WILDFIRES Force Us Inside! PEX Plumbing & SHIPLAP Install | DIY TINY HOUSE Build

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[Music] hey there guys welcome back to the channel let me apologize ahead of time for what i'm sure is some horrible audio that's coming through right now but melissa and i popped out here real quick just to give you guys an idea of what it is that we are dealing with out here in the west and specifically our location here in north idaho there have been a number of fires that have popped up here in the early morning the fire department's been scrambling around trying to address that but it has made for some really awful and hazardous conditions as you can see behind those things are really smoky so we were going to be working on our shed today but obviously these conditions are making it completely impossible there's no way we can be out here today and we don't really know how much worse this is going to get so we're going to be going inside the i mean the air is not great inside either but we live in a barn so there's really nowhere we can go but we're going to keep grinding because we've got to get running water going from the pump house to the tiny home so at least we can do some rough-in of the pets and try to close up some of the walls that are still open up in there and jeremy and i really need to get the master bedroom done so we can get moved in there yeah we'll uh we'll adapt we'll overcome we'll do what we can with what we've got as we usually do hopefully these wind conditions slow down seems getting worse quite honestly yeah visibility is horrible looking out for the easter i don't know if you can make that out but it's got to be like mountains back there yeah it's usually beautiful scenery not today it's it's pretty awful so hopefully everything works out and things don't get worse yeah we also just want to say keep everyone in your prayers in the whole pacific northwest i mean california oregon washington and idaho are just having a really hard time right now so if you guys can just keep everyone your prayers especially firefighters out there appreciate you guys but we're gonna get to work all right okay guys here we go we have made our way indoors where it is much easier to breathe and we are about to get to work here in our master bedroom oh focus so the plan for today we actually have a lot of work to do we're hoping to get this back wall that you see behind us completely enclosed what that's going to require of us is that we take the remainder of our electrical wiring and get that stuck back behind the studs once that's done we're going to drill some holes on the inner portion of the studs to get our pex lines run out into the shop the pull bar itself right and the reason we're running hot and cold pest lines out into the shop is because we're going to be building a utility room for the washer and dryer out there because they obviously don't fit in our tiny little house so we will be running those just roughly through the wall that way we can get this insulated enclosed and get going we were able to get this room all painted and primed so we haven't trimmed it out yet but it's enough to at least start working on this back wall once that back wall is fully enclosed we actually purchased some shiplap because muscle loves ourselves from shiplap and that's going to be the lone accent wall here in the bedroom yep it's going to be awesome so let's go we're let's go [Music] so we're up in our loft right now getting a 2x4 and the insulation and we're noticing that there is ash falling basically the wind is blowing it up through the ridge gap look at that lining up in our loft [Music] let's catch it haha [Music] we have our laser level shot on the wall here we're going to use this as a guideline to drill our holes so that we can then run our pets through these studs we're going to be drilling our holes on the innermost portion of the studs just to get it away from the exterior wall the cool temperatures in the winter and that will also allow for us to show as much insulation as we possibly can back behind the bikes [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we have gone ahead and drilled out the majority of the holes that we need here on this back wall for our pex lines we're using a one inch bit we're using half inch pex lines so that additional erase should be able to account for any kind of expansion or contraction that may occur within the line itself again because we end up putting our holes on the very inside of the studs the end result is going to be that we have nearly eight inches of insulation back behind the pecs itself so we are hoping that that will address any possible freezing issues since it is an exterior wall [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay we've got the holes all drilled oh she said it it's time to get pixie this is how my mom's saran wraps cookies i'm very good at removing multiple layers of saran wrap from my childhood waiting for you [Music] when there's [Music] so jeremy has decided that he wants to do an additional wrap around these pipes which requires him driving an hour into town it's about to close so here and i are going to keep working we're going to be running the hotline i can't really do this by myself so she's volunteered to help [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right the world's cutest little helper assisted me with the hot pex line we got that all in so what i'm going to do now is work on the six inch insulation i'm working with an r19 face insulation i'm going to be leaving about an inch and a half two inch air gap between our metal walls and where the insulation is that way there's not insulation pressed up against the metal it just allows any moisture vapor to escape if we were to get any condensation back [Applause] [Music] there [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] there's [Music] there's [Applause] so i did not beat jeremy he must have been driving like a bed out of hell no okay maybe i'm a slow worker either way i was about five minutes from being done i was able to get all of our insulation all stapled so we are good there now we're going to be doing our pipe insulation and then from there we will get on with our poly vapor barrier [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] so the smoke is even worse today but that just means that we get to continue working on the master bedroom we're going to get the back wall sheath it's really cute and then he's really excited about the master bedroom and then hopefully we can also get the ship lap up so we're gonna start working now see how much we accomplish [Music] [Applause] we all live on time we borrow time our children to us land here today begone tomorrow like a spark flying in the wind we all look up to our fathers all our lives if all is right and we are [Music] is [Music] [Music] i will soon be knocking on your door someone pulls an easy trigger puts another to the ground in disbelief staring at his fingers through which his blood runs with his life and the drugs [Music] gonna come to your town gonna find your corner [Music] we're not done go get the shiplap [Music] the signs are there right in front of us for so long buried in the snow so for this back wall we are finishing things off with a six-inch shiplap you can see that it's already been primed and like all the rest of the lamina material that we used previously in our main living area we need to place an importance on getting this very first roll that we are working off of completely level so it will take a little additional care and time with making sure everything's right with this because it is the timing group product once we're passed actually relatively quickly and then the other thing that melissa might have to make note of as we progress upward here is the fact that we have our pex line back behind the wall now so for that little brief section we will actually be using a construction [Music] adhesive [Music] [Music] no jeremy no [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] public service announcement it is completely unsafe to operate power tools while consuming adult beverages [Music] jeremy you're on your own for the rest of the night [Music] [Music] we've got the majority of our ship lap up on the wall we weren't able to finish unfortunately we ran short on materials why did we run by two boards because i wasn't at two boards store with derby and i always make him buy extra so what that means is we're going to call it a night i'm going to wake up early in the morning and i'm going to drive the hour over to the depot to the home depot that sounds like a full afternoon i'm going to grab what we need i'll grab some other materials that we need for other projects since we're really trying to make pushing this place around though we have we still have a million and one things to do but we do yeah might as well get the carpet firing here we unfortunately can't trim in here because the home depot didn't uh order all the base and crown molding that we need to be able to trim out the rest of the room so hopefully that will be in this week but that kind of sets us back because just everywhere we go it seems like building supplies are sold out so we're kind of dealing with that a little bit but we're doing what we can so we tomorrow we should at least get this walk off right now [Music] we had a super busy day today so we were not working earlier we were actually shopping for the next project so we were able to get our last two pieces up tonight we got the wall complete so now tomorrow i can spend my time making it look pretty but yeah one step closer to getting moved into that master bedroom it's getting there yep so as always we appreciate you guys taking the time to watch our video we have a lot more coming so we will catch you on the next one see you guys you
Channel: Good Simple Living
Views: 138,912
Rating: 4.9822731 out of 5
Keywords: wildfires, wildland fires, california wildfires, off grid tiny home, tiny house, tiny home build, tiny house build, how to run pex, running pex, pex water lines, shiplap, diy shiplap installation, how to install shiplap, wranglerstar, plumbing a house with pex, how to install pex, good simple living
Id: ar_uYZQB6lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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