WE GOT MATCHES AND A 2x?? || Two's On Tuesdays! $50,000 Top Prize!

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[Music] it's time or twos on Tuesdays we have $100 worth of these two dollar tickets one so hopefully we can get a big glimmer today also guys if you guys bought tea you can purchase it to the time coin went to buy ones in the description below it's pretty awesome all right let's get scratching Wow I look pretty excited before yeah there you go okay am i doing good yeah yeah I'll do bad good you're scratching good they're showing they're revealing number twelve Lucas and a 16 oh yeah there's no way no way okay we have more numbers though okay okay we're gonna get a second cash for we're all set cash okay Aventine ten eleven here comes ready seventeen ten eleven okay good works is good enough seventeen ten and eleven it's 90 bucks ten bucks oh I called it that is absolutely amazing alright we got more okay $9.00 all right nine seven six let's behind rip on those nine seven and six come on man we can do it alright we had a good time though this one though it's gonna be a good yeah this is a good one 109 1400 say numbers 11 10 and 14 10 amen all right I have these though yep you're always going to have the 614 eight 614 and eight come on man this is it right here 648 and a trophy do this right here okay 1910 eight come on man I have good space about this one oh no no you like person crowd I don't like purses and crowns they're kind of stupid I like money bags instead to 7 and 17 27 and 17 come on you can do it this one those many times yeah this one right here Roger Fox and Walt all right I love vaults 7 8 and 17 steel base all pens I use crash I really wish to ruin vault and a purse k12 3 & 8 I got do it man 12 3 oh hey - Axew oh oh oh what 3 & 8 of 2x well this is gonna be interesting give me four you gonna be new dollars somehow that's pretty sweet now that is what I call a nice win welcome back - that's what I call I don't know something cool cool I like being cool to X well again Oh son of a gun ah okay that's good okay that's 34 right I'm no priest Wow yeah you're doing very well for 14 and 19 so other lad 34 hours 4 for 19 or 14 and 19 gosh darn it I have this one though so you're gonna win on this dollar okay I got these though bad boys 11 14 and 3 all right here we go 14 14 I've been 14 agree on seven three oh my gosh all right okay okay have a UH what do we have I've missed high 14 and he said 14 and 14 3 right here here we go okay 14 5 and 5 for $10 what is happening all right man this is awesome had a great time good actually $44 for - yeah that's awesome 14:11 and for I never jump $10 going it on 14 you need $11 yeah 14:11 and 4 right this is another $5 right following a half Wow 49 pinking it up man that's awesome - the general hole yeah yeah 3 10 17 reclaimer than this bunk 3 10 and 17 are here we go here I go oh good ok we're going to clearing out this earlier yeah yeah like since we're having fun with okay there we go all right be a good time man this one though is gonna be acclaimed okay right here and I was open for sure it'd be acclaimed I was I thought it was 23 in advance one of these Saturdays 20 spot I asked the genie outside he said it's Saturday looking good okay 14:19 time 14:19 and no pot knocks 16 for and 2016 4 and 2016 4 and 20 on this one those would be a big one I'm live for more yeah six nine and nineteen six nine and nineteen six nine nineteen oh man I got more left this one 14 3 and 17 14 3 and 17 come on man come on here no you want right that's it brown check the box is a big one to be here Jeff yeah yeah seven sixteen fifteen seven 16 and 15 come on then in 1615 saving it canis one hey vana Trophy for 9 and 15 calling it 309 okay or 9:15 49 that's pretty good that's awesome let's freaking good man [Music] okay what are you gonna win here big prize there's your cha ok come on come on 9 2015 6 ok this is the lucky little stomach did he just throw in 16 K get the winning number is it gonna be there's 14 no 13 no pretty good man 18 nothing man get you had a good time they're all I love tickets not great they're making me super hot winning numbers are 17 you can do it I think 1511 313 what if we don't even give me those thoughts go ticket time you can do it scratch those boys well now there's a thought you could do it on the sidelines yeah 4 and 14 Detroit Lions got cheerleaders yeah might as well I don't even ever secure money now imer what does that spell it's a cleaner [Music] cleaner we met thousand dollars no you can't this ticket stink because they're from Michigan yeah that's what bad thing is now they wouldn't say that though because that's negative no no no they can't be reversed cheerleaders I have $44 back you did 44 okay that's good oh I missed a 10 okay 5400 mr5 so yeah five okay all right good all right okay well you're having fun regardless mm-hmm these are not winning Kirsten you got walls yeah yeah but yet fun yeah but Jerry's a military treat you clowns for Nike and they like have a certain area where the trees call claimer c39 [Music] okay keep it wet on this one I'm lost okay Ruby there's two dollars by the mission won't mention seven up here probably not well oh wow you have a great time Ruby crown 2013 17 14 and 1/8 16 for 1815 okay to be a good time Melvin Pinewood box all right claim a great time though these two are claimers next days left to reclaimers there you go for five more chances okay good all of them are good chances yeah yes Matt no we are kiss my nose no never fifty nine and ten I like Ted's 1913 tense could you throw in for yeah you gonna do it 17:12 three it's gonna happen Wow Wow okay so now I'm making up for last week okay yeah all right that's what happens probably do you never know those are some good throws [ __ ] on down I'll be 897 all right get a match Man four four four okay good okay 50 bucks big big big dang man the tables shaky 17 here we go five bucks okay give him got a $2.00 winner yeah wait what's that oh I doesn't trigger box damn it yanked that that was all right I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry eight thirteen six nine coming in here I haven't eaten for then there are three or 18 okay let's eat oh goes laughing for a bottle be ye k and 15 no okay you're gonna big the big big time Big Time come on Ross 20 think about to be a big time rush yeah 11 6 & 7 alright alright we got there second row 14 3 16 4 and 18 nope no okay but this one come on 15 7 and 12 you can you can do it you're gonna win a bit claimer yes and if you don't I'll show you my pom-poms yeah that's where I was going yeah that's where I was going all right I don't see anything here y'all I do I feel 12 and do we see any other number it doesn't look like it that's well we have two dollars out seven dollars okay but the thing is though you had a great time okay I will I will six dollars they're pretty cool man oh okay over halfway there no no I got a scratch where's not that bad it's just kind of hard to control yeah there's a pig what if I held it yeah there yeah that's better singers are very encouraged the 20 and 14 say 17 okay 1806 2014 7 is eb r e 6:20 [Music] I made a perfect star whoa nothing what if we she's had to scratch all over baby looks like that or not Wow sounds like somebody had a shotgun out yeah no damn it until you're 21 all right I don't know for Izzy beer yeah today I will be tomorrow with have a grad 29 and 15 grant like pomegranate tea pomegranate 924 black a box of chocolates stupid ears with stupid toys yeah thank god that's her motto for ticket ah yeah okay how many people agree with that oh nothing nothing not underneath wait this is sateen wasn't it yeah zip not a person got off strong I did thank God it's $4 that's not a bad day we're up to 60 of the winter pile over there no it's over there that's on the table all right there's only like six of them yeah Carson got the big one yeah seven nine okay this is one right on this execs rack it is just checking it's pretty bad about getting your numbers three thirteen fourteen eight ten eleven eight ten and eleven right no this one those gonna be a big one big boy big boy your big boy now eight ten time all right I don't know in the world you're talking about painting the floor as you talk about this one yeah confused I was all excited the paying attention we got fibers yeah seventeen seven that's good at least seventy nine 2010 okay you're gonna mix come on Trevor next at 214 okay you had a great time this chance [Music] fifty grand Dean yet what we get 65 55 60 to 62 something like that they're all over a year TVs on Tuesdays wacky Wednesday's tomorrow stay tuned we'll see you guys next time to get time this is ticket time time to get excited you know we did it rowdy get money and it ain't no problem for my real scratches got no lovers and fake multipliers if I get a winning ticket swear that I won't tell nobody here love the scratching I can't deny they dream about what I buy new house a new car to drive maybe I just might beat the [ __ ] but until then I'll keep on trying imma stay on my grind and tune in the ticket time let's go deal ticket times
Channel: Ticket Time
Views: 3,474
Rating: 4.7931032 out of 5
Keywords: Lottery, winnings, beating, odds, how, to, win, lottery, scratch, off, ticket, fun, cool, winning, prizes, gold, bars, matched, number, one, million, cash
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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