We made Matt do something he has never done before 😬😬 @MattsOffRoadRecovery

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oh I made a bad mistake what's going on guys welcome back to another video and yes I know these are cracked Marlin sat on them today you might recognize some of these very famous rigs we out here in San Hollow um celebrating Matts Offroad recovery 1 million subscribers he went ahead and fle flew four people out from all over the world and we're going to see San Hollow in style [Music] oh that's bad what do we have here is someone [Music] stuck that's it that's it he's done guys he's done oh 5 minutes into the ride and Matt I think he's stuck the more bear is stuck we got the yellow banana he's stuck this is bad what is this oh oh Lord put it in reverse Terry we got the banana that's saying nope to whatever situation Matt has going on down there check that out it's like clay he's almost out he's going to do it he's trying to reposition himself and then send it to the moon so it's literally clay guys like the entire Tire is just caked on with this red clay he's going back he's going forward he has motion so he's not stuck he's trying to get out but as soon as he accelerates he falls back into the grooves that he made reversing to the position that he's going from the bananas getting ready positioning themselves to pull the more ve out of there and even though that looks dry over there that's exactly what that looked like it's only dry at the very very top the crust everything below that is is is all that red clay we are off to a great start this is amazing watching a recovery in person not just any recovery but recovering Matt Matt what are you doing what did you do I temped to clean mud off on wi I don't know how to do it cuz I never have to do this kind of stuff it's only been about 20 minutes in the trail I made a bad mistake poor Lizzy that's her wedding gift so I'm decked out in basically winter gear with a buff and a jacket Marlin still has not um attached the windshield to the JL so I'm driving and all that dust in the Sun and everything's hitting me pretty hard so I'm going to try to keep all this gear on for as long as possible protect us from the Sun and the dust okay so coming up right here it's called the toll booth so this is the first one and Matt just told me it's the hardest so this is the one we're going to start [Music] doing [Music] [Music] look keep going keep going good job so these obstacles can really change just depending on how the sand Stacks sometimes this can be full of sand and you could drive a stock car through it not very often but with as much traffic as it's getting dug out a lot that was the hardest one well out of the three okay okay now um got to go sharp that way turn Dy back it up get your bite again you're going to have to go the banana is doing it so he's backing up to reposition and kind of try the line again with more momentum and kind of stay through can totally do it no I broke my front differential right here cuz the bottom rubs it's so I sliding it along the bottom and it lift the front tires off the ground and then it slap so Marlin I've got I've got py in the back of both of these so I got I run a a Grizz Yukon grizzly in the front and then so I just never have to think about lockers there's really nothing to fail that's a good idea and they're not they're not rock crawlers yeah we have a spool on the rear locker and then like um the Yukon we have a a Grizzly no in the front same so non- selectable yeah they're just you just don't think about them I get in situ like that and and then it's it's a problem not very often how did that feel feel awesome okay we got a little bit of a long drive to get to the maze to stop at the maze next let's do [Music] it so I lied I lied to Luna I told her that the maze was a seven why do they always always do that it's an eight so Moab 10 that's what we're going with yep ask me after we get out what I think what's a 10 in Moab what's what's a 10 Trail there is it is a pritet a 10 I think the pritet is a nine nine pret's a nine I'm pretty sure so you can kind of compare it to pritet there's there pritet isn't that like winching necessary on one one or two spots or can you make it through without winching you can yeah yeah you can make it without winch make it make it through here without wi I think the terror level is higher on this one oh wonderful all right keep keep the commentary until I'm on the [Music] trail [Music] what [Music] Luna for the wing you're going to be [Music] fine that's it l right there that's a buggy line right yeah okay so behind you here is you got to be ni and you could totally do it but you've got it there's a technique to it um you you're basically spinning your tires the whole way and you're not really letting off the throttle you have to let off the throttle a couple times in the middle of it so I've I've never done it okay are we doing it today I think you should you think I should and then there's this one's worth getting out let's let's show you these so you got to carry little speed up it a little and then you can see you can see like when you if you carry too much speed then that's where you wheel over backwards like at that top lip that lip is 3/4 way up and then this is you got to be totally nuts so this one's harder yes totally not let's let me stand next to this so that people okay I got to get out of sun so this is the bottom of you got to be totally nuts this is a what like a 10 foot like yeah the the consequences I can't I'm not strong enough that's crazy and what a thing are you going to try or no no I'll try it in my dreams not about to endo on the first Trail in Sand Hollow got to be nuts if you do it not as good to second I'm going to be here for 2 weeks you sleep on it I'll sleep on it oh now never oh my God how do you get to this yeah if you can walk up it you can crawl up it Luna I think you might have gotten yourself into something oh my God thinking it over guys oh no see how easy you're climbing you got it let's go see how this feels so I told him that if he tried it or did it then I would try and do it so what do you think Matt I think I need a helmet you need one we have one put a helmet on you don't think he needs to start with more momentum yeah you got to you got to back off he's doing it he's doing it you got got it woo hell yeah they're in trouble man dang it no settle up settle up oh no no I have to do it now I'm so upset power breaking or just scrub that's that's huge right there these are the black labels too there theti oh that that makes sense how do I get out of here oh I'll I'll walk all did it you don't think he could do it no I don't want to R like I'm pushing my Lu okay okay no pure pressure but you should come watch this cuz I you'll see the bypass you can here am I in a good spot to park the bypass is not a chicken's way out on this particular oh so this okay so you what was what was the name of this uh you got to be nuts and you're not I mean my name is Luna and it's short for lunatic so I mean that was amazing it did not feel honestly that sketchy it did let up a little bit and so you're going to see that and then as soon as like I felt the cheap stop I was like oh no shouldn't have done that and then I like really committed and like just kind of saw it through but that was awesome really uh I'm proud of the the rig I'm proud of myself I'm proud of Matt he's never wanted to do it and um I got him to do it guys the back wheels exactly at the same time I'm with the front but the the B's going to walk right up [Music] job yeah Trevor keep going [Music] wait you're [Music] [Music] fine perfect [Music] wo inches away good job thank you do you want a spotter yeah I'm well Marlin's really good yeah I'll watch not un oh you cross up in wrong you can see it's not um this route is not the right one you're going to want to go up high and then come down and every time people get in there that's when they get crossed up and mixed up and it doesn't work very good like a buggy would go through their in Direction mhm the more a did it yep Tucker sure did so you can walk this basically against my will [Music] be careful with your p panel [Music] okay just call me four-wheel drive you should be able to turn oh I wasn't in perfect now you come back UPA you come back up [Music] [Music] [Music] now passenger all the way passenger [Music] now start turning and you have to climb this so to be able to back down later come up come up come up come up come up come up come up come up keep coming keep coming keep coming keep coming keep coming okay you're good keep coming okay ah you fell down okay hold on let me hold on you can bump it from there and you'll be able [Music] to I KN good job good job that was easy for you [Music] good job perfect line nice too easy we've made it to the top of the world this is absolutely beautiful You Can See For Miles on Miles miles wow we're at the dunes guys so obviously for it to be super super fun we're going to go into 9 and make sure that's cranked all the way [Music] up sand D time we're having so much fun guys honestly a huge thank you to the more crew for um giving us this tour oh [Music] Lord where did he [Music] go I Chad new good boy had a dollar and a DME hit it out from Nashville on the Hard Rock line so the sand Junes which is where we're at right now it changes every single night so it resets the wind resets it um you can tell Matt this is his home away from home because he knows exactly where he's going we're doing the best we can to follow him Marlin's having a ton of fun what do you think babe oh this s mon [Music] who I can totally understand why a lot of our fellow or our colleagues are moving out here to San Hollow it's absolutely beautiful um there's rocks there's Dunes there's a little bit of of everything really out here very very technical I like that the rocks have traction out east you're really battling for your life um out here it's definitely a different type of feeling up we go oh Lord where is my going so off to the right there that's it says nasty half and it's rated a nine it's right here this is the famous San Hollow tunnel here we go [Music] donon smack time all righty that didn't work as planned rookie mistake we are out here San Hollow doing our very first recovery with Matt's off-road recovery and the rest of his crew let's see what they got this is the uh vehicle AKA side by side that we need to have recover so Matt is setting up the Matt's off-road recovery rope up on the side by side they burnt a belt so they want the owner called um mats off-road and basically wants the side by side taken to a nearby shop to get fixed so we're out here in the middle of the dunes helping this guy out [Music] so this is the hookup all right I'm steing one of your guys since you stle mine my backpack's in there just toss it in more a it's just a burn belt and we're just taking it down to where we can take it to moto Zoo well don't jinx it don't say simple yet we're not out yet all right so start it up so Jamie is going to be in the side by side filming the live action here Marlin's driving they're hooked up to the mor there and Matt is going to try to go slow he's going to have to ride the brakes let's get started he did tell me that side by-side recoveries are not the most exciting only because it's fairly simple to get them out which is kind of a good thing what do you think he said it's all downhill so that was an easy recovery we're not out yet like you said but don't jinx it we have he and his Canam I want one so bad and we are moving all righty let's see how long it takes it's currently 1:55 p.m. so the side by side that's getting tugged is in neutral in two wheel drive so hopefully that aids getting it out all righty that didn't work as planned he is not locked rookie mistake he on the brakes are you locked you are nowes he was on the brakes we're doing a yui holy my goodness I'm going to drop the [Music] CL oh [Music] Lord Oh Lordy Lord what again Foster okay he's trying to get some speed here he's trying to get some speed okay different approach angle let's go third times the charm let's do it Matt go go go go go there we go oh there they are still there here we are Ty's doing an awesome job you're doing great Ty you're doing great it's been a beautiful Utah day loving this weather look at my poor glasses guys Harlin sat on yeah it's my fault now of course you left it in my seat at night cuz that changed the fact that you sat on them uh no but that's what I thought moving on guys look at this recovery it is the coolest recovery anyone has ever seen yeah all right we're going to hit this we're going to let those guys get all the way through it I think we can hit about 60 MPH here this right here so everyone's all the way back there they're doing about 20 10 to 20 we'll do about 50 to 60 50 to 60 w that was wild that was crazy we got 62 m an hour you heard it here folks 62 m an hour on that straight and honestly my back feels just fine I don't know about my gimbal skills but uh that was awesome you're just testing out the stabilization of your camera and that's about it yep just testing there's no power to it now but I think that is that terminal loose yeah that's that might be your issue you think so yeah yeah but it have power it might it might have had enough power to transfer to to turn on your lights but not to not to turn over the starter so we are on our way out my goodness I'm dirty um don't look at that guys we were on our way out and um Marlin turned off the JL so that he could hop in he Canam and take my place and um I got into the jail tried to turn it on and it wouldn't start he went ahead and there's an issue with um the plug to the starter it's like broken so they had to take um a whole the starter off um then realized that the battery terminal was loose so reconnected that he had to reinstall the starter it's been a mess so now he only has one bolt connected and yeah so Matt came back for us in the tow rig here the flat bed so what he's doing now is since we're up and running he's just going to go ahead and load the razor [Music] up we spoke too soon guys it the jeep was running fine and then we started losing power and then the break like the E braake light turned on and then we just barely coasted didn't even make it to the gas station we're literally this far away from it so we called mat off-road recovery for the ultimate recovery look at them all laughing because um he ended up coming out and then we didn't end up needing him he ended up picking up the the side by side and now here we are literally probably not even a fourth of a mile away from the shop we were almost there the look of defeat here we are guys getting our very own toe from that Offroad [Music] recovery here we go guys getting put on the flat [Music] bed JL has been successfully put up there and we're on our way to the shop now thanks for picking us up Matt got it dude that was a pretty fast Uber what do you think yeah we made [Music] it our Uber brought us to the yard and by Uber I mean that guy so this is a situation that we have going on everything's like flashing on and off you got I mean the whole thing's going crazy all right Marlin is going to go ahead and undo the m battery as you guys know or may not know yes okay then that means that it is the it's the auxiliary battery so he went ahead and disconnected the main battery but it's still doing all of that so that kind of sucks because that's kind of the tougher battery to replace and I'm pretty sure a dealer has to do it so all right I know how to do it you do minutes we should just leave it like that until it dies or what no no no I'm disconnecting it you're disconnecting it right now okay I spoke too soon then so my husband my beloved husband is going to go ahead and undo the auxiliary battery he already did the main one hopefully that'll um shut it off I don't know are is that something that we can take to like an auto parts and have checked out or what it might just have to be replaced entirely so but thank God we have the two door here two door JK for the win um all this electrical stuff that's some JL problem so see I don't have to deal with that a quick update guys we basically replaced the battery the auxiliary battery and we left the Jeep out the jard the next day we went there and the jeep was doing exactly the same we talked to Kevin from libr and he told us that we don't even need this auxiliary battery this is just for the star stop function on the Jeep so he told us just take it off and connect it to the main battery so this is the positive and the negative terminal is this one here guys we don't recommend doing this this is just what we did and you can do it if you want to but we don't recommend it but yeah guys the Jeep is good to go now today we're going to be attempting the rattlesnake Gulch out here in Utah as our tour guides we have Matt let's do this Co and another mat [Music] see we've made it past a couple water Crossings I think five to be exact and we actually drove um I don't know 20 30 ft in a water crossing to get to the next part of the trail Matt from Matts offer recovery says that this Trail is very similar to Ford ice or uh the Rubicon Trail I should say so a lot of small rocks that you do have to kind of pay attention so that you don't diff out so Matt says this is the place that our friend George submarined his brand new JL so this is the place that George submarined his Jeep no way yep you're late to the party but we had more water then like maybe maybe 12 or 14 in of water more and you just can't go by those rocks you know that there's a hole there don't tell them that the line is to the left you want to stay close to those rocks definitely I'll take the line you take yeah we're going to follow you okay you're the only one on 42s that's not fair I know all about following a rear steer buggy on 42s that did it all over Tennessee for a couple [Music] days on I really really like it we're I think we're through eight or nine of our 50 water Crossings so it is a Long Trail so were some of the water Crossings dry or no they're they're always going to have water yeah okay are you guys having fun [Music] you super easy you got this think about this raail so far I think it's pretty awesome lots of water lots of trees lots of canyons are we are we in Utah [Laughter] he's so different to other Trails just because of the water crossing yeah so I wanted to show this to you guys cuz everybody knows Sand Hollow you all have been there and seen the trails and this is like right by Sand Hollow and totally different flavor just like 15 minutes away right yeah I like it yeah are you liking it yeah see I'm ready to see some rattlesnakes yeah me too they're up here there look at this guys there's so many different types of rocks here I love it so we've reached probably my favorite place up until now we're in the shade of the canyon the rock over here we have a bunch of razors parked up here let me oh it gets kind of try not to get completely soaked you can tell here A bunch of razors I'm going to try to make my way over there without completely getting soaked he's getting [Music] ready that's cold all right Cannonball time cannon ball I'll hit my my cockx ooh those legs super sexy just wait till you see my arms oh look at that F hand in the house he's doing this like a Tennessee man that wouldn't dry out if he got all wet I don't think you should jump in man just just there a rock ledge here you just slide in your legs go Luna yeah I thought this was a desert yeah our water evaporates so fast it's always cooling so the water's always at least 20° cool you think I'll dry off relatively fast yeah still dry fast okay you going to jump yeah I'm short all right let's uh come way [Music] [Music] out [Music] that I feels like I a are you okay yeah [Music] that was incredibly cold guys I had a quick wardrobe change thank you to the mor crew for saving my life so I don't have to uh drive around with the sock wet t-shirt so I think that we've gone through I don't know probably like 20 water Crossings there's supposed to be I've heard anywhere between 45 and 50 Matt keeps giving me a different number every time uh right now I think because of the time of the year it's extremely Dusty so if you're thinking about doing uh this Trail which is the rattlesnake Canyon I would definitely advise either doing it with full doors windows hard top or wearing a buff um cuz it's it's defin really dusty out here guys another water crossing yay to get those tires wet so that um it's not so dusty I think when you're doing this with wet tires here we go look how beautiful stunning [Music] waterfall [Music] almost completely dry guys pants are almost dry we stopped for lunch um next to this beautiful waterfall you can there's Marlin walking through the top of the waterfall it's completely stunning we met up with the razors again guess they're having lunch up top here also lunch was awesome guys we are ready to head out that is it for the rattlesnake Canyon Trail uh Jamie counted and it was exactly 40 water Crossings I guessed wrong I said about 27 Josh said 27 but Colt guessed right he said exactly 40 and that's the number I'm here with Matt for Matt's off-road recovery and he is taking us on a wild ride today where are we going Matt we're taking the stick State Road Trail at Mount Carmel it's a really short um Scenic Trail that gets really intense like right at the end that's exactly what we need all right guys let's [Music] go all right guys so I was told that the trail doesn't even have a name um Paul from fab brats this is like his home turf he told us basically he calls it the state road Trail cuz it's right next to the state road climate wise very similar to when we went and did um Rubicon Trail out in California but more so flise up North California area is very Aid still a lot of the same plants that you see um in southern Utah Southern Utah Right y um where we were or where we are in Hurricane so we're about an hour away um in Mount Carmel I was told the population is about 2,000 500 uh give or take so very small close-nit community we were out there we went to the car show and then we decided to hit some Trails so so far loving this love I mean right now we just I don't know if you can take a look over there there's a bunch of different colored Rock it's awesome but I'm loving it I can totally see myself living out [Music] here okay so the Train's changing a bit guys it's going from Sandy to to a rocky right about there you can see Matt's in the banana going up first uh his wife Jamie's in the more ver and so I'm going to just see how Jamie does it um okay looks pretty good I believe she was in two wheel drive up until now so she's probably um going ahead and putting that into four low or four high just to be able to I mean it's not even that um steep but I think the good stuff starts about now so the scenery is changing once again so we went a small little portion on the that Red Rock now we're back on the sand that you guys see here and then I believe we're dropping down to come back up on the that Red Rock so we are at the bottom of this mini Canyon and you can tell the sand is completely white almost looks like beach sand so guys I'm assuming that when it starts raining here this is going to flood very and fill up very quickly um so you're going to have to get out but it's beautiful it's crazy like I I don't even know what to call this the bottom of the Ravine the bottom of the Canyon Creek bed I don't know but like yeah just let us know in the comments below the the sand shelf here is I mean the water definitely Rises all the way up this is this is awesome so beautiful so for the longer Vehicles they are having to do some three-point turn type Maneuvers cuz you got to go straight up over there so we got to the first obstacle guys some people are getting out um that are with Matt Marlin is out of the Jeep he's going to go ahead and get a shot for you guys of what it looks like doesn't look too crazy it's just more of that red rock okay you're going to you're going to need to bump it for for about 2 and 1/2 ft and then kind of get back off of it power break it and let it go I want you to put your front wheel right up here be careful that's [Music] it okay that way okay hold on hold on okay back uh back it up just a [Music] little and for those that I know are going to ask eventually I will answer for you today we are in the T door not the JL for two reasons one this the JK drives um on the road it's not on stickies it's on the mto2 paths um so their do the jl's on the stickies this was about an hour drive so we didn't want to put all those miles on the JL and then yesterday we did also have problems with the auxiliary battery um I'll insert the the clip here but basically everything it was like Christmas lighting up lighting off Marlin disconnected the main battery and it was still doing it which led him to believe it was the ox one so he um completely undid that he took it to Napa last night before dinner and they did confirm that the battery was bad he was able to get a new one um for like 150 bucks um pretty expensive for a little tiny battery but what are you going to do so Jamie is about to bump it she's backed up she's getting in position Matt is making sure that she's in a good place and she's just going to give it a small bump but basically the wheelbase of the mor is she's climbing in in the front and climbing in the rear which is not allowing her really to get anywhere I honestly don't think that we even really aired down enough to be on this Trail it's not a big deal guys um I think that everyone is we were driving here so everyone's basically between 12 and 15 we probably should have lowered to about 10 some people eight um but it's going to be fine we're going to get through it it's going to be a good day [Music] got have to bump it oh you might have had it yeah she had it same thing little more thr take all the way up the further on that way the more that back wheel is you stop keep going keep going you're fine you're fine I'm stop wait okay okay driver now they good you're good that was wor close yeah okay keep coming keep coming don't stop okay you're good keep coming keep coming okay now okay wait wait wait this is going to be scary now for you I'm going to have her park right here uh-huh Cuz he get winched up oh okay okay this way so pull up pull up like 10 more feet you I finally got my legs [Music] back W good job I just lost the bet wow [Music] [Music] ah so I didn't get a chance to film but Matt was in my passenger seat on the way up hopefully Marlin got the shot but that was honestly really easy Marlin was making it sound like it was going to be this crazy thing after I think doing the you got to be nuts um obstacle on the jail that was or in the jail that was nothing that was honestly I didn't even have to go that fast I would have crawled it all right so I think that obstacle supposedly it the whole thing the state road Trail is a level six um because of that one obstacle right there and then that little climb that kind of steep climb is after the obstacle the guy behind me in the XJ major shout out to him open open 33 so if you have an XJ or a similar wheel based vehicle open open you for obviously four or JK um or JL jl2 correct um jl2 or even a gladiator really anything longer than 100 in wheel base open open you will be fine uh and even the dirt bikes went up which I I don't know anything about dirt bikes so that's a little different territory uh guys I made a mistake by not wearing long sleeves Marlon's wearing long sleeves and um he definitely had the right idea I wore our short sleeve shirts and I know what you're thinking guys you want to know where you can get these awesome t-shirts check out our website off-road and chill.com we have both uh for sale and if they're not of currently available there will be available on pre-order so check it out guys hopefully you like this video we're on to the trail number two here um around M Mount Carmel so stay tuned for the next video [Music] bye a
Channel: OFF ROAD N Chill
Views: 83,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: off road n chill, we made Matts off road recovery do something he has never done, Off road recovery, Rescue, Matts off road recovery, road recovery, Recovery, Difficult rescue, Winder Towing, Towing, Jeep, Sand Hollow, off road recovery fails, off road recovery truck, Rescuing, matts off road recovery, morrvair, off road recovery, jeep recovery, off road towing, off road fails, off road sand dunes, lifted trucks, truck stuck in mud, smoky mountains off roading, lite brite nation
Id: MAlEd5UoTyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 36sec (3036 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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