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[Music] we're going camping in a place called the screaming forest why is it called the screwy forest okay wait a minute what's that I don't want to know what that was just like one Yahweh yeah you heard that right or something like a howl or a bark or something here we need to go back Mike let's go with it wait something-something tense hello hello please Mike holy goddamn where yeah where he's gone I don't know where he's gone and we heard like noises like screaming or something and we were like looking around we couldn't see anything what do you mean we heard Jesse yelling I don't like we were over we were that way looking for wood and we heard screaming and I was like let's get out of here and like I dropped I dropped my wood while I was running so I was like I gotta pick up the wood and then Jesse he walked off I guess he was like panicked and then way I first picked up the wood he's gone so I came up here how long it was not he we literally just heard of me like five minutes ago we we literally just heard him did you don't hear that freaking the footsteps over there I didn't hear anything I just dude there was something something massive was like you moving trees and stuff we heard it crazy else is like we're not alone there's something bigger something that we have no idea what it is I'm Jesse like out there alone yeah we need like Jesse Jesse like how far did you go like we literally got out of the tent like right there like kind of below the hill like in inside of the tent but down that way holy know where he could have gone he told me he's gonna be intense freaking go see Jesse Jesse like what was it her idea to like split up no he said yeah well he was like I'm gonna meet you at the tent and I don't know where he could be like why is he not right at the tent that's that's not good place we want to get lost literally the last place yes it was like right around here maybe you I don't know like sneeze sneeze stay with the tent I mean it's the one place he knows where we are yeah but if if he is lost he might have gotten turned around he could be going the opposite direction I think maybe if we just we still on the path we figure out we go on the path we go up and down the path a couple times if it starts getting a little too dark we just double right back to the tent then like what what if we get lost like literally like we'll just stay on the path the path Jessie how I don't understand there's no way you could the more time we waste the the further he did again yeah let's let's grab our stuff and go we've got everything yeah that should be fine like I have all the lights and stuff okay Mike yeah all right all right we're gonna go very quick there and back okay let's go let's go Jesse somewhere writes Jessie [Music] buzz off like that I don't know I wish I was like no like trackers like you'd see like someone's foot oh yeah yeah yeah I don't know I don't like it's really useless like if we're calling him and he doesn't hear us like he I mean remember how we were saying earlier that we couldn't tell which sounds things were coming from the directions what what why do you drop them here wait Louie dude we were just talking about this like you see this footprints right like you pass me you guys were over there over there yeah and these are his footprints which means they're going this way right I mean it looks like there's like a bunch like we should just go back to the tent man like said of a fire it's getting dark if he's around the area like he'll see the fire um okay that's that's probably a good idea well this it's a tough call I think I think getting back to the tent might be the best call here because if he finds his weight he's gonna go to the tent and then if we're not there he's gonna start yelling panic and then he goes somewhere else like he's by himself like if you're in the forest by yourself and your loss like you just enter panic mode at that point yeah we literally just inked Jessie have to go we have to go we wait Dook Dook what if it's the forest you mean where the forest look your witness Jessie one 100 century listen if it's image the four they want us to go in the middle of woods and get lost - yeah but how does the fourth listen freakin control bro burrows we're not gonna find Jessie if we are lost to the getting back to the tents makes the most sense we keep calling his name eventually he's gonna hear us and come back what I'm saying is we know like if you're not if you are confident I'm like 100% sure this is really Jessie going that way it's not if we heard the scream from over there I would believe you but we know Jessie went this way I don't know man it's it seems kind of sketchy to me like we only just started hearing him when we found his stuff like yeah but like where this this is our closest point of reference to where he is I think we have like fine and I'm making sense let's just go okay okay bit a little bit further we'll come back okay that's just a little further all right Jessie Jessie - I'm not seeing anything anymore Jessie the hell is this what the hell it seems like people have been here dude are like a fire pit medium these look like graves I'm pretty pretty sure these are graves man oh why I don't know I'm not liking this man let's go a little deeper dude I think that's a bad idea like look where's where's Jesse we don't hear him we don't have any any tracks anymore I'm telling you dude that wasn't Jesse we heard his voice we know the general direction we need to go at least a little bit deeper like we just have to it's Jeff your best friend if we lose him like this is where like people like look we hurry great like people died out here when they get lost if we don't find Jesse like okay okay okay okay just a little just a little deeper okay and then we go back to the path and we go back to the tent okay look at it man it's almost completely set it's gonna get start getting dark real soon like [Applause] Jesse okay I'm calling and we need to get back to the the path like real quick he's gonna leave about here I think the best plan right now is the fire idea yeah set up a fire he'll probably see the smoke or something before it gets too dark yeah cuz if we're lost - then we're useless we can't find him exactly okay let's get back to the path this way right like this definitely didn't come from that way because we came up on Miss Ellie okay let's let's go your way and see just like a couple feet here we should see it we didn't come right though I like that tree I mean yeah like all the other dead tree think so I've never seen this tree I would have noticed yeah the big that's a pretty look dude there's logs on the ground literally everywhere okay well we just need to pick pick a direction like and just stick with it I say we just we go off your instinct that way yeah hey guys we are officially lost the the original plan was to not get lost in the screaming woods but here we are not really a comfortable feeling but that's not a it's definitely not a fun time and I have the lights going it's starting to get like really really dark what not only do you have to worry about freaking screams but you know what the hell you see that yeah yeah it's like really numb like I can't even feel my hand it's super weird I'm kind of concerned oh my god yeah like we can't leave this on a tick so we definitely took like hurry this up how long has it been there like I have no way to tell it's not big so I have to assume it hasn't been that long but if I leave it in for a long time obviously can get like a lot worse of course you would have all people get a free app I never want to come out with you guys cuz you're bad luck yeah anyways remember I think we said he was the one that was gonna get us killed then he was the one who lost Jesse yeah that is true Jesse lost Jesse I didn't but it's serious yeah well we're gonna find him but now we kind of have to hurry up because if this stays on me for a long time you're going to get like Lyme disease or something which is like super serious well I have a plan Oh unfortunately I don't have a plan to find Jesse so what's your plan but I think we could get out of the forest and possibly get help that would be all so the idea is if you look over there the Sun is setting that way right yes sir so theoretically we know that's west true East no Sun sets in the west in the West it rises in the east and the town I'm pre sure is East I could double-check you know I still have forgetten memory on my on my email but I'm pretty sure if we go that way we'll eventually will eventually hit civilization or a road or something even even if towns not this way we're gonna hit something eventually right we're gonna hit a road shake it so obviously it's gonna get dark the only issue with the plan is we're gonna have to stay the night in the woods and just Trek it out and awful I wouldn't say Trek it out I would say we could set up a fire and if Jesse's nearby he could possibly find us you know who yeah yeah like once the Sun comes up like we need to be off and we need to be going that way we're the studing it sorry yeah so if we don't find Jesse that means he's gonna be alone in the force overnight we're alone in the forest over night man like they're all suffering here okay well let's let's get to it let's walk with the purpose wait what the hell is that is that do that that's like this time dude that might be like civilization or something I'm saying like it sounds like an alarm or something maybe like a big truck do we yeah do that I guess we have to go that way anyways until dark that's probably gonna be our best bet I mean it's kind of giving me like scary vibes you know what I mean like it's a little engine sound like a real siren you don't I mean yeah like welcoming either definitely like what is that creepy but our best bet is definitely to like investigate it and hopefully it's like a car or like a I don't know whatever it is hopefully it's like civilization II yeah like some kind of like police or something person okay let's try to go as far as we can before nightfall [Music] [Music] okay update guys as you can see it's pretty much fully dark out and we've just been walking east this entire time so far no Jesse yeah no campsites I heard them either I think what we want to do right now since obviously we can't see anything is everyone should have like some kind of like flashlight yes probably a good idea and we're just gonna collect firewood guys yep nice that's a bit better but uh still really dark we've been like walking this way guys like I kind of like this direction but we're kind of like surrounded by woods now so keep trekking on and we'll get some firewood we need to take a break man some fire would be so nice right now you're like yeah hopefully Jesse will be able to see it in the dark Jesse Jesse kit walls fires now let's do this like a place we're firing convenience dry material like like branches break Jesse are you over there it's like a voice I'm not liking this I felt like that's an animal for sure if we make a fire animals won't be as like drawn to us right okay yeah let's try to get his name sticks as we can okay it's small and dry as possible right now I will do sweets um I'm not the best at that's okay I'll coach you so we need small like could this work ah yeah you would oh that's close maybe you just go over there for like an exactly yeah let's go careful okay let's go this is a pad okay - lets get out of here let's go let's go oh my god you see this it's like knock down trees remember the thing we heard who's like this might be where it came through we should see this hello somebody we squeeze sweet [Music] you
Channel: HypeMyke
Views: 1,932,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3am, horror, scary, paranormal, ghost, creepy pasta, haunted, abandoned, exploring, sam and colby series, haunted forest, scary documentary, most haunted places, sam and colby overnight, haunted overnight, tfil overnight, sam and colby scary, top 10 haunted, cabin in the woods, hypemyke series, secret, overnight in haunted hotel, most haunted hotels, mystery, witches forest, screaming forest, screaming woods, hypemyke forest, siren head, siren, siren head game, jester lost, jester
Id: i_AWmvRqPuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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