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there was a woman that lived there hundreds of years ago a bunch of men ambushed her over money she was murdered on those grounds apparently she's supposed to hunt the grounds and all the men that did it got away with Mur my C just picked up I just see something black all behind B yeah young oh my God now that is like Mega accurate right now can you make a sound for us wo wo wo knock twice if you're the evil one oh god what the hell man oh my God he just said get out get out get out W what the W me I just seen a white shadow go to the side of you on the on the wall me of course not really weird on the picture black shadow to the top right corner look at it it's engulfing the picture just tell us the reason why did you murder her I've told you now welcome the demons oh my God dark TV welcome back to another video oh my God oh my God I was saying welcome back to another video St you already know where's tonight going to bring us I don't know no idea but before that I leave for you so what is going on Dark Side welcome back to the channel that's enough roll across the riding for today but we have come to this abandoned orphanage now we don't really know much information about this apart from it's built on an ancient Barrel ground now my guess is that you know this Grand orphanage a lot of chronic stuff would would have taken place in there probably a lot of abuse um you know maybe even infant deaths and things like who knows a lot of stuff did take place like chronic stuff take place in orphanages all across the world so so uh yeah we're about to walk into this place this is a creepy looking place I'm scared about this one John's been doing his intro just then and it felt like someone was doing this on the back like as if they pulled the thing and pull me backwards like ever a slightly and it's freaky as [ __ ] it just heard like a weird like Mumble thing it was like a that we all heard that one didn't yeah man I scar is let's go check that big boy it's just chilling now waiting to eat my soul at any [Applause] [Music] moment man are so weird it's like a hospital door double Swinging Doors [Music] yeah [Music] oh man oh my God rever that hey re hello [Music] bour you moving your feet no move man did you yeah so if you can understand this we've come here to speak with you tonight we believe that you do understand us CU When we pass over language is universal as a universal see un I thought I heard some at first and then I just heard some at second can you speak to us we're going to walk around this building try to find out what actually happened here so as we walk around if you can let us know where you are I feel shaky as hell anxiety time yeah feel really shaky man often we Haven even gone anywhere yet no no it how much we got to explore it's a big building man bringing L I know it oh man this is freaky as hell what [ __ ] Jesus Christ man scared the living shits out me sorry okay so we're just doing some beero stuff here we just like a weird sound Ben heard like a growl kind of sound and I heard like a child here is the children here run EVP as we do this actually yes is there any children here he sees device in my hand this object it's a toy you can speak into it what happened here we don't mind you playing up you can be naughty as much as you like back W massive Breeze now feel that yeah I massive I I was feeling it like was was on my face it's like blasted across the that of some now I've been feeling it for ages really yeah just coldness on my face have you just felt it yeah only just felt did you only just feel it don't you I thought it come straight past it's weird how you just started to feel it though what was that sh did you hear that got to feel it start to feel [Music] it someone just said sh yes maybe because it's kids are better than now yeah true true [Music] what what is something behind us said what happened there listen I can't make out what it is but it's definitely something behind what I'm saying [Applause] yeah nothing yeah let's just keep rolling that let's keep walking through our this is [Applause] reception this is weird [ __ ] reception there's a sink over there hey wait a minute would these be dorms could have been with like the partitions there yeah it's cheaper that's spooky man man this really eer if you guys were here now you understand the atmosphere obviously this place is like feels really on edge and intense it's not always every single location for who feels like this but there's something like feels odd about this really really odd tell you what around you kind of feel like you're being followed by some or something what really e like when you're listening there now that're quiet is this an abandoned building sound with crickets outside you can still hear the Crickets outside that is freaky in it it's mad in it because it's just like when you're abroad it's just a total different atmosphere this small power it's just like OD it's like I don't know what it is I don't like the feeling you don't like the feeling I don't like the feelingly if it's dead omn is it yeah you don't know what to expect I've got a lot of anxiety going on yeah it's really freaky Mano think we head [Music] upstairs okay so Ben what just happened just then don't know it was just I think he doing I forgot what we was doing what was we doing going upstairs yeah we was going upstairs and um he was getting deadcon ready that's it and I said of whisper so weird actually even weirder my camera just picked up I just seen something black all behind Ben have you really yeah I got that that's it I didn't want to go near it look like a black ball H towards the LIF there a bad energy in that yeah [ __ ] the footage [Music] quit all right so it's look back at the footage and you can see his black ball go behind Ben and from what we can see it doesn't look like a but or anything seems more transparent he's really fast just like a but that just kind of confirms you just you just heard someone say B in yeah and then that just happened behind you but you wait a minute when we walked in before it's like you you was being affected somewhere when was in here just before we went down there and come back yeah me yeah so I wonder if they relate to you because you're younger than than I maybe yeah and there would have had people in your offage at your age you might be jealous cuz I with my dad as well maybe yeah maybe maybe could be a thing let's dra some dead com walk R upstairs and see what happens okay Dead comes rolling must we go upstairs man this probably reminds me of Outlast the game slow slow creeping around yeah let's keep going man this is so freaking okay I me move careful on these floors man yeah man is so [Applause] freaky always pain feels heavy up here feel touchy yeah young young oh my God young young wow wow no way that is crazy now that is like Mega accurate right now that's doesn't get any accurate than that is it that is insane can you believe that not really but yeah just keep walking down it looks like we're going to the dorms so young who you young here hey wait a minute wait a minute I wonder if this us is a hospital what what truly truly truly she said but look there's there's a thing on the door there yeah I know yeah I say it was a hospital was this a hospital also how come you want to take us down to the end of the corridor what happened copy copy copy copy yeah what are you copying copy this come on copy that what's up the end of this corridor that was like a a home yeah do you need us to be quiet what happens when we go send the caror someone huming yeah it's it's it's it it it are you huming rest rest rest but what do we say when we come C and shush us yeah yeah yeah maybe we keeping everyone awake right now yeah stop stop stop calm stop calm calm yeah are you sleeping let keep head down see Satan is coming this waych why is that in English or yeah it's weird enough what say in French a board AO a AO a board a board aboard whoa whoa whoa what is that noise please phone a tra or something yeah can hear something outside in the distance should I say look if you're here should I do it right okay so Ben's going to put in Google Translate stop knock if you're here he just said stop again stop all right knock if you're here in French Rain r there you go who whoa what did you hear that yeah man that knocked say thank you Mery Mery put knock if you understand us where's that noise coming from should I say knock twice if you understand this yeah god what the hell man that is [ __ ] amazing that was two knocks type in type in something like um do we need to speak French knock knock twice if you needed to speak French I said knock twice if you didn't understand English okay yeah what SL was one one bang one bang is that what I mean they might be doing yes two for yes one for what was the what was the question again uh knock twice if you don't understand English English I not I think they understand it cuz I think they did One Bank yeah because they were saying we do yeah not twice if we don't yeah why ask him like should I confirm something ask him not twice if they if if you understand if you understand English that's amazing I just wish that sound in the background was gone yeah so do why because the camera is all might not be able to pick up the B the doors no that was two bangs we need to keepi that Google translate out so if we speak English to you now can you knock twice just to confirm that you do understand us no what too I do understand English yeah thank you can you knock twice so let us know if you are happy with us being here can you knock twice to let us know if you are unhappy with us being [Music] here tce [ __ ] man we don't come with any disrespect we only come with love and light whoa what the did you hear that was was that was like a growl was coming back from in there can you knock twice if you're not a nice spirit two quick knocks two quick knocks is there something evil here can you knock twice to let us know there you go there twice twice are you evil not twice if you're the evil one he walking downstairs you can hear walking downstairs I think so is it something else that's evil here can you knock twice why is it stopped I don't know going turn that camera for a sec all right you you're clearly you're clearly corresponding with us and you're answering our questions can you do something significant can you make a loud knock use our energy was was I feel really shaky now all of a sudden you my energy being drawn away from it it's the fact that it's an intelligent Spirit yeah which makes it even scarier yeah because um probably young with a lot of energy it's not a residual energy it's a it's a get out [ __ ] out energy yeah and they're answering us yeah clearly answering us intelligent spirit so mad it's insane if you're that intelligent you need to do something for us that um move a door slam a door do you think the thing we should been speaking to is the black anomaly that went Ben the the um said Ben's name don't I get your attention ask in French yeah ask ask get to knock again they seem to like it in French weird that but this also proves a point because we just asked it both in French and obviously English did they understand it and it's confirmed obviously it understands whether that's because it's like you know they generally understand English anyway or is because when you die which has been confirmed that it is you know the universal language anything just as one I understand anything yeah so I'm put not closer if you're here make yourself known to us yeah that was quite close the one knock and obviously you said knock yeah so it's right here man that was close yeah I'm going to turn this device on my pocket and I want you to speak into it and tell us about yourself it's not going to hurt you where did that go oh man that sounds like whistling some whistling guys all right let's let's move a little bit down there I want to try to get away from this this background sound okay let's box we got oh my God he just said get out get out get out oh [ __ ] get out oh my God sh [ __ ] Shivers get out [ __ ] straight away oh my God my face is going to like tingly oh my god get that is [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] hell was that did you hear that yeah something just said something next to us okay so we just moved into a more quiet room listen to this again yeah should be able to Doer get out get out I can hear it here holy [ __ ] know I'm wondering why is there two doors yeah why is there two do so weird what's is the rest of the HK on get back quiet what was that yeah yeah be quiet be quiet yeah okay that wi is the be Qui yeah yeah get [Music] out get out holy [ __ ] that's not nice get out made that's insane right right wait a minute wait a minute so so wait a minute what what have you just found about this place right so apparently um there was a woman that lived there like hundreds of years ago um and she was murdered like she was like stabbed in the chest but like app a whole a bunch of men ambushed her over money no way um yeah and she was murdered on those grounds apparently she's supposed to haunt the grounds and all the men that did it got away with murder basically w oh sh no way yeah yeah that crazy said there was not nice spirits here and that was definitely a man that said get out yeah we had a man that's a g on EVP oh my God yes no honestly just be careful yeah careful there tonight definitely [ __ ] sh so at least we've got something to go off now yeah yeah definitely 100% yeah and I sent you I sent you a picture of her as well did you get that we're looking at right now funny enough they not there's no name for her though there was no name there but people have seen her and apparently when you see her you he like blowed on her chest from being stabbed and stuff come on yeah messed up you really weird downstairs bot looks like I seen black blood on the floor what yeah yeah yeah H yeah man yeah it's a creepy story now that is creepy is C Well Creepy and what do you know her name no no name no there's no name there's no name it's really weird let's try let's try and find about known like the great lady so she must have been very wealthy like obviously she was killed for money and [ __ ] so Ro okay the great lady yeah we ask for her see if we can get her on Spirit BRS okay so I'll put this on low yeah cuz we've heard that the owner likes to come and shoot people up in this place so yeah we're going to uh keep it something low but last for the woman the great lady here he's Russian he's I don't know it's a great lady [Music] here body bloody what blood [ __ ] Mo fuckor don't go who's the [Applause] woman smile what happened to the woman that was like a door opening on the Spirit Box yeah yeah yeah did you hear that I feel really on edge all of a sudden on edge re was that got [Music] te who's the great [Music] lady yeah yeah yeah who's the great lady tell [Music] us why why would she killed for money for money for money for money she just told for money she just told us that she she was murdered for money yeah were the men ever call for killing [Music] her were the men of a call yes how many was there eight who me I just seen a [ __ ] white shadow go go the side of you on the on the wall meate [ __ ] mate if it feels cold there all of a sudden feel this feel this he my face yeah yeah M I've Just Seen A white [ __ ] thing go past here M I wonder if it's a woman down I wonder if it's a woman wonder if it's a woman it could be cuz she said to be SE seen like in white with with blood in her chest was that the woman just then I just see he need to get out he need to get out you've been warned you've been [Music] warned you think we just seen the [Music] woman tell you what I'm going to do I'm going to take a couple P rides there now yeah we just seen the woman roll some vm5 yes just seen the lady the ladies here can you come towards us show yourself or if there's any children here set his device off on the floor you can play with it and throw it it's fun it won't hurt you or maybe whoever tolds to get out going to affect it or touch it in anyway this device over here on the floor you do that now that just fing last you a quick it was a quick great or that the great lady we don't know your name can you say your name through that device that C's holding if the woman is here with us he talks this on the floor the blue lights on [Applause] from 1100s from 1100s wait a minute wait a minute wait AE there's a barel ground there as well what that be from the 1100s yeah you said ancient barrial CRS cuz this this building probably been here L about 1700 Maybe where have you gone can you do this it's weird man it's like I seen you shoot past here yeah no it's not there he G really quiet of yeah here yeah yeah moved away from I'm going to take some pictures now and if you can can you stand right in front of us you do it now it may be wise it may be wise it might be the woman wise to men yeah how they are oh yeah she probably the hates men okay so I'm going to go up another level now but I'm going to roll dark Aus just to see if we get any interaction on this I've got my pull ride on me as well so I can take pictures as we go along I can't see the first picture we just taken so I don't know if the captur anything just [ __ ] got to be careful with the lights and stuff got up into that town me it's definitely hot it's definitely Hospital you no don't me a house did you that yeah here we go here we [Music] go what's it doing same no yeah do he plays a song on [Music] this it's weird it's weird because it's similar sounding notes it's not changed yet if there's any children here can you try and play a song on this ambient stimulus High Spirit activity president's picking up on some offu here where is everyone just careful in there man cuz that's the front of the building let's go down there into Doms care for the fls man see a look you that yeah he these are like side rooms hospital rooms yeah it's weird that yeah why are you here why are you here I here I analyst who analyst do you still want to get out if you want us to get out you have to let us know you want us to get out do something belt should say belt belt yeah yeah is like you know getting smacked up with a belt they they kicked the belt then is that what happened was someone attacking you with a belt is there a child with us it's nothing coming through Just sh where have you [Music] gone nothing else is going through man I'm stimulus n he I'm stimulus n if you're still with us you knock twice that was twice H it was two knocks but it was like it was on metal can you do it on this level want you f feeling there you go one one another one two three three thank you thank youan than that's Jim M Messi ask him to knock four times four times just a confirm Us ad adopt adopt no adopt adopt what North yeah adops was that you he's not moving mate that was prominent KNX it was four times four times ask him leg I'm starting to feel this weird thing around ask it if he can touch us all come here and touch us touch touch us all move I move feeling person I move person no fing person I move person was that again [Music] [Music] now there not touches yet public public [Music] again piano once again yeah same on yeah nothing knocking on there b to try and take the phone up now ask yeah ask see what happens these notes again yeah try say knock the device in yeah just take the phone out man take I just take this my hand [Music] chaotic oh my God I is chaotic it's going chaotic right now I'm feeling it's not my hand my hand's going off Static after you said that that's going crazy me my hand feels no man my hand is feeling so weird right now that was so weird that's doing new Vibes just changing gone down to low again [Music] now that was weird it was like pins and heels in my left hand over really like really like static you only put your hand over [Music] SCH ask it to not four times just to confirm that it's still you know the person still with us right now knock down [Music] there shake shake sh a shaking no no response to asking to BS I'm here Sor I'm here rep see what happens knock out your mate I swear I swear right I swear I didn't even I didn't even drop it was in my hand I didn't I lit I just put the camera to my chest as well yeah yeah yeah the phone's just been banged out my hand H it I went to go like do that she's G out my never Dro my phone yeah two knocks are happening again now can you knock five times for us I get it up five times man one one two two 3 four one more five five knocks Madness that's crazy and you can see on my foot just everyone Stood Still no one's doing nothing insane Okay let's listen to the EVP but thing is we don't know who we're communicating with right now I know that's probably a lot of spirits in it yeah but it just seems to be this one foreigners around doing this was that let get to that five times just say okay okay no say something need to something something need I need to something follow I need to something follow listen yeah I need to something this something you [Applause] follow can't hear it there they can't hear the knocks on there now that's insane I think we move on to the stairs or something the main s just doing the EST methods Chanel whatever cuz right now we don't know communicating with it's just like whoever it is we're speaking with right now he's responding to the noock yeah I'm just hoping the IDE he's picking up yeah I hope ask it to knock two times if he's going to it's going to follow us downstairs the Le this method I was really weird and I felt my voice going really Croy over some may listen to my voice now dce twice okay com in let's go do it okay so Ben just felt like he's someone's just pushed him yeah it felt like someone's pushed me along really yeah on the back of the bag sh no way it was light lit like this I think someone just trying to interact with you man I think I think it's the age thing isn't it yeah probably it's got to be a it more than likely I'm 18 I'm an adult are we going up these stairs are we all right so I've CAU really weird on on the picture have you yeah a black shadow to the top right corner look at it it's engulfing the picture look at it oh yeah it's a it's a black shroud it's pure Blackness yeah what is that I don't know looking at that there it's a black it's a black mass on the top right corner what the in hell is that seriously what the is that but that's obviously right next to you yeah where you were stood yeah it was next to you but wait a minute I seen the woman go past you you did yeah and so you was stood on the right side here and the black mass is above you yeah so it's obviously around you as well oh great that is mad look at that man yeah that's very good state that I'm looking at this bit here insane [Applause] man you're not welcome we're not wel evil made some s on my back are you touching Carl ah yeah what's your name you bastard it's like someone shouting you bastard who's speaking is that kid's voice look around have you been the one that's been knocking on the walls for us what's that that a big knock can you affect Carl in any kind of way can you touch his hand they convince me they convince you to what Be Me Be You are you one of the children here or are you the great lady that was murdered by men a very bad man very bad man that beat him very bad man he talking about the man that murdered you someone just touch my head then are you touching car on the head can you touch his hand it was CU of me I warned you all you warned who you wanted us to leave earlier oh yeah are we the ones being warned sound like you just said [Music] nurse welcome woman's voice welcome to the woman the woman welcome oh my God [ __ ] noell no no no no no what what happened heard the most [ __ ] chronic [ __ ] ever what was it it was like someone going in my [ __ ] ear right then really did it come from the spirit no yeah it was it was it was like for it was like [ __ ] it said it was warning us and gave us warnings to leave me it was [ __ ] horrible something doesn't want us here something very evil does not want or some things but the woman seems welcoming seems like a man the woman's okay with us a man doesn't want to be but a woman's welcoming yeah I think the woman the great lady I think she's okay but did say nurse though so what was a nurseing welcome yeah what if she was a nurse maybe yeah asking it that's a good point youve seen that for 2 minutes two minutes 2 minutes like 20 [ __ ] up man so was the great lady were you a nurse was she in there the Beast the Beast the Beast are you demonic school for kids yeah it's like a school for kids you all live here did you refer to the man who beat you as a beast they killed her they killed her did you order the the murder to kill them kill her the Beast I'm talking about now an evil man on a Friday night on a Friday they killed her on a Friday night did you get people to kill this lady for her money same time go please go go why do you want us to go farewell oh if you tell us why we'll go why did you murder her for her money yeah piano piano go I told you now why mine no why do you want us to go why get called to tell us why Sho why do you want us to go is this for the television yes why does why do you want us to go we only come with love and light we only want to prove to people that you exist now can you affect car and touch him push him off the stairs please go we will go but we want you to push car I'll shoot you you shoot us I'll shoot I I'll follow you you're not allowed to follow us please go you have to stay here I'll tell us why if you tell us why you want us to go we'll go no no no no no no no right okay just [ __ ] done this on my back right it's just drained my battery down to zero how many minutes we like six six minutes it's going on forever this you got enough bch to continue yeah yeah yeah I have now yeah I just roll roll couple minutes I got 15 minutes left the fu right really yeah [ __ ] H feel [ __ ] horrible M diing okay no no what the [ __ ] man mate just grab my [ __ ] leg really mate just grabb my leg it really doesn't want to there cuz we did say effect car if you want us to go [ __ ] I'm Shak have you seen this I'm yeah yeah yeah yeah right you're scaring car now watch your back do it one more time and we'll go right we hear you we hearing you now tell us why you want us to leave that's all behind you I don't just tell us the reason just tell us the reason why you want us to go and we'll go I told you tell me again told us what welcome the demons no no no what the [ __ ] is going on what are you okay no I'm okay [ __ ] right now all right M it was like someone going up I think we should end it now 10 minutes get scared it's really [ __ ] intense I thought it was a bad idea to do with mr's method especially in here there's nothing nice in this B just okay I've told you you told us what what you back okay we oh my God what the [ __ ] was that it just said the colony what the [ __ ] is that Colony The Colony stach just [ __ ] touched my back as well oh [ __ ] it well it kind of moved that wobbled my [ __ ] that's what it keeps doing all night it's like pulling like dead dead weird yeah keeps pushing me as well me he just said the colon it in like this weird woman's distorted voice kind like you see how [ __ ] sci-fi film not joking right just like they calling me well way past 10 minutes now for the just say we're going to wrap up and see what happens just say we're going to end now we're going to go okay we're going to wrap this up now right we're going to go shoot he just said shoot it was just like shoot [ __ ] H okay we're going to go we're going to go it said last thing you want to say to us I want my money back it just said I want my money back woman's voice we we're not he you just said the [ __ ] in my [Music] voice okay we're going I told you I know but we're going now and no dad wrap it up [ __ ] blood see something down there what something black just did the whole Corridor really yeah this is got just done that weird like this I want to [ __ ] this off no stop that I was just seeing that whole Corridor go black [ __ ] that whole Corridor went black right you see how there's some light going to it yeah that whole cor went black and obviously that's what the C C on the ride we're going to go now it's not like a DT it went all black m m what the [ __ ] was that what no no no no M there was something white at the end of the corridor man man I'm [ __ ] scared man yeah I I just saw something poke out go back in again yeah the black thing yeah yeah yeah there white at the bottom was like black thing I saw something poke their head out again let's go off let's just get the [ __ ] out that's that says it in a nutshell right okay so you must stay here you're not allowed to follow thank you for speaking with us we're going to leave oh my god I've Just Seen A R right [ __ ] off where I'm opening the camera's bit that up I just see him white thing just go what God me like red it was red man we're going to leave now not all to follow thank you for speaking with us we hope the spirit's right peace I'm still scared don't let go man I black [ __ ] I don't think they want us to leave man Ser no time to go May fucku seriously no one joke this place man [ __ ] man C night that was intense come on let's go mom Jesus Christ man there like 4 and St behind like fooding on the floor behind us yeah [ __ ] it h the quick we get out of here the B man I agree all right we're back at the car saving sound but weird stuff is taking place right now we're back at the car but it is it's still creeping as out and we're still seeing stuff yeah so we're just seeing like a red thing just in the distance there and it was like kind of like shifted kind of like what we're just seen inside the offage just then just the same in it just the same yeah but Ben's just seeing something black go across the field as well obviously the moon's out right now and you can see all sorts of [ __ ] going on it's insane honestly I'm just hoping we're not going to get follow back now seriously it's just everything about that place is scary looking at it it's scary in it it's scary when know my voice I can't can't talk we know we near it and it's still happening I know it's bad this it's really bad I've never known it really like [Music] this [Music] [Music] [Music] hope you guys enjoy this video nonetheless if you are make sure to smash a like button drop your comments tell your thoughts and the would you as scared as we are right now cuz man I'm petrified one about we need to end this video quick time oh my God I just want to shout out members and patrons for making this video happen and uh for yeah seeing my hair go a little bit more gray and I get a little bit older so yeah thanks to you all we have got over 250 members on the channel if you want to come join the darkout TV members hit that join button support the channel get early access to videos and gun as well all the good stuff and um help support the channel and get more crazy content such as this and obviously all freaking that out and also check out datv BS and merch and helps supp the channel also also check out par boys link is in the description head over and just drop a comment and say you've come on from darkout TV and show your sport for paranormal boys as well it's been awesome trip so far man mate I've enjoyed every second of this journey yeah man it's been probably the best Journey I've had paranormal yeah it's been crazy it's been absolutely crazy it's been a mad journey and we got 3 hours Tom now so uh yeah three and a half hours so yeah we've got three hours you know that's a FS during that three hours period yeah no I don't want any company in the back blanks yeah oh man right let's get the out of it yeah so shall see you on the flip side peace [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] St
Channel: Dark Arts TV (PARANORMAL)
Views: 69,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark arts tv, ghost adventures full episodes, paranormal investigation, ghost, caught on camera, haunted, paranormal, darkarts, haunted house, dark arts tv fake, abandoned places uk, abandoned places in uk, abandoned places, everything left behind, paranormal tales, documentary, 2024, abandoned, ghost adventures 2024, orphanage, scaring, entire, internet, video
Id: IONkdMjFyNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 40sec (4480 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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