We have the worst police car ever | Farming Simulator 22

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so Hudson and I work for the police department we've got a brand new order of cop cars that you've never seen before we've never seen before and we have a ton of awesome people to stop today a lot of funny moments a lot of bad guys to chase down are you ready yeah I think we can do it and guys if you have ever seen a cop car give this video a thumbs up just like that or the police might give you a ticket oh you don't want a ticket we're just kidding but please give the video a thumbs up they'll arrest you we would appreciate it and maybe they'll arrest you you don't want to be arrested right no you don't want to go to jail okay let's go we're taking our blue truck we're checking in let's go check you know what I want to check on the fire department real quick let's check on how their day is going and guys if you don't know this is a back in my day video we're only using old Vehicles old fire trucks old everything everything is old okay ready to go let's go all right fire department where's all the workers at uh okay so they they must be here they're not out on duty everyone's thing is here okay hello I just saw somebody what they're playing arcade games Hudson guys you're ma'am did you lose you broke it she got mad and punched it I think didn't she okay farming Sim yeah you broke farming Sim 2148 ma'am okay you got to have you're going to have to fix that the Marshall is going to be mad isn't he and this guy he should have broke that one this guy still playing he he should have broke that one that's not farming that's not farming yeah boom there you go but you broke this one ma'am you're going to really have to fix that we we all kind of like to this game so please fix it wait y'all got ice cream they got all the good stuff here hudon they have a couch tell their boss yeah look at all the donuts they have steal a donut what take a donut take take one Hudson o jelly fi all right eat the jelly field yep muff they have I'm out of here they just take everything guys y'all have all the good stuff we're out of here I'm not I'm not working no more there's no door man did you break the door off too okay we're out of here come on let's go to our police station D yeah I hope there's new stuff there hopefully we get some good stuff like them yeah they got all the goodies ice cream what no way are you serious right now this dude these are the worst cop this is what they ordered us this is the worst cop character they didn't even spell correctly police J we got the police J Cars why what are we ordering this for these are the ugly this is what I wanted yeah right there I F we got this I wanted this yeah I wanted a swad fan come on is the other guy here we need to talk to him hey okay he's not here all right Dad check out the prisoners if we have any I don't even know if we have prisoners no one's even working no one's here no one's working oh hold on open this we we got some people to take care of but I guess we'll quickly check we'll be there's no one here yeah that's fine you know what we're going to be the best police department starting right now are you ready yeah all right come on like we can upgrade these someday which car do you want to take I guess it doesn't really matter uh this one fine um these just look really slow too doesn't it yeah it does not look fast all okay here we go I guess we're starting the day somay we could just get those SWAT Vans if we have enough M if we work hard enough today maybe we can go buy a SWAT van you want to do that yeah all right come on let's go and we could fit way more people I think so too all right we continue our day let's see what we can find okay any bad guys on the loot anyone breaking the law on the road wait wait wait wait car you cannot be pulling dad oh car get him we I'm trying to turn around come on car hurry up Sir get in front of him sir okay wa no no stop it you cannot be doing that stop you cannot be pulling that was easy you car what okay you that was easy you're doing this right in front of our station man that was easy where' she go oh she's back in there hold onu no that was easy no we're in the tractor ma'am I oh she's she's gone where she's back in there dad put her in prison I'm trying but I'm stuck on her wait okay there we go let's get her now oh now we're good yeah now she's stuck all right man put her in the car get in the car get her Hudson you ready hold on jump in the wait no wait wait there we go okay and boom get her okay throw in there all right man you're going straight to jail I can't turn what is happening what did kind of car did they buy I can't even turn with this thing at least we got a prisoner true that's going to make us some money isn't it you're oh what thought you going I can't I think our car is broken our back tire our tires aren't even moving look when we drive our tires won't move it's moving sir what okay all right um we're parking this one for now this away all can you grab her grab her you've been misbehaving we're going to go ahead and just open that block put it right there handcuff her right there handcuff they have to get her name and everything first there there you go right there there ma'am you're in jail hey good job that's one down we still have a lot more to take care of though you ready and we didn't even get paid we're not taking that car we'll try this one the other one how are we going to get that out of here maybe this one's tires this one's tires don't move either are we just driving on ice what is happening maybe they're going so fast we can't even see true we'll we'll just say that it's going so fast we can't see it even though we both know that's not true right oh my all right excuse me I can't turn I this car is the worst car ever seen in my life excuse me sir and both of them are blue okay Grandma and both of them are blue don't know why what happened what's going on someone stole her skateboard I don't even don't you think she has a skateboard no ma'am I don't really know if you can are you the criminal here she said someone thr a skateboard they're going down the bridge I I okay we we'll check it out is she the criminal are you the criminal okay man we'll we'll keep an eye out okay there he is man we're on the I didn't believe you but there he is we're going we're going come on come on car I don't even trust this cop car this guy's fast sir that is not your skateboard over we just talk to that lady sir we're going to have to ask you Hudson's Police Department no sir no where where you sir no you're not no Dad push him sir sir there I got your skateboard sir look I'm going to ask you kindly before I throw you in the water this is not your skate no Dad bring him to the police station okay bring him the police station just set him like in that like that all right sir come on wait where am I okay there we are okay let's go all right sir you're going to the police station you're now with us there's nothing you can do to escape hold on guys cars just cars can y'all wait you see I have a criminal we have a criminal I'm trying to take him back to the place okay do not fall out of the car sir whatever you do you're going with us come on why is he in the room second person of the day that we are arresting hey we're going to have enough money to buy an actual swap vehicle here soon won't we at least we could upgrade it we could upgrade yeah that's correct all right I think we could upgrade it right now we probably can't upgrade it maybe we can go check out the police store soon all right right there we'll take him in right here okay okay let's go ahead and park right there open this up Dad how do I get him H can I there we go sir all right come on sir you are now going into jail sir dad you didn't what wait wait um close that his skateboards in there did did we get him I I don't really know what happened we got him we got him fine check the cell check the cell check the cameras check the cameras Oh go under okay we didn't make it call officer Ricky call officer Ricky call officer Ricky let him know to check from that man okay recky he said he's gone he's gone okay all right we'll be looking out for a Skateboard Bandit again okay let's go we continue our day to find more people I believe in us we've kind of a big band he he stole a skateboard right like do you even go to jail for stealing a skateboard like like that's not even that expensive you shouldn't steal but a skateboard a skateboard is kind of a skateboard maybe maybe the Grandma needs to go to jail maybe there wasn't even her skateboard we didn't even question that this thing's going fast it is going pretty fast and that CAU air it did catch air we've gotten reports I cannot turn go to the baseball stadium we just had report that someone is tearing up the football field big game tonight what is it did you see somebody um no I saw a lot of mud you saw a lot of mud yeah they said someone was doing donuts in the field made a huge muddy mess and the game is tonight Hudson oh no all right let's go investigate let's see what we can find here we come okay what what is this oh okay that was kind of cool I guess we kind of made it here we are in the oh they made a huge mess and why would a big game be this field okay I mean it's the big game for the home stadium okay let's check this out this a little bit of mud there's a car right here they crashed it right here our car now license plate there's no license plate about the front no license plate it's not do it's not dogee it's called a Dodge come on that's the truck oh H wait wait wait wait if they just bought this stuff I know who sells generators and honey right here at the station maybe he has a clue of who this was maybe he's there maybe the bad guy's in there that's correct let's go check it out May him jump in here come on where May he's in the gas station wait this is the owner sir okay someone just came in here and bought uh one of these generators and some of this honey just like this right here who was it they just did it they tore up the football field we got to find out who it is two kids and you you saw them running this way come on let's go Dad I want some honey you want some honey okay fine we're going to take the honey with us sir thank you yeah I appreciate it let's go come on LS uh we'll send him money this is a chip Department do you think the guys went to the chip store let's go check it out right you you never know they might be over here getting chips Dad I think I know where they are I see them right there you see them no oh I I thought they were hiding in the in the truck yeah oh are they in the truck eh no no one's in the truck okay no go in there you didn't go in there I can't go in there go in the back oh in the back okay okay no no one's in there Hudson I think there they are okay guys look we we know it's y'all how did how did y'all get back there and also they're not kids oh there we are I I can't okay Hudson um they're not kids they're not kids well they're driving a vehicle so they couldn't be too young right we need to arrest them please they tore up the football field actually you know what before we arrest y'all we need y'all to go back and fix the football field right yeah plant some grass and then we arrest them and guys if you enjoyed the video please give a thumbs up check out Hudson's playground for some awesome merch and until next time make sure you thumbs up like subscribe watch videos bye
Channel: Hudson's Playground Gaming
Views: 1,304,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fs22, fs 22, farming sim, farming game, tractor game, cops, police, millionaire, mansion, bank, hudson playground gaming, hudson playground farming sim, hudson playground farming simulator, farming simulator 22, tickets, motorcycle, rescue, water, river
Id: s2IKm0JJBxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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