We Made SANGRIA! Mexican Fermented Sangria

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today we are going to make the impossible for a long time people have been asking us to make Sangria okay now sangria is really just red wine with fruit and juices and stuff added to it so it's not really so much that you would ferment a sangria you would take a red wine and add these things to it so I never thought of it as something that we should make so because we can't actually make a sangria sangria and go with it we'll get up a notch We're not gonna make humdrum sangria no we're going to make a Mexican styled sangria and that's got a little extra something that you'll just have to wait to the end to find out what that is okay so there you've been told all right we are using a little big mouth bubbler if you don't know where to get these Northern Brewer has them um they are not a gun um the link is direct to Northern Brewer we don't get anything for it just so you know so if you want to buy anything else and you want to help support the channel the links to all the stuff that goes to Amazon helps us out a little bit at no extra cost to you but the Northern Brewer this is just such a great product that we put links to it anyway okay so we wrote up this whole thing both of our brains and it turned out to be much much much much much much simpler than we ever thought it was going to be so what are we going to start with or B our base is this what is this grape juice we're making a grape wine after all the ingredients in this is filtered water grape juice concentrate and ascorbic acid also known as Vitamin C now normally the ascorbic acid like in apple juice puts me off a little bit I like to get ones that don't have it but try finding a grape juice that doesn't have it really really difficult to do first thing I want to do is shake this up actually the first thing I want to do is open it because that way I get a little air in there so I can shake it up these are sterilized there's no reason to worry about the purity of the juice itself unless the bottle's puffed out because it was sitting outside for like an hour and a half you know a month and a half or something but don't do that okay you want to shake it up and get all the goop off the bottom that's good stuff now before we dump that into here we're going to dump that into there and why is that because I'm gonna be glass we're going to take a reading so the reason being is that math is a thing and we did the math and the math didn't work for us so now we're going to double check our math by doing gravity reading math which I added up all the sugars in the bottles and it came out to like 2.8 pounds and I thought that's a lot of sugar so I didn't really believe those numbers are you ready do you have a stabilize I have a stabilized okay so this is a little higher than your typical it's a 1.064 so let me um get out the calculator the teacher said I would never have handy and if this was to go dry that's 8.6 percent now because of something nine through twelves it's because of something that we're going to do later on that's just not that important and we know that it'll go dry so that's the key okay so initially I had thought we were going to have to add sugar to this I don't think I'm going to and that changes something that we actually had in the recipe already and let's just talk about it we were going to use say fail so4 yeast in this which I know you are at home going what the heck guys that's an ale yeast and you are right but the reason why we're selecting that is because of the specific low alcohol tolerance because I was going to let this stay a little sweet but instead I think we'll just back sweeten we'll we'll go that round and that's one of the things that's really cool about home brewing is that things change along the way dealing with it you know work with it move forward now that said this is Publix brand grape juice and if you don't live in one of the multitude of states where a Publix is available to you you might not be able to get this exact type of grape juice so therefore the step that we did initially where we took a gravity reading is going to be really important for you to try to recreate this recipe okay next we're just going to put all the roaches in could we add some sugar to this to sweeten it yes but here's the thing if we add sugar to this all we're doing is raising the alcohol and adding adding some more difficulty for the yeast to work through we're not adding any extra flavor and by now some of you have probably figured out what the last step is going to be and why we don't care so don't say anything in the description below or the comment section well it won't matter you can't say it it'll be the entire yeah it'll be all in one video anyway so you can't do that anyway just keep watching it's one of those days okay [Applause] oh guess what you know I just realized why my math was off for the amount of sugar you didn't open that yet did you I did open this one I didn't know it's because I was going off the premise that each of these is 32 ounces they are 64 ounces so we already have a gallon with just two Okay so now we have two more grape juices guess what we're making wine in another video okay so this is a grape wine that's going to have some flavors added and those flavors are going to be orange zest lime zest and lemon zest now why are we using the zest rather than the juice we have found that the juice first is going to have to ferment along with it and it doesn't seem to add as much nice fruity flavors as the uh the zest does because if you think back to our orange cranberry wine right if you didn't watch that go watch it it was amazing we only used okay whatever it was we only used orange zest in it and Orange Blossom honey but the honey has such a tiny amount but the zest added this intense orange flavor that was pure orange flavor it's those essential oils they're coming out really add the flavors and that's what we want to do here we could just float some fruit in there but it'll take longer has a chance of molding a lot more chance of mold and it won't add as much flavor we'd have to add so much fruit to get the same amount of flavor from just one lemon one lime and one orange worth of zest so while we're zesting all of our fruit we're gonna go ahead and put the lid on this just so that we don't inadvertently contaminate our root we're also going to look up some yeasts figure out which one we're going to use also I'd like to point something out I just handed Derek a whole bunch of stuff to put back into a thing that's over there because everything that we're using has been sanitized in and Tauros so we talk about our red bucket of sanitization a lot but it gets very little screen time and why is that because it's a big red bucket takes up a lot of real estate so that's why it lives over here on the Shelf off of the camera but it's real it's here it's a big red tub there we go normally when it comes to zesting I have an actual zester that just takes a long time so instead I'm just going to use a regular vegetable peeler and I'm literally just trying to get the very outside of the peel I don't want any of the pith okay that's the gist and just like that and I want a whole lemon a whole lime and a whole orange I'm going to take a little while I'll be back when I'm done okay so I have my three fruits peeled and we may be getting a visit from the pith police because that orange is like the kind that peels really easy so some pith there's like one piece and maybe a little bit right there but for the most part it's pithless so yes we could put this in a bag I'm not gonna now these are really big pieces if I had done the little fringy thing with the then maybe it's more worthwhile but with these it's just not that important half of it'll sink to the bottom anyway no big deal let me get this out of the way all right just because we're gonna put some more stuff in here that's right I said just like that why or may not have a significant benefit to this well the first one is wine tan now wine tannin is going to create a significant benefit to this because it's going to give us some tannins which we don't have in here because we use grape juice rather than actual full grapes if we have used actual full grapes with their skins and their seeds and even the new stems we would have tans in there and a lot of wines are Oak Aged too so I'm going to use half teaspoon of wine tin it just kind of speeds the process if you prefer to use um like a cup of tea or something totally can do that it's going to just very similar by the way I found out something about our wine tan and I've been saying that it's from ground up chestnuts it's actually not this is actually Oak essence okay right there so it's probably like ground up Oak so very much the idea that this is going to make it taste kind of like it's been Oak Aged a little bit I wouldn't depend on that too much but it does add the tannic aspect now the next thing we're going to add is pectic enzyme now pectic enzyme is an optional ingredient because we don't know exactly how much pectin is in our particular grape juice but for clearing sensibilities which this is going to be so dark it's probably not going to be really necessary do you have to no will it still work yes so you're seeing that this can be very very simple you don't have to add much of this stuff at all but the next ingredient is kind of our insurance and this makes sure that the yeast are as happy as possible so that they won't stress out and that is made oh also known as yeast nutrient right now the O is for organic so that means that all the ingredients in the fermade O are organically derived therefore we don't have any weirdness that are gonna make us go what I used two grams a little bit of water pump it in this basically what that does is it make sure that there is a good source of food for the yeast so that they don't stress exactly we were originally going to use uso4 yeast and that's when we were going to kind of depend on leaving some residual Sweetness in the Brew by surpassing the alcohol tolerance and it was a good idea but not a perfect idea once I saw the lower sugars in the juices and realized what we're going to do later on anyway it really didn't make any sense to artificially inflate the sugars without adding more flavor yeah to artificially inflate the alcohol without adding more flavors what I actually meant to say so we changed our prayer dude what's he get and he has a toy so we changed our priorities and thus changed our yeast and we knew what did we want from this Brew we wanted it to be a really deep dark Rich color and flavor therefore we wanted to make sure that we preserve the color and we want to make sure we preserved the tannins which led us to this new yeast Choice which is Premier classic by red star however it is not a terrible packet it actually keep scissors nearby now just when we use Red Star Yeast how much am I going to use the whole thing any buddy please stop where she got pied nothing oh he's got his Mouse okay all right why am I going to use the whole packet well here's the thing we have found that using the whole package versus the prescribed amount tends to let them start up a little sooner and they work more efficiently as a fermentation now don't take that as if you're making five gallons you need to use five packets you don't one packet is still enough for five gallons there's been some tests done a couple YouTubers did it where they added as much yeast as was necessary to be too much and it was basically like half the fermenter of yeast before it became a problem so you really can't add too much I mean you can but it's like so ridiculous to do so so don't do that put a whole packet in a gallon is totally fine to do is it a little bit wasteful yeah and if you hear anybody screaming in the background that's Indigo he found a toy and he's playing it's one of our cats I am however going to just take the mini whisk and whisk that in a little bit I normally don't but because I had the Whisk here I'm gonna do it so we already have our reading I am because we didn't add any more dishes I added the juice a teaspoon of water it if that changed it by much I'd be surprised so do we have our reading on our notes I do all right so what are we going to do with this now we're gonna put a lid on it putting a ring on it kind of and then what are we gonna do with it we're gonna let it sit probably a couple weeks let this ferment out and we'll be back to show you what it looks like then okay so it's been exactly seven days and well the airlock looks to be pretty inactive not that that means it's done just means it's time to take a look at it see if it's still going see if it's close to finishing now did you swirl this one on and off we've had the reason why I asked that is because we've had a lot of people really concerned about the swirl and here's the truth about the swirl it's it's really only something to do if you feel like messing with your Brew it's not necessary well only if you have like lots of floating stuff in there like fruits and stuff it's a good idea most of our floating stuff isn't really floating very much it's kind of like just below the surface it's fairly well submerged so we have nothing it smells absolutely nothing untoward going on in here oh yeah the olfactory and all Optical inspection it passed flying colors it's good and this is its first reading I'm just gonna get down in there and take a sample see it's it's not even clearing yet now keep in mind this may not be done this is why we take a reading we wait a week we take another reading to see does it change is it stalled is it finished uh we might be done it well it we're still gonna wait a week yeah but but it looks like it went dry which is the expectation that started it uh 1.064 so it was actually pretty low and that's something I'd like to point out now if you watch once though you will find that our older stuff we tended to do the math as it were and to pre-estimate where we wanted our sweetness level to and to add additional sugars beyond our yeast tolerance we don't do that now anymore we tend to let it go dry and then at that point determine what our sweetness level may be because we've found that some things we actually prefer dry and some things we prefer sweets so that way we have more control right this one however is at 0.994 so it's probably done it started at 1.064 so it's on the lower side but we are still going to give it another week and check it again just to be on the safe side and because we made that rule so we're going to follow it too the reason being is that 1.000 is the gravity of water but alcohol is less dense than water so it can go as it has below that 1.000 Mark and therefore depending on how much alcohol is in here it can go even farther than what it is at this moment and Brian is illustrating that every last drop is sacred every drop is sacred yes foreign [Applause] the lid with the airlock that sounded violent violence is the answer now when it comes to plastic Lids okay I think that's on there pretty good and I took a note that you know we checked the gravity reading and we're going to put this back in the fermentation station and we'll see you in a week all right so another week has gone by airlock activity is still nothing oh we did our primary reading already and that was on there good we did our primary reading already now it's time to take the second reading which I mean the first one was 0.994 we're pretty sure it's done um just you know consistency it will set you free the olfactory and Optical assessment that smells amazing got a good color too starting to clear and we're floating 0.994 as expected so I have some questions for you Ryan I know we want to Rack this at this point but now we're going into conditioning or secondary phase depending on how you want to call it and we know we want to add some things to this rather than wait for this to clear there really isn't any point if we're going to be oh no you would you would add add some of those things right in conditioning right so do you think this volume is adequate for a wide mouth one gallon no I think we want uh oh because you want to add yeah but we've put cinnamon in the regular size that's true that's true okay no I think we have enough for the the other one um when we do fortify it though we're going to put it back into one of these yep because we're gonna end up with a little bit more so yeah let's put some cinnamon but we're going to Rack it first to a white a narrow mouth picture and then we'll add some cinnamon so be right back racking simply means moving from one vessel to another we use an auto siphon to do it we actually have a video on racking that explains everything so for this one we're just gonna fast forward it's racked we had some discussion on synonym minimum and normally we use like one of these for like a month so I decided to go with two because this is probably gonna be a little bit shorter but we do have something else coming still so we could leave them in a bit longer but I think two of these for a week is probably going to give us what we're looking for and I literally just dropped them right in now the reason why we're adding the cinnamon now at this point without any other additions even though we totally intend on adding more additions is because cinnamon as a spice can quickly overpower or Brew so we want to be able to keep a track on this and go okay we're done with the cinnamon and be able to wrap it off the cinnamon and then continue with our auditions in other words we're keeping the cinnamon independent of the other flavors and that way it won't have any impact on other steps that we take and it didn't have any impact on the fermentation we need an airlock but now yeah all right now put an airlock and a bung back in it two cinnamon sticks on my notes stick my notes back on the fermenter and what are we gonna do with it now okay that's it like a week or so we'll be back then to show you what it tastes like all right so how long have we had these in there about two weeks you hear the ding that means it's tasting time by these she means the cinnamon sticks that I threw in there so we want to see does it have enough cinnamon flavor to be ready to be wrapped I don't detect it in the smell Grant I've been having a little bit of an off day today so you do it's very subtle but it's there it's more in the flavor that isn't it personally I think it can have more and it's gonna need more oh wait no we're doing the thing with the stuff yeah yeah we can let this sit some more I think yeah I don't think it's quite ready yet it needs more time all right so cinnamon sticks have been in there for about three weeks I'm gonna call it I think we're good so what we're going to do is um the next phase which includes racking to a pitcher now since we've racked this once already I'm going to take the cap off the bottom because we can go pretty much to the bottom I think but we can't see anything in there it's mildly concerning dark and mysterious yeah well we're gonna take the chance but if you've watched this far you've seen us rack something already so yeah we already started it we'll see when it's done so now that we've racked it we are sitting at 124 ounces which is 3300 milliliters let me take a note on that because I'm going to need it later and I'm coming to a conclusion we're going to be fortifying which means adding more liquid to this but we also want to fortify past our yeast alcohol tolerance but we also probably want to back sweeten this which means we're going to be adding a bunch of stuff which means this pitcher is no longer large enough so we're going to transfer it to a little big mouth Butler because it's just a little bit bigger okay and now it's in this container we wrapped it but anyway so what we have is 124 ounces of the sangria and that's important for a Reason by the way if you hear any extraneous noises Rascal our youngest is running all over the place just jumping on everything it's his time of day to play I don't know but what we want to do is fortify this now fortifying simply means to add a neutral or distilled Spirit of some kind to a brew raising the alcohol level altering the flavor and usually stopping fermentation because you want to pass the yeast tolerance now the yeast we used has a 13 alcohol tolerance if you don't know what that means what it means is yeast have a certain tolerance level for how much alcohol they can swim in okay before they just go nope I am done this one happens to be 13 right now we're looking at 9.45 percent so I'm not going to get into the complex math but what I like to do is in this one I'm going to use a 5 to 1 ratio which means or four to one yeah four parts of our sangria to one part of the alcohol now our alcohol is going to be made up of two things but that's another and that's because I did some research now as many of you know sangria actually isn't a brewed beverage so it's just simply red wine with stuff added to it so I wanted it to be a Mexican style sangria and when I looked ingredients up for that I found that typically that style is fortified with a higher proof alcohol Beyond just the wine and two of the top contenders for that were Brandy one of Brian's favorite and one of my favorite cuandro now let me explain a little bit about the fortification process what I do is a very simple way there are formulas online that you can do this with but if we have 124 ounces of this right and I said four to one that means for every four parts of sangria wine we're going to add one part of spirit right so 124 divided by 4 gives us 31. so that means we need a grand total of 31 ounces of Brandy and Cointreau together so I'm just going to do 15 and a half ounces of each very simple let me write that down before I forget and that's why we have this measuring cup all right so where's our Brandy where's our Cointreau I should put them over here we bought this bottle of brandy specifically for making this sangria and Brian hasn't been feeling very well so medicinal Brandy so it's almost two cups so I'm just gonna go you know a little bit below the two cups oh wait ounces are on the other side of bounces right there but it says 16 line 12. so 15 and a half yeah it's gonna be closer there yeah it's all very scientific as you can tell we're shooting for something like a almost a 16 ABV at the end so it's not going to be super fortified it's fortified enough to not allow any further fermentation to happen and add a little kick to it using up all my Brandy let me go all the way to 16 on both if you want we could yeah let's just do that it's a little bit more so it'll be like 16 16 and a half percent somewhere in that range yep just to make sure that we don't get any re-fermentation foreign ly after we do this we want to leave it in here under airlock just to make sure that no further fermentation happens we're going to give you a tasting though [Music] there's no good way to do this can you help me please just have to go fast all right so that was the Brandy now is the Cointreau and again 16 ounces of the Cointreau as well and the Cointreau is going to add a nice fruity sweetness and that's why we want to try backswinging afterwards we might not even need that much because there's a lot of sugar in Cointreau already Brandi has an inherent sweetness but Cointreau has sugar and again 16 ounces we're just going with the easy numbers so if your Brew ends up anything close to a full gallon just do 16 ounces of each and you're fine all right lean it again gotta just go for it okay I would like to mix this up all right I need to get you a spoon I will go get a spoon sanitize spoon gently mix just want to combine it so we get the full effect of the flavors do you want the base search I want the baster to try to take the tasting sample out yeah I could just dip the glass in there but you know might not be so sanitary don't do that I'm kidding so the next step is we're going to do a taste and this is just a how is it coming along type of taste and does it need any back sweetening wow very very strong on the scent hmm wow that's pretty good yeah I don't feel like it needs any backswing I think it does okay not a tremendous amount but it does need some a little bit yeah now it's going to be difficult to get a final gravity on this so yeah uh We're Not Gonna even bother yeah it's gonna be sweet to taste because here's the thing the gravities are all messed up now because of the alcohol I mean I could take one now and then take one after I guess but well you could use a measuring cup and at least give them that information okay I'll do that yeah okay I'm just going to use a half cup at a time for the measurement figure half cup might be a good starting point we might only need a half cup we might need a full cup not sure and we're using white sugar because we don't want to change the flavor we just want to add sweetness and white sugar has been our go-to for a neutral just sweetness addition right sweetness tends to kick flavors up and also somebody's going to ask me did we sanitize the half cup measure no we didn't we didn't sanitize the sugar granules either so but the reason why I'm not is because the sugar will just stick to it it won't actually let you pour it the risk of infection is so infinitesimally small that I don't even consider a concern especially since we're now at like 16 point something percent alcohol and mixing carefully so as to not oxygenate it is something to be be aware of but don't like freak out that you can't mix or you can't stir or you can't leave the lid off or anything like that a lot of I've had people that were terrified to take a reading because then you want to take the lid off I'm like no you can totally take the lid off just don't like shake it up when I hit the lid off you know downside to using sugar this way it takes a while to mix now I could take some of the Brew out put it into a bowl mix it up with the sugar and put it back in I could certainly do that if I was to do that with water now I'm diluting it now changing the chemistry again so you want to be careful um it's to me it's just as easy I'm in a glass container I can go down to the side and I can do a like a scrape and I can see if there's more sugar in there so that's what I'm doing right now it'll mix in this isn't cold it's you know our room temperature which is like mid 70 degrees Fahrenheit so it should mix in quite well and time for another sample whoops yeah I just oxygenated our sample oh no in six to 12 weeks or so this might have some off flavors it's not good yes not this this smells exactly the same well when you use honey it does change that's why I like to say that plus I think it's funny not everybody probably thinks that's funny but I think it's funny oh that's like candy too I don't think you need to make it any solution no no no a half cup did it okay all right so it is not extraordinarily sweet I want to point that out it's got a good sweetness but I wouldn't call that can you change those to 16 ounces anything else you'd like me to change no I think you're good thank you all right get this out of the way you may be wondering why is Jericho being so particular what these notes and many of them I kind of share with you I share with you in the description of her video so that way you know all the ingredients that we added to our Brew okay now we are going to do our full tasting on this right afterwards we're gonna bottle it and put it away we don't need to pasteurize this that's the whole point of the fortifying process is we put it past what the yeast should be able to handle it shouldn't ferment anymore at all if it does we'll let you know and there'll be a follow-up video so with that in mind we can't carbonate this either because we've gone past our yeast alcohol tolerance means they're not going to ferment anymore and natural carbonization is a mini fermentation so I just wanted to point that out in case anybody wanted to have that question I answered it for you right there okay so what we need to do then is we need the lid and an airlock but I'm going to get our samples poured first because we're going to give the full full taste test now does that make sense so we're not bottling actually I think I'd like this to meld for a while before a bottle sure me um so that way like you know anything that's going to settle out settles out maybe it'll clear up a little bit more I'll go with that but let's do our our tasting today right now all right so you might be wondering why we're talking about bottling and that kind of thing we had initially thought oh let's bottle this today too and that way you know we're we're totally done but I realized as we were going that I want to be 100 sure there's no re-fermentation going to happen let me do it there you go see violence is the answer okay um so that's the whole point why we're going to let this sit I want it to clear out a little bit because it did get a little bit cloudy from mixing things up and I want to make sure it's not going to re-ferment in any way so we're going to let this sit on the shelf for probably a week or so just to check on it that's it we're just looking for activity um it shouldn't re-ferment just your way it should not re-ferment and after that we're going to bottle it and we're going to do that all off camera so I'm going to put a link in the description below to our bottling video so that way if you need information on our bottling practices it'll be there for you right but for now let's do our uh this isn't really a final tasting the final tasting to me is really the one year right but this is like a preliminary final tasting it's the end of Brewing tasting there you go EOB tasting there we go so today it's slightly on the Cloudy side it's it's like opaque yeah it's got Haze because we mixed everything up and mixed sugar into it to mix Cointreau into it yeah I mean I didn't even say the words it's got a slight Haze that may or may not go away because Cointreau itself has a little bit of a weird thickness to it that might actually prevent it from clearing but that's part of why I want it to sit on the aroma I have to give you a description there's this restaurant yes where we would get sangria and it was a really nice red wine with fruit chunks floating in it with a dusting of cinnamon Over the Top This smells exactly like that like that yes I mean exactly the fruit I am transported to Miguel's I get the orange the lemon oh yeah it's lovely The Grape Wine the sweetness of it and then the cinnamon on top is just oh it's it's really amazing if you've never had a Sangria with a dusting of cinnamon on top literally go to any store that sells that multicolored floured sangria pour that in the glass and put just dust some cinnamon on top and you'll be 75 of the way there yeah you'll be it won't be exactly like this but it'll be close that is smooth it is sweet and viscous and there's plenty of tannic aspect let me let me take you on a trip with this one this is a good one as it enters right off the bat I get the grapey kind of orangey Citrus hit it's kind of sweet but not like sickly sweet at all it has a good viscosity but it's not overly thick as it gets into the palate that's when some of the tartness of some of those fruits starts to come through a little bit but it's still like this tart sweet thing and that's when I noticed the cinnamon that as it travels back the edge of your palate just before you swallow the cinnamon really starts to come into play and it mixes really nice it's like a dark fruit like a dark Plum cinnamon kind of mix and then on the exhale and the Finish definitely get the cinnamon and the fruitiness and a little bit more of that ethanol this does not really taste like high ABV it does not it doesn't taste like a hide ABV but it feels like a high ABV and what I mean by that is the only thing I wanted to add to Brian's trip is that right after that initial super fruity flavor I get a warmth sensation over my entire body yeah and I can only attribute that to the higher ABV it's not warming like it's a warm beverage it just makes me feel warm that better be off-gassing it's it's got to be off-gassing I mean we must for this so much you're seeing that right this is why we do this you know yeah it's probably off casting we did not Degas and we generally don't Degas a lot of time especially if it's going to sit for a while yeah gives off that little bit of CO2 it's just a little bit of extra insurance against oxidization it's not a guarantee but you know neither is insurance so however if this does continue we will put a note yeah in the description so read our descriptions there's information there we're not just being silly because here's the thing yeast can't read so just because this yeast is supposed to be a 13 alcohol tolerance doesn't mean that hey it's feeling happy it's feeling good wants to go to 16 today that's entirely possible or anywhere above third well it's at 16 now I just don't see it happening I mean it could ferment some but I think it's going to stall out real fast hi that would be the one that's having a day you want to say hi to the people by the way our cats are normally not allowed on the table and it's a good thing he came when he did and doesn't have anything open I know you're super sweet yeah he is the sweetest thing ever but we're not going to turn this into a cat video okay even though the internet is made up of cat videos oh that's not the statement oh where are you going go that way I don't have an exit path on my way he just laid down [Laughter] this is what he does yeah the internet is powered by cat videos that's what oh that's powered by powered by yeah that's the statement well I better get to work on yesterday yeah anyway so I I like this I don't like this I love this but I think if we look at it from a point of view of what we set out to create and what we got a hundred this is Nails this is nailed exactly what we wanted what we set out to make I mean to the T there's nothing I can imagine that would make this better except I kind of like the effect of the powdered cinnamon on top so maybe serve this with a little bit of powdered cinnamon you can even put a slice of lemon and orange in it'd probably be really good to make it aesthetically fancy you can garnish it out flavor-wise it's there already nailed it um well now he just like fond all over the thing and we have to give it a score yeah that means I need another taste all right I have a score you ready one two three eleven point five eleven and I know we have a one year and possibly a two-year even to look forward to this literally was started on February 7th today is March 16th this is literally one month and eight days old that's crazy and it's I mean this is good this is one of the top 10 beverages we've ever made it's just that good if you like my sweet red wine but don't want it quite so sweet and you want a little more kick of alcohol and you like more complex flavors do this that that's how good this is so we're going to let this sit for a little while we'll bottle it like we said off camera and see it a year for the real tasting and see if it gets to a 12. but as always guys thank you so much for watching and have a great day bye [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: City Steading Brews
Views: 15,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sangria, how to make sangria, brewed sangria, mexican sangria, fortified sangria, sangria recipe, spanish sangria, easy sangria recipe, spanish sangria recipe, fruity sangria recipe
Id: DSYm2lXn2ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 58sec (2398 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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