We made the BEST BOUNCE vs SNIPER build on Rounds..

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mate my gun makes such a sound when I shoot it's like TK TK TK TK you have literally got the best bounce Builder hanger I've ever seen a tunami wave of bullets towards me for 20 minutes I want to picked this so bad that's a lot of grenades oh my God oh God what am I doing what am I doing run madon Pro mate this is madon legendary difficulty mate Jesus Christ are you ready for love yes I am should to be fa Brian which one do you want to you don't have either option for the for the bullet bounces yet but I suppose all of them are sniped uh well I think I'll do fast B and I'll pick sniper you can to have bouncers you sure okay yeah you want to know something funny what I don't think I turned off Friendly Fire let's go easy W 20 ammo oh I'm tempted for the chest you know but to be honest this is good as well oh oh oh I think I'll get scavenger I love scavenger I'm getting scavenger so this is for you unfortunately exactly yeah I just steal it like I guess I'll go with attack speed here yeah oh yeah you can pick it if okay oh I have to pick that straight away that's that's that's so strong I didn't even I didn't even know this card so how are you I didn't have never seen that in my life I've pretty sure I've seen it before but there's one in vanilla that's basically this card and uh I was thinking of that and I was leaving it on so why do I why do I feel it were both really small well not but it feels like we might be yeah you know what I kind of agree even the info stuff is kind of uh off to the side one one more a hey just kill myself yep oh they I was I died down there I'm gaming today no I think I might take this 25 ammo for for for a quarter that's not bad I'm taking that I think you're now just going to be one shot though um it's going to get to the point where I'll always be one shot oh [Music] no me boxes man yes I got the health back as well me boxes here we go this is my kind of map now this is not the job so get him boys get him oh oh more ammo just a wave coming Jesus Christ oh my God how many boun do you have BR there was only five there threes there's going to be lots mate there's going to be lots no scope there you go mate yeah but spread bro I'm not having spread that's I'm not having Spread spread might make it even though I no wait what am I saying sorry what do you mean do you just see what you done yeah never never mind never mind a tsunami wave of bullets towards me for 20 minutes what do you mean steady shot is like literally the opposite of no scope steady stay back stay back I say stay back stay back thank you thank you for staying back come on come get me sir come on man oh hold on I'm going to shot your yes everyone's he's coming back boys it was I was so calculated to the last two shots a it's fine it's fine it's fine if anyone one does what it's like to play games with Brian that round right there is what it's like to play games with Bri like if I get rid of it something something good might come up though feel like I've seen this a few times now and I also think if it does work it would actually be very good for a bouncing bullets class right cuz like then I get time to dodge the bullets I'm going to pick it definitely feel like we're a bit smaller now you know I think you're right I do bro oh wa Jesus Christ what happened what happened why am I tapped Out mate what the hell was that maybe I did I go be on the edge of the screen what the hell let's try that again no I click here no oh kill himself there here mate got [Music] him here we go stay there Brian staying here oh no no no no no no no no how am I alive yes no bro literally all them bullets literally bro all I need to do is just try be Neo man just need one bullet mate titer angle oh here we go here we go here we go oh God getting take hey Stevie hey Stevie just got to get the right bounce mate oh what shot come on I can't go anywhere come on Steve where you going oh no you don't oh oh no you don't no you don't no you don't I killed myself Shake man oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah 100% I'm glad I got this before you did and you oh I'm glad I got this before you did mate I'm getting this I'm getting this so righted are they growing looks like they're growing yeah they are nice nice oh they hurt they actually hurt as back baby yeah yeah yeah Hur mate I mean I blocked but it's all right mate my gun makes such a sound when I shoot I like Tonk TK TK TK let me TK with up oh I survived I didn't survive that one no no no oh oh my God this is ridiculous yeah I don't think we have the health for that five times my damage but at 10 times yours I know yeah yeah I don't think I need that I don't know though it might come up I mean you one hit me and I'll one hit you for like exactly yeah yeah 12 rounds add Dazzle effect I think I want that does it add does it add to my bullets though it doesn't actually state it does to my bullets I mean no no I need I need time the faster My Bullets travel the more likely I'm going to kill myself I'm going to pick this um I don't want to be here oh you're lucky I'm so bad at this video game the tiny the tiny little threaded needle it came through unbelievable uh-oh oh a Stevie I was following me Bullet here we go oh I can't take those chances which one which one which one half their speed when they bounce I mean it's good but I'll go I'll come back to it I'll come back to it oh dear oh dear that's unpredictable okay right back to back to business oh no oh no I don't like this map come on one more I'm really bad at the game I'm really bad at the game right on bullets do your thing sick thank you oh no oh that one's coming back o here we go here we go came back oh I just need to find the right spot on each map mate and have fun with it I think this will work well I'd say yeah you jump you and I I'm jumping I'm jumping to avoid your bullets every like my space ball just get abused in this I am also already one one shot not not really you're on 2 Hp now I'm pretty sure you shot I do I have 75 Health how much damage do you do 55 no 110 when I jump what a shot let's do it again all right sometimes yeah hope you enjoy um I'm probably killing myself I nearly killed myself hide yes no bro these bullets oh I like that bit of movement speed for the boy you know me Brian I love a movement speed rather you do I know you do you movement speed SL get out of here what the hell I do not like this map that map is not for me dude no it kind was not for me I didn't really think it was for me either though to be to be frank let's just uh move this who is Frank he's a slag get him boys I was looking at the one that went to you that's V time to know exactly the way I thought it would yeah it's a bit more even than I thought it would be at the start though oh no you know what as soon as I get a bit of spray mate it's going to hurt oh man that was tidy what the hell is that black hole bombs I want to pick this so bad don't know what it does I've never seen it before can you say the cards I got in this selection are ridiculous by the way yeah what the hell I'm I got mythical legendary and Galactic could pick this and ruin everything I don't know what it could be you can pick it if you want to be honest mate no no I really want pick this bro I'm picking this go on go for it yeah I don't know I've never seen it before I don't know what it does all right give us a shot oh that's kind of [Music] cool that's vious me you to be accurate let's go that actually makes a big difference though to the whole black ho thing or to the sniper thing that's so good you can only die from a particularly powerful blow I might pick that go on I'm doing it oh no I don't want to reload at the minute yeah go on no I had one good round I did know only 38 HP mate oh what is this oh I'm staying away from that mate just pull my bullets in I thought I might yes bro I hit you and you immediately have full health you're 40 regen at 38 HP let's have a look give us a shot see if kill kill you h a [ __ ] sake mate I have I have a strat then can this m believe no kill for me let's go yes yes let's give a shot so I didn't even get to see him one more one more one more [Laughter] more yes bro I was I was too bro I lean back in my chair laughing D I don't even see that m i where can I even shoot to [ __ ] try this thing yeah stay up there stay up there one sec is this going to come down top of me no okay all right let's have a look that's the most undramatic explosion I think I've ever seen tidy mate I hate that they bounce it back up off the walls oh M you could have if you picked the other no scope thing you could have picked that that one got no spread yeah but I would have had spread for 12 rounds it would have been awful yeah true the longer you go without blocking damage M that's insane for you that's literally just 3x damage good luck yeah up to 3x damage scales that's a lot of grenades oh my God spray I want spray I want spray give it to me now give it to me now wait hold on what am I doing oh God what am I doing what am I doing run I would need move well you know you know like the last mission of Halo Reach where it just says objective survive that's all I'm doing me time detonation perfect map to try it out on f sake for God's sake I'm always CAU between paying attention to what you're doing and what I'm doing Jesus Christ God sake I Brian I couldn't tell you how I lived I I don't know how I lived that I had five you're choking me you're joking me mate it's just gifted me what I want this is insane bullet speed on Bounce bullet speed on Bounce I'm so heartbroken right now uh holy [ __ ] holy they are [ __ ] that's fast wow wow wow wow wow I'm glad I didn't pick Ricochet now oh my god oh no man I just need to be careful I need to be careful I need to be careful I Ted out again what the [ __ ] mate I swear to God is it when I click here yeah it is okay I click [ __ ] I click off the screen and that's what doing it to me Jackson CAU that I think I'll pick this I think it's the least bad of all these 30% bullet size though the damage it doesn't [Music] matter okay okay all right all right this is madon pro mate this is madon legendary difficulty mate oh my God I got no chance I really want to pick this cuz that's very sniper esque but true but there's no way there's no way you can come back to it later maybe so I'm thinking this okay this one's a bit difficult mate no that was a mistake I'm dead no not yet oh yeah shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot oh de uh I don't want to be here let's go that was in a bad spot there oh more bounces it's destructible box on a hit with a cool down of half a seconds what what the small trap when they L what bro the bounce cards you're getting are ridiculous it's crazy that knows I'm on a thing our dog let take your man in the in the picture you know I'm picking this yeah I need to get rid of this bullet speed prounce oh yeah no oh dear oh yeah I panicked I panicked when I got pulled into the black hole mate and I just shot around and just blew up at my feet let me out let me out let me out stop it oh you got th me the wall but you threw me into the wall this is actually tur out much better than I thought it would more bounces I do need the health something tells me you do not need more bounces we thematic mate we thematic watch this hold on hold on I'm not going to shoot you I don't believe you on all right all right let's go okay mate I wasn't even up there what the [ __ ] okay the game you know what I mean got show you gamees the [ __ ] game [Laughter] mate yeah that's what I thought all them [ __ ] grenades me up my bad I forgot when the explosion happened the grenades blew up but I guess I'm an idiot for that one those little fireworks after it mate well that's a good one little damage buff oh get out of here ah who died first who won who won who won oh where there he yes this is what I need trickster M oh man what else have we got every five no not interested give me trickster you have literally got the best bounce build i h I've ever seen that's the intro clip oh you stop oh man when I shot the game lagged out so it literally lagged you blocked my shot as well dude I'm human maybe that's why it lagged Jesus Christ what what you're joking me I I'm taking the map down with me oh no no oh mate there's there's utility in that in that black hole mate you pull me into an open space the moment you're trapped in that black hole you can't shoot either because you'll immediately kill yourself if you shoot yeah yeah I got spray me so no you didn't I did watch this watch this watch this space no what the hell is going on what's going on Friendly Fire is my worst enemy yeah go on I'm not a fan of that on Damu yep I'm still alive baby yep it's working as intended yeah man working as intended has intended mate I'm not going to lie all of these suck every single one of these suck an unfair coin St boost uh St debuff you can curse me if you want n it get rid of it it would open up I don't like this map it's like what happens if I actually got Friendly Fire turned off to begin with oh I should I didn't block like an idiot this might be the most most insane build I've ever made to be honest yeah a mate do some 360s gun parts there you go yeah that's sniper esque that's actually that's actually what I'm going to that's the best option but now it's a small magazine magazine I don't know how you're living this even with your blocks cuz I'm blocking eight times in quick succession oh you sneaky bastard mate I'm going to blame that one on the P okay well you blocked me there I think I blocked that back into there Jackson kill it um wooden stock mate the sniper more ammo it's more ammo I'll pack it oh my God maybe I died oh my God me how did you live how did you live bro I learned to block I learned the ways Le this way mate okay off that's about rude you're on like the last half Point man if I if I can make it to you I uh we'll count that as a dub oh I'm dead I'm dead yeah I killed myself didn't I yes [ __ ] now we're not done here what do you mean um I might pick that you know no I don't I'm picking it because is chunky as funky me that's why they call me Big Boy Bri nobody calls you that you don't know that oh my God I'm I think you are yeah you are I was to your views bro you're 55 they know it we all do at least make it believable I mean 55 I guess is a little believable 55 is very believable oh God I killed myself didn't I don't I hope so yep yes sir I don't reload damage growth might be cool though reset range is that a good idea that might [ __ ] with something I'm not thinking about yeah I might not do that all right go combine I shouldn't have blocked I'm going to wait here until I block again oh my God look at the size of my black hoes man yeah they're huge now that'll do surely I did not die I didn't good getting the [ __ ] tonsils checked look at all the grenades Jesus chist oh man it's actually so stupid you sir are too big you're a monster Slayer meate in real life yes but this is what I need right here you want to be fast I mean okay I want to be hella fast man's rapid got got them oh God got them lanky legs you know I do to be fair yeah Jesus yes sir man how am I dying from so far away I shot three bullets there what is this m shooting here are you are you joking there we're good met you're rapid what me the round didn't even start I was clicking like mad that's that's P me SP no way I'm outraged I am outraged stimulant mate This Boy's on stimulant he's doping mate where's your 115 Chargers that is outrageous no I'm like I'm Forest mate I've already been deducted seven points I [ __ ] dedu ducked you straight out of this [ __ ] game in a minute mate it was outrageous by you want to deduct from me a tax deduction you're probably right mate tax deduction that's a good one thank you oh I missed you the bouncing is ridiculous oh that's blocks that boun I am going to yeah I think that would be good that's not like you got to Fight Fire with Fire or what I'm doing right yeah yeah yeah it's kind of why I'm thinking you can do that I've got more blocks for now baby love when a Good Foundations get put in place oh man it's [ __ ] ridiculous friendly drones follow you around and damage enemies DPS equals 200% of your current damage are you joking me I'm piing this go on you may as well I'm piing this some people might say it's not realistic but I would like to say to you have you ever seen a sniper with a drone if you haven't time to wake up bu I want to see what they do come here to me just jump down I'm trying I promise oh on the perimeter on the edge they hurt okay all right back to game back the game I was just going to let you kill me and make it even oh okay cheers that's very very polite of you mate I'm a polite guy why did I do it I regret my action yeah bullet Slinger minor improvements to all bullet stats one bullet bounce I like this what's that automatically automatically blocks before taking damage if block is ready if block is ready that's so good actually you don't have to block anymore yeah exactly if there's one thing I'm horrendous at it's blocking that's better than the auto block oh man did I block I did block oh God he ran away this cheeky bastard did I make it away holy [ __ ] it's a m what's tml shoots pairs of bus that ignore what gravity and travel in a straight line I thought it wasn't sure if there's another L word after two exam was not bad attack speed you don't really suffer from that do cuz I can't shoot that fast that's what attack speed is cuz I know all of the comments on the last video was having a go at you for not knowing the difference between attack speed and I literally corrected myself in that video I don't know why I was getting such views actually I looked at the com like half of them was 8 after 828 million hours you know the differ I swear I corrected myself I know I made the mistake but then I was like oh no it's reload speed I really need or whatever it is the opposite of what I did in the end or said in the end even I'll stay well away from that thank you no damage damage boost oh that was a mistake I just killed myself I'm so dead all right common common dub I think I died there yeah I did I actually did come on this is 100% the last uh last Ro to R to the win I killed myself again didn't I every time I say it Jesus Christ man nope he killed me did I I think no what Brian you broke the card selection I was thinking am I lower than I'm supposed to be no for me you're upside down you top of the screen I can't see any of the cards really oh I'm going to pick cursed ruin it's kind of the only thing there that I didn't mind picking oh I and tab back in I think right Stevie you [ __ ] dog yet I think you got me to be honest I did I did come on all right that should be it I'm alive I think I already died you're choking me yep I hey it's still going I can see the [ __ ] that's crazy all right fine GG's GG's M GG's stop it die die I did not mean to pet myself you're killing yourself bro so you know you don't need to okay okay th stop kill him faster I'm I'm juggling I'm dribbling baby why are you getting so many of these BL what how you
Channel: Phunix
Views: 66,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rounds, rounds phunix, rounds game, rounds funny moments, round funny video, rounds funny, phunix, rounds bounce build, rounds best mods
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 55sec (1615 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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