Unboxing pallets of Liquidation and Close outs - Check out all the amazing items.

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hey everybody Heather from hooked on picking here we're going to unbox this giant palette and see what all we have in here this is from one of our uh liquidation closeup companies that we get some home decor we get some kitchen stuff and a plethora of other categories so let's go ahead see what we find you'll be able to buy all of it on hoping.com let's unbox it all right I'm just going to cut this down all the way [Applause] there we go and we'll pull some of these top ones off just grab this one to start with all right I'm going to go all the way down and then Shan is going to free me the rest of them awesome so shelves are getting bare behind you yes can you you want to tell them why well we've got two things we are getting ready for ASD Market week uh and Las Vegas and also you see where that pallet is there we're hoping to remove the majority of these so we can buy more pallets yeah so we'll put palletes back here we're also um inventorying these shelves as well yes oh yeah I don't even have to take no you don't even have to take it out perfect that's what that is very good as soon as we get one of the we only get like one or two at a time as soon as we get one we usually sell out of it immediately so I'm glad we got another one yep so you can go to home um that one should be in home decor home decor and I think I also put it in law and gard and something yeah cuz it could be like a torch Fountain yeah oh yes these are like a two-tiered yeah we're running low on those these sell so fast we had a ton of them last time mhm so they're like little uh what did what did Amy call them yesterday pastry pastry shelves yeah there we go they're really nice they're nice metal got the see-through bottom so you can put fruit on them and Stu can also mine gold with them you can mine gold double M gold every time I see them that's what I think about doing painting for gold well all righty then box cutter there oh these are these are funny do we I think even sold a lot of these already I think so yeah so these are like nesting containers almost I think they're planners are they planners containers I think they're I don't know if they're contain anyway they say crazy plant lady on them and then the other ones have this one says meet me in the garden talking about Rend V I think when we open that one then this one is just a pretty picture of a beehive nice so yep they're nice little containers to have they are almost like too pretty to be a planner yeah what's this one here okay has battery with timer oh oh These we sold out of these so fast these are beautiful they're really expensive on Amazon yeah they are so this one it's a oh it's lighting up already nice that's beautiful it's called a Tungsten light is the tungsten maybe the metal maybe yeah I think so yep but it's like got the tree branches and everything yeah they did sell out really fast they're beautiful they are nice they will look cool in our house I think so definitely just trying to make our house was built in the like' 7s early 1970s and so um it it has what it Eaves over all the windows so it's kind of dark in the house what is this but uh wood paneling yeah yeah which somebody decided to paint yeah well you know it was really dark dark and everything we also have shingles in the kitchen which is amazing look it it's the world wait let me see your hand He's Got The Whole World I'm upside down I have the upside down world hold on I want to it's got another piece you are here potentially so I think it just goes like this we got a globe man it's really cool too look at that that's cool I like it that is cool I like it a lot that's neat we now have Globes have how many are in a box two four there's four in this four in a box there we go we have to be careful with that yeah okay's see those look simar these are the tungsten lights great tungsten light great Tung light this looks different this is another liquidation company that we met at ASD Market week in Las Vegas couple years ago I think oh hey look look at this this is cool there's blue ones that's neat that's really cool they look nice don't they yeah they're super nice we need one for the house I know I should do what would you want would you want the white one or the blue one for the house probably the white one cuz our kitchen is so dark that's true it is dark one day when the kids move out we're doing a kitchen remodel yeah we currently have shingles in our kitchen we're going to do a $500 kitchen remodel we will get light bulbs changed and that is all that that will do oh look look Navy enamel two-tier powdercoated shelves that's all these nice same thing here yes all the same going to make fast work of this pallet yep that almost over this is not an unboxing to shove boxes down all right there's a new one I would say in probably the last three to four years this is our most popular sale I would say yeah so I feel like it yes this item it's between this and copper knives yes people love a copper knife I think we have them Priced Right I think that's helpful too and they're really really good people most people who buy the copper knives buy them again yep cuz they're like buying them for family so this is our tree wind spinner that other palette you said saw me saying this I will open also uh not on this video on another one so definitely stay tuned to the channel here that's going to be set for like what Saturday I think yeah ready look at that it's just really pretty beautiful yep beautiful beautiful we sell out of those so quick too okay all right oh here's another one of those spinners I just showed you great and then what are these these yes more of the branching tree tungsten lights great that's what both of these are as well we are making Fast yeah we are it's good yeah okay oh my word this weighs I picked it up not expecting it to weigh so much oh it's [Applause] books hey hey we had the Bible one 123s now we have the Bible ABC's ABC's Apple Bible Church it's a um dry erase Angel Arc Bible boat let's see what other letter show nuts nights Mary manger Zenia that's the um and zakus of course that's the most faite Zenia is a flower nice yeah that's fun surprised why they didn't go Yahweh you went was small they went with Yak instead of Yahweh come on come on man disappointing oh it's more of those crazy plant lady nesting containers that's a long box it's a set of two on [Applause] it ooh it's a wooden bowl look at that it's cool cool old wooden Bowls the brand Sullivan gift company sou Fall South Dakota nice nice these are neat they are they are heavy too yeah decorative I guess yep make great cereal bowls you need your cereal bowls and they do have the little padded Pete Pete padded PE Pete or Pete maybe they're cold Pete you don't know wooden Bowl set of two and you're going to be able to find all of this on hookton pick.com um because all of it will get listed there so go to your home decor section and other places like that box in a box yes let me see there are two of whatever this is in this box oh didn't we just sell this on a fire I think we did yeah America a planter how cute is that America I think it's adorable it's a beautiful beautiful planter beautiful planter looks like we got more of these American flag tricycle wood planner American flag tricycle wood planner the pallet empty yep nice Shannon's amazing yep but they already do that I'm glad they put this there cuz I would totally would have cut that pill yeah I know which pillow is it you feeling blessed bless this would be a perfect Easter pillow it's very nice flowery bless it's a like crocheted feeling it's like it's embroidered embroidered that's the right word all of the words would be fine if you were a flower would you be a purple flower a yellow flower or a blue flower Heather I would be a blue flower a blue flower not because I'm sad but because I like the color blue it's good American flag tricycle wood planter make a hour all right this one is O these are the blue two tiered um anaval enamel uh shelves the ones that we would pan for gold pastry shells pastry shell yeah thank you or the gold panning this is really heavy oh it's trying to come out the bottom there is trying to come out the bottom but it says I can only face that way we're going to face it this way and I'm going to be rebellious FEA is a rebel Frozen two knitted scarf knitted scarf teaches you how to knit ooh and a jewelry Let It Go Paul Let It Go just got to let it go sorry that's a pretty color though I'm going to do this and put it in upside down just to drive all of you who like organization crazy now you know what kind of a world I live in we're wild and crazy you know what kind of world I live in true statement wooden Bowl set of two wooden Bowl set of two what is this there was Amy just walked by this is Shannon's back of Shannon's head this is the front of Shannon's head yes I'm sure they appreciate that of course put random shout outs while they're busy working mhm one day you'll stop coughing mhm move it over here what is this it's got a solar thing on the top it's a lantern look at that that is cool that's different we've never had that before but not work no not right now oh I probably have to pull the tag like the little thingy to get it to White tab or something solar Brown metal well oh because it's a solar so it probably needs solar light to work it's been in a dark box all this time a dark box that's probably the issue yes so yeah it's a cool light that's neat there's a picture if you want to kind of show that up close let's see I think it's upside down let me flip it this way that'll be pretty yeah agree you don't have to worry about you know something catch it on fire either it'll be good all right um looks like this one is the same thing there's four boxes of that where there's four a piece so four 16 plus four more nice this one is the wooden Bowls the two set of wooden bowls a lot of wooden bowls very good see and then this is also wooden bowls great all right is there anything else you want to unbox not really that whole pallet done that whole yeah we can look at it that's fantastic so um yeah so we're actually doing inventory on these wooden shells and then if you want to meet us at ASD Market week go ahead and let us know that you're going to be there send us an email uh you can go to hook onp pick.com go to the contact me section send me an email that way um but we'll make a list of those who want to meet us and we'll kind of start putting out information about the week before we leave and where we're thinking about meeting people um just W also watch the live streams while we're there I would suest suggest going to the convention if you're going to be in Las Vegas that's amazing and it's mind-blowing and and I think it's it's always been free for us to be able to go cuz we register early it's free if you sign up early if you happen to show up and then sign up I think it's a really minimal charge like $20 or $50 it's worth it to walk around in it's worth it to walk around in um so thanks so much for joining us on this unboxing go to hooked onp pick.com to find all of these items and remember in the end Jesus wins hey thanks for watching I hope you learned something if you'd like to watch more of my videos just click on them here and if you'd like to learn more about the reseller World subscribe to my channel and check out my other videos thanks
Channel: Hooked on Pickin' Amazon FBA Seller
Views: 17,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unboxing, pallet, liquidation, closeout, products, unboxing, elephants, stone, soap, amazon, overstock, Amazon, amish, food, mario, pacman, fudge, jelly, belly, viewer, mail, Amish, bob, ross, golden, girls, pez, Mini, mail., Market, Week, Hookedonpickin.com, unboxing videos, ebay, sales, selling, picking, Jesus, business, reselling, reseller, sold, profits, wholesale, money, How to, poshmark, Hooked on Pickin’, Hooked on Picking, mystery, pallets, merchant, via, trading, liquidator, surplus, mercari, seller, fulfilled, marketplace, tools
Id: wad753rwmtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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