we gotta talk about formula 1 in Japan

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- I am so normal about this sport. So normal in fact, that I flew across the world and spent nearly $4,000 on a ticket just to attend a Grand Prix. That's it. That's my intro. (logo pops) Hey, I'm Amanda. You're watching Swell Entertainment, and today we were talking about the Japanese Grand Prix in Suzuka in Japan for F1. If that wasn't implied. I am a little fried. I made the mistake of doing the Grand Prix and then traveling and going to Osaka the same night. Would not be doing that again. The explanation for why I am in Japan to go to an F1 race, and I previously have been to one just in Vegas, which is, for those of you not aware, just one state, a four-hour drive, a one-hour plane ride, okay, from me to then jump to a 12-hour plane ride and then numerous buses and trains to get to a Grand Prix. Why I made that leap, it's 'cause one, I can't like things in a chill way, but also, after my review of the Vegas Grand Prix, which was a brand new Grand Prix, okay, a bunch of you guys asked for me to review a more established Grand Prix and also an International Grand Prix. And so that's why I figured Suzuka would be a good choice. Also, I really wanted to come to Japan, and what's the point of having a very weird job of being able to do whatever I want and make money off of content from it if I can't just go to Japan for two weeks. I'm sorry. It's so rude of me. I didn't introduce you guys to my producer. This is Yuki Tsunoda Bear. I also apologize for how yellow this video is properly. I would film facing this way to get some blue light a little bit to help break up the yellow, but there's a big wall of mirrors here in our hotel room, and it's just, it would just be a mess. So this is the ideal angle, and we're just gonna hope that William can make me look less yellow. Let me explain the cost because I'm sure one of you is like, "Oh my god, that's how expensive the Grand Prix is?" No. Okay, I wanna make that abundantly clear. I would say that this is a fairly affordable Grand Prix. One of the things that I will say right off the bat from this circuit, which you'll see in some of the footage, is there's really not, in my opinion, a bad seat on this circuit at all, okay? We're gonna talk about my seat, we're gonna talk about Skootish's seat. My friend Skootish came with me because I bullied him, but also he likes Formula One. He's never been to a Grand Prix, and he was supposed to come to Japan for his graduation trip, but COVID ruined that, okay? So therefore, I did him a favor by bullying him. Also, I paid for his ticket for the Grand Prix because that's my rule with my friends. If you come with me to an event, I pay for your ticket, but you gotta get yourself there, okay? I have my translator on, so it's kind of reading it a little bit weird, but it's about $42 US adult for like a Q1 seat. General admission, you get quite a lot in a lot of spots. The reason I paid a lot of money for mine was I paid for the Champions Club, which is not Paddock Club. Paddock Club is the one that I feel like everyone talks about the most, which is also partially what drew me to the Champions Club over Paddock Club. Now for those you don't know, for the Vegas Grand Prix, I was for one night a guest of Aston Martin and TikTok to watch the opening ceremonies from the Paddock Club, and then Aston Martin was nice enough to give me a tour of their garage, and all of that, and my dad was my plus one. He had the steak and lobster, he had a grand old time, all right? But I had seen at least a glimpse of the Paddock Club experience and then we were just in the Grandstands, the rest of the Grand Prix. And so I didn't wanna just do another Grandstand experience for myself this time around because I already reviewed that, and I definitely didn't wanna do the Paddock Club because I'd gotten, I think, enough for that video. When I started seeing things for Champions Club, I was like, "Oh, that's different. I really haven't heard anyone talk about that. Let's do a video on that." I think it was a $4,000 difference, okay? So Paddock Club for various Grand Prix is going to go up depending on where, desirability. I think the Paddock Club ticket for, like, just Paddock Club for Vegas, I think, got up to 20 to $22,000, okay? I think that's pretty standard. I believe it was 8,000 to 12,000 in US dollars for the Japanese Grand Prix. I think. I could be wrong. I don't really have that data anymore. I know what I paid for my Champions Club was just under $4,000. It came out to about $3,800. And again, I figured that would be great because of all the things that came with it. Now there was a slight mix up, and I did get something wrong. So there is something I don't have content of for you. We were going to have originally, and this is why I thought it would be really cool to do the Champions Club as well, is originally was advertised that Yuki was going to come. I should acknowledge that some of you don't know about Formula One. Okay, Yuki Tsunoda, the Yuki bear, the actual driver that this is referencing, he is Japanese, and this was his home Grand Prix. So it was going to be a huge deal. It was a huge deal. We'll talk all about that in the fandom of Japanese fans and all of that because I think it's a real treat. But originally, for the Champions Club, and it was advertised, had said that there was going to be, like, a special appearance from Yuki Tsunoda for the Champions Club. I was like, "Oh, that'll be super cool." So that was also part of the selling point. At some point, I'm assuming he was just doing too much. He's also currently carrying RB on his back, Visa Cash App RB racing, RB F1 team. Or if you're like me, you can say Visa Cash app, rich bitch is racing. Not trademark, unofficial. I figured that they ended up switching the schedules around because it was probably too many media commitments or something for him because of his home Grand Prix and everything going on. So instead, it was going to be Zhou Guanyu who drives for Stake F1 Kick Sauber. And I didn't see that on the schedule, so I missed Zhou. I did see him later. We'll talk about the Paddock Tour and all of that, but there was, like, specialty things coming in. It wasn't like the Paddock Club, where you have, like, a buffet. I don't know what the situation was here, but, like, at the Vegas one, there was a buffet for the Paddock Club. Here, it was like they advertise like light bites, like appetizers, things like that. And I was like, "Okay, I'll get a good seat. I'll be above the garages." That's what I wanted. When I did Velocity Invitational right back before the Vegas Grand Prix, I may have gotten a smidgen addicted to being close to these cars just a little bit. Okay, for those of you that didn't watch that video, 'cause a lot of you didn't, me being in a 2008 world championship-winning McLaren F1 car was not enough of a draw for some of you. Okay, listen, that was one of the highlights of my life, but whatever. While I was there, I made friends with this couple who have been fans of F1 for 20 years, okay? And then we got to talking with, you know, the McLaren Heritage team, and one of their engineers and one of their test drivers invited us down into the pit lane while McLaren was doing their runs in their heritage cars. And that, I don't think even cocaine could have that same effect of being just literally like I'm here and David Malukas, and, you know, TK and Lando Norris are just ripping through the track, literally 10 feet from me on the track site. Like, that's an insane feeling, and I think that I will go insane trying to chase that feeling for the rest of my life. So this was as close as I felt I could get because we were above the garages, above the pit lane. I had a fantastic view of the pit lane. I was right above Aston Martin and McLaren. I could see Ferrari, and Mercedes, and all the stuff, and I just, I loved it. Getting to and from the Grand Prix is a challenge in and of itself. I have made a couple of different videos, Shorts wise. I don't wanna go into it a ton here because it'll just be literally this entire video if I talk about the travel situation. There are literal Reddit pages dedicated figuring out how to get to and from Suzuka Circuit because Suzuka is not remote. I don't wanna make it sound like it's remote or anything like that, but it's not a lot of places to stay. Especially for something with the insane attendance of an F1 Grand Prix. Suzuka is, what I saw, I should make that very clear, a motorsport city, okay? It is celebrating motorsport. It was actually very cool to see because Suzuka Circuit isn't just a circuit, it's an amusement park, most of which is motorsport theme, but not all of it. But that's also partially why I think this is a fantastic Grand Prix, because when you get access to the Grand Prix, if you have a ticket, you get access to the entire amusement park as well. All right, we still don't know if I'm gonna be able to get in or not with my pass, but we got my Champions Club badges for the next couple of days. - I'm gonna lick the trophy. - Let's not do that. - I'm gonna lick the trophies. - Please don't. - I'm gonna lick it, and I'm gonna say I'm a friend of Swell Entertainment. - Dear God. So we got there. Big trek, it's lot of walking, okay? Leave the cute shoes at home. Sneakers, okay? Even if you're in the fancy seats, leave the cute shoes at home. Originally, we weren't sure if we could get in on Thursday with my pass. I knew Skootish could with his because there's nothing happening on Thursday. There was a track walk, I believe that was super early, which we knew we weren't gonna make it to because we were trying to figure out how to actually get to the circuit and all of that. But the employee who checked us in and gave us our pamphlets, which had like a little draw stream bag and all of that, which I'm really glad we did because we were able to walk a ton of the park, walk a ton of the circuit. Here is the Ferris wheel. We're going on it. - Yeah. - Here is the view from, we are literally at the top of the Ferris wheel. It was also the day that Skootish had his pit walk and track tour. I'm very happy for him. I want that on the record. I wanna make it abundantly clear as I say this because I wanna make sure you understand. I liked this pass. Would I do this again? Yes. But it comes down to what you want out of a elevated experience with this sport. If you want to just meet drivers and hopefully see team personnel, okay, if that's what you want, then this is not for you. But if you're like me and you wanna see these cars, this is good and bad. Like I said, where I was on that balcony, I was right in the action for pit stops. During the red flag, I got a ton of incredible footage and amazing photos of all the drivers getting in and out of their cars. We'll talk about the red flag and all that in a second, okay? So I was right up in the action, but then you've got what Skootish got for his $1,700 ticket. He took a bunch of footage, we have a shared drive, and he's like, "I'm gonna let you know, when you watch the footage I got, you're gonna be very upset." Which I knew he had seen stuff because, while he was doing his tour, I was just walking the circuit and getting as much footage in as I could. I could see that the, at least, the Ferrari pit crew was doing their stretches and then doing practice pit stops and all of that. - Yeah, I just watched the Ferrari guys doing a successful pit stop, which is very cool. I can do that easy. I'm just saying. It's like Legos, only cars. - Love Islam. - They just got proposed to. I don't know why they're rubbing it in. (equipment whirs) - Skootish got a pit walk. I did not. I am on the track at Suzuka Circuit. Behind me, the FFI garage. We got the pit lane over here and all the garages. I dunno if we're walking this way. Our photo spot's back that way. I don't know what's happening. I got a track walk, which would be fine. The track walk was very cool. I enjoyed myself. It's a very cool experience. It's the same feeling I got being on Padres Stadium, and I'm not even a Padres fan, and being on the diamond, you know, during TwitchCon, okay, that's like an insane experience that personally is special to me. It's actually crazy to see how far the pit wall is to the garage. There's the track for the pit lane, and then here's the track right here. This is the starting grid right here. However, with Thursday, when Skootish did his pit walk, teams were gearing up, practicing pit stops. Teams were working on cars, you know, there was drivers in and out. There was, you know, team personnel in and out, okay? There was stuff happening. When our track walk happened, it was at a dick time, and I'll say that with my whole chest. It was a bad time to do this at. It was after qualifying. About an hour and a half, two hours after the end of qualifying on Saturday. Those of you who don't know this, there is a certain amount of regulations and time regulations specifically for when teams and engineers can work on these cars and when they can be actively, like, literally, like a wrench in hand, okay? Like, computers open, cars uncovered, okay, there was a certain amount of time. There are curfews for that. So our walk time was 12 minutes before that curfew, and I know that because Alpine had the countdown on the screen in their garage while working on, I believe it was Esteban Ocon's car. With that, most of the teams were like, "We're good." Had all the cars covered. Most personnel not in there, no one out and about, and we're not even five feet from those cars. You know, like, when you're doing the pit walks, you're not right there, they have barriers set up. But you're closer than on the track that far from the track. And I have some footage where you can see the actual distance of, like, how far we were. I'm not looking through a gate versus looking over a rope. And so that where I was like, "It's a cool experience," but also I was like, "This is it?" I don't wanna knock that experience but I'm just gonna pay for the $1,700 ticket next time. You know, like there's perks with the Champions Club there. It's nice to not have to worry about going to get food when the lines are long or whatever. Which there was a ton of food options. I want to make that abundantly clear. The view was insane, okay, during the race, like, it's an incredible race spot. Obviously, it's right at the start, it's right at the end. You know, it's right on the straight. I saw quite a few overtakes on that straight because some of these teams just don't have the speed on the straights. You're killing me. I watched McLaren bungle the strategy on the first pit stop, you know? But, like, as far as that experience, like, I've now had that experience. I would like to see it again because, you know, this sport is always changing. There's always something new. That's what I love about this sport. I don't care about you people who are like, "Oh, it's boring 'cause Max wins." I don't care. I like Max, okay? Would I like my teams to win? Yes. But you can't make me dislike Max. We're the same person in a different font. To actually, like, be able to see these teams and see them work on the car and all of that. Like, that's something that I think is really cool, and that's what I would rather prioritize than just the track walk. Now we did get to do something special with all the F1 experience personnel that I talked to, all of the staff that was working up in that space were always wonderful and lovely. You guys were great. I wanna make that abundantly clear. They told me it's like, "Yeah, we always try and get this to, we always try and do this every Grand Prix for this group, but, like, we don't always get to." So the Paddock Club pretty much always gets the track tour. The track tour is you get on the buses, okay? They also use them for the driver's parade, and you go around the track. Sometimes they boo you if you're in the Paddock Club. Fans do. Japanese fans are fantastic. They were waving at us, they were great, okay? But the Champions Club does not actually include that. But if they are able to secure the trucks, then they try and do that when they can. So we actually got to do that, which was really cool. So during our photo spot, we were able to get in line for the trophy first, and then I spent as much time on that track as I could, got footage, what I could, watched what cars I could get worked on. I don't wanna say I wasn't disappointed, like, it was a great experience, but I was hoping for a pit walk, and that's what I had thought that it was. And I had spoken to a couple of people who were also seemingly frustrated. They weren't fully understanding what Champions Club got them. So they were thinking about doing Paddock Club next time and just eating that cost basically to have that experience of doing the pit walk and all of that. So again, it depends what you want from the experience because, for my paddock tour, I also had a really good time. My time was at 9:55. It depends on your time. I also spoke to a bunch of people who, when they did their paddock tour, saw literally no one. 9:55 was kind of a weird time in a way because a bunch of people were having their, like, breakfast, the teams, so they were like, it felt very weird to try and get footage, and photos, and stuff. Especially outside of the hospitality suites when I know they're, like, literally having their morning meetings and, like, eating breakfast inside of there, and it's, like, they can see us outside the windows. Like, that's, I don't know, I become very conscious of the fact that these people are working when they're there. Like, I'm having a really cool experience, but, like, they have a job to do. Actual Grand Prix itself. Suzuka Circuit is a fantastic circuit. You get to see a lot. This is the only figure eight circuit in the calendar. They've previously done this in the fall, but this is the first time that they have done it in April. That was really fun as well because the marketing had completely changed to really emphasize cherry blossom season, okay, 'cause it was the start of cherry blossom season. Yes, there are cherry blossoms. I know some people said they were late. I saw them the entire time I was here. I don't know if that's late. I don't know. And then obviously, like I said, this is Yuki's home race, so there was a big emphasis on Yuki obviously. Cool to just kind of see the celebration of Yuki. On the side of one of the rides, they had his road to F1 with like a bunch of different timelines and photos of Yuki throughout his career as well as his career in F1. Also in the entryway, when we walked into the circuit, they had a roundabout of all of the drivers in what we believe to be height-accurate standups. We think these might be height-accurate. So here's me next to Alex Albon and K. Mag. I don't think Oscar is this tall, I'm gonna be honest. Lando, I think this is accurate. I have seen him in person. I've not been this close to him in person, but I do think this is accurate. But that was a fun little bin. Everyone was, like, getting photos with their drivers, which I think was, like, a fun little add-on for fans. But also, I wanna say, okay, I'm an American. I am a semi-proud American. I'm a very proud fan girl, all right? And I can openly say now, having been to F1 Grand Prix in Vegas, F1 Grand Prix in Japan, and then also the Velocity Invitational event, which is very, again, McLaren focused 'cause they were a major partner of Velocity Invitational, okay? So a lot of McLaren fans, a lot of Lando fans specifically, okay. US fans are scary. I say that with love. There's a level of obsession that is scary in a lot of US fans. Japanese fans, though, are creative. Not that we're not. I'm making comparisons in a very broad way because fandom is crazy in Japan, okay? Especially for these drivers and for these teams specifically. It's such a devoted way of doing it in a way that's also so, the word I heard was respectful. That's what one of the journalists said. It's like, oh, the most respectful fans and all of that. It's almost like a reverence, I would say. Like, just, like, just such an awe of their fans and their drivers. Like, it's a very polite way, and, like, Skootish tried to explain that to me. He's like, "Listen, where I'm at, like, there's clapping and there's, like, cheering but, like, no one's getting, like, "Fuck yeah, Yuki." You know, no one's really doing that. Which I think is a very American way of fandom. I love how international the sport is. I really do. Not just on the grid but in the fans as well and the teams. To have that experience for myself as, you know, an American in Japan and see that fandom and see that, you know, the love and respect for these drivers and all that, I just think is very cool. I like the car hats the Japanese fans do. You know, we got full handmade outfits and all of that for their different teams. It was just really cool. There was this one, the one image that I saw a lot that got advertised a lot was the, I believe it was a young fan who had the respect to all drivers, and it was all of the different helmets. What I loved about theirs was the Pirelli glasses. How do I get those? How do I make those? Tell me. (laughs) Also for, like, the stage, you know, I'm obviously in Vegas, like, there's a bunch of stages and then everyone's standing and all this stuff. But, like, they really emphasizing, like, hi, please sit so everyone can see. So people had mats so they could sit and, you know, would sit there for literally hours waiting for Japanese team personnel to go and speak or local people to speak and all that. And I would just, I don't know, I just thought that was really, really cool and just, like, I don't know, just, like, a very fun, interactive fan experience that's just like, it was very unique. - So we got dango. - I'm afraid. - I now know the name of it. Skootish has not had one. This is now my third since being here. - [Skootish] Oh, yeah. (vendor speaks in foreign language) - One sweet. - One sweet. - [Skootish] It's for my friend. I'm sorry? Just one sweet. Six times? (laughs) It's awesome that you know her. - Not open on Thursday, this was open on practice day though, was the Honda racing. I believe they called it Experience. And that was, they had a bunch of cars that were all Honda engines or Honda cars at some point. People use the phrase Honda driver as an insult to Yuki for the most part. Here, it was fully a celebration. Like they were like, "Yes, Yuki, Honda, let's go. So exciting." Like, there was Honda merch being sold, there was obviously Suzuka Circuit merch being sold. And so that was just again really nice for me to see, as someone who has only seen the phrase Honda driver thrown around as essentially an insult, the way that the phrase pay driver is thrown around as an insult. All right, so it's race day. I'm up at the Champions Club, got my spot, holding it. First come, first serve, and they're gearing up. I think this is the Porsche. No, this is the Ferrari race. This might be the Ferrari race. It's either the Porsche or the Ferrari race. There's two happening in the morning. Driver's parade. I was up for a little bit, could see some of that from where I was in the Champions Club 'cause it was pretty far down. Kind of was going up and down from the Champions Club this day. Just 'cause the food that day, it wasn't bad, it was just like coming out in weird times. I wanna make it abundantly clear. Nothing I ate in the Champions Club was bad. It just depends if you're in the mood for that kind of food at that time. And I, again, was living off of dango, sweet dango at this time, all right? Again, six. Six. So when Skootish went to get the dango for me, they recognized him and said. What was it? Do it. - He just immediately goes, "Six times she buy dango." - I like that he knew it was for me and not for you. - [Skootish] Yeah. - But you know what? It's not alcohol, and it's not drugs, so I don't care. I was so excited when we were leaving the track I was like, "I'm gonna get one more piece on the way out." And then they were sold out, and they weren't there, so I couldn't say goodbye to them. I was devastated. Then it was time to line the cars up on the track, and that was again really cool to see from this spot 'cause I'm right there. That's so cool. And then the race starts, and then it stops for a red flag because Albon and Ricciardo crashed. They were playing the "Sky Sports" broadcast, I believe, in the Champions Club. They were playing, I think, both that one and then the Japanese broadcast as well. Where I was, I could hear, obviously, the "Sky Sports" one a little clearer. However, it was still very hard to make out on site. That was the opposite of what happened at the Vegas Grand Prix. I could hear them very well. I was just annoyed by them because they kept saying, you know, "In the lights of the Las Vegas strip," and just kept reminding us we were in Vegas. I was like, "Oh my god, Lando was in the barrier, and I don't know what's happening because you're too focused on showing me the Paris, you know, on the strip. Show us the cars." Okay, sorry. But this time I ended up pulling up my F1 app and just putting my earbuds in and listening to the play-by-play that way so that I can understand what was going on. Because I fully didn't even realize that, like, Daniel had also crashed because I had seen the car, but like in the dust of everything, I just thought it was Albon, and I thought, because a bunch of people were having trouble getting sucked into the walls because these cars, like, they would hit the edge of the grass 'cause there's grass along the entire circuit for the most part and gravel. So if they hit the grass, it would kind of, like, launch their car into the gravel, and then once you get launched into the gravel, you're not getting control back of that car. It's a little too late, they're going too fast, there's too much suction, and that's pretty much what ended up happening, where they were just kind of like a mess. So, red flag. Bad but also really cool because then everyone was lined up in the pit lane and everyone was out of their car, and I gotta see all their race engineers and all that right there. That was really, really cool. The race start, Lando's in third, we got Charles leading a few laps, I believe, and then Carlos was right up on Lando's ass. Okay, he's doing good defending, okay, but McLaren with those straights, they were not keeping up those times. Ferrari is doing really well on straights right now. And then, obviously, you know, we got knocked down from third. We could have had a podium. Could have had a McLaren podium again, but no, it's fine. So, like I said, Daniel Ricciardo was out in that first crash with Albon at turn three. Daniel's Yuki's teammate, okay? Yuki had outqualified Daniel in qualifying. He was P10, all right? And Yuki finished P10, got points, and he got points at his home Grand Prix, and I think that that's great. And I know people were like, "Oh, it's just P10." Who cares? That's great. And he's carrying that team on his back. Obviously, Max still won the race. Checo got second. Like I said, that gap was disrespectful. But yeah, so that's when I left the Champions Club, said goodbye, and went and met up with Skootish, and we started making our way back. He's buying another Red Bull. You have a problem. - What's the problem? - [Amanda] Too many Red Bulls. - Oh, you have a problem with dango. - Mine is sustenance. Yours is crack cocaine in a cup. - Mine's also sustenance. I'm tired. I'm so sleepy. - Where should we start our timer for getting out of here? - We should do it like here, yeah? - Here? All right. So it took us about two hours to get to the race that morning, and it took us about three hours to get back to our hotel that night. Could have been worse, but obviously prepare for travel time, okay? Nagoya, Osaka, regardless of where you're staying, you're gonna be hoofing it for a little bit. All in all, would I come back here? Absolutely. I would so go back to Suzuka Circuit. That was a fantastic race, a fantastic circuit. I knew something bad was gonna happen all weekend because they were all having trouble with that grass, and that gravel, and those curbs, okay? It's a great circuit as well. And to be able to do the track ride and just see how the whole circuit changes like that was an incredible view of that circuit. Is the cost worth it for the Champions Club? Again, that's dependent. Four days access, the entirety of the park, you know, you get your separate access. I did speak to someone who was from Australia who had just done Champions Club for the Australian Grand Prix, and she was telling me, she's like, "Oh, it's nice, but this is nicer because there's no bathroom in the Champions Club when I did that one. And so, like, I had to go down to, like, all the way down to the other Grandstands to go use the bathroom. Whereas, like, this one has the Grandstand." So again, you're dependent on where you're at for the Champions Club. Same with the Paddocks Club, obviously. As far as like a fun experience, and yes, it's open, so it depends, you know, the weather changes rapidly. I had a great time, okay? And I do wanna make that abundantly clear. For me, I do think this is worth it, even though I'm a little confused and a little butt hurt that I did not get a pit walk. But I don't think, again, that was ever included. I think I just misunderstood what was included in this package. I really lucked out with my time for the paddock walk because, like, drivers were arriving still at the paddock. Team personnel was out and about. Some of them were having breakfast, some of them were out and about, you know, some of them were, you know, moving around and going towards interviews, and things like that. So I think it really depends on the time slot as well. So that's again kind of luck of the draw. You don't get to choose your time slot. I just got assigned one, like, two weeks ago. All in all, great race. Congrats, Yuki, on getting points in your home race. Congrats, Carlos, on P3. Congrats, Red Bull, on winning again. And that's gonna be it. The next race I'm trying to go to, I'm trying to make Miami work. Definitely gonna do Vegas again. We're gonna give them another shot. Not that I didn't enjoy myself at the last Vegas Grand Prix, but I'm still annoyed about P1. Still, always, with how they handled it specifically. I also wanna say thank you to everyone who came up and said hi to me. It's so funny, I got recognized way more in Japan than I do when I'm out and about in L.A., which is very, very funny. But there was quite a few of you who came up to me who said that, like, I was the reason that you got into F1, and that's a really, really cool thing to hear. That's really fun. I love the sport so much and the fact that, like, I have a job that I'm able to, you know, share that love, and talk about it, and, like, work it into my other myriad of insane nosy hobbies, and all of that, is really great, and I love that, like, I've been able to, like, get you excited about things. That's fun for me. I don't know, that was just really cool to hear, so that was great. I was doing a bunch of like TikTok content and Instagram content the entire time as well. Getting ready for filming this and the amount of people who were like, "Oh my God, I'm literally getting into F1 so I can understand what you're talking about, like, as you're making these videos and all of that." Like, I don't know, I love hearing that. That's really fun for me. I give you guys the joy of missing out so often that it's fun for me to be able to hear, you know, that you guys got excited or got a new interest because of me. That's really fun. Have you ever been to the Grand Prix? Have you ever been to Suzuka Circuit? Have you ever been to any other events at Suzuka Circuit? Are there any other International Grand Prix you would like me to see? Are there any International Grand Prix you would like to see on the calendar that aren't currently on the calendar? Who's your favorite driver? Let me know. Comment down below. Reminder, I stream on Twitch. Reminder that Swell Entertainment is now available on Spotify. Reminder to use code Swell for 10% off on Gamer Supps. Shout out to my patrons. Thank you so much for supporting me on Patreon. If you'd also like to support me on Patreon, the link is down below. If you'd like to follow me on all social media, it'll be all up here, and that's gonna be hell of the day. Goodbye. (upbeat music) So I got three of these things 'cause I promised one for one person. Maybe I'll do a giveaway for the third one. I don't know. Oh, look what else I got. It's a steering wheel pillow with the Suzuka Circuit on it. How cool is that? Thank you, Oz, Eva, Ayonna, Abby, Angel, Goth, Glynn, Pallas, Pink, Jasmyne, Lauren, Amy, Azlynn, Medic, Rosy, Victor, Andrew, Tenzin, Sam, Maywest, Michael, Ryan, Adira, Nathan, Zwink, Literal, Jeffrey, Randy, QTWY, Nomad, Thomas, Tasha, Donnie, Winter, Keni, Robert, Cameron, Elliott.
Channel: Swell Entertainment
Views: 86,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: f1, formula 1, japan gp, grand prix, japanese grand prix, suzuka, suzuka circuit, japan, champions club, paddock club, pit tour, swell, swell entertainment, f1 shorts, aston martin, redbull, mclaren, williams f1, stake f1
Id: 1rNickPjMHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 23sec (1763 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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