Buying abandoned arcade full of games and cars | Farming Simulator 22

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so Hudson I have bought an abandoned arcade and yes there's actually games there there's also race cars there's abandoned Barns and much more we have never been there but we are excited to open it up to the public with all these games race cars and much more are you ready yeah we're gonna go get the keys for it right now in town and then we're gonna go check it out see what we got and I am so excited and guys if you like games give this your thumbs up just like that and maybe you'll wake up with a game next to you a free one right yeah brand new game just for you okay Hudson I came home not for our awesome race car I actually wanted to get our golf cart because I don't know if we're gonna need it around the uh arcade because there's a lot of stuff there it's more than just games there's race carts there's a lot of fun stuff There's an actual track there so I'm excited about that you ready yeah let's go get the keys and hand the man a check we've been saving up money forever but it's time to finally buy it and I'm excited and I'm driving in the grass so don't judge me let's go he said he was gonna be on the corner there he has a Ferrari okay that might be good news what is this blue car doing maybe that Arcane made a lot of money that's what I'm thinking I'm kind of thinking that too maybe that means it made a lot of money or maybe he left one of these there oh that would be cool alrighty sir Hudson's playground gaming ready to buy the arcade give them a check Hudson boom There You Go sir we'll take the keys thank you okay we'll take your Ferrari too right okay let's go you ready Hudson yeah okay never mind engine won't start he didn't give us the keys fine but we're gonna make so much money from this arcade like 10 of those then we'll race you and we'll take this from you right or I'll maybe be able to buy a Lamborghini you go okay let's go I'm ready I'm excited come on truck let's go check out arcade racetrack whatever you want to call it but I'm excited are you yeah let's go check it out wait Hudson look look that looks like one of the race tracks right there that we're getting has Swan Boats for racing boats there's a bunch of barns basketball goals with a the biggest tree I've ever seen in the world okay the entrance is a little abandoned I can already tell the we got to cut down trees like this don't we Hudson yeah and then we do an arcade sign oh an arcade signed that would be pretty good let me grab our chainsaw okay I said I got our chainsaw do we cut these old trees down yeah it kind of makes it look old doesn't it okay I'm gonna go ahead I think we should put new trees oh new trees and then like that arcade sign like you talked about pick it up yeah we're gonna have to okay let's see I'll put it right here in the road oh I could put it in the forest what if I just planted it back in the forest wait look look I think I just plant it you ready no dad put it back okay fine it's not ugly there we go that looks good right yeah okay this one and put it over there the same spot yeah okay I'm excited to check out our place but I'm too busy cutting down trees now for Hudson okay here we go because we don't we want to fix this true we need to make it look nice right no one wants to go to Arcade if it looks junky so you got to make it look nice and fun Dad if you use any swamps come down okay that that's fair if we see any swamp trees look chop them down yep I see some over there but if it gets like too many we might need to leave some maybe we can add alligators in the water and then it fits the Swamp Thing that'll be kind of cool wouldn't it swamps thing like what if we added alligators we added alligators and you had to race alligators um oh there's a huge Jenga oh it came with a restaurant what is the restaurant it's not it's not bad there's a worker here already I guess the restaurant came with a worker and ice cream this is Pizza ma'am the place hasn't been open for like 20 years and you just been sitting here the whole time you have steak on the table ready to go let's do some steak yeah all right I'm gonna drop it you ready and um man that was pretty good but the plate hit me right in the forehead didn't feel great but the food was amazing okay we're gonna tell everybody about this place right all right we need to clean up the road it looks kind of terrible right all the grass buy a lawn mower we do need to buy a lawnmower maybe we could train in like this truck Maybe I think we could trade in this truck for a lawnmower right yeah it's not a I don't even know this truck could run it's not the best looking truck it uh looks pretty bad as you can tell there's not much going on but maybe we could sell it for like five dollars and then put that towards a lawnmower all these are kind of junk we need to get rid of okay what about the Jenga does this actually work like can we have people playing this don't you can Dad don't do that because that oh if it falls you're right you're right you're right it'll create a huge mess we want someone else to have to do this right because if someone else knocks it over then what then they have to clean it up and we don't I don't want to clean this up this is too much okay there we go that's good okay should we go check out the rest of our place yeah see what else we got I'm gonna use our golf cart since we brought it we might as well right and it has about tires so if it happened gets muddy I think we'll be fine we didn't upgrade that basketball court yeah we have some basketball courts it looks I see arcade how big is this tree how did it just grow in the middle of the basketball court do we leave this here or are we talking I wanted this to stay here but it's literally in the middle of the but you know what it'll if it's a hot date it'll kind of add shade so maybe we leave it right yeah but it's is it gonna be a more harder entrance yeah we can make another entrance if we need to right that'll be just fine okay let's check out I got all these arcades look at all the arcade games guys look at all the games we can invite a bunch of our subs to come play with us can't we this is looking at all the arcade games okay this is really cool we'll have to find maybe ways to like fence this off or maybe put a door so we can add like air conditioner and stuff though because if it's a hot day or if it rains I don't think anyone's gonna want to be here right yeah okay so that's something we'll have to look into we have two barns here for some reason look at the racetrack oh we need something to do in the racetrack too okay you know what before we open this and check out the race cars and much more I'm gonna use this there's a train do we have a train is the train ours do we have a train in our arcade because if there's a train maybe we can have a train we could give train rides around town because if we have a trying to think of that too I need to get these cars I'm gonna be a billionaire but we might be buying a Lamborghini today yeah literally the past few seconds we have to open it right but it seems like that lady is gonna be pretty good at making food too yeah so we might make a lot of money with the restaurant too class that get out of your car 100 per stink a hundred dollars per stick okay I mean I guess if it's I'll leave the car there for now I can't seem to get it out of here with tobacco a hundred dollars per stake that's kind of expensive but I guess maybe if it's really good people hate it really good okay fine I agree with that said the food's gonna be phenomenal the best food ever we'll call it Chef Hudson okay and we need to get a lot of money we do need a lot of money because this place costs a lot of money this is the best part yes look at this okay so we have three couch cars these were probably not gonna go here three table cars we need to invest in some helmets people are gonna need helmets with these things if they're going around the racetrack okay helmets that is put write that down okay write that down helmets maybe we sell these and get like little go-karts though right yeah that might be a little more safe never mind we are we all have little go-karts look at that one never mind we have big go-karts too okay I I this is so cool that is not a nuke it's not a nuke okay I quickly want to check out our race track okay let's see how the racetrack is with our little red this will be for the little kids right yeah but they'll still need a helmet I think right the big ones are for the grown-ups this is still very fast though wait we I think we do have the train do we get the train I saw vehicles on the train too hold on this is a cool race track Hudson look it goes over on a bridge we did we could race yeah we could race the couch car with the guy and we could get that Ferrari oh we could race him if he wanted to race okay Hudson put this down too there's a bump right here we need to add that someone's gonna crash okay okay we need to fix that bump wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what is is that ours uh that's our train though it has four race cars on it I see a Lamborghini I see an Audi and I see two expensive cars we gotta hit this jump we gotta hit this jump how do you know that's our train we're gonna call the man oh that is a very cool jump that was actually perfect can you quickly call that man call him really fast ask him if the train is ours he said yes what about the stuff on the back yes this is ours yep we don't even have to race him no okay okay we can race him fine which one do you think is the best to race with you already know that one this one right here oh this thing is cool look at this thing it's kind of like this like this though they're similar they're literally in the same car look oh this thing is really cool though should we take this around the racetrack we should race that guy that get his Ferrari this might be too fast oh no oh no right on top of the go-kart I'm sorry go-kart you get the right go card out yeah I need to get the right red go-kart you're kind of messing everything up right now hold on we gotta go race this man to win a Ferrari don't we are yeah we don't have a Ferrari so that'd be perfect wouldn't it yeah okay is there anything else we're missing before we go win a Ferrari from this man okay we got the coal boats I do think Hudson maybe we add boat races and then we add alligators just to make it a little more exciting right what about their own Electronics they can feed the alligators the steak from the restaurant if they want but that what what happens if someone loses a finger that's a good point what if someone's riding the boat kind of let's say let's practice it like what if someone's riding the boat and they just they they flip like we just did and then alligator attacks them and they lose a finger like this yeah true we don't need people leaving with only four fingers right yeah okay that's a good point maybe we shouldn't add alligators how about we add just little fish that's that's fair okay okay why is this thing I'm doing a nose what about the beef steak what about fake alligators we could do fake alligators that might be cool like they move fake alligators but they swim they look real they just don't bite off fingers yeah Fair yeah I think that's a good that that's a good middle I think that'll work okay we don't people think yeah and then we'll get sued and we'll lose our entire arcade so that's that point also I want to add more games we need farming Sim deal we need farming Sim that's gotta be a game here let's go check it out we gotta go in the game we're in a game playing farming Sim but we also need farming Sim here yeah I'm now I'm big time confused can we go race this man for his car yeah guys we're gonna go race this man for his car if you want to see more arcade just like this thumbs up just like that letting us know and maybe we'll get more and we really appreciate it right yeah and until next time make sure you don't like subscribe this is my car deal yeah blue card no no wow oh no we're good
Channel: Hudson's Playground Gaming
Views: 2,422,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming sim, camping, boat, boating, mud, mudding, fs19 mud, millionaire, monster truck, fs22, fs 22, farming sim 22, farming game, tractor game, hudson playground, hudson playground gaming, swamp, stuck camper, rescue, atv, race car, camper, mansion, lamborghini, lake, helicopter, stunt man, jump, army, arcade, racetrack, abandoned
Id: RjIfSEhWw2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2023
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