We Love Katamari - #3 - Joy to the Katamari

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why hello everyone and welcome back to play frame and Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays really whatever you're celebrating this time of year even if it's nothing even if today is just Wednesday I hope you're having a very good one whoever you're celebrating it with have yourself a snack get yourself a drink chill out we're having some Katamari times and this is a judgment-free zone not for the prince obviously but for everyone else let's all just have a good time anyway we got work to do probably yeah what work do you need done um crayon person oh that's like a rain-slicked I guess I don't know kadambari Dabas he's just a copycat is it it would you make us no bad you roll a snowball to make it bigger the game just copies that am i right I must be I mean it's the same thing let's so let's go back to the roots and make a simple snowman you know what yes I agree wow this is so seasonal I didn't even do this on purpose oh look it's snowing when it snows we think of snowmen snowmen are cool yes they are oh it's Prince what do you want hmm what copycat kotemari dharma see a copycat a [Music] copycat of the snowman no no that is so wrong not a copy not a cat we respect the snowman yay the snowman is the best the best roll roll roll that's snowman smell bad so let's go hand in hand to winter wonderland yes let's it's another one of those gimmick levels and it's our real good one times us more perfectly with all poor princes so cold the giraffe hat helps nothing let's get started on a snowman alrighty how do we do this see the snowman body over there Prince is going to roll up a head and then roll it onto the body very simple yes yes yes yes that's all it takes to make a snowman wow he's amazing Katamari Damacy is so amazing so let's get back to basics and enjoy ourselves joy to the katamari indeed so yay now this is fun and actually one of you asked a question that seems kind of appropriate so let's get back to that where was it oh yeah this one's from a James on what are some of y'all's favorite holiday memories or holiday traditions traditions wise here's one that I would recommend for those of you like yeah like I was about to say for those of you who have kids but really this could work for anybody one tradition that my family did that in retrospect I think is awesome is if your family or group celebrates Christmas in particular like some families like I've known some families do a thing where like maybe on Christmas Eve they'll open like they'll let the kids open one present or some such thing which i think is a good like that's that's fun but one fun twist on that that a our family did that I would like a whole lot is to have the thing that you opened on Christmas Eve be like basically everybody getting each other cozy pajamas and I don't have to be like a full pajamas it can be like just some pajama pants or like a cozy house coat or slippers even just some fuzzy socks too some comfy fuzzy socks because then everyone goes to bed in cozy new pajamas and then the next morning they're all doing the Christmas thing whatever the quor'toth christmas traditions are in cozy comfy pajamas and everyone like and everyone's cozy and happy and having a good time and that like I love that lettuce Peschel e the more like grow I've come to realize like that was read I don't know which family member came up with that idea but I loved it that's still like even that like my family now like doesn't really even do a whole lot of gift-giving for Christmas holidays we're just kind of getting together and hanging out and having a good time but like I still like I'm still kind of into the Christmas pajamas thing I might still give some of the folks as I just love that particular tradition y'all can have that one for free yeah you've got a snowman mini projection well I don't know what that is but it's red and cute and we have it I love it there's not even like a timer on this one we can just roll up a snowman and have a nice time what a good level see this gimmick levels are great they go great with Katamari [Music] this dog will also go great with the katamari it's just what it needed this snowman had needed a husky now it has one and this mini triangle snowman I don't know what it is also this cousin this cousins coming with us oh it's L'Amour we caught you again you're so easy to catch I was really hoping we could get that whole line of them there Wow let's see I thought another question so which 2020 game release of this one's from perusing an air sorry which 2020 game releases that you're aware of are you most excited about well assuming it is a 2020 release holo night silk song definitely now that I have experienced the joy of holo night I am super excited for more Huskies in this Katamari and holo nights silk song like I'm excited like even more than owning it I'm excited for playing it on this channel cuz playing all the night in this channel was up last it's like my favourite playthrough have ever done so yeah definitely that also I'm ready for that Kingdom Hearts 3 DLC to finally come out because I'm ready to play Kingdom Hearts 3 on this channel also I've been very patient but by gosh I'm ready ready to play that there's gonna be a weird-looking snowman head that's okay what else I'm very curious to see how the Final Fantasy 7 remake turns out like good or bad that's gonna be a real darn interesting thing I mean I'm ready to find out how that turns out because there's lots of potential in like like I've replayed Final Fantasy 7 recently getting some footage for new frame plus stuff and the localization on that one is let leave some things to be desired but there's so much good in it and there's so much more you can do with what's there that a remake could really build upon the remake could also just kind of suck but in either case I want to see it what else Animal Crossing Animal Crossing is coming that's gonna be fun there's so much good to look forward to there always is like every year so many darn great things come out I can't keep up with how many darn great things come out every year I'm still catching up on this all the great stuff that came out five years ago like I just started playing horizon on the channel now that came out two or three years ago and it's great [Music] no and I guess on the subject of final fantasy this one from Jason have you ever played any Final Fantasy games Oh have I I played most of them and I'm replaying most of them to get footage for a new frame plus series that I've had in the works for ages and will continue to have in the works for ages onward I guess who knows when that'll get done but yeah I've been replaying all of them getting footage and it's interesting going back to some of them to seeing how my opinions on a lot of them have adjusted where I'm on nine right now ooh I want that present I want a real bad one a real bad yes Oh was that a present for us a present from a fan make sure you keep it safely rolled up oh I will that one's not getting away yeah yeah we're on nine nine is wonderful that it's definitely I can tender for my favorite one it's just so cohesive feeling especially coming off of eight eight a real scattershot thing sometimes but a nine is just boy 9s good I also like ten a lot tens got some localization issues of its own but uh there's a lot to love about ten I'm really interested into twelve again as well I liked 12 a ton and I feel like I'm gonna like 12 even more going back to it but I don't know maybe maybe I'll appreciate it less we'll see 14 is gonna be a fun reward because I love 14 but I don't have time to play it currently cuz I've got to record all these other things the boy having a reason to sit and play 14 for a good long while that's gonna be a treat we're gonna start a play friends they're not called guilts links show complan grand company something a play friend something for that maybe Carrie and I'll both be playing it'll be fun but yeah all that to say I have played Final Fantasy before and I have some favorites but I can't pick just one it's difficult it's just so fun making a snowman I'm inst enjoying going in circles right now let's break up the circles thing let's let's go the opposite direction that'll be fun let's collect some seals and maybe a bear to go with our seals and a penguin why not and Bigfoot sure all are welcome in this snowman head fires even sure what a good video game thank you everyone for forming a nice line finally you humans are getting this whole thing figured out making my work way easier just get in an orderly line and that basically does my job for me see these folks understand it I missed some see that was my fault y'all did nothing wrong come back here Oh fine you know what I'm going about this all wrong here we go missed again how's this keep happening here I'll just wait for you and yes there it is okay finally we can move on now right here one more lap around then we'll call it for this level and after we get some of these sleeping bag men that's just what our snowman needs okay well then I get this cart I do kind of want a cart kind of want a cart yes and this thing perfect now let's you know it still is looking pretty big though maybe we're not big enough one more lap around just for good measure just so we're absolutely certain yeah see that's what we needed one more good lap around what a great level and we're up yeah what a mess alrighty we're going to show you how to use the camera now look around with a left analog stick and take a snap with the X button all righty we have something important to say you can save up to three pictures no more those three photos will be saved in spots one two and three to the upper-left alrighty we have something else important to say the photo that Prince takes will ruthlessly overwrite whichever slot that's selected at the moment so do be careful you can also use the miracle eye and the normal eye ah we're tired so tired we're not used to doing this you can manage without being told how to do every little thing yes you're supposed to be able to do something with a circle button and the l1r buttons to go practice on your own all righty then bye-bye he so hates tutorial izing is there any angle we can get to where this looks almost like a snowman head we'll have to do enlarged take photo enlarged you I can't tell those look the same let's enlarge again and oh that's so we can that's how we can look at the photo bug and I see okay cool well good work us we made a snowman all done how's this oh man quite good I think I mean a little kicki but oh yes looks good shall we get going then yes we shall [Applause] Oh a snowman so fun so much fun isn't it we just can't win its 200% more fun than a katamari what makes this so much fun what is it is it that it's fun or that it lets you forget yourself well we know the answer but it'll build character for you to figure it out Wow we got a present here no it looks kind of familiar oh it's oh we want you to have it Prince oh wow that was fun building a snowman to the best the best fun I don't know how much about games but as long as it's fun who cares it may be a copycat but kadambari Dabas he's still fun I agree please put this snowman up into cosmos that's something only kind of re novice he can do yes of course of course we're going to do that what kind of a star will it be we wonder hmm we can't wait to see it all righty probably the first snowman in space and I haven't looked it up but I'm guessing yeah a snowman planet hey it's still a snowman it's not so much a star that's true looks good though better than it looked on earth the season from meadow locks [Music] oh look at them have fun [Music] oh so happy yay well I think I'm gonna stick with these presents cuz ya don't want to wear granddad's face anyway back to it a princess work is never done around here what hello nice to meet you your highness as you could see I'm pretty small but I'm a sumo wrestler I'm so small that I can't win very often I thought bling calamari Damas II would make me bigger but it didn't at all my oil cutter got mad and told me to stop playing video games anyway I thought it through and I want to study with your highness I want to be stronger please say yes you got it the strongest thing in the whole wide world hmm what do you think it is Prince what us Oh blushes we're nowhere near hmm you want to be strong for what here's the thing about strength you have to work not ask for it I want to be like your highness like us we see now yes we get it absolutely get it all righty let's get stronger so easily convinced we love in that beat we're getting fired up the battle is starting today's opponent is ready and standing by no look at him it's the coma Suey he seems pretty strong but still give it your best shot give it all you've got how about this much time to decide the bout Prince make sure you roll our fan firm and steady as for you our fan eat everything in sight and grow nice and big alrighty we wish you both a good fight this is also a very good gimmick level so we're rolling our fan around and rolling them over food so they can hit bigger so they can challenge their opponent we got our get ourselves big enough to fight our opponents in five minutes gotta work fast there are these gimmick levels good like the the twists on the idea are so fun like I I enjoy them almost as much maybe even more than a lot of times the base game concept is there still so much creativity to them and fun music - what a wonderfully bizarre game ah goodness we're gonna get so much bigger oh we've gotta win the fight that means we got to eat everything that's food and maybe a few things that are not food but that are in the way of food that's how it goes when you're eating sometimes something gets in your way and you can't be blamed you just kind of keep on chomping I don't know what I'm saying anymore this is a great time to answer another question see this is why we do this because eventually my brain just kind of starts going on kotemari games this is how it goes all right question yeah goodness hang on okay a question from Ethan what is one game you can't play because of technical imitations that you would like I would like to put on the channel well I'm glad you asked because until very recently the this would be my answer my answer would be any game on the Nintendo DS or a Nintendo 3ds because those particular handhelds are notoriously difficult to capture footage from they like for a little while the only options you had were to order a modded 3ds from either this one company in Japan or this one guy just this one guy who I think lives in the States who you could reach out to and pay a lot of money for a modded 3ds from then the company in Japan shut down so that option was out and the guy stopped modding them for the most part it doesn't really make any new new ones I think you can still get the old one service but no basically all the options were gone your options are emulate which the emulation for 3d s's is getting there but it's got a lot of work to do or put a camera in front of your 3ds I guess it wasn't very good but that is no longer my answer for I have finally acquired a modded 3ds for capture so I can do it now spent probably too much on it but boy it's worth it because I was just getting so tired of not being able to get footage from DS and 3ds games so like both play frame and new frame plus are going to benefit from that and I'm really excited about it at this point most consoles are either through like the like original hardware or through emulation if need be they're both pretty doable like I usually try to do the original hardware whenever possible but sometimes just like the best way to get good looking footage from a thing is through emulation so that's usually when I go to like resort to that but uh I've got pretty good solutions for most of them I guess I should probably pick about Dreamcast at some point maybe when there's this some Dreamcast game I'm really desperate to play which I can't think of a lot of them to be honest but yeah at this point most are pretty good to go I guess the one thing that definitely like the one kind of game hey I got another kind of nice the one kind of game that definitely will not be showing up on the channel that otherwise I'd have a great fun with are a lot of kinds of rhythm games unfortunately because uh we only got a minute left I really need to get bigger here because uh the thing with rhythm games is they have music and a lot of times that music is licensed so like rock band is a favorite series of mine never happening on this channel that's just a copyright claim nightmare same with Rock Band Blitz Rock Band Blitz what thereat see there's a game I would love to get another sequel of because Rock Band Blitz was great it was basically if you just took amplitude or frequency harmonics as older games and just made a rock band reskin of them but allowed you to also put like rock bands downloadable content songs in it is so good I enjoyed it immensely anyway I think we're gonna win let's go a huge victory fabulous you won you ate well and rolled well and now you're pretty strong yes all righty what are you home now yes I do [Applause] but yeah Rock Band Blitz not happening on the channel alas we're starting to figure it out what the most powerful thing in the world is it's not missiles or guns it's the heart and all of us we think of course sumo is important too to Bari more Tadashi it's the best oh did you happen to win Micro wrestler man did you finally get to win and did you happen to win by a rollup super rolling up is so cool you ate hard and rolled hard yes we think you worked very hard we congratulate you on your victory I think it was praised I think we did good oh it's cousin Nick how are you doing on earth an eating contest so it's food as usual multiplies your highness I finally won I was up against someone fairly strong but I managed to win by roll-up I'll apply myself and become stronger work harder so I can beat it o is a key oh it's almost time for practice I'll leave the coma serene with you well really what are we supposed to do with him Oh throw him into space he looks kind of like a calamari so round so big we know we'll pop him up into the cosmos yes we'll try that to us and that career is over good job being a planet looking good mr. ko musubi I question the ethics of this but whatever it's not the first human we've put into space and it won't be the last speaking of humans who needs help two of you it seems they asked first let's talk to them we want to eat something sweet Wow it's the king amazing this is so amazing I'm Hansel and I'm Gretel together we're Hansel and Gretel that makes sense we love Katamari Damacy but we love sweets too we came all this way because we heard that the king can grant wishes we want to stuff ourselves with sweet things how about it sounds great what a perfect holiday thing to do Oh alone today it's not that easy rolling the katamari is it well actually it's not easy for us either it's not easy to just sit and watch no huh what sweets sweets you want to eat sweets we don't eat them - really and honestly a good idea now let's go eat great it is so like on the one hand I wish that not all the dialogue was so like formulaic and just kind of copy pasted from each thing but then when they break it up and do something that breaks from the formula it's extra funny so it kind of works out we finally found it we found the gingerbread house it smells like buttercream so yummy no no we must control ourselves all righty you have this much time to roll up the gingerbread house then once the sweets Katamari is big enough roll up these two fans we're sure you can do it Prince alrighty it's all yours now he's much more encouraging when we start all right fans I'm off just do you wait I'm gonna roll the heck up out of this thing like a candy wrecking ball all right I'm going back for more yeah George yes oh this is immensely satisfying yo if you've never played a cod Amara's game you really should they're so satisfying and the music's so nice ah give me a present I want it get me that yes got up for esence a present from a fan ah and hopefully one that's not our grandfather's face this time that was weird I don't know which fan gave us that present but um questionable taste okay we're doing real good we still got a couple of minutes so let's see what else we can get here come on come on keep that pace up we can do it get all those stars yes yes yes yes now we're getting those little towers this is good what he won real good hello don't forget roll up those two fans I'm gonna I still got a couple minutes what bothering me and excelling let me thrive [Music] yes kid everything oh we got the witch - for good measure what a great job I think we're doing doing so good oh my goodness I am actually doing quite good though yeah man get more things more things let's not cousin back here I don't know if it's a new one cousin you are you and you yes haha we got honey nice rolled up a weird pink thing wait it's cousin honey stop getting in the way all right just about time to start going back up the hill let's go ahead and do that we've done great things here great destructive things we should have got another demolition maybe that was our true calling no no no we create we create stars [Music] okay Paul done Wow ease our fans must be ecstatic all right II want to get home yes I do boy I love my little giraffe hat oh that was fine come on the gingerbread house you found it it was just sitting there who knew we're a little choked up so here we are this is the Suites Katamari Katamari that even we could only dream of it's full of sugary goodness yes fantabulous unbelievable no doubt Hansel and Gretel are very very contented I should hope so we got 97% of the stuff in there Wow we got a long nose as a present fabulous it's so intense but it's far too small for us Prince you can have it it's from a friend so make sure you appreciate it oh and it's cousin honey what were you doing on earth hmm you wanted to eat cookies did you save any cookies for us honey maybe you save cookies miss cada Marius snacks ish look it's full of sweets you were great your highness munch it's gingerbread house that was a thrill we're covered in cream and crumbs after getting rolled up into sweets Katamari we're full now you can have the rest your highness oh really you're giving it to us seriously fabulous thank you we're so pleased what should we do with it oh we can pop it the cosmos that's what we'll do huzzah the snack planet oh it's gonna be a planet Alex yummy it does twining serpents no no judgment and abuse wow it really is the worst hey way to go King oh boy [Music] [Music] mmm things are getting dramatic but we still work to do yeah origami yes just wait return just a moment I need to switch present both of you will have to wait I need to switch presents please never get no oh can we not oh I guess we got like a body part and a head part thing so okay no Zen camera for now giraffe hat may come back goodness so many requests we're not keeping up with the rate of requests origami first they asked hello here we go I don't know Katamari Damacy but my friend loves it see this friend she's sick now and not in school I wanted to get better soon so we're making a thousand origami cranes okay but the cranes got scattered by the wind and it's a mess your highness can you help us collect the cranes for my friend you got it what twelve eleven already how quickly the time passes wait is it midnight oh right no it's not but the clock on this ps2 isn't wrong are we behind the times we worry cuddle maradona see worries oh prince we want to ask you something what's hot these days huh origami cranes a thousand paper cranes how could you lie to us your highness you're so sexy sexy this year it's not about biotechnology no it's all about origami we think a thousand paper cranes that's the killer app very hot very cool we think already let's roll it cool well he is somewhat sexy did you see the tin we like that story a get-well wish for a friend it's nice us yes we have friends too but nobody major just love peace and a few other guys oh we forgot about the katamari you have this much time to roll up lots and lots of paper cranes a thousand cranes to grant a wish so your goal is one thousand boy we know you can do it Prince that's that I like that encouragement that's something you never heard in the first game alright good luck let's roll of cranes kids help out kids help kids what's that cat doing in here kids help out make cranes we got to make a thousand in five minutes go what's some fun percussion in this track I love all the fun like effects to put it on the on the drums anyway let's do another question ah chicken why are you in here you can't be in here this is a school they teach here okay this one is from Elena or Ellen oh not sure which what are the differences between movie animation and game animation and you prefer one okay well there's kind of a lot the like the crafts is the same but the needs of each medium are different and so the workflow ends up being pretty different for each two in a film if you are a film animator then you're gonna go into like you're gonna be given shots to work on or maybe just some characters in a shot and all the other animators on the same film will be working on different shots or maybe sometimes two animators are working the same shot anyway when you are giving a shot there by that point by that point the production there will already be like a storyboards an animatic like the film's story will be basically figured out by that point or at least it should hopefully if it hasn't been then that's kind of a bad scenario but up so you already kind of know what purpose your shot fills in the in the movie the camera will already kind of be set up the characters will already be in place and it's your job just to animate the characters performances and you'll spend a lot of time on it like as film like film is the realm of high polish and so like you were just to do the best possible animation you can you'll be given a good bit of time to do it compared to games and you'll be working with the director and and yeah when it's done like you'll like have that performance it'll be finished and then you just get moving on to the next shot and it's very satisfying seeing performances on screen that are basically the characters acting but they're kind of an extension of you in a way it's like it's very cool I feel like there's gonna be more cranes outside of this classroom I can't figure out how to get out yet and that troubles me anyway animating for a game though is pretty different because instead of just animating a performance for each shot that is gonna play the same every single time unless you're working in cutscenes you have to animate different actions that a character can do and they are finally the door open and so basically every feasible thing that that character might need to do you need to animate all those actions and like implement them in the game in a way that they blend together nicely so that a performance can kind of get created on the fly as the player or the AI or whatever like give us input for that character and it's also really satisfying like to see like to create a whole bunch of animations that a character can do and then just to see them kind of running around and doing things on their own not in exactly a precise order that you designated from the start like it's real cool like they're kind of like their own living thing on-screen which feels really different from looking at a performance that you crafted exactly to play the same every time but usually there's a lot of animation work that needs to get done in a game not nearly as big an animation team like I'm I would like it's a rare game that has as many animators as your average animated film is going to have so you're usually having to make do a lot more stuff and I made a lot more stuff in bulk on games and as such you're not given nearly as much time for Polish most of the time there are exceptions to that but uh on average also the big difference in games is that like making the beautiful animation is just half the gig like I said you got to implement it you got to get it in game and blending together nicely and that is like so much of the job making stuff actually look good in game is so difficult it's it's a different skill it's really technical you got to collaborate with a lot of other folks and yeah like a lot of some of the animators that I like I started working in film originally and I'm in games now some of the other like film animators I worked with who have also switched the games have like we tend to agree with each other that game animation is just kind of harder because animating a beautiful-looking thing is only the first part animating to a level of polish that film requires at the level that those animators are working is also very hard and takes incredible skill like I'm not meaning to diminish what they do at all they amaze me I don't know if I could do that anymore but uh yeah like it's very different and I enjoy both I enjoy animating characters sorry okay all done with the craning you won't know yes so like I enjoy animating characters and performances a lot which would kind of mean probably that I enjoy animating film stuff a bit more but game stuff is also really rewarding and like introduces sort of a puzzle design element in figuring out all the animations your character needs to look right and all that so they're both cool they're both fun we really played hard to such skill we showed in origami I didn't get a thousand I'm pretty sure we folded everything dreams Minds wins time itself all with this golden right arm Oh Okada Mari I don't know where 829 pretty close 829 cranes oh it's like we're seeing things it looked like you rolled up loads of them but at second glance not so many is that a lot or not it's hard to tell it won't help get anyone out of the hospital sooner come on put your back into it and make her better Wow we kind of push [ __ ] what is that as a present it's fabulous we were looking for one but it's far too small for us Prince you can have it it's from a fan so make sure you appreciate it oh I will I'm going to put it on right away are you sure this is going to do it thank you though I'm sure it'll work out but she lives in Australia how am I gonna get these cranes to her oh I know let's put this Katamari up in the cosmos that way she can see it from anywhere ah we see a very good idea yes very good for the cosmos - very good for your friend - let's pop it up there then - the cosmos - the cosmos but take care nebula oh it's beautiful no she can see it from anywhere yeah I hope she gets better soon we all hope that what a wonderful game let's put on our new present before you wrap up and nope that's the wrong place presents there we go it's the cake of course not the house you don't get presents in houses so there's that but there's also it's yeah oh look at us we're ready for a night on the town a weird town perhaps but what a night it'll be y'all have yourself a good one I hope it's been a wonderful day again whatever you're celebrating even if you're celebrating nothing whoever you're doing it with even if you're by yourself have a wonderful day it's a real real good one and I'll see you tomorrow for some more Katamari yay and goodbye [Music]
Channel: PlayFrame
Views: 7,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: We Love Katamari, Katamari, Damacy, Namco, King of All Cosmos, Prince, holiday, animation, gameplay, Daniel Floyd, Dan, Floyd, PlayFrame, Let's Play, Lets, Let's, Play, Frame, walkthrough, playthrough, series, Extra Play, Extra Credits, animator, Video Games, game, New Frame Plus
Id: GUfph8TlwbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 27sec (2547 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 25 2019
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