Neutron Nexus (Hosted by Amanda & Wooly) || Momocon 2024 FULL PERFORMANCE

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hi I'm Amanda and I'm willly oh wow we got more than usual with us here today that's because we are at a concert a concert yeah you know one of those things where people play music in front of you and you sing along a concert that sounds so fun can I join you guys I swear I'm good at singing oh well we'd love to what great let's play Make Believe oh my oh oh the there's a her in aill her [Music] in I to SP my time [Music] [Music] the world play having fun that is great BBE to take a break all this place me I [Music] better a child of the stars all he wanted was some fun to see a joy that life had brought to see how time could Bend and pot when his pears no longer think no longer qu his fears he had a choice of many factors Believe The Mortals are and wait get that part please okay he changed the rules to a more fair game now everyone get along and play it's better now with his new friend he'll never be alone again great cool story let's get back the come on you [Music] [Applause] go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] s oh wow that was fun yeah that like the little clap thing they did me too well that's one song down what do you think is next H oh what these all the people that showed up there's even some people in the crowd dresses cartoons how much did that prop cost to make did you make rent uh hi bunny Guy what's your name what's it to you excuse me your name is wuya oo someone's earning a gold star right well like I was saying whoops we're experiencing technical difficulties in the meantime listen to this totally not annoying [Music] earworm you [Music] bu's you [Music] ready place you cuz if you're angry now imagine you feel it's craing every step you takes a face full of RS when even seats are threatening a certain sound you're entertainment who even needs a clown don't you have any other way of entertaining yourself that doesn't involve torturing people no get your jack St get a little laugh boy so you're not down to clown well I won't let that get me down I'm your jack toy have a little laugh boy I'd say I'm sorry but it's not that kind of party [Music] [Applause] [Music] wait please give me a second so let me get this straight a me Jester thinks there's a solution to Our Fate wait wait let's hear her out got nothing here but time let Set us in on what will save us here we miss a sign hear that audience you're in for a show Making numbers but we're suffering and as we chuckle on your side of the screen I think I'll join you giving a little what is it are you crying from the jab to the side can't handle SN comments looking to confide and raged good luck with that giving gold to those misfortunate end up in a circus from a rancid purchase of a headset just my luck had gone and curses you want to smile and ease your mind to lighten up so says my sign Kane I think your stupid boom box is busted get your jack toy get a little laugh boy so you're not down the crown well I won't let that get me down I'm your jack toy have a little laugh boy today I'm sorry but it's not that kind of party [Music] that's me I'll keep you [Music] company [Music] me well that one was fun right it was fine uh but he was so rude yeah he kind of was but hey I think he's gone maybe we can choose a song now yeah you're right woolly I think next we should hello hello oh my God what now can anybody hear me I have to warn you warn us about what it's coming it's been chasing me and it hasn't stopped and you got to get out of here don't s a watch don't listen you got to get out what was [Music] that we had a long day all day we just play but now it's time to say goodbye and be on our way it won't be forever we'll still be together until next Time to Say Goodbye the fun never ends when you got a friend so hun me H me goodbye it's for friends like you and I have more time let theed before we say bye [Music] bye remember when we saw all our friends remember when we count to 10 remember when we saw our friend F I mean we learn the word quiet with him huh we learned how to not be afraid we learn how the darkness behave that silly ride and if I it's not like andby we more time we can learn and play all night what shall we create shall we create help me help me and between friends like you and I I'm going to you mind she didn't have to say bye [Music] bye keep inside I really wanted to say goodbye I can tell you feel the same way as me I the Tre for us to live I need your help to make it last forever I need your help to we never ever go this shows all I [Music] know there'll be no surprise they figure it out guys Len to the talk and take a DI will P [Music] forever trap if you don't get out of here right now you're going to be stuck I have seen the life he can live in Paradise you just got to give Sam a mind so trust me trust me H me H [Applause] [Music] me wo [Music] hi guys we were just experiencing some technical difficulties but we've gone indoors now just to be safe technical difficulties we got freaking jumped Amanda language think about who's watching Wily I think the 5-year-old in the audience can handle the word freak yeah I'm with a little girl here get crazy Marceline what have I told you about using the Prismatic Communicator for anything but emergencies that you love me and I should use it whenever I want flattery won't get you out of this please go on it's not like we're in the middle of a show hey PB this isn't flammable is it don't touch it oh my goodness funny oh hey peeps get off the communicator fine fine sorry kids I got to go oh bye whatever but first I have a nice Jam are you serious [Music] oh [Music] bonabelle as it rocks to the ground what's the point of hiding if you see the world is fading the world belongs to that no way to turn that around everything Strays when you left someone took it everything Strays but not if you make it ever so slightly daily and nightly in little ways you know everything [Music] straight oonie did you like my song this is like trash what your kind oh so I guess that's why you're down there and we're all the way up here give it up our meals [Music] everybody ask fordon ruining our wish you the blood I won never let it go can last forever I know everything's when youone took it everything's but not if you make it soly daily and night in it we everything [Music] let's go to [Music] it's the ground your Dr the point of Fight You I cannot stand you I will destroy you in hell i'll next see you tell you I love you everything stays right where you left it everything stays but it still change ever so slightly daily and nightly in midle everything [Music] stays well I uh uh anymore huh Show's almost over any other freaks going to come in on our Channel and interrupt okay then oh hey you guys are still here got nothing better to do I thought I told you guys to escape M me just that's it I'm tired of being talked over we could have sat here and just enjoyed the music but since you guys don't listen we're doing this differently they got him [Applause] up up right up up right up right down up right down up right left up left right down right up left down right down down up right down right down left down right uh up right down left down left down up right down right down down left right up down down Wy can you take this seriously wait can you hear me we don't have much time you need to wlly where did you go we're not done playing our game listen to me you need to destroy these saes you need to get out of here before [Music] they y' better sing [Music] it i' got a fun game weekend play since I go on adventures every day let's try something new something Wild Amanda I were de let's be quick and care you're wasting my time stop being OB the answerers right there so what are you bu there something missing stop this isn't Sam it's like you you'll never find me you would never try see ding on the street I can't it and I can s it doesn't matter what's inside of me take isere never amandaa Amanda Amanda Amanda Amanda Amanda [Applause] [Music] I think we could have a real good time if we just take a break and breathe so why don't you put your hand in m and we'll cool you down as you saw something rotting nothing here stop talking I swear there's something spoted I'll it's nothing are you afraid to discuss crazy is it we or are you IDI answer my question you don't have to answer that answer my [Music] question do you even care you're wasting my time this isn't fair let me get out here hi it's so good to see you again we missed playing with you so much the original voice of Amanda everybody we miss you a whole time let's PR sat up with the favorite host on the screen who up play that BH going to new to the scene we're full of Shadows and strs this ain't the show that I seen see when they told me that's just s just s it's not what they mean I mean I'm man a man and tell me what they did to walk out I think that H got their hands and something innocent now and with your dad is appearing and know this Daddy the steing we all need help from this and I know a man is sincerely can hear me me you would never try to see us static on the screen I can't control it and I just know it God matter what inside me I can't remember ever seen a where the I'm out know [Music] oh woly pH I feel so much better after letting that out well that's all I really wanted to play right woolly uh uh I right right see you guys next time I'm in I'm in I'm in I'm in I'm in late aren't I well I uh even though I'm going at the tail end I still have something I'd like to show you it's a concert saying to you if you guys would be willing to maybe listen please can see in your facial tracking data that you're not opposed to this let's get this party started thanks for visiting Indigo Park hope all your dreams came true if you got some time and you're up for a large stick around for the rambly review I'm here to offer my best to each valuable guest I assist and lots of happy feedback and shes I get to exist let's try it were you satisfied with the rides yes or no were you satisfied with your guide I sure hope so do you plan to come back will I see you again did your experience convince you to tell a friend about us did I earn your trust at Indigo park there is a star contrast to Everything I Know know this place should be but out of the dark you've given a spark of sunshine to this Kingdom's faithful devote at Indigo Park more than my remarks are Mysteries even I don't know what we might find but fight through the dark and I'll be your spark of sunshine to get you out of any find that is if you want to keep going ooh idea I know all of this isn't fair to you it's an awful lot to ask but here comes rambling review part two to sell you on our task I'm heed of you and assess each valuable guest as I learn and lots of happy feedback and shes are going to return I'm so happy you rode a ride I'm happy to be your guide so come back anytime I'd love to see you again in all my thousands of days I've never had a friend like you at least I hope I do at Indigo park there is a stark contrast to everything I know this place should be but out of the dark you've given a spark of sunshine to this Kingdom's fiful deot at Indigo Park more than my remarks are Mysteries even I don't know what we might find but fight Through The Dark Through The Dark and out your spark of sunshine to get you out of any B so all my old friends are united again and I won't feel so left behind okay buddy I'll let you go see you next time okay please oh hi um thanks for coming to the show it's over now bye [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] got for
Channel: Jakeneutron
Views: 670,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NEW, HD, new song, Don't Listen, dont listen, Amanda, Amanda The Adventurer, Indigo Park, Amanda The Adventurer 2, Momocon, momocon 2024, momocon 2024 jakeneutron, momocon 2024 concert, momocon 2024 amanda the adventurer, /Hug Me, Rambley Review, dont listen amanda, dont listen jakeneutron, Everything Stays, Everything Strays, Jax Toy, the amazing digital circus, the amazing digital circus song, Make Believe, The Owl House, Pibby, /Pibby
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 42sec (1542 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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