Groovy 70s Retro Mansion Left ABANDONED! (Trippy Colors, Wallpaper And Furniture)

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[Music] [Music] happy family day everybody We are family so no better way to spend it than with you guys thank you all for the love and the support again Brandon abandoned six floor exploring with herb stickland I've got a beautiful house for you guys well it's vandalized now it was absolutely beautiful in its time but it's a little bit rough that just helps it look a little bit more abandoned sometimes but the features in this house the wallpaper the carpet the lights it's absolutely beautiful 70 style amazing you guys are going to love it I loved it let's Jump Right In here and let let's get [Music] exploring all right everybody so we are here at the front door it's weird how it's mirrored on the inside you wouldn't think that that's the front door once you see that the windows are on that same wall then it makes sense some very very groovy wallpaper this a beautiful room as far sorry about that bit of a camera malfunction I wonder what was what the fireplace look like before I got smashed up so we'll we'll stick to one side of the house and kind of walk around see how it works that way stairs aren't looking too safe with the railings gone and a bunch of stuff down there like I was saying I got here after after the vandalism started unfortunately but it helps it make a little bit more abandoned there's a lot of mirrors in this house it's a awesome ceiling and I think the the mirrors are supposed to have that bit of a glass look or sorry that uh kind of like a cloudy cloudy look I like that almost like a nice wooden office with more really cool wallpaper I wonder what happened up there to cause that hole very cool a speaker all right so I thought this side of the house was going to be bigger that's to the backyard the room looks really long looks like it has two big windows but unfortunately it doesn't real nice drapery quite the crack going all the way down the whole room that's never good to see I like these little doors makes it feel like a farmhouse so this side of the house looks like it's going to be a lot bigger there's a lot of windows in the neighbors there so I'm going to try to stay out of sight it does suck though some water down damage a big old pool in the backyard that living room looks amazing look at that quite big we got a barbecue now these lights are interesting here they're trying to be futuristic but they're definitely not a little button control and now that's the mirror [Music] room yeah textured I love the Plaid they went Burberry for the laundry room makes sense like the light bulb yeah it's very nice yeah look at this this is amazing just again too bad it's smashed up beautiful big old light fixture I doubt the wood was supposed to be on there nice little flower pot the ceilings in here are high lots of pot lights hopefully that didn't make anybody dizzy a little quick look at the pool from inside real nice size Frozen and these windows I love windows that go from floor to ceiling what's going on here it's weird the way the wall ends and you can see behind it same over here but they've got it closed like a little nib wall that's really cool very cool little area and again more water damage happening upstairs but this this is sweet Mount your TV up there very cool you'd need a ladder to reach up there even I couldn't get to that top one it's an awesome 70 style couch would you say I like it the triangle Windows very cool then you got your bar they didn't want to go too far for drinks it's a fancy light that's what was in the top of the other one I guess it gives it a cool look as it shines [Music] down some huge huge storage area back down to the kitchen I love how big this room is that's amazing with the little step up very 7s again with the Plaid w wallpaper and from here let's go upstairs let's safely carefully make our way up these beautiful carpeted stairs a nice wallpaper a nice little Landing for some flowers now we'll start right make our way around some nice marble we got the we got the B again vandalism which sucks cuz this house was beautiful beautiful and pristine in its time look at those it's almost like old farmouse style doors beautiful almost like you'd be in a castle it's beautiful how everything matches even the carpet did very nice tub like that up there is hand painted that's beautiful somebody put a lot of care into that you don't see that anymore beautiful cupboards too bad very cool all the rooms are colored themed through that hle is the best house or the best room in the house but unfortunately it's not in the best condition anymore we do this one first just to see it's a nice big blue room big old closet this house wants me to stay yeah this beautiful room here with this awesome wallpaper covering the light Cove everything beautiful light matches and again the oldfashioned lights on the wall this bed wasn't originally in the middle when I seen it before it's been moved around a little bit and for people that have mentioned in the comments for a couple of the houses you say they look staged you say that you don't like me doing it well trust me 100% it's not me doing it I don't like it as well a lot of people that come to take just pictures they'll spend hours here and clean the house up set it up and I'm not a big fan of that neither I like the house looking how it was when they left if it was a mess then it was a mess but that's the way I like to see it so I appreciate the comments and I just want to let you know it's not me it is not me staging any of the rooms any of the spots if it happens to be that way just that's what happened before I got there and I think I seen the basement in here might have been pretty cool so I'm excited to get down there you know me I like big basements and this one definitely has potential to have a big beautiful basement and a retro basement at that all right so I've just got to spend maybe 5 minutes up here taking my last pictures and a few pan shots I'll meet you all by the basement or in the basement I see we're missing a bunch so some of you made it downstairs let's check it out oo looks a little rough so that side's probably going to be the bigger way let's see if we can squeeze in here just a pump room and furnace room some random clothes and bags and there's a mop on the floor oh that door looks nice too like that one room upstairs too bad somebody had to break it to get in I'm guessing and that's what happened that leads you outside again with the nice wallpaper more mirrors so I like that around round sink round area round tables beautiful he the red stripe on the ceiling that awesome couch definitely would have hung out down here I like how the mirrors are triangled it's not just one smooth mirr just like those table top counters were rounded instead of just being straight got the curve in the bulkhead nice brick the carpet also has red and blue to match the coach we got this real old unit what does that couch remind you of throw that in the comments I'm very curious to see the under the stairs storage they're just using it for maintenance stuff very cool plaster and mesh look at that like I love all the wallpaper in this place almost looks purple on the camera but it's actually blue blue in real life nice cool little shower nice it's been carpet everywhere in this house everywhere carpet Upstairs Downstairs except maybe the kitchen kitchen wasn't carpet but then this room is in carpet see in like random holes like this somebody just looking for something just checking to see is that how thorough sometimes these these crooks are I guess you could call them these burglars the old flower that's nice there's a pillow that should be on the bed and see again I'm not going to pick it up and put it on the bed for pictures I'm going to take my pictures just like this somebody cut the mattress to see how old it was I'm guessing and if it's that stringy stuff that's probably real old please let me know the age of a mattress when it's just Twisted strings that old school wood beautiful beautiful you think this is the last room but there's one more I don't know I don't see this being a bedroom this would have been a little hangout room maybe a pool table with the lights a little game room look got a nice out looks the roof ceilings quite bad and I'm dumb I don't have my mask holy crap hello there's a little bit of one hello hello hello hello hello I don't tend to watch other explorers videos much anymore so I had no idea that there was a big giant a big giant room down here I hope you guys didn't hear that that's not a monster that's my stomach but don't worry we're almost out of here we're going to get [Music] food thinking triple baconator extra mayo and pickles add on three chicken strips make sure you switch those fries to a poutine with extra cheese and gravy that's the that's the Brandon special there's one paddle left but it's broken there's a snail on top of it very cool see this is what I love when you go underground and you end up in a big room like this I love when mansions and big houses underground just have high tall ceiling gigantic rooms cuz you just don't expect it when it's underground it has a different feeling to it I like it I like it this is still the red and blue carpet that was matching in the other room they got a little piece of the carpet cut off that's funny at least his rug matches the carpet this guy didn't deserve fully carpeted floor so that's a table that would go over here most likely and then those shelves would be in the room too blue this one might have red doors but it would match the whole theme to this room all right everybody what did you guys think about this place E I told you beautiful amazing besides the vandalism and the graffiti which I hope you guys don't mind sometimes in a house like this it makes it look a little bit more abandoned cuz I don't really like those beautiful pristine houses I'll still film them when they're abandoned and getting demolished but I love the old old old ones so sometimes when I see a house in this condition I'm not that upset so I hope I hope you guys aren't upset especially when the house is this cool this beautiful the carpet the couches the detail everywhere all the wallpaper the hand painting in the bathroom it was just amazing beautiful they love this house and they made it exactly to what they liked and I love that then that giant room in the basement that stuff just is what amazes me I loved it I hope you guys all enjoyed this one again Happy Family Day to all of you like it subscribe it share it thank you for the comments for the love for the views for all your support Brandon abandon and I'll catch you on the next expb [Music] [Music] C [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for
Channel: Brandon Abandoned
Views: 17,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: groovy 70s retro mansion, groovy retro mansion, groovy 70s retro mansion left abandoned, groovy '70s mansion left abandoned, trippy 70s mansion, trippy 70s retro mansion, trippy 70s mansion abandoned, trippy 70s retro mansion abandoned, trippy retro wallpaper, trippy retro furniture, retro Mansion groovy 70s, 70s mansion groovy retro, groovy mansion retro 70s, abandoned house, abandoned places, abandoned canada, abandoned mansion, brandon abandoned, abandoned, urbex
Id: lkTBZlokDjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 59sec (1919 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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