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[Music] [Music] get your ball bring it back Bruno don't you chase those birds Bruno uh-uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] are you being nice [Music] buddy hi spru and we [Music] hey [Music] man hi boys hi Mama [Music] hey guys welcome back to K&S get out I just about ate a that while it was happening he was in my mouth gross oh look blue skies sunshine that's nice to see yeah it's already been a fairly long morning I uh had an unex expected route Awakening and it's one that we've had before today was a little bit different we'll tell you guys about that after a little bit but it's something we've been dealing with it's been annoying no that's an understatement that's an understatement ah it's been terrible but I think we have a solution and I want to share it with you guys but before that we have had nothing but great weather the last I don't know however many days and of course with Bruno's snake bite threw everything off a little bit by the way I wanted tell you all thank you so much for all the prayers and well wishes and everything he is doing really really good awesome really good yeah we did a trail run this morning he was full Sprint he was chasing birds taking a little too far getting himself in trouble so he's back to his normal puppy self all the swelling is down he does have still that little spot where he was actually bitten is I don't know maybe about the size of a dime or a little bit smaller but it just kind of looks like you know a scratcher a cut and he obviously doesn't show any favor to it cuz he's a puppy I've been putting that powder antibiotic medicine on there too and that's kind of helped but yeah he's doing good he's doing good and he's leaving it alone but you know they bounce back a lot quicker than we do so good for him he's now survived his first and hopefully only snake bite I hope only yeah but some of the other things we were able to get done you guys remember the wood splitter and if you saw what I just showed you when I spun the camera around there's something else but I did get a moment yesterday I just kind of come out split for a while till my back starts hurting I start sweating profusely and then I'm like yep that's good for today it's not you know firewood season so no no big rush on it but man that thing is a beast and I have done you've done a lot big good job very big logs yeah don't tell Shannon but the ones that we propped the tent up on yesterday you split them I think we had like I don't know if it was 30 40 mph winds we had some major wind gusts yesterday that we weren't ready for which is no big deal but it blew that right off of those cuz we didn't secure it down which is no big deal and we didn't secure it down because this is not a permanent thing this is just a temporary thing to give some shade yeah this is just so I can come out and split wood in the middle of the summer CU I put this out in the Middle with no shade genius it was my fault but for the most part I've gotten all the really big stuff split up and so a lot of these I'll be leaving in small rounds just cuz it's kind of pointless to chop it all down teeny tiny but I'm so happy to have that thing here and it's just it's almost a good therapy when you need it you want to be destructive and you actually want to make progress doing something cuz as you know there's a lot of stuff to make progress on out here no speaking of which yesterday I got a wild hair I'm tired of hearing about it I'm not going to tell you who I'm tired of hearing about it from myself and some of you and her I did I just told you who but I got start say anything on my chicken Cube we're not going to go into all the details guys but yeah two feet on Center 2x sixes I got the skids down there we're not attached to the skids but I'm telling you something I think it's a whole new level a whole new challenge if you have land like we do which is just one big hill that goes down in the back connects to another hill hill hill hill the only flat spot on the land is right there where the camper and everything is and that's because they had graded that for the house that was there previously and I can't really think of any other level spots on all 20 acres maybe you know what as you get back there back on the trail there's one area where it kind of opens up and there's it's there aren't as many trees and there is a flat level area but we're talking like way back at the back of the property yeah but all the videoos watch when I see people doing this and like oh we're going to build this and we're going to build that and they just start going to town they don't have to think about this stuff but believe it or not I want to show you a perspective I'll see if I can get you an angle well it doesn't look bad in the camera frame cuz you can't see everything around you're back way too far now there we go now you can see the whole hill well it actually looks level on camera all right well you guys are going to make me feel better about this the one that the level is on right now is technically very very close to level the bubble is between the lines but believe it or not it can actually come up just a hair on that left side but your eyes don't see it when you're standing here so my goal I do have the two pieces of OSB that are going to be down on top of this but my goal is to get that on and then I think I'm going to try to use some of that deck correct stuff the cabbit U it's like a cedar color whatever that I had for the stairs I've got some of it left technically it shouldn't cover 64 Square ft for two coats 8 by8 but we're going to give it a shot and if not I may have to pick up some more but yeah I have just the front one the middle one and the back one are actually screwed in I got to get the other two pieces on probably going to throw a little blocking in there OSB down and then time for frame walls are you happy that I'm making progress on that finally of course I am good well we haven't gotten the goats and herk out yet we've just had Bruno out but before we get them out I want to take down a couple of those trees that were destroyed when the Big Oak came came down and let the goats eat on that okay however I didn't want to run the chainsaw while the goats and herk were out I don't want you to either okay so we'll start on that and then we'll get everybody out let them graze and they can clean up my mess sounds great perfect you always have a smile on your face when you have a chainsaw in your hand that's a good point I feel like I'm I'm just extra powerful we have been looking everywhere for snakes ever since the event and Shannon did a lot of work up around the camper we both got all the straw away from the camper donated all of it back to the compost pile and then shanon went through and kind of we remove some more of the paneling around the camper to kind of let it breathe a little bit better make sure it stays drier I think that had a little bit to do with what was attracting the snakes for whatever reason but a part of that too is this big mess this and my firewood over there that's like a perfect place for snakes to get into and hang out and wait for things to eat or wait for night time to come out bite Shannon or Bruno or me I was going to say why am I singled out there first well I'm just going to keep saying until you carry that flashlight fulltime I have carried a flashlight with me everywhere I'm very proud but as a part of that I brought the tractor over here and I pushed all of this stuff over here I've got to limb it down just a little bit because we've got that guard wire from our main Pole where the Transformer is so I got to clean it up a little bit more we're going to try to push it out and I'll get it burned here before too long however I have not brought down all of the collaterally damaged trees yet this one being one of the sadder ones except that it's super ugly is the way it's just weird but this is a red bud tree so early in the spring it has those beautiful kind of pinkish reddish flowers almost I love red bud trees I do too and we've got we got some more uh but this one being the closest to us was kind of nice to see Pop before all the green came out but unfortunately it's definitely not going to be doing that anymore so we're going to cut it down and then I've got a couple that I've got to get out of the way of that large one over there I say large small to medium how about that and I got to make sure that's not going to hit our power lines I don't want that to take down our power because if we take down our power for one it's deadly also I think everybody else out here loses power I don't think anybody would be happy with you yeah I don't I don't think you want those fingers pointed at you part of the thing that we're worried about is our guard wire right there that goes up to the power line so we definitely want to make sure that that doesn't get hit with anything that comes down yeah which you know by standing back and doing the whole arm thing and seeing about where it's going to go I think we're going to be safe but I just want to get these cleaned out of the way first so that I know we're going to be safe okay I'm going to get her fired up and get this one down my personal preference guys no matter the size of the tree for the most part I mean above about you know four or five inches across I Notch them I want them to go right where I want them to go plus it's good practice for when I have to notch them the more notches I do the better I'm going to be at them right yeah so I'm going to notch this one see if I can't get it to go this way and leave that guard wire alone over there [Applause] [Music] about cut through the whole thing already I saw that that's all right that fell in a perfect place good job babe thank you it really did it did yeah I definitely came through it too much but man look how many ants are in this of course it was already dead I mean it was split so hard from getting hit but they just come pouring out of there E I love your sound effects when you see something [Laughter] gross okay well we'll see if the goats like red bud leaves I'm just going to stand here and watch you work okay I'd prefer that at least for this part my lower back's not feeling too good today so oh yeah mine feels great every day I'm just going to watch you man look at the lean on that tree yeah this is one of those that you probably could just cut in from the back without notching and it would just go on its own but I like to notch it you like to go a little overboard is what you're saying oh yeah you know me I want to make sure it's not too hung up up there cuz that's kind of the issue but I think there's enough weight it'll come down I trust you the proper direction [Music] well that was about perfect great job so it wasn't your worst Notch ever no it was a little deep but not my worst ever we still got a good 3/4 of an inch maybe a whole inch of a hinge which is when it just sits down politely and the bottom of it doesn't kick up at me okay all the goats see what you're doing and they're excited to come eat you guys going to help me eat this here in a minute we'll be right there one more tree maybe two we'll see all right so I can pull this and it's that other tree is not technically putting any weight on it or anything so I'm going to get this little guy out of the way first or else it will be a problem for this guy getting it to go where I want got to have that exit route yeah I'm watching for snakes too I really need to be on that side but I don't want to be pinned here and then it potentially come up so I'm going to see if I can get it from over here okay [Music] you're so right-handed yes I am very much so I can cut up this direction but yeah there's no I got nothing okay now this is the one that took the primary beating from the Big Oak and this is the one that's in question as to whether or not it'll reach that power line all right so here's a little trick that I learned or I made up I might have made it up we'll find out you want to get something kind of long and then get a perspective in other words I want it to be just as tall as the tree from my focal point you know ideally I'd back up a little bit further which is what I'll do and I want to have it at the base and then the top at the very tip top and then at that same perspective pivot where the tree would pivot when it falls and do this number you can kind of see about where it's going to fall because if your perspective stays the same and you're pivoting where the base of the tree is that's going to be its path of fall okay so hold it out so that your perspective from your eyeballs are from the very base of the tree all the way up to the tip top it's raining again yeah beautiful now does that allow you to see the whole tree yeah and then pivot pivot pivot where's my friends fans okay see what I'm saying yeah do you think you're going to be it's close isn't it yeah it's just the the leaves now if you look though it's technically going up this direction leaning away from us so I could push it that way by notching it on that side and just hope and pray that it kind of keeps a little bit of a trajectory this way and that way I won't Notch it over here and send it that way okay you got faith in me I do I have complete trust in you okay are you going to do it in the rain I'm going to do it in the rain and if this goes a right we're just going to cut it out of the video and call the power company immediately I'm going to grab a umbrella real quick sh's going to get an umbrella because she's going to melt [Music] that's a good [Music] one slow fall a very slow fall that is hinging perfectly [Applause] I'd say it was a very good thing we moved the trucks I would say so your dad might not be super pleased with his dump truck having a little uh you know it wouldn't have been too bad just some scratching well that was very good uh I went exactly where I wanted it to so this is why it fell so slow I had a really good Notch come out of it came to a very good point which is always what you want but then the moment I noticed it start to move that's when I backed up but you can see that hinge is every bit at 2 and 1/2 almost 3 in wide the hinge being all the fibers that you don't technically cut through and then they're just breaking one by one that's why it falls real slow like that but also the direction it's going to fall as long as gravity's in agreement with you it's going to be right along that hinge line that you cut it's why you want a nice clean hinge right there great job these are all the fun thoughts that go through my head every single time I cut anything down that's why I trust you babe I have to admit that one thudded just a little bit harder than I expected that a slow fall I can take and kind of feather this but I have a feeling those goatis are going to enjoy hopping up here and walking down so I'll leave that fun for them okay and then we'll clean it up later all right the goats have been crying at us pretty profusely and our goats are like other goats where they will come out in the rain if it means they get to eat yeah and we wouldn't do that if cooler temps of course but what do you guys think will you come out in the rain come on Goat to goats come on Goat to goats and go stick here can I hand you this mhm they're debating it now they're like well it is raining a little bit Bruce over here hi [Applause] [Music] buddy come on over here buddy hi Mama how wet are you guys willing to get right cuz it all of a sudden just started really raining hey come this way goaties I cut you down some trees goats come [Laughter] here I know they're perplexed cuz they're like hey it's kind of raining but we're out but it's raining but we can eat some stuff come here Koop is catching on now blue doesn't like to get her beautiful fur Dew all wet we'll see if she stays up here guys there's a whole lot more than just that Branch there's little Daisy czy Daisy Here Comes Larry and Harry and blues back there with dookie come on bluesy you know I've actually noticed shortly after the trees come down they do enjoy eating the leaves and whatnot but it wasn't until about day what 3 or 4 maybe after they dried out they kind of wilted a bit they're a little more yellow brown like what you see at Luigi's feet then they really started getting after him Spruce Spruce this way buddy hey Spruce where did everybody go what the heck why everybody you didn't even tell me where you was or nothing oh the birds called you he's got to talk about it on his way over look how good he's looking he is getting tall yeah he is when he stretches out on a tree he is almost as tall as I am yeah he was standing up yesterday before Luigi snuck up behind him and pushed him which was kind of funny he was standing straight up and down I look over and I see that he he's only a few inches off of Shannon's height when he's standing I have to admit I do love when they do this because it makes it a little bit easier for me to get in there and limb them if I don't have all the leaves in the way that makes sense yeah good job everybody you know what it it would have made for a very terrifying event but I don't think this would have hit either one of the trucks well I'm GL that we just didn't take a chance oh yeah no it was definitely the right thing to do but it was uh look how close it is though yeah well when I'm parking next to the old truck bed cover that we have like I'm hugging right over here so it would have like brushed with the leaves just a little bit and said hi trucky [Music] [Music] no takers Mama's a taker that's my [Music] girl oh there's her you're going to tell me if I don't have the umbrella over you it's over part of me I can't believe they're not even phased yet I'm shocked they're not running back to the pin in all honesty especially Miss blue it is really coming [Applause] down K's trying to get under the umbrella with yeah my back's just getting soaked I'm sorry you should hold the umbrella well I kind of feel like if the goats are enduring it I should probably be able to do the same I we could go to some more tree coverage areas that would be smarter what do you think OU buddy you trying to stay out of it big guy come here bluesy I know you like it the least come over here here honey oh stand under these trees do you want to go back to your pen it's been doing this off and on for no more than K and I don't fit under an umbrella together especially when Shannon's holding it yeah it's been doing this off and on all morning long this is probably one of the harder ones we've had since early early this morning but maybe that'll make it better these gotis are getting a little wet I'm actually really really surprised at this one not so surprised at the kids mama and her boys they don't usually mind too much they'll even go down and Graz in goatville that's how much they enjoy grazing guys they'll put up with the rain at least while it's nice and warm out Brave Little Koopa how a boy Koopa way up there you know I actually saw him and Spruce getting up there yesterday and Spruce is being a little uh Daredevil about it he slipped once but he don't care he's bouncing surpris Me So speaking of the rain this morning that rude awakening it wasn't just last night so our carbon monoxide alarm has gone off since we bought the camper at just random times ironically most frequently at like 3 something in the morning and you can go and turn it off and of course we would open the doors we would get to Fresh Air the whole nine yards in the beginning but because we didn't trust it we bought a secondary one cuz it's kind of a big deal and then there was a recall we got a recall on it that somehow it's wired into the solar inverter cuz we've got a solar panel on top that we don't use and some I don't know but we've never done whatever it takes to use full function of that so we just had this annoying carbon monoxide alarm that would go off every single day every at random times different times every day and I did follow the instructions on the call and I I sent in what I was supposed to so they could check it out and they replied and said there was nothing wrong with our camper like oh yeah no the settings look great I'm like no this this is not normal and I got to be honest uh Nala she could drop a big old gas bomb in there you know a real good one and even set it off that way so I knew it was semi functioning kind of there's methane and anyway but our second alarm never has gone off ever no and I do test it regularly I bought it brand new so it's got fresh batteries and everything well hi herk hi buddy boy you got into something didn't you you hit a thorn with your nose bud a little boo boo hi buddy you're such a good boy guys look he's naked today he's naked we ain't got no e-caller cuz he's been listening so well and I think it's time for little brother to get some e-caller training oh little Thunder do you hear that is that blood or did you get into some kind of berry I think that may be some Berry so last night I don't know we had a long day of working on stuff it was just it was a great day everything's good we're making a wonderful dinner one of my favorites and the stinking thing goes off I mean just I mean it is so loud guys it makes me jump every time yeah I'm not going to lie I immediately grabbed my Leatherman out of my pocket unscrewed the two screws yanked it out of the wall and clipped the wires I didn't kill any power to it I didn't check to see if there was something about it I just cut it and we heard a couple things go uhoh we blew a fuse that by the way is only labeled accessory but guess what it took out our hot water heater to it took out the whole controller for the camper right as you walk in the door so you couldn't turn on the gas hot water heater or the electric or if we were using the freshwater we couldn't use the pump I mean it took out some really weird things that like the radio the radio and the clock under the TV like how am I supposed to tell time so we panicked a little bit and I'm like well crud I might have got a little angry and uh shouldn't have just cut that wire and then I lost sleep over it I woke up at about 4:30 this morning like ah we don't have hot water there's no way Shana's going to get ready I'm going to get in trouble and I stirred and I couldn't go back to sleep and so now the alarm that's no longer going off I'm still waking up out of paranoia from it so where did I go early this morning Menards got some new fuses switched it out boom we are back in functionality without that silly alarm in our lives anymore I know I was joking with Kyle's like hey the alarm didn't wake you up last night but you woke up anyway oh man it was on the brain so we're in good standing order we do have a carbon monoxide detector SL alarm in there um as well as I believe there's a secondary fire alarm that's built into that one which a smoke alarm smoke alarm which the one for the camper was not a smoke alarm so technically we're in a better position we do have a smoke alarm in the camper though it did come with one it just wasn't tied into the right yeah there's one up on the ceiling but at this point I don't trust those alarms all that much so I'm glad that we have our own it's basically what I'm getting at I got you yeah so no more root Awakenings from that silly thing it's sitting on the counter and I just walk by every day like yeah it's going to start randomly beeping one of these days oh it will get I'll bring it out here and destroy it hey and just like that look the rain L up that's how it works around [Music] here look at this Mohawk it's like having Cy hair when it gets wet it just kind stands up you [Music] know a little wet pretty girl curls are coming out [Music] [Music] all right well I've made more of a mess for myself yep that's this guy but just like Shannon always justifies for me got to make a mess to clean a mess that's true so I'm going to let the goats help me out on this one it's time to limb it up Buck it up I got more firewood yeah and we got a good splitter that's true sitting pretty it's all just you got to do a little bit at a time I keep telling KY like any little progress I can make every day is progress so it may be a little bit but it's still progress she just told me that yesterday after cleaning around the camper and we were making our place a little less snake friendly but I do have to say we just noticed this a minute ago cuz well we just cut it with you guys it's really opening up this space over here I mean you guys know we have stood in awe of this space that was that we cleared couple years ago but now we're really starting to see the vision opening this up going back to that trail over there and really talking about encompassing that in fencing for the goats so that they can graze on a lot more land than goatville yep and save us some grain and hay money and just like that the sun's coming back out we got a little bit of blue in the sky I think it's supposed to do this pretty much throughout the day minus the rain I believe that may have been all the rain we're supposed to see they'll change it in 20 minutes yeah if I look at my app though I guarantee you there's a 60% chance just randomly I'm sure well guys we love and appreciate each and every one of you we thank you so much for coming on this journey with us and as always we'll see you in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: K&S Get Out
Views: 26,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farm, homesteading, homestead, beginner homestead, shady acres, rv living, farmstead, guard dog, farm life, modernhomesteading, lgd, goats, farm animals, doss farms, grandpa doss farms, goat farming, funny goats, funny animal videos, animal farm, family friendly, family, camper life, baby goats, new life, new farm life, cute baby goats, baby farm animals, small farm, goat farm, kioti tractor, tractor work, puppy, goat grazing, guinea fowl
Id: ITtvHcPh_9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 46sec (2026 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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