We met THE DEVIL at the Witches Tower! (Disturbing) | Ghost Club Paranormal Investigation

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welcome back to ghost Club paranormal as you can see today we're doing things a little bit differently I'm here at my house without Mandy as she doesn't know anything about the haunted location that I have chosen for tonight and honestly I don't think that she would have expected me to choose something so scary so dark and so sketchy but I did we are going to The Witches Tower this small mysterious structure located in Presidio Park San Diego is said to go four stories down and was used for cult Gatherings and satanic practices the pentagram on top of the structure shows strong evidence of dark rituals taking place to this day you'll find candle wax blood stains and maybe even a body in 2020 a group of brothers went to the park at night and heard a woman singing from the tower when they got to the top they discovered the body of a deceased Woman face down on top of the pentagram with a cloth wrapped around her eyes and a goat pendant nearby oh my God I'm standing in her blood dear Lord I'm sorry the tower sits on top of sacred land that was once a cemetery the headstones were destroyed but the bodies stayed this could also add to the activity as sh figures have been seen regularly and screams can be heard all around the park there have also been senss of a floating lady in white who resembles a witch with long dark hair haunting the tower she's a malevolent Spirit who will make you feel nauseous and holds the power to actually possess people who visit at night allegedly honestly I have to see that for myself to believe it but before we get this investigation started let's go pick up Mandy I cannot wait to see what energies she brings forward tonight and I also have a feeling that she's going to hait me after this one hello it's me I can do this can't believe this is only for one night we have one more side quest though now we need to go to Samantha's house onwards okay we finally made it to San Diego to Samantha and Sean's house guys did you know that your uh garage is open oh I'll close it that's like the way like UK way to sing garage garage your garage like garage music it's the garage Music Garage music play some UK garage music UK garage [Music] Classics Alexa stop no well I'm going to get copyright this whole episode is going to be completely wiped from YouTube I want to take Samantha and sha into another room what you got going on there Sean trail mix the reason why we're in the secluded room is because Samantha and Shawn have both actually been to the witches Tower before I really actually don't know what you have experienced there so tell me all it was very short it was very short it was very long at all like 20 minutes yeah essentially the way that I felt when I went there I had a sense of several sort of what felt like different energies there Spirits I did have an overwhelming feeling of um heaviness is the only way I could describe it it was almost nauseating a little bit we didn't have much equipment we just had like the spirit talker app and the spirit talker app actually gave us names that actually are connected to that location that we later found out about oh yeah we'll stick that on M there tonight yeah yeah it seemed to work pretty well he actually saw right when we rolled up in the parking lot I park looked over to the side and I see like this like it's like a tiny little thing just kind of like like you could see the legs and the arms they're just like so pronounced I was flipping out and was it walk so it was walking down the street like somebody walking down the street like like like but like almost like transparent and disappeared was it black it was a black like it just disappeared like vanished the car just kind of came around and then like lights hit it and I was like what the hell I was tripping from that moment like right when we roll up I was tripping just because of the the pentagram that's there that alone that is an attraction for a lot of different people who would come here and do all kinds of different um ritualistic type of things I have a deep respect for the occult and Witchcraft specifically but I also feel like there are people who who maybe have really terrible intentions that will use places like that for bad ritualistic purposes yeah and create kind of these energies or agoric energies that sort of just will exist there Mandy's probably just like twiddling her thumbs right now so I think we need to go get her hello freak out Hi and then as for you Mandy somebody who literally doesn't know where we're going doesn't know what the heck this place is have you been picking up on anything any Vibes anything um weird weird Vibes yeah weird Vibes weird Vibes weird Vibes weird Vibes and um um a man weird Vibes in a man in a man yeah okay don't like the way that I'm feeling right now really yeah we like we've like not even left I know what's happening I have no idea what what this means but I keep hearing don't get too close that's I just don't get too close don't get too close and then there's like a weird hit in my stomach interesting okay it's weird just don't get too close okay I put you a night shot cuz Sean's driving right now again I do not know the relevance of this but I kept feeling pressure in my eyes and then I asked him like what about to this man that I don't know who this man is but I asked him what about the eyes like why are you and he said I need them were sacrifices done do you know in this area yeah yeah cuz like I feel like he like don't get too close somebody's saying don't get too close and then he's saying I I need your eyes oh hell no what so the only reason why somebody need eyes is for a sacrifice or ritual eyes for a sacrifice like if you're needing body parts so that's why I asked you if like sacrifices were done at this location because like he needs my he needs my eyeballs like he needs my body parts uh I don't know what this I literally don't know what to say about that that's wild okay that's why I feel nervous okay what's really interesting too is uh if you look at the license plate in front of us does anyone see what I see guys literally the the car license plate in front of us is how do you say it bezel bub beel well it's it's the eights look like bees and then the easy be like that's how I'm like that's exactly what triggered in my mind too are you feeling a woman as well there's some weird like cross thing happening it does make sense weird I'm like it could be a few things it'll be very obvious when we get there gotcha cuz I've never been there but uh is there some kind of like um like a like an erection like a monument or like some sort of like statue thing yeah this is literally where we're going I mean like exactly where we're filming it was a monument resurrected for somebody and I didn't cover that in the beginning but there is a plaque there and it and it goes into a little bit more history about this person but yeah Dad you're like I'm so I'm so in right now and it's like it's weird that's good though I'm like really deep in it h sorry we're here Ming okay so now that I'm like looking at it I am seeing the man a little bit more clearly but it's more physical what's happening to me yeah rather than visual what are you seeing an energy that is not presenting as human I was just curious if you were seeing it too we'll see what pops up yeah we'll see what happens it's so R I just heard x marks the spot whoa you see that a weird circle out of nowhere yeah where' that come oh interesting it looks like a labyrinth yes labyrinths are placed in areas to basically increase the energy of a specific location okay oh look at all these crosses is remember when was like x marks the spot do you have any stories yeah I don't know if you heard what that that gentleman said by no I couldn't hear him at all he said that his girlfriend passed away last year and he believes her spirit to be here no way I think that's why he's here I think so I think he has a connection to this place it says find my body what says find my body and then Cera were a lot of people murdered here killed here in this area yeah one of them murders were actually like literally yo ISB it oh my god oh there he is if that is not a sign I don't know what is rabbit is spirit so mhm uh well at least we can debunk that because that scared me I was like for sure somebody was in that b there's something I'm going to step off this stair for a sec I think it's like making me sick that's what happened to samtha when she was here Samantha's had a hard time going up she couldn't get past that threshold up there you can see these uh crosses on the stairs leading up are you okay well it said need help the second you got to the top mhm yeah um can I go that's sorry somebody's like really like channeling through me and like really pushy about it um so I apologize if I'm being rude it's not it's not me it's the spirit I just like need to get up here there's the [ __ ] pentagram mhm sorry are you okay yeah just get a little nauseous I feel like you're upset because when we were here last time it was not like this it was not this defaced is that upsetting you I really am curious you can use this to communicate or the ovilus that Mandy's holding don't provoke us okay we won't provoke you I'm feeling like weird up here yeah it's really weird up here feel very very just off balance I really also kind of want to like tell you the story um so we can like if we do get answers though um she would give you another like a little while to just kind of are you okay yeah sorry what you were looking at me really weird there yeah what what were you saying what's happening if you need to step away or go to the bottom of the stairs just let me know I think we should just chill for a second are you feeling okay yeah okay yeah um Mandy's been affected right now maybe it'll actually come through the Spirit Box all right so just so the spirits here that are aware this is a device that you can use to manipulate and speak through please speak loudly and clearly and we ask we're just here to know your story can you hold it closer to M hello did nobody hear that are you [ __ ] kidding me I heard that was it like get out or something like that dude I heard straight up devil and I'm not just saying that just to make it spooky like I I swear to [ __ ] God yeah did you just say devil sit down is that what you wanted yeah it's not human yes it's not human it's coming up the stairs right now here are you coming up the stairs no where are [Applause] you devil was there devil worshiping going on here there is something um there's something much darker here trying to work through me so if I say anything that's just please know it's not personal I'm just repeating what I'm hearing or what's coming through okay Okay sandy sandy sandy get up get up yeah because it's it's h it's cat Ball's going off guys I just heard help me come through the Spirit Box who needs help oh do you [Music] see I heard I smell food come through who's [Applause] food are we food yes no we're not and then it said new meat or something like that something meat needs to complete the cycle what does that mean it needs to complete the cycle Jade what does that mean it needs to complete the cycle it needs to finish it out I've never heard anything like this in my entire life it needs to feed to complete the cycle like this is totally nonhuman this is like lower level energy it's not even like it's not even real no it's not and that's why I say it has no power over any of us unless we give it power yeah it's not real but it feels like it needs it needs to keep feeding in order to be in order to stay alive in order for it to thrive it needs people to feed into it it needs yeah it needs to keep feeding but you know what's also really interesting remember on the way over here you were saying mcing PCS like it needs eyes it and you keep on saying like I'm here in like hands I need your hands yeah and over the Spirit Box it just said like need meat or like new meat or something like that I'll have to review it but is that is that what you guys mean like it's like it's needing it's not needing actual like physical pieces of the body it's needing like the energy of that of that to make itself whole to make itself whole it needs the energy of my eyes and my hands my heart like like it feels like it's inside of me right now just kind of like just grabbing what it can that's to stop but what is with this cycle I don't understand the cycle it needs to complete the cycle let me fill into that did anyone hear that what was that I'm hearing that it's better down below there's more good down below than up here it was almost as if I had to come up here so that thing could feed for a minute I was sitting on glasto get I just realized I was like I think I'm sitting on glass oh no um but it's good I got off my but where you were sitting literally on top you were feeling the ex you somebody kept saying x marks the spot x marks the spot the entire time you're literally sitting on an X and you had to come up here and sit on that specific spot that we didn't even check that's weird it was luring you here yeah I was about to push all you guys out of the way I know you like come on already I was like hurry the [ __ ] up I need to get up there whatever that was just totally took whatever it needed from you which I could only believe it makes it more powerful yeah so let's go get some equipment out and just kind of see let's stick the ramp pod in the middle of the pentagram do you have ex with does any have saner oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh I'm going to just do some work on you look what I say she's like collapsing right now says it says collapse are you [ __ ] kidding me there's somebody talking a woman talking I heard a guy I thought I heard a woman come back you got your energy it's all back call it back into you wait oh that's a car coming in now but no dude whisper wh whisper okay so that happened literally the second you left the circle yeah my my energy like I walked out and I was like oh [ __ ] I was still very much connected to whatever that was I just totally [ __ ] into space and I just walked out which you never do you were hearing people talking oh yeah yeah yeah it was straight up like it sounded like they were on the steps like that's so close it sound dudes I want to see you want me to put this in the circle yes please yeah oh you were going to get me a battery yes I was and I got it in my pocket and then you started to started to die just just a little bit it's fine there you go I've never seen you like that before that's how you know that's how you know that like that's not human it said collapse again why no we're not going to do that this say I love this it's watching you no it wants more more energy and wants to make another person collapse I'm sure what just happened to me was very like invting yeah it was putting out a lot of energy for people to use if you want one of us to sit in the middle of the pentagram again you're going to have to light one of these devices up preferably the one in the middle could you light this one up if you want one of us to join you in the middle if you need our energy living living energy do you need a living person to sit in the middle of the pentagram to feed off of them I did I don't know if you heard that whisper I just heard it unless I was you I didn't say anything I didn't do anything okay secret secret secret what's your secret okay that didn't go off but I swear I just heard a r did the r behind you go off wait it said wait twice twice I heard a r pod go off is it the one behind you are you telling us to wait for one of these ramp pods to go off that was weird did you feel like someone is behind us yeah oh I just got like like it feels like there's someone standing yeah right here there's someone behind Samantha and Mandy can you go ahead to the cat ball that's behind Mandy there can you please Light It Up Make Your Presence known for us you've taken our energy you took Mandy's energy you took Mandy's energy now can we have something in return heart heart it wants the next the next body part if you want one of us to come back into the circle you you're going to have to show us so can you can you set off one of these devices to kind of give us some clear guidance and communication as to what you need or what you would like it says please go left I'm going to walk around the pentagram and you tell me where to stop okay I'm going to start by going [Music] [Applause] left pause I heard [Applause] pause said cough this is literally like the area where you were like standing coughing this is also the area where the Spirit Box told me to stop this is also the spot where the cat ball was lighting up when we first got here there's something about this specific spot yeah for sure now we're getting somewhere I don't know where it's stand now cuz I don't want to stand in the middle I don't want to stand here whoa thank you you watched me change that battery Jade I literally just gave you a brand new battery for I swear look look just to show proof it's over here there's the old battery is that the sign that the battery's going out did you just whistle I heard a whistle I didn't whistle I swear to God I heard that I heard it too I heard it clear as [Music] day did it just say sing it said sing We need to stop I need to tell you this because it's a huge part of why I wanted to come here tonight and the fact that it just said sing is really freaking me out so yeah and I need to change my battery this battery is dead too it's brand new that's so weird they're drawing That Power from wherever they can these batteries literally last for like 3 hours and we've not been here for it said 2 hours when I was like making room on the car it said 2 hours available and then now I'm trying to turn it on it's not turning on although the lens is open is that normal no something's wrong with this camera these were completely charged both these batteries this hasn't even been used yet I think your camera's broken Sam what oh my God what the really it start okay now it's working don't you dare drain that [ __ ] battery right now I swear I'm going to get mad at you I'm going to get mad stop it stop it stop it stop it we're going to reset it stop it what the pretty much all of our camera batteries have just died the ramp pod battery seems like it's dying even though it's a brand new battery I I don't know I don't know chaotic as F now chaotic I'm going to tell you the story I'm going to tell you the story but first I need to change my battery 1 two 3 this is for editing purposes because you're going to hate yourself later 1 2 3 okay did somebody y were you not recording I was Rec you were recording it just shut like what the [ __ ] I heard a click dude I heard it click I caught that on camera you're dude yeah it was recording we we hit record at the same time exact same time oh man this is weird Okay okay is everything good though like footage is good all that's good I think so there's not a message that's came up or anything like that but the fact that like all the cameras keep turning off like is bizarre I can't put the story off any longer because whatever's here definitely want you to tell it cuz it just keeps delaying it keeps delaying keeps delaying my can you stand over here yeah very like uneasy right now when sing came through there was like a few brothers that came here one night they were in the parking lot right where we were parked and they were here and singing coming from this Tower and as they approached the singing stopped I'm pretty sure they walked away then the singing started again and so they came back and when one of the brothers came up he was filming on his camera this is all on YouTube and there was a woman deceased right where you were standing and she was faed down and she had a rag covering her head with blood coming out of her mouth and there was a goat pendant laying right next to her the police came pronounced her dead on the scene and then stories have what was that my glasses they literally just fell out of my pocket the [ __ ] that's weird well what I was going to say was that's weird that's really weird I can't shake my this too much this is too much guys I don't know if it's here or what but the morg that her body was put into recently got robbed and now her body is missing so when we walked up here and it said find my body and when you were talking about like the the getting the energy and the eyes and stuff stuff like that I think it's very strange that there was a rag wrapped around her it was just the top of her eyes I don't know if there's anything prob took your body oh I apologize if there's anybody this is I merely speculation if that's the case but they probably took her body to take body parts to um distribute that's and that's why this other energy is also collecting body parts essentially energetically so freaking blurry on my camera right now I know I feel the energy that's behind me right now I don't like it oh I just heard your next I this so scary who's next I don't know let's get this Spirit Box who's [Applause] next [Applause] her drain power drain power is that what you've been doing to our cameras and to us this woman is upset she's upset she's really upset do you want to tell us about what happened that [Applause] [Music] night ending ending what if I stand in the spot the exact [Music] spot I'm starting to feel really weird standing here it's really sad really sad we're really sorry about what happened don't know what happened but we're sorry we want to avenge you some way what can we do to help youy hey who is this or what is this me hands hands can you please tell me why you need these body parts what's the cycle that you're trying to complete are you completing rituals on the other [Music] side ah you okay oh hold on oh felt like my ovary Jesus Christ wa right where my my ovar would be just seized do you think that they specifically want females I know that that's kind of a like long shot but I mean she was female you were instantly called here it said the Spirit Box did just say like her I mean I'm not an expert in ritualism but females are the force of Life at the end of the you know that's what I was just thinking they produce and so they do tend to mean more in that aspect energetically there's more like richness to be used for Reproductive purposes right your mom know okay did everybody hear that it says abort relative it says abort and then you're mom literally says abort relative in relative you've got to be [ __ ] kidding me what what does that even mean oh does it want a baby like what what does that mean does that mean that you oh what did you hear what it said witch this is my [ __ ] Theory guys I think that it's the witch there's a witch by the way Mandy who's seen here I think that it was her singing and luring the guys to the body I don't know but I think that it was the witch didn't I tell you the old hag earlier yeah the smell of urine yeah she smell I said oh yeah oh yeah I said the old it's the old hag was that when you guys were in the back of the car no that was right we here she's like I smell urine I said yeah that's the old hag oh like and she's a witch not hear that no I don't know what was going on but yeah we totally talked about that I heard I'm talking about it so that's funny that that came up as which I I didn't know that was your theory about it either I smell it now I didn't know that was your theory about it either I smell it now do you smell it I smell it now too I'm not I'm not making this up okay if the witch is here was it you that the brothers heard singing up here are you a good witch are you malevolent I don't even want to ask that are you okay do you guys not hear that you don't hear that coming from over there you don't hear it sounds like someone's like walking through you have that flashlight did it just is it just me or did it just like get really weird all of a sudden yeah yeah in my mind's eye I just keep seeing this woman over the woman like singing over her like oh I keep seeing like I'm not catching it but I keep seeing like random white streaking light just like Spirit lights I don't know but it's always when I'm looking at you I see it like right above well that's actually really interesting that you do see that because the witch that is seen here is wearing a long white dress and she's got long dark hair and she's seen in the trees around she's not on the floor she's literally seen floating around the trees that I keep seeing like like that's bizarre that's weird and it's like white dude she's she's here I want to show you something real fast yeah I want to show you the video of the women's body being found here uh just to see if that can spark zathan yeah someone [Music] [Applause] [Music] she I just had this woman just like my body my body she was she was face down yeah yeah yeah are you here with us right now the lady who was face down are you reacting to seeing your body dy I I feel like I really shouldn't have done that right here but at the same time like I really had a feeling it was going to spark something we're here to help you and to get your voice out whatever energy was here probably was here when that happened and saw it all and knows what happened yeah um oh hello she's like don't leave that's what I'm saying if you do ests right now the energy is still very much here like I think it's a good time to do something you know yeah the Estus method is basically they're going to be hooked up to the Spirit box they're going to have headphones over their head and they're not going to be able to hear anything that I'm asking we tried this method in our last episode at the Queen Mary and it went so well that I want to try it again can you guys hear me can uh just be really loud with your answers is this good enough yeah yeah I can't hear anything though okay okay it said Evil by the way oh yeah thanks for that okay here here evil here what does that say children we playe here how many do we have here with us right now two dude I'm telling you this is CRA they're amazing when they're together can one please come forward Satan Satan woman woman okay so we have the woman here with us is this the woman who passed away up here me yes did you see me the devil needs the devil is here is that what you're trying to tell us I'm here if you're here with us you can also make the devices go off if the lady is here who passed away can you her yes her why why here I'm here fond memories here it's two I know there's two of you here there's the woman and the devil I was just about to say the devil devil again morning after morning after my body the child's here I'm haunting it what do you mean by that down south oh my [Music] God speak up Mandy Hi Sam who is this that we're talking to now let me guess we're talking to the devil I don't know if this is yes the kid the kid kid he suck he's under he's under the cage the cage I got gel earlier too and this isil and we're standing on top of the jail and she said cage we under Mandy yes can you tell us what happened underneath us he's on his own go back oh I'm selling that smoke again are you smelling that I smell it we might actually really smell there's another kid is there nobody smoking right there kill him killed them did you kill him execute execute four four two fours don't forget don't forget the number four what's the significance of four three people there's three females is it the females that you want that's true and what is it what is it you want with the females eyes nobody's taken any of our eyes Hearts sounds like they really want hearts Tony is that the name you want to call you want out you want out I don't might be the jail reference it could be the jail reference I feel like there's a lot too far a lot going on with this double sis like lots of spirits Tony can you tell me who Tony is he half sheep Tony is half sheep that's weird what do you mean by that is Tony not human he had some words Sandy Sandy s [Music] yeah he has some words the victim Sandy was a victim hi there I [ __ ] did it is this Tony we're talking to the devil the devil next next there's stories of possessions actually taking place up here are you behind those possessions who's he Sean who are you Sam well Sam pretending to be Sam who is here oh God Sean that's me we have Sam want you to stay Sean we have Mandy and we have me I'm Jade he's back is that who was a back in Mandy earlier the woman yes is it because you're wanting a woman for can you see me big did you hear that oh that's that tree but I thought I heard a something like snapping like over there listen can you hear it over here yes there's people I feel bad where I can hear them what Mandy said can you just check around the corner get down no I see light oh if you see them coming up we'll tap them out I do do you see them coming up who is that we don't know who it is who is he I don't know who's who he is somebody's approaching right now sketchy behind you yes oh my God they're literally walking behind them tonight it's two men to me that was weird you want to talk more all I am Jade you're not Jade I'm Jade Sean Sean are you also Sean no like what's going on here are you want to talk to me can you try having a conversation with them you're not it [Music] no no you just want to talk to the females oh C's going off dude the bait the bait I said you want to talk to the females and it said the bait girls yes the girls are the bait oh God there's another guy out there I'm going to get them out it was me okay it was you sorry are you guys okay what are you guys okay just keept on seeing a guy walking about out there and I just want to make sure that like there's no cars or anything so he has been walking about for a while kind of watching us um like the last I heard it just got so deep make sure there's nobody coming up there cuz I just saw a [ __ ] person I don't know why I can't check I'm [ __ ] scared really about to say last hearing was kill her I was just about to say that and that went off that's the first time that r pod is went off all night so is that you leaving though thank you for communicating I do want to point out as well as we're leaving there are crossies on every single step oh yeah and usually these symbols are placed here because it's to keep something in or out and in this case I think whatever is here stays here and probably goes down below as well yeah it's actually said you didn't know this but it's actually said that this little structure here goes four stories down and is and was used for occult practices satanic practices natural cult Gatherings as well that makes sense so a lot of energy coming from four floors down up here yeah and who knows what's down there yeah if there was exorcisms done here and things like that then and the crossies would be there to keep that thing up here that makes sense so it doesn't surprise me that we keep going getting devil what devil all right all righty cutting through the threshold I don't feel safe this is literally what we're standing on top of it's the old jail they see pretty crazy this was a jail yeah so this was a jail uh for Sylvester Patty and he was the first American to be buried in California soil so that's what this Monument was erected for for him what's in there like a bunch of like machine TOs and stuff the rabbit the [ __ ] rabbit the rabbit oh wow the rabbit like brought us into the investigation and took us out that's actually really cute I love that can't see you at all but it's really cute it's right there on ground by bunny know follow the rabbit follow rabbit I've been hard I'm sorry over there I know you wanted me to go that way all right guys that is US tapping out for the night officially if you enjoyed this episode please remember to like comment and subs subscribe it really really does help the channel out and thank you guys for helping us reach our goal of 50,000 subscribers happy days I also really want to hear your guys' thoughts in the comment section Below on this place uh we had a really wild night something that uh this this investigation I won't forget if you're going to come out here and investigate it for yourself just please for the love of God be safe anyway that being said good night guys bye bye bye [Music] bye
Channel: Ghost Club Paranormal
Views: 37,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ghost club, paranormal, scary, witches tower, devil, paranormal activity, san diego, haunted, haunting, presidio park, unsolved, mysteries, demonic, satanic, shocking, disturbing, real, ghost, caught on camera, horror, criptid, goatman, paranormal investigation, ghost hunters, ghost hunting, pentagram, occult, scared, supernatural, estes method, twin paranormal, project fear, paranormal files, half sheep, entity, jade capasso, sam and colby, fear, egregore, medium, psychic, exploring, abandoned
Id: uKdq4xHVhRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 50sec (2930 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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