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if you told me 18 months ago when we started this bathroom build here in Panama that we still wouldn't have running water today there's no way I'd believe you but we've built this whole thing just the two of us with no machinery and only hand tools and building that way takes time and clearly way more time than we thought but we've had a lot of distractions including a big one in this video where we might be buying a new Farm but today we're doing everything we can to get all of our water lines finished and finally have an operational shower in this off-grade bathroom one oh how do you feel by the end of this video we had running water in this bathroom would that make you happy today we got a whole bunch of Plumbing that we need to do in the shower where our sinks gonna go where our toilet is where our laundry's gonna go where are bathtubs gonna go we need to get all of that done before we test the shower and start getting tile up in here I'm so motivated to get this all done today not only because we've been filling up this toilet with a five gallon jug not only because we'll be one step closer to having a shower but I made a promise to my daughter for some reason I have this feeling that now that we've gotten past the drywall part and now that the plumbing is coming the tile is coming I really feel like the interior of this thing is going to start making like an absolutely incredible transformation really really quick today is going to be one of those days that we make quite the mess in here so if you want to drill a hole in the floor with me yeah yeah we got to make sure we're putting our safety glasses on though baby okay how do they fit do they figure she's ready hey I got a job to do you're doing it you're doing it this is where the water is going to come flip through the floor so this side's the cold water you did it Bubba here's the whole inspection what do you think are you happy with it we're gonna have to go take a little tubby after that you guys get out of here I have 12 holes I need to drill all right you drill the holes I'll get her down for nap time and then when she's napping I come bring some more muscle I'm gonna take a little bit of a different approach and pre-drill with the hammer drill get as much drill that as I possibly can with this before I swap over to this massive drill bit foreign now moving on to where the washer and dryer is going to go for the toilet we got to go underneath the bathroom I got better get used to this because I'm going to be spending a ton of time on your hair today do you have any idea what we're doing next take your best guess are all the holes drills I'll mix it with two we're putting the bathtub because we have to figure out where their hole's gonna go that's right don't tell him but I'm stealing a little hey I even heard you with my noise canceling airpods in shows you the quality of Apple noise canceling earphones all right let's see what we got okay oh man all I can tell is freaking boy goat cause the wind dude every time it's windy it just brings that stank over oh boy foreign baby number two on the way I almost forgot the most important part this is definitely gonna be happening all the time this is so big it's really big it's actually way bigger than I remembered That's The Tubby that's the one that we have do you love it it's our new Tubby here in Panama Sadie has been using that black bucket as her tubby for her entire life man what an upgrade not only for us but most importantly this little ladies oh a light yeah oh the reflection it does kind of look like a light huh yeah I just know we are gonna be spending so much dang time in this thing I think it's nap time for you you ready to go up to bed Sadie for a while kind of fought her naps but I use this new technique now where I give her the two minute warning I say hey in two minutes we're gonna take a nap two minutes we're gonna brush your teeth two minutes whatever we have to do you ready to rock you to the Moon have daddy pass them up to me okay three two one last time this is a one-way ticket hey how's it going over there are you going to take a nap that was like absolute record time just getting her done for a nap I feel like her naps have gotten later and later throughout the day she's probably on the brink of almost taking no naps she has been just such a joy to spend time with and you know they do say that each phase gets better and better and I think there are pros and cons or should I say Delights and challenges of each stage and I feel like the stage that she's in right now is just so much fun I'm connecting all these valves to the PVC and CPVC cpvcs for hot water so CPVC can handle up to 180 degrees and these valves are going to sit just above the floor and that's what's going to allow us to turn the water on and off if we're doing any work or changing out a fixture or anything like that that's it all done time to put these in the floor stick them right through the concrete and glue everything together it's sweet oh it's hitting the pipe oh yeah I think you're probably gonna like this even more than the tubby you ready another topic it's a box oh yeah there is a spider in there huh no no Sadie's not a fan of spiders see how much of this I can get all hooked up sun setting it's about 5 30. so I have one hour if I could just get all the cold water hooked up that we never need to fill that toilet up ever again with a five gallon jug it is Cookie Time yeah you need a daddy if you want you can you can just use the toilet for a little bit you need a diety little tip if you're trying to reduce the amount of sugar in your food and your baked goods I always just use coconut sugar it's a really really good replacement for just like regular white refined sugar and to be honest I think it tastes just the same okay I'm coming baby is it 325 I didn't do it you guys I got really close but I didn't get it all done probably about three quarters of the way there I've just been underneath here haven't been filming any of it just been trying to bust it out I'll get up bright and early tomorrow get after it get these water lines all done so packing it in here gonna call it a night homemade cookies baby here you go my love look at my hands this is after a lot of paint thinner you can honestly you can still smell it foreign I gotta be honest with you guys nothing that gets me out of bed in the morning is coffee you know it's not like I have this like massive inspiration to just like go and seize the day and attack it really early and you get up at 4am and no it's for me so I'm just so excited to have my first cup of coffee in the morning I just love everything about this and being outside and hanging out with my dogs this is my favorite moment of the whole day it's just me on the farm alone and on top of all that the coffee's just so good like the coffee that's grown in our town it's my favorite coffee in the world and we've drinking coffee from all over today I'm drinking mother's maiden which is actually grown by your neighbor it's grown right there we can see the plants from our farm and I've been loving this coffee so much you guys remember those chocolate oranges that come in like the orange foil and you smash it on the counter and then it opens up like an orange kind of tastes like that like it's not like it tastes like flavored like artificial like that when you drink it it kind of reminds you of that experience of like that super creamy chocolatey mixed with this sweetness that kind of reminds you of an orange or Tangerine definitely one of my favorite coffees of the whole year and if any of you guys want to have mornings like this drinking some good coffee in the morning we have just about a hundred bags of this coffee left which honestly makes me so sad because I love this coffee I would drink it every single day if I could but if you guys want to try this coffee out if you want to try mother's bait now we have it for sale down in the description below oh my God we have been waiting for this day for what feels like weeks what's in here there's a bike in here right are you sure yeah I don't think this I don't think this is the bike it's the bike I'm not playing with her it's the bike that's a bike it's a bike 100 . exactly does it look like a dragon we're gonna put the seat on after we put the other wheel on okay right up there go ahead push down hey Bill no she's not tall enough yet stretch those toes so cute on it oh my gosh oh I just wish it was like an inch taller I'm gonna get it going for you first and then you can try you're getting it out you go yeah hey welcome back to my office for the day it's good to see you again good to have you here happy to be uh crawling around in dirt and spiders with you guys quick little status update I got the water from the inlet over on that side and I've run it about halfway I've connected the washing machine the toilet and now I'm about to connect to the sink in the shower get it in there honey you gotta stick the tongue out it's actually so funny because ever since starting to do construction with Jordan I've also acquired the steering with my tongue action but even Rodrigo has been starting to do that too can I give Sadie a special treat Sadie I got a little treat for you do you know what that's called it is chocolate do you know what kind of chocolate our exciting moment you guys the last piece is going in with the halves twist hold it for 30 seconds cold water lines are all brand now I just need to run the cold water line over there all the way to the end because that's where a hot water heater is going to go yeah taking candles yeah is that right here this is the cake we're gonna give it to Daddy because it's Daddy's birthday you made me this cake yeah you want me to blow up the candles oh and now the last step before I put in the hot water heater is just to put on this valve this is just so if we ever have any problems with the hot water heater we ever need to do any work on it we can just easily turn this valve it'll shut the water flow off we can take the hot water heater off anything like that this is the hose that's going to connect the PVC to the hot water heater I just need to take this end and stick it in where the valve is and we'll do that one after I think babe um I think we get an insane amount of enjoyment just watching and trying to explain things I literally feel like this is like like the look that you just saw of us just staring off at her was just wonder and like that is majority of our day and it is incredible hot water heater so we're gonna be using an instant hot water heater with instant hot water heaters it's only heating the water as you need it so it's not like this massive tank of hot water that you're pulling from it's water that's going through pipes and as it's going through those pipes there's a fire that's heating it up and that fire only kicks on when you turn on your shower or turn on your sink so that saves a ton of propane because you're not heating this kind of massive vat of water all day long all night long even when you don't need it this is only the propane is only being used when you need the water all right see cold water is all done you want to test with me yes I'm scared honey when I say go you turn that red valve to the left okay okay if I say stop you turn to the right immediately if I scream you turn it to the right okay and if I say oh or oh sh you turn to the right turn to the left right left left one go oh wait it's not going to the left I think I gotta go to the right it goes this way like that yeah why oh okay how long do you want me to keep it on for until I say dump it just open it full all right set go see any leaks down here yet so far so good one of the things that's most fun about doing all this is we as we make progress we have real life impacts that are dramatic like we've been filling up this toilet with this jug of water because we haven't had running water but I just connected the water line right there so all I have to do is turn this valve on oh honey what is it filling up right now okay it's going again no more filling up the five gallon jug in the middle the night to go to the bathroom dude so our neighbor that lives right down the road here he's actually selling his land and he just stopped at the top of our road and yelled down and asked if we wanted to go look at it it's six times the size of our land here and I think he's selling it for a really really good price so Jordan Rod actually just ran down with them to go check it out this is it things really escalated quickly man this is kind of exciting so this is almost 15 Acres of raw virgin forest and that's good because not only does it mean that the trees are just huge and so old and so massive but also for okay Tarzan Valley but also if we want to do something like coffee We're not gonna have to fight the battle that we have now where it's like sprayed with chemicals and it just has all the residual stuff from just poor farming practices we would just have raw untouched land Bobby the jungle boy I'm wearing Crocs they're not even four by four me too no four by four dude I don't even have the strap not even on the top look how beautiful that is dude you know Kaylee would be in a swimming every day all right this is where the guy lives oh nice super Bonita huh beautiful silver beautiful super beautiful we're negotiating a little bit it's big it's a big piece of land there's a lot going on here and we're just talking about just kind of see where we can each go Alie and I have always wanted more land we've been trying to buy the land next to us since we moved to Panama it's just always been the price has been outrageous now with this one super fair price but it's just huge so when you have a ton of land just more expensive but this could be a real coffee Farm like a real big coffee Farm yeah we have a handshake deal you bought a coffee maybe though all right I'm getting back to work on the hot water lines I just have a little bit left to do just a couple more connections to make and this whole system is going to be done this is its way this is the last water Connection in our whole bathroom are you saying that we're taking a shower in our showers tonight yeah all right all right we did it you guys the plumbing in this bathroom is 100 done it's insane let's see what this says check dry fit half inch to the size of the pipe diameter clean pipe fitting allow one hour cure for cold water six hours for hot so I gotta wait one hour We're not gonna run any hot water through this yet but I want to test all this piping out how do I look you look so good don't look so cool yes so if you guys don't know what we're doing right now we're trying to convince Sadie to wear her helmet because she doesn't want to wear it Sadie's in protest she's totally in protest she literally won't use her bike because her time you're gonna have to use your helmet if you want to use your bike like we're strict boundaries on that one I promise it's going to be so much fun here we go okay You Gotta Wear the helmet Bobby tried can't go over it can't go over it can't go under all right now we just gotta strap it off down the road high five this is one of my favorite jungle sounds right here I think it's a frog see if you can hear this you hear that it's like listen man you gotta love the jungle it just sounds like so alive this is so much life going on in there it's so cool but now that it's about eight o'clock I'm gonna come outside turn on the hot water see if there's any leaks I'm praying that there's not all right here we go I'm going to turn this valve on probably should have checked all the valves on the inside first oh my God I didn't look to see if all of them were closed I don't hear anymore so that's good all right thank goodness oh man I never want to do that again if there's any leaks that water pump would kick on pretty quick because the pressure drops so the water pump hasn't kicked in so it's gonna be hard to like give it a good visual inspection right now it's because it's so dark so I got this bucket and I put this little pipe thing in here for now just so I can divert it into the bucket and this test is super important because this is the final test before we put the cement board behind here and bury this PVC forever well hopefully it's forever you never know if we ever have a leak we're going to rip it all down but that's why we don't we don't want any leaks it might be a little bit challenging so I'm gonna try and line it up all right here we go three two all right I'm gonna try with the hot water and try and do a lot less that's what I'm talking about baby okay so now what I'm gonna do is just leave it for a few minutes and all this sit take a minute and see if we have any leaks it's 11 25. been doing drywall for a little bit I know we're just not that good at this I'm not that good at this I know I'm putting too much mud kind of sloppy but in all honestly I am proud and that's what makes it worth it just the fact that we're doing all this all on our own and when this is all done we can look at it and say yeah we did all that and uh yeah it's kind of what's what's pushing me foreign foreign
Channel: The Nomadic Movement
Views: 81,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Panama, Living in panama, nomadic movement, living off grid, Off grid living, diy, family vlog, living in the woods, going back to panama, homestead, diy homestead, off grid homestead, off grid, living alone, alone, living alone off gird, shower, off grid shower, bathroom, mom, off grid mom, Builds Her Own Home, building own home, building a home, vanwives, van wives, trent and allie, lolas farm, lola's farm, eamon and bec, life uncontained, wild wonderful off grid
Id: heTjx3iJzTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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