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KF we're feeling a little under the weather today but that isn't gonna stop us from playing this big brain game yeah that's right coffee's gonna make me feel better for sure um officer donut can you tell rainbow to stop drinking all the coffee she's gonna get dehydrated and then more sick let's go guys she's gonna leave the game show earlier because she needs no no no you guys don't understand you drink one glass of coffee you drink two glasses of water okay but rainbow left look at the audience they're excited for us right they're waiting for a show guys they think they're cheering for us they better I'm gonna eat them for dessert filmed on a sound stage at shovelware Studios Hollywood and live in front of us we're just fancy guys [Music] I'm gonna win easy [Music] that was so appealing bravo bravo oh look at the little green banana thank you thank you I'm contractually obligated to be here welcome you're gonna need to pick a category okay wait Gold's first thing uh Mr banana what should I pick um I don't like many things I don't like that okay this category is about various fears phobias X all that which phobia is the fear of repeating patterns and clusters of small holes Trypophobia Trypophobia what are those noises easy unfair give me all the price everyone gets points for doing it right some people experience this when looking at beehives in the mood to pick a category I hope because that's what you're doing you've got it oh Rainbow's gonna choose a hard one watch so no one can get points I'm going to pick the hardest of the bunch flags of the world can you pick these world flags out of a crown oh gosh oh no what's that did you hear that that means it's time for a potential bonus time [Applause] it looks delicious okay I need to win this it came with apple slices though and I don't really like apple slices so you can have those oh actually I don't want to win this bonus prizes are always so exciting will you answer this next question correctly and win it yes I will um I think Luna really wants it no two red bars oh my God this is so sad of course we know what the Canadian flag looks like it's a that's nice you got it correct no I have to get the fastest you got the friendly Burger great now I've got maple syrup on my mind you just won the bonus prize yay yay pick a category anything um I'm gonna choose a hard one yeah shapes and such science Rules are amazing space Oh it auto selected Planet this way but it's the amazing space um I like this banana okay give it to me so my little alien friend go up is trying to get back to their home planet on the other side of the universe they're worried the spaceship won't make it past all those space rocks orbiting between Mars and Jupiter do you know what that region of the solar system is called and I'm hoping yeah the odds of navigating through it [Music] um I think I heard a nursery rhyme about this before so I'm gonna guess Saturn that's this way uh I'm just gonna guess this I'm gonna guess this because they guessed that survey says that's right oh yeah in our solar system most asteroids orbit the Sun in a region called the asteroid belt yes I know I'm famous regardless it's your turn to pick a category okay okay hmm please no math no math no math because I'm always puzzled let's puzzle over some puzzles it's the puzzling Puzzler category it doesn't look like a word anymore does it nope I got this all these normal questions have me pretty bored you know who isn't bored but is aboard here with our special best question it's 40 of us [Applause] it's time for 40 questions so it reaches the exit with the bucket beneath it the water will only flow downward with gravity it will not go upward through any pipes which opening do you pour the water through oh no if you pour it through um no it's B come on come on wait what yeah my question because he has a pipe that is going through but D it blocks it and goes now I need to play back welcome to the game ready to choose a category why yes I am because you're so excited eyes on the prizes the prizes he always wants prizes you'll treasure this category could you win round trip travel compensation I don't know any of these I only heard of this one must be I don't even know what this is I don't even know what the grocery store [Applause] what that is yeah no we're seriously running low on cheese Mr banana can you give us Universal questions right it's because Draco at least we have less competition now is it because Draco pick a category any category please don't like me on fire nonsense nonsense nonsense no I can't even say that word this category is weird we're sorry is the question no I'm not Magnus I'm picking magnets I'm picking no false oh come on magnets hey buddy is good at this because she understands what category oh this is starting to make me scared talk about States oh we're not gonna do geography geography it's time for some geography well probably anyway I love paper boats you know I used to love sending them sailing down the creek by my house but lately I've been wanting more more challenge more Adventure more I wanted to send a paper boat sailing down the longest river in the world which river would I need to put it in what's the longest river of the world um oh I I think I feel like it's this I heard of this is the Nile it's Amazon no it's not Amazon is it the Nile ah there's the Nile you're doing amazing my school guessing skills are finally coming into hand you know why is science related to math we'll do science science Rules your guessing skills are chosen science I know they're Immaculate physics and stuff like that no not really Mr banana branch of science that deals with topics like hate oh uh oh I know this great like a thermos oh yeah how are we gonna win money guys thermodynamics deals with the transfer of energy including heat if you notice it sounds similar to thermometer a tool to measure heat yes and that's why my guessing skills go ahead use your device's input method of choice to pick a category it's easy don't worry I got this [Applause] extra for this here's another question oh my gosh this was sad the smartphone's annoyed [Applause] I am not artistically knowledges well if you're artistically you're eligible another question what category will the question be from I better not light on fire again um break laundry big laundry flakes of the world are Chef away Studios big laundry some of these categories are bananas whatever that means let's see the question are you gonna talk about like clothes oh my gosh oh my God is gonna be so annoyed kept you waiting huh here's a question from me to you what's the name of this Scottish skirt like garments I hope I spelled it right though oh gosh it's with a K right I think it is yeah okay good I was going I should have pressed it earlier I'm too is it for this I should try a kilt sometime get in touch with my Scottish Heritage oh I didn't know you're a Scottish banana maybe in my dressing room if you want an autograph after the show guys in the dressing room um excuse me do we should I be taking notes on this why what um no this is in school this isn't it thank you thank you ah it's time to pick a category let's hear it come on let me win this goal oh taste test I bet you like it this category won't leave a bad taste in your mouth it's time for some food related questions I'm like some kind of unspecified Turtle superhero oh if I wanted to go to the origin of pizza and experience it in its true authentic fashion where would I go now you're speaking my Lane we all know this I got it easily easy that's right no no Lunar New York they said turtles they said Turtle wait my boss from my summer job in high school rainbow you overthought it I wonder if he's from Italy I bet you're just making a reference rainbow will you pick a category or just let the timer run out I know I want it oh tricky I'm gonna let the time around out banana because you're starting to drive me bananas I'm not gonna play your dumb game anymore I just got word that someone picked the what's the word she's actually forced to pick it but okay but the way a given language is used in a specific region wait what country huh oh I know what this is probably the dialect right it's either dialect it's either vernacular or dialect I'm gonna attack I'm gonna guess ridiculous because dialect is how you say the opposite of vernacular word would be standard language all right what category do you want this time I need to get ahead of everyone you know you're already ahead get behind on the prizes I like this one we love prizes have you been reading our flavor text it's time for some questions about the prizes but your text says flavor locations can you not win a trip to as a prize here on shovel Wares oh probably this [Music] not a chance oh so it's not Brazil um it's your turn again so that means you gotta pick a category I know I know so great it's lit man I mean it's lit for family yeah once you pick it up you can't put it down it's the literature category you want to help me with mine that's extremely service level book report finish this book title The Catcher in the blank oh I hear about this all the time hey guys it's The Catcher in The Fly that's a lie I don't know what it is let's hear that category [Music] I love puzzles category it doesn't look like a word just give us a puzzly puzzle there's an apartment building downtown with four floors the higher the floor the more people live there which floor does the elevator go to most often easily amazing I like it where would people go the most to you know there's one place they all have to go to first they have to go to one hey yeah the first floor it is to get back down to the ground floor to leave a hot tree question is it over let's see the amazing prize the winner of this round this goldfish last week during the visit that I got this as a rewards and cried and yelled just a little bit but then I realized that my apartment doesn't allow pets so it's yours if you win yay [Music] [Music] this is ridiculous [Music] hey I know sponsors won't be braces that's the real star of the show no guys come back I'm the winner [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 2,359,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh videos, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox funny, funny roblox, roblox obby, story, roblox krew, roblox funneh, roblox brain game, roblox brain game itsfunneh, roblox brain game funneh, roblox brain game krew, roblox brain game funny moments, roblox brain game funny, roblox gameshow, roblox game show
Id: Y35LsKTj0OM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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