LIVE CASINO GAMES! Crazy Time, Bonus Buys, Slots, Black Jack, Roulette! !stake

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cool it looks like everything's up to speed well you know what i actually forgot to do guys i actually forgot to place a robot on my robot cam so i'm going to do that right now here we go now we got it all straightened up and ready to go man perfect i knew something looked off but uh yeah guys welcome to the stream hopefully you guys are having a fantastic night we got some awesome stuff planned for you guys today and man oh man i am ready to go i'm ready to shaft mr monopoly i'm ready to just go in there with the winning attitude and just just go over all just just play everything and just have fun man that's most importantly so yeah guys hopefully you guys having a great night welcome to the show uh if you guys are new welcome to ticket time i'm your host carson and uh make sure you guys hit that subscribe button turn on notifications if you guys haven't done so already so that way you guys don't miss any live streams any videos uh all that good uh jazz but yeah guys let me know who's here in the chat uh we actually have a special guest that's actually uh with me right now guys uh it's my friend aaron he's actually all the way from singapore and he's actually a live streamer himself so uh aaron thanks again for uh sponsoring tonight's stream man happy to do it and thanks again for being here man for sure yeah guys so if you guys want to go follow my friend aaron uh on twitch uh i'm actually gonna post his twitch uh url in the comment section right now so if you guys can do me a huge favor go ahead and follow my friend aaron on twitch and that would be very much appreciated as well we got connor with a two dollar super thanks again connor i appreciate you know what's up connor he goes let's win some money connor you are awesome dude thanks again man for the two dollar super chat connor you are amazing what's up kyle thanks again man for all your support we got tim cheddab we got even we got chase four rolls we got roo we got aj we got danielle will go go major marks wa uh we got uh blake greg ben you guys are all freaking fantastic um so yeah um aaron was very generous enough to uh sponsor us 500 bucks tonight so thanks again aaron so yeah basically i'm on a phone call with aaron as well so uh we're gonna be kind of talking back and forth and if you guys feel like i'm talking to myself i promise i'm not weird i'm actually talking uh to aaron as we're kind of going over our bets so yeah aaron's to be uh telling me what to do we'll go to the games and hopefully uh aaron and i cannot retire so that's the goal so yeah what's up cwa the two hour super chats against cwa he goes how many errands do you know i know like five errands uh so that's pretty crazy thanks again cwa for the two dollar super chat uh you are awesome cwa thanks again man you are fantastic uh what's up southern view of scratcher how you doing alyssa just said she followed you on twitch that's awesome listen thank you so much what's up jason texas scratcher how you doing what's up mike uh center stars we got kaiser aj everybody's freaking fantastic and uh yeah guys if you guys become a ticket time member more information is down below as well you guys get special loyalty badges emojis all kinds of crazy fun stuff and don't forget guys at 10 30 p.m eastern standard time we do have a super high roller members only giveaway we do uh the winner gets a 40 spin on the lightning roulette wheel and uh appreciate you guys all being here we have the glorious wheel right here as well so in case you guys are interested more information is in the description below uh we had my man raven death actually win and he hit one of his numbers and he won 120 bucks in the last livestream so that was actually pretty cool as well man so uh pretty sweet uh what's up mrs campbell scratchers what's up brenda death by design everybody is fantastic uh what's up pk yeah for sure pika if you're interested um send me an email yeah guys uh if you guys are interested in sponsoring a future live stream hit me up send me an email my email's in the description down below and uh we will uh get things uh started man so sweet but uh yeah aaron uh where are we heading first my man do you got any uh games in mind what are you thinking about going towards oh man do we want to start with blackjack do you know about queso we uh we we had we we were on this blackjack winning streak about two weeks ago and the dealer's name was queso uh and and uh we we we were uh we were all over because she kept going win after win after win after win so it's gonna be kind of hard to find her because there's a lot of dealers on this site but uh yeah i'm totally cool with whatever you want to do man i will uh i'll follow your way what's up jennifer edwards how you doing what's up john w jenna uh easy slays uh tjx you guys are all fantastic actually you know what i'm gonna do first air and i'm gonna do a giveaway first and then we'll jump into the action uh so yeah here we go we're gonna do the uh nightbot giveaway the week we always do to start things off uh all you gotta do to be entered uh into this giveaway is you gotta be uh 18 years or older and you have to comment this word and the winner uh will get um to give me 10 of their numbers from zero to 36 i'll place their numbers on the lightning roulette wheel if it hits one of your numbers uh you get the cash i can only do cash app or crypto at the moment so uh you know just keep that in mind as uh possible so pretty sweet uh yeah nyc i'm gonna try to figure that out if i can um i am on my pc if it was on a mac i could probably pull it up but if but i'll figure it out nyc i'll try to get that up and running uh thanks again nyc scratch for us for the 10 super chat uh you are fantastic oh yeah guys comment the word winner in the chat guys that's the code word winner winner winner uh ones for person uh and we will be good to go thanks again though uh nyc for the uh 10 super chat man i appreciate you thank you again so much bro you are the man thanks again man appreciate you we also had major mark and uh even donated for a livestream start as well so thanks again to you guys as well you guys are all fantastic so yeah it's been kind of a weird couple live streams the luck hasn't been there we had some crazy wins i think actually in tomorrow's video guys what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to post a sweet bonanza video i've never posted a sweet bonanza video before so uh hopefully you guys like it hopefully you guys enjoy and uh yeah it'll be pretty freaking sweet so i'll give you guys probably about 10 15 more seconds left comment the word winner in the chat and we'll be uh good to go hey uh babs babs s you're gonna have to tell me how to say your last name but babs thank you so much for the uh becoming a super high roller i really do appreciate you babs everybody welcome babs the newest super high roller member here on ticket time i really do appreciate you babs thank you so much i'm gonna add your name uh to the wheel right now thank you so much shot to babs you are amazing thank you thank you so much babs all right i'm going to give it a shot babs shivoni is that how you say or sh she avonish babshiavoni is how you say it babs thanks again though for uh becoming a member uh babs i really do appreciate you thank you thank you so much babs i-a-v-o-n-i perfect i think i got it right babs thank you so much though i really do appreciate you you are absolutely amazing thank you so much bab so yeah we do the we do we're gonna do it every single live stream 10 30 eastern time we spin that uh wheel and uh like i said in case you guys are interested more informations down below and we all uh oh you're trying to bob's wife oh gotcha okay sweet babs thank you so much uh that is awesome yeah cheddah bob uh uh and you guys are great uh uh awesome supporters of mine so thank you so much uh cheddar bob uh babs you are amazing okay sweet guys here we go ten nine eight seven six five four three two one let's roll it it is ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha but what what a name ha ha ho hi or ha ha ho ho he say that 10 times fast but anyways uh yeah you've won the uh giveaway all you got to do is um comment your numbers and i'll put in the lightning roulette wheel and uh we will jump into the uh madness tonight it'll be pretty sweet and i can't wait man it's gonna be pretty cool like i said guys um i'm with my buddy aaron tonight he's actually a live streamer himself if you guys can do me a huge favor um go follow my friend aaron on twitch uh his twitch url is in the uh comment section uh that would be very much appreciated as well uh danielle happy early birthday or happy late birthday uh danielle happy birthday that is awesome what's up gandhi floss uh cheddar bob with a two dollar super chat he goes babs my wife uh shavonny shavoni i almost got it right i almost got it right thanks again though shut up bob uh and uh babs you guys are amazed thank you so much what's up india rogers how you doing uh big don everybody is terrific so pretty sweet and then haha i got your numbers thank you so much i am going to uh switch over to the giveaway balance and then we'll go back into the balance for tonight let me go to uh lightning roulette and we will get started here we go pretty sweet what's up hdhl how you doing what's going on i'm gonna make sure we get the full 15 seconds in here so i don't miss any numbers and we will be uh all good so pretty cool man pretty sweet all right yeah we're going to start with lightning rule or this is the giveaway that somebody won and then um afterwards i'll follow your lead dude so wherever you want to go i'm totally cool with man so we'll still switch so yeah this this is uh this is my money i'm giving away for the giveaway right now all right cool so we got three six seven eight nine twelve three six seven eight nine twelve three six seven eight nine twelve let me get that in here three six seven eight nine 12 18 20 24 and 25 we'll double that up pretty cool haha congrats good luck to you let's even get your number what's up linda how you doing what's up viper scratch offs how you doing man what's up ak what's up derek uh you guys are all absolutely fantastic man let me know how the audio sounds is if it's too loud uh let me know and i will uh adjust accordingly as well 1 and 34 no lightning number but you still have a chance to win 24 bucks over hits one of your numbers here we go ha ha come on let's jump into the madness what's up new world man how you doing what's up brendan nathan everybody's fantastic come on go in the hole come on one wow it was a hundred x two and it wasn't one of their numbers though no way that's crazy aaron wow dang so close to haha thank you so much still for all your support i really do appreciate you haha you are amazing uh once again guys we're on state casino uh if you guys want to play on state casino consider uh signing up with my referral link that'll get you guys cash back on all of your uh bets and wagers for more information is in the description below as well and then here is my referral link as well shot to stake uh you guys can also enter the promo code ticket time go down to settings ticket time and you should be good to go pretty sweet and yeah guys like i said if you guys haven't done so yet uh smash that like button guys on the live stream saving it to 100 likes and we will be uh pretty good all right aaron the man of the hour where are we going my man blackjack okay do you want to just go the the classic blackjack or uh pragmatic okay or no uh like the regular evolution right gotcha okay so let me go over here so yeah guys i'm going to be talking to you guys i'm also going to be talking to aaron on the phone as well so it might look a little bit weird but i'll promise to do my best to make it look uh pleasable so pretty so yeah guys we're going to start off with some blackjack tonight so if i can i cannot work uh and blackjack lobby pretty good all right sweet cool oh it is pragmatic ah dang it all right i'll get there i'll work it i'll work it oh shoot what's up matthew kerr how you doing man what's up bryce what's going on man what's up what's up what's up uh there it is blackjack there we go perfect all right sweet awesome awesome awesome cool so we're gonna start with some blackjack guys i am looking forward to it uh do you have any particular table in mind or what are you thinking 56 all right so that is right at the very end sweet awesome we'll be sitting on the uh on the very end seat guys here we go all right my name is oh your name is uh oh oh whoa so so aaron's actually betting uh as well guys on the side so this is aaron he's actually lol right here as well so that's pretty sweet uh but uh yeah pretty cool guys what's up cynthia how you doing what's going on if you guys haven't done so like i said guys don't forget to smash that like button what's up drew barber what's up mateo what's up hopefully you guys are having a fantastic night uh oh yeah yeah cynthia that wasn't that fun though last night we did some jackpots games that was fun we'll actually do that again in the future so uh pretty cool yeah danielle we're gonna we're definitely gonna have to uh smack talk on mr monopoly tonight for sure danielle we'll get to that uh later so that's pretty cool um all right aaron what do you think man what is the uh what's the bet size uh five bucks ten bucks do you play sides or no yeah okay i'm gonna do the same thing you're gonna i'm doing the same thing you're doing i'm gonna do ten on the main i'm gonna do two on the sides i'm gonna do the same i'm gonna follow your lead all right all right cool sounds good let's see if we can catch a side bed here so yeah guys so this is actually aaron right here as well and then we're actually on our main hand on the left over here oh a 10 would be good oh you got 10. that's good and then hopefully a 10 oh we got a 13. so we're gonna hit this yeah we're gonna we're uh hitting this i'm assuming aaron right okay cool all right i just want to make sure um yeah slipknot we actually cashed out a pretty hefty uh win uh a lot was two weeks ago um so that was pretty cool as well oh you got a king or a queen that nice case aaron's got 20 let's see what we got over here that guy got a flush in the middle um oh did you really new world nice man a couple hundred on fanduel that's pretty cool man nice nice nice uh but yeah guys we're currently 24 likes away if you guys haven't done so yet guys smash that like button on the live stream appreciate you guys all being here like i said guys oh a nine oh we busted oh no at least you won though you got you got 20 on yours so uh what do you think go again yeah yeah we'll go again all right so we'll do a couple hands of this so it'll be pretty cool all right all right all right i was trying to catch like a uh like like a suited trips that would be pretty good like ace of spades space spades that would be pretty good man what's up jason how you doing man oh what's up did you say something dude yeah yeah it was a 101 payout so yeah if we hit that that'd be pretty good oh okay you got an 11 are you gonna double that oh okay now we got 17. all right all right all right all right so aaron's doubling over here and then we're going to stand on our 17 over here um oh you got an ace dude oh no hey chad about with the five dollar super chat if you all are on blac check for a while i'll jump on with you okay sounds good china bob yeah um it depends depend on our seating arrangement because right now our table's full okay we won all right good sweet guys nice oh yeah and you won two nice dude nice nice nice we'll go again sweet uh yeah we're on table 56 and this guy's name is noah noah the dealer cool man awesome awesome awesome thanks again shout out for the five dollar super chat man appreciate you thanks again bro you are awesome my man um but yeah guys there's gonna be a new video out tomorrow like i said in case you guys don't know our upload schedule uh it's live streams mondays wednesdays saturdays 8 30 pm eastern standard time and we do uh uh uh videos um every uh tuesdays and thursdays at uh 4 30 eastern time we got a nine versus a five what do you wanna do with this sarah do you want do you wanna just hit this you wanna double it what do you think um it's up to you bro it's all up to you what do you guys think guys a nine versus a five is this a double that i'll ask the chat nine versus a five is this a double down guys i'm gonna ask you guys what do you guys think what do you guys think what's up seth miller how you doing what's up seth um i can't tell oh no there's no audio let me turn up the audio guys that you guys can hear the dealer as well sorry about that guys oh it's that nine here would love to hear you know what dude i'm going to go for it i'm going to double it i'm going for it man we need we need an ace through our face here we go come on ace through our face let's see it okay we got an ace perfect perfect man let's go dude nice come on i just gotta bust pull it tight okay all right we won our hand i would i would have been cool if you would have won yours too though but we'll be all right it's okay man let's way i'll go back down to normal now we'll do this for a bit guys and we'll kind of bounce around so uh pretty sweet nice guys that was a good win on our part so it's pretty good i know this is my friend aaron he's actually from singapore guys uh he's actually uh hooking it up with the stream tonight so thanks again to uh aaron like i said guys you guys want to do me a huge favor go follow him on twitch uh he's actually live on twitch right now guys so uh yeah definitely if you guys want to see it from his point of view as well uh head over to his twitch account go follow him that'd be much appreciated as well guys uh what's up dustin matthours how you doing dustin what's up man how you doing bro oh a 14 versus a four i'm gonna stand here i'm gonna stand here guys all right here we go what's up how you doing what's going on all right guys i got a question for you guys all right what is your biggest single win ever like across like lottery tickets casino games what is your biggest single win that you guys have we gotta win guys let's go we're nice dude hell yeah man that's sweet all right we'll go again but yeah guys what's your biggest uh single win on like any kind of casino game slot machine lottery ticket what's your biggest one that you guys have had if you guys watch my channel you guys will know that it is the uh six thousand dollar win on crazy time i'll never forget that moment and it was all going towards a good cause uh i'll never forget that that was pretty crazy what do you bought you aaron what's your biggest one that you've had just open parties 400 x on blue on crazy time that's sweet man uh okay we got 20. all right we're gonna stay in here all right looking good so far uh 250 23k 18k 10k 2200 500 three times 410 on dreamcatcher 10.40 nice time 12k uh 30 000 we got wow you guys are crazy that's awesome guys what do you think about the team what's up oh yeah yeah yeah we got some high rollers here come on just don't pull an ace okay now boss uh okay nice dude all right good sweet sweet sweet nice we're actually we're doing pretty good guys off to a good start we'll keep it going here we'll keep this back going here um let's don't forget about the time yeah you guys yeah you guys can i'll actu i can actually i'll turn off the dealer and i'll put my uh i'll put my phone next to my mic so you guys can actually hear uh here aaron as well we tried to do it over discord but then we kind of did like last minute so we just decided to just do a phone call and we'll do the streams the same time so we'll be good to go all right here we go uh yeah harry i've actually gotten wrecked on sports late lately i've been betting on march madness and it's not been going too pretty so hopefully we can turn that around as well um oh 11 versus a two now what do you what do you got oh you got a nine perfect man nice dude awesome awesome awesome uh do you wanna double this aaron what do you think um let's do it let's do it all right sweet we're gonna double this guys here we go let's go we're on a four win win streak by the way guys we're on a four win win streak by the way come on don't jinx it though don't jinx it buddy come on noah the dealer you gotta pull a ten here pull a ten an eight's all right we'll take an eight that's okay now just bust tenor nice dude beautiful man let's go guys all right dude we're on a roll man let's go five wins in a row check this out guys let's go guys nice you do you want to stick with the same better what are you thinking it's up to you i'm going a little bit bigger a little bit bigger on this one all right i'm just going to keep it the same way it is and then we'll we'll go from there uh so pretty sweet what's up uh hunter what's up big dog uh harry t jacks you guys are all fantastic uh thirteen thousand on on your favorite sl that's awesome jinger holy crap that's crazy oh a three or a six of spades come on three or six of spades oh a 14. that would have been crazy for a straight flush that had been nuts 15 versus a five we're gonna stand here we're gonna stand all right here we go keep this train moving man we're 10 likes away guys from 100 likes if you guys haven't done so yet take a quick second smash that like button guys would be much appreciated and we will uh continue this uh lucky winning streak we're on man got to keep it going here here we go oh we got 13 come on oh man he pulled a six man oh man all right i'm delivering that yeah i'm gonna go back down i'm just gonna keep the same too yeah dang man that was crazy you can't complain though five wins in a row that was actually pretty good that was a pretty good run man that's a pretty good run let's try to catch another winning streak here we still have yet to hit a side bet yet so i want to hit a side bet still so pretty cool man all right here we go oh aaron's got an eight we have a jack okay okay hopefully our queen come on queen for a straight oh it's a 12. all right we gotta hit this all right we'll be all right man come on hopefully it's a nine here we need a nine looking for a nine and then hopefully best case scenario would him just pull a seven that would make it easy because i never went on his hand too so pretty cool two legs away guys it's gonna be the 100th lake if you guys can like the livestream you guys can brag about for the rest of the night that you guys were a part of history and you guys are the 100th like man who's gonna be it um there we go nice guys appreciate you guys sweet all right cool cool cool come on man but uh yeah so like it's funny because like um i just turned 21 last year so uh i've actually never been like i've been in a real casino like in person oh an eight okay nice to get a 20 but i've actually never gambled at a real casino before so um and one of my buddies and i we we we drove downtown to one and uh no do we pull that six aaron how is that possible man that was crazy that was the one card that that we just did not want to see oh man that's crazy that's all right we'll take it man i'll take it it's all right um but yeah we literally we were we were going down they were about to walk in the casino and then my friend forgets his id and we had to drive all the way back so i still have yet to play the real casino yet um uh yeah cheddar bob so aaron is uh lol this is aaron so we're both betting at the same time i'm over here and then aaron's lol yeah so pretty cool thanks again about for the two dollar super chat man thanks again uh to your wife babs for becoming a superhero that means a lot thanks again babs appreciate you uh so pretty sweet all right we're looking for a seven here we need a seven aaron needs a six oh he pulled an eight ah dang it no i've been to vegas a couple times uh but i was just too young and i couldn't gamble it was it was a couple years ago so i couldn't do anything yet so pretty cool pretty cool come on here we go but yeah how's how's the connection guys everything look okay smooth smooth sailing knock on wood guys i bought my new computer i've had it for a couple months now and there's been no problems yet so hopefully it stays that way oh a six okay that's okay he just can't pull an ace though he does not have an ace he doesn't have it there's no way he has an ace right here he doesn't have it there's no way he has it okay nine all right good all right we'll take it nice nice nice what do you think man keep going um two more hands okay sounds good man we'll do two more hands and then we'll uh we'll see what we're gonna do next so that'll be pretty cool um oh nice guys that's cool man that's a good point do you do any of you guys play poker do you guys are are you guys into poker at all aaron do you play any cards at all any poker you just kind of yeah yeah it's it's an interesting game you gotta you gotta definitely have patience for it because it's a lot of folding most of the time oh oh we got a perfect pair dude six o'clock six o'clock that's 52 bucks man nice dude there we go let's go man nice nice nice that was that was a sexy side bed right there let's go all right now i believe is this this is a hit right 12 versus the two or you don't i don't think you split sixes i'm pretty sure you just hit this right yeah okay i'm just gonna hit this all right so no matter what guys we got a nice side bet let's go nice dude hell yeah nice nice nice that's the uh that's the um the uh the 25 the one so that was pretty sick that's sweet man play poker sometimes nice em what's cool what's up uh anna arcade princess how you doing what's going on miss monopoly smoking crack oh geez yeah he's up to no good guys restaurant opoli is just he's been causing all kinds of issues for us all right hopefully a nine come on nine oh a seven all right i'll take a seven seven is okay with us seven's all right come on come on man come on you can do it just pour 10. yes let's go dude that's a nice win 72 bucks right there guys that's a nice one right let's go guys let's go he's shuffling all right you got it man it sounds good bro do you have any games in mind ma'am um crazy time great time sure let's do it man let's go we're gonna go into some crazy time guys we'll even catch a bonus or two let's go guys nice nice nice all right so now what do you usually bet on crazy time um i would like to like the bonus games the bonus games and then the five how much do you bet usually how much how much per spin i just put two bucks on the bonuses for now i'll follow whatever you do whatever you do i'll fall all right let's see what can we get hello victor hello there welcome okay okay ooh five um stand there clara ah dang it clara you killed me oh man [Laughter] all right um first place okay this is what this is what we normally do i'll i'll let you be the judge if you want to do this or we can do something else actually crap i totally messed that up whoops i gotta add some more to the two guys normally what we do is we um we do a buck on the bonus and then we cover the two the five to ten so so we only lose it to one so that's what we usually do what's up minds how you doing experimental how you doing man what's going on oh crazy time dude go to crazy time go there go crazy time 2x dude let's go aaron let's go man nice we got 2x on the crazy time guys let's go all right what color are you rolling with aaron follow me all right i usually i always choose blue on crazy time i never go against blue i always choose blue man let's go blue man all right here we go got 2x crazy time we got a buck on it let's see if we can catch something here guys potentially a 200x let's try to hit a double now that will be pretty good as well too let's go guys nice nice nice 2x first bonus let's go man nice what's up amari how you doing man look at this what's up uh dustin hgh i know dude like when we take it off of course it hits a 2x great each time all right we're gonna go blue man here we go right that 200x would be sick man it'll be crazy let's go everybody this is gonna be exciting yeah let's get some crazy emotions in the chat guys crazy time emojis and some good luck to the ants for sure here we go guys like i said guys you guys want to check my friend aaron on twitch you guys want to see his point of view go follow my friend aaron guys he's hooking us up with the sponsor tonight thanks again uh to aaron come on go to the 200. double double double double let's go aaron let's go man how much how much how much are you betting on yourself flapper got a facebook you got five bucks on it aaron's got five bucks on it guys holy moses let's go man tonight you have a chance for four grand dude let's go man here we go come on hit the 400x dude hit the 400x let's go or another double come on come on come on come on come on double let's go come on blue let me get it 100 i'll take 100x let's go man 100x let's go dude hey i will take 100x man let's go let's go man we got 100 bucks on me and we got 500 on aaron's side let's go dude nice nice nice beautiful let's go man yeah like yeah i'll follow your lead so if you want me to bet hi we can put higher i'm totally cool with whatever you want me to do man so first place over 10 000 euros girl congratulations amazing okay okay we'll do this for we'll do this for now nothing too crazy then we'll kind of if you want to if you're feeling a double up here and there i'll i'll follow whatever you want to do man i'm so happy for you all right cool man nice nice because i always feel bad because when it's not my money i feel kind of leery i'm like i'm just gonna let what they do so all right cool man sweet sounds good can we get that come on go to the two let's see go to the two nice so so what so what are you what are you betting on your end are you bet what are you betting the bonuses are you betting any numbers 173 winners jinbe on first place uh 450 euros well done oh okay gotcha so he's been the two and the bonuses guys that's what aaron's doing right now so it's pretty cool nice man let's go yeah that 2x fury time was nice yeah that's why i'm telling you guys like like i feel like when you're on crazy time you just stick with one color because the one time you go against your color it's going to do something crazy so right it is that bias cash would be pretty sweet if we can catch that come on man keep it going here [Music] five times more fun pachinko maybe slow down slow down slow down slow down slow down slow down slow down let's go dude let's go aaron nice man let's go what's going on yeah great star man great great stuff ladies and gentlemen okay it's probably sorry let me know if the dealer's voice is too loud guys i can turn that down as well i'll i'll play with the audios as well yeah so what i'll do guys is i'll turn down the host so i'll turn up aaron a little bit more so you guys can hear his reaction to we got 200 x's man 2 100 x's let's go nice nice nice that would be crazy man let's go come on it's in a decent spot it's right in between them it's almost like a football like right in between the goalposts come on here we go come on [Music] [Music] we're off to a great start guys let's go man oh my gosh let's let's go aaron holy crap dude let's freaking go man night what a start guys back to back let's go we got crazy time 100 x and we got pachinko hunter next clara is doing her job guys let's go guys let's go nice ah aaron oh i just feel bad though man because that could have been an extra thousand but oh man dang it man yeah who would have thought man we'd have two 100 x to start good call going to crazy time man let's go dude yeah 2x out of 10 can it make it there can it make it to pachinko it's got to slow down clara oh it's going to go past it i think yeah it's going past it two stay on the two oh it went into the one man oh i went into the one all right yeah i remember that jim clara was like really unlucky for us and and and what what made her turn it around was when we went to mega ball she had some crazy wins on mega ball for us so i remember that that was that was that was sick man that was crazy but yeah guys like i said if you guys want to go see my friend aaron he's streaming actually right now uh if you guys want to see his point of view as well guys go follow my friend aaron on twitch uh he hooked us up very generously for the sponsors thanks again to uh aaron go go give him a follow guys on twitch ooh go to the 10. a 10 would be sick [Music] there's no one two's all right two is good two's all right two two okay okay all right nice guys we're up we're up 215 bucks right now guys let's go man let's go nice nice nice 70x and coming yeah 10 actually that 10 times some have been crazy yeah we've had two times 50 times 50 10 times 50 cash on times 50 and crazy time times 50. so all we need left is the coin flip and the pachinko and we have all the 50 x's on everything so be pretty crazy all right here we go guys go keep it going here man come on claire what do you got for us do we have a challenge ah yeah it's way too past it it's always devastating like when it hits like a multiplier but then you just know it's way too far away yeah come on stay on the five claret all right we're good we're safe and we're safe we're safe all right we're good we're good we're good we're good nice yeah yeah great start man great start to start let's go let's go guys nice what's up team with p how you doing man what's going on tv what's up buddy how you doing bro what's going on what's up what's up what's up all right pretty sweet man come home yeah we've had the 50x coin flip connect before but it it was it was like probably five pegs off though apparently there was a 2000 next coin flip earlier today it was a 20 x coin flip and on one side of the coins originally it was 100 x 100 times 20 it hit the red it was it was between 2000 x or 80 x and they hit the 2000 x it was crazy 10 uh one oh man what's up mercy scratches how you doing yeah that was crazy man that was so close all right keep it going here keep it going all right claire you got this honey come home almost a 10 times 10. i've been crazy come on go to the crazy time speed up clara go there woman oh it's going to slow down go to the fight it's a two okay all right we're all right we're right i'll tell you what aaron i'm gonna double this for three spins and then if if it's one city we'll go back down to normal here i'm gonna do it for i'm gonna do it for three spins let's go 24 bet man here we go let's try to catch something crazy here even like a two times 50 is 800 bucks let's kind of catch a multi on something man uh ruse says guys hit that like button okay mr mackey okay all right here we go yeah yeah i saw that uh michael that was crazy man 2000 x on uh coin flip that yeah that hit earlier today that was nuts all right what do you got for us clara what do you got for us can you go there let's go go go let's go aaron beautiful time to double up too dude we got a 3x machinko guys cora is on fire guys let's go aaron nice dude yeah you you still got five bucks on your bonuses nice man let's go dude hell yeah let's go guys nice nice nice let's go here we go come on dude oh my gosh oh yeah it's kind of a bad board but if it hits a double though we're in pretty good shape go in that double i would love to see a double double like a 75x okay it's near the 105. if it's a 105 i'm gonna lose my mind aaron that'd be crazy that'd be insane yeah come on oh i got to mute this chat guys on the left sorry about that guys come on go to the left oh no it froze 45 okay that's all right 45 x let's go guys i will take that that's 90 bucks man we will take it beautiful man let's go aaron clara's doing her job man let's go nice nice nice let's go guys beautiful perfect start man let's go yeah we'll stick with crazy time for a bit and yeah aaron whenever you feel like you want to switch just just send me just let me know and we'll i'll follow your lead like i said again so all right sweet man awesome dude all right what's up uh neo i'm almost almost caught and shot by a train oh nice neo for sure did you do two times three i would take a two come home oh no it froze you got to film me oh it was one after that was crazy oh no man yeah it is it either sometimes like the flap is really loose or just goes and goes and goes and goes um what's up bobby how you doing what's up bobby what's going on come on clara keep going honey you can do this keep going keep going ten times three would be great hit a ten ten would be 120 bucks man i see it's next to the crazy time can i get there can it get there oh it's gonna stop short coin flipper two i prefer a two okay good i did not want a coin flip coin flip's hard to break even on because then you need a 12 x on a client that's that's hard to get usually you just get shafted so pretty good man nice dude let's go like i said guys if you guys want to follow my friend aaron on twitch he's actually live streaming as well he's he's uh very uh generous to hook us up for tonight for the sponge thanks again man and uh yeah go check him on twitch guys he's actually streaming live uh you guys can check it out from his point of view he's playing along as well so definitely guys go follow him on twitch and um i'd be much appreciated as well all right here we go come home oh five times two five would be good i want to see like a crazy multi on something that'd be sick come on you got this claire come on come on woman go to the cash hunt ah stop on the tube oh it's a one oh no the claw the classic good old one everybody loves man all right i'm gonna what do i want to do here ah i'm gonna go with that i'm gonna do one more 24 hour bet and then worst case we'll go back down to maybe 12. all right sweet yeah that'd be a good question to answer uh i don't i think that's i wish i had the answer for that but uh yeah it should be a good game tomorrow you know ucla michigan oh my gosh dude slow down oh my god can you imagine aaron that would have been crazy go to the two at least go to the two not the one oh the one is so killer man it's so killer dang man what do you think you want to keep going on crazy time one more one more bet one more man one more let's go what's up cereal scratcher how you doing siri what's up man how you doing bro what's up michigan beauty scratch what's up how you doing what's going on all right we got my man clad spinning let's see it class let's get a good bonus here buddy here we go come on come on come on come on okay five times two i would take a five five or just anything but a one that's all i want nothing except yeah go there oh my gosh that freaking breaks man i'm telling you there's an oompa loompa behind there man you just put the brakes on oh man what do you think all right let's go for a different day different game okay i'm feeling you i got you cool man all right sweet well how about a great time but you can't complain i mean we had a 2x create time for 100x we had a pachinko for 100x and we had a 3x pachinko for 45x so that was pretty good that was a pretty good session let's go guys we'll come back to crate time guys we'll come back later what are you feeling man when i play sure let's go for it let's give it a shot man let's go shaft the old man man here we go we need to get some four rolls let's go all right no don't tell me we just missed it oh my gosh we okay thank god that was so close to four rolls i've had it happen so many times there when i open monopoly and it hits a bonus i'm like are you kidding me so all right let's see here um i'm gonna do that to start and i'll go from there i'll see that to start we'll do 12 to start four on the two two on the five two on the ten two on the bonuses all right what's up jacks ups how you doing man for the dollar super chat thanks again jack subs you are awesome buddy what's up man thanks again jack appreciate you man um yeah that's crazy cereal scratcher you said that was recently right you had that uh 5 000 win on the on the uh cash word stop aaron go no dude again oh that's this this flop flopper's stopping fast man oh this is way tighter than crazy time holy moses yeah that's crazy i thought that was four rolls for sure but it slowed down fast dang that's crazy all right here we go come on mr monopoly put down the cup of coffee easy to move man come on that's not my intention yeah that was a fast stop that was that was crazy we need to get that game of the ants guys good luck into the ants in the chat here we go hey well the five dollar super settings again well i appreciate you man what's up will he goes uh what do you think the best way to play monopoly is do you just bet everything except the one ah that's what we usually do well um because that way um you know at least you get your money back if it doesn't hit the one um but yeah not many people bet the ones on game shows uh usually you cover the bonuses and you just you hope for the best you know what i mean so thanks again though for the five dollar super chat man appreciate you will thank you so much yeah that's a good point center stars yeah thanks for mentioning that yeah guys so um if you guys are watching on mobile there's three dots on the top right of your device if you click on those it'll change the quality make sure that's on 1080p so that way that'll give you the best viewing experience so uh pretty cool um they did something dude today i recorded it was it was oh was it really 420 interesting interesting yeah i know sometimes they've got like oh wow this wheel is stopping really fast man it is really stiff tonight oh my gosh that's crazy um well you're having fun ted you're having fun hey what's up jack how you doing what's going on jack what's up bro all right hey jack again with you super thanks again jackie goes we are going to shaft the old man soon i hope so man thanks again jack for two dollar super chat buddy appreciate you thanks again man let's see a chance 10x and then let's see that gold four rolls that's what we want to see man here we go come on what are you betting on your end aaron two in the fire and the rolls gotcha okay cool come on go to the 10. don't stop on the one oh my gosh this guy this guy man oldest or the oldest come on you oldest you gotta do better than that buddy come on man right yeah if you have one more i'm with you one more one we're out of here man we can't sit here with all these uh shafting going on come on all right let's see it come on 20 x 20 wait real oh wow that's crazy i don't know 20 next close to impossible she won't be able to hear me from other points would be good come on see it let's see you can get there come on [Music] oh my god okay a two's all right i guess two's fine yeah i've actually hit that like three times i've had two five x's and then four rolls and then i hit two x four rolls i think last week so i've had it a couple of times it's really satisfying hey rue with the five dollar super thanks again i appreciate you she goes off topic but it was a lot of fun playing jack box last night yeah i'm glad you enjoyed rue and if you guys care if you guys want um i do have a youtube channel called carson claus you guys can go follow me over there tenor nice we got 10 let's go um if you guys want you guys can check me out over there um and we do some like jack box games live streams all that good jazz so yeah thanks again for the final super chat jack again the three dollar super thanks again jack appreciates jack thanks again man what's going on dude thanks again so much jack uh and check out the five dollar super chat this whoa oh this wheel is as stiff as my churro when i saw ticket time was live oh who said that thanks again shout out for the five dollars super chat you're awesome joey thanks again man appreciate you joey and matthew thomas for the 1.50 super chat you are awesome matthew thanks again man what's up matt thank you so much bro for the super chat man what's up matthew um hey what's up uh i missed the comment where is it ooh go to the five oh my gosh the ones are killing us aaron uh what do you think keep going or what are you thinking one more okay one more all right i i i i'm with you what's up max how you doing man appreciate you max thanks for so much for becoming a member last uh last time as well max what's up max um pretty sweet awesome awesome awesome and yeah guys like i said if you guys are new welcome to ticket time hit that red subscribe button we do live streams mondays wednesdays saturdays 8 30 eastern time we also post videos tuesdays and thursdays at 4 30 sometime guys i appreciate you guys all being here hey what's up good gamer how you doing man come on can you go there can you go there it's slowing down all right at least it's a five okay five's all right fives are right what do you think man maybe see how it is maybe going to a one maybe okay all right sounds good what's up william kline how you doing what's up megan smith what's up everybody keep it going here man don't get me wrong dude i was playing one time and um it hit double chance it was a 10x then an 8x and then it hit a 10. but i wasn't playing the 10 i was banging the rolls and it was an 800 to 1 payout but i have had that happen as well where it's double chance and it's a one and it's the most just irritating thing ever go to the two rolls no it's stopping god this thing is sold yeah this oh this this this thing that is great i tell you what i've got one spin left on my auto play i think it's a sign for one more aaron and then i'll dip with you all right all right sounds good hey jack with a 10 super thanks again jack appreciate you man uh fyi i'll be going crazy tonight let's go usc wins tourney i'll sponsor two streams for a thousand dollars each holy crap jack let's hope the trojans win man that's crazy thanks again jack for the 10 super chat i'm ready for it man thanks again dude for the uh the super chat uh jack appreciate you man hey good gamer welcome back to thanks again man for you and your membership appreciate you good gamer what's up dude welcome back to the high rollers good game earth appreciate you man what's up good gamer two rules victory yes two rolls all right it was good man let's go let's go we got some two rolls guys let's go hey daniel with a two dollar super chase again daniel i appreciate you watching robots get smashed is funny daniel i got you covered man here we go dan you all ready for this it's a good robot smack here we go five four three two one bam his head is off guys let's go all right perfect now we gotta shaft the old man it's time to shift here we go we don't want to be shaft we want to give the shafting to the old man let's we need some doubles exactly we need some devils for sure then we can call him the trojan man yeah here we go all right here we go what's up jason what's up aaron thanks again daniel you're awesome thanks again for two hour super chat daniel come on oh 500 x dude oh man oh my gosh if it makes i have made it to the 500x on two rolls before oh it's a nine oh man i thought that was double five for a second wait what no you're lying aaron you're lying eric are you kidding me dude we missed a 20x crazy time are you kidding me that's heartbreaking oh my god and we were just there dude oh my god look at that green 300x blue 400x yellow 2000 x oh my gosh wow oh my gosh dude we missed a 20x crazy time oh my word man oh man damn that's crazy dude 20x on monopoly though 40 bucks we'll take that though i'll take it what do you think aaron do you want to keep going monopoly you want to try something else one more okay i got you got you i'll double this one i love this one oh my gosh man oh that's crazy you got 500. were you were you on that will were you on that crazy time was anybody on that uh 20x crazy time that just happened wow yeah if it was like if we were there for like 10 more rounds we would have hit it oh that hurts man go to the chance go to the cha it's gonna stop two please okay we got two at least all right all right cw the two super chat i mentioned that 10x2 rolls into 0x cwa that has actually happened before um i forgot somebody sent it to me but it's if you go back and like their history uh you might be able to find it on youtube it was a 10x it hit tax and then visiting jail for a 0x i would i would have thrown my monitor across the room that's crazy wow so you were on that well nice man 500 bucks it's awesome did you were you on the yellow wheel or did you pick a different color that's great oh dustin was on that dustin at six grand he was on the yellow congrats dustin that's sweet man you know it's funny you know what if if we're not i'm i'm glad that some of my followers are because that's that's sweet i'm glad that uh you guys caught some of that that's awesome though that's sweet congrats guys yeah we're on steak tonight guys we've been on steak for like the past two months we got two all right we're going towards a one 10 super chat 400 x had seven bucks on it did you really jack no wait man that's sweet man that's crazy thanks again jack for the 10 super chat jack i appreciate you dude that's awesome bro that's that's great man that's awesome i'm glad you caught some of that man that's awesome hey what's up tech please what's up connor how you doing man connor there was there was a 20x crazy time we just missed dude it happened like five spins ago uh chance go to the chance please [Music] yeah what's up daniel thanks again man for josh super chat must shaft old man we'll shout them again later we actually did catch a bonus though so um we'll take it though we'll take it though guys yeah we'll take it let's go nice um i'll follow your lead whatever you thinking man if you want i'm down all right let's see like he spends on crazy time oh my gosh that is ridiculous wow hey jack again with you on super chat thanks again jack i really do appreciate you man thanks again dude you're awesome bro thanks again so much super chat jack appreciate you man thanks so much bro oh my gosh it was right here guys right there was the 20x crazy time so one two three four five six seven eight nine rounds ago oh my gosh man that hurts dude that hurts right yeah just after yeah a couple hundred x's oh my no man two rolls just hit two oh my gosh oh man we're doing okay though we're doing okay we're doing all right um yeah yeah it's i'm looking forward to that absolutely yeah opening day for baseball is coming up i'm looking for that for sure absolutely ladies and gentlemen houston looks like they're going to the final four guys in case you guys are watching basketball right now yeah guys what's cool about steak if you guys are interested they have a sports book on state casinos so if you guys are interested like i said uh always remember to please gamble responsibly uh but if you guys are interested um you guys can sign up on steak uh with my referral link that'd be much appreciated and you guys also get uh cash back on all of your wages too guys so definitely um if you guys interested use the promo code ticket time and that would be appreciated as well ooh ten times ten might hit the ten man come on clive you're not done yet buddy you're not done yet right here slow down see it's weird because like somebody said it and i i thought they were bluffing and then like multiple people sit down like are you kidding me just right place right time man oh crazy uh but then again though like it could have been it could have been a 10x four rolls you know what i mean so it could have been either or so it's just right place right time man um that's a good question hustle i don't know i have never done it before hustle millennial but i would not see why not that's a good that's a good question um i don't know if you can do that or not but i i'm gonna i would assume you can because it's just wall to wallet coinflip please stop no no claps you're killing me man dang it ten bucks on the tigers to win on opening day yeah big dog um yeah i'll i'll be uh because it's cool because it gives me another uh gives me another sport to bet on to lose money on no no no but i'll definitely uh do some bets on the tigers this season so what's your favorite baseball team guys do you guys watch uh baseball at all what's your favorite team let me know in the chat guys 50x cash that'd be crazy jason we got john w he'll make the call again right that's always a good feeling has that to the 100x yet okay gotcha interesting right time right come on keep going here or i hate when they zoom in like that because you can't tell where it's going fine oh my god all right all right all right all right all right uh the dodgers tigers cubbies angels mess what's up brian lewis how you doing ryan royals uh nice i'm ready says john i got you covered man all right previous crazy time 300 x 400 x in 2008 let's all right here we go let's go i know the spin is done though come on do it again clive i know you got another 20x in you somewhere pull it off again is yeah 50x2 be really good uh what's up preston how you doing man uh starting balance night was 500. um we got my man aaron uh hooking it up for tonight thanks again aaron appreciate you man yeah guys like i said if you guys want to follow my friend aaron he's actually live streaming on twitch um as well so definitely guys uh give my friend aaron a follow on twitch guys uh go follow him right now it'd be much appreciated there's just twitch in the comment section right there guys maybe cash [Music] hooked it up again guys thanks again to steak they're they're legends so yeah definitely um i think what i'll do guys is i'll go back and forth between like um uh like money from steak like uh you know sponsored content like directly from steak and then we'll go back and forth between raw cash and then uh viewer streams as well um so yeah because i want to make it last as long as possible too so yeah if it was a 50x crazy time i would have been a lot more fumed jacks for the two with the one dollar super thanks again jack i really do appreciate you thanks again bro you're awesome man thanks again jack appreciate you man yeah i can't imagine like when they hit a 50x crazy time a few months ago like you were once like you just left and that's the next spin pachinko it's been a while nice you got pajamas all right let's go yeah i've had it happen before like i was on lightning dice and i the the the round after i left was a thousand x on the 18 and we won two grand so this is crazy wow it's official houston's going to the final four wow good for them that's crazy we got one double on there a couple 35s all right all 20's all right 20 is good take a 20. that's good let's go nice guys thank you what do you think men stick here still for a bit why are you there but there's a joy then hello welcome welcome your call this is the crazy time let's play it's been something i think we can play for a little bit longer okay yeah for sure man yeah definitely yeah i'll i'll follow your lead like i said so whenever you want to dip we can dip so all right come on collabs five times i don't know he is there somewhere um nice dude yeah you called it man back to back pachinko let's go guys nice let's go let's go we'll take it [Music] that's a that's a pretty good board look at all those golds just just just go right here and i'll be fine i'll take it right over the 100x2 this would be our third 100x if it hits 100 x again come on all right that would be like wow to be honest oh my gosh a 15. it was right beside it guys i was right beside it man oh man that's crazy all right yeah we're doing okay we're all right man we're doing okay i'm gonna i'm gonna double it for a couple spins maybe three times charm though all right cool all right sweet man what's up scott how you doing scott price what's up man yeah guys uh this weekend i'm gonna be with my friends detroit scratcher so definitely guys um look forward to that we're gonna be on steak on saturday um so it'll be pretty good let's hit it two guys come on hit a two two would be great i do not want a bonus i wanted to go to this one right here this one right here hold yes let's go man that's a good win that's a great win guys that's like is that how much is that 106. 96. i don't know how much that is it's like 96 or 120 let's go guys nice there we go that's pretty good there we go good time to double up thank you nice man go a couple more with this might go back down to a single again that's all right yeah i heard about that chris you had a 2000 x line coin flip that's crazy i think that's a record on coin flip so it's pretty wild yeah too fast [Music] all right good this is a number yeah it's like the ultimate safety net when you can get in that patch the five to the 10. preferably the 10. right yeah for sure no teriyaki tonight but i have that cash i'm feeling this roll ooh let's see it john i hope so now let's do it here we go [Music] guys you're welcome i want yeah it's hard to say like like because i can't i would never bet like higher than 20 on a bonus like i feel like that would be like the absolute most i would ever do on a bonus would be like 20 bucks but it's crazy that some of these streamers i mean they're betting like a couple hundred bucks on the bonuses like it's crazy like like can you imagine if we did that guys i would just lose my mind right yeah that's some pretty expensive spins yeah yeah for sure man definitely so it's crazy come on clash keep going you're doing all right man let's let's see like a a good multi on like a five or a ten now we had that two times seven we need to we need a good multi on the five of the ten now come on uh all right from the top there ladies and [Music] yeah i had i had oregon state moneyline but they lost though they they came back though for a bit they're only down by like they lost by six but they were down by like 17 at one point i think oh so crazy but on all of them all right yeah isn't that crazy yeah yeah i always love like watching like crazy bets on bonuses because it's like when they had a bunch like oh crazy yeah gosh it would be really good it would be appreciated yeah i watched exposed live stream last night he was actually live streaming in his car because his power went out it was the greatest thing ever he was betting on like his laptop in the car it was great come on ones are killer dang it well the five dollar service thanks again well i appreciate you man thanks again dude i'm just shocked i was there for that 20 x credits i'm just so happy yeah i will uh yeah congrats man absolutely william i'm glad that some of my viewers caught that bonus which is awesome so um that's great guys that you guys got some of that action yeah believe me like when i hit because i because i've had a 20x crazy time i hit a 50x crazy time but the first time in a 20x crazy time i was i was losing my mind so uh it was nuts yeah we had 20x crazy time a few months ago it hit uh well what did it hit it hit us it was a 1500x for three grand and then we had the 50x or six grand so so aaron i have a guy named john w and he makes all of my cash on calls are you cool if he picks this one all right all right let's do it all right john where are we going man so aaron's gonna pick what what are you thinking about picking aaron do you have a number in mind [Music] gotcha all right experimental miles with a dollar 49 cent super tanks to get experimental monster for the super chats experimental minds appreciate you man thanks again dude oh no is he here oh 711 he says okay seven across 11 now one two three four five six seven six seven eight nine ten eleven seven eleven here we go seven across eleven down the slurpee bet here we go come on let's see the 100x oh a 10x oh man did you you said you you said 7 11 right bet seven across 11 down yeah that's yeah that's what i did okay that's the first time okay sometimes i work out pretty fine okay so then he said 11-7 was it was it 11 down seven across town or was it seven up 11 down either i think it was 10x either way so yeah dot com we cashed out from the top john says no one right it's 7-eleven all right i'll take that all right we're good we're good man we're good dude yeah like i said guys if you guys haven't done so yet smash that like button guys on the live stream appreciate you guys all being here you guys are all awesome like you guys like i said guys if you guys are new hit that subscribe button turn on those push bell notifications so that way you guys don't miss any videos or any live streams in case you guys don't upload schedule monday wednesday saturday 8 30 eastern time we do live streams tuesdays thursdays 4 30 eastern time we do videos [Music] okay we're good all right again oh monster you were on that 20x career time man congrats mom that's awesome man yeah i'm glad that some of my viewers were on that bet which is cool so that's awesome we're trying to be clever for that one i'm gonna go back one works next time oh yeah yeah you're good john no worries man it's it's better than a 5x it was it wasn't the worst one so you're good dude sounds real good this sounds really good yeah slipknot we've had some crazy wins on crazy time before i i believe the majority of my big wins have come from crazy time like on bonuses it's just the right place right time guys that's all it is you know so you just gotta get lucky switch oh it's going past the pachinko that would have been nuts if we hit that tent definitely we have not hit a 10 yet that's for sure i guess we'll take a two though all right we're right what's up haley how you doing haley what's going on what's up james how you doing what's up james hey detroit's crazy with you out super chat's up to try scratchers hello from utah good luck tonight you are awesome grant thanks again for the two hours super chat detroit's crashes you're awesome man yeah guys like i said this weekend um i'm gonna be with my friends detroit scratches we're gonna be doing a live stream together we're gonna be doing a stream on detroit scratchers friday and then uh my channel on saturday playing uh like crazy time on steak so uh yeah guys don't mess it's gonna be pretty wicked with that 2x yeah tony we've actually hit it on all three we've hit 50 x's on the two the five and the ten before a point flip no no no ah dang it man number one sure sounds good man sounds good there's no lottery in utah really wow that shocks me yeah there's no there's no lottery tickets in in uh in in uh in nevada either i when i was there i'm like where's the lottery tickets at they didn't have any lottery tickets there too you'd think they would have lottery tickets in nevada because that's like the gambling capital of the world why do i do i don't know yeah they don't have black tickets either i've noticed that one times two come on yeah because that would have been cool to get some next one different tickets for videos for you guys um biggest chunky what's up biggest chunky how you doing man what's going on dude stop on the two no one all right all right we're good i know that's number two you can't complain though guys we're doing all right we're doing pretty comfortable so far yeah that'd be great are you still betting five on the bonuses gotcha gotta slow down and climb just gotta slow down buddy yeah we're good all right oh that's a number two that's funny ben is there a lottery in prison where the top prize is your freedom yeah that would be the top prize wow wow well you had fun stamos oh that makes sense nyc that makes sense isn't it no it's not eyes that's crazy all right now let's try that job spin right keep it going here guys like i said if you guys haven't done so yet take a quick second smash that like button guys on the live stream for good luck see if we get to 200 likes guys can we do it smash that like button guys i appreciate you guys all being here season zero come on clives keep it going here man so let's see jump spin lettuce dang it the ones are killing us dude number one dang it yeah rats where are we unicorn all right what do you think what are you do i feeling michael jackson i'm gonna do one more bag crazy time i'm gonna make this an even 600 i'm gonna go six on the bonuses this is a one we'll leave jackson's is uh that's a bonus right now guys here we go come on hit a bonus now it's a 40 bet guys here we go dude imagine oh crazy thomas i spin today did we break go to the cash hunt hey but can we make it to the cash oh it was almost a cash on guys oh my gosh it was up on the hit on the little knob there too oh all right what do you guys think guys what do you guys want to see hmm we've done monopolies so far we've done black and white on crazy time hmm um i don't know what do you guys think there's dream catcher there's lightning dice there's dealer no deal lightning roulette um are you fan of slots at all on aaron um i don't mind them okay do you want to try some slots uh sure yeah okay we'll do it all right um what do you think you wanna do sweet banana uh it's like like the best slots like are they all like different right yeah yeah so um like you'll like if you if we should buy your yours will be different you know what i mean because it's it's programmed differently so i i whatever yeah whatever you want to do i'm cool with um okay sounds good you know what it'd be cool if i can somehow get both bonus buys on the same screen but i don't know how to do that um let me see if i can work my magic here let me see i if i you know oh you know what hang on i think i might be able to do this give me one second i think i can do it hang on all right i'm gonna add an extra display capture yeah yeah yeah yeah or you know wait what do i want to do here i got i'm not the best with technology guys uh what's up rob how you doing out of the two-hour super chat's up rob just made it home from work glad to be here what's up rob how you doing man what's going on rob thanks again for your support bro i appreciate you rob thanks again man what's up dude how was your night work bro did you have a good night okay um let me think here yeah guys go follow my friend uh aaron guys he's actually live on twitch right now um shoot him a follow guys that's his stream right now guys definitely go check him out his uh twitch is in the uh comment section as well guys go follow him all right so if i did i'm trying to think here it would have to be an extra display capture card but i don't know how to do i don't know i'll i'll work on it later guys um do you want to each do like uh uh like a bonus buy yeah sure okay let's do that how does it work so uh have you ever bought a bonus before yeah i i don't know gems but yeah okay so basically what it is is um you have like multipliers that sometimes drop down from the screen and you need um i believe is it six of a kind it's eight of a kind you need eight of any kind of symbol to connect and the more symbols you get the better it is because the total goes up but then there's multipliers that go from uh 2x all up to 100x so if you can get those um but but they have to connect in order for it to count though um okay so yeah it's kind of interesting but i guess we can do a 20 to start and if we like it we can do it again all right so i will let's do a 20 guys but yeah if you guys want to see my friend aaron's point of view as well guys uh the link's in the in the comment section guys so go follow my friend aaron on twitch see what's your super chance against cwa if you need help discord messaged me yes cwa can you get it to where aaron's screen would be like in my screen is that possible cwa i'll message you on discord unless you're doing discourse cwa uh and michigan scratch the five dollar super chat oh god yeah i saw that uh rocket watts is in the transfer what will happen to the bonus we'll do the bonus right now um yeah rocket watts is uh is on the move which is crazy but we did bring in that guy from northeastern though but yeah you guys better be ucla tomorrow michigan scratch you you guys should easily beat them so um but yeah good luck man thanks again for the mission for the final super chat scratcher oh we need some hits here man come on hey aviation approach what's up aviation approach oh aka kenneth reese that's awesome what's up carson this is kenneth reese juan just send you some love from the aviation simulation world get that money brother you're awesome dude i didn't know you didn't channel man that's awesome dude heck yeah man thanks again kenneth i appreciate you man oh i just passed on your screen man oh man we had eight bucks on that it wasn't the worst let me actually text my friend cwa and let me see if i can actually get your screen on uh yeah my spice that because that'd be cool because if we should like a bonus bite we could you could see his reaction to you guys let me see here okay i'll do that uh what do you think man you see it's kind of hard because like we're each doing the different buys like it's different for both of us so sure i'm cool with whatever you want to do man uh whatever we can let's uh uh i'll i'll do one more 20 dollar buy and then we'll and then we'll try something else let's do that yeah sure all right cool michigan scratch for the three dollar super chat we will show a little brother how to be ucla oh man you guys better man you guys better but yeah it's it's just crazy because like can you imagine michigan scratcher that game in the elite eight eminence versus michigan that'd be like the biggest college basketball game in the history of state of michigan and it could have happened if we would have beaten ucla but we you know we missed it oh all right hey what's up again how you doing [Music] oh you just started kenneth nice man yeah i'll definitely subscribe to you kenneth absolutely dude for sure come on jack solves the 10 super chat michigan scratch is still going to lose to use usc yeah that'll be a good one if if usc can get by gonzago um that'll be a really good game um thanks again jacksops i appreciate you thanks again for the 10 super chat jack thanks again bro come on how are you doing [Music] not doing too well [Music] that's okay i guess it's all right yeah we'll dip um have you ever played the um the adventures beyond wonderland game before oh i played it once do you feel like crazy yeah do you want to try it out okay we'll go there guys we'll try adventures beyond wonderland for a bit don't forget guys um at 10 30 eastern time we have the super highway members on the giveaway coming up so that's in about a half hour so in case you guys are interested more information is down below as well guys um you guys get loyalty badges emojis all that good stuff and uh every single super isla member gets a spot on the bonus wheel every live stream the winner gets a 40 spin on the lightning roulette wheel all right we're gonna go to uh um should be on wonderland hey ducky with the five dollar super thanks again ducky i appreciate you jackie what's going on ducky uh howdy everyone i hope everyone had a great weekend much love to all you are awesome ducky how you doing thanks again for the five dollar super chat ducky i appreciate you thank you so much you're awesome yeah sounds good to you i'll message you back um i think um the only thing it would be it would be uh useful for if it's like if we did like bonus spies you know so we could each see our screens but i'll i'll send you a message back all right i'm gonna what do i want to do here uh maybe like that i'll do that to start i'll do a 15 bet i'm gonna do the the bonuses the two and the ten all right cool sounds good man and apparently there's like a cat bonus what is what what the heck is going on here wait what is it what just happened why is there why is there a what is this i don't want th wait what what i don't know what's going on i don't know i don't know how to get rid of that steak thing go to the two hundred spins yes do you wanna spin let's go guys oh you didn't bet this round oh man really yeah it's kind of cool um it's like a mixture between monopoly and crazy time it's like it's like miss monopoly and crazy time at a baby this is what would come out of it so yeah cereal scratcher uh last time uh raven death i hit one of his numbers and he won 120 bucks michigan scratch with a five dollar super chat usc beating gonzaga is like farting at church and nobody noticing it's not gonna happen oh my gosh that's hysterical michigan scratcher yeah it should be a good game tomorrow like i had money on oregon um uh but then they lost but it should be getting in between ufc and gonzaga um so definitely what is there any why can't i hear i can't hear any audio i don't know what just happened to my audio i don't know can you guys can you guys hear the game i don't know what just happened with my audio just now which is really bizarre that thing came oh don't be the no win dude are you serious oh it's a no-win man uh yeah there's there's spaces where there's like they give you each spin and there's like drink me there's no wind there's eat me and they give you like multipliers on each one you can hear it okay i gotta figure that out i don't know what happened to my audio levels which is very bizarre i got that message grotto again is it they came up here i don't know where they went okay whatever as long as you guys can hear it though um all right here we go let's see it come on man keep it going here go to that rabbit the rabbit's the best one with the 50x oh it's gonna go past it though uh dodo or a cat go to the cat yeah so each character has a different multiplier on it so if you land on that character you get that uh multiplier that goes with that oh okay that makes sense so we got a 5x all right that's okay we got one more spin oh okay yeah oh that's cool i oh well i thought that would that that eight year spin but apparently they gave me an extra spin with that that's kind of cool actually that's cool what's up cat magaly how you doing ken what's up man how you doing cam yeah the best one to get is the eat me because they actually add another multiplier on the spin but then the rabbit's the best one too uh jack again with the five dollar super chase again jack you are awesome jack uh listen there's a chance it might be slim but hence well i'm sponsored too strange oh my gosh yeah i mean if if usc could pull it off i mean that'd be that'd be amazing jack absolutely dude thanks again matt for the final super chat jack appreciate you bringing us again man you're awesome bro all right all right must be the caterpillar i might have shot one of his uh plungers at me plungers on his back all right cool exactly what you're betting yeah okay okay sweet yeah this is this is what i normally do so that way like if we profit it's a two the ten and then we got two bucks on each bonus so it'll be pretty cool yeah i did linda but actually like i'm gonna go with them now like i actually placed money on uh on them to to go far so i i didn't like them but after after they annihilated creighton i'm like this team is insane so it's crazy mystery oh stop no it's a two all right it's a win though we'll take it it's a win it's all right yeah i saw that center stars i thought they ate your spin if it's a no win but apparently not i guess they give you an extra one so that was kind of cool actually how they did that i was shocked by that too so all the little multiplier wheel landing on the w oh it landed on the w oh okay interesting so that's why that's cool yeah the caterpillar is really creepy i don't know what happened with my audio like there was a little thing that popped up here and it just went away and i can't hear the sound now so i don't know what happened very strange michigan scratch with a five dollar switch thanks again michigan scratcher every once in a while a squirrel finds a nut but not tomorrow night you like my clamor carson my second one this year dude i don't know how you get clamors man go to the five wonder spins yeah congrats on the clamor man that was awesome oh stay on the two okay that was almost 500 spins um yeah that yeah congrats man that's crazy yeah when i did scratch offs um i got five 500 winners i couldn't get past that so that's awesome scratcher absolutely man thanks again man hey and justin justin s becoming a super high roller justin i appreciate you man welcome dude thank you so much justin you are the man bro thank you so much for becoming a super hour man justin i'm going to add your name to the uh wheel right here man thank you so much dustin that means a lot man there's pikachu for you too thanks again justin appreciate you bro let me ask you right now man justin yes thank you so much justin you're awesome man appreciate you man thank you thank you so much guys for the chat for justin guys thanks so much bro hey what's up edward how you doing man dude edward we missed a 20x crazy time we were like couple spins off it was so close yeah i know man yeah there's a 2000 x on yellow on crazy time there's 2000 x on the coin flip today crazy yeah [Music] yeah we might go to some mega ball later have you ever tried mega ball aaron i'm not i'm not a big fan of it i i mean i used to be and they just i have not had any good wins on mega ball recently it's been kind of strange yeah it's just kind of strange so oh yeah thanks edward magic nice uh go to the 10 tenner stop please nice all right we'll take it 10's good the flapper is so weird yeah the fly it reminds me of mega wheel that's what it reminds me of it just goes and goes and goes hey jax ups again with a 5 super chat michigan scratcher how do you know i found my wife's squirrel and nut reference for you oh my gosh michigan scratcher and jack subs are going at it that's amazing again guys appreciate you if you if your keyboard hit an audio hockey that pops up it's audio is playing it shows an application it sends the pop-up oh i must have hit something on my keyboard how would i get that back good game or is there a i don't want to hit anything though because i'm afraid i'm going to mute the audio though i'm having fun though all right come on lady keep this going here man come on 10 again maybe yeah back to back dead nice yeah yeah yeah it's been pretty good so far though what's up hammond how you doing man how do taylor's stream go not bad i'm gonna put an extra 50 cents on the 10. there you go all right so yeah guys in about a half hour we got that super highway members on the giveaway coming up uh big shout out um to all the members here on ticket time as well guys if you guys become a ticket time member more information is down below appreciate you guys all being here uh member salute to all of you guys watching man let's comment the slot machine emoji you guys were all fantastic hey michigan scratch for the five dollar super chat hey gotta have a hobby pepe like you carson clothes only counts in hand grenades and mortar runs oh my gosh thanks again michigan scratch for the five dollar super chat man you're awesome bro and yeah i do we gotta plan that out man i gotta we gotta set that up for uh for uh um a scratch off session together we gotta do that so thanks again man appreciate you though man thanks again mr scratcher all right flame dragon 2 super chance again flame dragon you are the man did i miss the fisting with the churro oh no flame i saved that just for you buddy thanks again for the two off super chat flame you're awesome man thanks again flame how you doing bro terrific tyler two-hour super chat the incredible terrific ted lsu lsuls you go tigers wait they already lost yeah they got knocked out to michigan um which was crazy uh i i yeah i like lsu trenton watfords is a great player thanks again ted i want to see a bonus oh come on slow down slow down dude we hit five bonuses in a row one time it was crazy we had three five wonder spins and two two wonder spins before it was insane yeah it just kept going and going and going it was ridiculous i gotta get a charger my phone's gonna die and if if my phone dies and aaron's call dies uh oh wait i got one found it okay and then whatever you feeling man if you want to keep going we can move uh whatever you're feeling what's up new jersey scratch king how you doing new jersey what's up brian simone how you doing ryan usc fight on beat zach it should be a really good game tomorrow i feel like uh usc is being overlooked um because it's gonzaga uh but it should be a good game though [Music] yeah i got some magic dice okay so what you do here is you eat there's there's two dice there's a red dice and a white dice and they go around in a circle and each like one through six has a different multiplier and you want to get go up as far as possible so which one you want to pick you you want to pick the red or the white dice i'm gonna go with the red it's a 50 50 chance so um sometimes one's better than the other so then they give you a board um so then you have to basically dodge the the multipliers you want to go up as far as possible um so and then and then it'll show you what the dice is so we do not want it to we would love a five a five would be the best case scenario we don't want a two and we follow the red dice so we got a four okay a four is up so now the multiplier keeps going up and up and up so the hot the more you can dodge the yellow multipliers the better it is because the multipliers keep going up all right yeah so now we want to avoid the one and the four so anything but a one or a four but if we do then the game's over um uh jack again with a two dollar super saints again jack ah it's a one oh man so we got a 9x so nine times our bet for two dollars sweet so i got 18 bucks but uh but the white dice keeps going because it's it it dodged this and it's a it's a um it keeps going up so let's see what the white dice would or that's it oh the white dice already got it oh okay gotcha okay so once once the uh once once so so the the white dice must have already hit a number that would have ended the game so i get it so it keeps going up and up enough until you until you dodge it so yeah it's kind of fun thanks again jack soaps appreciate you dude uh yeah let's see you're still in first place that's awesome uh lead so with a with a uh four dollar super saints again lisa you are amazing how's it going lee so what's up thanks again for the four dollar super chat lisa you are amazing and flame dragon with a two dollar super chat you can roll my dice no no who said that i'm sorry oh flame it'd be my pleasure thanks again flame you're awesome thanks again dude let's go we got ten beautiful man let's go nice we'll take it we will take yeah yeah they're they're fun yeah so basically yeah because you saw what the two wonder underspins do all it is it's just they give you three extra ones so uh and then the mystery the mystery is pretty cool so sometimes they'll spin it again like on monopoly and they'll give you a multiplier on the numbers or they'll bring out like these cards uh you can go up to ten times your bet if the cards come out so uh the cards is what we want to see if you if you had a mystery [Music] yeah should be good ah ten come on stay oh it's gonna go to the one two three here's good we have not hit a or i guess we've only hit two ones this entire time so it's pretty good nice man let's go beautiful all right right exactly yeah it seems like there's less ones on wonderland than there is on a crazy time so yeah isn't that uh top hat cool uh new jersey scratch king i want one of those top hats it's actually a headband uh and this is like a little top hat on it what's up don johnson how you doing down what's up man thanks again for your support don what's up dude hey jack with three off super chat zags gonna eat my churros scented soap that is oh there you go jack yeah i can't wait for you to come out with uh churro sopra it's gonna be awesome thanks again jack you're awesome thanks again dude appreciate you man go to the wonder spins slow down no two stay all right two's good profit we'll take it let's go guys i i i'm trying there's some there's like an eyelash in my eye i can't get rid of it i'm having fun though yeah it is it yeah they're definitely um yeah like when wonderland's hot it gets hot like like i said we've had five bonuses in a row before on this so i don't like it it's it's kind of middle of the road i don't think it has the same potential as like a crazy time does but you know you can still get some good wins though on this so no no okay cwa yeah let me let me text you because if we can if we can uh if we can get that covered up here we'll be good mystery ah it's gonna be the first loss in a while let's get to the two ah so close all right let's see here and then yeah whenever you whatever whatever you want to do man if you want to keep going we can dip we can do whatever you want keep going okay sounds good i'll put it on i'll play again we'll stick here for a bit okay sounds good 16 likes away guys from uh 200 likes if you guys haven't done see it like i said guys drop a quick like on the live stream it would mean a lot and uh appreciate you guys all being here like i said you guys are all fantastic if you guys are new hit that red subscribe button turn on notifications so that you guys want to see lashes or any videos what's a profit of clause how you doing uh no i'm not going around one tomorrow are you going to round one magic dice maybe looks good yeah magic dice let's go man nice nice nice we will take it let's go what's up scratch with ernie how you doing oh yeah you got cynthia sounds good cynthia now what dice you want to go with man red or white all the way all right let's do it man here we go just got to avoid the uh the the yellows got to avoid those what's up yeah if we get a one on the dice that means it doubles the multipliers yeah that'd be good so one's best case scenario we don't want a four though we do not want a four we're following the red dice no four oh well we got three we're the red dice remember yeah yeah so we we just pay attention to the red dice so it's good though it's good it we were we went up though that's good that's good no you're not eric you're lying eric you are lying buddy i gotta check this what is it a two okay we're safe another up another one up let's go no it didn't i'm shaking oh my god i had 20 x cash on dude are you kidding me oh how how do we miss 220x bonuses how is that physically possible man oh my gosh okay we're going up again though we're going up but are you kidding me eric are you on it eric did you bet on it you so you were on 300 x wow okay so now we want we we want a four now a four or a six hit a four four four we got it another up is that is that wait is that 100 x wait wait go up is is that it i think that's the last one right yeah 100x let's go guys 100x let's go guys that's the first time i've ever hit the 100x on magic dice guys let's go aaron hell yeah dude let's go guys all right so we might have missed a 20x cash somebody hit the 100x on magic dice let's go guys nice dude there we go that's a surprise all right we'll take it let's go hell yeah man nice hey jax helps again with the five dollar super chance to get jack subs awfully quiet quiet michigan scratchers you can't oh my gosh uh you are awesome jeff thanks again man for the five dollars super chat jack appreciate you man thanks again jack you're awesome dude yeah as long as you guys are having a good time uh having having fun being respectful of you guys and everything else is a bonus so uh yeah guys appreciate you guys all being you guys are all awesome man thanks again so much guys oh tenor have you ten stop at the ten ten yeah it's like a mix between both of them yeah that was cool though guys that's rare to ha that's rare to hit 100x on magic dice you have to avoid all the other numbers so that's sweet nice guys let's go wow dude i can't believe we missed 220 x bonuses on crazy time 20x crazy time and 20x cashdown that's nuts man wow crazy hey derek with the dollar search thanks again derek i appreciate you man thanks again derek how you doing bro what's going on man thanks again derek for the dollar super chat buddy appreciate you doing this again man how you doing bro what's going on derek come on go to the mystery go to the mystery go there oh yeah yeah i appreciate jack again no worries man i'll love giving him a hard time nothing but love yeah for sure yeah that's what it's all about yeah so thanks again jack so super chat man thanks again bro appreciate you jack you are awesome john says i'm sure i could have the phone the 2000 x well john what i can do is i can actually pull up the board so uh john what would what would you would have picked hypothetically like if we would hit that 20x cash on what what would you have picked because i think i can actually pull up the board and it'll show me the board um on i believe it'll show me the board right i think yeah yeah that's crazy wow that's awesome did anybody else catch that 20x crazy time my friend eric caught it he got he got 300 bucks go to the two minute wonder spins still down slow down no not the one ah it's a one yeah now that's three ones in a row you know what's funny like as soon as we get a big win they they go one cities i've noticed that like as soon as they pay out something crazy it goes once a million times so one more okay all right sounds good man nice okay great time back all right we'll go back to create time after this guys um okay john would have said eight eight so this is what the board looks like let me pull it up here so eight eight would have been one two three four five six seven eight one two three four five six seven eight it would have been 100 x it would have been the minimum john the 2000 x was right there on the board so i think it's kind of cool they can show you the different uh multipliers on the bonuses so that's crazy yeah i didn't even think about that nyc you're right dude i don't even think about that five dollar super chat from nyc scratchbuster he said you realize that every bonus has hit a 20x today except the pachinko maybe it's a sign oh i hope so dude that'd be crazy man thanks again nyc with the five dollar super chat man you're awesome man thanks again bro congratulations ladies and gentlemen what do you think man keep going one more okay we're going towards a 1. okay that sounds good sounds good [Laughter] so yeah uh so like if we would have hit that we would have gone with john w would have been 100x so i mean still 100x would have been good though but yeah it's kind of a slap in the face what's up shelley archulette how you doing shelley what's going on this girl's name is sadie all right look at that 100x no bueno go to the mystery go to the mystery stop please stop looks good for mystery looks good yes okay now show me the cards nice let's go man heck yeah all right so it's either he blows a bubble and it's a multiplier or the cards come out uh he's blown a bubble okay so now they're gonna add multipliers to all of the uh to all the numbers and they're gonna re-spin this let's see here i have gotten a 3x on a magic dice before once i oh okay so yeah we get we got eight x on the two wonder spins that'd be great so that'd be hypothetically that'd be like having an 8x and then two rolls so yeah so let's see here here we go come home come on lady yeah come on see something man come home come on man i'm gonna put you closer to the mic i gotta keep my phone plugged in what are we going here uh go to the magic dice oh it's a one all right okay i got you man you wanna go back to crazy time okay sounds good man yeah pretty good though we got the 100x on the magic dice can't complain nice for sure let's go dude nice man have you ever tried them no i i have but i haven't had the best luck on it though oh did you really nice 60 cents or something we we can try after crazy time if you want yeah okay sounds good we'll go back to crazy time guys all right let me get the crazy time wow i can't believe that that's crazy right now dude it's a sign every bonus has hit a 20x except the pachinko today so to finish the job we just need a a pachinko to happen that'd be pretty good all right let's see here okay oh let me let me text each other hang on let me text you man that number two all right let's see here yeah i don't know what happened to my audio too cwa i don't know where my audio went there was like a thing that popped up on the top left it was almost like a like a box and then it went away for some reason all right let's do this again final this is that for a bit um i'll double up what the hell go there all right oh shoot and play let's go all right here we go let's do it come on anything but i want oh my gosh dude can you imagine what if it hits a crazy time it's just not a one destiny no one two please first okay all right two's good two is good that would have been crazy hey jack again with a two dollar super chase again jack you are awesome buddy fyi sent out package today not to po box sounds good jack soaps appreciate you man yeah i don't know why it didn't get delivered that's the right p.o box i sent you so yeah it'll get delivered now though so thanks again jack appreciate you man i can't wait to do this again bro what's up d3po how you doing man come on let's see it destiny here we go hi anna welcome crazy time darling go there what have you been doing oh stay on the phone go to the five that's the number five's good all right we're good oh nice see everybody you won some cash playing back right nice b fifteen thousand let [Music] browser source and i'm going to try to get my uh aaron's stream on my screen as well guys so you guys can see both of our our options um oh my gosh if that was a two times 25 um oh why couldn't you connect to the two times 25 destiny yeah that would have been crazy time news source okay come on destiny here we go all right hey ben what's up ben how you doing man what's going on ben thanks again bro what's up dude sending you tons of luck tonight appreciate you ben thanks again man for the five dollar super chat ben you are awesome my man thanks again bro how you doing thanks so much ben you rock man thanks again man thank you appreciate you guys all right give me one second guys i'm going to try to set this up here you guys do see that all right let me shrink this for a bit i'm going to try to get aaron's stream on in in here as well just no one destiny stop on the two i just went to the one she teased me oh man we're good we're good [Music] all right good luck okay all right here we go coin flip times two coin flip from the top okay don't forget guys in about 10 minutes we're gonna be doing the super holder giveaway guys so don't miss that that's gonna be pretty cool come on stop on the tube go to pachinko destiny no not on one at this early time of the day final let me see if i can do this good luck enjoy and top three acts on top of the camera go there destiny come on right here go there potent it's going to slow down oh it's going to go past it all right go in the two or the five stop on the five that not a one no or the two no destiny oh my gosh woman oh you're starting to irritate me honey [Music] i had something here man okay where am i going here i'm gonna go to here i don't play bad on all yours let's do this no okay all right something's coming man that twentieth pachenko the prophecy would be fulfilled come on here we go oh my god okay this one right here uh it's got potent show so if you're gonna be landing it's got potential gold air no go speed up no destiny uh if it was no not the one destiny you're killing us woman god bless it woman you're killing us ladies oh my god gosh just how we were saying there's less ones on um better be on wonderland there's more ones on crazy time and sure enough right exactly right exactly yeah dang it that's all right come on let's get something here come on i want to see a two times 50 that'd be pretty good come on how far into session quite far darling not not for long anymore okay i think we're safe yeah literally it's been 4-1 since we hopped i don't mind the ones that you just gotta make up for it though you gotta give us like a good bonus nick vicky all right group z and rest of them here i'm gonna figure this out i'm gonna do this okay now if i bought it's closed okay look if i do this oh i got it to work aaron i got it your stream's now on here dude sweet man that's awesome so this is aaron's point of view guys so you guys can see aaron's bets also yeah shout out to cwa we got a coin flip too guys nice awesome dude yeah yeah shout out to cwa thanks again cw that's awesome so you guys can see uh aaron's point of view as well i'm gonna put you like right above my head i'm gonna put you like right right there all right cool awesome all right 12 x come on let's hit this blue come on no destiny not red oh honey you're killing us destiny you're killing us [Music] okay let me try something here okay i'm going to do this oh he said change the width and the height okay so width look 1920 he said and then the height for 1080. that work there we go okay now i'm going to shrink this there we go that's cool i like this it's cool all right coin flip no not the one destiny come on woman you're starting to oh my gosh we're getting milked guys god we're getting milk two more okay two more than blackjack i'm liking it i'm digging it i'm digging it all right sounds good [Music] that's weird come on come on two dude aaron two please destiny right here this one right here no it's gonna go past it cash on at least cash at least please okay we get a cash on all right oh my gosh that two would have been 240 bucks man oh man all right john here we go man where are we going john dang it that two have been man though dang man that's great yeah guys like i said if you guys want to see uh aaron's point of view you guys can also go follow him on twitch guys um go follow him on twitch man symbols makes them actually post your link oh john's saying one way saying top left all right we're gonna go top left this bunny rabbit right here we're going top left man here we go come on let's go that's the way you're gonna make your shot go for the hundred man come on make this up for the destiny come on here we go make up for a woman come on let's see it [Music] come on 15 that's not bad that's okay that's not bad it's not bad we'll take it we'll take it oh that two would have been crazy oh man yeah baylor's destroying arkansas right now that's crazy wow yeah they're really good here we go okay so you think i would you say one more than maybe blackjack you said okay sounds good yeah yeah come on we need a good bonus here destiny we need to make up for what you just did with the [Music] destiny don't screw me honey that looks good let's go nice dude let's go let's go all right here let's go man all right we need 100x here i don't know let's let's let's see three doubles first that then then the max one let's go yeah the 1600x that was crazy that's the one that exposed was on he went half a mil it was crazy yeah yeah all right do you want to choose blue again what are you thinking man oh okay aaron's feeling yellow i'm gonna go blue though so we we we just got blue and yellow green blue all right so aaron's choosing yellow i'm choosing blue here we go guys hey richard with the two dollars thanks again richard her dress designer finally suffered up 12 steps thanks again richard for the two dollar super chat rich thanks again man appreciate you thanks again bro you're awesome richard thank you man what's up alex how you doing now what's up alec let's get this come on all right blue and yellow one of us had double come on okay you got the double okay all right i got 25x so that wasn't the worst one all right so aaron got a double guys aaron got a double all right let's see what happens here come on just go go off again dude show me the 1600x again duplicate it that would be crazy all right here we go [Music] what's up js how you doing come on double yes let's go aaron nice dude let's go aaron beautiful come on keep this going here come on keep going with the doubles keep going with the doubles so aaron you got five bucks on it six bucks you have a chance of 2 400 bucks here hit the green 400 x man come on give me that green 400 x oh eric has yellow too okay come on give eric and uh uh aaron the the 24 the 400 x come on or another double come on come on come on yellow come on 140. okay you'll take it you'll take it dude nice win man there you go aaron nice bro 850 bucks for aaron let's go guys i got 52. so nice man let's go dude beautiful let's go pretty good it's nice nice nice all right what are you thinking now five more okay all right i'm feeling you it's starting to get hot now oh here's here's clara claire was really good last time for us all right here we go hey what's up kelly how are you doing everybody nice oh let me check out good luck all right let's see here oh my gosh dude 10x crazy time oh my word yes yes yes all right starting off with a number five not the one how are you today ladies and gentlemen hey all right let's see here yeah i emailed you back empool yeah i'm not really sure i i i didn't notice if if if it happened or not but if it did you know feel free to go for it though um oh come on ten hello come on or the cash on ten all right ten please oh the two all right so what i'm going to do guys is um we're going to be doing the super horrible giveaway i'm going to keep the spins in the background though um so we're going to give away uh the super eye roller spin guys and then we'll go back to crazy time um i'll still leave my bets in uh but i'll do the giveaway right now for you guys it'll be cool because like you guys are going to be able to see it on the other screen though so it'll be sweet so let me do that right now guys um all right so we're going to do the super hour giveaway you guys it's so cool you can see the craze time wheel on the left side too hey jason with five dollar shoes thanks again jason i appreciate you man uh carson please search elizabeth banks and tell me dusty doesn't look like 100 percent her it's from destiny uh biggs oh okay jason yeah i will not check that out jason thanks again man for the final super chat bro yeah i'll check it out thanks again man oh is that a two that's a two okay um oh my gosh it would have been crazy all right guys so um can i actually make this bigger bigger actually so yeah what happened to the previous beautiful all right cool all right so um yeah if you guys want to become a super hour member more information is down below we do these giveaways every single livestream at 10 30 eastern time yeah man uh more information is down below i'm gonna go over uh all the names make sure your name is on the list and then i'm gonna shuffle the names three times and then um yeah good luck to you guys here we go pretty sweet all right cool guys awesome okay pretty cool and i'm gonna check on the top left also coin flip nice there we go got a coin flip nice guys let's go beautiful so yeah guys make sure your name's on the list um these are currently all the super hour members here on ticket time um and then we're gonna shuffle these names we're gonna spin the wheel uh if you land on your name or 20x come on red if it lands on your name you get a 40 spin on lightning roulette wheel um and the winner has five minutes to give me their numbers if they don't ah dang it blue um if they don't um they uh they still get credit for the win we just do the default numbers of zero to nine so i'll scroll back up and fourth couple times good luck to you guys looking forward to it it's gonna be pretty sweet all right here we go this is cool i can do this because usually i'm on this but we can see uh both screens now that's pretty sweet yeah guys like i said uh my friend aaron uh very nice of him to sponsor tonight's livestream as well he's actually uh playing with us as well so he's streaming on his channel if you guys can do a huge favor as well guys go follow aaron on twitch um i'll post the link in the comment section um as well guys let me actually do that right again 572 winners pretty sweet okay i'm gonna go uh back down one more first place and we will be uh all set and good to go pretty sweet man all right give me one second guys let me actually pull something up here really fast you did get us some good wins in your last session okay yeah we got a hundred extra pachinko we gotta oh what else did we get i don't even remember oh we got a hundred extra crazy time as well ten times multiply number one so yeah that's pretty nice but of course my colleagues you know really stepped up the game yeah max um this is for the super high rollers dude uh yeah you're currently at ticket time high roller we've got two different levels we have the high rollers super rollers this is for the uh super high roller members here on ticket time everybody there's a coin we're gonna flip dang it the coin flip is just continuously shafting all right guys once more time then we're going to shuffle these names and then we'll get back into the action here [Music] all right cool good all right guys so we should be good to go um i'm gonna wait another 30 seconds all right john we gotta cash on i gotta go back we'll pick this cash hunt and then we'll roll the we'll roll the wheel guys all right man here we go john where we going man all right nice nice nice this looks trippy over there i mean let me run into all those small things three seven says john three seven okay and remember three is not related to the multipliers all right so that's one two three four five something right here the star badge come on actually it's one of these symbols you can only pick one each and every one of them is hiding all right we'll shoot this star and then we will uh shuffle the names and then we'll roll the uh the winner topic as well let me know what you guys would have gotten too guys and let's see what have you caught oh come on oh man it was next to the 50. 15x again though that's okay it's all right sorry congratulations though claire is doing okay though i mean she hasn't rolled a one in a while knock on wood so all right i'm gonna put you guys back here and then we will um hold the winner okay here we go guys so we're gonna shuffle the names three times here we go one two three we're gonna go full screen good luck to you guys here we go so i wish you all the best that let's do this is it gonna be man who's it gonna be three times we'll all be damned random ryan congrats man you have won the uh giveaway dude so ryan has five minutes to uh give me his numbers and uh yeah guys and like i said if you don't win no worries uh we still have um every single livestream 10 30 eastern time uh we do that giveaway so uh roughly 12 to 15 times a month uh we spin that wheel so uh thanks again for your support guys yeah congrats to uh random ryan sweet good luck did your session just start no my session has been going on oh my gosh dude that'd be crazy so it's been 10 minutes go there come on come on clara go there looks good yeah we got career time guys let's go man crazy time let's go guys come on all right man let's go let's go here we go bro oh my gosh dude let's see all the doubles in the world man yeah that doubles would be great again come on let's see it here we go what color are you uh feeling man what color you think i'm gonna go blue again okay we're both going blue guys here we go let's see it we're go we're both choosing blue guys here we go man what color are you guys choosing green blue which one is gonna be all right here we go guys what's up kyle how you doing man yeah we just spawned the giveaway man yeah random ryan won 100x let's press the button and good luck all right let's go for it come on no and a green's a double oh my gosh dude what is happening all right hopefully hopefully yeah hopefully the green isn't something crazy yeah come on please don't piece anything crazy god it hurts aaron it hurts man ah it hurts congratulations sorry it's not like it was you know four doubles and then the 1600 actually that's all right that's okay all right what do you think you want to keep going [Music] okay sounds good man sounds good dude it's getting there he is ryan you're here man sounds good bro yeah congrats ryan so he said oh my gosh i'm crazy so much time he said 13 19 and then eight random numbers okay i'll tell you what ryan what i'll do is i'll go oh no go to the two two's good okay it's all right we're good we're good uh what we'll do is i will do the first eight numbers on the default numbers we'll do that ryan so we'll do 13 19 and then we'll do zero to seven more than welcome we'll do that ryan okay sounds good we'll do that well okay i really hope we can manage to get another crazy time yes all right cool good luck she's been hitting a lot of bonuses though i mean she just hasn't had some great maltese though that's the only problem number one slow down no go to the 10 at least we need a 10. all right that's a good win okay that's a double up all right good okay we got something there there we go man let's go did you really experimental minds nice man congrats to you and eric top five tommy first place over five thousand euros wait twenty six if you okay okay ryan okay so we'll do zero six times 13 19 26 that we want to do ryan let's go again 0 6 13 19 26 okay sounds good ryan oh come on two or ten again come on number ten he's taking your showers with soccer okay yeah sounds good ryan no worries man go to the tent speed up all right go there go there clara go there go please yes let's go man it's 80 bucks nice 10 times 2 20. let's go guys there we go we're starting to get back a little bit there we go let's go guys we need that nice nice and then we're up currently 153 for us so that's that's good man let's go nice all right he watched 26 okay sounds good all right so um i will you know what we'll do actually uh let's see i got okay i'll get an idea okay oh crazy go to the two at least claire okay we're safe we're good again that was close congratulations ladies and gentlemen first place thousand seven hundred euros incredible place in bethel okay so i okay um oh i'm gonna do this this is my last session all right let's uh okay i'll tell you what so aaron i gotta do this giveaway if you want you can stay on crazy time i'll leave this window open so people can still see and then once i'm done with the giveaway i'll come back to crazy time okay sounds good i'll do that so uh after the spin i'll do ryan's giveaway and then i'll come back to crazy time so you guys can still see aaron's stream up there um and then i'll come back sounds good okay cool all right let me do that hopefully i don't miss anything though okay yeah all right let's see here okay so let me switch back out of aaron's balance let's go back into mine and then we will go to uh live casino and then we'll do relax so so it's zero hang on let me get this straight it was okay zero wait wait crap wait wait 13 wait i'm gonna write this down 13 19 26 00 got it okay sounds good ryan 0 19 26 and the rest got it okay okay voice promotions to the things you say are you typing them down because you know i'm going to read it are you just going to use it as advertisements please babysitter if i let's do it here we go ryan hopefully get something big for you man here we go man let's do it he's got one he's got three and 35. okay so one or three man one or three is huge come on one or three one or three please things for me to say nine to oh nine's not a win though oh we usually do i'm so used to doing zero to nine it was back to back nines look at that oh man ryan's so close though dude thanks again man for all your support though ryan great time damn it i missed it all right no worries at least you at least you got though at least you got it yeah sure all right cool yeah sure yeah i'm so i'm so used to having nine be a number uh but damn man ryan though thanks again the man for all your support though ryan i appreciate you man thanks again though dude dang that was so close he had the one in the three that would have been crazy if hit one of those dang thanks again though ryan appreciate you man all right let's see here oh he's going to go auto pick guys air's going to let the computer pick this color let's see what it lands there's a lot of doubles on there majority of you are selecting the blue flag oh yeah you're good ryan no worries man you're good dad you're you're good man can we get some double blue yellow come on come on it was a 10 a 25 and a double no dang it all right hopefully yellow isn't something crazy congratulations yet guys take a quick second and smash that like button guys on the live stream appreciate you guys all being here though man you guys are all awesome okay good so they were they were all crappy so nothing nothing nothing you missed out on yeah all right good congratulations not bad though man not bad so far we've been doing pretty good other than we missing 20 x bonuses but other than that we've been doing all right all righty can't wait to go back there oh you missed because the auto auto play ran out ah one times three all right three times more fun number one let's see what can we get what's up jennifer how you doing yeah i see you jennifer just no one go to the five no no same thing again like as soon as a bonus hits they just go to the one 520 every time it's crazy first place 911 euros while done placing your battle spin tomorrow you're more than welcome to use the auto plays ball and come on to all the newcomers welcome to crazy keep it going here nice to have everybody here also guys like i said if you guys want to play on state casino um consider using my referral link sign up with the promo code ticket time but i'll get you guys cash back on all of your uh wagers for more information in the description below guys thanks again and he shot to [Music] steak hey what's up eamon how are you doing man three winners yeah there's like probably a couple second difference between um our connections so aaron's aaron gets to see it first and then i get to see it a couple seconds later just waiting for cold man's wins oh yeah peace out imp will have a great night and paul take care absolutely see him here today so yeah my name is clara gino hello there nice to have you here hi so yeah really you're going to see you're going to see it here here first and then you're going to see on my screen that was incredible okay five we're good all right this time it's a number five let's see two plus six plus one equals nine i was one off 832 winners and makkah first place thousand eight hundred euros well done placing your business oh did you really jennifer see what is it gonna be now i wish you all the best you can use the autoplay as well let's go yeah everybody's got different wi-fi speeds so everybody sees it differently good luck oh my gosh dude please [Music] oh my gosh that would have been crazy dude if that was a 10x pachinko man 855 winners yeah echo echo echo congratulations what's your favorite game show guys what's your favorite game should we play on this site guys do you guys like crazy time do you guys like monopoly do you guys like dream catcher do you guys like slots what's your favorite game that we play on uh on the streams guys i'm curious i wish you all the best let's go yeah dang it go to the coin flip all right not the one claire anything but monopoly next sounds good cool all right i'm gonna do that come on come on clara okay oh my gosh dude i'd be so upset yeah i just hit that pachinko 50x down there is it gonna go around just no one clara and we go to the coin flip honey it's like we're getting a coin it was on the coin flip man what do you think do you want to go until one hits or do you want to dip to monopoly all right go until one it's okay sounds good man all right we'll do it hey rue with the five dollar supers thanks again you are awesome there's something wrong here 428 watching only 221 likes guys yeah that means 207 of you haven't hit the like button yet smash that like button guys in case you guys haven't done so yet and we'll hit a crazy bonus here good vibes in the chat thanks again roo you are amazing thanks again roo and cw with the five dollar super tanks against wa just pretend you're leaving and then come right back great time my hit yeah it seems like that seems like the gist of it cwa ooh actually speaking of the devil that's gonna go past it all right time to dip all right we're gonna go to monopoly guys we're gonna try to shaft the old man dude oh my gosh back to back four rolls what are you talking about man oh my word what how is that possible what i just got that bet in it there was a 10x too earlier look at that wow that's crazy what were the multipliers about three to five years i'm not ready yet 35 and 18x oh okay so that's not the greatest rolls that's [Music] [Music] what's up diana how are you doing this against wa and roo your eyes are awesome again guys okay what am i doing here um very happy says 50 73 that's good that's good course starting with a good mood right the way we start today that's the [Music] yeah that's crazy it wasn't anything special though guys the first one was 18x second one 35x so nothing too crazy on either one i appreciate my freedom too much that's an issue i might never get married because i love the future though see now it's opposite see now i see it first and then aaron gets to see it so that's weird how it works his is faster on crazy time it's cool we can see each other's streams though yeah guys like i said go follow my friend aaron on twitch guys um he's streaming right now here's the link to his uh twitch stream so definitely guys go check him out show him some love and he shot again man thanks again for uh sponsoring tonight i appreciate it [Music] i don't blame you is that susanna uh is it it is it is simona it's simona that's her name hey guys peace out mostly scratches have a great night guys take care guys [Music] oh my gosh it went over to the one 110 people have placed their bets on this segment let's continue that's crazy that's why mr monopoly put down your cup of coffee i need you to roll on the board here buddy all right we need to see a bonus round considering your name are you sure you want to jump out to the puns i thought that's where the eels live she likes to talk about her car now is that really prank calls i read my darling oh wait didn't you participate in the last one not the one again it like barely skims over number one over here people yeah it is really stiff i mean that one paid 1040x come on i really hope you managed to get all these bonus rounds to make it let's see come on buddy come on man i know you want to come on guys four roll bonus a chance first chance 10x and then rolls let's see it come on um i don't know it feels okay but if you feel like there is an issue like i said guys please report that if you think that there is an issue with it report it to support they will look at it because i'm not a technical guy you know i don't understand i really don't it's not that one are you kidding me no anything about the things okay two barely all right thank god geez i've been three months in a row compliments on your winnings oh dude if i won half a million on crazy time i would like be just running across my basement i would like be like knocking things over i would like to be screaming to be crazy by yourself behind those letters these are your initials yeah guys make sure you guys are also following me on social media as well guys um we got tick tock instagram and twitter so if you guys aren't following yes us yet on uh social media follow us on social media guys [Music] i need a 10 though i need a 10 or a bonus here come on 181 councilman's on your winnings top wins get right to sally oh yeah if i want half a million cwa i would do like some crazy giveaways let's do another one her spinning skills are lacking and he put the robot emoji i know ted she's gotta get her she's gotta get her her game on man yeah that's what it was ah knockout have you ever knocked out anyone are you like a boxer or something oh i see yeah [Music] ah come on 187 people winning my congratulations it's up on the 370. if carson won that why you'd buy me out in the suv oh yeah i would give away so much stuff that can you imagine uh yeah either that will or you just well you have to have a crazy bet probably to win half a million like you know because if you had like if we had that [Music] like if you were betting a hundred dollars on that 50x crazy time at the 5 000 x and that's not familiar but um you know if you're betting 450 and it's a 1600x then you're in pretty good shape too no dang it one come on lady six people have one that can hurt your legs where's the love lady come on option if you want to get a couple more dude so yeah like i'm nerdfighter girl i cannot fight at all even you know carson one he would shout flying mature yeah yeah i would be kidding bouncer all right i don't do that uh diana it's a ticket dot time on a [Music] ladies and gentlemen oh go to the two of these arrive number two all right come on 179 people winning the round so the top one going to adam and congratulations to you champions monopoly more focused than being scared i guess that's what you need to be right you gotta be very focused you have to make sure you've done this event how often do you train do you train every day youtube hey look he's doing that [Music] we can catch a couple of those and then a bonus here and there i don't mind the ones but if it's like six ones in a row [Music] are you serious wow that is crazy i just made a command guys if you if you type i i just made command uh exclamation point socials as well where are you from all right cool happy yeah all right getting cold a little bit here stop shafting us and i need you to work man come on you can do it i have faith in you man come on [Music] that would be pretty good cynthia yeah if if i if one day i won half a million dollars i would give everybody on the livestream of credit a pretty sure everybody i've been earning pretty good okay actually it could be a very good game how does that stop so fast that stops so fast holy crap oh my gosh nine to three people were placing the beds in this game what do you think man for them one more all right [Music] right exactly yeah as soon as we leave it will happen how much was this six rolls that was 135 smash the robot yeah we got smashing on the robot at this rate come on lady he's using the force on the wheel yes let's go let's go dude here we go come on let's get the chance emoji in the shot guys come on let's see a 10x i want to see a 5x cash prize or a 10x for another shot for four rolls come on so mr menopause monopoly 10x don't be greedy don't be it come on uh it's it's a cash prize and it's a 2x cash prize so i got 48 out of that it's not the most exciting thing in the world but i guess it's better than hitting a 10x times one so we'll take it it's all right let's continue let's see what else it's stiff like who said that ted thank you so much yeah i think the majority of chances or cash prizes at the moment [Music] you know you only realize you want to do something when you lose a person yeah cash award is 32 percent of the time hitting a 10x is actually wow 17 of the time go to the 10 please no no all right time to dip i'm feeling you aaron mr monopoly shafted us dang it yeah rats um gosh hmm what are you doing what are you feeling sure we can do that man let's do that let's go back to alice yeah it was it was really good to us last time so we'll do that for sure all right we'll go we'll go back to wonderland guys we'll do the game shows for the bit guys and then maybe slots um but um we'll just go play it by ear yeah guys like i said um go follow my friend aaron on twitch guys uh he's live streaming from his point of view we're putting it up on the screen but definitely guys go uh go give him a follow and um yeah man show him some support here we go two here i'm gonna go there i'm gonna put five i'm gonna put i'm feeling feeling that feeling that seven on the two 250 on the 10 250 on the bonuses okay all right come on let's get that uh magic dice again that 100x like last time that would be pretty good come on thing with this though is you have no idea what's gonna land because this spinner goes on forever and ever and ever uh two wonder spins maybe yes let's go first spin let's go nice dude here we go man let's go so this is this is pretty much like hitting two rolls on monopoly it's the same thing so yeah we need some good maltese here the rabbit's the best one you want to get the rabbit is um a 50 x and then um there's like different you'll see like on the other side of the wheel there's different uh characters and each one has a different multiplier all right lady here we go come home i have hit the rabbit once before so it is possible we need some good looking into the ends guys here we go hey what's up walter are you doing man the rob looks like he's on crack all right ooh the cat time plus five okay so so the cat's now up times eight so what do we got come on do not be the drink meat the drink me is bad don't be the treat now oh dude come on man oh my gosh that's yeah it's it's not the what it is basically it's a re-spin so it they just respin it but they you you lose your multiplier see how see how it's now a 7x on the cat instead of an 8x so they they take one away each time though plus 8 on the dodo that'd be good we would take a dodo we don't want a hat that would be a 1x anything but a hat would be good if we can eat me that'd be pretty good that'd be plus one on it on everything i take the cat the cat's good stay on the cat like that's that's the 7x okay good all right that's good 7x all right it is a mouse you're right you're right it is a mouse yeah the the purple thing is a cat yeah yeah he's got a heart nose that's right it's a mouse and a teacup it looks like that's great what's up nikki how you doing nikki come home ooh the mouse again plus five okay now it's a 12x if you hit the mouse all right come on we'll see it okay it's got a chance yes aaron rabbit yes dude yes 49 x that's 49 x our bet let's go guys we got the rabbit beautiful beautiful man 140 bucks right there let's go man good caller again to go back there and we go let's go guys let's go nice man beautiful let's go nice guys let's go man yeah we needed that with that that made up for a lot of ones on the game show so we needed that let's go guys beautiful nice yeah i think i'm gonna turn this into a highlight video guys because we got the 100x on the magic dice then we had a couple good wins on the uh on on the rabbit so nice dude let's go yeah it's weird like like i think wonderland it seems like it pays out more but you don't have as crazy wins um like like you're lucky if you get like 100 x like we did on the magic dice but it's hard to get a multiplier like higher than 100 x on uh on um on on this game but the but the the advantage i do like though is i i do like the mystery the mystery is way better than the chance on monopoly um so there's that at least all right two's good take a two there we go yeah tonight it's been crazy yeah for sure so uh we would uh jocozzo i just we we just it was last minute so we decided to do this so currently 13 likes away guys from 250 likes if you guys haven't done so yet guys smash that like button as well ah it's going to slow down though oh it's too fast ah it's going to be a five it looks like oh my gosh that'd be crazy yeah 500 spins and you're in good shape um it's like the same as hitting four rolls on uh monopoly what would be really interesting is instead of adding numbers to the to the characters it would multiply them so like if you got like a times two it would be like five times two instead of like 7x it'd be a 10x you know that make it really interesting it's gotta speed up oh ah it's gonna speed up no not another five that's another five it's weird like it speeds up fast but then it slows down pretty hard it's weird yeah it is this is weird how it works so what's up crosstalk how are you doing here what's up man the good luck horseshoe good looking into the ants really nice you know a little bit spanish so how do you know what's going on all right pretty sweet come on keep it going here man come home yeah i'm just holding horses i aspire to be as cool as that caterpillar he's got the shades on he's got the jacket he's got the hat on he's just chilling there hopefully he gets us a good bonus here come on caterpillar uh is this another five no no it's gonna go past it go to the 10. go to the 10. uh it's gonna stop on the one oh damn it was almost 500 spins man all right now we're getting milked a little bit here all right let's let's see more okay two more spins oh nice there you got 200 bucks on chumba yesterday nice there you go what uh what slot was it on uh aaron come on lady look at her socks she's got like a deck of cardstocks on all right here we go man come on phrase come on you can do it it's gotta slow down though yes barely in there let's go nice guys let's go dude there we go man let's go nice nice nice oh he's on gorilla nice aaron there you go that's sweet see you on the other side hit that rabbit again okay yeah i think if it's a no win it's like a lose turn you like lose your spin uh apparently the last time we hit it though like you see like how it goes around the circle in the middle if it hits that w it's an extra spin okay so like that we got an extra spin i believe that's what it is so now we got three spins now yep see we got an extra spin now so that's cool yeah so as long as it's not at no wind we get an extra spin on the multi uh go to the eat me that'd be the best case scenario go there oh it's gonna stop one short it looks like it's the mouse all right so mouse is a 3x so basically it's that basically that was free money because it's a free spin so we'll take it yeah yeah what's up stevie how you doing man come on wabbit yeah we gotta get the wabbit oh a plus 10 on the cat let's get the cat now it's it's it's echoing me is is it is it how's the audio sound guys is it echoing for you guys dude no way aaron please stay please dude no it's gonna go past it it was one off man oh that'd have been crazy all right dodo is a 5x okay okay we got one more spin one more spin all right all right yeah it's it's paying us more so it's it's whatever pays you know so come on okay we got plus eight on the hat okay the hat would be good actually yeah okay yeah the hat covers the most space on the wheel okay it's gonna go past the no wind go to the hat if you can can you go to the hat can you make it yeah all right not bad 13x for which is about average on two rolls if you think about it that way 13x so it's okay it's all right yeah 3250. nice we'll take it let's go guys nice all right lady i like the studio i like it it's cool how it's like you know like the green screen in the background congratulations yeah it's it rotates on a platform what do you think a couple more spins with this yeah sure okay sounds good yeah me too man it's satisfying when that hits exactly yeah you got more chances at the rabbit too so down yeah yeah that was crazy yeah what do you guys think do you guys want to have the screen there the extra screen there or not what do you guys think it's up to you guys we can leave it or not you guys want it there or not i can i can take it off like it'd be cool if if we did like slots it'd be cool because we can see each other's different bonus spies um but i think if it's a game show it's kind of the same you know what i mean where does the caterpillar go when the wheels turn uh i think it just stays there on the platform yeah all right guys so yeah i'll do that for now i'll just turn it off for now but uh if we do like a slot we'll uh we'll we'll go back there okay sounds good i'll be right back i'm going to get some water i'll be right back guys i got it set for three more spins i'll be right back guys i love to teach things right so like the best way just learning your messages are rhyming you might be in your shower while you're out let's make stevie wonder proud wow all right ladies and gentlemen number five over here as arrived yeah well i mean [Music] yeah i was hoping that would work ben whenever i leave usually something hits when i leave but it did come on everyone else as well there's available uh information educational video left side go to the wonder spins please yep do underspins all right let's go guys nice sounds good all right let's see let's see the rabbit again man come on oh my gosh that would lose my mind it'd be crazy what's up don how you doing darling how'd the how was the monster truck show dude oh he did leave he met he he vanishes into thin air that's where he goes i got plus two on the hat okay that's a four x oh yeah thanks for stopping by stevie come on go to the eat me okay come on show me the extra w oh it just missed it ten okay plus eight that's good on me on the rabbit oh my gosh man that would be ridiculous so 58x that's going to be way too far though yeah the cat would be good just not the no win not the no win go past a no win don't you dare don't you dare okay that's it's short it's short okay get the mouse elise yeah yeah 7x not the greatest though yeah we had some better ones what do you think one more thing okay sounds good man what's up natasha how you doing natasha ted says stone to the bone and chilling on it hope you're good right on ted yeah i want to get those socks the socks are cool got clubs and hearts on them right here we go yeah pretty much a break even i think we had 17.50 we bet 17. so sometimes it gives you a cat bonus randomly throughout the day and it gives you like an extra multi on a bonus so if we can catch one of those over here all right keep it going here come on congratulations still ahead 28 bucks on the night guys so that's pretty good but yeah like i said guys if you guys are new welcome to ticket time hit that red subscribe button uh turn on notifications so that we guys don't miss any lessons or any videos as well i appreciate you guys all being here man again shot to aaron for uh sponsoring tonight's again man go check him on twitch guys he does live streams as well i just posted the link in the in the comment section to you guys where is it gonna go can it go to the mystery it's gonna go past the mystery can it go to the 10. can it go to the magic dice 10 not the one oh dang it [Music] the live slot thing so i think you place your bet and you can have it on autoplay and then whenever you want to quit you can just hop off so um i'm gonna do wait so if i click this okay so you can check okay so all right got it so so how much are you doing okay i'll do i'll do 80 cents like you and then i'll put it on for i'll do 30 spins see how that works all right so this is like a live action slot guys so um everybody's playing along and um everybody gets the same payout so it's it's the exact same screen for everybody so then i think you need three or you need three of those free games for a bonus so let's see if we can get this yeah ooh buffalos there we go oh a little something oh oh nice there we go oh damn whoa that's a good hit let's go wow how much is that is that 50 bucks wow it's going look at it keeps going holy crap 60 bucks wow wow dude 60 off an 80 cent spin right there that's pretty good nice let's go yeah that was yeah that was like yeah that was a uh i can't do the math that's like uh something like that yeah that's crazy though nice there we go hey cmw2 on superchains against awa uh you can still do a slot giveaway on the general casino oh yeah maybe cwa yeah i'm going to be yeah i'm going to give away a ten thousand dollar bonus buy i feel like thank they get those free games or lots of buffaloes uh well guys 75x oh okay i got you yeah i don't know what happened to my audio i can't hear the game audio but as long as you guys can hear it so okay the large red m m's do large red m m's are you talking about this aj this thing right here i think i don't know what that is yeah i don't know what that button's there for uh she is the way she's the garage oh wait is that what you mean too far that's uh oh my gosh that'd be crazy oh one more come on drop it oh man that was close what's up string being how you doing man it's funny have it it might be who knows hey experimental minds again with a dollar 49 isk super chat thanks again experimental minds you are awesome buddy thanks again man appreciate you dude thanks so much bro he put the upside down face emoji thanks again man yeah i thought that would have connected with the tens there yeah it is what's up experimental minds again dude thanks again man for the uh 300 isk with the red thumbs up thanks again experimental minds appreciate you doing this again bro yeah i want to know what the bonus is i've never gotten the bonus on this buffalo blitz live thing before so let's see if we can catch it oh so auto play limit's off do you want to do another like 50 spins maybe what do you think guy aaron oh do you want to do like some more spins our auto play ran out i'll do 20 more 20 more works okay sounds good cool hey what's up slot daddy how you doing man yeah i saw your chumba video today slot daddy what's up anna i'm crazy how you doing come on i want to see the i want to see these free games it does yeah where is uh i want to know like i want to find out like the information like like oh okay so like these there's like these on the sides i don't know oh this is like the chat on the right side i get it okay biggest multiplier in the last 24 hours is 240x that'd be pretty good again there you go yeah i saw that uh crazy 70. how old am i i'm actually twenty years 20x on um oh did you nice man yeah yeah oh wow that's crazy that's awesome hell yeah dude that's nice i guess yeah i think what was brutal is uh we had it was a 2x coin flip and it was 200x or 4x and it was a 4x and it did some crazy bounce um or like flipped around and that was so devastating i'm like no hopefully explaining it see what's about you maybe maybe maybe 30. okay it's kind of it's got to be due soon seems like it's been a while okay it says two free games in the last hour okay so might be coming up soon come on how many players will be on the table right actually come on buddy the biggest ones we saw tonight hey take care big done have a great night man thanks again for your support big don peace i appreciate you man i did it really ted ah dang it again oh i just missed it again it's like the biggest biggest hits that we have dropped it's nice happened you know uh during the uh the kind of very active hours yeah i'm not really sure what the point of that red button is like he never touches it so i wonder what that is uh yeah it's gotta mean something i don't know what it means though right now i thought it was like he like he pushes it every time it spins but it's but it's something to do with i don't know um hey stevie with a one dollar super chance again stevie appreciate you man thanks again dude what's up stevie how you doing bro what's up frog legs again man what's up what's up frog legs if there was more in the front oh come on come on come on dude it's gotta drop i want to see it yeah we got it nice we got it we got it we got the free games guys let's go guys let's go all right let's see what these free games are about uh okay so now he's pushing the button look at that okay interesting all right let's see what this is about now so apparently we need diamonds like diamonds are good i think so we want to find as many diamonds as possible i believe so let's see here come on come on diamonds let's see it come on oh re-trigger you just need two of them oh we got okay cool more spins one more oh nice more spins you get eight more free games okay sweet oh okay gotcha nice guy let's go hey nice to see you in the chat we need to hit something though man come on come on right he's been dead spins okay some tens come on let's see a bunch of buffaloes again oh man come on buffaloes you can't do us like this come on wouldn't be anything super huge no just come on where are you do it do it where are you buddy where are you come on come on buffaloes buffalos are diamonds oh my gosh dude come on what is this what is this come on is that how much is that let's see oh that's a good there we go there we go aaron nice dude um oh wow okay that's a pretty good hit 3480 right there all right okay there you go all right nice oh i thought that was going to connect three games left come on oh do it come on nice one more one more come on one more one yeah okay we got five more games all right good let's go guys nice sweet come on so i think if you get a diamond i think it it's a multiplier like it adds 2x uh on top of it i i believe oh if those buffaloes were in the front dude if those buffaloes were in the front that would have been crazy oh my gosh dude that would have paid like crazy if those were in the front it's still okay though we got a hit though at least yeah i don't know i opened a lot we got five spins come on 4460 so far yeah i've never hit this before this is the first time i've ever hit this come on buddy oh my gosh yeah i think it needs to like line up with something in order for it to count like connect yeah why spin come on maybe re-trigger oh connect to something uh that's not bad though 4460. it's all right it's okay we found ourselves 55 uh what do you think i i i we uh you want to wait until these spins run out and then we can maybe leave okay sounds good yeah sounds good sweet come on at the very beginning yeah i'm down let's do it it's due man we gotta hit that 20x on any kind of bonus yeah pachinko now yeah come on buffalo blitz or even a good base it like we had before will be good too going back to work tomorrow oh that means you're gonna be oh okay i got you just uh playing a little bit more all right let's see i mean for me come on five spins left and uh is that something a little bit actually yeah a little something a little little hit sometimes i think maybe maybe 10 bucks or more uh yeah i thought it was gonna be something too two spins come on come on buddy last spin ah a little buffalo's alright a couple something all right not bad not bad crazy time let's go back to credit time guys here we go we gotta catch something man come on not too shabby like i said guys as well if you guys want to sign up on state casino uh consider signing up using my referral link my referral links in the description below you guys can also enter the promo code ticket time it'll get you guys uh cash back on every wager um for more information in the description below as well guys okay we missed the ones yes okay is back yeah he's the guy wasn't he the guy that hit the 20x crazy time man come on class do it again buddy here we go come on yeah let's see something man come on five times two okay thanks to me wow with the 2x ladies never mind yeah that's what i love can it make it there all right yeah yeah anything with a one is good what's up amari [Music] once again guys in case you guys are new welcome to ticket time i'm your host carson here on ticket time if you guys um haven't done see already hit that red subscribe button totally uh free and helps out the channel uh we're trying to hit 1000 subscribers by the end of this year but i need you guys help um yeah smash that like button if you guys haven't done so yet we do live streams mondays wednesdays saturdays 8 30 eastern time and we do uh oh my gosh dude wow we do videos uh tuesdays and thursdays at 4 30 eastern time slow down for cash hunt please go to the two go to the tube all right okay we're good oh right well this is it's either really hot or it's really cold like it's just you know it's in yeah or it's a bunch of coin flips and it's just like fives and two x's yeah but yeah i mean like you know most of my big wins have come from crazy timeline so we'll see what happens here five times oh that's enough five would be good can i hit a five that beat that'd be like 130 bucks if it's a five right here gonna make it there's gonna go faster slow down ah it's gonna go faster go to the cash sean no dang it's a one it's just so disappointing you know you get like especially like when you have like a chance for like like a two times fifteen it goes right over into the one like right next to it it's like come on man here we go what's up joey how you doing oh my gosh that 50x machine kill because i sleep behind the cash rings um god go to the there we go nice there we go let's go all right we go it's a ton not bad not bad yeah so the highlights guys we have had we caught the 100x on magic dice we had a 2x crazy time for 100x we had 100x on pachinko uh what am i missing here have you had anything else besides those three i think those have been the biggest wins so far tonight oh you you had that 140x on crazy time on yellow yeah so it's been okay so far i mean we're still ahead overall so can't complain i go there buddy slow down come on clavs that should be a cash on yep cash on let's go nice john yeah where are you at john w come on john you still here john oh no he might have left oh no is he here oh i don't think he's here and there's all the 100 x's on there oh no john we need you oh there he is he's here he's here he's here eight eight all right here we go man eight eight here we go i'm like no we need john all right let's get this 100x again come on uh yeah eight down eight across and then again ladies and gentlemen five six seven eight yep the clown yep come on 100x let's do it man come on here we go come on come on come on show it come on john oh 15x and it's still not bad though still take it's a profit profit that's all right 15 x is still good though like 15 extra cash on is good you know some more i [Music] you're good man yeah john's proving himself man [Music] i'm playing that cash in my mind and you know what all the time that i played no dang it clouds you're killing me man ah all right stars both had a hundred x's wow cool oh my gosh five please five horses dude five is 400 right here dude please slow down please slow down and we are getting closer to that aaron aaron aaron aaron 400 bucks aaron 400 bucks four hundred dollars erin 400 dollars erin let's go aaron 400 bucks let's freaking go erin let's go guys 400 bucks right there let's go man there we go it's about damn times a five or a ten hit a multiplier let's go guys you get the flying fudge in there let's go man hey it was a 20x it would you know we said it was gonna be on a pachinko but it will take it on a five two man let's go guys nice dude that's when that strategy pays off you know let's go nice here let's go man hell yeah dude you know what that reminds me sweet that reminds me of how was it [Music] i actually prefer a two than a coin flip you know yeah because then you need a 12x that's not gonna happen so nice guys let's go dude we are doing phenomenal man like so so so how much how much did you start with on your end 1.6 and what are you at now so aaron's up a thousand and then on my side i'm up 435 with aaron's balance so that is crazy so total aaron is up 1400 on the night that's crazy man let's go dude pachinko come on go there oh nice dude there we go barely gotten the pachinko nice let's go oh arkansas is only down six eric i'm going to turn that game on right now yeah that'd be crazy all right arkansas cannot win that game oh yeah all right come on 200x let's see it or a double all right let's go guys [Music] okay okay not bad not bad guys not bad let's go guys let's go yeah 50x don't be the 5x ladies but then again there's a double can we hit it hopefully come on 100x let's go to the 50. yeah somehow oh no this place right to the 50 right or to the 50. oh my gosh [Music] dang it man it's okay yeah it's all right it's okay man it's all right right yeah yeah for sure well that is a close game arkansas only down by that's crazy let's let's go what's up chris how you doing man maybe crazy time it's gosh yeah it's got to slow down slow down no no no go to the two oh man that's okay though man that fi that five times 20 was beautiful i mean that was a really nice win right there that was beautiful yeah that's sweet man hey what's up dylan how you doing excuse me oh my gosh wait it's wait your birthday flame no way dude wait is it wait is it actually a birthday flame oh my gosh if it's flame's birthday i need the whole chat to spam happy birthday flame can somebody confirm that then again we're gonna have a number one i start a couple i think it is is it oh it's on wednesday oh okay flame oh my gosh and we're streaming wednesday flame perfect so are you gonna be around flame are you gonna be on the stream wednesday because i'll oh i might have a surprise for you on wednesday for your birthday uh please crazy time okay well march 31st okay there got you i don't know yeah wednesday cool 15 50 and 20. all right jumpy jumpy all right now it's in a 10 times 20 or a 10 times 50 or something crazy time for can it go all the way around yeah it's gonna be hard to do okay fine all right cool all right good good good good stuff all right leprechaun it's on thursdays uh every thursday i'm on uh my friend's sports talk show um so yeah guys uh you know we're covering all march madness so definitely um tune in i think the final four is this weekend right guys yeah final fours this weekend and then the championship is uh a week from today so yeah yeah uh well let's go home all right yeah guys like i said if you guys haven't done so yet take a quick second smash that like button guys on the live stream uh again big shout out to aaron thanks again man for sponsoring tonight's stream i've had a blast so far dude um but yeah definitely go check out my friend aaron on twitch guys um do me a huge favor go follow him he's live streaming as well right now um there's his link in the chat guys um and uh yeah literally like i messaged aaron yesterday i'm like hey man what are you doing he's like uh you know do you want to do a stream together so i'm glad it worked out dude so i've had a blast so far man yeah aaron's in singapore guys so it's 12 hours ahead over where he's at so uh uh it was funny like i was getting things set up and uh when we just did our stream he just woke up um so it was pretty cool hey flame with two super chance again flame can i unwrap your churro for my birthday present oh i'll give you more than that flame oh i'll go streaking with you no no no thanks again flame you're awesome man yeah aaron's from singapore so that's pretty dope what happened you come on uh look out like doing pretty good so far as i see you are doing that okay well one minute ladies and gentlemen all right let's see what it's gonna be one with the 10x uh yeah monster we just hit a five times 20 for a uh 100x so a 400 hit which is pretty good wouldn't happen to abc everything throughout the mines it's 3 50 at night they're in iceland okay i got you we're going straight that's it all right and yeah i'm gonna be with my friends detroit scratchers on this weekend guys so friday saturday look forward to that too so i'm looking forward to that would be pretty sweet as well [Music] ah it's a one that's all right though all right ladies he hasn't rolled a one and four spin so we just need to hit you know a bonus here wow yeah i have i've actually gotten it before um there was one night we had like an insane winning streak on crazy time like we had a 10 times 50 a 2 times 50. we had like a 15x coin flip um like a 5x cash on it was crazy one night oh two come on two two go to the slow down collabs please please please please please please please yes let's go dude that's 160 bucks that's 160 bucks man 315 foreign guys let's go we're over a thousand bucks man we've doubled our money let's go erin yeah that's the one thing that has an advantage over the other game show wheels is because the numbers can be can mean more than what they say they are if you hit that multiplier let's go guys nice dude let's go yeah the 20x on 5 10 oh my gosh aaron please oh dude this is this is three hundred and twenty dollars and it's two right before cash on don't worry i don't wanna cash on no no no oh my gosh dude no man oh my word that would have been 320 bucks if there was a two oh my gosh man oh that would have been crazy i would have been back to back all right cash on it's okay though it's not a loss that's okay but damn man wow putting the pressure on me all right john what's the call man what's the call john on that point emoji's in staying with eight eight okay same spot all right here we go eight eighty seven one two three four five five six seven eight oh yeah yep the cupcake yep all right let me know what you guys forgotten [Music] yeah 10x damn that too would have been insane dude oh my gosh yeah thank you all right everybody yeah that's the thing that i do like about this strategy though like you're betting everything but the one you break even if it if it hits the two the five of the ten but if you hit a multi on that good morning to you how are we going crazy john says it's on the ban list now john that was that was the spot where it was the 500 x right yeah aaron yeah john we it was the first time john ever made a call uh there was one 500 x on the cash on board and it was eight eight and he called it for 500 x yeah it was crazy uh and then ever since then john's been my designated cash-on-picker so i always go to john yeah john's had some insane calls he we had a 3x cash on once he hit a 300x only 300x uh and we hit a 50x cash and he picked up 2500 x he's he's he's had multiple multiple calls that are insane oh that's right yeah i mean that's your boy you know me we know we know ain't that hard do you know carson carson crestly but joshua of course i do not personally but i know who he is of our top one is wolfie good morning 25 awake good morning to you too hello good morning come on good morning cherry valenzuela hi oh the 300x was 882. oh wow that's right it was yeah yeah for sure that's i don't know what's going to be the next three outcome and you will not rely on myself yeah yeah two will be good stupid a free x right there that'd be a uh it'd be a double up yeah our best what's your name my name is let's go guys nice we'll take it double up let's go guys yeah i heard about that uh holland the 2000 x on yellow earlier yeah we were we were live and we were off by like five spins when that happened we were on crazy time and then we went to monopoly and then we were on monopoly then people were saying you had 28 times hit a 20x crease i'm at 26 cash on tonight but we weren't on but we have we've had we have had some crazy wins though so you know from 100 to 1 20. but thank you so much aaron aaron aaron aaron aaron barry that one time this is 800 guys if it's a two this is eight hundred dollars unfortunately i couldn't sleep don't give me a coin [ __ ] oh my god do we hit it let's freaking go aaron 800 hours dollars guys let's go aaron oh my gosh eight hundred dollars let's go dude oh baby whoa let's freaking go aaron it's funny because like i i heard you first because you're five seconds ahead and then i saw it i'm like oh my gosh let's go dude holy crap man let's freaking go guys 800 bucks on the two guys we tripled up tonight that is insane man aaron's at 4.1 k in his balance that's insane holy crap aaron that's awesome oh dude see you you start at what one point one you said in the morning everybody 1.6 so so overall was that so you started at 41 100 so 25 plus overall between our our balance and then his balance on his stream that's insane guys wow dude how much did you have how much did you have on the two i would assume 10 bucks 15 bucks wow so aaron went 1500 on his stream wow unreal guys let's go man yeah we yeah we needed this kind of night guys because our couple last couple streams have just been crazy with the luck so so if i'm all right we're good or you will see like slightly twitch let's go dude nice man what's [Music] oh my gosh yeah because not only do you have to hit the two times 50 then it has to connect then it has to hit it on the wheel too so yeah yeah foundation nowadays to a go space dude i take another two man hit another two two is great two is like 106 bucks hit the two [Music] [Music] yeah i mean i don't want to keep you too long did you have like a bottom line like like like cash out point because usually we usually go out for four hours so normally in about a half hour i would cut it off so i don't want to keep you too long or anything so love your worries thanks niko there we go okay yeah we'll play it by ear i think if it gets down to 1500 in our balance we'll kind of reassess you know so we're good we're making our way ladies and gentlemen that's crazy man that's great because i got two more videos i've got a highlight reel on the adventures behind wonderland game and then i've got a highlight rule on crazy time again which is awesome so i got more content for you guys which is great man so that's awesome yeah it's it's been insane maybe more like bobby that doesn't even wow okay i yeah and like i said guys before you know it's all of my big wins have been from crazy time and it's just it's been crazy so come on pacheco go there oh it's going to sleep good morning we're in luxembourg did you handle those two hundred dollars no you got those oh everybody more spins okay yeah i'm cool with that that's right for a second yeah what's up jeff edwards welcome back jennifer yeah we we uh yeah guys big shot again to aaron for hooking us up tonight uh this uh he's sponsoring tonight's live stream um so definitely guys if you guys haven't done so already guys go uh show him some love go follow him on twitch he does live streams as well um go follow us go follow him guys and uh yeah thanks thanks again aaron appreciate you man for all the comrades in the chat spin the five words okay one no five you think until there's a one start getting a five so okay my fellow comrades this is definitely your time to enjoy uh ben we have hit a 2 times 50 before i think that's the third time i've hit a two times 50. there was time um thanks everybody that's great but that's been my biggest 2 times 50 though i think the previous was like 400. yeah so crazy what's up fraudster how are you doing man what's going on bro is it a [ __ ] yeah kenny we're killing it tonight dude just busy doing all the stuff as well you were trusted with the invoices crazy everybody yeah it's late now here where is it late uh we're exactly right now it's right in brazil all right that's gonna be a one yep all right can't complain though dude cannot complain we had some crazy hits right there nice man nice nice nice um i honestly don't know um hmm i'm not really sure do you want to go back to blackjack yeah okay let's go back to blackjack sounds good yeah okay yeah they're always occupied um let's see do you want to do um you want to do blackjack classic 49 there's two seats so either somebody just took a seat okay okay table 48 there's three seats open okay we'll go we'll go to table 48 all right all right i'll sit here okay perfect all right i'll file your lead all right let's go all right let's do it here we go nice guys let's go are you serious fraud slayer dude if if that happens that would be awesome that would be great if you can get him on thursday's show man that'd be so sick yeah guys like i said go subscribe to our sports talk show guys um link's in the description below oh 10 of spades or seven of spades oh okay you got straight i'm 19. okay you got straight though nice aaron nice dude i'm gonna stand here good nice nice nice awesome oh my gosh yeah you're right that would've been crazy that would have been that would have been 80 bucks on the side yeah 40 to 1. [Music] all right so if she pulls a 10 we're safe just pull a tent lady and we're good yeah let me get a 17 stand come on [Music] ah i was close dude oh really india are you hitting tonight is also indy are you playing along on on like some slots and stuff did you beat your uh your fruit party when all right one guy in my chat set up oh yeah okay so yeah yeah yeah oh we got the we got the pair we got sevens there we go you wanna split these okay we'll split these all right um yeah if if if we can find queso uh that'd be cool yeah she's our lucky blackjack dealer on ticket time oh yeah yeah we came up with the video yeah yeah yeah okay we're splitting these hopefully if we get two tens okay good nice perfect we're gonna stand on both of these awesome and then stand on 18. perfect sweet come on just gotta bust now lady come on are you kidding me she pulled us uh at least i got the side but oh my gosh man that did hurt [Music] yeah there is room but you have to go into the table like they don't show you like next to the next to the square like in the lobby you have to go in and see their names it would be cool though if if they would tell you like next to like blackjack table 48 you know jimmy's dealing or susan's dealing or so and so but you have to go in there uh 12 out of a five i'm gonna stand here oh nice there you go uh lol is aaron by the way guys this is aaron's hand right here wow lots of twos all right let's go for it yeah i would yeah 12 versus a five i'd stand on both those i think that's what you do by the book i think yeah okay all right nice man sweet but yeah there's going to be a video out tomorrow guys so make sure you guys have your notification bell turned on um 4 30 eastern time it's going to be a sweet bonanza highlight video i actually i threw in a couple different clips in there too tomorrow um but uh yeah man look forward to it oh i'll check it out right now india okay give him a queen oh a 10 okay i got a soft 14. okay i'll hit this oh my gosh india are you kidding me oh my gosh india bought a 140 gates of olympus buy and it paid twenty eight hundred dollars wow that is awesome india congrats that's crazy nice cindy that's awesome yeah goat stash it's been it's been all crazy time man uh we had a um a two times 50 for 800 bucks a 5 times 20 for 400 bucks that that's 1200 right there oh 20. nice okay all right we'll stand there yep come on yeah don't pull the knees don't pull me there's no way you have it lady are you kidding me i mean it's a push but it's at least a sign ace you know i'll do a couple more here it looks like baylor's gonna move on guys wow so it's gonna be baylor versus houston in the final four and then it's gonna be either probably gonzaga or gonzaga ufc versus michigan or ucla wow that'll be a good final four match up baylor and houston i'm digging it wow all right ten oh my gosh you hit the five dude come on give me a club okay we got the flush oh i stole your five of clubs [Laughter] oh i wish i wish i i she would have dealt the five of clubs to aaron that would give him a straight flush yeah we gotta flush it we gotta flush we're good i'm gonna stand here 15 verses of 3. what's up rick smith how you doing rick yeah guys once again as well if you guys want to sign up on state casino play along with us uh responsibly though make sure you guys are gambling responsibly uh consider signing up with my referral link it'll get you guys uh cash back on all your wagers and it helps me out a lot as well um nice let's go dude yeah for more informations in the description below guys there we go all right let's do a 15 50. i'm gonna file your lead man here we go let's do it man here we go all right let's go 66 hand guys let's hit a side bet we got eight bucks on the sides here let's hit like suited trips for 800. oh good start for aaron okay okay just don't yeah low card oh not okay give me a yeah i don't know i don't know i can't okay 17. you got you got oh 11 versus a 10 and you got a uh a flush is this a double that is the question they have an 11 versus a 10 i uh this would be a big i don't want to double it but i don't know if i should or not i don't think you should i don't think like because she has a 10. like if she had like a six i think i would i'm just gonna hit this yeah i'm just gonna hit this yeah because she has a 10 you know so come on just 10. oh a 14. oh i need a seven lady okay it's a good thing we didn't double at least though come on seven no ah rats at least you got a side bet though are you kidding see that's bs that is that's that that should not be allowed like they should check if it's a blackjack if the late if if the dealer has a uh uh um what's like what's it called here a um a 10 first card because like like imagine if like somebody bets like a crazy hand they double it and they get a 21 it doesn't even matter because she pulled an ace that's the one thing i don't like about this like they should check for blackjacks you know but they only do if it's if the first car is an ace four diamonds for you two diamonds oh no oh my gosh i stole your card again dude i keep stealing aaron's cards like put the four diamonds over there not here oh no oh no aaron yeah what do you think man few more okay okay i'm just going to do that yeah i'm following your lead i'm going to do exactly what you're doing okay yeah we're going to play next sure okay aaron's gonna double it and i'm gonna stand here okay oh stan all right just win this come on give him an ace give me an ace oh my gosh dude not a two not a please bust please bust okay holy crap dude man that was crazy there's a lot of cards she pulled out one more okay okay hey take care linda have a great night peace out linda thanks again for support linda take care yeah guys i think what we'll do is um we'll we'll see what we're dealing with but um yeah i think aaron and i both agreed that we'll kind of think things twice if it gets to 1500 and then we'll kind of we'll kind of slow it down um but that might be bottom line guys for us but that's but that would be still crazy i mean that's that's triple our money for tonight that'd be crazy 13 versus 10. oh we got the same we got oh oh you had a nine oh no oh no dude not 10. uh blackjack's milking us and she had a 16 man monopoly okay i'll go to monopoly guys uh dang you blackjack hey what's up sonic jerry how you doing sonic india's just said she had a straight flush on blackjack five dollar cybex for 900 that's awesome india that's sweet india is killing it tonight also that's great wow baylor's first time in 71 years henry wow that's crazy yes some breakfast like me all right let's check the old man come on guys he needs to pay he needs to pay us man come on hey see me with the child super saints against wa i bonus buying magical amazon uh possibly cwa we'll we'll see how it goes um if not cwa i'll do one i'll do it on wednesday excuse me thanks again cwa appreciate you man thanks again dude but the people are crazy people are starting to go please no god that thing stops so fast oh my gosh that flapper is so stiff like wow like i don't know one of the hosts i think told me this man so 100 winners in total based on what goes on important congratulations great job guys yeah a few specials you're welcome one of the hosts i think told me was like uh i didn't feel myself when i was but i love you all right this guy's going to pay march is going to pay come on mark after you can do it realize about what he's saying see the rules come on buddy so guys did he get like about what he's singing please go no stop on the don't be the one get this guy let's go number one now it's time for a bonus all right give me three ones and now it's time for lunch you know i have mixed blood in my in my body i'm partly russian and partly jewish so uh but this way it looks like a west person what's up katie how you doing katie so yeah something like that wait please no dude it was one off oh my god that was a really hard break though holy crap man oh my gosh it was so close yeah twos are right just avoid the ones we can avoid the ones [Music] every couple spins though like a 10 or a bonus or something to make up for the one losses charles it's got to baby up it's got to speed up speed up speed up please aaron go there yes dude yes oh my gosh it barely got in there dude it barely got in there let's go guys we got four bucks on four rolls this could be huge guys come on nice how much how much you got on yours aaron 10 bucks aaron's got on his that's go guys get the flying fudge in there let's see mr monopoly emojis guys here we go into the ends just don't be knock on wood no jail no tax no bs let's just make it give us a shot to the end of the board that's all i could ask for give us a shot to get there you know yeah i thought that was going to go way past it that's crazy yeah the break is insane on this nice yeah let's go man nice dude oh you're betting too andy and nice you got six bucks on yours nice get in the car son it's four holes five bucks come on oh it's kind of a bad line that's whatever come on just get there just get there you know give me a good give me a good first stop level six erin we have a shot buddy we're gonna get there man just don't screw me over mr monopoly don't screw me over buddy come on come on come on come on come on come on good start guys great start great start great start great star let's go guys let's go come on beautiful star beautiful star let's go oh come on come on do your gerb that's right come on come on come on mr monopoly come on seven okay that's okay sorry another another decent sized number that's okay all right where does that put us at um so i think it's on one of the oranges one two three five x again okay or is it seven oh five x okay five x all right no 11. aaron if this is an 11 i'm i'm destroying my monitor okay if this is an 11 that puts us in jail double six would be perfectly no 11 no 11 please god no 11. okay okay okay okay all right now we just now yeah now we don't want an eight no eight another 5x wow it's been all five x's so far oh it's a chance never mind crap uh just don't be taxi that's right come on no buddy okay no tax 5x okay all right no eight i want a nine or a ten a nine or a ten nine ten doubles no eight six okay okay we have a shot to get there we got a shot to get there if we we got a shot what's that look at that there's no hotels anywhere dude another 5x there it's been 5x8 look at the 5x5x5x right yeah isn't it 11. i don't know it's is that tax is that oh my i think that's tax aaron i think that's tax oh my god aaron for five six six tax it's oh my god he had so much potential dude it would be a great start and then it just shafted us repeatedly uh mr monopoly come on buddy 68 bucks can't complain but damn man it had so much potential right there uh i would have been more upset though if it was a 500 action it barely missed you know what i mean so it it wasn't the worst case scenario you know but yeah literally like every single spot we had was a 5x 5x5x 5x5x that's crazy yeah it deserves a robot guys that deserves a robot good luck to you double sixes to start exactly yeah dude it's like it's like illuminati confirmed every time they roll a bonus there's a one after that it's like the tenth time that's happened tonight and we gotta go with the next oh let's go to a little girl or the robot emojis guys get him going robot emojis in the chat if you guys want to gain x joel's crazy cool custom emojis look uh and become a member more information is down below guys as well oh my gosh dude go to the 10. oh my gosh the freaking break on that was real man all right [Music] double sixes in a row and it sent me to jail it sent me to jail so yeah i i i was so hyped a minute just sent me to jail i'm like are you kidding me but yeah it it it could have made it around the board twice if we hadn't gone to jail [Music] oh [Laughter] thanks so much twice in that round i forgot about that that was like the most unluckiest i think i've ever had handbrake on the chance i know i don't like how fast it's stopping it's just weird to see really currently 20 likes away guys from 300 likes if you guys haven't done so you guys are having a good time so far smash that like button again huge shout out to aaron for sponsoring tonight's live stream uh definitely go follow him on twitch guys he does live as well uh the links in the comment section down below guys was not the best one that is crazy [Music] what's up capital brian how you doing kevin what's up man it looks not super fresh or something like that outside yeah kind of good but at the same time you know like maybe maybe it's tall just because it doesn't right exactly like it was all five exits really weird i feel it so and then to top it off it was tax one off from uh the boardwalk so that was why it was 68 so that would that's a was that a 17x or something overall supposed to 16x oh wait he was he goes walking down the block yeah yeah something like that what's up ben how you doing ben [Music] on the 150 salmon what goes on aboard base town all right we just that's crazy yes oh my gosh dude i've never seen it stop that fast before [Music] it's crazy winners here yeah congratulations great job thank you so much playing it's been coming you're welcome at least he's not rolling once though you know you just avoid these ones and he'll be okay let's spin it again yeah mr monopoly is going down guys yeah it seems like the oh that the two rules are always better boards than the four roll boards are yeah we get it nice man let's go dude beautiful and it helps let's go aaron it's funny because like i can hear you first before i see it so i'm like okay cool let's go nice all right come on monopoly 16x please we're just asking you it's nice but yeah i have gotten on the boardwalk with uh with two rolls before so it can happen come on yeah for sure yeah hopefully come on let's see the same stars before [Music] i know like get like look at all those hotels and open buildings wow come on it's time to roll no 4 no 10. oh no the doubles double four okay nice dude good start let's go guys nice so the good news is it's impossible to hit visiting jail unless it's snake guys so that's that's good news yeah free spaces yeah for sure yeah three would be great yeah yes yeah three or doubles it's time to roll come on oh six okay all right yeah 7x is good [Laughter] wow all right give me one all right double five would be great it's time to roll i take a 10. oh i did oh it's 11. so it's one after the 12x over there okay so that's uh that's a 5x all right not bad that's a 16x yeah 16x so that's okay all right man buy some more spins too yeah literally literally the same payout as four rolls literally the same payout man that's crazy wow the buffalo sabres have 18 losses in a row kevin are you serious wow it's terrible wow that's crazy i know we've seen that show you when he's gone so it was really like 16 x as well from the two raws so thank you thank you guys greetings from my spot welcome to the monopoly world don't forget about how to play and the last spin and then monopoly let's see back to back here come on nine likes away guys so far like smash that like button guys in case you guys haven't done so yeah the one go to the 10. again another bonus and a one the next spin how many times does that happen throughout the night that's the number one when it goes on aboard the 109 winners dude i'm telling you man like that's it seems that's the case like after every bonus round [Laughter] oh man it looks cool yeah we should try that next time just to see if it works off and then the one time it doesn't you know it hits something crazy right right maybe two rolls slow down that's right just like that 175 of that one everybody gotta go gotta go gotta go and the lotto lolla will took my place though have a good one yeah that would be awesome yeah i think there's a youtube video it was it was a hundred x4 rolls it was 10x 10x4 rolls it was crazy oh my gosh i would be so fumed i'd be so mad we had a five times 20 on crazy time for 400 bucks and then the biggest win tonight was the 2 times 50 for 800 bucks um so it's been crazy yeah what's up how you doing man yeah yeah uh yeah two times 50 for 800 and 5 times 20 for 400 on crazy time so there's nuts yeah thanks again shout out bob what's up minutes again shout out bob [Laughter] it's so weird like it seems like if they spin it when they're on the right side it like speeds up a little bit more oh my gosh wow yeah nobody's betting on the one that's crazy oh yeah for sure yeah i yeah hell of a night regardless it's been crazy so far uh thanks again jack stops in two hours up jack soaps he goes that's a long shower thanks again jax you're awesome man you want to see a chance it's kind of it's kind of a letdown though whether when it's just a cash prize like it's more exciting if it's if there's a multi on it but like the letdowns are like if it's a 2x that's that's kind of like a slap in the face and then if it's a you know a cash prize 2x you know but if it's like 5x or higher on the multiplier it makes it exciting you have to put the pot of gold to play in a minute i'm giving you two more tries a bird no come on lolita so you said a flower scars a bird no uh go to chance okay got a chance guys here we go let's see it let's go guys come on let's get the chance emojis out here we go chances and anything else come on no cash prize i want to see a multi let's make it exciting nice again trying to bomb the two super chat oh it was in a bath oh i love bass dude bass are great thanks again bob uh it's oh wow okay yeah wow that's a 3x cash prize okay we'll take it guys let's go nice hey chief andy for the two dollar super chance again chief andy he goes now i see why you like mr monopoly my friend yeah like mr monopoly like can pay like sometimes most of the time he irritates me and he shacks me a lot but um you know if you can hit four rolls it has like crazy potential you know tattooed on my foot i still think though like i would take a four rolls over a crazy time i really would because like you have to make a one and three yes correctly you have to pick the right color at least with four rolls it's the same payoff for everybody you know but i'd rather have four rolls over a crazy time what about you guys what do you think thanks again chief andy appreciate you man what would you rather have aaron would you rather hit a crazy time or four rolls yeah that's true yeah you got the top slot involved you know and if it's like six doubles in a row you know you're you're great so yeah yeah and then you have to you have to you have to dodge jail and tax and chance and all that crap so yeah check out the two officers thanks again to the bob you have a jacuzzi tub that's amazing cheddar that's awesome man 10 please nice there you go that's great i know this flopper's really weird what do you think you want to keep going okay sounds good man sweet yeah we're doing great man we're doing phenomenal tonight let's go dude um thanks again shannon bob appreciate you man yeah uh yeah hot tubs are great or the jacuzzi like it's built in you know to your tub it's cool and let's go back to the movie topic what's up 15 bill how you doing man what's up nyc hey jack again with the two officers thanks again jack he goes i'm coming over now bob see conspiracy eight likes away from 300 likes guys in case you guys haven't done so yet smash that like button guys c and conspiracy see spiricy please ten ah it was close that's okay though yeah the only thing you risk with crazy time is it could easily hit a 10x or a 15x so i don't know it's it's kind of i think it depends on the situation like if there's a multiplier on crazy time like on the top slot i think i take a crazy time um but i don't know i just yeah yeah because because then because you don't know what's gonna happen on the boardwalk too because the multipliers change every round on the on the boardwalk so it could be a 500x it could be a 200x it could be a 100x you don't know it's gonna be two rolls oh my god let the hand break dude that breaks so i'm telling you like when they spin it counterclockwise it's different when they spin it clockwise it just feels like it just spins differently it's just weird i thought i'm well aware of that oh thanks again jennifer basically the pollution the plastic plastic straws [Music] and oils that's nuts man four likes away guys from jared likes four legs away guys put into the oceans the waters that's the biggest pollution yeah take care jennifer have a great night jennifer good luck ladies and gentlemen the biggest pollution uh ashley says carson tell me how to quit gambling uh just watch us you know the best thing you can do guys is hopefully you know i'm a solution to you guys also you know if you guys can get your fix in for the day you know by watching my streams um that makes me feel good too you know i feel like i'm saving um you know you guys are losing money as well but yeah guys like i said you know most resp most important thing is you know never gamble money you can afford to or you can't afford to lose you know always gamble responsibly you know have fun with it and like i said guys you know overall you're going to lose more than you win so just keep that in mind um and the last thing you want to do is um look at gambling as a way to make money because 99 of the time uh it's not going to happen but we've been really lucky tonight you know so that's just the way it is sometimes you win some you lose them and you know that's just [Music] right that's it yeah because you know we're hitting some bonuses written some tens and you know we're staying in the game right i know dude i know many need they just die 141x okay so yeah it's definitely due for a crazy win just to cut there what is that part called the do you get let's go they have on their back dolphins and sharks get the diploma oh yeah for sure yeah like that's what i do like about this you know because you're you're you're you're getting your money back and it buys another spin to try to catch a bonus but yeah if you just did bonus runs you know forget it you know you get you got to bet something huge so babies get the monopoly to pull them out there you go big shot again to tim man for making that and then they just throw them away because the rest of the meat is done necessary uh we we made up this uh like fake diploma and whenever we get a crazy one i'm like that's right guys you know it's the diploma magic and i went to school for gambling luxurious as a joke you know so i'll be right back again i'm gonna get some more water again i'll be right back and the other thing is just as an accessory so is it really necessary to kill one shark just for i don't know you have a fin laying in your shelf somewhere so yeah actually 0.0 something percent of the world's water population pollution like i'm trying to talk properly we see one so basically yeah 0.0 something percent is the plastic dirt and pollution that we thought dang it again i try to do i try to work my magic and every time i leave usually we hit something but it's very variable it'll happen one day business that's why the government hides yeah yeah we have it's been crazy fishermen are working illegally guys thanks so much man we hit 300 likes let's go nice my audio's messed up so i got to figure that out later but is it is it okay though it's not too loud or anything so basically they explained if one species of fish goes extinct come on the whole ecosystem there we go it's so weird like when they spin it and when they're on the right side of the wheel it feels like it gives an extra boost but it stops really hard when they're on the left side of the wheel it's just that's just what it seems like it's just it's just weird all right we got a um two roll bonus okay let's go come on yeah i've always wanted to do that matthew i think i'm gonna do that again i'm gonna have my parents uh on a stream one night gambling i think that'll be pretty funny i think i'll do that again yeah yeah they've been on here a couple times buildings all right mr monopoly do your worst come on [Music] all right not bad it's not bad board not a bad board time all right here we go mr monopoly oh that was weird okay that's a chance i'm on 10x it's either 3x5x or 10x on the first chance i i i think i i very rarely does the first chance tax sheet very very rarely um i think i've seen it happen once before but it doesn't happen too often though because there's no point because like you have zero to start with you know it'd be pointless if they would tax you again you know what i mean so uh all right there's something what's up master nader how you doing man okay here we go man like i said let's see if our theory pays off let's see if it pays off uh do you want to just do one in the bonuses on the spin okay let's just do one okay i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do i'm gonna put 20 on the one i'm gonna put five on the bonuses let's see if it works let's see if it works guys so we can't lose because i put i put it on the 10 also every single time it is hit a bonus it's always hit a one right after let's see if let's see if our theory's right here we go yeah that was a long rant about the first movie i saw let's see yesterday the second one was thank you what did we do what did we say guys every every single bonus right after is always a one it seems like that's been the case forever oh look we're the top winners guys that's great man that's awesome i'll go back down to normal now that's crazy yeah we have tried the new slot juicy fruit that's a fun slot i've had i've seen some crazy wins on that one every time every time that's like the 15th time that's happened tonight guys 10. yeah that's what it feels like when she's on the right side it just feels like there's an extra boost at the very end if you want some more ladies and gentlemen here's your opportunity all right lady here we go hit profit on the one yeah it was a uh how much was it was like a 10 pro i forgot how much was that i don't know i forgot good luck i just can't stand subtitles come on yeah it's uh go to the 10. all right ladies and gentlemen dude i'm telling you it did it just looks differently when she's on the left side yeah staying above 1500 that's that's exactly right cwa here's your opportunity yeah because we've been already streaming for yeah we're over four hours so yeah i think that's what we'll do if you're cool with that aaron i think what we'll do is we'll go until it's 1500 and then i think we'll uh we'll wrap it up guys sweet sounds good man what's up jc how you doing man come on please speed up aaron i'm pretty sure subtitles no it was one before oh man damn it was so close i know bro oh man right you 10 right x coming wow that would be something not all of them have subtitles you can watch with english voiceovers as well all right i [Music] all right we're good come on we've got one four rolls tonight let's talk about another one come on you see more like a one yeah it's weird like they they change different momentums the wine part yes we got that one right right okay claws the two officers thanks again okay claus appreciate you hunter has it ever went around the board twice and hit the boardwalk twice i don't know um that's something to look into because i know i've seen it make around the board twice before but i don't know if it's ever hit the boardwalk the last space twice in one round before so that's a good question though oh my gosh that'd be that'd be a crazy multiplier thanks again arcade clause and chat about with the two all super changes again bob uh yeah how much are you up right now aaron three points aaron's up 2100 on his end so total between our this balance and his balance by over three grand which is crazy yeah we got roughly two more spins without hitting one so we've had plenty of these so hopefully thanks again should i bob chetabob isn't that crazy yeah because when we had the two times 50 uh when aaron was betting he had 15 on the two so it was 1500 for him so it was crazy what do you think about the girl from inception uh danny we start with 500 on our balance and then aaron start with 1.6 k on his balance five please number one all right possibly last spin guys here we go watch the whole thing all right guys no matter what dude it has been phenomenal like we've had some crazy crazy wins tonight um i got a lot of content in the future too you guys i got a video on crazy time i'm going to edit i got a video on the wonderland game i'm going to edit um just crazy stuff brings the horseshoe again yeah absolutely jason yeah guys you know knowing when to quit is always the best bet you know quit while you're ahead there's no point in in just giving it right back you know so go to the chance please oh the goddamn break was insane right there all i've been crazy in that chance yeah that's when you know it's time to uh book it for the hills but aaron like what a night dude like seriously we had some crazy wins you know aaron uh sponsored us 500 um you know he's cashing out a thousand dollar profit and then he's got um his other balance that he was streaming on his twitch channel as well guys so uh yeah definitely a huge shout out again to aaron thanks again so much man i really do appreciate you thanks again man um definitely go check him out guys go follow him on twitch oh sure yeah we can do a giveaway yeah aaron wants to do a giveaway guys so hang on a second here yeah oh yeah yeah okay sure so um yeah guys if you guys go over to um uh aaron's stream he's gonna be doing a giveaway on his live stream guys so definitely um go over and follow aaron on twitch because he's going to be doing a giveaway um so definitely guys go follow him and he's going to be picking um how many are you gonna do one giveaway or how many you gonna do okay so he'll do he'll he's gonna weigh 50 bucks guys on his uh stream guys definitely so definitely go check them out um links in the comment section down below guys but uh yeah guys again huge shout out to aaron thanks again so much man uh you're you're awesome dude and then um yeah guys that's all i got for tonight uh wednesday night we will be back here again 8 30 eastern time uh what a night guys seriously like we needed this like because the last couple streams were just so we needed this man so yeah thanks again guys again if you guys want to sign up on steak use my referral link uh ticket time enter the promo code uh you'll get cash back on every wager um but yeah guys thanks again so much i love you all always remember guys to please i can't stress this enough please please please gamble responsibly we got really lucky tonight um and that's gonna happen every once in a while but you're gonna lose more than you end up winning so yeah guys always remember those two words gamble responsibly guys thanks again so much i love you all aaron any last words man yeah for sure man yeah awesome man so yeah guys like i said go follow aaron on twitch he's gonna be doing a giveaway guys go follow him on twitch he's doing a giveaway on his stream guys but yeah guys i'm out take care everybody i love you all i'm yours carson here on ticket time and we will see you guys next time guys peace out everybody all right
Channel: Ticket Time
Views: 6,850
Rating: 4.858407 out of 5
Keywords: live, live casino, casino, casino games, YouTube live, livestream, ticket time, ticket time live, roulette, black jack, crazy time, slots, bonus buys slots, jackpot casino, big wins, high roller
Id: _5aRpL-iq70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 262min 50sec (15770 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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