I'll Throw Bloodghast at You with Goblin Bombardment (Until You Die!) | Much Abrew

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today we're looking to get some wins in Timeless by throwing creatures at our opponent's face with the help of goblin bombardment so here is our Goblin bombardment deck for Timeless which apparently costs over $1,000 in paper good thing we're playing this one on Magic Gita and this deck is pretty sweet we're buil around one of my alltime favorite enchantments in Goblin bombardment so Goblin bombardment two man enchantment lets a sack a creature to deal one damage to any Target so our hope is to combine this with Goblin bombardment paner monicon Mayhem devil Mayhem devil whenever he sack something deals one damage to any Target so this combined together means every time we say something to Goblin bombardment we get two damage which lets us wipe out our opponent's creatures or just go face and close out the game plus Mayhem devil triggers whenever any player sacks any permanent so if we crack a fetch or our opponent cracks a fetch or someone cracks a clue token or a treasure token we get a little extra damage out of that so what are we sacking to Goblin by barit and the sweetest part of playing this deck in Timeless is definitely blood gas so bloodghast is just this two minuta 21 can't block creature the trick is it has landfall return from our graveyard to the battlefield so this allows for some really weird explosive combo turns with the help of fetchlands we can like have a blood gas sack it to Goblin bombardment get a damage maybe two if we have Mayhem devil play a fetchland get back blood gas sack it again to Goblin bombardment get a couple of damage then we can crack the fetch land get back the blood gas again maybe attack with it since it gets haste once our opponent gets low on life and then sack it again to get in more damage it adds up to being a lot of damage and our deck has a ton of fetches so yeah this might not kill our opponent in one turn but over the course of like two or three turns blood gas Goblin bombardment maybe a Mayhem devil and some fetches is a ridiculous amount of damage to close out the game we also have Fable the mirr breaker season pyromancer which adds some creatures to the board especially season pyromancer I actually think pyromancer is way better than Fable in this deck the only problem is season pyromancer are pretty weak to orcish Bill Masters uh because you have to draw cards when you play you don't really have a choice so if our opponent has a bill Masters it is a huge blowout but these cards add a bunch of bodies to the battlefield for sacking plus they let us get our blood Gast in the graveyard which is what we really want to do we don't want to really spend twoo mana on it we'd rather just play land and get it back for free we also have death rate shaman ragavan terrus on turn one maybe into blood moon on turn two to just hardlock I pointed out of the game we got two blood moons in the main deck and then two more in the sideboard for the good matchups then we have orcish bow Masters cxa which are just really strong in general cxa also works well with Goblin bombardment we can do the trick of like playing kxa and then it's going to die because of it's not being escaped but then with its trigger on the stack we can sack it to Goblin bombart to get a little extra damage otherwise lightning bolt gives us some removal that can go face Mana Beast as I mentioned a ton of fetch lands making sure we can fetch up swamps to get around the blood moon in the sideboard a bunch of removal some discard some graveyard heat more blood moons another ragavan for when we're on the play and that is Goblin bombardment for Timeless that's our much of Brew deck for this week so let's jump into some games and see if we can get some wins by sack in our board for Value thanks for watching everyone I hope you enjoy it and I'll be back in a bit for the wrap up need some magic cards while you can snag them from our sponsor Card Kingdom over at cardkingdom.com MTG goldfish we've got new tokens and playmats and you can even get the token signed if you want check them all out over at MTD goldfish merch.com all right much about nothing time we are playing some Goblin bombardment in Timeless this week and okay also there's there may be some blood moons we'll keep this sand seems reasonable now blood moon doesn't seem that reasonable Utopia sprawl obnoxious well uh blitzing Meer cracket yeah I guess we just take them out and play the raban so so opponent must be playing monog Green devocean I guess so I guess blood moon does stop Nikos from doing nickos things but all right opponent lightning bolt off the off the Utopia spraw which is on red okay well I don't really know what our opponent's doing then your guess is as good as mine opponent besay you and blood braid elf spins into a blood moon yeah it doesn't really do anything except lets us know for sure that we can discard our blood moon uh I think we just killed the blood braid elf kill the blood braid elf play the swamp play season pyro this is actually pretty good cuz we can discard a blood gas that's going to come back and a Blood Moon draw two cards oh that's a croa all right all right all right all right Pony might need playing Panza they might be trying to blow up land that was a good season pyromancer it always hurts if you're playing blood BL Moon and then you see your opponent's also playing blood moon it feels so bad cuz you know they built their deck in a way to survive it uh play a cxa make you discard our opponent did nothing that turn too discarded a lightning bolt what are they up to I'll play the land get back to bloodghast I mean we are going to dash ragavan it's probably going to die but we are going to do it Dash rabad all right so opponent the handful of bolts apparently bolt number three that's kind of okay though because that gives us the cards we need to get back CRX from our graveyard well I guess blow up a swamp if you can opponent stomping grounds probably better known as mountain and K the great Creator well let's see how good K is here they might have to get graveyard H to get rid of the croca which feels pretty bad but that might be their only their only real play yeah they get a torod script I mean so this kind of works out they get rid of the cxa but they also just spent their car on essentially nothing well we'll play we got to play the Mayhem devil I think play the Mayhem devil play the overgrow tube go to combat hit the K hit the k no way our opponent has bolt number four I don't believe it I don't believe it all right opponent down to 13 k out of the way you know what we can use is a goblin bombardment would be absurd opponent has seasoned p man are cute someone else who does not fear the orcish Bill Master apparently looking at Mayhem devil wow they found bolt number four okay bolt number four well death right Shaman we will play our season pancer draw a couple cards actually you know we're going to attack with these one ones too if our opponent wants to kill a one one that's fine we get through more damage so they just plock the bloodghast the one that comes back from the graveyard whenever we play a land blood braid elf spit it to win it spit it to win it into fa the mirror breaker but we do have a bone bter uh well well Pluto Delta get back the bloodghast with haste bow Master to get empty-handed and also send a message uh season by row draw some cards and we're kind of popping off here now now go to combat hit you hit you and this kind of means our opponent probably can't really loot with the Fable either ponent blocks and blocks opponent's in desperation mode they're in desperation mode they're just trying to stay alive all right opponent this better be a pretty good draw would you like to loot whoa they did okay yes we would take a free bow Master damage grow artwor you need something big opponent you need you need a I don't even know starve Extinction how about star of Extinction that would do it well uh we won the pyro war that time I think we start by cutting Blood Moons blood moons do not seem that helpful this game maybe bring in thought se's yeah let's just run it like that we're both playing seas and pyromancer but we also have orcish Bill Master which is really good against our opponents using paner all right I mean we're going to keep this double bow master and a bombardment opponent Forest D Elish Mystic yeah opponent just straight up does not fear the bow Master does not fear the bow Master uh well we're going to crack this for a swamp we are going to still get our our swamps first because of our opponent having the potential to play Blood Moon wins whde cracks it well they get to play a three drop potentially oh they just go with lightning bolt okay I mean this is kind of fine cuz now we get to just kill their Elish Mystic get rid of the manor and we have the we have the comb this D we have Goblin bombardment and Goblin bombardment pan monicon also known as Mayhem devil well that's kind of a freebie uh bow Master pinga grow the orc trade him off play the land goo opponent would you like to rumage come on come on opponent come on opponent no fear jesz wait maybe our opponent doesn't know ochre bow Master exists not only do they not fear the bow master in deck building they also don't fear it down the Battlefield wait you just gave us a free 4 four and four damage for rumaging away to lands and playing an Elvish Mystic oh opponent oh this is the saddest thing I've ever seen opponent opponent U we draw a bloodghast I think we start by attacking I don't know if I've ever seen anyone care less about orcish bow Master maybe maybe it doesn't need to be banned maybe you just need our opponent's attitude yeah who cares bow Master whatever what's that I've never heard of such a guard as a bow Master make you discard KRA is kind of cute with bombardment we haven't been able to get it down yet but wow opponent goes to nine I guess the other thing is our opponent might have just had a handful of lands and they might just be so desperate that they were like I just I got to do it like yes this hurts I mean it this is horrible but I don't have a choice it could be that bloodb braid well one ring okay one Ring's pretty good one ring draw a card trigger the bow Master uh this is fine we get to Ping the orc ping the orc yeah let's croca get rid of the card in our opponent's hand doesn't Target so it does work through the one ring play the land play the blood Gast no reason to attack opponent all right one ring one ring no fear that bow Master no fear no fear fired off you're good clo this you're good opponent draw those cards you got to draw those cards opponent you got to draw those cards oh opponent does not draw those cards all right they're going to copy the elf to chump 1 2 3 4 yeah let's just play bombardment play bombardment this turn this puts us in a position where if our opponent gets greedy we could kill them and it means we probably win with paner monicon Mayhem devil next turn with our Goblin bombardment 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 well we got there opponent tried to paon us but in the end Goblin bombardment is going to come through lightning bolt well we'll just we're not missing anything right if they activate this they're going to die all right uh Mayhem devil probably better known as pan monicon and then sack a bloodghast and then sacka 66 orc pinga pinga and then sacka bow Master P P and how about a bow Master P P go M such a good card why is Goin bombard not seeing more competitive play Oh an opponent doesn't want us to get the the kill goes out on their own turn uh terms wow we got bumped all the way back to Gold waty insufferably oh sweet Goblin bombardment such a good card I love me Goblin bombardment I don't know why it doesn't see more play I mean I guess so it is kind of narrow right you pretty much got to be some sort of sacrifice theme deck but in a sacrifice theme deck or like even as a build around like our deck exists because of goblin bombardment oh boy abriel Razer well this I don't know how it goes so we need a blood moon and we need it pretty pretty quick and I don't know if we have a blood moon pretty pretty quick here oh we have two in the main deck right two two blood moons in the main two more in the sideboard wait does our opponent oh my God okay uh second thought life might be great if our opponent is missing land drops here life is much better huh yeah let's death right death right blood go they could be yog I guess I assume they're monog green Titan they're definitely monog green Titan Okay so there mon a green Titan there's a spunking draws a card is it a land please know oh boy it's a land okay okay okay blood moon no not blood moon let's plan land Fable the mirr breaker in theory our opponent could drop a preval Titan next turn if they do we are essentially dead it would mean they went L come on now come on now all right now I think we're dead I can't believe our opponent kep a two Lander and hit enough lands to actually execute their game plan that's unfortunate yeah so the thing about our deck is it's a cool little Synergy deck but uh but they have no red Mana for their you don't have red Mana for your handw battle bit okay going to get a couple of forests well at this point we're mostly hoping for some sort of miracle I think it's possible we could discard bloodghast they're not going to draw cards right discard bow Masters I think we're just going to have to combo kill them like that's the only actually H they're not going to block with prime time yeah let's discard the bow Master blood moon oh nothingness nothingness for days uh we can play Fable of the mirror breaker part two blood stain Meer get back the blood gas yeah I think our opponent has this one is there anything we can do that matters I mean I guess we're not literally dead this turn most likely yeah we'll pass we just don't have enough damage even if we draw like so it's too late for blood moon our opponent's already going to make a million zombies if we draw Goblin bombardment is there any way we can win do you just have another promeal Titan in hand why are they playing handware Battlement in a monog green deck I mean I guess they must have red Mana somewhere all right well there's going to be a lot of zombies so we need to combo kill somehow is it possible yeah so opponent makes a million zombies I mean it definitely starts and ends withd drawing Goblin bombardment I think if we draw Goblin bombardment with two blood gas and a fetch land I think it's possible and the Mayhem devil I think it's possible we can just combo kill so opponent gets red Mana they go to 60 and they haste up the Titan they go to combat they get in with the Titan this still doesn't kill us though they hit us for a lot but it doesn't kill us is there a goblin bombard in our top three cards I guess we crack the fetch they're going to beuke AOG sure yep make a bunch of zombies promeal Titan going to get some more lands well it depends on what's on the top of Our Deck CLE the Hydra gboard Manor infinite infinite zombies essentially oh oh I really want to find this bombardment cuz I it would be a cool combo kill turn so we crack this if we don't find the bombardment there's no chance we get a swamp death right drain you opponent goes to 14 all about the bombardment All About the bombardment Mayhem devil well we will do some looting we flip the Saga we discard bloodghast one two one two we discard a Mayhem devil come on magic gods come on Magic God show us that bombardment show us that bombardment more blood gas well so our opponent did what their deck is trying to do little unfortunate they kept the Tander and then Drew out of it but uh but yeah so opponent did what their deck is trying to do unfortunately for us we did not find the bombardment that's the card we needed if we found the bombardment there I think we could have just straight up killed our opponent um I think we go down rabons in this match up pavon it just gets blocked they're going to have blockers for days I guess we can go on thought Seas run it like that so this match Up's really weird cuz we're not going to stop their premal Titans well blood moon can stop their game plan but outside of blood moon we're not going to inter really interact with their premal Titans we just got to let them do their thing the good news is they're not really going to interact with us much H we're not keeping that hand all right this hand actually has some action at least I think we just put cxa to the bottom blood grip and death R Shaman go we'd like to get empty-handed for this season pyro if we could opponent we would also like to find a Blood Moon Blood Moon greatly slows down our opponent Cammy puts the colon this is instant replay of last game uh well okay poed Delta crack polluted Delta grab a swamp and Exile the land and and play a Mayhem devil go blood Moon's not going to stop our opponent from playing Magic most likely but it will stop them from going off with field of the dead at least blood gas there's no way to double up our blood gas trigger right so we play bloodstain Meer we crack bloodstain Meer grab a crypt untapped play a bloodghast okay I guess our opponent just wants to draw a card sure and get down the bombardment they're probably looking for natural order I guess so we can't even get in damage right I don't think so we're going to attack anyway it doesn't really matter this plant can't do anything but I think they can yes all right can't they block for free oh I guess they can't all right once upon a time for Mana so opponent's trying to find lands well I mean this gives us hope this does give us hope opponent finds a worm coy worm coil is not actually that good against us another Colony Garden opponent passes all right going to block take two now let's play the Pyro interesting now hopefully they don't have two veil of Summers but they might the fact they threw that first one away just a cycle makes me think they could have two well apparently they don't well we're going to take the premal Titan worm coil we don't really care about Goblin bombard pretty much beatss worm coil cuz we can just sack whatever we block or they block with the worm coil eal Grazer sure sure sure see the pyromancer is so good when your opponent doesn't have orcish bow Master plays a world tree do we win here I don't think we quite actually all right let's season pyro number two discard the bloodghast okay there's a land opponent's at 14 so we can Z of blood gas pen you pen you this should be G there should be game pan monicon Goblin bombardment pan monicon get back to blood gas get back to blood gas sag of blood gas pinga I don't even think we need to attack I think we can win without attacking if we would like and opponent sees it come and Scoops it up and that's the power of bombardment bombardment with a Mayhem devil we probably just win the game a I really want a blood munum I really want to Blood Moon this deck really really really our Dream draw I think is just death right blood moon fetch land like that's that's what we want the most um let's go down one Fable one th we not like that the other thing about our opponent's deck is they don't have that many payoffs so I think th seiz is pretty good cuz they're probably going to have a hand with a bunch of ramp a bunch of lands and maybe just a single like preval Titan we're going to keep this we can't not keep this it does not have the blood moon although it does have a fast season pyro if we want it to dig for the blood man my opponent finds a gate forest and some sort of aboreal Razer effect literal aboreal Razer putting the gateo manor into play oh there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is uh swamp death R Shaman okay that took a turn for the better hold eel Grazer field of the Dead oh okay well there is one question do you have besu or something similar uh wooded Foothills crack wooded Foothills Exile a land and blood moonu oh okay we are safe for the moment don't besu us don't besu us no eat a land red Mana SE is and pyromancer this gu bloodghast and death right plut to Delta get back to blood gas and pass the turn well we found a bombardment passing okay opponent BL things about blocking blocks blocks sure so they take two uh we will play a goblin bombardment I think we actually need to kill these rasers that are blocking us uh sack the blood gas kill the graser blood Crypt get back the blood gas bow Master also kill the Grazer a Brothers said end would be a blowout I guess we can still sack our board but we are a Mayhem devil away we need the panm monicon oh a bonus scops it up and our little Synergy pile takes down the tur three peral Titan deck and that was a good performance our opponent got us good in game one uh games two and games three though we really got to see the power of just like season pyromancer with Goblin bonard bit plus we always have the the ability to just Jank our opponent out with blood moon that was sweet much about nothing time we are playing some Goblin bombardment in time ooh monor red burn playing some uh Goblin bombardment in Timeless this week and do we just play Death right probably we could play ragavan but it's going to die I get better to death right here and then there could be a turn where we can Dash a ragavan earlier or later not early it's turn one not going to be earlier uh get down the death right seeing the mountain I'm definitely expecting a bolt of some kind play with fire a b well not a bolt blood gript and I L of the great Rebel well let's just what if else crack it grab our single Mountain I think we just need to uh Bolt the idolon drop to 60 play the death right and ship the turn we do have a green Source we can fetch for gaining life maybe with the death rights all right more play with fires apparently our death rights are not going to live today bump in the night we could blood moon I think we I think we just Dash a ragavan though let's Dash a ragavan hit our opponent yoink a land play the blood scene Meer and pass the turn blood moon I don't think it well it would lock luris and future bump in the nights wow that's a lot of bump in the kns okay and light up the stage DRC and Bobble ooh and they have the land a okay okay DRC this is actually looking pretty bad for us actually looking very bad for us get the tap land so opponent can Bobble surveil draw a card oh maybe we should have blood mooned looks at their own deck for some reason well let's season pancer discard discard into nothing yeah play a rabad probably pretty dead though our opponent's at 16 we could be dead right now with our opponent having DRC and three cards in hand I don't know if this is a bad matchup or just the way this game played out was bad for us all right show us the bolts oh we really should have blood mooned I guess what are the odds they draw three bump in the nights not high I'm pretty sure this is the only the only black card in their deck like I guess it's possible they play a fatal push or something but it is unfortunate that they drew every bump of the night well we're on to play this game we're going to go down the blood moon we'll go up the Fatal pushes we don't really have life gain we have the death rights but no life gain the sideboard or not like that now we don't even got to think about blood mooning it's not worth it there's no way it's worth it to just shut down the bump in the nights but the way that game played out it would have actually worked that one game somehow hand's not great yeah we're going to mull again all right this is better I guess better is a season pyro to the bottom well we do need one more land uh let's just play the swamp go one more land we'd like to bombardment into pyromancer discarding the blood gas ideally opponent Bobble cracks it oh they probably also have orc bow Masters I guess that's probably their second Black Card all right Babble draws we draw blood Crypt well can we afford to play it untapped yeah let's just do it this way let's what if let's crack it we do want to get down the bombardment grab a Mountain we might end up shocking ourselves anyway but play the bombardment see what we draw next turn we do got to watch out for bow Masters all right going to lightning mold our face and light up the stage Swift spear in skewer well ouch blood Crypt UD tapped season pyro this discard discard we got to get on the board we got to get on the board all right we find a bow Masters in another pyro and we get a bunch of fuel for bombardment it would be nice if we could strand the skewer okay so they're going to Bow Masters into skewer yeah and I think we just well I guess we don't have to do this now right we see what we draw we drop to 10 opponent passes all right let's play Mayhem devil let's Goblin bombardment sack kill both creatures get in for three hit you to 15 pass the turn I don't think we can win next turn we can win in two turns I guess if they kill the Mayhem devil that's going to make it harder all right going to Unholy heat the Mayhem devil so we'll sack it h they might be getting lurus that seems possible POS so what can they get back with lures bow Masters is the worst thing all right they grab lures we we draw a blood stain Meer opponent's at 12 well let's blood stain Meer get back the bloodghast orcish bow Masters ping you zck the blood gas pen you crack the fatch land get back the blood gas with haste I guess we just get to tap land so get back to blood gas go to combat hit you oh wait that's actually lethal we can win this turn wow that was more damage than I realized five and four and Goblin bombardment is kind of busted and three and two and yeah I thought we were going to be a damage short but oh the power of the bombardment who is the burn deck now burn who's the burn deck now well that's the power of the goblin bombardment seriously it's so much damage yeah we run the back I don't think there's anything else we can really do who opponent's on the play this game which is scary that is that is very frightening very very frightening uh all right all right all right so no one drop but the hand o dear C okay fatal push thank you magic gods thank you uh uh blood stain Meer crack it that was a that was a good draw so we will get a swamp actually you know what we're going to pass my gut reaction was kill the DRC but we have the bow master in hand so I think it's actually probably better to let our opponent get some value here and then bow Master it rather than just firing up the Fatal push which we might need for an idolon yeah in that case we kind of messed up our fetching we'll see if it punishes us we should have not C our Fetch and then got to dual land cuz now we're probably going to have to shock ourselves and that extra point of life could end up mattering opponent again looking at their deck they got a fetchland this time though so it makes sense hits us down 18 and oh that's actually super awkward all right yeah that's actually bad for us so opponent gets to draw so now what we have to do even though this really really hurts is we bow Master to kill the DRC and we end up taking four damage but we got to kill the DRC first cuz if we fatal push the idol on at our opponent's turn it grows the DRC and then we can't bow Master opponent wow okay we're going to attempt to double block if our opponent has a burn spelled creature that's fine all right well we would have rather had it be a one that could go face but so there goes the bow Master bump in the nut down to 13 we draw swamp so I think we I mean we have to fatal push the idolon we dropped to nine not good play poad Delta pass the turn I mean opponent's down to two cards but we're down to nine life which is really really not ideal all right let's see what they got I mean we could die right now triple bolt all right land that's not a bolt and lurus okay this is about as good as this turn could go for us now we're going to crack our fatch get a blood I mean our opponent's also down to 12 that idolon hurt them quite a bit too well um season pyromancer discard a couple cards draw a couple cards Overgrown Tomb tapped get back the blood Gast and pass the turd oh this is this is big this is huge huge huge huge huge huge huge huge opponent cracks down to 11 bolts are face to five if they can go luris idolon that's kind of scary can we just win though all right there's the luris what's the followup just a bobble to draw a card all right opponent's going for the long game the long game that's about to end opponent cracks draws actually let's Flash our bow Masters this might actually let us win ping the luris opponent draws ping the lurus get it out of here get it out of here oh my God and a bolt and a bolt there's no four damage burn spell right okay oh no I punted I punted oh it's not going to matter but I did punt uh Goblin bombard man that was a punt that was a punt cuz we could have got one more point of damage out of the blood gas all right so opponent's going to Unholy heat the season pyromancer we we should be okay though cuz we still have a lightning bolt so we sack the bloodghast Pena down to 10 wooded Foothills for a mountain get back the blood gas actually know where we short are we short because of that seven oh it's xaxis we almost punted our way out of that hit you to four and then the countdown is on Wow could you imagine if we were one damage short because we played that fetch land oh we almost punted our way out of this but in the end the power of the bombardment good enough to take down burn and deck's actually pretty sweet this deck's actually really sweet oh I love Goblin Bomb barbit I love this deck it's working and we're playing season pancer in the world of orcish bow Masters and I getting away with that all right it is Goblin bombardment time and this hand actually looks excellent amazing raban bombardment Bill Masters if necessary pyro really there's not much more we could want out of a hand other than our pan monicon Mayhem devil uh let's just yeah let's let's play rabad Boom dirty monkey can you beat it I Castle just let us get in a couple oh green we're probably going to get an attack here cuz we can snipe a manad dor oh it's well well well well well we will uh bow Masters down the Cami so our goal now now is every ragavan attack just hit a peral Titan and we're good right uh Titan please I think we actually play that somehow we've become an abrial Grazer deck we we do have a landun to play and that's a body we can sack so one of the things about these promeal Titan decks oh Dy to The insen Grove so they're base green but then they tend to have different Splash colors this one appears to actually this makes the most sense right so we can crack this crack the wooded Foothills get a blood Crypt untapped Goblin bombardment sack the Grazer Ragan's such a disgusting card the gift that just keeps giving that that Grazer that we stole was so big H you down to 14 oh we hit the Titan we hit the okay okay one Titan down three more Ryon attacks three more Titans Exile gg gg that's a that's a hit that's a hit Mo whoa okay so opponent's playing some sort of spicy Prime Time deck mulches finds a blast zone which actually is relatively good against us another Cami whammy to put the blast zone into play or maybe the lir of the Hydra I mean we're in pretty good shape though right we can season pyromancer to pitch the croa why this is like a graveyard deck interesting names creature ausa and Elvish reclaimer this is a spicy a spicy form of prime time deck I will say we draw orcish bow master all right new plan uh bow Master number two snipe the Cami Go attacking steal a promeo Titan of course every day a just land okay uh and then let's season paner discard the croa which we'd rather have in the graveyard anyway and 1 2 3 4 5 six we are a bolt away from lethal an opponent not going to stick around to find out and Goblin bombardment might actually just be busted I mean I know we got dropped down in rank a bunch so maybe that's why it feels busted but we are kind of just smacking people with this deck C bombardment I love this card I love it I love it I also love that we're a sack deck that isn't playing uh cat oven Shenanigans blood artist or blood gas being back is like oh it's so so cool this deck is so cool I love this deck and we get to blood moon people uh we'll go down let's go to fables so the thing about Fable season pancer if there's no orcish bow Master season pancer is better for a deck cuz it makes three bodies usually gives us all the value right away so if there's no bow Master if there is bow Master then Fable is often better just because these irean are really lines up poorly with bow master so since we're not really worried about bow master I think if we're going to cut three drops we cut Fable here and keep the the season PIR oh that's a blood moon and a raban to maybe ramp into the blood moon although it's unlikely that'll work but it could I mean even a turn three blood moon seems decent against our opponent's deck plus we got to Dy to the illon grow of War so the way the way this works is against right of the illen Grove whatever comes down last wins so if we play Blood Moon and then our opponent dryads all their lands do what they want if they play dryad and then we play Blood Moon then their lands will be mountains time stamps layers all that stuff that no one actually cares about opponent Forest stand can we get in a monkey attack oh we can we can atroxa oh God all right and well this is wonderful steal Peril Titan please okay I'll land there's actually a question here as to whether we even play the blood moon cuz if we play Blood Moon and then they just play dryad next turn we get super wrecked I think we're going to we're actually going to wait we're going to play you know what that's silly whatever we're going to play it how can we pass up turn two blood moon if you got the dry you got the dryad good on you if you don't have the dryad then uh enjoy your mountains looking at the graveyard why they belled recovery for w oh god oh boy oh boy all right hit you if that's all our opponent's doing uh we're feeling pretty good do we want to mulch is there any value to mulching very slight value yeah that's probably silly uh let's just play bloodstain Meyer as a mountain play GBL bombardment and we could hit a season pyro we could hit croca you know what let's let's mulch let's do it I tugged myself into it wow we should not have mulched we had a blood gas dly so that is I think it's correct blood gas croca season pyro we got enough graveyard stuff that I think it's worth it but that was not the best Milling all right isusa Mountain number uh one for the turn and Mountain number two for the turn Mountain oh it's an island all right opponent no longer a mountaineer well okay so we need to play arish bow Masters to take a little off the top of Baza then we need to sack the token to take a little more off the top of ausa then we can get in with the monkey hit you steal a promeal Titan Winding Way you know what we're going to do this again we're going to we're going to cast it and we're going to name creatures this time ragavan is a absolute we're going to hit all lands aren't we we're going to hit all lands hey okay that works rockaan so busted well land get back the bloodghast go ahead Bon it go ahead do we win next turn I think 1 2 three we can sack this twice we have the M devil yeah opponent Scoops it up and I appreciate our opponent doing something spicy but there's a few cards in Timeless that need to build your deck in a way that you can beat one of them is ravad and our opponent just just let us hit him with ravad again and again and again not a way to win in Timeless but st's good it's good much R about nothing time we are we're going to keep this we got the mayam devil we have pan monic God the rest of the hand I mean I guess we got a fable to uh go digging let's just play this Overgrown Tomb our opponent will have no idea that we're actually a rose Goblin bombardment deck all right fuz f y slippers oo Sim every everybody I swear to God is playing this deck so many I don't even think this deck's good I like it's fine maybe we got to play it I've never played it this preval Titan deck I feel like it's the deck I play against most on Arena I feel like I never lose to it it's one of those Decks that a ton of people play and I I'm going to regret saying these words cuz I'm sure this is a time they're going to like turn three promeal Titan and we're going to get absolutely smacked I feel like we just never lose to this deck no matter what we do uh do we want to save our fetches do we want to bolt this graer not really yeah let's just Mountain Fable unfortunately we are off to kind of a slow start so the way I think this matchup works is I don't think we can stop our opponent from doing their promeal Titan things but we might be able to kill them through the oh no not natural all right well that's a fast Titan this is the turn three oh no oh I knew it was going to happen the time I'm like oh we never lose to this deck we're going to get absolutely stomped I mean it's still not impossible that we could win it's going to be tough though it's going to be very tough the way we can win is comboing with bombardment but this is just so fast our opponent turn three pral Titan feel the Dead coming on next turn unless we draw another bullt we're probably not going to be able to kill the Titan not good news at all you know what we need well we would have needed is a Blood Moon I guess blood moon is still good here if we hit it right now Fable the mirror breaker but we will discard a land I guess a fable Come On Deck Come On Deck Mayhem devil seasoned pyromancer let's play Mayhem devil play A bloodstain Meer we attack our opponent's probably going to block with a grazer I guess we should have attacked with the blood guess too yeah I think that was a slight punt so we get to kill the Grazer grab a blood tapped and pass the turn the problem is there's going to be a lot of zombies we need to hit exactly Goblin bombardment and we got a shot oh it's got to be Goblin bombardment and it's got to be now unfortunately our opponent is going to make So Many Zombies cuz they get to attack with this preval Titan so I'm pretty sure this means we die next turn so if we get two Mayhem Devils that's probably still not enough is it play the Mayhem Devils sa the treasure that's 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 7 actually okay if we draw because we flip the Fable if we draw exactly Goin bombardment despite all of this I believe we still win the game the odds are not great cuz we can't season pyromancer into it we might be able to season pyromancer and live a turn like we're going to 12 no there's too many zombies here yeah we're definitely dead next turn okay well uh we came here to play gum bombardment this would be a very nice turn to draw one opponent hits us with a premal t out of 12 and how about a goblin bombardment about it plays a tap land makes a million zombies Exiles a graveyard not especially relevant all right well this is it four out of 46 uh so enter 8center CA that is not going to do it uh do we season pyro even I don't think we're just literally dead right so we play Mayhem devil well I mean let's do things play Mayhem devil yeah it doesn't even matter we're dead sure sure sure well I picked the wrong time to mock the promeal Titan deck well we're definitely bringing in two more Blood Moons for sure we're going to bring in the thought sees for sure maybe like a lightning bowl a lightning Bol ragavan is not great in this matchup go down some ravans run it like that run it like that so our dream is the absolute dream turn one blood moon otherwise we need our opponent to just be like one turn slower if that was a turn four premal Titan instead of a turn three premal Titan we would have just uh comboed off well we still need to find the the bombardment but we could have seasoned pyro to dig for the bombardment if we found one we would have won the next turn so we ended up like one turn two slow all right we to play first well okay okay okay we got the bombardment and the thought Seas yeah let's blood Crypt untap Dan thought EAS you peral Titan eal Glazer splunking I mean I guess we just have to take the Titan I mean we got to take the Titan right the splunking is also annoying but we got to take the Titan Pon it going to play the Grazer do a little ramping probably the colony garden and it goes with the world tree well it's a sad raban uh well let's play the land and pass the turn blood moon would still be pretty sweet that would be a nice draw that would be the nicest draw like blood Moon's so good here oh they found an untap land so they spunking so now we're in the like hope they don't draw a finisher stage of the game which is not a great stage of the game oh look at all those beautiful blood moons that we haven't drawn oh my God we could have flashed in the bow Masters I am so bad at this if you punt the impulse is to like I'm just not going to play this cuz it makes me look like an idiot but if you punt you just got to recover from it and play the card there's not really any any way around it unfortunately well let's play a ragavan play A bloodstain Meer crack the bloodstain Meer grab a schwamp and play a bloodghast and this 03 is absolutely just wrecking our face and natural order for foral Titan oh they just drew it for me like and oh we thought seized it we thought seized it ah well the extra points of damage from bow Masters might not have mattered here okay maybe I got to take it back maybe I got to take it back maybe we lose to the permeable Titan deck sometimes seriously though I feel like this deck loses more than it should for how heavily played it is cuz I feel like it's at least today it's been the deck I've played most in uh against in Timeless yes opponent's going to do some uh some things here since they have world tree they can get untapped handar battlements which makes red Mana to haste in the promeal Titan get in make a bunch more zombies and yeah now we're just actually actually dead here shouldn't have said we never lose to this deck famous last words I guess we'll have to settle with almost never losing to this deck and a 4-1 run instead of a 5 but uh don't let this last match taint the the image of the goblin bombard M cuz this deck is sweet and it's powerful and it's fun so uh if you're looking for something different to do in Timeless I would definitely recommend some Rose bombardment action because go bombardment is just a ridiculous card and uh and like I said actually my record I'm going to pull this up this will be our wrap-up this is a wrap-up let me pull up my untapped cuz I think the record with this deck is actually kind of wild so we went 4 in one here but I was playing another ver so I started with a version I found on the internet that someone else had played so I played that a bit and it did well but I really wanted to change it up and play some of my favorite cards so I rebuild it and then it's been doing well since I rebuild it but here is yeah here's my overall record with time was bombardment so this was the initial build that I was just playing for testing five and0 and then this is our build you just saw the the last the last loss there to the premal Titan Nutter Butters uh 4- one so technically between the two builds we are 9- one 9-1 with Timeless and uh I know we playing on gold right here but we started off at like diamond I think before the reset so uh yeah if you're looking for something different you like sacrificing things you like doing fun stuff I would definitely recommend some Timeless bombardment because uh the deck's fun and it's powerful and I enjoy playing it so anyway that's been our much Breo for this week next week we'll be back with murders at Carl maners so until then everyone thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed it and I will talk to you soon
Channel: MTGGoldfish
Views: 60,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YEMJ6G2wWco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 17sec (3017 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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