill me you don't die in the first attack dude I oh twice the slicer can't hit him yeah the slicer can't hit Tomer but I'm at 15 and he already has I'm pretty sure Mount slicer yeah I'm pretty sure you leave Tomer at one life and then Homer's my last concern yeah Tomer I mean he's got a single land like Tomer I'm not at all worried about that at the moment hooray if you can't kill Crim you also leave him and I'm locking out I'm locking out Crim free too so you're welcome yeah the blood moon is what I mean right untap and take another combat to finish the game if you can't kill him so the stupid brutal is gonna make me a treasure which is actually super important no Sarah's sun is turned off oh that does turn off the Sarah sense so why uh blue wait what is your brainstorm red so now I can use my commander to untap everything take an extra combat boom yep including slicer the slicer is actually Tomer you've really helped me this game I will I will say slicer do you actually need the slicer though don't you have like a million Nagila tokens at this point 50. because they double again on this combat they double again so yeah I need 20 at Richard oh I'm not dead yet yeah you need to send 20 at me yeah I need to send 20 Richard then whatever's left at me right like and whatever is rest uh yeah whatever's left remember there's a lot of free interaction Magic the Gathering yep CDH you might send some extra to make sure the job gets done is there a free settle the records I don't know about that I gotta uh let's see I'm definitely attacking the slicer I just I'm everything's all the tokens are going up Richard that's that's only 17. you need to send something else what well I'm about to double my tokens oh okay okay are they tapping they're attacking yes of course they are oh yeah or else kind of ridiculous everything else at Crim and now we're gonna double our tokens again so assuming I countered everything right Crim's not dead he's taking a big hit Richard should be dead okay so you keeping Tomer and criminalize I mean yeah I would like to kill uh cream I just don't have enough damage yeah but this is actually better for you yeah well what if he goes white Source winonota though can I lose to that there's nothing because he can't beat all these one ones let's say he put some fast pieces down like it doesn't help yeah I guess nobody won once you need like a wrap basically yeah your most likely lose is like land pyroclasm land like equipment literally the best park Club yeah is like gonna be gaining so much life as well so it really is like slicer or bus but I don't think but life doesn't matter right you're killing him with slicer damage yeah you gotta give me with Commander damage although after this turn I can leave back blockers and still kill people I mean you just pretty much have to die this turn but that's not happening right so yeah only I can kill him and I'm dead I got you first well yeah this is the saddest Stone I've ever seen if it was any other man or rock it would have been good all right the right so I get to steal a cream card which is good when you're like a monkey hit too come on basic planes all right all right well that's what we got that was uh that was a decent turn I think all right cram maybe I actually went to the planes I didn't help anyone closer I got rid of the Imperial recruiter for you just undo inversion and you're good [Music] okay uh it has do you have to attack you double double strike yeah it's goated it's goated yeah yeah yeah all right I drank it tomb we lose slice me do you want to attack me for this fight yeah there it is good good there yeah yeah yeah I mean what else am I gonna do right like what else am I gonna do I don't want you to accidentally miss it I also have pyroclasm and I didn't draw it so yeah wow is pirate class I'm like a CDH staple I mean one more turn cycle and slicer would have gotten me if you guys could have like survived I would have died to slicer Commander damage if I had white if I had white Mana I this I would have been way different so my my turn one play would have been would have been drawneth magistrate though and so that would have uh that was the question like because that just that just wrecks Tomer well it would have wrecked Homer it would have like me too yeah right we typically we typically don't eat our Commanders that doesn't do anything um well we will yeah oh Dash a monkey go to combat and GG imagining this should do it right yep all right clean sweep wow CDH Master apparently somehow I mean I guess I'm being unnecessarily greedy by attacking with everything in case there was a fog but it means I actually would die but I don't think it matters I don't I don't think anyone's casting a fog here all right hopefully he did this right I guess we'll find out in a minute that's why mono ready either I'm dead or you all are dead one or another I think but I'm glad that you think that why is it taking down my thing I've Auto yielded so long ago okay there it is hey oh I did it it was roughly evenly that was 70 damage that was like Jesus I'm voting for Tomer because that blood moon was uh my safety increase volume so thank you Tom yes it was any time without that blood moon this would have been much harder literally cake mates well the funny thing is like and it works at a time would have gotten me it's just like so unlikely that I'd have gemstone Caverns vampire Tudor is my life well no right because you could play land land land nigila like you could you could have just yeah yeah same thing yeah but I would have outranked them because then he'd have sliced it down I think he would have beat me with the slicer I'm pretty sure slicer out races nigila what the najila takes a few turns to get snowballing because I don't have any other Warriors in the deck so it's another annoying once it gets going the other annoying thing was like if I play slicer then uh I don't actually want to trade with the series ascendants so it would be really difficult if Richard just doesn't on just keeps the series on top then I can't give it to Seth and I can't give it to cream actually because all right so then that was awkward too so I wanted to go for early blood moon into slicer and then probably just not not give it to anybody but Richard to be honest until I got this the Senegal removed or whatever I don't know if these games told me on Sarah's Sunday we saw them both games yeah the Sarah Senate turn one player did not win either of those games right like oh I mean so it was correct it was a strategy right you beat ad nauseum by knocking them low enough so the ad nauseam doesn't work and Sarah ascendant does the exact opposite it pads my life total such as a guaranteed victory that makes sense that makes right like I don't have to think like if I drive my whole deck I can win right but if I have to add nausea for seven cars I gotta actually like figure out if I could actually pop off or not right yeah so that actually makes it actually has a point yeah very cool um did you all have deck shout outs was there anybody that gave you your attack or anything you can give them a shout out here yeah um Louis Stardust uh they they gave me this Winona deck um they play a lot a lot of CDH uh and so Lua over at skybabies thank you so much for the uh deck list comedian MTG but that's the one that looked way too hard for me to actually pick up in time the the deck so I ended up switching to the new Sheila deck which is actually a tournament deck it was played in a recent I want to say oh I don't remember what the name of the tournament was but it was from Cold Justice who played in the tournament so I don't know who that is but uh they're the they're the person that played in the tournament uh my decklist was um mostly my own but I also used a lot of tech from Zachary fitrakis and my biggest mistake in deck building is probably just not copy base pasting it because it was probably way better than uh the Jank that I was putting in uh but it was a really good help so thank you Zachary for your list yeah I'm running kazu's blue farm and it's up to date it has orcish bullmasters and everything it uh I I just swapped out cards I didn't know how to use like um final Fortune I don't know what the final Fortune would just like take an extra turn and then lose the game yeah and then I put in I wanted to try the the new orzov 2 drop that makes Treasures every time someone casts a second spell that's otherwise it's a pretty stock list like I told you guys I took out a Mana Rock to to put in that initially and then I play tested it I'm like oh this Mana rock is actually very important right the reason you don't play Basics is because you you often need to filter your Mana into the right colors yeah uh so you actually need your duels you need to fetch them correctly and then you need your Mana rocks to like convert your Mana from like one color to another to actually get your combos in so like all these lists are very tuned I would suggest not touching them like maybe after you play like you know a couple hundred games like okay I kind of understand now right and maybe I can start touching a card or two but in general like these lists are very tuned there's like no slot for anything really yeah yeah I would agree with that for sure I definitely think my neck would performs a lot better if I just copy paste it instead of been like no I want to put in my Jank I added I added my Rel uh from as opposed to the original list but other than that I mean I don't know I feel like that naturally goes in the deck so well yeah mine mine was like Richard where it's got the one ring it's got lotho the treasure two drops so it seems like someone had updated it like pretty the tournament must have been pretty recent because uh it's buying all the new cards anyway so it seemed it seemed like it was pretty much ready to go I was thinking about putting in the One Ring actually I was like isn't this card just really good probably just throw it in maybe uh I didn't do it yeah but yeah it seems like especially if you're playing like my mishra's uh Foundry and so workshop and whatnot like you've seen like a good one ring deck actually yeah my list doesn't have one ring it seems way too risky but Tomer can actually cast it with the workshop like you you get protection but they can still use combo and win the list doesn't have the workshop too that was that was my own little throw and I feel like that's I I okay like again probably they have their reasons why no well maybe actually it's like thousands of dollars but yeah I was like wait a minute this one doesn't have it so I don't know I don't know the reasoning maybe it was just budget but uh I tossed it in I think the card's very good but yeah anyway uh that's it everybody our foray into CDH let us know in the comment section below all of our gameplay mistakes and how I should have mulled better um because I don't know how to play zh so uh let us know if you are a veteran and experience and how would you run it and uh card choices and whatnot uh I hope you all enjoyed see you all next week for some extra fun Commander Clash action and until next time friends see ya
Channel: MTGGoldfish Commander
Views: 65,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RCpSKrqaWv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 15sec (5835 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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